Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments: September 1994
Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments: September 1994
Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments: September 1994
Network Environments
September 1994
NTIS order #PB95-109203
GPO stock #052-003-01387-8
Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Information
Security and Privacy in Network Environments, OTA-TCT-606 (Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, September 1994).
Advisory Panel
Nancy M. Cline Burton S. Kaliski, Jr. David Alan Pensak
Chairperson Chief Scientist Principal Consultant
Dean of University Libraries RSA Laboratories Computing Technology
The Pennsylvania State University E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
Stephen T. Kent
James M. Anderson Chief Scientist Richard M. Peters, Jr.
Director of Security Security Technology Senior VP for Corporate
Mead Data Central, Inc. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. Development
Oceana Health Care Systems
Alexander Cavalli Clifford A. Lynch
Director, Research and Director Joel R. Reidenberg
Development Division of Library Automation Professor
Enterprise Integration Division Office of the President University School of Law
Microelectronics and Computer of California Fordham University
Technology Corp.
Simona Nass Thomas B. Seipert
Dorothy E. Denning President Detective Sergeant
Chair, Computer Science The Society for Electronic Access Portland Police Bureau
Georgetown University Jeffrey D. Neuburger Willis H. Ware
Attorney Consultant
L. Dain Gary Brown Raysman & Millstein The RAND Corp.
Manager, Coordination Center
CERT Susan Nycum
Richard F. Graveman Baker & McKenzie
Member of Technical Staff,
Information Systems Security Raymond L. Ocampo, Jr.
Bellcore Sr. Vice President, General
Counsel and Secretary
Lee A. Hollaar Oracle Corp.
Professor of Computer Science
The University of Utah
Note: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the advisory panel members.
The panel does not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove. or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report
and the accuracy of its contents.
Project Staff
Assistant Director Project Director
OTA Industry, Commerce, and
International Security Division Paula Bruening
Senior Analyst
James W. Curlin
Program Director Tom Hausken
OTA Telecommunication and Analyst
Computing Technologies
Beth Valinoti
Research Assistant
Liz Emanuel
Office Administrator
A Congressional Letters of Request 185
Summary 1
he technology used in daily life is changing. Information
technologies are transforming the ways we create, gather,
process, and share information. Computer networking is
driving many of these changes; electronic transactions
and records are becoming central to everything from commerce to
health care. The explosive growth of the Internet exemplifies this
transition to a networked society. According to the Internet Soci-
ety, the number of Internet users has doubled each year; this rapid
rate of growth increased more during the first half of 1994. By
July 1994, the Internet linked over 3 million host computers
worldwide; 2 million of these Internet hosts are in the United
States. ] Including users who connect to the Internet via public and
private messaging services, some 20 to 30 million people world-
wide can exchange messages over the Internet.
The use of information networks for business is expanding enor-
mously. 2 The average number of electronic point-of-sale transac-
tions in the United States went from 38 per day in 1985 to 1.2
] Data (m Internet S]ZC and gr~~wth from the Internet Stwicty, press release, Aug. 4,
1994. The lntemct (mginated m the Department of Defense’s ARPANET in the early
1970s, By 1982, the TCPIP pr(}t(}ct)ls developed for ARPANET were a military standard
and there were atx]ut 100 computers on [he ARPANET. Twelve years later, the Internet
IInhs host c{~mputers in rm~re than 75 countries via a netw(~rk of separately administered
2 See U.S. C(mgress, office of Techn[)logy Assessment, Elcctron[( Enferpr(fes:
LOdIn<q fo [he Fufw-e, OTA-TC”l%OO (Washington, DC U.S. Gtwemnwnt Printing Of- II
fice, May I 99-$).
2 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
million per day in 1993.3 An average $800 billion on infected computers and lost staff time in
is transferred among partners in international cur- putting the computers back on line. Related
rency markets every day; about $1 trillion is trans- dollar losses are estimated to be between
ferred daily among U.S. banks; and an average $100,000 and $10 million. The virus took ad-
$2 trillion worth of securities are traded daily in vantage of UNIX’s trusted-host features to
New York markets.4 Nearly all of these financial propagate among accounts on trusted ma-
transactions pass over information networks. chines. (U.S. General Accounting Office,
Government use of networks features promi- Computer Security: Virus Highlights Need for
nently in plans to make government more effi- Improved Internet Management, GAO/l M-
cient, effective, and responsive. Securing the TEC-89-57 (Washington, DC: U.S. Govern-
financial and other resources necessary to suc- ment Printing Office, June 1989).)
cessfully deploy information safeguards can be ●
Between April 1990 and May 1991, hackers
difficult for agencies, however. Facing pressures penetrated computer systems at 34 Department
to cut costs and protect information assets, some of Defense sites by weaving their way through
federal-agency managers have been reluctant to university, government, and commercial sys-
connect their computer systems and networks tems on the Internet. The hackers exploited a
with other agencies, let alone with networks out- security hole in the Trivial File Transfer Proto-
side government. Worse, if agencies were to col, which allowed users on the Internet to ac-
“rush headlong” onto networks such as the Inter- cess a file containing encrypted passwords
net, without careful planning, understanding se- without logging onto the system. (U.S. General
curity concerns, and adequate personnel training, Accounting Office, Computer Security: Hack-
the prospect of plagiarism, fraud, corruption or ers Penetrate DOD Computer Systems, GAO/
loss of data, and improper use of networked in- IMTEC-92-5 (Washington, DC: U.S. Govern-
formation could affect the privacy, well-being, ment Printing Office, November 1991 ).)
and livelihoods of millions of people. 7 ●
Authorized users of the Federal Bureau of In-
In its agency audits and evaluations, the Gener- vestigation’s National Crime Information Cen-
al Accounting Office (GAO) identified several re- ter misused the network’s information. Such
cent instances of information-security and privacy misuse included using the information to, for
problems: example, determine whether friends, neigh-
bors, or relatives had criminal records, or in-
- In November 1988, a virus caused thousands of
quire about backgrounds for political purposes.
computers on the Internet to shut down. The vi-
rus’s primary impact was lost processing time (U.S. General Accounting Office, National
Electronic Funds Transfer Association, Hemdon, VA. Based on data supplied by Bunk Network News and POS News.
Joel Kurtzman, The Deafh o~Money (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1993).
See The National lnjimnation lnfiastruclure: Agenda jbr Acfion, Information Infrastructure Task Force, Sept. 15, 1993; and Reengineer-
ing Through /njbrmafion Technology, Accompanying Report of the National Performance Review (Washington, DC: Ofice of the Vice Presi -
dent, 1994). See also U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Making Go\ermnenf Work: E/ecfronic Deli}’ery oj’Fedend Ser}’ices,
OTA-TCT-578 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing OffIce, September 1993).
fJ This was one finding from a series Of agency visits made by the OffIce of Management and Budget (OMB), the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (NIST), and the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1991 and 1992. The visits were made as part of the implementation
of the Computer Security Act of 1987 and the revision of the security sections of OMB Circular A-130 (see ch. 4). See Office of Management
and Budget, “Observations of Agency Computer Security Practices and implementation of OMB Bulletin No. 90-08,” February 1993.
See F. Lynn McNuhy, Associate Director for Computer Security, National Institute of Standards and Technology, “Security on the Inter-
net,” testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Science, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives,
Mar. 22, 1994, p. 8.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 13
Crime Information Center: Legislation gathering Internet passwords by using what are
Needed To Deter Misuse of Criminal Justice In- called sniffer programs. The sniffer programs
formation, GAO/T-GGD-93-41 (Washington, operate surreptitiously, capturing authorized
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, July users’ logins and passwords for later use by
1993).) intruders. The number of captured passwords
= In October 1992, the Internal Revenue Ser- in this series of attacks has been estimated at a
vice’s (IRS’s) internal auditors identified 368 million or more, potentially threatening all the
employees who had used the IRS’s Integrated host computers on the Internet--and their users.9
Data Retrieval System without management
knowledge, for non-business purposes. Some 1 The Networked Society
of these employees had used the system to issue The transformation being brought about by net-
fraudulent refunds or browse taxpayer accounts working brings with it new concerns for the secu-
that were unrelated to their work, including rity and privacy of networked information. If
those of friends, neighbors, relatives, and ce- these concerns are not properly resolved, they
lebrities. (U.S. General Accounting Office, IRS threaten to limit networking’s full potential, in
Information Systems: Weaknesses Increase terms of both participation and usefulness. Thus,
Risk of Fraud and Impair Reliability of Man- information safeguards are achieving new promi-
agement Information, GAO/AIMD-93-34 10
nence. Whether for use in government or the pri-
(Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing vate sector, appropriate information safeguards,
Office, September 1993).)8 must account for—and anticipate—technical,
More recent events have continued to spur gov- institutional, and social developments that in-
ernment and private-sector interest in information creasingly shift responsibility for safeguarding in-
security: formation to the end users.
Key developments include the following:
~ A series of hacker attacks on military com-
puters connected to the Internet has prompted ■ There has been an overall movement to distrib-
the Defense Information Systems Agency to uted computing. Computing power used to be
tighten security policies and procedures in the concentrated in a mainframe with ‘*dumb”
defense information infrastructure. The hack- desktop terminals. Mainframes, computer
ers, operating within the United States and workstations, and personal computers are in-
abroad, have reportedly penetrated hundreds of creasingly connected to other computers
sensitive, but unclassified, military and gov- through direct connections such as local- or
ernment computer systems. The break-ins have wide-area networks, or through modem con-
increased significantly since February 1994, nections via telephone lines. Distributed com-
when the Computer Emergency Response puting is relatively informal and bottom up;
Team first warned that unknown intruders were
E~amples provided by Hazel Edwards, Director, General Govemrnen{ Information Systems, U.S. General Acctwnting office, W>rs(mal
c(mmmnicatmn, May 5, 1994.
9 See Elizabeth Siktm)vsky, “’Ronw Lab Hacker Arrested After Lengthy Invasion,” Federal Computer Week, July 18, 1994, p. 22; Peter H.
Lewis, ‘“Hackers (m Internet Posing Security Risks, Experts Say,” The Netv York Times, July21, 1994, pp. 1, B 10; Bob Brewin, “DODTO Brief
White H(wse (m Hacker Attacks,” Federa/ Cornpu[er Week, July 25, 1994, pp. 1, 4.
)() ]n this reF)fl OTA ~)ften uses the tem “safeguard,” as in ;nform~f;on ,ruje~uards or 10 safe~li~rd information. This is to av~~id misunder-
stamhngs regarding use of the teml “’secunt y,”’ which s(mle readers may interpret in terms of classified infomlati(m, or as excluding measures to
protect pers~mai privacy. In its discussi(m of infom~ation safeguards, this report focuses on technical and institutional measures to ensure the
(’onjidertf~al~ty and [nfegrify of the inft)m]ation and the aufhenflc[ty of its origin.
4 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
systems administration may be less rigorous as world if they can find a vulnerability in the net-
it is decentralized. work.
Open systems allow interoperability among ●
Computer networks allow more interactivity.
products from different vendors. Open systems Online newspapers and magazines allow read-
shift more of the responsibility for information ers to send back comments and questions to re-
security from individual vendors to the market porters; online discussion groups allow widely
as a whole. dispersed individuals to discuss diverse issues;
● Boundaries between types of information are pay-per-view television allows viewers to
blurring. As the number of interconnected select what they want to see. Consequently,
computers and users expands, telephone con- providers must consider new responsibilities—
versations, video segments, and computer data such as protecting customer privacy 11—result-
are merging to become simply digital informa- ing from interactivity.
tion, at the disposal of the user. ●
Information technology has done more than
The number and variety of service providers make it possible to do things faster or easier—
has increased. A decade after the divestiture of electronic commerce has transformed and
AT&T, the market is now divided among many created industries. Successful companies de-
local-exchange and long-distance carriers, cel- pend on the ability to identify and contact po-
lular carriers, satellite service providers, value- tential customers; customer buying habits and
-added carriers, and others. Traditional market trends are increasingly valuable as busi-
providers are also entering new businesses: nesses try to maximize their returns. Manufac-
telephone companies are testing video ser- turing is becoming increasingly dependent on
vices; some cable television companies are pro- receiving and making shipments “just in time”
viding telephone and Internet services; Internet and no earlier or later to reduce inventories.
providers can deliver facsimile and video in- Documents critical to business transactions—
formation; electric utilities are seeking to enter including electronic funds—are increasingly
the communications business. stored and transferred over computer net works.
Lower costs have moved computing from the ■ Electronic information has opened new ques-
hands of experts. Diverse users operate person- tions about copyright, ownership, and respon-
al computers and can also have access to mo- sibility for information. Rights in paper-based
dems, encryption tools, and information stored and oral information have been developed
in remote computers. This can empower indi- through centuries of adaptation and legal prece-
viduals who might otherwise be isolated by dis- dents. Information in electronic form can be
abilities, distance, or time. Lower cost created, distributed, and used very differently
computing also means that businesses rely than its paper-based counterparts, however.
more on electronic information and informa- ■
Measures to streamline operations through use
tion transfer, But, lower cost computing also of information technology and networks re-
empowers those who might intrude into per- quire careful attention to technical and institu-
sonal information, or criminals who might seek tional safeguards. For example, combining
to profit from exploiting the technology. Poten- personal records into a central database, in or-
tial intruders can operate from anywhere in the
II In ~ls reP)fl OTA uses he tem conjjdenfja~ify t{l refer t{) disclosure of information only to authorized individuals, entities, ~d so fofih.
Pri}’acy refers to the social balance between an individual right to keep information confidential and the societal benefit derived from sharing
information, and how this balance is codified to give individuals the means to control personal information. The tem]s are not mutually exclu-
sive: safeguards that help ensure confidentiality of information can be used to protect personal privacy.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 15
encryption; it is now also used to protect the confi- In addition to meetings and interviews with ex-
dentiality of information stored in electronic form perts and stakeholders in government, the private
and to protect the integrity and authenticity of sector, and academia, OTA broadened participa-
both transmitted and stored information. With the tion through the study’s advisory panel and
advent of what are called public-key techniques, through four project workshops (see list of work-
cryptography came into use for digital signatures shop participants in appendix D). The advisory
that are of widespread interest as a means for elec- panel met in April 1994 to discuss a draft of the re-
tronically authenticating and signing commercial port and advise the project staff on revisions and
transactions like purchase orders, tax returns, and additions. To gather expertise and perspectives
funds transfers, as well as for ensuring that unau- from throughout OTA, a “shadow panel” of 11
thorized changes or errors are detected. These OTA colleagues met with project staff as needed
functions are critical for electronic commerce. to discuss the scope and subject matter of the re-
Techniques based on cryptography can also help port.
manage copyrighted material and ensure its prop- At several points during the study, OTA staff
er use. met formally and informally with officials and
This study builds on the previous OTA study of staff of the National Institute of Standards and
computer and communications security, Defend- Technology (NIST) and the National Security
ing Secrets, Sharing Data: New, Locks and Keys Agency (NSA). Individuals from these agencies,
for Electronic Information, OTA-CIT-310 (Wash- as well as from the Office of Management and
ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Budget (OMB), the Office of Science and
October 1987). The 1987 study focused on securi- Technology Policy, the Department of Justice, the
ty for unclassified information within relatively Federal Bureau of Investigation, the General
closed networks. Since then, new information se- Services Administration, the Patent and Trade-
curity and privacy issues have resulted from ad- mark Office, the Copyright Office, the General
vances in networking, such as the widespread use Accounting Office, and several mission agencies,
of the Internet and development of the informa- were among the workshop participants and were
tion infrastructure, and from the prospect of net- invited to review a draft of the report (see list of re-
working as a critical component of private and viewers who provided comments in appendix E).
public-sector functions. These advances require
appropriate institutional and technological safe-
guards for handling a broad range of personal, SAFEGUARDING NETWORKED
copyrighted, sensitive, and proprietary informa- INFORMATION
tion. This study also builds on intellectual-proper- The information infrastructure is already interna-
ty work in Finding a Balance: Computer tional: networks like the Internet seamlessly cross
Software, Intellectual Property, and the Chal- national borders. Networked information is simi-
lenge of Technological Change, OTA-TCT-527 larly borderless. Achieving consensus regarding
(Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Of- information safeguards among the diverse stake-
fice, May 1992); the analysis of issues related to holders worldwide is more difficult than solving
digital libraries and other networked information many technical problems that might arise. The
resources in Accessibility and Integrity of Net- federal government can help resolve many of
worked Information Collections, BP-TCT-109 these interrelated issues. But they must be solved
(Washington, DC: OTA, August 1993); and the systematically, not piecemeal, in order to attain an
analysis of privacy issues in Protecting Privacy in overall solution.
Computerized Medical Information, O T A - This report focuses on policy issues and op-
TCT-576 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government tions regarding cryptography policy, guidance on
Printing Office, September 1993). safeguarding information in federal agencies, and
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 17
legal issues of electronic commerce, personal pri- utility, cost, and security. Information can never
vacy, and copyright. These policy issues and op- be absolutely secured, so safeguarding informa-
tions are summarized in the next section of this tion is not so much an issue of how to secure in-
chapter. The remainder of this section summarizes formation as one of how much security a
other findings regarding the development and de- government agency or business can justify.
ployment of safeguard technologies (for a detailed There is a great need for federal agencies, as
discussion, see chapter 2). well as other organizations, to develop more ro-
The fast-changing and competitive market- bust security policies that match the reality of
place that produced the Internet and a strong net- modem information networks. These policies
working and software industry in the United should support the specific agency objectives and
States has not consistently produced products interests, including but not limited to policies re-
equipped with affordable, easily used safeguards. garding private information. The policies must
In general, many individual products and tech- also anticipate a future where more information
niques are currently available to adequately safe- may be shared among agencies. Finally, these po-
guard specific information networks—provided licies should be mandated from the highest level.
the user knows what to purchase, and can afford The single most important step toward im-
and correctly use the product. Nevertheless, better plementing proper safeguards for networked
and more affordable products are needed. In par- information in a federal agency or other organiza-
ticular, there is a need for products that integrate tion is for its top management to define the orga-
security features with other functions for use in nization’s overall objectives and a security policy
electronic commerce, electronic mail, or other ap- to reflect those objectives. Only top management
plications. can consolidate the consensus and apply the re-
More study is needed to fully understand ven- sources necessary to effectively protect net-
dors’ responsibilities with respect to software and worked information. For the federal government,
hardware product quality and liability. More study this means guidance from OMB, commitment
is also needed to understand the effects of export from top agency management, and oversight by
controls on the domestic and global markets for Congress.
information safeguards and on the ability of safe- Both risk analysis and principles of due care
guard developers and vendors to produce more af- need further development. Neither approach is
fordable products. Broader efforts to safeguard necessarily always appropriate and therefore nei-
networked information will be frustrated unless ther is always sufficient to provide a strong de-
cryptography-policy issues are resolved (see fense against liability in the case of a monetary
chapter 4). loss related to loss, theft, or exposure of net-
A public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a critical worked information. A combination of the two
underpinning for electronic commerce and trans- approaches will likely provide improved protec-
actions. The establishment of a system of certifi- tion. Before formal models can be successful for
cation authorities and legal standards, in turn, is safeguarding the exchange of information among
essential to the development of a public-key infra- government agencies or other organizations, the
structure and to safeguarding business and per- entities must first review and coordinate their in-
sonal transactions. Current PKI proposals need formation-security policies. These policies can
further development and review, however, before then be implemented according to new or existing
they can be deployed successfully. formal models as needed. OTA found in its inter-
Ideally, the safeguards an organization imple- views, however, that while exploration into new
ments to protect networked information should re- types of formal models maybe warranted, there is
flect the organization’s overall objectives. In considerable doubt about the utility of formal
practice, this is often not the case. Network de- models for safeguarding networked information,
signers must continuously struggle to balance
8 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
particularly to protect the integrity and availabil- employees, students, and the public at large) about
ity of information. ethical behavior.
The federal government trusted product eval-
uation process is not, and will not soon be, effec- POLICY ISSUES AND OPTIONS
tive for delivering products that adequately
This report focuses on policy issues in three areas:
protect unclassified information in network envi-
1 ) national cryptography policy, including federal
ronments. Alternatives to that approach appear
information processing standards and export con-
promising, however, including (but not limited to)
trols; 2) guidance on safeguarding unclassified in-
NIST’s Trusted Technology Assessment Pro-
formation in federal agencies; and 3) legal issues
gram. Generally Accepted System Security Prin-
and information security, including electronic
ciples (GSSP) also have strategic importance for
commerce, privacy, and intellectual property.
establishing due care guidelines for cost-justify-
Chapter 4 discusses cryptography policy and
ing safeguards, as targets for training and profes-
guidance on safeguarding information in federal
sional programs, and as targets for insurance
agencies. It examines the current public contro-
coverage. The current federal effort in GSSP will
versies regarding the Clinton Administration’s es-
not produce immediate results, but the effort is
crowed-encryption initiative and the development
overdue and OTA found wide support for its mis-
of new federal information processing standards
sion. Efforts to “professionalize” the information
based on cryptography. Because the Computer Se-
security field are important, but will not produce
curity Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-235) is signif-
significant results for some time. Success depends
icant for both development of the FIPS and
significantly upon the success of Generally Ac-
agency guidance on safeguarding information,
cepted System Security Principles and their adop-
chapter 4 also examines the act in some depth, in-
tion in industry and government.
cluding the continuing controversies concerning
Emergency response efforts are vital to safe-
its implementation and the working relationship
guarding networked information, due to the rela-
between NIST and NSA.
tive lack of shared information about vulner-
Chapter 3 examines legal issues including: dis-
abilities on information networks. Expanding cur-
cussion of nonrepudiation services and digital sig-
rent efforts could further improve the coordination
natures for electronic commerce; the Privacy Act
of system administrators and managers charged
of 1974 and the implications for the United States
with protecting networked information.
of privacy initiatives in the European Union; and
Criminal and civil sanctions constitute only
copyright for networked information and multi-
one aspect of safeguarding networked informa-
media works.
tion. Further study is needed to determine the ef-
fectiveness of such sanctions, as opposed to
improving the effectiveness of law enforcement to D National Cryptography Policy
act on existing laws. With the rapid expansion of The federal government faces a fundamental ten-
the networked society, there is a great need to sup- sion between two important policy objectives: 1 )
port reevaluation of fundamental ethical prin- fostering the development and widespread use of
ciples-—work that is currently receiving too little cost-effective information safeguards, and 2) con-
attention. More resources also could be applied to trolling the proliferation of safeguard technolo-
study and improve the methods and materials used gies that can impair U.S. signals-intelligence and
in education of ethical use of networked informa- law-enforcement capabilities. This tension runs
tion, so that more effective packages are available throughout the government activities as a devel-
to schools and organizations that train users. Fi- oper, user, and regulator of safeguard technolo-
nally, more resources could also be directly ap- gies. This tension is manifested in concerns over
plied to educate users (including federal the proliferation of cryptography that could im-
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 19
pair U.S. signals intelligence and law enforce- electronic commerce; and it will help manage
ment, and in the resulting struggle to control copyrighted material in electronic form.
cryptography through use of federal standards and Policy debate over cryptography used to be as
export controls. arcane as the technology itself. Most people didn't
Despite the growth in nongovernmental cryp- regard government decisions about cryptography
tographic research and safeguard development as directly affecting their lives. However, as the
over the past 20 years, the federal government still communications technologies used in daily life
has the most expertise in cryptography. 12 There- have changed, concern over the implications of
fore, the federal information processing standards privacy and security policies dominated by na-
developed by NIST substantially influence the de- tional security objectives has grown dramatically y,
velopment and use of safeguards based on cryp- particularly in business and academic communi-
tography in the private sector as well as in ties that produce or use information safeguards,
government. The nongovernmental market for but among the general public as well. This con-
cryptography-based products has grown in the last cern is reflected in the ongoing debates over key-
20 years or so, but is still developing, Export con- escrow encryption and the government’s
trols also have substantial significance for the de- Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES).14
velopment and use of these technologies. Previously, control of the availability and use
Therefore, Congress’s choices in setting national of cryptography was presented as a national-secu-
cryptography policies (including standards and rity issue focused outward, with the intention of
export controls) affect information security and maintaining a U.S. technological lead over other
privacy in society as a whole. countries. Now, with an increasing policy focus
Cryptography has become a technology of on domestic crime and terrorism, the availability
broad application; thus, decisions about cryptog- and use of cryptography has also come into promi-
raphy policy have increasingly broad effects on nence as a domestic-security, law-enforcement
society. The effects of policies about cryptogra- issue. More widespread foreign use of cryptogra-
phy are not limited to technological developments phy—including use by terrorists and developing
in cryptography, or even to the health and vitality countries-makes U.S. signals intelligence more
of companies that produce or use products incor- difficult. Within the United States, cryptography
porating cryptography. Instead, these policies will is increasingly portrayed as a threat to domestic
increasingly affect the everyday lives of most security (public safety) and a barrier to law en-
Americans: cryptography will be used to help en- forcement if it is readily available for use by ter-
sure the confidentiality and integrity of health re- rorists or criminals. There is also growing
cords and tax returns; it will help speed the way to
‘ 2 -I-k gok ~àcmrmntal rmmopoly on cryptography has been eroding. Over the past three decades, the gm’cmment siruggle for c(mtr{~l has
been exacerbated by technological advances m computing and microelectronics that have made inexpensl~ e cryp[t~graph) potentially ublqul -
t(ms, and by mcreasmg private-sector capabilities m cryptography (as evidenced by independent devch~pment of c(mmlcrcial. publlc-hq tm-
cv ptl(m systems). These de}eh)prnents have made p)ssible the Increasing rel]ance on digital c(mm~unicati~ms and tnft)m~atl(m prtwess]ng ftw
c(m~nwrctal transactifms and (jperatitms in [he public and pn~ate sectors. Together, they have enabled and supp}rtcd a grt~u Ing tnclu~t~ scg-
nwrrt ~)ffcmng a variety of hardware- and software-based in fomlation safeguards based on c~ ptography.
I \ With re$p.ct t. ~nf{)mlatl{)n safegutids based on Cryptography, nati(mal-security concerns shape the safeguard standards (I.e. the F]pS)
a~atlable to agcncws for safeguarding unclassified in f(mnati(m. Theref(we, these c(mcems also affect civilian agencies that arc usual]) m~t
(h(~ught of [n c(~njuncti(m with nati(mal security.
I ~ ~c EES is intended for use in safeguarding voice, facsimile, (jr c(m]puter data ctmmmnicated in a telephone SJ stem. me Cllpper chip ls
des]gned for use in teleph(me systems; it c(mtains the EES encryption algorithm, called SKIPJACK. The Clipper-chip IS being used in the AT&T
Surlty Telephtme Dewce 3600, which has a retail price ~}f ahmt $1,100.
10 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
recognition of the potential misuses of cryptogra- discouraging future development and use of en-
phy, such as by disgruntled employees as a means cryption without built-in law enforcement access,
to sabotage an employer’s databases. Thus, export in favor of key-escrow encryption and related
controls, intended to restrict the international technologies. Wide use of the EES and related
availability of U.S. cryptography technology and technologies could ultimately reduce the variety
products, are now being joined with domestic of other cryptography products through market
cryptography initiatives intended to preserve U.S. dominance that makes the other products more
law-enforcement and signals-intelligence capa- scarce or more costly.
bilities. Concerns over the proliferation of encryption
that have shaped and/or retarded federal standards
Federal Information Processing Standards development have complicated federal agencies’
Based on Cryptography technological choices. For example, as appendix
The Escrowed Encryption Standard has been pro- C explains, national security concerns regarding
mulgated by the Clinton Administration as a vol- the increasingly widespread availability of robust
untary alternative to the original federal encryption-and, more recently, patent prob-
encryption standard used to safeguard unclassi- lems-contributed to the extraordinarily lengthy
fied information, the Data Encryption Standard development of a federal standard for digital sig-
(DES). A key-escrowing scheme is built in to en- natures: NIST first published a solicitation for
sure lawfully authorized electronic surveillance public-key cryptographic algorithms in 1982, and
when key-escrow encryption is used (see box 2-7 the DSS was finally approved in May 1994.
and box 4-2). The federal Digital Signature Stan- Public-key cryptography can be used for digital
dard (DSS) uses a public-key signature technique signatures, for encryption, and for secure distribu-
but does not offer public-key encryption or key- tion or exchange of cryptographic keys. The DSS
management functions (see box 4-4). Therefore, is intended to supplant, at least in part, the demand
it cannot support secure exchange of cryptograph- for other public-key cryptography by providing a
ic keys for use with the DES or other encryption method for generating and verifying digital signa-
algorithms. tures. However, while the DSS algorithm is a pub-
In OTA’s view, both the EES and the DSS are lic-key signature algorithm, it is not a public-key
federal standards that are part of a long-term con- encryption algorithm (see box 4-4). That means,
trol strategy intended to retard the general avail- for example, that it cannot be used to securely dis-
ability of “unbreakable” or “hard to break” tribute “secret” encryption keys, such as those
cryptography within the United States, for reasons used with the DES algorithm (see figure 2-4).
of national security and law enforcement. It ap- Some sort of interoperable (i.e., standardized)
pears that the EES is intended to complement the method for secure key exchange is still needed. ] 5
DSS in this overall encryption-control strategy, by As this report was completed, the DSS had been
IS One pub]ic.key a]gori~m Mat can be used for key distribution is the “RSA” algorithm; the RSA algorithm Cm encrypt. ne llSA SWem
was proposed in 1978 by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. The Diffle-Hellman technique is another method for key genera-
tion and exchange; it does not encrypt (see figure 2-5).
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary I 11
issued, but there was no FIPS for public-key key U.S. Export Controls on Cryptography
exchange. 16 The United States has two regulatory regimes for
The lengthy evolution of the DSS meant that exports, depending on whether the item to be ex-
federal agencies had begun to look to commercial ported is military in nature, or is “dual- use,” hav-
products (e.g., based on the Rivest-Shamir-Adle- ing both civilian and military uses. These regimes
man, or RSA, system) to meet immediate needs for are administered by the State Department and the
digital signature technology. The introduction of Commerce Department, respectively. Both re-
the EES additionally complicates agencies’ tech- gimes provide export controls on selected goods
nological choices, in that the EES and related gov- or technologies for reasons of national security or
ernment key-escrowing techniques (e.g., for data foreign policy. Licenses are required to export
communication or file encryption) for may not be- products, services, or scientific and technical data
come popular in the private sector for some time, originating in the United States, or to re-export
if at all. As this report was finalized, the EES has these from another country. Licensing require-
not yet been embraced within government and is ments vary according to the nature of the item to
largely unpopular outside of government. There- be exported, the end use, the end user, and, in some
fore, agencies may need to support multiple en- cases, the intended destination. For many items,
cryption technologies both for transactions (i.e., no specific approval is required and a ‘*general li-
signatures) and for communications (i.e., encryp- cense” applies (e.g., when the item in question is
tion, key exchange) with each other, with the pub- not military or dual-use and/or is wide] y available
lic, and with the private sector. from foreign sources). In other cases, an export
In July 1994, Vice President Al Gore indicated license must be applied for from either the State
the Clinton Administration’s willingness to ex- Department or the Commerce Department, de-
plore industry alternatives for key-escrow encryp- pending on the nature of the item. In general, the
tion, including techniques based on unclassified State Department’s licensing requirements are
algorithms or implemented in software.17 These more stringent and broader in scope. 18
alternatives would be used to safeguard informa- Software and hardware for robust, user-con-
tion in computer networks and video networks; trolled encryption are under State Department
the EES and Clipper chip would be retained for control. unless State grants jurisdiction to Com-
telephony. Whether the fruits of this exploration merce. This has become increasingly controver-
result in increased acceptance of key-escrow en- sial, especial] y for the information technology and
cryption within the United States and abroad will software industries. The impact of export controls
not be evident for some time.
10 Tw,() inlplen)en[at[{)ns ~)( [he E~s ~ncgptl(}~ ~lgor[[hr,] [hat a~~ us~(j In ~~t~ ~or]lrllunl~~[lons-t}lc” (“(//) fl{)nc 01//) ;llld the T~-.\.\fi-//z\
carddo contain a publ]c-lwy Key Exchange Alg(mthrn ( KEA ). Hmve\ cr, at this ritlng, the Kc) Exch:inge Algtmthm 1~ m~t part (~fany FIPS.
Therefore, (Jrganizatltms that do not use Capstone f~r TESSERA still need to select a secure and hmmqwrablc f(mm t~f l+ di\trlbuti(m. Ilc
Capsttme chip is used for data comrnimications and c(mtalns the EES algorithm (callc(’ SKIPJACK), as well as dtgltid-signature and he) -c\-
change functi(ms. However, at th]s writing, the Key E\change Algorithm is not part of any FIPS. Therefore, (~rgimizall[ms that do m)t usc Cap-
sume (w TESSERA slill need to select a secure and intm(~perable foml of Key dlstrlbutl(m. TESS ERA IS a PCMC’I A ~id [hiit ct~n(il[ns ii Cilp\ton~
~ 7 Vice ~e51~en[ Al @re, letter (() Reprcstm[atiw Maria Cantwcll, July 20, 1994. SW also Nell Munro, ‘“The Key tt~ Clipper Available t{) the
W(mld,” Washington Tcchrrolog], July 28.1994, pp. 1, 18.
18 F{)r a C(,mparlson ,Jf the tw,() ~KV)~.controj” ~cglnlc~, sec U,S, ~,cn~ral A~c(Iuntlng of fiC.C, fi”~p[lr] [’~jr?]r<>/,$: /.$ $uc.$ ~n Rcm{)) ;/,,: ,\f///larYtYt
.%n.f~flte IIem.fjiwn the MImIII~m.$ I.1$1, GAO NSIAD-93-67 (Washlngt(m, DC tJ.S. Gt)\cmnwnt Printing Oflke. March 1993), ~sp>~iiill]r pp.
10- I 3.
12 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
on the overall cost and availability of safeguards is impact of these reforms over the next year and pro-
especially troublesome to business and industry at vide feedback on how well they have worked, as
a time when U.S. high-technology firms find well as recommendations for additional procedur-
themselves as targets for sophisticated foreign-in- al reforms.
telligence attacks and thus have urgent need for In the 103d Congress, legislation intended to
sophisticated safeguards that can be used in opera- streamline export controls and ease restrictions on
tions worldwide. 19 Moreover, software producers mass-market computer software, hardware, and
assert that several other countries do have more re- technology, including certain encryption soft-
laxed export controls on cryptography. ware, was introduced by Representative Maria
On the other hand, U.S. export controls may Cantwell (H.R. 3627) and Senator Patty Murray
have substantially slowed the proliferation of (S. 1846). In considering the Omnibus Export Ad-
cryptography to foreign adversaries over the ministration Act (H.R. 3937), the House Commit-
years. Unfortunately, there is little public explana- tee on Foreign Affairs reported a version of the bill
tion regarding the degree of success of these ex- in which most computer software (including soft-
port controls and the necessity for maintaining ware with encryption capabilities) was under
strict controls on strong cryptography in the face Commerce Department controls and in which ex-
of foreign supply and networks like the Internet port restrictions for mass-market software with
that seamlessly cross national boundaries. (See encryption were eased.21 In its report, the House
the OTA report Export Controls and Nonprolifer- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
ation Policy, OTA-ISS-596, May 1994, for a gen- struck out this portion of the bill and replaced it
eral discussion of the costs and benefits of export with a new section calling for the President to re-
controls on dual-use goods.) port to Congress within 150days of enactment, re-
New licensing procedures were expected to ap- garding the current and future international
pear in the Federal Register in summer 1994; they market for software with encryption and the eco-
had not appeared by the time this report was com- nomic impact of U.S. export controls on the U.S.
pleted. Changes were expected to include license computer software industry.22
reform measures to reduce the need to obtain indi- At this writing, the omnibus export administra-
vidual licenses for each end user, rapid review of tion legislation was still pending. Both the House
export license applications, personal-use exemp- and Senate bills contained language calling for the
tions for U.S. citizens temporarily taking encryp- Clinton Administration to conduct comprehen-
tion products abroad for their own use, and special sive studies on the international market and avail-
licensing arrangements allowing export of key-es- ability of encryption technologies and the
crow encryption products (e.g., EES products) to economic effects of U.S. export controls. In his
most end users.20 The Secretary of State has asked July 20, 1994 letter to Representative Cantwell,
encryption-product manufacturers to evaluate the
19 The Threa/ @Foreign EcWWT)Ic Esplo~ge to U.S. Corporations, Hearings Before the Subwmmittee on Economic and cOTTUWCld
Law, House Committee on the Judiciary, Serial No. 65, 102d Cong., 2d sess., Apr. 29 and May 7, 1992.
20 Rose Biancaniello, Office of Defense Trade Controls, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State, personal comnw-
nicati(m, May 24, 1994.
1 U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Omnibus E.vporf Administration Act of f994, H. Rept. 103-531, 103d Cong., 2d sess., Parts I
(Committee on Foreign Affairs, May 25, 1994),2 (Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, June 16, 1994), 3 (Committee on Ways and
Means, June 7, 1994), and 4 (Committee on Armed Services, June 17, 1994) (Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994); and
H.R. 4663 (Omnibus Export Administration Act of 1994, June 28. 1994). Forthe cryptography provisions, see Omnibus E.xporr Adminisfrafion
Acf of )994, Part 1, pp. 57-58 (H.R. 3937, sec. 1 I 7(c)(l )-(4)).
22 Omn;bils E.~p~rf Adminis[rafion Act of)994, PaII 2, pp. 1-5 (H.R. 393_I’, sec. 11 7(c) ( I )-(~)).
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 113
Vice President Gore assured her that the “best tablished a Computer System Security and
available resources of the federal government” Privacy Advisory Board within the Department of
would be used in conducting these studies and that Commerce, and required Commerce to promul-
the Clinton Administration will “reassess our ex- gate regulations based on NIST guidelines. Addi-
isting export controls based on the results of these tionally, the act required federal agencies to
studies.” 23 identify computer systems containing sensitive
information, to develop security plans for identi-
Implementation of the Computer fied systems, and to provide periodic training in
Security Act of 1987 computer security for all federal employees and
The Computer Security Act of 1987 is fundamen- contractors who manage, use, or operate federal
tal to development of federal standards for safe- computer systems.
guarding unclassified information, balancing In its workshops and discussions with federal
national-security and other objectives in imple- employees and knowledgeable outside observers,
menting security and privacy policies within the OTA found that these provisions of the Computer
federal government, and issues concerning gov- Security Act are viewed as generally adequate as
ernment control of cryptography. Moreover, re- written, but that their implementation can be prob-
view of the controversies and debate surrounding lematic. OTA found strong sentiment that agen-
the act—and subsequent controversies over its cies follow the rules set forth by the Computer
implementation—provides background for un- Security Act, but not necessarily the full intent of
derstanding current issues concerning the EES the act (also see discussion of OMB Circular
and the DSS. A-130 below).
The Computer Security Act of 1987 (see text in The Computer Security Act gave final author-
appendix B) was a legislative response to overlap- ity for developing government-wide standards
ping responsibilities for computer security among and guidelines for unclassified, but sensitive, in-
several federal agencies, heightened awareness of formation and for developing government-wide
computer security issues, and concern over how training programs to NIST (then the National Bu-
best to control information in computerized or reau of Standards). In carrying out these responsi-
networked form. The act established a federal bilities, NIST can draw on the substantial
government computer-security program that expertise of NSA and other relevant agencies.
would protect all sensitive, but unclassified, in- Implementation of the Computer Security Act
formation in federal government computer sys- has been especially controversial regarding the
tems and would develop standards and guidelines roles of NIST and NSA in standards development.
to facilitate such protection. Specifically, the A 1989 memorandum of understanding (MOU)
Computer Security Act assigned responsibility between the Director of NIST and the Director of
for developing government-wide, computer-sys- NSA established the mechanisms of the working
tem security standards and guidelines and securi- relationship between the two agencies in imple-
ty-training programs to the National Bureau of menting the act.24 This memorandum of under-
Standards (now the National Institute of Stan- standing has been controversial. Observers—
dards and Technology, or NIST). The act also es- including OTA-consider that it appears to cede
to NSA much more authority than the act itself Thus, the provisions of the memorandum of
had granted or envisioned, especially considering understanding give NSA power to delay and/or
the House report accompanying the legislation. 25 appeal any NIST research programs involving
The joint NIST/NSA Technical Working “technical system security techniques” (such as
Group (TWG) established by the memorandum of encryption), or other technical activities that
understanding merits particular attention. The would support (or could lead to) proposed stan-
MOU authorizes NIST and NSA to establish the dards or guidelines that NSA would ultimately
working group to “review and analyze issues of object to.27
mutual interest pertinent to protection of systems NIST and NSA disagree with these conclu-
that process sensitive or other unclassified in- sions. According to NIST and NSA officials who
formation.” Where the act had envisioned NIST reviewed a draft of this report, NIST has retained
calling on NSA’s expertise at its discretion, the its full authority in issuing federal information
MOU’s working-group mechanism involves NSA processing standards and NSA’s role is merely ad-
in all NIST activities related to information-secu- visory. In discussions with OTA, officials from
rity standards and technical guidelines, as well as both agencies maintained that no part of the MOU
proposed research programs that would support is contrary to the Computer Security Act of 1987,
them. and that the controversy and concerns are due to
For example, the standards-appeal mechanism “misperceptions.” 28
set forth in the Computer Security Act allowed the When OTA inquired about the MOU/TWG ap-
President to disapprove or modify standards or peals process in particular, officials in both agen-
guidelines developed by NIST and promulgated cies maintained that the appeals process does not
by the Secretary of Commerce, if he or she deter- conflict with the Computer Security Act of 1987
mined such an action to be in the public interest. because it concerns proposed research and devel-
Should the President disapprove or modify a stan- opment projects that could lead to future NIST
dard or guideline that he or she determines will not standards, not fully developed NIST standards
serve the public interest, notice must be submitted submitted to the Secretary of Commerce or the
to the House Committee on Government Opera- President. 29 In discussions with OTA, senior
tions and the Senate Committee on Governmental NIST and NSA staff stated that the appeals mech-
Affairs, and must be published promptly in the anism specified in the Computer Security Act has
Federal Register. 26 By contrast, interagency dis- never been used, and pointed to this as evidence of
cussions and negotiations by agency staffs under how well the NIST/NSA relationship is working
the MOU can result in delay, modification, or in implementing the act. 30 In discussions with
abandonment of proposed NIST standards activi- OTA staff regarding a draft of this OTA report,
ties, without notice or the benefit of oversight that Clinton Brooks, Special Assistant to the Director
is required by the appeals mechanism set forth in of NSA, stated that cryptography presents special
the Computer Security Act.
‘f U.S. House of Representatives, Computer Securi/yAct of 1987-Report to AccompanyH.R. /45, H. Rept. No. 100-153, Part 1 (Committee
on Science, Space, and Technology) and Pd. t 11 (Committee on Government Operations), 100th Cong., I st sess., June 11, 1987.
26 Public Law 100-235, sec. 4. The President cannot delegate authority to disapprove or modify proposed NIST standards
27 M(XJ, op. cit., footnote 24, sees. 111(5)-(7).
‘g OTA staff interviews with NIST and NSA officials in October 1993 and January 1994.
29 OTA staff interviews, ibid.
30 OTA staff intenlew wl~ M. Rubin (Wputy Chief t3mnsel, NIST) on Jan. 13, 1994 and with four NSA representatives on Jan. lg~ ~ 99’$,
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 115
problems with respect to the Computer Security communities. Sometimes federal safeguard stan-
Act, and that if NSA waited until NIST announced dards are accepted as having broad applicability.
a proposed standard to voice national security But it is not clear that the government can--or
concerns, the technology would already be “out” should--develop all-purpose technical safeguard
via NIST’s public standards process.31 standards, or that the safeguard technologies be-
However, even if implementation of the Com- ing issued as FIPS can be made to meet the range
puter Security Act of 1987, as specified in the of user needs. More open processes for determin-
MOU, is satisfactory to both NIST and NSA, this ing how safeguard technologies are to be devel-
is not proof that it meets Congress’s expectations oped and/or deployed throughout society can
in enacting that legislation. Moreover, chronic better ensure that a variety of user needs are met
public suspicions of and concerns with federal equitably. If it is in the public interest to provide a
safeguard standards and processes are counterpro- wider range of technical choices than those pro-
ductive to federal leadership in promoting respon- vided by government-specified technologies (i.e.,
sible use of safeguards and to public confidence in the FIPS), then vigorous academic and private-
government. sector capabilities in safeguard technologies are
It may be the case that using two executive required.
branch agencies as the means to effect a satisfacto- More open policies and processes can be used
ry balance between national security and other to increase equity and acceptance in implement-
public interests in setting safeguard standards will ing cryptography and other technologies. The cur-
inevitably be limited, due to intrabranch coordina- rent controversies over cryptography can be
tion mechanisms in the National Security Council characterized in terms of tensions between the
and other bodies. These natural coordination government and individuals. They center on the
mechanisms will determine the balance between issue of trust in government. Trust is a particular
national-security interests, law-enforcement in- issue in cases like cryptography, when national-
terests, and other aspects of the public interest. security concerns restrict the equal sharing of in-
The process by which the executive branch formation between the government and the
chooses this balancing point may inevitably be public. Government initiatives of broad public ap-
obscure outside the executive branch. (For exam- plication, formulated in secret and executed with-
ple, the Clinton Administration’s recent cryptog- out legislation, naturally give rise to concerns
raphy policy study is classified, with no public over their intent and application. The process by
summary.) which the EES was selected and approved was
Public visibility into the decision process is closed to those outside the executive branch. Fur-
only through its manifestations in a FIPS, in ex- thermore, the institutional and procedural means
port policies and procedures, and so forth. When by which key-escrow encryption is being
the consequences of these decisions are viewed by deployed (such as the escrow-management proce-
many of the public as not meeting important dures) continue to be developed in a closed forum.
needs, or when the government preferred techni- The Clinton Administration made a start at
cal “solution” is not considered acceptable, a lack working more closely and more openly with in-
of visibility, credible explanation, and/or useful dustry through a “Key Escrow Encryption Work-
alternatives fosters mistrust and frustration. shop” held at NIST on June 10, 1994. The
Technological variety—having a number of al- workshop was attended by representatives of
ternatives to choose from—is important in meet- many of the leading computer hardware and soft-
ing the needs of a diversity of individuals and ware companies, as well as attendees from gov-
~ I C]ln[on Br(x)ks, s~cia] Assistant to the Director, NSA, personal communication, May’ 2$ 1994.
16 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
ernment and academia. The proposed action plan to support a congressional policy review of cryp-
subsequent to the NIST workshop called for the tography is out of phase with the government’s
establishment of joint industry-government implementation of key-escrow encryption. There-
working groups (with NIST leadership) to: eval- fore:
uate all known key-escrowing proposals accord-
ing to criteria jointly developed by government OPTION: Congress could consider placing a hold on
and industry, hold a public seminar/workshop to further deployment of key-escrow encryption, pending
discuss and document the results of this analysis, a congressional policy review.
and prepare a report to be used as the basis for sub-
sequent discussions between government offi-
cials and the private sector. Based on the
discussion and industry presentations at the meet- An important outcome of a broad review of na-
ing, there was increasing interest in exploring tional cryptography policy would be the develop-
“other” approaches to key-escrow encryption that ment of more open processes to determine how
can be implemented in software, rather than just in cryptography will be deployed throughout soci-
hardware. ety. This deployment includes development of the
On July 20, 1994, acknowledging industry’s public-key infrastructures and certification au-
concerns regarding encryption and export policy, thorities that will support electronic delivery of
Vice President Gore sent a letter to Representative government services, copyright management, and
Cantwell that announced a "new phase” of coop- digital commerce.
eration among government, industry, and privacy More open processes would build trust and
advocates. This will include working with indus- confidence in government operations and leader-
try to explore alternative types of key-escrow en- ship. More openness would allow diverse stake-
cryption, such as those based on unclassified holders to understand how their views and
algorithms or implemented in software; escrow- concerns were being balanced with those of oth-
system safeguards, use of nongovernmental key- ers, in establishing an equitable deployment of
escrow agents, and liability issues will also be these technologies, even when some of the specif-
explored. This is in the context of computer and ics of the technology remain classified. (See also
video networks, not telephony; the present EES the policy section below on safeguarding informa-
(e.g., in the Clipper chip) would still be used for tion in federal agencies.) More open processes
telephone systems. would also allow for public consensus-building,
providing better information for use in congres-
sional oversight of agency activities. Toward
Congressional Review of these ends:
Cryptography Policy
Congress has vital, strategic roles in cryptography OPTION: Congress could address the extent to which
policy and, more generally, in safeguarding in- the current working relationship between NIST and NSA
formation and protecting personal privacy in a will be a satisfactory part of this open process, or the ex-
networked society. Recognizing the importance tent to which the current arrangements should be re-
of the technology and the policies that govern its evaluated and revised.
development, dissemination, and use, Congress
has asked the National Research Council (NRC)
to conduct a major study that would support a
broad review of cryptography. Another important outcome of a broad policy
The results of the NRC study are expected to be review would be a clarification of national in-
available in 1996. But, given the speed with which formation-policy principles in the face of techno-
the Clinton Administration is acting, information logical change:
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary I 17
OPTION: Congress could state its policy as to when the licensing reforms and the executive branch study
impacts of a technology (like cryptography) are so of the encryption market and export controls that
powerful and pervasive that legislation is needed to was included in the 1994 export-administration
provide sufficient pubic visibility and accountability for legislation should provide some near-term in-
government actions.
However, the scope and methodology of the ex-
port-control studies that Congress might wish to
use in the future may differ from these. Therefore:
For example, many of the concerns surround-
ing the Escrowed Encryption Standard and the OPTION: Congress might wish to assess the validity
Clinton Administration’s escrowed-encryption and effectiveness of the Clinton Administration's stud-
initiative, in general, focus on whether key-es- ies of export controls on cryptography by conducting
crow encryption will become mandatory for gov- oversight hearings, by undertaking a staff analysis, or
ernment agencies or the private sector, if by requesting a study from the Congressional/ Budget
nonescrowed encryption will be banned, and/or if Office.
these actions could be taken without legislation.
Other concerns focus on whether or not alternative Congressional Responses to
forms of encryption would be available that would Escrowed-Encryption Initiatives
allow private individuals and organizations the Congress also has a more near-term role to play in
option of depositing keys (or not) with one or determining the extent to which—and how—the
more third-party trustees—at their discretion.32 EES and other escrowed-encryption systems will
The National Research Council study should be deployed in the United States. These actions
be valuable in helping Congress to understand the can be taken within a long-term, strategic frame-
broad range of technical and institutional alterna- work. Congressional oversight of the effective-
tives available for various types of trusteeships for ness of policy measures and controls can allow
cryptographic keys, “digital powers of attorney,” Congress to revisit these issues as needed, or as
and the like. However, if implementation of the the consequences of previous decisions become
EES and related technologies continues at the cur- more apparent.
rent pace, key-escrow encryption may already be The Escrowed Encryption Standard (Clipper)
embedded in information systems before Con- was issued as a voluntary FIPS; use of the EES by
gress can act on the NRC report. the private sector is also voluntary. The Clinton
As part of a broad national cryptography Administration has stated that it has no plans to
policy, Congress may wish to periodically ex- make escrowed encryption mandatory, or to ban
amine export controls on cryptography, to ensure other forms of encryption. But, absent legislation,
that these continue to reflect an appropriate bal- these intentions are not binding for future admin-
ance between the needs of signals intelligence and istrations and also leave open the question of what
law enforcement and the needs of the public and will happen if the EES and related technologies do
business communities. This examination would not prove acceptable to the private sector. More-
take into account changes in foreign capabilities over, the executive branch may soon be using the
and foreign availability of cryptographic technol- EES and/or related escrowed-encryption technol-
ogies. Information from industry on the results of ogies to safeguard—among other things—large
~Z ~ere ~e ~ea~on~ ~hy ~)rganlzallons and indlviduals might want the op[ion {Jf placing c(~pks of cryptographic keYs “ith th’r~-PW’
trustees (m custodians offheu- oun choosing. For example, there is growing recogniti(m of the problems that could occur if cryptography is used
m corp)rati(ms w ith(mt adequate key management and without override capabilities by responsible corporate officers. These problems could
include data being rendered inaccessible after having been encrypted by employees who subsequently leave the c(m~pany ((w die).
18 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
volumes of private information about individuals OPTION: Congress could consider allowing damages
(e.g., taxpayer data, health-care information, and to be awarded for individuals or organizations who were
SO forth). harmed by misuse or unauthorized disclosure of es-
For these reasons, the EES and other key-es- crowed key components.
crowing initiatives are by no means only an execu- 1 Safeguarding Information
tive branch concern. The EES and any subsequent in Federal Agencies
escrowed-encryption standards also warrant con-
Congress has an even more direct role in estab-
gressional attention because of the public funds
lishing the policy guidance within which federal
that will be spent in deploying them. Moreover,
agencies safeguard information, and in oversight
negative public perceptions of the EES and the
of agency and OMB measures to implement in-
processes by which encryption standards are de-
formation security and privacy requirements. The
veloped and deployed may erode public confi-
Office of Management and Budget is responsible
dence and trust in government and, consequently,
for developing and implementing government-
the effectiveness of federal leadership in promot-
wide policies for information resource manage-
ing responsible safeguard use.
ment; for overseeing the development and
In responding to current escrowed-encryption
promoting the use of government information-
initiatives like the EES, and in determining the ex-
management principles, standards, and guide-
tent to which appropriated funds should be used in
lines; and for evaluating the adequacy and
implementing key-escrow encryption and related
efficiency of agency information-management
practices. Information-security managers in fed-
OPTION: Congress could address the appropriate eral agencies must compete for resources and sup-
locations of the key-escrow agents, particularly for fed- port to properly implement needed safeguards. In
eral agencies, before additional investments are made order for their efforts to succeed, both OMB and
in staff and facilities for them. Public acceptance of key- top agency management must fully support in-
escrow encryption might be improved-but not as- vestments in cost-effective safeguards. Given the
sured—by an escrowing system that used separation expected increase in interagency sharing of data,
of powers to reduce perceptions of the potential for mis- interagency coordination of privacy and security
use. policies is also necessary to ensure uniformly ade-
quate protection.
The forthcoming revision of Appendix 111
(“Agency Security Plans”) of OMB Circular
With respect to current escrowed-encryption
A-1 30 is central to improved federal information
initiatives like the EES, as well as any subsequent
security practices. The revision of Appendix 111
key-escrow encryption initiatives, and in deter-
will take into account the provisions and intent of
mining the extent to which appropriated funds
the Computer Security Act, as well as observa-
should be used in implementing key-escrow en-
tions regarding agency security plans and prac-
cryption and related technologies:
tices that resulted from a series of agency visits
OPTION: Congress could address the issue of criminal
penalties for misuse and unauthorized disclosure of es-
crowed key components.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Policy Summary 119
made by OMB, NIST, and NSA in 1992.33 In After the revised Appendix III of OMB Circu-
practice, there are both insufficient incentives for lar A-130 is issued:
compliance and insufficient sanctions for non-
compliance with the spirit of the Computer Secu- OPT/O/V: Congress could assess the effectiveness of
rity Act. (For example, agencies do develop the the OMB's revised guide/ines, including improvements
required security plans; however, the act does not in implementing the Computer Security Acts provisions
require agencies to review them periodically or regarding agency security plans and training, in order
to determine whether additional statutory requirements
update them as technologies or circumstances
or oversight measures are needed.
change. One result of this is that, “[security of
systems tends to atrophy over time unless there is
a stimulus to remind agencies of its impor-
tance.” 34 Another result is that agencies may not
This might be accomplished by conducting
treat security as an integral component when new
systems are being designed and developed.) oversight hearings, undertaking a staff analysis,
The forthcoming revision of Appendix III of and/or requesting a study from the General Ac-
counting Office. However, the effects of OMB’s
OMB Circular A-130 should lead to improved
revised guidance may not be apparent for some
federal information-security practices. According
time after the revised Appendix 111 is issued.
to OMB, the revision of Appendix 111 will take
Therefore, a few years may pass before GAO is
into account the provisions and intent of the Com-
able to report government-wide findings that
puter Security Act of 1987, as well as observations
would be the basis for determining the need for
regarding agency security plans and practices
further revision or legislation. In the interim:
from agency visits. To the extent that the revised
Appendix III facilitates more uniform treatment
OPTION: Congress could gain additional insight
across agencies, it can also make fulfillment of through hearings to gauge the reaction of agencies, as
Computer Security Act and Privacy Act require- we// as privacy and security experts from outside gov-
ments more effective with respect to data sharing ernment, to OMB's revised guidelines.
and secondary uses.
The revised Appendix 111 had not been issued
by the time this report was completed. Although
the Office of Technology Assessment discussed Oversight of this sort might be especially valu-
information security and privacy issues with able for agencies, such as the Internal Revenue
OMB staff during interviews and a December Service, that are developing major new informa-
1993 OTA workshop, OTA did not have access to tion systems.
a draft of the revised security appendix. Therefore, In the course of its oversight and when consid-
OTA was unable to assess the revision’s potential ering the direction of any new legislation:
for improving information security in federal
agencies, for holding agency managers account- OPT/ON: Congress could ensure that agencies include
able for security, or for ensuring uniform protec- explicit provisions for safeguarding information assets
tion in light of data sharing and secondary uses. in any information-technology planning documents.
~~ OffIce of Managemcn( ~d Budget (in ct~njuncti{~n with N]sT and NSA), observations of Agency Computer Security practices and 1~1-
plcmcntatl(m of OMB Bulletin No. 90-08: “Guidance for Preparation of Security Plans for Federal Computer Sy stems That Contain Sensitive
Inf{)m]ati{m,” February 1993.
34 Ibid., p. I I.
20 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
OPTION: Congress could ensure that agencies budget Escrowed Encryption Standard (Clipper) was de-
sufficient resources to safeguard information assets, veloped and implemented. Increased funding
whether as a percentage of information-technology could enable NIST to become a more equal part-
modernization and/or operating budgets, or otherwise. ner to NSA, at least in deploying (if not develop-
ing) cryptographic standards. But, if NIST/NSA
OPTION: Congress could ensure that the Department processes and outcomes are to reflect a different
of Commerce assigns sufficient resources to N/ST to balance of national security and other public inter-
support its Computer Security Act responsibilities, as
ests, or more openness, than has been evidenced
we// as NIST's other activities related to safeguarding in-
over the past five years, clear policy guidance and
formation and protecting privacy in networks.
oversight will be needed.
technique, procedure, or practice will provide the OPTION: Congress could amend the existing law to in-
requisite assurance of enforceability in electronic clude previsions addressing the sharing and matching
form. This lack of guidance concerning security of data, or restructure the law overall to track the flow of
information between institutions.
and enforceability is reflected in the diversity of
security and authentication practices used by OPT/ON: Congress could provide for public access for
those involved in electronic commerce. individuals to information about themselves, and proto-
Legal standards for electronic commercial cols for amendment and correction of personal in-
transactions and digital signatures have not been formation. It could also consider providing for online
fully developed, and these issues have undergone publication of the Federal Register to improve public
little review in the courts. Therefore, action by notice about information collection and practices.
Congress may not be warranted now. However:
OPTION: Congress could monitor the issue of legal In deciding between courses of actions, Congress
standards for electronic transactions and digital signa- could exercise its responsibility for oversight
tures, so that these are considered in future policy deci- through hearings and/or investigations, gathering
sions about information security information from agency officials involved in pri-
vacy issues, as well as citizens, in order to gain a
better understanding of what kinds of actions are
Protection of Privacy in Data required to implement better custodianship, a
Since the 1970s, the United States has concen- minimum standard of quality for privacy protec-
trated its efforts to protect the privacy of personal tion, and notice to individuals about use and han-
data collected and archived by the federal govern- dling of information.
ment. Rapid development of networks and in- Although the United States does not compre-
formation processing by computer now makes it hensively regulate the creation and use of such
possible for large quantities of personal informa- data in the private sector, foreign governments
tion to be acquired, exchanged, stored, and (particularly the European Union) do impose con-
matched very quickly. As a result, a market for trols. The Organization for Economic Coopera-
computer-matched personal data has expanded tion and Development (OECD) adopted
rapidly, and a private-sector information industry guidelines in 1980 to protect the privacy and
has grown around the demand for such data. transborder flows of personal data. The difference
Increased computerization and linkage of in- between the level of personal privacy protection in
formation maintained by the federal government the United States and that of its trading partners,
is arguably not addressed by the Privacy Act, who in general more rigorously protect privacy,
which approaches privacy issues on an agency- could inhibit the exchange of data with these
by-agency basis. To address these developments: countries. U.S. business has some serious con-
cerns about the EU proposal, as it relates to the
OPT/ON: Congress could allow each agency to ad- data subject’s consent and the transfer of data to
dress privacy concerns indivldually through its present non-EU countries.
system of review boards.
In addressing the sufficiency of existing U.S.
legal standards for privacy and security in a net-
OPTION: Congress could require agencies to improve
worked environment for the private sector:
the existing data integrity boards, with a charter to make
clearer policy decisions about sharing information and OPTION: Congress could Iegislate to set standards
maintaining its Integrity similar to the OECD guidelines;
22 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
ment Printing Office, May 1992). The 1992 report might try a third approach. This approach would
included the following options to deal with the is- allow producer and user communities to establish
sue of fair use of works in electronic form: common guidelines for use of copyrighted, multi-
Congress could clarify the Copyright Act
media works:
fair-use guidelines with regard to lending, re-
source sharing, interlibrary loan, archival OPT/ON: Congress could allow information providers
and preservation copying, and copying for and purchasers to enter into agreements that would es-
patron use. tablish community guidelines without having the force
= Congress could establish legislative guidance of law. In so doing, Congress could decide at some
regarding fair use of works in electronic form point in the future to review the success of such an ap-
and what constitutes copying, reading, and proach.
Congress could direct the Copyright Office,
35 U.S. Congress, office of Technology Assessment, Finding a Balance: Computer Software, lnlelie~’luai property, ati the challenge ?f
Techno/ogica/ Change, OTA-TCT-527 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1992), p. 35 (options 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3).
M Ibid,, p, 36 (option 3.4).
—— —
Information 2
etworked information is constantly exposed to threats—
events or agents that have the potential to cause harm to a
system or information assets. These threats have the po-
tential to exploit a network’s many vulnerabilities--
weaknesses, or points susceptible to attack. New vulnerabilities
emerge as systems are built or changed. If these are exploited,
substantial financial losses and an overall failure to achieve the
original objectives of the network can result. The true incidence
rates and losses arising from these threats are unknown, however,
since the y are often not detected, not reported, or require placing a
monetary value on a relatively intangible loss. Financial institu-
tions, in particular, are reluctant to report losses to avoid negative
publicity that might cause more losses or loss of business. Also,
the probability that particular threats will exploit particular vul-
nerabilities in a network—the amount of risk—varies from net-
work to network.
Although multiple threats often combine to expose a vulner-
ability, threats to networked information can be loosely grouped
into the following categories:
B Human errors and design faults. The largest source of losses
is due to unintentional human actions during operations. Some
experts estimate that over one-half of the total financial and
productivity losses in information systems is the result of
26 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
human errors, as opposed to intentional and both the main information facilities as well as
malicious acts. ] These acts include improperly their backup systems. Broken water lines. un-
installing and managing equipment or soft- even environmental conditions, and other
ware, accidentally erasing files, updating the localized threats also produce significant but
wrong file, transposing numbers, entering in- less sensational damage.
correct information in files, neglecting to “Crackers” and other intruders. A small but
change a password or back up a hard disk, and growing number of violations come from unau-
other acts that cause loss of information, inter- thorized “crackers”3 who may intrude for mon-
ruptions, and so forth. etary gain, for industrial secrets, or for the
Many of these and other circumstances are challenge of breaking into or sabotaging the
arguably due to faults in design that do not pre- system. This group receives the most sensa-
vent many common human errors (or other tional treatment in the press and includes teen-
threats) from resulting in losses. An unusual agers breaking into remote systems as well as
but legitimate sequence of events also can re- professional criminals, industrial spies, or for-
veal a vulnerability in system design. Such de- eign intelligence.
sign errors may come with off-the-shelf Viruses and other malicious software. Vi-
software or hardware, or may be built into the ruses, worms, and other malicious software can
system by the network managers. enter a network through borrowed diskettes,
Insiders. Many violations of information safe- prepackaged software, and connections to oth-
guards are performed by trusted personnel who er networks.4 These hazards could also be a re-
engage in unauthorized activities or activities sult of human error (negligence), insiders, or
that exceed their authority. These insiders may intruders.
copy, steal, or sabotage information, yet their
actions may remain undetected. 2 These indi-
viduals can hold clearances or other authoriza- SAFEGUARDS FOR
tions, or may be able to disable network NETWORKED INFORMATION
operations or otherwise violate safeguards Federal agencies and other organizations use safe-
through actions that require no special autho- guards-countermeasures-that eliminate spe-
rization. cific vulnerabilities or otherwise render a threat
Natural disasters and environmental dam- impotent, thereby protecting the organizations’
age. Wide-area disasters such as floods, earth- information assets. In this report, security is used
quakes, fires, and power failures can destroy generally to describe the protection against disclo-
This is consistent with other areas of engineering as well; notable examples include the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Bhopal chemical
plant disaster, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Charles Cresson Wood and William W. Banks, “Human Error: An Overlooked but Significant
Information Security Problem,” Compu~ersund Se(”uri~, vol. 12, No. 1, pp.51 -60. Another analysis of information systems conducted over 12
years in 2,000 organizations found human error the cause of 65 percent of total security losses. See United Nations, Advisory Committee for the
C(xmdination of Information Systems (ACCIS), /nfirmation Systems Security Guide/inesjior [he United Nations Organizations (New York,
NY: United Nations, 1992), p. 9.
z me united Nations repo~ estimated [hat 19 percent of total security losses were from dishonest ordisgruntled employees, I S percent were
from infrastructure loss or water damage, and 3 percent were from outsiders. Viruses were not listed. (Ibid.)
“Crackers”’ are often called “hackers,” but “hacker” also refers to a broader set of individuals who innovate legitimate solutions to comput-
er challenges.
Experts differ over the actual losses and relative importance of viruses compared with other threats. See testimony by Peter S. Tlppe!t,
Symantec Corp., and material submitted for the record by Cynthia Carlson, USA Research, in hearings before the House Subcommittee on
Telecommunications and Finance, June 9, 1993. One study estimated that viruses account for roughly 2 percent of all losses. See James Lip-
shultz, “Scare Tactics Exaggerate Actual Threat from Computer Viruses,” Ft*deral Computer Week, Dec. 6, 1993, p. 15.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 127
sure, modification, or destruction of networked ongoing process that is based on the objectives
information through the use of safeguards. These and design of each particular network. Alterna-
safeguards include hardware, software, physical tively, many managers and users attempt to pro-
controls, user procedures, administrative proce- tect information through more ad hoc applications
dures, and management and personnel controls. of products and services that sometimes lack even
The degree of security, along with the safety and an informal consideration of an overall process.
reliability of a system, is reflected in the level of While such an informal approach maybe adequate
confidence that the system will do what it is ex- for some small networks, it can put the informa-
pected to do-that is, its trustworthiness. tion in other networks at great risk.
This report loosely defines an information net- The single most important step toward imple-
work as any set of interconnected electronic in- menting proper safeguards for networked infor-
formation systems (computers, magnetic drives, mation in a federal agency or other organization is
telecommunications switches, etc.); therefore, a for its top management to define the organiza-
“network” is not restricted to the Internet,5 corpo- tion overall objectives, define an organizational
rate networks, the telephone network, and so security policy to reflect those objectives, and im-
forth. In any case, today’s networks are increas- plement that policy. Only top management can
ingly interconnected or overlapping, and distinc- consolidate the consensus and apply the resources
tions are difficult to make. In this report, a network necessary to effectively protect networked in-
user may refer to a nonexpert individual, an expert formation. For the federal government, this re-
system administrator, or an entire organization, quires guidance from the Office of Management
depending on the context. and Budget (OMB ), commitment from top agency
management, and oversight by Congress. Without
1 Expressing Organizational Objectives understanding and support from top management,
To be successful, safeguards must be applied in a an organization’s deployment of safeguards may
coordinated fashion to contain the risks from the be completely ineffective.
above threats, while maintaining the functional Reflecting their organizational objectives, dif-
objectives of the network. 6 To implement such ferent types of network providers and users em–
safeguards, professionals can use a top-down and
f The Internet IS defined here as many thtmsands of inlercxmrwcted smaller nclw(whs lhat usc the lntcrrwt l% I(KX)I (1P) f(mnat t{) c~changc
data. In practice, the degree to wh]ch a nctw(wh IS part of the Internet varies, and formats other than 1P arc also sent t)~er the Internet {Jr uwl
w ithln subnctworks. The Internet is prominent because of its size and rate of m pansitm, and its ckcentral ized n]anagenwnt and tinanc mg.
6 For Inftmnati(m (m the many aspects of mf{mnation security discussed in this chapter, see William Caell i, Dennis L(mglcy, :ind Mlchacl
Shain (d.), lnjormatlon Securlr.v Iiandbook (New Ytwk, NY: Stockton press, 199 I ); Knsh Bhaskar, Compuler Scc’urlty: Threats ~Jnd ( ‘ounter-
nieaures (Ox f(mi, England NCC Blachw cII, Ltd., 1993), Deborah Russcli and G.T. GangcmI, Sr., Conlp/i/er .%~urlty BasIt.\ (Scbastop}l, CA
()’ ReIlley & Ass(~iates, Inc., 1991): M(wric Gasscr, Bulldln,q a Secure Conipurer Sy$tcm (New York, NY. Van Nostrand Reinh(~ld CI~., 1988),
Nati(mal Research Council, Compulers ar RIsA: Saje ~“onrpurirr~ In Ihe lnjiwmalion Age (Washington, DC: Nati(mal Academy press. 1991);
U.S. Department of C(mmwrce, Natl(mal Institute of Standards and Technology,” “Worksht)p in Security procedures ft~r the Interchange t~f Elcc-
tr(m[c tl~wnwnts: Selected Papers and Results,” Roy G. Saltman (cd.), August 199.3; and LI. S. Congress, office of Tcchm)h)gy Assessmcmt,
Dej2ndln<q Setrefs, Sharing I>atcl: New’ I.o(k.s c~nd Kejsjiv Electronic ln@n[itlon, OTA-CIT-3 10 (Wash lngt(m, DC U.S. Gt)vcmnwnt Printing
Office, October 1987). See also U.S. Dcpartrmm[ of C(m]nwrce, Na[i{mal Institute of Standards and Techn~d(>gy, An Introdu[’tl(w 10 [’[mpu[er
Sc[/4r{tj: 711c NJS7’ {Iondbook, m press.
28 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
phasize different security aspects or services.7 the users: individuals, government agencies,
Long-distance (interexchange) earners, local tele- banks, schools, libraries, database services, cor-
phone companies, cable companies, satellite pro- porations, citizen groups, managers of electronic
viders, wireless carriers, and other providers of the bulletin boards, and others. Users are both provid-
telecommunications links generally place the ers and consumers of information; they may have
most emphasis on the availability of their serv- little control over the overall availability of the
ices. Availability means that core services will be links, but they can control other aspects. Users can
operational despite threats of fire, flood, software assure the confidentiality of classified, propri-
errors, undercapacity, virus attacks, and so forth. etary, or private information through the use of
Building on the links are value-added provid- cryptography (see box 4-1 ) and access controls.
ers, some resellers, computer network services, Confidentiality refers to the assurance that only
and others who use the links to transport informa- properly authorized persons can view particular
tion, but also add features of their own. Commer- information. Online publishers and corporations
cial Internet providers primarily emphasize may use cryptography and access controls to em-
availability, while electronic data interchange phasize the protection of copyrighted or propri-
(EDI) value-added services emphasize integrity etary information--i.e., assuring that two parties
and nonrepudiation. Integrity means that the in- have properly exchanged payments or permis-
formation is only altered from its original form sions for services or products delivered electroni-
and content for authorized reasons.8 (Banks, for cally.
example, are particularly concerned about the in- Confidentiality is distinguished here from pri-
tegrity of electronic funds transfers.) Non-repudi- vacy, which is less commonly used in the comput-
ation refers to the ability to prove that a party sent er security profession. Briefly, confidentiality
a particular message (see discussion in chapter 3). refers to the treatment of data; confidentiality is
Subscription services, such as CompuServe, achieved “when designated information is not dis-
America Online, Genie, Delphi, and Prodigy, also seminated beyond a community of authorized
emphasize access control. Access control refers to knowers.” Privacy refers here to a social contract:
mechanisms based on user-identification and “the balance struck by society between an individ-
user-authentication procedures that restrict each ual’s right to keep information confidential and
user to reading, writing, or executing only the in- the societal benefit derived from sharing that in-
formation or functions for which he or she is au- formation. . . ."9 (See chapter 3 for discussion of
thorized. privacy.)
At the periphery-but no less important-are
T computer ~ecurjty j~ often said t. have ~rm Primq as~ts (defined in the text): confidentiality, integrity, ~d availability (tie “CIA” of
security). Historically there has been greater emphasis on confidentiality and integrity, and less on availability. The international Standards
Organization (1S0) 7498-2 international standard also distinguishes nonrepudiation and access controls, but most references subsume these
and all other attributes into the first three. Dorm Parker has suggested including other aspects; see Dorm B. Parker, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, “Using Threats To Demonstrate the Elements of Information SQYurity,” January 1994 (obtained from the author).
Another definition is that “Integrity is the knowledge that a given body of data, a system, an individual, a network, a message in transit
through a network, or the like has the properties that were a priori expected of it. ” (Willis H. Ware, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA,
“Policy Considerations for Data Networks,” December 1993.)
g Anj~ A]len, Unea$yAccess: PrivacyfOr women inuFree Sociery(Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1988), p. 24. S~ discussion in U.S.
Congress,Office of Technology Assessment, Protecting Privacy in CompurerizedMedica/ Informurion, OTA-TCT-576 (Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1993), pp. 7-9
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 129
10 ~’c(.l~r,l}, *)o/,<.v rcfer5 here 1() [he ~ta(enlenls made by organtza(ions, corporations, and agencies [o establish overall policy ~)n information
access and safeguards. Another meaning comes from the Defense community and refers to the rules relating clearances of users 10 classification
of int~ml]ati(m. In another usage, seturiry po/iclcs are used I(J refine and implement the broader, organizational security policy described here.
1 i Paul EXjrcy. “Securl[y Management and Pt)licy,” in /rrjiwma/ion .Securiry Handbook, Wlllian~Caelli, Dennis Ltmglcy, and Michael Shain
(cds. ) (New York. NY Stt)ckt(m Press, 1991), p. 32.
~ ~ R{)k.fl H, coufinc~r, ‘r’
President, RCl, Inc., Lynn Haven, FL, perwmal communication, June 2, 1994.
. ,see ~,nnls M. Gilbert, A SrUdy @ Federal Agency Needsjtir Irrjurmafron 7ec/Irro/ogy S’ecurlly, NISTIR-5L$24 (GaiLhers-
13 For dlscu~~l{)ll
burg, MD Nati(mat lns(itute (If Standards and Technology, May 1994).
1 ~ US. Congress, office of TcChno]ogy” Assessment, Moking Gu\’ernmen{ Wurk: Ele(’trwric De/i\)erv of Fedcro/ .krltices, OTA-Ta-57~
(Wash ingttm, DC U.S. Government Prin[ing Office, Sep[. 1993). Vice president Al Gore, Crca/irrg a Gu\crrvnen[ 7’hat Works Be//erund Cos/s
/e\\: Report o/ fhe ,Vallorral Perjor-man(e Reilew (Washingttm DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Sept. 7, 1993); U.S. General Services
Adnunistratt(m, Inf(mnati(m Resfmrccs Management Service, “Service to the Citizens: pro~c( Repmt,” KAP-93- 1, February 1993.
30 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
but not limited to policies regarding private in- cult to obtain, and the frequencies of losses may
formation. These policies must also anticipate a be too low to be useful or may not be applicable
future where more information may be shared to a particular organization. Incidents of loss are
among agencies and organizations. widely underreported or undetected. The disci-
pline of risk analysis also is still relatively young
n Cost-Justifying Safeguards and needs further development.
Ideally, the actual safeguards implemented to pro- Therefore, a risk analysis does not necessarily
tect networked information should represent the assure that a system is effectively safeguarded,
overall objectives of the organization, but in prac- only that the organization is following a systemat-
tice they often do not. Network designers must ic approach. New developments in risk analysis
continually balance utility (including speed, ca- have made the process easier, however, relying on
pacity, flexibility, user-friendliness, and inter- past experience and on automated tools with ex-
operability), cost, and security. In any case, tensive threat, vulnerability, and safeguard
information can never be absolutely secured, and knowledge bases, and user-friendly interfaces.
safeguarding information is therefore not an issue Risk analysis performs best where the nature of
of how to secure information, but how much secu- losses are best understood or frequent—such as in
rity an agency or business can justify. Many ap- cases of natural disasters or credit card fraud. Its
proaches are effective and inexpensive, but others shortcomings lie in cases where the losses are less
can be very costly, for both small and large orga- understood.
nizations. The organization’s management, there- Alternatively, management can use a due care
fore, must have a method to balance the cost of a (also called reasonable care) approach to deter-
safeguard with the potential loss that may occur if mine how much security an organization can af-
it doesn’t use that safeguard. ford. A due care approach seeks an acceptable
Security professionals can use risk analyses to level of safeguards relative to other businesses
estimate risks 15 and probable losses for informa- and agencies, as opposed to an acceptable level
tion assets. These analyses can then be used to de- relative to an absolute measure of risk. This ap-
termine the appropriate safeguard expenditures. A proach uses “baseline” controls and practices, as
crude qualitative risk analysis may simply identi- well as risk analyses for vulnerabilities not ad-
fy the obvious holes in a system but can, neverthe- dressed by the baseline. The baseline varies de-
less, be valuable. A rigorous quantitative analysis pending on the application or industry; for
requires some experience with security systems example, the baseline for the banking industry
and understanding of how to determine the value would be different from that of an information
of information assets. publisher. The baseline is also intended to be flex-
Management benefits from risk analyses only ible and incorporate changes in technology. The
insofar as an analysis provides timely, quantifi- due care approach is intended to build on the expe-
able, and credible measurements. In practice, rience of others in the field and, therefore, to lower
however, risk often can be difficult to quantify and the cost of managing networked information.
the analysis expensive. Quantification requires The due care approach to safeguarding in-
statistics about the frequency and size of losses in formation assets is not well established, however,
similar organizations. Such statistics may be diffi- and has relatively little precedent or experience to
15 R;~k is [he likellht)od that a particular threat will e%ploh a particular vulnerability to cause an undesirable evenl tO @XLIr—a nleasure of
uncertainty. It is sometimes defined as the asset value multiplied by the exposure factor (fraction of the asset destroyed in an event) and the
annualized rate of occurrence. Using this definition, risk can be expressed in units of dollars per year. (Will Ozier, Ozier, Peterse, and Associates,
San Francisco, CA, personal c(mmmnica[ion, Dec. 14, 1993.)
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 131
build on. The establishment of generally accepted the model is actually implemented. The formal
principles (explained in a later section) is integral process thus provides a series of steps that can be
to providing standards for due care, but detailed isolated and tested.
principles will take some time to develop. Critics An example of a well-known security model is
claim that following only the due care principles the Bell-LaPadula model used for protecting the
can provide inadequate safeguards and may there- confidentiality of classified information, based on
fore fail as a liability defense. Even within one in- multilevel security classifications. 17 The Clark-
dustry such as banking, for example, safeguard Wilson model is a less formal model aimed at fi-
needs vary greatly from one location to another, nancial and other unclassified transactions. The
and appropriate safeguards change as technology Clark-Wilson model implements traditional ac-
changes. Taking a follow-the-leader approach counting controls including segregation of duties,
may cause the organization to overlook reason- auditing, and well-formed transactions such as
ably available safeguards, suffer a significant loss, double-entry bookkeeping.18
and be found negligent, even though it was fol- Most of the existing work in formal security
lowing otherwise-accepted procedures. models is oriented toward confidentiality in clas-
Both risk analysis and principles of due care sified applications. This emphasis may be because
need further development. Neither approach is only the Department of Defense (DOD) classifica-
necessarily always appropriate and, therefore, tion hierarchy and requirements for high assur-
neither is always sufficient to provide a strong de- ance of security seem to be amenable to formal
fense against liability in the case of a monetary models. Comparable security models for unclas-
loss related to loss, theft, or exposure of net- sified information, with emphasis on integrity and
worked information. A combination of the two availability have not, and may never, emerge.
approaches will likely provide improved protec- Some claim that the private sector can simply pro-
tion. Proponents of risk analysis suggest that risk vide better safeguards without the need for forma]
analysis done correctly provides better safe- models characteristic of the DOD approach.
guards, while proponents of due care suggest that Within the government sector, research in secu-
performing only risk analyses is impractical. rity models may be appropriate for applications
involving the exchange of sensitive or private in-
1 Formal Security Models formation among federal agencies, or between
Given a particular set of objectives and a stated or- federal agencies and state or local governments.
ganizational policy, a formal model is sometimes These models then could be applied to assure con-
developed to express or formalize a more specific formance to security and privacy policies that
policy in a way that can be tested in a system. The have been coordinated among those agencies that
model should be written in precise, simple, and share information. Especially needed are models
generic terminology and, therefore, is often writ- that address heterogeneous network environ-
ten in mathematical notation, particularly for sys- ments and that are integrated with other systems
tems requiring relatively strong safeguards.16 A approaches that account for network reliability
specification process is derived from the model and fault-tolerant computing.
and provides a step-by-step method to assure that
16 ~ls mathenlatica[ no[atlon” is analogous” to the r(}le of Boolean algebra in expressing electronic ClrCUltS that @t~m~ l(~gl~al fun~ti(~ns.
17 me ~l~fl ~lode/ is ~lnll]ar t. tie Be]l. Lapa~u]a m(~e] but protects the Inlegriry of inf(wrnati(m inSt~ad of ltS cOn@~enlla/lfJ’. me rigor of
the Blba rmxiel, however, is not generally a g(wd match for real world integrity requirements and is rarely implemented.
I ~ For a dlscussl(ln of fomlal m(J&]s, see Nforne (3asser, t~p. cit., f(x)tnote 6, ch. 9. See also Dennis L(mgle), “F(~mlal M~~~ls of sc~ure
Systems,” in ln@-nwtion Securlt,v Hmrdbook, op. cit., footnote 6.
32 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
19 For ~ ovewlew of info~a[ion security and related products and techniques, see Deborah Russell and G.T. Gangemi, Sr., op. cit., f~N)t-
note 6. For techniques relating to only UNIX, see Simson Gart7nkel and Gene Spafford, Practical UNIX Security (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly &
Associates, Inc., August 1993). For an introduction to network security, see Mario Devargas, Network Securiry (Manchester, England: NCC
Blackwell Ltd., 1993). See also Teresa F. Lunt (cd.), Research Directions in Database Security (New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992); and
D.W. Davies and W.L. Price, Securi/yfor Computer Nerworks: .4n Introduction to Data Security in Teleprocessin~ and Electronic Funds Trans-
fer, 2nd Ed. (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1992).
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 133
Perhaps the most widespread and serious vulnerability in information networks is the use of weak
password systems Systems administrators can no longer safely send unencrypted passwords over the
Internet and other networks Instead, experts recommend that network managers use challenge-re-
sponse systems, electronic tokens, and sophisticated, one-time password techniques to protect their
networks Users will continue to employ traditional passwords, however, to protect “local” workstations
and files Unfortunately, passwords assigned by administrators to protect these local assets are often
“strong” but easily forgotten, while passwords chosen by users are more easily remembered but often
“weak “
For example, an eight character password has 2 56 (over 72,000,000,000,000,000) possible com-
binations (counting both uppercase and lowercase characters and symbols, and eight bits per ASCII
character, less one bit for parity) An intruder who has copied an encrypted file might need hundreds of
years to try all these possible combinations in sequence in order to decrypt the file Users who choose
words, proper names, or acronyms for passwords reduce considerably the number of possible com-
binations that an intruder needs to try there are less than 500,000 English words and names with eight
or fewer letters, spelled backwards or forwards Of these words, some are more frequently chosen for
users’ passwords than others An intruder who guesses a few dozen or a few hundred of the most com-
mon names, acronyms, and default passwords is often successful
Educating users to choose strong passwords to protect local workstations is perhaps the most diffi-
cult task for a network manager Programs exist that screen out weak passwords, but such programs do
not substitute for the following simple guidance to users
● Treat your password Iike your toothbrush use it every day, change it often, and never share it
■ Never write your password on anything near your computer If you do write it down, do not Identify it as
a password, and hide it well Never place an unencrypted password in the text of an electronic message
or store it unencrypted in a file on the network
● Never use the default password (the password assigned from the factory)
■ Avoid proper names, nicknames, or full words for passwords---even spelled backwards Do not repeat
a password that you have used before
● Do use long, unpronounceable acronyms, such as the first letters of an unfamiliar song or phrase, or an
obscure word with vowels omitted For example, an eight-letter password could be TNPLHTOT derived
from “There’s no place like home, Toto, ” although a more personal phrase is better
■ Do use passwords with numbers or special characters inserted Using the last example, an eight letter
password could be TNPL9H&T
● Do use nonsensical but pronounceable words, for example, SKRODRA8 (NIST has specified an algo-
rithm that uses a random number to generate pronounceable passwords 2,
■ Do consider using an electronic token, a challenge-response system, a biometric device, or other tech-
nique that better identifies the user Consider using a “three strikes and you’re out” system for commu-
nications links, such as is used in automated teller machines Remove unused accounts whenever pos-
1 Altrlbuted to Cllfford Stoll, author of The Cuckoos Egg, Tracing a Spy Through the Maze o~Computer Espionage (New York, NY
Doubleday 1989)
U S Department of Commerce, National Inshtute of Standards and Technology, ‘Automated Password Generator, ” FIPS PUB
181 (Sprmgfleld VA National Techmcal Information Serwces, October 1993)
z~ U.S. ~P~ment of C(>mmerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Smart Card Technology: New’ Methods for Computer
Access Control, NIST Spec. Pub. 500-147 (Gaithersburg, MD: N] ST, September 1988). See also Jerome Svigals, “Smart Cards—A Security
Assessment,” Compulers & Securiry, vol. 13 (1994), pp. 107- I 14.
21 ~MCIA stands for persona] computer Memory Card Industry Association. The National Seeurity Agency’s TESSERA Card uses a
PCMCIA interface, with a Capstone chip inside the card. Capstone and the Escrowed Encryption Standard are discussed in box 2-6 and in chap-
ter 4.
22 ‘+ Sm~Disk” is a trademark of SmartDiskette, Ltd.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 135
of the network. The firewall itself is a dedicated period of time. Such transactions include transfers
computer that examines and restricts mainly in- of files, and the local time when a user accesses the
coming, but sometimes outgoing, communica- network. Auditing features on a network can
tions. 23 quickly generate volumes of information about
The form of the firewall restriction maybe sim- network use, however, that can overwhelm busy
ple; for example, electronic mail may be allowed security personnel. Auditing, therefore, is often a
while other services are not. Or the restriction may passive activity where records are only kept for
be more elaborate, perhaps requiring individual later examination. It is also a passive deterrent to
user authentication as a prerequisite for commu- authorized users who might fear getting caught
nication through the firewall. Firewalls are partic- should an investigation arise.
ularly important for networks connected to the Integrated, dynamic auditing systems not only
Internet, to assure that computers on a smaller net- record information, but also act to restrict use or
work are less vulnerable to intruders from the to alert security personnel when possible safe-
much larger Internet.24 guard violations occur—not just violations from
intruders but also from insiders. One feature
Virus Checkers might alert security personnel if users are acces-
Virus checkers are software programs that auto- sing certain files after hours or if a user (or pos-
matically search a computer files for known vi- sible intruder) repeatedly but unsuccessfully
ruses (for an explanation of viruses and other attempts to access a certain computer. The securi-
malicious software, see box 2-2). The checker t y officer might then closely monitor the user ac-
scans files every time the computer is turned on or tions to determine what further actions should be
when new memory disks are inserted into the taken (simply denying access might alert an in-
computer. The virus checker looks for patterns of truder to use a more reliable or more covert meth-
code that resemble the code used in known vi- od, confounding the security staff). Some
ruses, and alerts the user when it finds a resem- sophisticated systems use expert systems that
blance. 25 Since new viruses are discovered every “learn” users’ behavior.26
month, virus checkers must be updated often, al-
though many viruses cause no damage or are not Encryption, Electronic Mail,
relevant to most users. and Digital Signatures
Encryption is used for a variety of applications,
Auditing and Intrusion Detection including the protection of confidentiality and in-
Auditing is the act of automatically monitoring tegrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. Dif-
certain transactions that occur in a network over a ferent methods are used to assure these properties,
‘s An information tirewali is in this way like an airlock that eliminates a direct connection between two environments. The label .firewa// is
misleading since firewalls used in buildings are intended to stop all fires; network firewalls monitor (mostly incoming) traffic while generally
alkwng most of it through.
24 Steven M. Bellovin and Will]am R. Cheswick, Fueu’ails and Internet Seeurity: Repelling the Wdey Hacker (Reading, MA. Addison-
Wesley, 1994). See also Frederick M. A\olio, “’Building lntemetwork Fireballs,’’ lousiness Communicarion$ Re\’ie}+t, January 1994, pp. 15-19.
25 S~}me viruses mutate every time they replicate, however, making programs that scan for a specific virus code less effective.
26 See Dorothy E. Denning, “An intrusion-Detection Model, ” IEEE Transa~tions on Sojiware Engineering, SE- 13, February 1987, pp.
222-232; SUSarI Ken, “’using AI [Artificial Intelligence] T(J [reprove Security, ” Daramarion, Feb. 1, 1990, pp. 57-60; and Teresa F. Lunt ct al.,
“A Real-Tinw lntrusi(m-Detection Expert System,” final technical report, SRI International, Feb. 28, 1992.
36 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
The term virus is popularly used for any malicious software or so-called rogue program that can en-
ter a computer and cause damage. ’ A true virus is a fragment of a program that replicates itself and
modifies (“infects”) other programs A worm, on the other hand, is an independent program that moves
through a system and alters its operation, but does not infect other programs, Viruses and worms can
use techniques such as “logic bombs” and “Trojan horses” to disguise their function. A logic bomb, for
example, is triggered to perform an action when a certain event or condition occurs, such as on Friday
the 13th. A Trojan horse tricks a user into using a desirable function so that it can perform some other
function, such as recording passwords,
What do viruses do that users should worry about? The possibilities for damage are only limited by
the imagination of those who create the viruses Types of virus damage include changing the data in
files, changing file attributes so that others can access confidential files, filling up computer memory
with meaningless data, changing internal addressing so that the user cannot access files, displaying
obscene messages on the screen or in printouts, slowing down the computer, and changing the initial-
ization program for the computer so that it cannot operate, Managers must often rely on users to follow
good practices, such as the following, to keep networks clean
● Do check all Incoming software and computer diskettes with an up-to-date virus checker program (even
including off-the-shelf software from reputable sources)
● Do backup all files frequently so that in case of a virus attack, the original uninfected files are still accessi-
ble Do check all files with the virus checker program before reinstalling them
● Do consider protecting software from Trojan horses by only allowing read-only access by all users except
the system administrator.
● Do be wary of publicly available and free software, software borrowed from others, or software without
the original packaging Do not use pirated software
1 See Phlllp E Fltes, Peter Johnson, and Martin Katz,The Computer V/rus Crisis (New York, NY Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992) See
also Lance J Hoffman (ed ), Rogue Programs Viruses Worms, and TrojanHorses (New York, NY Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990), Peter
J Dennmg (ed ), Computers UnderAttack Intruders, Worms, and Vwses (New York, NY Addison Wesley, 1990), and John B Bowles
and Co16n E Pel/iez, “Bad Code, ” and other articles m /EEE Specm.m?, August 1992, pp 36-40, and Jeffery O Kephart et al , “Com-
puters and Epldemtology, ” IEEE Spectrum, May 1993, pp 20-26
SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment, 1994, and sources referenced below
and each method has its strengths and weaknesses. Historically, electronic mail has not used encryp-
These different methods can be integrated to pro- tion to protect the confidentiality of the message
vide multiple safeguards (see box 2-3).27 contents. PEM--or Privacy-Enhanced Mail—is a
One widely used network application is elec- specific set of proposed standards that specifies
tronic mail (email). Large and small networks can how to encrypt the contents of electronic mail
transfer electronic mail messages from worksta- messages for the Internet. 28 Unauthorized users
tion to workstation, holding the message for the cannot read a PEM encrypted message even if
addressee until he or she accesses it on a computer.
27 For a short description of better known algorithms, see Bruce Schneier, “A Taxonomy of Encryption Algorithms,” Computer Security
Journal, vol. IX, No. 1, p. 39.
28 Stephen T. Kent, +’rntemet ~vacy Enhanced Mail,” Communications ofdre ACM, vol. 36, No. 8, August 1~~. P. @59.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 137
Biometric Devices
Access-control systems can use three methods to
identify a particular user: something the user
Carol Ted knows (e.g., a password), something the user has
in his or her possession (e.g., a secure token), or
something that physically characterizes the user.
This last method is known as biometrics. Charac-
teristics that might be analyzed by biometric de-
vices include retinal scans of the eye, fingerprints,
handprints, voice “prints,” signature dynamics,
and the typing of keystroke patterns.29
Biometric devices can be effective in many
Carol encrypts Ted decrypts
her messages to messages from
cases, but are expected to be less effective for pro-
Ted with their Carol with the tecting networked information due to their gener-
shared secret key same secret key ally higher cost. Biometric signatures also can be
intercepted and imitated, just as unchanging pass-
Carol words can, unless encryption or an unpredictable
challenge is used (see the discussions above).
Separation of Duties
Safeguards need not be based in only hardware or
software. They can also include administrative
and other procedures like those used in accounting
o practices. As only one example, the authority and
capacity to perform certain functions to net-
worked information should be separated and dele-
gated to different individuals. This principle is
often applied to split the authority to write and ap-
— prove monetary transactions between two people.
NOTE Security depends on the secrecy of the shared key It can also be applied to separate the authority to
add users to a system and other system administra-
they were to obtain access to it. PEM can also tor duties from the authority to assign passwords,
digitally “sign” the message to authenticate the review audits, and perform other security admin-
sender. Although PEM can protect the confiden- istrator duties. The separation of duties principle
tiality of the message, it cannot protect the confi- is related to the “least privilege” principle, that is,
dentiality of the address, since that information that users and processes in a system should have
must be understood by network providers in order least number of privileges and for the minimal pe-
to send the message. Privacy-enhanced mail re- riod of time necessary to perform their assigned
quires that both the sender and the receiver of the tasks.
electronic mail message have interoperable soft- Wiretap laws apply the separation of duties
ware programs that can encrypt and decrypt the principle by requiring the law-enforcement
message, and sign and verify the digital signature. agency that conducts a wiretap (in the executive
Therefore, widespread adoption is still far off. branch), to obtain permission from a court (in the
29 Benjamin Miller, ‘“Vital Signs of ldentlty,” IEEE Spectrum, vol. 31, N{). 2, February 1994, p. 22.
38 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
NOTE Security depends on the secrecy of the private keys and the authenticity of the publlc keys
-. — . —
Different cryptographic methods are used to authenticate users, protect confidentiality, and assure
Integrity of messages More than one method usually must be used to secure an overall operation, as
described here (see also boxes 4-1 and 4-4). Cryptographic algorithms are either symmetric or asym-
metric, depending on whether or not the same cryptographic key is used for encryption and decry p-
tion The key is a sequence of symbols that determines the transformation from unencrypted plaintext to
encrypted ciphertext, and vice versa.
Symmetric cryptosystems—also called secret-key or single-key systems—use the same key to en-
crypt and decrypt messages (see figure 2-1) The federal Data Encryption Standard (DES) uses a se-
cret-key algorithm Both the sending and receiving parties must know the secret key that they will use to
communicate Secret-key algorithms can encrypt and decrypt relatively quickly, but systems that use
only secret keys can be difficult to manage because they require a courier, registered mail, or other
secure means for distributing keys.
Asymmetric cryptosystems--also called public-key systems—use one key to encrypt and a second,
different but mathematically related, key to decrypt messages, The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algo-
rithm is a public-key algorithm. Commonly used public-key systems encrypt relatively slowly, but are
useful for digital signatures and for exchanging the session keys that are used for encryption with a
faster, symmetric cryptosystem. 1 The initiator needs only to protect the confidentiality and Integrity of
his or her private key. The other (public) key can be distributed more freely, but its authenticity must be
assured (e g , guaranteed by binding the Identity of the owner to that key)
For example, if an associate sends Carol a message encrypted with Carol’s public key, in principle
only Carol can decrypt it, because she IS the only one with the correct private key (see figure 2-2) This
provides confidentiality and can be used to distribute secret keys, which can then be used to encrypt
messages using a faster, symmetric cryptosystem (see box 2-5).
For authentication, if a hypothetical user (Carol) uses her private key to sign messages, her
associates can verify her signature using her public key This method authenticates the sender, and can
be used with hashing functions (see below) for a digital signature that can also check the integrity of
the message
Most systems use a combination of the above to provide both confidentiality and authentication
One-way hash functions are used to ensure the integrity of the message-that Is, that it has not been
altered For example, Carol processes her message with a “hashing algorithm” that produces a shorter
message digest—the equivalent of a very long checksum Because the hashing method is a “one-way”
function, the message digest cannot be reversed to obtain the message Bob also processes the re-
ceived text with the hashing algorithm and compares the resulting message digest with the one Carol
signed and sent along with the message If the message was altered in any way during transit, the
digests will be different, revealing the alteration (see figure 2-3)
I For example, m hardware, the DES IS between 1,000 and 10,(200 hmes as fast as the RSA pubhc key algcmthm, depending on the
Implementation In software, the DES IS generally at least 100 hmes as fast as the RSA RSA Laboratories, “Answers to Frequently
Asked ouestlons About Today’s Cryptography, ” 1993, p 9
judicial branch). The Clinton Administration’s key components with two escrow agents. (The
key-escrowed encryption initiative applies the original escrow agents are both in the executive
separation of duties principle in storing escrowed branch—see discussion in chapter 4).
40 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Bob compares
the two digests.
Any difference
indicates that the
text was altered.
NOTE Different methods for generating and vertymg wgnatures (as m the federal Dlgltal Signature Standard) are possible Measures to protect
the signature and text may also be used
networks collective y amounts essentially to safe- ing and private transportation, for example, but
guarding the so-called information infrastructure. conflict with the interests of inner cities and public
An information infrastructure--for the pur- transportation.
poses of this discussion—is the collective set of In particular, very large cooperative networks
computer hardware and soft ware, data storage and are too large and diverse to have one explicit
generating equipment, abstract information and policy regarding safeguards; each stakeholder has
its applications, trained personnel, and intercon- particular objectives that determine its own ex-
nections between all of these components. 3031 An plicit or implicit policy. This is true for the Inter-
international information infrastructure already net, for example; according to Vinton Cerf,
exists; a user in one country can move data that is President of the Internet Society:
stored in another country to be used in a computer Among the lessons learned in the two de-
program in a third country.32 The infrastructure cades of research and development on the Inter-
includes the public-switched telephone network, net is the realization that security is not a
satellite and wireless networks, private networks, uniform requirement in all parts of the sys-
and the Internet and other computer and data net- tem. . . . These needs vary by application and
works. The infrastructure is continually and rapid- one conclusion is that no single security proce-
ly evolving as technology advances and as users dure, policy, or technology can be uniformly ap-
find new applications. plied throughout the Internet environment to
Individuals, corporations, governments, meet all its needs. 33 34
schools and universities, and others own compo- The information infrastructure and its
nents of the infrastructure, but no one owns or associated safeguards also cannot be built “from
controls it as a whole. Moreover, the numerous the ground up.” Instead, the infrastructure must be
stakeholders have diverse and often conflicting steered by its stakeholders—including users and
goals. The transportation infrastructure is similar: the federal government-by strengthening its
better freeways favor the interests of suburban liv- institutions and assuring that there are adequate
~~ There is n. single accepted defini[it)n of an informati(m infrastructure. See also U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessnlent, CrlrI-
cal Cmrnectlom: Communica/ion~br [he Fufwe, OTA-CIT-407 (Washingttm, DC: U.S. G(wemment Printing Office, January 1990), and insti-
tute for lnfomlatifm Studies, A Nat/onal lnff~rmatlon Ne~ork: Chan~lng Our LiIws in the 21.s1 Cent//ry (Queenstt)wn, MD: The Aspn Institute,
1992 ).
3 t me general infrastmcture discussed In [his chapter is distinguished from the Cllnttm Administration’s “National [nf(~rmation InfraSt~c-
ture” (N]]) irrjf~a~]}’e, which seeks m “prorw~te and support full development of each component [of the infrastructure].” See lnfom~atwn infra-
structure Task Force, The NuIIwa/ lnjornuuion Injraslruclure: Agenda jtir Action (Washington, DC: National Telecommunications and ln-
f(n-nlat[(m Adrninistrati(m, Sept. 15, 1993).
3Z me Euro Fan Union faces slml]ar issues and has, therefore, called for the “development of Strategies to enable the free nloven~en[ ‘)f
in f(mnati(m w]thln the single market while ensuring the security of the use of inf(mnati(m systems throughout [he Community.’” See Commis -
smn of the European C(mlmunlties, Dmctorate General X111: Telecommunications, lnfomlatt(m Market and Exploitation of Research, “Green
Book on the Security of lnfomla[mn Systems: Draft 4.0,” Oct. 18, 1993.
33 Vln[on G, Cerf Wesldent ]ntemet society, testimony, Hearing on ]nlernel Security, Subc(mlmittee on SCien~e, Conlnlittee on SCience,
Space, and Technology,” U.S. H(wse of Representatives, Mar. 22, 1994.
M ~e Natl{,na] 1nstltute ~) fstmdards and Technology” (NIST) pr(qx)sed a security policy for the National Research ~d Education Network
(NREN), however, where the NREN program was viewed as a steppingstone to deveh)pment of the broader information infrastructure. The
prop)sed ~)l]cy was approved by the Federal Networking Council. See Dennis K. Branstad, “NREN Security Issues: Policies and Technok)-
gies,”’ L’ompu[er Secw/fy.Journal, vol. IX, No. 1, pp. 61-71. See also Arthur E. Oldehoeft, lowa State University, ‘foundations of a Secur]ty
Pf)licy for Use of the Natifmal Research and Educational Nc[w[wk,” repro prepared for the Natmnal Institute {~f Standards and Technology
(Springfield, \’A Nati(mal Technical lnfomlati[m Service, February 1992).
The NREN is part of the High Perf{)mlance C(mlputing and Communicati(ms program. See U.S. C(mgress, Office of Techn{A)gy Assess-
ment, Ad\wnced Netwark Technology, OTA- BP-TCT- 10 I (Washingt(m, DC: U.S. Government Prtntlng Office, June 1993).
42 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Accounting practices and Institutions exist to protect traditional assets as information safeguards
and institutions protect information assets Modern accounting practices grew out of the catastrophic
stock market crash of 1929 and subsequent efforts to avoid government intervention by the Securities
and Exchange Commission In the late 1930s, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
moved to set accounting standards Changes in the financial markets in the 1960s led to the establish-
ment of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and other standards
Several parallels exist with the safeguarding of information assets, and also many differences The
parallels are summarized below
SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment, 1994, and National Research Council, Compu(ers at Safe Compulmg m (he ln-
forrnatIorI Age (Washington, DC Nat[onal Academy Press, 1991), p 280
Experts note that information is never ade- ket) or Congress (in the federal government). Un-
quately safeguarded unless the responsibility for fortunately, by that time it is too late to apply
information assets is placed directly on top man- safeguards to protect any information that was
agement, which can then assign the necessary re- lost, copied, or damaged.
sources and achieve consensus among diverse
participants within the organization. Information 9 Insurers and Disaster Recovery
security then becomes a financial control feature Services
subject to audit in the same manner as other con- Insurance helps spread and manage risk and there-
trol functions (see box 2-4).35 Responsibility fore, in principle, protect an organization’s in-
often may never be assigned in a particular corpo- formation assets from losses. Insurance policies
ration or agency, however, unless a catastrophe exist to protect against the loss of availability of
occurs that gains the attention of, for example, networks in a disaster, threats from computer vi-
stockholders (in a corporation or in the stock mar-
J5 For a description of how information” syst~ms are audi[ed and “[() assist management in evaluating c(M/txmefit consideration s,” see insti-
tute of Internal Auditors Research Ffmndation, S}sfem.y AwiJfatilJfy and Control Report (Orlando, FL: Institute of Internal Auditors, 1991).
44 I information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
ruses, toll fraud, or claims made by a third party as Ideally, broader insurance coverage for in-
a result of an error made by the organization. Us- formation assets may help stabilize the market-
ers can also purchase computer disaster recovery place by forcing policyowners to meet minimum
services that can restore services in the event that standards of due care or generally accepted prin-
the main computer center is incapacitated. Insur- ciples and to perform risk analyses. The under-
ance for information losses does not cover the writers could audit the policy owners to ensure that
great majority of security threats, however, in- they are following such methods. As more compa-
cluding losses arising from human or software nies buy insurance, the standards could become
errors from within the organization. Organiza- better developed, helping to improve the level of
tions must continue to self-insure against mone- safeguards overall. On the other hand, insurance
tary losses due to loss, theft, or exposure of can also lead policyholders to become less vigi-
networked information, using appropriate safe- lant and accept a level of risk that they would not
guards. 37 accept without insurance (the problem of moral
To justify a market for broader insurance cover- hazard). Insurance can also be expensive; invest-
age, risks must be assessable, the losses must be ing in personnel and technology may be a better
detectable and quantifiable, and the insurer must investment for many organizations.
have confidence that the insured is acting in good
faith to report all relevant information and is exer- 1 Vendors and Developers
cising reasonable care to avoid and mitigate Critics argue that vendors and others who develop
losses. Network security is a dynamic field, how- information products are primarily responsible
ever; losses are not necessarily detectable or quan- for many faults that appear in software or hard-
tifiable. The standards for due care and concepts ware executing in the user’s network. With great
of risk analysis for protecting networked informa- market pressure to continuously produce new and
tion also are not necessarily adequately developed higher performance software, designing in safe-
or dependable to allow insurance companies to guards and extensive quality testing take a lower
make underwriting decisions (see earlier discus- priority and may negatively impact functionality,
sion). 38 Moreover, insurance companies may seek
development cost, or compatibility with other
to protect themselves and price their policies too products. Software developers sell new software
high, reflecting their uncertainty about the magni- packages with few or no guarantees that the pro-
tude of losses, as well as their inability to verify grams are secure or free of undesirable character-
the safeguards undertaken. istics —some of which are intentionally built-in
Insurance companies are most likely to accom- for various reasons, and some of which are
modate risks to networked information into poli- unintentional (“bugs”). Moreover, the customer
cies by modifying traditional coverage, but these or client generally must pay for upgraded versions
risks are not always comparable with traditional that repair the “bugs” in original versions or add
risks such as the loss of availability from a natural new features such as security. Products are also
disaster. Information can be “stolen” without re- not necessarily shipped with security features al-
moving it from the premises, for example.
ready switched “on.” If products are not user- Vendors are currently restricted from export-
friendly or fully secure, users have no other choice ing certain encryption products without a license
except to write their own software, go without the granted by the State Department. The controlled
safeguards, or make do with what is available. The products are those that that the National Security
buyers cannot necessarily articulate what features Agency (NSA) deems “strong’ ’-impractically
they want, and the developers are ultimately re- difficult to decrypt should they be widely distrib-
sponsible for designing new and useful products. uted internationally. At one time, NSA was the
Given society’s growing dependence on net- source of almost all encryption technology in the
worked information, the question of the develop- United States, because of its role in signals intelli-
ers’ responsibilities for secure and safe products gence and securing classified information. How-
will be increasingly important in coming years. ever, encryption technology has moved beyond
This complex issue needs further attention, but is the national-security market into the commercial
outside the scope of this report.39 market. Today, therefore, U.S. intelligence and
Vendors and product developers often claim law-enforcement agencies are concerned about
that buyers do not strongly demand safeguards. In strong encryption incorporated into integrated
a very competitive market for software, safe- hardware and software products (including com-
guards often add development cost and may re- mercial, public-domain, and shareware products).
quire tradeoffs in functionality, compatibility, or Much of the controlled encryption is already
capacity for which users are not willing to sacri- available outside of the United States as stand-
fice. Indeed, buyers are often accustomed to think- alone products developed legally overseas (some-
ing of computers as isolated machines, and that times based on articles or books 41 legally
security violations “won’t happen to me. ” Users, exported overseas), or pirated, transported, or
therefore, often make computer operation simpler developed overseas illegally (e.g., infringing
by disabling the safeguards that are provided with patents; see discussion of export controls in chap-
the product. Users may not perceive that threats ter 4).
are real, may lack the expertise to use the products, Vendors argue that foreign companies can now
or may simply be willing to assume the associated produce and export many such products and will
risk. For whatever reason, the majority of safe- capture more of the market for safeguards.42
guard failures in information networks is attribut- Moreover, since security features are usually em-
able to human errors in implementation and bedded inside of other hardware and software
management of existing systems. 40
W Ross Anders(m, “why Cryptosysterns Fail,” Pnxeedings from the First ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
N(w. 5, 1993, Fairfax, VA, pp. 215-227.
~1 In one instance, [he author of a txN}k (m cryptography received permission tn export the book—including a printed appendix of source
c(xlc 1 ]stings t{) implement the algorithms and techniques described in the book-but was denied a license to export the same source code in
mach]ne-rcadahlc fore]. Bruce Schncier’s Ix)ok, App/ied CrJIptogr@ry (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994) explains what cryptography
can cI(J, In mmmathematlcal language; describes how to build cryptography into products; illustrates cryptographic techniques; evaluates algo-
rithms, and makes rcc(mmxndations on their quality. According to Schneier, the State Department granted export approval for the book (as a
publlca[ltm, pro[ected as free speech by the Constitution), but denied export approval for the source code disk. According k) Schneicr, this disk
cfmtalntxi, “line for line, the exact same source code listed in the hmk.”’ (Bruce Schneier, Counterpane S ysterns, Oak Park, IL, personal c(m]mu-
ntcati(m, July 1, 1994. )
~z u s House ~,f Repre~entatlves, Subconlnlittee (ln Ec(mt~mic Policy, Trade, and Environment, he~ing on encV’Pti~Jn e~po~ Contro[s*” ‘t”
I 2, 1993.
46 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
1 Standards-Setting Bodies
Standards used in this context are specifications
written or understood by formal or informal agree-
ments or consequences. Standards allow different
products to work together, making products and
services easier to use and less expensive and the
market more predictable for buyers. Standards are
particularly important in networks, since many
parties on the network must store and communi-
cate information using compatible formats and
“Clipper” Telephone Security Device (AT&T Surity 3600), procedures---called protocols. In small or closed
networks, all the users can employ the same pro-
products, foreign companies could capture more prietary equipment and protocols, but in large and
of the overall information technology market. On open networks this is impractical.
the other hand, buyers may not be demanding as An important area of standards-setting is in the
much encryption protection for confidentiality as protocols used to send messages between comput-
vendors claim. Further study into this issue is ers. The Internet largely uses formats built upon
needed to determine more fully the effects of ex- the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Proto-
port controls on the ability of vendors and devel- col (TCP/IP). Other protocols include the Open
opers to supply affordable and user-friendly Systems Interconnection (OSI) set.43 The proto-
safeguards (see chapter 4). col of one system does not necessarily work with
A number of important intellectual-property is- another system, and there is an effort to standard-
sues also have marked the industry, particularly ize or translate the various protocols so that com-
pertaining to cryptography and software (see the puters can all talk easily with one another. To
1992 OTA report Finding a Balance: Computer make this possible, some protocols may have to be
Software, Intellectual Property, and the Chal- abandoned, while others may be modified or
lenge of Technological Change for discussion of translated when necessary. Without appropriate
copyright and patent issues pertaining to software “placeholders” in currently developing protocol
and computer algorithms). Selected intellectual standards, it may be impossible in the future to set
property issues are discussed further in chapter 3. up and maintain desired network safeguards.
In summary, the dynamic technologies and Safeguards can be weakened as well as
markets that produced the Internet and a strong strengthened through the standards-setting proc-
networking and software industry in the United ess. Designers must often make compromises so
States have not consistently yielded products free that different protocols can work together. Main-
from defects or equipped with affordable, user- taining the safeguarding features is only one as-
-friendly safeguards. More study of software and pect of these modifications; other important
product quality and liability is needed to fully un-
derstand vendors’ responsibilities. More study is
4J See ISO/IEC 441nfomlat10n” ~(xessing Systems4Wn Systems Interconnection Reference Model—Part 2: Security Architecture,” IS(D
7498-2, 1988, and ~elated standards. See also the report of the Federal lntemetworking Requirements Panel (FIRP) established by NIST to
address short- and long-term issues of intemetworking and convergence of networking protocols. including the TCP/IP and 0S1 pmtoeol suites.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 147
features include user-friendliness, flexibility, tion safeguards. Standards are most effective
speed or capacity, and cost. when applied to relatively narrow, well-defined
The lack of any standards or too many stan- areas where there is a clear need for them. Policy-
dards, however, significantly limits the effective- makers and others must therefore consider care-
ness of many safeguards. In particular, safeguards fully the balance between setting de jure standards
that require each user of either end of a commu- versus allowing the market to diversify or drift to
nication to have compatible schemes—for send- its own de facto standards.
ing messages, for example, or encrypting and The National Institute of Standards and
decrypting telephone calls—benefit from the wid- Technology (NIST) in the Department of Com-
est possible distribution of that product so that the merce has a prominent role to work with these
users can communicate with more people. Even standards-setting bodies and also to develop Fed-
market-driven de facto standards, in such a case, eral Information Processing Standards (FIPS) for
are better than well-protected users who cannot use by the federal government and its contractors.
communicate with but a few other users because In particular, the Department of Commerce has re-
of a wide variety of incompatible standards. cently issued two controversial FIPS that involve
Standards are set through bodies such as the In- much larger debates over fundamental issues in-
ternet Engineering Task Force and the Internet Ar- volving export controls, national-security and
chitecture Board, the International Organization law-enforcement interests, and privacy—the Dig-
for Standardization (ISO)44 and the American Na- ital Signature Standard (DSS) and the Escrowed
tional Standards Institute (ANSI), the former Encryption Standard (EES). Broader efforts to
Comité Consultatif Internationale de Télégraphi- protect networked information will be frustrated
que et Téléphonique (CCITT),45 the European by cryptography-standards issues unless the proc-
Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), ess for establishing cryptography policy is clari-
the European Telecommunications Standards fied and improved (see chapter 4).
Institute (ETSI), the American Bankers Associa-
tion (ABA), and the Institute of Electrical and I Product Evaluations
Electronics Engineers (IEEE).% Product evaluations in general are intended to
In general, vendors in countries with markets help assure buyers that off-the-shelf computer and
and bodies that develop standards quickly can network equipment and soft ware meet contract re-
gain an advantage over vendors in other countries quirements and include certain acceptable safe-
lacking quality standards.47 Achieving the neces- guards free of defects. Even relatively simple
sary consensus for quality standards is particular- systems require that all but experts place a signifi-
ly difficult in the rapidly changing information cant amount of trust in products and their vendors.
industry, however, including the area of informa-
44 Al~() kn{)wn ~~ he @gmlsa[lon ]ntemationale de Normalisation, and the Intematit)nal Standards ~ganizatit)n.
4S l-he cc]~ (also ~a]led the [ntematlonal Televaph ~d Tele@[~ne c[~nsu]tative committee) has been reorganized in the [ntemational
Telecommunications Union (lTU) in its new Telecommunication Standardization Sector.
~ For fuflher infomatlon,” see wborah Russell and G.T. Gangemi, op. cit., footnote 6, chapter 2 and appendix D. For further information on
encryption standards, see Burt Kaliski, “A Survey of Encryption Standards,” IEEE Micro, Deeember 1993, pp. 74-81.
47 F(lr ~ ~)vemlew of ~enem] standards. setting Pmesses and options for improvement, see U.S. Congress, Office of Techn(~logy Assess-
ment, Global Standards; Building B/ocksfor theFuwre,OTA-TCT-512 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 1992). See
also David Landsbergen, “Establishing Telecommunications Standards: A Problem of Pmeedures and Values,” Informatiza[ion and the Pri\’ate
Sector, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 329-346. See also Carl F. Cargill, information Technology Standardization: Theory. Process, and Organizations (Bed-
ford. MA: Digital Press, 1989).
48 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Independent experts can evaluate these products lated “Rainbow Series” books. 51 An evacuation
against minimum qualifications and screen for de- refers here to the “assessment for conformance
fects, saving buyers the cost of errors that might with a pre-established metric, criteria, or stan-
result from making their own evaluations or from dard,” whereas an endorsement is an approval for
relying on the vendors. use. The NCSC makes these evaluations at no
Large user organizations are often capable of direct cost to vendors, but vendors must pay for
running benchmarks and other tests of functional considerable preparation and the process is often
specifications for their constituents. Within the slow. This process in turn adds delays for buyers,
federal government, the Department of the Trea- who must pay for the overall development cost.
sury evaluates products used for message authen- Critics claim that the process produces obsolete
tication for federal government financial products by the time the products are evaluated.
transactions, with input and testing services pro- The Orange Book also emphasizes access con-
vided by NSA and NIST. NIST validates products trol and confidentiality, and not other features
that incorporate the Data Encryption Standard such as integrity or availability more relevant to
(DES) and other FIPS. NSA provides several ser- industry, civilian agencies, or individuals. This
vices: endorsements of cryptographic products for emphasis is a direct result of the Orange Book’s
use by government agencies only; approvals of Department of Defense history; applications in-
“protected network services” from telecommu- volving classified information and national secu-
nications providers; a list of preferred and en- rity require trusted systems that emphasize
dorsed products and test services for TEMPEST confidentiality. Critics claim that this emphasis is
equipment; a list of degaussers (tools that de- too slow to change and perpetuates an obsolete ap-
magnetize magnetic media) that meet government proach. Some also claim that the rating of the eval-
specifications; and the assignment of trust levels uated product should pertain to its condition “out
to “computer systems, software, and compo- of the box,” not after the security features have
nents” 49 (through the National Computer Securi- been switched on by a security professional.
ty Center or NCSC 50). To attempt to meet the needs of other buyers,
In the last case, the NCSC evaluates products NIST is developing a complementary process that
against the Trusted Computer Security Evaluation would delegate evaluations of lower level security
Criteria (TCSEC—the “Orange Book”) and its re-
~ The U.S. government established the TEMPEST program in the 1950s to eliminate compromising electromagnetic emanations fr~)m
electronic equipment, including computers. Without such protection, an adversary may detect faint emanations (including noise) from outside
the room or building in which the user is operating the computer, and use the emanations to rcconstmct information. TEMPEST products are
used almost exclusively to protect classified information.
49 National Secufity Agency, lnfo~ation Systems Security organization, /nformafion ~ysfenls ~ecurify ~dUCIS dd ~er~’i(’es cafai~~
(Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994), p. vii. The word systems often appears in this context but is misleading; the trust
levels are actually assigned to products. See the discussion below on certification and accreditation.
some National Computer Securiv Center was established from the Department of Defense Computer Security Initiative, which in turn was
a response to identified security weaknesses in computers sold to the Department of Defense.
5 I S() called ~ause each &X)k is named after the color of its cover. The first in the series is the Orange Book. See U.S. Department of De-
fense, DOD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), DOD 5200.28-STD (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office,
December 1985). The Orange Book is interpreted for networked applications in the “Red Bfx}k.” See National Computer Security Center,
NCSC 7’rus/ed Netw’ork In/erpre/ation, NCSC-TG-005 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1987). See also the “Yellow
Book”: National Computer Security Center, Technical Rationale Behind CSC-STD-003-85: Computer Security Requirements-Guidance for
Applying the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria in Specific Environments, CSC-STD-004-8 (Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Oflice, June 25, 1985).
5’2 Nationa] Security Agency, op. cit., footnote 49, pp. 4-28,4-29.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 149
products to third parties certified by the U.S. gov- plication. The ITSEC was developed by France,
ernment. This program, the Trusted Technology Germany, the Netherlands, and the United King-
Assessment Program (TTAP), is under develop- dom and was published in 1991. 54
ment and would be managed by NIST. The evalu- The differing European and U.S. criteria split
ators could charge for the evaluations, but would the market for vendors, making products more ex-
compete to provide timely and inexpensive ser- pensive to develop and test, and possibly driving
vice. The overall cost might be lower, and prod- out some vendors. NIST and NSA, therefore, pro-
ucts may be brought to market more quickly. This posed anew set of criteria to promote international
process resembles the Commercially-Licensed harmonization of criteria as well as improve the
Evaluation Facilities (CLEF) program currently existing Rainbow Series criteria, and to address
in use in the United Kingdom. better commercial requirements. A draft of these
Another alternative suggested by NIST is to al- proposed “Federal Criteria” was published in De-
low the vendors to validate claims on their own cember 1992 and received comment throughout
products for low-level security applications. This 1993. 55
strategy could exist on its own or coexist with the NIST and NSA have since subsumed this proj-
TTAP described above. The vendors would be ect to work with the European Community and
guided by using criteria and quality control tests Canada toward an international standard—the
built into the development process. While this al- Common Information Technology Security Crite-
ternative may be acceptable in many cases, an in- ria, or draft “Common Criteria’ ’-expected in
dependent evaluation using personnel not 1994. The Common Criteria would incorporate
employed by the vendor may be preferable.53 the experience gained from the existing U.S.
In these or other alternatives, evaluators could Rainbow Series (and the comments received on
work on their own to develop new criteria. If too the draft Federal Criteria), the European ITSEC,
many differing criteria are developed for evaluat- and the Canadian Trusted Computer Product
ing products, however, the market could be frag- Evaluation Criteria.
mented and vendors may be forced to develop and However, the resolution of an international
market many different products. Such fragmenta- agreement is not final. The proposal has met criti-
tion adds to cost, delays, and confusion for the cism for not incorporating foreign participation
buyer, defeating the purpose of the evaluations. In from Japan, Australia, and other countries. Critics
practice, relatively few sets of criteria may be also claim there is not enough participation from
widely used. the private sector and that the intelligence sector,
Meanwhile, the European Community follows therefore, will drive any agreement too much to-
its own product evaluation standard called the In- ward protecting confidentiality rather than em-
formation Technology Security Evaluation Crite- phasizing other important features of safeguards.
ria (ITSEC) or Europe’s “White Book.” These Even if agreement were completed, products that
criteria are based in part on the U.S. Rainbow Se- meet the Common Criteria will not be evaluated
ries as well as earlier European standards. The IT- immediately as vendors must first interpret the
SEC is less hierarchical and defines different
categories of requirements depending on the ap-
new criteria and then evaluate existing products or come increasingly important to develop meth-
develop new ones. odologies for ascertaining the security of
The trusted product evaluation process is not networked systems, not just evaluations for indi-
and will not soon be effective for delivering prod- vidual computers. Product evaluations are not
ucts that adequately protect networked informa- applicable to whole systems in general, and as
tion. Alternatives to the current approach appear “open systems” that can be interconnected rela-
tively easily become more the rule, the need for
promising, however, including (but not limited to)
system security evaluation, as distinct from
NIST’s proposed Trusted Technology Assess-
product evaluation, will become even more crit-
ment Program. ical. 5 7
DOD examines systems—a process called cer-
9 System Certifications and tification--to technically assess the appropriate-
Accreditations ness of a particular system to process information
The evaluations described above evaluate prod- of a specific sensitivity in its real-world environ-
ucts but not systems. A product can be defined as ment.58 A DOD certification is thus an analysis re-
an off-the-shelf hardware or software product that lated to the system requirements. 59 T h e
can be used in a variety of operating environ- subsequent step of accreditation refers to the for-
ments. A system, on the other hand, is designed for mal approval by a designated authority to use the
a specific user and operating environment. “The system in that particular environment. The accred-
system has a real world environment and is sub- itation should take account of the results of the
ject to real world threats. In the case of a product, certification, but may not necessarily reflect it; the
only general assumptions can be made about its accreditation also takes account of nontechnical
operating environment and it is up to the user, (business and political) considerations and is the
when incorporating the product into a real world
ultimate decision regarding the system.
system, to make sure that these assumptions are
Certification attempts to encompass a systems
consistent with the environment of that sys- approach to security and is a much more complex
tem.” 56 Product evaluations alone can overesti-
process than product evaluation. The National Re-
mate the level of security for some applications, or
search Council noted that
if the product is not implemented correctly in the
system. . . . Unfortunately, the certification process
tends to be more subjective and less technically
Increasingly, computers are becoming con- rigorous than the product evaluation process,
nected via networks and are being organized
Certification of systems historically preceded
into distributed systems, In such environments a
Orange Book-style product evaluation, and cer-
much more thorough system security analysis is
tification criteria are typically less uniform, that
required, and the product rating associated with
is, varying from agency to agency. . 60
each of the individual computers is in no way a
sufficient basis for evaluating the security of the The report goes on to recommend that a set of
system as a whole. This suggests that it will be- generally accepted principles include guidelines
● *to institute more objective, uniform, rigorous ciples and several measures to implement them.
standards for system certification.” These prin- The guidelines are intended to serve as a frame-
ciples are currently under development (see the work for both the private and public sectors.63 64
following section). The Information Systems Security Association
(ISSA) is in the process of developing a compre-
1 Generally Accepted Practices and hensive set of Generally Accepted System Securi-
Principles ty Principles (GSSPs) for professionals and
Generally accepted practices can be documented information-technology product developers to
and adopted to help guide information security follow. The ISSA effort includes members from
professionals and vendors. These practices would the federal government (through NIST), and rep-
act much as Generally Accepted Accounting Prin- resentatives from Canada, Mexico, Japan, the Eu-
ciples standardize practices for accountants (see ropean Community, and industry. The Clinton
box 2-4). Such practices could help advance pro- Administration has also supported NIST’s efforts
fessional examinations; provide standards of due in GSSPs in its National Performance Review.65
care to guide users, managers, and insurance com- The success of these principles, when completed,
panies; and give vendors design targets. To be will depend on their speedy adoption by govern-
comprehensive, however, the generally accepted ment, industry, and educational institutions.
practices must be defined at several levels of de- The ISSA has divided the principles into two
tail, and different sets of standards would apply to sets. The first-the Information Security Profes-
different users and applications. The establish- sional GSSPs—is aimed at professionals, includ-
ment of generally accepted principles was sug- ing managers, developers, users, and auditors and
gested by the National Research Council in certifiers of users. The second group--the GSSPs
1991. 61 for Hardware and Software Information Prod-
The Institute of Internal Auditors has a docu- ucts—is aimed at products and the auditors and
ment "intended to assist management in evaluat- certifiers of products. Each of these sets of GSSPs
ing cost/benefit considerations” as well as to has a three-tier hierarchy of pervasive principles,
“[p]rovide internal audit and information systems broad operating/functional principles, and de-
practitioners with specific guidelines and techni- tailed security principles.
cal reference material to facilitate the implementa- The pervasive principles adapt and expand on
tion and verification of appropriate controls.”62 the OECD principles described above. The broad
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and operating/functional principles are more specific
Development (OECD) has developed general and are based on many documents such as the
guidelines to help member countries in informa- NSA Rainbow Series, FIPS, Electronic Data
tion-security issues. The guidelines were adopted Processing Auditor’s Association Control Prin-
in 1992 by the OECD Council and the 24 member ciples, and the United Kingdom’s Code of Prac-
nations. These guidelines list nine general prin- tice for Information Security Management.66 The
6’ ltd.
‘z See lnstltutc of lntcmal Auchtc)rs Research Ftmndati(m, op. cit., fmmmtc 35, pp. 1-4 U) I -6.
~? (Irgmlza(ion for Econ{)nllc C()()Fratl()n and ~vel(~pment, lnfm-rnation, C~~mputer, and Cmmnunicati(ms p(~l icy con~mltlec, ‘“Guld~-
llncs for the Security of lnf(mnati(m Systems,” Paris, November 1992.
ti me United Nations has re]atlve]y sP>clfic guidelines for its organizations. See United Nati(ms, op. ~lt., f(M~tn~)t~ 1.
~~ of fIce of the Vice ~~sldent, Accon~panylng RcpJti of the Nati(mal Perfommnce Review’, Rccngirrccrln,? ~’hrollgh /~fOrmdlO~ Tc(~IwIo-
RI (Washingt(m, DC U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1993).
M Dcpaflnlent of Trade and ]ndus[~. A <’odP o~prac[lcp]i)r ]nfornlafion .!i’c’l~rit>’ Mmroxcnwnl, 1993.
52 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
detailed principles address the practical applica- tified Computer Programmer, and the Certified
tion of the other principles, and are expected to Data Processor (all from the Institute for Certifica-
change frequently to stay current with evolving tion of Computer Professionals, or ICCP), and the
threats. The detailed principles will include step- Certified Information Systems Auditor (from the
by-step procedures of common security tasks, Electronic Data Processing Auditors Associa-
prevalent practices, and so forth.67 tion). The Systems Security Examination of the
Generally accepted principles have strategic ICCP allows professionals with diverse responsi-
importance to other aspects of networked in- bilities to have a certification that includes in-
formation, such as for establishing due care guide- formation safeguards.69 These organizations have
lines for cost-justifying safeguards, as targets for extended or have proposed extending existing cer-
training and professional certification programs, tifications to include information security, but
and as targets for insurance coverage. The current none focus directly on it.
effort in GSSP will not produce immediate re- The International Information Systems Securi-
sults, but the effort is overdue and OTA found ty Certification Consortium (ISC2) is developing
wide support for its mission. an information security certification in coopera-
tion with the federal government (through NIST
I Professional Organizations and and NSA), the Canadian government, Idaho State
Examinations University, the Data Processing Management
The educational and career paths for information- Association, Electronic Data Processing Auditors
security practitioners and managers are not so ma- Association, the Information Systems Security
ture as in other fields, such as accounting or law. Association, the International Federation for In-
The field could benefit from the professional de- formation Processing, the Canadian Information
velopment of security practitioners and managers. Processing Society, the Computer Security Insti-
Security professionals enter the field from widely tute, and others. The consortium expects to ex-
diverse disciplines, and managers cannot neces- amine about 1,500 professionals per year up to an
sarily compare the expertise of applicants seeking ongoing pool of about 15,000 certified profes-
positions as security professionals. Professional sionals. 70
recognition credits individuals who show initia- Efforts to “professionalize” the information se-
tive and perform well against a known standard. curity field are important steps, but will not pro-
University computer science departments lack duce significant results for some time. Their
programs specializing in information safeguards; success is also related to the success of Generally
but professional examinations provide a target for Accepted System Security Principles and their
institutions that graduate computer scientists or adoption in industry and government. It is unclear
provide continuing education in safeguards. whether professional examinations and certifica-
Certifications 68 in other fields of computing in- tions will ever have a strong impact in an industry
clude the Certified Systems Professional, the Cer- that is as dynamic and evolutionary as information
67 1nfomatlon” Sys[enls Security Association, Inc., GSSP Committee, “First Draft of the Generail y Accepted System Secunt y Principles,”
Sept. 22, 1993.
@me ~~er ce~ification concept here is distinct from the sysfem certification and accreditation, and the key certification concepts discussed
in other sections.
69 Corey D. Sch{)u, WI. Vlc$ Mac~nachy, F. Lynn McNulty, and Anhur C’hantker, “lnforrnation security Professtona]lsnl for the 1 ~’s,”
Compuler Security Journa/, vol. 1X, No. 1, p. 27. See also Institute for Certification of Computer Rofessionals, ‘The Systems Security Ex-
amination of the Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals (ICCP),” Computer Security Journal, vol. VI, No. 2, p. 79.
To phllip E. Fites, “computer Security Rofessional Cefilficatkln,” Computer Security Journal, wI. V, No, 2, p. 75.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 153
networking. Engineers in the information indus- able for small networks, they are unwieldy for
try, for example, have not widely adopted the li- large networks and electronic commerce where
censing of professional engineers. Engineering keys must be changed often over long distances
examinations and licenses are more effective in and between parties that have never met.
relatively stable fields, such as the construction Instead, experts envision broader use of elec-
and oil industries. Examinations and certifica- tronic commerce and other transactions by devel-
tions are also effective, however, where liability oping trusted electronic systems for distributing
and the protection of assets is involved, as in ac- and managing keys electronically. In order for the
counting and construction. users to trust the keys they receive, some party
must take responsibility for their accuracy. One
1 Public-Key Infrastructure way to do this is to embed each user’s key in a digi-
Information networks must include important tally signed message (certificate) signed by a
clearinghouse and assurance functions if electron- trusted third party. The two parties then authenti-
ic commerce and other transactions are to be more cate each other with the public keys and proceed
widespread and efficient (see chapter 3). 71 These with their communications (see box 2-5).
functions include the exchange of cryptographic The trusted third party is often referred to as a
keys between interested parties to authenticate certification authority (CA), and plays an impor-
each party, protect the confidentiality and/or the tant role in these electronic commerce transac-
integrity of the information, and control a copy- tions. 74 The CA confirms the identity of each
right (see box 2-3).72 In all cases, the two commu- party at the beginning of the process, and presents
nicating parties must share at least one key before the user with a certificate (signed by a digital sig-
any other transactions can proceed—if only to nature) with the user’s public key. 75 The CA also
transmit other keys for various purposes. A means keeps a record of invalidated certificates; a user
to do this efficiently is called a public-key infra- can check another user’s certificate to see if it ex-
structure. pired or was otherwise invalidated. The CA could
Each party could generate its own key pair and also act as a notary public to certify that an action
exchange public keys between themselves, or occurred on a certain date,76 act as an archive to
publish its public keys in a directory. 73 A key-dis- store a secure version of a document, or may be
tribution center can also distribute public keys associated with key distribution, although other
electronically over a network, or physically trans- entities could also manage such functions.
port them. While manual techniques are accept-
T I 1mP)~an[ c]earinght)use functions include matching buyers to sellers, exchanging electronic mail, clearing payments, and so fofih. See
Michael S. Baum and Henry H. Perritt, .Jr., Elecu-onic Conh-acling, Publishing, and EDl Law (New York, NY: Wiley Law publications, 1991 ).
See also U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Electronic Enterprise: Looking to Ihe Future, OTA-TCT-600 (Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, May 1994).
Z? see t he Jol,rno[ ~fthc /nterac.tlLte Ml(litmedla Association [nlel[eetual P r o p e r t y prOJeCt, vol. 1, N(). 1 ( A n n a @ i s
medla Association, January 1994).
73 M~)me GassCr, op. Cl[., footnote 6, pp. 258-260. See also Walter Funly ~d peter J-andr~~k) “Principles of Key Management,” /EEE./our-
nal on Selected Areas in Comrnunlcations, vol. 1 I, No. 5, June 1993, pp. 785-793.
74 me ~e) ~efil~catlon concept here is distinc[ from [he system certification and accreditation, and the user exanlinati(m and ceflificati(~n
c[mcepts discussed m other sections.
7S see the explmatlon in Stephen T. Kent, “In(emet ~vacy Enhanced Mail,” Comnl~~niCa(j~n$ ~j’[he ACM, vOI. 36, N(). 8, AUgUSt 1993, pp.
76 Barry Cipra, “Electr(mic Time-Stamping: The N(xary pub] ic Goes Digi(al”’ and “All the Hash That Fit T(J print,” Science, vol. 261, July
9, 1993, pp. 162- 16~.
54 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Whenever messages are encrypted in a network, there must be a method to safely exchange cryp-
tographic keys between any two parties on a regular basis Two public-key methods described here
allow frequent electronic key exchanges without allowing an eavesdropper to intercept the key.
In the “key transport” or “key distribution” method, a user (Carol) generates a session key, and en-
crypts it with the other user’s (Ted’s) public key (see figure 2-4) Carol then sends the encrypted session
key to Ted, and Ted decrypts it with his private key to reveal the session key
To protect against fake or Invalid public keys, a party can send his or her public key in a certificate
digitally signed by a certification authority (CA) according to its standard policy. If the other party
doubts the certificate’s validity, it could use the CA’s public key to confirm the certificate’s validity It also
could check the certificate against a “hot list” of revoked certificates and contact the CA for an updated
In the Diffie-Hellman method, i each party (Alice and Bob) first generates his or her own private key
(see figure 2-5) From the private key, each calculates a related public key The calculation is one-
way—the private key cannot be deduced from the public key Alice and Bob then exchange the public
keys, perhaps through a clearinghouse that facilitates the operation
Alice then can generate a whole new key—the session key—by combining Bob's public key with
Alice’s own private key Interestingly, due to the mathematical nature of this system, Bob obtains the
same session key when he combines Alice’s public key with his private key An eavesdropper cannot
obtain the session key, since he or she has no access to either of Alice or Bob’s private keys
t W Dlffle and M E Hellman, “New Dlrectlons m Cryptography, ” /EEE Trarwactlons on /rr~orrnat/on Theory, VOI 22, 1976, pp
2 [n the Dlffle. Hellman technique, the publlc I:ey (y) IS based on the exponentlatlon of a parameter with x, where x IS the random
prwate key The exponentlatlon of even a large number IS a relatwelyeasycalculahon compared with the reverse operatlonof fmdmg
the logarithm of y
3 Uslng the Dlffle-Hellman technique, onepartyexponentiates the other’s publlc key (Y) with hls or her Pwate key (x) The result Is
the same for both parties duetothe properhes of exponents The reverse operatlonoffmdmg the Ioganthm usmgonlythe pubhckeys
and other publlcly available parameters appears to be computatlonally retractable
The two parties in a transaction might have dif- Net prototype, for example, will use public keys --
ferent CAs depending on their location, function, certified through existing and future authorities .77
and so forth. Each CA would then have to assure “Value-added” telecommunication providers al-
itself its underlying security policy assumptions ready perform several electronic data interchange
are not violated when handing off from one inter- (EDI) services such as archiving, postmarking,
mediary to another. To do this, each CA would acknowledging receipt, and assuring interoper-
confirm that each other CA was authentic, and that ability with other value-added carriers. Such carri-
the other CAs’ policies for user authentication ers typically concentrate in one business sector
were adequate. but could, in principle, expand to provide services
Certification authorities have been established to a larger and more diverse market. Banks also
for use with Internet Privacy-Enhanced Mail and have experience with storing valuable documents
other functions. The recently formed Commerce-
77 For ~ descrlp[lon of ConlnlerceNet, SeC John W. Verity, “’Truck Lanes for’ the Info Highway,” Business Week, Apr. I g, 1 ~Q, PP. I I z- I I Q.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 155
NOTE Securty depends on the secrecy of the session key and private keys, as well as the authentlclfy of the public keys
(e.g., in safe deposit boxes), selling checks backed themselves at a Post Office in the same manner
by their own funds, fulfilling conditions under that identification for passports is accomplished
trust agreements, and employing individuals who today. The certificates would be available online
act as notaries public. Such experience could also through existing networks such as the Internet and
be extended to electronic commerce to act as CAs would be authenticated with a Postal Service pub-
or to perform other functions. lic key. Additional transaction services would be
The U.S. Postal Service has proposed that it provided for time and date stamping and archiv-
also become a certification authority.78 Those de- ing, all authenticated with the Postal Service
siring distribution of public keys would identify
78 Mitre Corp., “Public Key Infrastructure Study,” contractor report prepared for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, April
56 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Alice Bob
public key.79 Proponents point out that the Postal development of a public-key infrastructure,
Service is already trusted with important docu- Which, in turn, is strategic to electronic commerce
ments and is widely located. Critics note that al- and to networked information in general (see
though it provides certified mail services, the chapter 3). Current proposals for a public-key in-
Postal Service has no real experience in electronic frastructure need further pilot testing, develop-
commerce; important details remain to be re- ment, and review, however, before successful
solved regarding liability and accountability. results can be expected.
The establishment of a system of certification
authorities and legal standards is essential for the
79 Richard R(J~~el], Technology” Applications, U.S. Postal ServiCe, ~rSOna] communication, June 1 j, 1994.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 157
80 In ] ~x~ the nlllltav Conlnlunlcatlons” pan of tie original ARPANET (sponstmd by the Ad\ anced Research pr~~~’cts Agcnc>f in the ~’-
partnwnt of Defense) was spl I( off [(l f(mn the MI LNET. The remaining part of the ARPANET was dec(mlmissi(med in 1990, but Its functitma] it}
c(mtinuwl under the Natl{mal Science Ftwndation’s NSFNET, which in turn became a prominent backhme of what is called t(day the tn(emet.
~ I ~e of Energy ‘S Energy science Netwt~rk (13net) includes a bachb(me and many smaller networks that are ail c(mnected tc~
the Internet. slrnilar to the operati~m of the National Science F(~undatitm’s NSFNET, and the Nati(mal Aer(mautics and Space Adrninlstratl{m’s
Science Internet (NS[).
~~ L Daln Gary, Manager,
Computer Emergency Resp~nsc Team C()(mllnati(m Center, testirmmy before the Htmse Subc(~mmittce tm Sci-
ence, Mar. 22, 1994.
8 I ~f~ce ,)f the Vice ~eslden[, (Ip. cit., f(mtnote 65.
58 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
must be trusted not to wrongly copy, modify, or the advisory panel for this study why it is so diffi-
cult to safeguard networked information, There
delete files. Auditing and other security features
are many reasons; many of them are discussed
do not always catch violations by trusted person-
in detail in this report, Here is a sample of the
nel, or may not act as a deterrent. The security of
panelists’ responses:
any system will always require that its users act in
an ethical and legal manner, much as traffic safety ■ Safeguards involve a tradeoff with cost and util-
requires that drivers obey traffic laws, although in ity (However, the alternative-not using safe-
practice they often do not (see box 2-6). guards-can have catastrophic consequences
Ethical and legal use of computers and in- and cost much more than the safeguards!)
formation is not clearly defined, however. