ITGeneral Controls Audit
ITGeneral Controls Audit
ITGeneral Controls Audit
General IT Controls
Audit Program
Purpose / Scope
Perform a General Controls review of Information Technology (IT). The reviews will include all IT
related policies, procedures, data security administration, data center operations, system development /
maintenance, the IT Disaster / Recovery plan and its relation to the corporate Business Continuity plan.
IT General Controls
Determine if committees review, approve, and report to the board on:
Short and long term information systems plans
IT operating standards
Data security policies and procedures
Resource allocation (major hardware/software acquisition and project
Status of major projects
IT budgets and current operating cost
Security Controls
Obtain copies of the security access and control files for the operating
Obtain a list of data altering utilities, user exits, user interface
programs, and privileged commands. Using these documents,
If receives major support from one or more outside servicers:
List the name(s) and location(s) of the servicer(s).
Prepare a listing of the services outside vendors provide.
Assess the adequacy of the procedure for monitoring the financial
condition of its servicer(s) and whether the procedure is sufficient to
project the continued viability of contracted services.
Review the adequacy of insurance coverage (if applicable) for:
Employee fidelity (blanket-bond)
IT equipment and facilities
Loss resulting from business interruptions
Contingency Planning
Determine if IT has a documented disaster recovery plan.
Verify that the IT disaster recovery plan supports the goals and
priorities found in the corporate business continuity plan.
Determine whether policies and procedures are adequate for:
Application systems / program development
Operating system maintenance
Program change control
Program and system documentation
Determine whether:
All required documentation is present and sufficiently detailed to
evidence complete compliance with established standards.
The structure of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) planning
includes all appropriate phases and whether they were completed as
prescribed by the plan.
The audit trails, exception reports and system security designs are
User manuals are adequate.
The board, senior management, applicable committees, computer
operations, user departments, and audit were involved in all phases of
the development process.
Determine if:
The overall supervision by management over system programmer
activities is adequate.
Controls over the following are adequate:
New system installation
Implementation of new releases
In-house enhancements
Emergency fixes and other temporary modifications
Documentation of changes
System testing
Management or supervisory approvals.
Program Maintenance
Review program changes to determine compliance with procedures
and the adequacy of internal control.
If the program change control procedures provide adequate guidelines
to control the function.
If change standards and procedures are adhered to.
If documentation is complete.
The adequacy of involvement of users, audit, and IT management in
the request and approval processes.
Determine if:
Overall systems and program documentation adheres to standards.
Documentation is complete and current.
Review documentation generated from the implementation process
and determine if:
Controls ensure complete integrity of programs between the test and
the production environments.
System level implementations are subject to the same controls as
application level activity.
Vendor Software/Support
Obtain and review copies of all vendor and consultant contracts,
available financial statements and escrow agreements.