GEI Double Minority Presentation-WONG
GEI Double Minority Presentation-WONG
GEI Double Minority Presentation-WONG
Chart Title
White African-American Hispanci/Latino Other Race/Ethnicity
Adult General Pop. Trans. Adults
Statistics Canada
• Indigenous peoples experience higher rates of suicide than non-Indigenous people in Canada.
• Inuit communities experience highest rates suicides of any group in Canada at 72.3 per
100 000 individuals.
Under-Representation of Ethnic
Minorities in Canada’s Trans
• Transgender persons make up .5% of Canadian
population ~ 1.8 million people (Statistics Canada,
• Despite these numbers, transgender clients from
non-Western countries are rarely seen in clinical
• Transgender people from ethnic minority groups
have been found to have the highest prevalence
of suicidal attempts.
• A study done by the William Institute (2014)
found that the suicide rate for transgender
people who are multiracial is 54%, and for those
who are Aboriginal the rate is 56%.
Reasons for Resistance
• Lack of role models in their own ethnic community
• Lack of information that is specifically for these minority groups
(mostly written in English)
• Lack of resources
• They don’t know where to, who to turn to
• Resources are only made for “white” people
• High level of stigmatization from their own ethnic/cultural group
• Professionals lack understanding and knowledge
about ethnic values and the consequent interaction
with racist society
• Professional use traditional White/Western models
in working with this ethnic group
Clinical • Professional use western values to evaluate the
treatment success/outcome. (i.e. doing vs. being)
Issues - • Mono-cultural assumptions of mental health
Introduction • Negative stereotypes of pathology for minority life
• Fail to see the impact of the linguistic factors,
environmental factors (crowd, broken home), social-
cultural factors
Collectivistic versus
Individualistic values
Minority Stress
Issues First and Second-Generation
Impact of Acculturation
Collectivistic worldviews
prioritize the family or in-group
Due to fear of disappointing his parents, especially his mother, he has avoided going to
possible shared public places like the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre. He does not go to
special events or seek Community Services he is entitled to. He has avoided social
opportunities like a recent Meet and Greet and the Kwanlin Dun First Nations Fun Day in
James is very depressed, and he feels stuck. He likes his job where he feels valued. He
doesn’t want to leave where he grew up enjoying activities on the Yukon River like
canoeing and fishing. How can you help him?
Case Discussion
• Wai Tung is AMAB and identifies as female. She is 32 years old, single
and living with her parents. She is the only child and works at her
family shop. The family moved to Canada from China 15 years ago.
Wai Tung came out to her parents 5 years ago, but her parents’
attitude towards transgender people is still negative. Wai Tung wants
to start her hormone treatment. Her parents are against it. Upon
seeing her family doctor, Dr. B. Dr. B suggested Wai Tung to move out
if she is serious about this treatment, so that she can have the
freedom to make her own decision. Instead of telling her family that
she needs to move out, Wai Tung attempted suicide instead.
• How can we help Wai Tung and her family?
Case Discussion
• Asha is AFAB and he identifies as transmasculine. He is 20 years old,
and his family moved from India when Asha was 5 years old. Asha
was caught stealing men’s clothes from his neighbor's house. The
neighbor called the police and during the police inquiry, Asha came
out to his parents that he is transmasculine. His parents could not
accept Asha’s gender identity and told Asha to choose to change or
he needed to move out. Asha chose to move out and lived with his
aunt temporarily. Asha and his parents talked over the phone
multiple times a day while staying with his aunt, but he often ended
his called crying and feeling guilty for putting his family through this.
• How can we help Asha and his family?
Case Discussion
Robert is 19 years old, from Taiwan and she came to see you due to
depression and recently came out to her mother as female. When you
met with Robert, you noticed her avoiding eye contact and talking in
monotone. She told you that she did not have any friends because she
was “different and bullied.”
In your next session with Robert, she told you that she came out to her
mother and her mother and other church members forced her to go to
church where they performed exorcism rituals on her to cast out her
How will you help Robert and her family?