Lessonplan TTL2
Lessonplan TTL2
Lessonplan TTL2
I. Objectives
II. Content
Inquiry-Based Learning and Research-Based Learning.
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teachers Guide Page: None
2. Learners Material Page:
3. Textbook Pages: Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
pp. 1-10
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource:
B. Other Learning Resources: PowerPoint Presentation
IV. Procedures
A. Prayer
The teacher will call somebody from the class to lead the prayer before to start
the class.
B. Greetings
The teacher will greet the students and ask how are they doing?
C. Checking of Attendance
Students will be reminded every checking of attendance and the students will say
present if their family names are called.
D. Classroom Conditioning
The teacher will remind the students of their classroom rules while the class is
ongoing. Warning will be given once students behavior is inappropriate.
E. Review of the Past Lesson
The teacher will ask the class of what was their previous topic.
F. Motivation
The class will be divided into two and will play the game “JUMBLED
LETTERS” Each group will be given a jumbled letters to arrange and paste it on
the board and choose a representative to give brief opinion about the
words/phrase they arrange. The first group to arranged the jumbled letters will be
the winner.
G. Presentation of the Lesson
Note to the teacher: The teacher will explain the lesson briefly.
Are you looking for a teaching strategy that will engage your students in the
learning process? Do you want them to be able to ask questions and investigate real-
world problems? If so, you should consider using inquiry-based learning in your
Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that encourages students to ask questions and
investigate real-world problems. This type of learning has many benefits and can be used
in various subject areas.
This type of learning is often hands-on and allows students to connect what they learn in
the classroom and the real world. Inquiry-based learning has been shown to improve
critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity.
3. Controlled Inquiry
The teacher chooses topics and identifies the resources the students will use to answer
Student Outcomes
Significant outcomes occur when this approach is utilized over time. Learning how to
search for and find reliable information and resources is a skill that is important for a
lifetime of learning, Reading many different kinds of texts strengthens reading skills and
builds vocabulary. Thinking skills are developed as students classify, organize, and
synthesize information. “Habits of mind,” such as perseverance and resilience are
strengthened through long-term projects. Writing skills are developed through note-
taking, reflection activities, and many different types of writing tasks.
In addition, students feel greater ownership for their learning and the learning process and
thus develop greater self-esteem with regard to learning. There is greater interest in and
curiosity about learning and a willingness to work harder to learn. Students are more
likely to retain information longer because it is more meaningful to them and organized
in a more interesting fashion.
Finally, students are able to learn the difference between reliable and unreliable
information, ideas, and resources, a key need in today’s world with so much misleading
and erroneous information.
H. Generalization
Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that encourages students to ask
questions and explore their answers. This type of learning has many benefits, both for
students and teachers.
What is the importance of inquiry-based learning?
Inquiry-based learning is important because it allows students to explore and ask
questions about the world around them. This type of learning helps students develop
critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
What is the definition of inquiry-based learning?
Inquiry-based learning is a type of active learning that encourages students to ask
questions, conduct research, and explore new ideas. This approach to learning helps
students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills.
I. Application
In this activity, using the One Stop Watch Duck Race site, the class will be divided
into 3 groups. The duck with its group indication will race and whoever will be the
first to end in the finish line will answer the question. Each group will choose a
representative for every question to answer. Each question is 5 points each. The group
with the highest points will be the winner.
V. Evaluation
The teacher will conduct 20 items quiz and have two parts. Test I is to identify what
salient features being ask. Test II is essay type.
Test I: Identification
Answer key:
Test I:
1. Inquiry-Based Learning
2. Inquiry-Based Learning
3. The Structured Inquiry Approach
The Open-Ended Inquiry Approach (Free Inquiry)
Controlled Inquiry
The Guided Inquiry Approach
4. Science experiments
Classroom debates
Group work
Field trips
VI. Assignment