Magnetic Effect of Electric Current-Alok Sir
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current-Alok Sir
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current-Alok Sir
An object which attracts pieces of iron, nickel, steel, cobalt, etc. is called magnet.
An object that produces a magnetic field is called magnet
An object that possesses the property of magnetism is called a magnet.
e.g.: Earth is a natural magnet.
The force of attraction or repulsion of magnetic materials is called magnetism.
Those materials which are attracted Those materials which are attracted by
by magnet are called magnetic magnet are called non-magnetic
materials. materials.
e.g. – Iron, Steel, Nickel, Cobalt, etc. e.g. – Rubber, Wood, Glass, Paper,
Coins, Leather, etc.
Magnetic Pole
The point near the end of the magnet where magnetism is concentrates is known as
magnetic pole.
Magnetic Pole
The end that points towards north The end that points towards south
direction is called North Pole of the direction is called South Pole of the
magnet. magnet.
or or
The pole out of which magnetic lines The pole into which magnetic lines of
of force pointing is called North force pointing is called South Pole.
A magnet that occurs naturally in The magnets which are made by man by
nature is called natural magnet. using different techniques are called
e.g. – (i) Earth is a natural magnet artificial magnets.
(ii) Lodestone (Magnet) is a e.g. – Bar magnet, Horse shoe magnet
natural magnet. etc.
Permanent Magnet
Those magnets which retain their magnetism for a very long time are called Permanent
magnets. e.g. –
(i) Alnico (Alloy of Al, Ni and Co)
(ii) Steel
(iii) Nipermag (Alloy of Fc, Ni, Al and Ti) etc.
Temporary Magnet
Those magnets which retain their magnetism only for a short time are called Temporary
magnets. e.g. – paper clips, iron nails, etc.
Magnetic Poles
(i) The like magnetic poles repel each other.
(ii) If a magnet is cut in half, across the width, the two halves will attract each-other.
✓ It was clear from above experiment: - Electricity and magnetism were related
phenomenon which are known as electromagnetism.
The branch of physics that deals with the study of electricity and magnetism are called
The study of interaction between electricity and magnetism is called Electromagnetism.
The phenomenon associated with both magnetic field and electric fields is called
✓ The effect of electric current in which magnetic field is produced in the area
around the conductor on passing current of electric current.
A current carrying wire produces magnetic field around the wire, which is known
as magnetic effect of electric current.
When the wire is held over the needle and current flows from South to North,
the north pole of magnetic needle deflects towards west.
The region in which the effect of the magnetic force of attraction or, repulsion detected
is magnetic field.
✓ Magnetic field is denoted by B.
✓ Magnetic field is a vector quantity.
✓ The force with which magnetic poles attract or repel is called magnetic force.
• Magnetic field lines: -
The imaginary lines / curves which are used to represent magnetic field are called
magnetic lines.
Field Line
(iii) A magnetic field line is directed from North Pole to South Pole outside the magnet.
(iv) A magnetic field line is directed from South Pole to North Pole inside the magnet.
(v) The no. density of field lines in a given region gives the intensity of magnetic field.
Crowed lines represent strong magnetic field and far apart lines represent weak
Intensity of magnetic field ∝ No. of magnetic field lines
Intensity of magnetic field ∝ Farness of lines
(vi) Two magnetic field lines can never intersect each other because if two magnetic
field lines intersect each other then at the point of intersection two tangents can be
drawn, which means two directions of the magnetic field at a single point, which is
not possible.
When an electric current is passed through a straight conductor then magnetic field lines are
arranged in the form of concentric circle around the current carrying conductor.
Magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight conductor are the form of concentric
circles around the conductor with their centres lying on the conductor.
• Direction of magnetic field lines: -
1. When the current in a straight conductor is
in upward direction then the magnetic field
lines are anticlockwise concentric circles.
2. When the current in a straight conductor is
in downward direction then the magnetic
field lines are clockwise concentric circles.
• Factors affecting to the magnitude (strength) of magnetic fields: -
Magnitude field (B) depends on the following factors –
(i) Magnitude of electric current (I):
Strength of magnetic field due to a straight current carrying conductor is directly
proportional to the strength of electric current (I) passing through the conductor.
Magnetic Field (B) ∝ Strengthof electrin current (I)
With increase in strength of electric current, the strength of magnetic field also
increases and vice-versa.
(ii) Distance from the conductor (r):
Magnitude of magnetic field is inversely proportional to the distance of a point from
the current carrying conductor.
Magnetic Field (B) ∝
Distance from the Conductor (r)
With increase in distance of point (r) from the current carrying conductor, the
strength of magnetic field decreases.
❖ A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of
a cylinder is called a Solenoid.
North to South
(Outside the solenoid)
North Pole
Anticlockwise South Pole
• The factors upon which the strength of the magnetic field depends: -
The magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid depends on the following factors
1. Magnitude of current (I): -
Strength of magnetic field inside the solenoid is directly proportional to the current
flowing through the solenoid.
2. Number of turns in the solenoid (n): -
Strength of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is directly proportional to the
number of turns per unit length of the solenoid.
3. Nature of medium inside the core of solenoid.
A magnet formed by putting a soft iron core inside a current carrying solenoid is
called electromagnet.
✓ Electromagnet is a temporary magnet which formed by inserting soft iron inside a
current carrying solenoid.
✓ Soft iron is used in electromagnet because soft iron immediately loses magnetic
properties as the current is switched off.
• Properties of Electromagnet: -
(i) Electromagnets are very strong temporary magnets.
(ii) Electromagnets ate demagnetizes as soon as the
current is switched off.
