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Course Code: 4361103


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)


Electronics and Communication Engineering Project-II

(Course Code: 4361103)

Diploma programmer in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Electronics and Communication Engineering 6th

1. RATIONALE: The course in fifth semester, "Electronics Engineering Project-I",was

designed with the aim to motivate the students to implement innovative electronic
solutions that address real-world problems or enhance existing systems. Students were
directed to identify solution of the problem of real/ live problems of the
Industry/Govt./NGO/ MSME/Rural Sector or work on an innovative idea having the
potential of a Startup to help better our eco system. The project aims to leverage the
power of electronics to address a specific need or challenge, contributing to
technological innovation and societal improvement.

To achieve solution, brainstorming has to done by group of students for possible

alternative designs by preparing flow chart, block diagram, its tentative electronic
circuit and related software coding etc. This project work should be desirable
comprising of hardware and software both.

In this sixth semester students have to work for optimum hardware and software
implementation of their selected project work in fifth semester.

2. COMPETENCY: Student will be able to

 Test designed electronic circuit for a solution of real life problem by identify the
problem and apply innovative, creative and logical approach for problem solving
using Knowledge gain in diploma EC engineering.

3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): Student will be able to

1. Design PCB for intended electronic circuit.

2. Fabricate and test PCB for proposed electronic circuit.
3. Develop /Debug code using appropriate simulation software.
4. Prepare and present detailed report of project work.
5. Develop leadership, team work, and interpersonal communication skill.


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme
(In Hours) (L+T+P/2) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
0 0 4 2 0 0 50* 50 100

(*):Out of 50 marks under the theory CA, 15 marks are for assessment of the micro-project to facilitate
integration of COs and the remaining 35 marks is given based on performance in laboratory during the
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Course Code: 4361103

semester for assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs required for the attainment of the

Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P -Practical; C – Credit, CA -

Continuous Assessment; ESE -End Semester Examination.


Sr.No. Equipment Name with Broad Specifications

1 CRO/DSO , 2 Channel

2 Arbitrary Function Generator

3 Spectrum Analyzer

4 Universal Programmer

5 PCB kit

6 Soldering Station and de soldering pump

7 IC tester

8 LCR-Q meter

9 High End Digital Multimeter ( 3 & ½ Digit )

10 DC Power Supply

11 Field Strength Meter

12 Embedded system Development Boards

13 Desktop PC/laptop/tablet

14 Appropriate free software / simulators

6. AFFECTIVE DOMAIN OUTCOMES: The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs)
are embedded in many of the above-mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfill the
development of this course competency.
a) Work as a leader/a team member.
b) Follow ethical practices.
c) Follow safety precautions.
d) Realize importance of E-waste management.
The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field based exercises. Moreover, the level of
achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should gradually
increase as planned below:

i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year,

ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year,
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iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and sub topics
1.PCB Design 1a. Place, route and generate the
1.1 Create a schematic of the
layout of given circuit using chosen circuit & generate net lists
manual or auto routing using PCB
from the created schematic.
layout design software. 1.2 Arrange components in a neat
manner. Trace each net on
1b. Preview PCB using Layout appropriate layers and finish routing
Design Files. the board.
1.3 Check for any pending nets using
tool. & Perform Design Rule Check
(DRC) and Electrical Rule Check (ERC)
of your board. Add copper pours,
silkscreen, holes for mounting, etc.
1.4 Generate design files (Gerber
2.PCB fabrication 2a. Solder components on PCB. 2.1 Testing of all the components to
and Mounting of be used by using DMM/CRO/IC
components 2b. Follow the PCB fabrication Tester.
steps. 2.2 Solder Components on PCB
keeping in mind all safety measures.
2.3 Fabricate PCB for the proposed

3.Coding/Software 3a. Perform Coding.(if any ) 3.1 Perform Coding for the proposed
and hardware circuit using suitable Simulator
Testing 3b. Debugging/Testing fabricated /Simulator hardware (If any)
PCB. 3.2 Test/Debug the code in a
specific simulator.
3.3 Test / Debug your projects
hardware in presence of project
guide and verify your required
4.Documentation 4a. Participate effectively in 4.1 Prepare project report as per the
/Project Report group. format provided by the project
4b. Work independently for the 4.2 Prepare PPT covering all work
individual responsibility carried out
undertaken. 4.3 Reflect your views on
experiences gained during project
4c. Prepare the technical report. work in report and ppt.
4.4 Students can take help of any
4d. Prepare presentations. person relevant to the topic
selected. That person must be
4e. Present findings/features acknowledged in the
/Expansion of the projects in report/presentation.
seminars. 4.5 Arrange mock presentations in
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the group before actual

