a. 110 V
b. 220 V
c. 500 V
d. 1000 V
ans: b
it is the maximum swing of the sound carrier in tv system.
a. 5 kHz
b. 15 kHz
c. 25 kHz
d. 35 kHz
ans: c
The pre-emphasis and de-emphasis networks have a time constant of__
a. 65 s
b. 70 s
c. 75 s
d. 80 s
ans: c
which of the following is not a product of overmodulation?
a. splatter
b. image
c. buck shot
d. spurious signal
ans: b
it is the range of short-wave frequency.
a. 30 - 300 kHz
b. 300 - 3000 kHz
c. 3 - 30 MHz
d. 30 - 300 MHz
ans: c
One angstrom is equivalent to___
a. 10
b. 10
c. 10
d. 10
ans: b
An FM signal has a deviation of 10 KHz and a modulating frequency of 2 KHz. Calculate the
modulation index.
a. 20
b. 5
c. 10
d. 15
ans: b
A modulation technique wherein the modulations index is directly proportional only to the
intelligence amplitude.
a. AM
b. FM
c. PM
d. CM
ans: c
How many RF amplifiers are there in a tuned radio frequency receiver?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
ans: b
Noise due to random motion of the free alectrons in a conductor.
a. thermal noise
b. shot noise
c. harmonic distortion
d. intermodulation distortion
ans: a
determine the shot noise current for a diode with a forward bias of 1mA over a 100 Khz
a. 0.00566 A
b. 0.00400 A
c. 0.00455 A
d. 0.00500 A
ans: a
indicate the false staement: Bandwidth
a. ia a portion of electromagnetism spectrum occupied by a system
b. is the maximum range of frequency in order to propagate the source information through the
c. must be sufficiently large to pass all significant information frequenies
d. is the difference between the upper and lower frequency limit
ans: b
what is the cut off frequency of a deemp or preemp network?
a. 2122 GHZ
b. 2122 KHZ
c. 2122 HZ
d. 2122 MHZ
ans: c
Band limiting a signal
a. is independent of its frequency content
b. is independent of itswaveform shape
c. may remove necessary in its information capacity
d. is independent of its information capacity
ans: c
desired harmonics are referred to as:
a. frequency distortion
b. frequency multiplication
c. modulation cross products
d. intermodulation distortion
ans: b
indicate the false staement: Flickers
a. were commonly found in transistors
b. are inversely proportional to frequency
c. are very serious at frequencies above 500 HZ
d. are also referred to as modulation noise.
ans: c
having a temperature of 17 C at MHZ BW the noise voltage at the input of a TV RF amplifier,
using a device has a 200 O equivalent noise resistance and a 300 O input resistor will be
a. 3.692 V
b. 6.932 V
c. 6.902 V
d. 6.293 V
ans: b
the value of a resistor creating thermal noise is doubled. The noise power generated is therfore
a. Halved
b. quadrupled
c. doubled
d. none of the above
ans: d
_____________ transmissionare employed for low or medium density traffic
d. ISB
ans: d
An Fm signal with a deviation ratio 8 is passed through a mixer, and has its frequency reduced
5 fold. The deviation in the output of the mixer is
a. 5 d
b. d / 5
c. d
d. none of the above
ans: c
a typical squelch circuit cut off
a. an audio amplifier when carrier is absent
b. R interference when the signal is weak
c. An IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum
d. all of the above
ans: a
a 68 KHz carrier wave is amplitude modulated by the band of frequencies 300-3400 Hz.
Determine the Bandwidth.
a. 38.3 KHz
b. 71.4 KHz
c. 6.8 KHz
d. 3.1 KHz
ans: c
A 400W carrier is modulated to a depth of 75%. Calculate the total power in the C3F with 10%
of 1SB transmission.
a. 56.25 W
b. 461.86W
c. 512.5W
d. 112.5W
ans: b
which of the following has the best sensitivity?
a. -60 dBm
b. 0 dBm
c. 30 dBm
d. -30 dBm
ans: a
which of the following has the best sensitivity?
a. 10 KHz
b. 10 MHz
c. 100 MHz
d. 20 KHz
ans: a
a modulation frequency range from 30-15000 Hz is permitted in an Fm system together with a
maximum deviation of 50KHz. What will be the maximum index in this system?
