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This research is sincerely devoted to Allah, the Almighty. We are grateful of HIS
Leadership, Willpower, Protection, and Abilities, as well as for ensuring our long-term
wellbeing. I would like to extend my profound gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Bisma Ejaz, as
well as to my beloved Parents for their everlasting love and support.
-Dania Akmal
First of all, We want to express our gratitude to ALLAH, The Most Gracious and Merciful,
for giving us the chance and the willpower to complete our research project. We would like to
express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Bisma Ejaz, our highly esteemed supervisor, whose
knowledge was priceless and whose advice inspired us to improve our thoughts and work. We
also want to thank Dr. Amina Moazzam, the head of the Applied Psychology department at
Lahore College for Women University, for approving our research study and providing us the
courage to carry it out. We also want to express our gratitude to our parents for supporting us
throughout. Without the assistance of our great friends Fareena and Tazeen, we would not have
been able to accomplish this research.
We would want to express our gratitude to all of the professors, supporters, and instructors
we have had over the years as this thesis represents a pivotal moment in our academic careers.
Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to the Lahore College for Women
University's Applied Psychology Department for giving us the abilities and information
necessary to complete this.
Dania Akmal
Title Page No.
Abstract ……………………………………….. 1
Neuroticism ……………………………… 8
Aggression ……………………………….. 15
Hypothesis ………………………………. 48
Measures ………………………………. 50
Procedure ………………………………. 52
Suggestions …………………………… 73
Limitations …………………………… 73
Implications …………………………… 74
Conclusions ………………………… .. 75
References ……………………………………. 77
Appendices ……………………………………. 82
Appendix A Permission Letters …………………. 83
Table 2: Mean, Standard Deviation, Cronbach’s Alpha of all Study Variables. ………….. 57
Table 5: Independent Sample t-test for determining differences between gender in all
variables. ……………………………………………………………………….. 62