4.6 Consider suggestions given by
guide/evaluation team in previous
seminar/meeting while preparing
the report/presentation.
4.7 Confidently answer the
questions asked during seminars.
5.Soft skills 5a. Leadership Skills 5.1.1 Learn how to delegate tasks
5a.1 Delegation effectively by matching them with
5a.2 Problem-Solving team members' strengths and skills.
5a.3 Communication 5.1.2 Improve your problem-solving
5a.4 Recognition skills and the ability to think
creatively when faced with
5.1.3 Foster open and transparent
communication within the team.
Regularly share updates and
5.1.4 Acknowledge and appreciate
the contributions of team members
to boost morale and motivation.
5b. Teamwork Skills 5.2.1 Work effectively with others,
recognizing the strengths and
5b.1 Collaboration contributions of each team member.
5b.2 Accountability 5.2.2 Hold yourself and your team
members accountable for their
responsibilities and commitments.
5c.Presentation skill 5.3.1 Present your project work
activity by PPT with good posture
and clean pronunciation
5.3.1 Face various questionnaires
with confidence which rises while in


Student should do following allied activities related to project work chosen.
1. Be skillful in designing PCB using appropriate PCB designing software.
2. Roam around in electronics component shops to get required electronics
3. Prepare PCB by transforming schematic on copper cladded board at your own or
contact local PCB industry to have PCB having professional touch means labeling of
component, green masking and all other things.
4. Test all components, mount them on PCB and perform correct soldering by
observing no short circuit among two pins or two pads.
5. Attach required wires and make project ready to be tested.
6. Arrange/ place your project in a wooden case or plastic box whenever giving
demonstration while giving external viva.
7. Download appropriate software, learn it and make coding as per planning.
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8. Explore internet to find out future expansion of your project. Search details like
datasheets, working of various IC ,such other somewhat similar project, electronic
components required for project, commercialization possibilities of your project
,government scheme for financial benefit/subsidy etc..
9. Prepare PPT for midterm and end of term presentation (minimum two
presentations) and prepare hard bound project report as per directive of your
project guide to be submitted in your department.
10. If students project has potential as a start up then after checking all possibilities
student should apply for financial grant in student start up policy (SSIP) of state
government run at your institute. .Guide should recommend group project for grant
11. Group of students should organize mini project fair at institute level in co ordination
with faculties and Head of Department.
12. Study of intellectual property rights for patenting the project.


Project Guide should go through the work done in fifth semester. Students have to perform
remaining work which was left in semester fifth. In every weekly turn of project, guide
should meet with all groups individually and evaluate their progress as per progressive
assessment scheme. There should be two presentation like seminars with all students of
4th semester and all faculties .After presentation there must be an active interaction
related to project .One presentation should kept in mid way of term and other
presentation should kept at the time of submission. Mentor can arrange One day expert
lecture on SSIP project to create awareness among students.

Assessment of Project work:

Guide should assess the project work in every weekly turn. Student group should give
progress plan/timeline of project work to be done in first turn to their respective guide.
Guide will monitor their progress as per timeline given by student. Every group should give
two presentations each of 20 marks and documentation/project report is of 10 marks
which comprises total 50 marks of Continuous assessment (CA).
Guide should maintain progress plan / weekly progress report of each group in following
Progress Report

Name of student: Enrollment No. :

Name of Project:

Signature of student Guide HOD

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Course Code: 4361103

Suitable number of rows can be added. Suggested rubrics for presentation and
Documentation are as follows. Project Guide may implement his/her Rubric depending on
the category of Project.

Rubrics for Presentation:

Activity Technical Content Status of PPT Communicati Question

of project Hardware/ content/sty on skill Answer/Disc
(Innovative/Projec Coding le (Verbal/Non ussion
t Complexity/ verbal)
Quality of Build
and Components
/Recent trends
/expansion etc.)

Weightage 0 to 4 Marks 0 to 4 Marks 0 to 4 0 to 4 Marks 0 to 4 Marks

Rubrics for Documentation/Project Report :

Activity Report as per Report Presentation Submission of Overall

University Contents of Block weekly Quality of
format (Sequence, diagram/Circui Progress Report
Bibliography, t/Flow Chart Report
Weightage 0 to 2 Marks 0 to 2 Marks 0 to 2 Marks 0 to 2 Marks 0 to 2 Marks



Student should visit following websites/URLs for better understanding of concept,
availability of variety of circuits , Learning materials for working of project, expansion
ideas of project, expert help in coding and documentation.

1. Instructables (www.instructables.com) - A platform with a wide range of DIY projects,

including electronics.
2.Hackaday (www.hackaday.com) - A community dedicated to hardware hacking,
electronics, and open-source projects.
3.Adafruit (www.adafruit.com) - A company that offers a variety of electronics products
and tutorials.
4.SparkFun (www.sparkfun.com) - Another electronics retailer that provides educational
resources and project ideas.
5.Make: (www.makezine.com) - Make: magazine's website offers a wealth of project ideas,
including electronics and robotics.

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6.Electronics-Lab (www.electronics-lab.com) - A website focused on electronics projects,

circuits, and tutorials.
7.Electronics For You (www.electronicsforu.com) - An Indian website with electronics
projects, news, and resources.
8.EEWeb (www.eeweb.com) - A community for electrical engineers and hobbyists, offering
projects, forums, and resources.
9.All About Circuits (www.allaboutcircuits.com) - A comprehensive electronics website with
articles, forums, and educational content.
10.Circuit Digest (www.circuitdigest.com) - An online platform that covers electronics
projects, tutorials, and news.
11.ElectroSchematics (www.electroschematics.com) - Features a collection of electronics
circuits and projects with schematics and descriptions.
12.DIYODE Magazine (www.diyodemag.com) - An Australian electronics magazine with
projects and tutorials.
13.Circuit Basics (www.circuitbasics.com) - Offers tutorials and guides on electronics and
Raspberry Pi projects.
14.Electronics Hub (www.electronicshub.org) - A resource for electronics enthusiasts with
project ideas and tutorials.
15.Electronics Projects for You (www.electronicprojectsforu.com) - A website dedicated to
electronics projects and resources.
16.Open Electronics (www.open-electronics.org) - Focuses on open-source hardware and
DIY electronics projects.
17.Electronics Club (www.electronicsclub.info) - A beginner-friendly resource for learning
electronics and building projects.
18.PCBWay (www.pcbway.com) - A PCB manufacturing service with a blog section
featuring various electronic projects and tutorials.


Semester VI Electronics and Communication Engineering Project-II

(Course Code:4361103)
Competency Basic Proble Design/ Engineerin Engineerin Project Life-long
& Course and m develop g Tools, g practices Manag learning
Outcomes Disciplin analysis ment of Experime for ement
e specific solution ntation society,
knowled s and sustainabil
ge Testing ity and
Test designed electronic circuit for a solution of real life problem
by identify the problem and apply innovative, creative and
logical approach for problem solving using Knowledge gain in
diploma EC engineering.
Course Outcomes
Design PCB for 3 1 2 2 1
intended electronic
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Course Code: 4361103

Fabricate and Test
3 1 3 3 2
PCB for proposed
electronic circuit.
Develop /Debug
code using 2 2 2
simulation software.
Prepare and present
1 2
detailed report of
project work.
Develop leadership,
team work, and 1 2 3
communication skill.


GTU Resource Persons

Name and Designation Institute Contact No. Email
1. Shri S J Chauhan GP Palanpur 9427026618 sjcssc@yahoo.co.in
2. Smt. K N Vaghela GGP Surat 9825149296 kundanvaghela1@gmail.com

BoS Resource Persons

Sr. Contact
Name and Designation Institute Email
No. No.

1. Dr. A S Pandya, Principal BPTI, 9426201171 aspandya22@rediffmail.com

BoS Chairman Electrical & Bhavnagar
Allied Branches
2. Dr. S N Sampat LE College 9033777389 snsampat@gmail.com
HoD & BoS Member EC Morbi.
3. Shri U V Buch, GP A’bad 9825346922 uvbuch@gmail.com
LEC & BoS Member
Branch Coordinator-EC

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