(iii) Electromagnets are constructed by a soft iron core
placed inside a solenoid.
(iv) Strength of electromagnets depends upon –
(a) Strength of current flowing through the solenoid
(b) Number of turns of the coil (n)
(c) Materials forming its core.
(v) The polarity of electromagnet depends upon the direction of flow electric
current in solenoid.
If the direction of flow of current is reversed in solenoid then the polarity of
electromagnet will also get reversed.
(vi) Electromagnet can be made in suitable sizes and shapes depending on the purpose.
e.g. (i) I-shape (Bar magnet)
• Uses of Electromagnet: -
(i) Electromagnets are used in electrical devices such as electric bell, electric fan,
electric motor, microphone and generator etc.
(ii) Electromagnets are used in MRI machines.
An object made of a material that gets magnetized and creates its own persistent
magnetic field is called permanent magnet.
e.g. Bar magnet is a permanent magnet.
• Force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field:
✓ We have learnt by Oersted’s experiment that a current carrying conductor produces a
magnetic field which exerts a force on a magnet placed very near to the conductor.
✓ French scientist Andre Marie Ampere suggested that the magnet must also exert an
equal and opposite force on the current carrying conductor.
✓ The force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field can be
demonstrated with the help of “Kicking wire Experiment”.
Activity: A thick copper wire ‘AB’ is suspended vertically from a support “T” by means of a
flexible joint “J”.
The lower end ‘B’ of wire ‘AB’ is free to move
between the poles of U-shaped magnet “M”. The
lower end ‘B’ of wire just touches the surface of
Mercury kempt in a shallow vessel ‘V’ so that it
an move when a force act on it. The +ve terminal
of a battery is connected to end “A” of the wire.
The circuit is completed by dipping another
wire from –ve terminal of the battery into the
mercury pool as shown in the above figure. We
know that mercury is a liquid which is a good
conductor of electricity, so the circuit is
completed through mercury contained in the
vessel ‘V’.
(i) When the key is closed, the current in the wire flows downwards and the wire swings
forward (south) which causes the wire to leave contact with the mercury and break the
circuit. When wire backward due to gravity wire again makes contact with mercury
and previous action is repeated.
(ii) When we reverse the connection o battery, the direction of current also reverse and the
wire swings backwards (north) which cause the wire to leave contact with the mercury
and break the circuit. When wire swings due to gravity, wire again makes contact with
mercury and previous action is repeated.
(iii) When wire is placed parallel to the magnetic field, wire will not experience any force.
(iv) Changing the direction of the magnetic field by interchanging the two poles of the
magnet the direction of force acting on the current carrying conductor gets reversed.
(i) The movement of the conductor suggests that a force is exerted on the current carrying
conductor placed in a magnetic field.
(ii) The movement of the conductor also suggests that the direction of the force on the
conductor is also reversed when the direction of current through the conductor is
The direction of the force on the conductor depends upon the direction of current and
the direction of the magnetic field.
• Direction of force:
The direction of force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in an external
field is given by Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.
Thumb of left hand: Force (motion)
Index (Fore Finger) of left hand: Magnetic Field
Middle Finger of left hand: Current.
Stretch the thumb, force finger and middle finger of your
left hand such that they are mutually perpendicular to
each-other. If forefinger points in the direction of
magnetic field, middle finger points in the direction of
current then thumb will point in the direction of motion
or force acting on the conductor.
Magnetic Field
(iv) Angle between the direction of magnetic field and the direction of current in
the conductor (𝜽): -
𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝐼 = 𝐼 sin 𝜃 ------------(iv)
𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃
Combining Eq. – (i), Eq. – (ii), Eq. – (iii) and Eq. – (iv)
𝐹 ∝ 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃
𝐹 = 𝐾. 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃
For SI unit K =1
𝐹 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃
Where, F = Force
I = Current
B = magnetic Field
𝑙 = Length of conductor
𝜃 = Angle between I and 𝐵 ⃗
(i) If the conductor is placed parallel or anti-parallel to the external magnetic field.
Then –
For parallel For Anti-parallel
𝜽 = 𝟎° 𝜽 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎°
𝐵 Current carrying
conductor I
𝜃 = 0°
I 𝜃 = 180°
𝐹 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃 𝐹 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃
= 𝐼𝐵𝑙. sin 0° = 𝐼𝐵𝑙. sin 180°
= 𝐼𝐵𝑙 × 0 = 0 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙 × 0 = 0
No force is experienced by the conductor when it is placed parallel or anti-parallel
to the direction of external magnetic field.
(ii) If the conductor is placed perpendicular to the direction of external magnetic field.
𝐹 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙 sin 𝜃
= 𝐼𝐵𝑙. sin 90°
= 𝐼𝐵𝑙 × 1
𝐹 = 𝐼𝐵𝑙
𝑻 = 𝑵. 𝑨−𝟏 . 𝒎−𝟏
• Definition of 1 Tesla:
∵𝐵 =
∵ 𝐹 = 1𝑁, 𝐼 = 1𝐴, 𝑙 = 1𝑚
𝐵= = 1 𝑁. 𝐴−1 . 𝑚−1
Variable DC
time time
+ + +
- - -
- ve
A device converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called electric motor.
AC motor DC motor
• AC motor: -
AC motor works on alternating current given by the power supply.
e.g. Electric motors of washing machines and fans are AC motors.
• DC motor: -
DC motor works on direct current given by the supply.
e.g. Motor in the devices operated by a cell or a battery are DC motors.
• Magnetic Flux: -
The number of magnetic field lines passing per unit area of a conductor is called
magnetic flux.