a. 1.11
b. 1.66
c. 3.33
d. 0.3
ans: b
calculate the image rejecytion of the receiver having an RF amplifier and If of 450 KHz if the Q
of the relevant coil is 65 at anincoming frequency of 1200 KHz.
a. 75.28
b. 76.6
c. 890.78
d. 90
ans: b
calculate the S/N in ratio and dB form of a receiver which output is 40V and 0.48V noise.
a. 6944.4 , 38.5 dB
b. 6499.4 , 38.42 dB
c. 83.33 , 19.21 dB
d. 6944.4 , 38.42 dB
ans: d
which of the following is NOT a major benefit of FM over Am?
a. greater efficiency
b. noise immunity
c. capture effect
d. lower complexity and cost
ans: d
most internal noise comes from
a. shot noise
b. transit-time noise
c. thermal agitation
d. skin effect
ans: c
noise can be reduced by
a. widening the BW
b. narrowing the BW
c. increasing the temperature
d. increasing transistor current level
ans: b
the heart of all methods of single sideband modulation and demodulation
a. modulator
b. balanced modulator
c. modulation
d. demodulation
ans: b
"front end" is also called _____
a. IF stage
b. AF stage
c. RF stage
d. none of these
ans: c
this is the system so far referred to as "SSB" in which the carrier is supressed by at least 45 dB
in the transmitter.
a. A3E
b. R3E
c. J3E
d. B8E
ans: c
a micron is
a. one-millionth of a foot
b. one-millionth of a meter
c. one-thousandth of a meter
d. one-thousandth of an inch
ans: b
the frequency range of infrared rays is approx.
a. 30-300 GHz
b. 4000-8000 A
c. 1000-10000 A
d. 0.7-100 m
ans: d
an AM signal has a carrier power of 5w. The percentage of modulation is 80%. The total
sideband power is
a. 0.8 W
b. 1.6 W
c. 2.5W
d. 4.0W
ans: b
as SSB transmitter has a PEP rating of 1 KW.the average output is in range of
a. 150-450 W
b. 100-300 W
c. 250-333 W
d. 3 - 4 kW
ans: c
if the unmodulated carrier current is 4A and the percentage modulation is 70%. The total
output current is
a. 4.64 A
b. 0.5 A
c. 2.8 A
d. 4.46 A
ans: d
the process of translating a signal, w/ or w/o modulation, to a higher or lower frequency for
processing is called_____
a. frequency multiplication
b. frequency division
c. frequency shift
d. frequency conversion
ans: d
if the sideband power is 50% of the carrier power, what is the modulation index?
a. 50A%
b. 75%
c. 90%
d. 100%
ans: d
which of the following is he most correct?
a. Vm should be greater then Vc
b. Vc should be greater than Vm
c. Vm should be equal to or less than Vc
d. Vc should be equal to or less than Vm
ans: c
the output of an SSB transmitter with a 3.85 MHz carrier and a 1.5 KHz sine wave modulating
tone is
a. 3.8485 MHZ sine wave
b. 3.85 MHz sine wave
c. 3.85, 3.8485 and 3.8515 MHz sine wave
d. 3848.5 and 3851.5 MHz sine wave
ans: a
the maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound signal in TV is 25 KHz. The actual %
modulation is 18 KHz, the % modulation is
a. 43%
b. 72%
c. 96%
d. 139%
ans: b
the phenomenon of a strong FM signal dominating a weaker signal on a common frequency is
reffered to as the ______
a. capture effect
b. biot out
c. quieting factor
d. denomination syndrome
ans: a
both FM and PM are types of what kind of modulation?
a. amplitude
b. phase
c. angle
d. duty cycle
ans: c
in SSB, w/c sideband is the best to use?
a. upper
b. lower
c. neither
d. depends upon the use
ans: c
Which of the following is NOT another name for modulation index?
a. modulation reciprocal
b. modulation factor
c. degree of modulation
d. modulation coefficient
ans: a
receiving electromagnetic emissions from the stars is called_____
a. astrology
b. optical astronomy
c. radio astronomy'
d. space surveillance
ans: c
a widely used balanced modulator is called _____
a. diode bridge circuit
b. full-wave bridge amplifier
c. lattice modulator
d. balanced bridge modulator
ans: c
a display of signal amplitude vs. frequency is called the ____
a. time domain
b. frequency spectrum
c. amplitude spectrum
d. frequency domain
ans: d
indicate the false staement: BW
a. is a portion of electromagnetic spectrum occupied by a system
b. is the maximum range of frequency in order to propagate the source information through the
c. must be sufficiently large / wide to pass all significant information frequencies
d. is the difference between the upper and lower frequency limit
ans: b
indicate the false statement: attenuators
a. are passive network used to reduce the power level w/o introducing appreciable distortion
b. consist of numerous resistors arranged in various configurations that act as voltage divides
while maintaining a constant input and output impedances
c. introduces a fixed loss
d. usually used over wide frequency range
ans: c
what is the cut off frequency of a deemp or preemp network
a. 2122 GHz
b. 2122 KHz
c. 2122 Hz
d. 2122 MHz
ans: c
which of the following waveform responses produce the fastest transition
a. chebysher
b. elliptic
c. bessel filter
d. butterworth
ans: b
which of the following waveform responses produce the slowest transition
a. bessel filter
b. elliptic
c. chebysher
d. maximally flat filter
ans: d
bandlimiting a signal :
a. is independent fo its frequency content
b. is independent of its waveform shape
c. is independent in its information capacity
d. may remove necessary informations in the signal
ans: c
indicate the false statement: roll-off rate
a. can be expressed in dB/octave
b. can be expressed in dB/decade
c. is a change in frequency by a factor of 2
d. is a rate of transition from passband to stopband and vice versa
ans: c
desired harmonics are reffered to as:
a. frequency distortion
b. frequency multiplication
c. modulation cross products
d. intermodulation distortion
ans: b
______was the first fixed-length charactered code
a. morse code
b. telex code
c. ASCII code
d. EBCDIC code
ans: b
indicate the false statement: flicker
a. were commomnlyfound in transistors
b. are inversely proportional to frequency
c. are very serious at frequency above 500Hz
d. are also known as modulation noise
ans: c
having an amplifier BW of 6 MHz at temperature 17 c, the noise voltage at the input of a TV RF
amplifier, using a device that has a 200O equivalent noise resistance and a 300O input resistor
will be ___
a. 6.392 MV
b. 6.932 MV
c. 6.902 MV
d. 6.293 MV
ans: b
the value of a resistor creating thermal noise is doubled. The noise power generated is
a. halved
b. quadrupled
c. doubled
d. none of the above
ans: d
_____ transmissions are employed for low or medium density traffic
d. ISB
ans: d
an FM signal w/ a deviation d is passed through a mixer , and has its frequency reduced
fivefolds. The deviation in the output of the mixer is
a. 5d
b. d/5
c. d
d. none of the above
ans: c
a typical squelch circuit cuts off
a. an audio amplifier when the carrier is absent
b. RF interference when the signal is weak
c. an IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum
d. an IF amplifier when the AGC is minimum
ans: a
if the color signals are mixed in the correct proportion, the result is ____
a. red
b. frame rate
c. standard luminance
d. sync pulse
ans: c
selectivity is usually obtained with a special filter known as _____
a. surface acoustic wave filter
b. bandpass filter
c. chebysher filter
d. active filter
ans: a
the _________ is a coil assembly that fits aroiund the picture tube's neck.
a. aquadag
b. triads
c. shadow mask
d. yoke
ans: d
for cable TV companies, the main building or facility is called the ______
a. main station
b. headend
c. monitoring station
d. transmitter and receiver station
ans: b
which has the lowest luminance?
a. cyan
b. green
c. blue
d. magenta
ans: c
determine the net receiver gain for an AM receiver with a RF input power of -87dBnm
a. 97dB
b. 77dB
c. 87dB
d. -97dB
ans: a
it is the safe operating power for the receiver.
a. dynamic range
b. output power
c. threshold
d. breakdown
ans: a
for an AM band with range of 535 - 1605 kHz and Q = 53.5, find the bandwidth when fc =
a. 15 kHz
b. 10 kHz
c. 30 kHz
d. 5 kHz
ans: b
what is the type of emission for monophonic FM?
a. A3E
b. F3E
c. F8E
d. none of these
ans: b
find the maximum number of channels for FM transmission FM BC band: 88.108MHz FM BC
channel width: 200kHz
a. 25 channels
b. 100 channels
c. 150 channels
d. none of the above
ans: b
for an I=0.4 and Q=0.7, find the value of the chrominace signal voltage.
a. 1.1 V
b. 0.6 V
c. 0.3 V
d. 0.8 V
ans: d
what percent is the reference black level of a horizontal sync pulse?
a. 12.50%
b. 70%
c. 75%
d. 50%
ans: b
numerical frequency band designation of channel 9.
a. 488-494 MHz
b. 530-536 MHz
c. 632-638 MHz
d. 186-192 MHz
ans: d
part of broadcast day from local sunset to sunrise.
a. dawntime
b. nighttime
c. daytime
d. experimental period
ans: b
which of the following filters block FM radio band for TV channels (2-13)?
a. high pass filter
b. low pass filter
c. band stop filter
d. band pass filter
ans: c
the number of scanning times is _______ per second.
a. 15570
b. 15750
c. 15575
d. 17570
ans: b
what is the intermediate frequency used for the picture on a television receiver?
a. 3.58 MHz
b. 1.25 MHz
c. 45.75 MHz
d. 41.25 MHz
ans: c
how long is the toatl vertical time in a standard television transmission?
a. 16.66 ms
b. 63.5 ms
c. 53.3 ms
d. 15.32 ms
ans: a
what is the color frequency tolerance in a TV receiver?
a. 1 KHz
b. 10 KHz
c. 10 Hz
d. 1 Hz
ans: c
a band of frequencies 200 kHz wide is and is designated by its center frequency.
a. AM broadcast band
b. FM broadcast channel
c. FM broadcast band
d. AM broadcast channel
ans: b
frequency multipliers are usually _______amplifiers.
a. class A
b. class B
c. class C
d. class AB
ans: c
it is a situation wherein the circuit oscillates at a higher frequency unrelated to the tuned
a. parasitic frequency
b. parallel oscilaation
c. resonant frequency
d. parasitic oscillation
ans: d
Automatic gain control circuits are used to ___________.
a. control the gain of Rf amplifiers to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of incoming
signals varies.
b. controls the level of the Local Oscillation to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of
incoming signals varies.
c. control the gain of IF amplifiers to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of incoming
signals varies.
d. none of the above.
ans: c
ina TV unit, it is a horizontal output transistor that drives a step-up/stepdown transfomer
a. flywheel
b. AFC
c. Director
d. Flyback
ans: d
Aspect ratio is the _________
a. ratio of the output IF signal to the IF input signal.
b. ratio of the time it takes to transmit a signal to the speed of light.
c. ratio of the width and height of a TV picture.
d. ratio of the luminance of the received signal from the output signal
ans: c
_________ scanning is a method of super-imposing a second field in between the first field.
a. progressived
b. dual
c. interlaced
d. Bi-directional
ans: c
the primary requirement of a filter when it is used in SSB generation is ______
a. high gain
b. input and output impedances are equal.
c. high selectivity
d. high sensitivity
ans: c
frequency conversion si produced by a circuit called a _____.
a. mixer
b. modulator
c. multiplexer
d. filter
ans: a
what is the instantaneous voltage produced by an AM signal 10 sec from when it was
transmitted if the modulating signal voltage is equal to the RMS value of the carrier voltage
signal is 16V? The carrier frequency is 777kHz and the modulating frequency is 60Hz
a. 1 eV8.947 V
b. 27.314 V
c. 0.182 mV
d. 1.43 mV
ans: c
how long does ot take to horizontally scan 40 pixels?
a. 5 s
b. 0.125 s
c. 53.5 s
d. 2.140 ms
ans: a
the signal from color camera has R=0.75, G=0.5, and B=0.15, where 1 represents the
maximum signal possible. Find the chrominance voltage?
a. 0.5365
b. 0.262
c. -0.056
d. 0.2679
ans: d
the purpose of a final amplifier in a radio frequency transmitter is to _________.
a. isolate the carrier oscillator from its load.
b. generate an accurate and stable carrier frequency
c. apply the generated signal to the antenna.
d. increase RF power level of transmitter
ans: d
how far Is the visual carrier from the aural carrier in a monochrome television broadcast
a. 5.75 MHz
b. 3.58 MHz
c. 4.5 MHz
d. 1.25 MHz
ans: c
determine the percentage of the primary colors used in colored TV needed to produce the
brigthest white.
a. 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue
b. 60% red, 28% green, 32% blue
c. 21% red, 52% green, 31% blue
d. 30% red, 52% green, 22% blue
ans: a
what is the maximum number of medium frequency broadcast stations?
a. 131
b. 32
c. 100
d. 25
ans: b
ho wlong is the horizontal retrace in NTSC standard TV transmission?
a. 14% of horizontal scanning time
b. 10% of horizontal scanning time
c. 8% of horizontal scanning time
d. 92% of horizontal scanning time
ans: b
the service area of a TV transmitter for satisfactory reception is determined by ______ zone.
a. line-of-sight
b. diffraction
c. tropospheric
d. regional tropospheric
ans: a
additive primary colors are
a. red , white, blue,
b. red , yellow, blue
c. blue, red, green
d. R-Y, B-Y, G-Y
ans: c
the station with an authorized effective radiated power of 125 KW
a. class A
b. class B
c. class C
d. class D
ans: a
short wave broadcasting uses what kind of propagation?
a. ground wave
b. sky waves
c. space waves
d. direct waves
ans: b
the ratio of the effective free space field intensity produced at 1.61 km in the horizontal plane
expressed in millivolts per meter for 1 km antenna input power to 137.6 in V/m.
a. injection ratio
b. RF protection ratio
c. Antenna field gain
d. Antenna power gain
ans: c
a signal in FM broadcasting which is the sum of all signals which frequency modulates the
main carrier.
a. subchannel signal
b. main channel signal
c. SCA subcarrier
d. composite baseband signal
ans: d
as applied to facsimile broadcasting is the product of the number of lines per inch, the
available length in inches.
a. Line-use ratio
b. index of cooperation
c. available line
d. scanning line
ans: b
in Tv broadcasting, the pilot of the free space radiated field intensity versus azimuth at a
specified vertical angle with respect to vertical plane passing through the center of the antenna.
a. Azimuthal pattern
b. spherical pattern
c. vertical pattern
d. polar pattern
ans: a
the median field strenght for which protection against interference of channel 2-6.
a. 15 dBu
b. 25 dBu
c. 48 dBu
d. 65 dBu
ans: c
in metro manila and metro cebu, the maximum effective radiated power for channel 7-13
a. 350 kW
b. 800 kW
c. 1000 kW
d. 1500 kW
ans: c
the maximum transmitter power of a television broadcast translator station operated by
televisionbroadcast licenses.
a. 1000 W
b. 100 W
c. 1000 kW
d. 100 kW
ans: a
during day time, medium waves are propagated through______?
a. ground
b. troposphere
c. ionosphere
d. atmosphere
ans: a
who invented frequency modulation?
a. samuel morse
b. guglielmo marconi
c. edwin howard armstrong
d. lee deforest
ans: c
what are the most significant limitations on the performance of a communication system?
a. BW and time
b. carrier and sidebands
c. distance and locations
d. noise and BW
ans: d
______ is a noise which is caused by the random arrival of the carriers at the output element
of the electronic device?
a. thermal noise
b. transit time noise
c. shot noise
d. man made noise
ans: c
it usually occurs when oscillating mechanical stresses applied across a crystal lattice structure
generale electrical oscillations and vice versa
a. skin effect
b. flywheel effect
c. doppler effect
d. piezoelectric effect
ans: d
________ is the ability of an oscillator to remain at a fixed frequency and is of primary
importance in communication system?
a. sensitivity
b. frequency stability
c. selectivity
d. addictus effect
ans: b
what do you call the noise reduction ratio achieved by reducing the bandwidths?
a. BW improvement
b. S/N ratio
c. noise figure
d. differential reduction
ans: a
how many phons are there in 8 sons?
a. 70
b. 107.88
c. 95.56
d. 40
ans: a
what is the carrier power for an AM with an unmodulated voltage of 10V and a load resistance
of 10ohms?
a. 5W
b. 10W
c. 15W
d. 20W
ans: a
or an AM DSBFC transmitter with an unmodulated carrier power, 100W, that is modulated
simultaneously by three modulating signal with coeffecients of modulation of 0.2, 0.4, 0.5.
calculate for the total transmitted power?
a. 0.67
b. 22.445 W
c. 122.445 W
d. can not be solved
ans: c
a source radiates 5W of power uniformly. What is the intensity and the intensity level 6m from
the source?
a. 0.01,100
b. 0.02,200
c. 0.03,300
d. can not be solved
ans: a
__________occurs when information signals from one source produce frequencies that fall
outside their allocated bandwidth and interfere with information signals from another source.
a. interference
b. distortion
c. electrical interference
d. adjacency interference
ans: a
_________ Is used to calculate the total noise factor of several cascaded amplifiers.
a. Sabine's formula
b. Norris-Eyring's formula
c. Friiss' formula
d. none of the above
ans: c
which is not a requirement for a feedback oscillator to word.
a. power source
b. amplification
c. negative feedback
d. frequency determining components
ans: c
invented frequency modulation.
a. Thomas Watson
b. Edison Armstrong
c. Edward Howard Armstrong
d. none of the above
ans: d
transmiittal of digitally modulatd analog carrier between two or more points in communication
a. Analog network
b. digital network
c. digital radio
d. analog radio
ans: c
eliminated the effect of imbalances in impedances which causes a portion of the receives
signal to be returned to the sender on a portion of a hybrid ciruit.
a. signal suppressors
b. interference suppressor
c. echo suppressors
d. circuit suppressors
ans: c
in odd symmetry what coefficient(s) are valued to be zero?
a. A
b. B
c. B and A
d. none of the above
ans: a
________ is the ratio of active time of the pulse to the period of the waveform.
a. dynamic range
b. deviation ratio
c. duty cycle
d. deflection ratio
ans: a
phenomenon in which a displaced molecules tends to pull back to its original position after its
initial momentum has caused it to displace nearby molecules.
a. malleability
b. ductility
c. elasticity
d. lifetime
ans: c
a 4x4 announceer booth is 4m high, its walls are covered with curtains having an absorption
coefficient of 0.500 while the ceiling and flooring have an absorption coefficient of 0.050 and
0.30, respectively. Determine reverberation time.
a. 1.334
b. 0.274
c. 0.2159
d. 0.256
ans: c
what is the resonant air cavity absorber in hertz of a loudspeaker enclosure with an internal
volume of 84950cm a thickness of 19mm with a small opening of 323 cm ?
a. approx. 235
b. approx. 520
c. approx. 665
d. approx. 110
ans: a
refers to the microphone's variaation in sensitivity at various angles of incidence with respect
to the on-axis of the microphone.
a. directional response
b. sensitivity factor
c. angular reaction
d. perception aspect
ans: a
part of broadcast day from local sunset to sunrise.
a. dawntime
b. nighttime
c. daytime
d. experimental period
ans: b
which of the following filters block FM radio band for TV channels (2-13)?
a. high pass filter
b. low pass filter
c. band stop filter
d. band pass filter
ans: c
the number of scanning times is _______ per second.
a. 15570
b. 15750
c. 15575
d. 17570
ans: b
what is the intermediate frequency used for the picture on a television receiver?
a. 3.58 MHz
b. 1.25 MHz
c. 45.75 MHz
d. 41.25 MHz
ans: d
how long is the total vertical time in a standard teelvision transmission?
a. 16.66 ms
b. 63.5 ms
c. 53.3 ms
d. 15.32 ms
ans: a
what is the color frequency tolerance in a TV receiver?
a. 1 KHz
b. 10 KHz
c. 10 Hz
d. 1 Hz
ans: c
a band of frequencies 200 kHz wide is and is designated by its center frequency.
a. AM broadcast band
b. FM broadcast channel
c. FM broadcast band
d. AM broadcast channel
ans: b
frequency multipliers are usually _______amplifiers.
a. class A
b. class B
c. class C
d. class AB
ans: c
it is a situation wherein the circuit oscillates at a higher frequency unrelated to the tuned
a. parasitic frequency
b. parallel oscilaation
c. resonant frequency
d. parasitic oscillation
ans: d
Automatic gain control circuits are used to ___________.
a. control the gain of Rf amplifiers to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of incoming
signals varies.
b. controls the level of the Local Oscillation to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of
incoming signals varies.
c. control the gain of IF amplifiers to maintain a constant IF gain as the strength of incoming
signals varies.
d. none of the above.
ans: c
ina TV unit, it is a horizontal output transistor that drives a step-up/stepdown transfomer
a. flywheel
b. AFC
c. Director
d. Flyback
ans: d
Aspect ratio is the _________
a. ratio of the output IF signal to the IF input signal.
b. ratio of the time it takes to transmit a signal to the speed of light.
c. ratio of the width and height of a TV picture.
d. ratio of the luminance of the received signal from the output signal
ans: c
_________ scanning is a method of super-imposing a second field in between the first field.
a. progressived
b. dual
c. interlaced
d. Bi-directional
ans: c
the primary requirement of a filter when it is used in SSB generation is ______
a. high gain
b. input and output impedances are equal.
c. high selectivity
d. high sensitivity
ans: c
frequency conversion si produced by a circuit called a _____.
a. mixer
b. modulator
c. multiplexer
d. filter
ans: a
how long does ot take to horizontally scan 40 pixels?
a. 5 s
b. 0.125 s
c. 53.5 s
d. 2.140 ms
ans: a
the signal from color camera has R=0.75, G=0.5, and B=0.15, where 1 represents the
maximum signal possible. Find the chrominance voltage?
a. 0.5365
b. 0.262
c. -0.056
d. 0.2679
ans: d
the purpose of a final amplifier in a radio frequency transmitter is to _________.
a. isolate the carrier oscillator from its load.
b. generate an accurate and stable carrier frequency
c. apply the generated signal to the antenna.
d. increase RF power level of transmitter
ans: d
how far Is the visual carrier from the aural carrier in a monochrome television broadcast
a. 5.75 MHz
b. 3.58 MHz
c. 4.5 MHz
d. 1.25 MHz
ans: c
determine the percentage of the primary colors used in colored TV needed to produce the
brigthest white.
a. 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue
b. 60% red, 28% green, 32% blue
c. 21% red, 52% green, 31% blue
d. 30% red, 52% green, 22% blue
ans: a
what is the maximum number of medium frequency broadcast stations?
a. 131
b. 32
c. 100
d. 25
ans: b
ho wlong is the horizontal retrace in NTSC standard TV transmission?
a. 14% of horizontal scanning time
b. 10% of horizontal scanning time
c. 8% of horizontal scanning time
d. 92% of horizontal scanning time
ans: b
the service area of a TV transmitter for satisfactory reception is determined by ______ zone.
a. line-of-sight
b. diffraction
c. tropospheric
d. regional tropospheric
ans: a
additive primary colors are
a. red , white, blue,
b. red , yellow, blue
c. blue, red, green
d. R-Y, B-Y, G-Y
ans: c
the station with an authorized effective radiated power of 125 KW
a. class A
b. class B
c. class C
d. class D
ans: a
short wave broadcasting uses what kind of propagation?
a. ground wave
b. sky waves
c. space waves
d. direct waves
ans: b
the ratio of the effective free space field intensity produced at 1.61 km in the horizontal plane
expressed in millivolts per meter for 1 km antenna input power to 137.6 in V/m.
a. injection ratio
b. RF protection ratio
c. Antenna field gain
d. Antenna power gain
ans: c
a signal in FM broadcasting which is the sum of all signals which frequency modulates the
main carrier.
a. subchannel signal
b. main channel signal
c. SCA subcarrier
d. composite baseband signal
ans: d
as applied to facsimile broadcasting is the product of the number of lines per inch, the
available length in inches.
a. Line-use ratio
b. index of cooperation
c. available line
d. scanning line
ans: b
in Tv broadcasting, the pilot of the free space radiated field intensity versus azimuth at a
specified vertical angle with respect to vertical plane passing through the center of the antenna.
a. Azimuthal pattern
b. spherical pattern
c. vertical pattern
d. polar pattern
ans: a
the median field strenght for which protection against interference of channel 2-6.
a. 15 dBu
b. 25 dBu
c. 48 dBu
d. 65 dBu
ans: c
in metro manila and metro cebu, the maximum effective radiated power for channel 7-13
a. 350 kW
b. 800 kW
c. 1000 kW
d. 1500 kW
ans: c
the maximum transmitter power of a television broadcast translator station operated by
televisionbroadcast licenses.
a. 1000 W
b. 100 W
c. 1000 kW
d. 100 kW
ans: a
during day time, medium waves are propagated through______?
a. ground
b. troposphere
c. ionosphere
d. atmosphere
ans: a
who invented frequency modulation?
a. samuel morse
b. guglielmo marconi
c. edwin howard armstrong
d. lee deforest
ans: c
what are the most significant limitations on the performance of a communication system?
a. BW and time
b. carrier and sidebands
c. distance and locations
d. noise and BW
ans: d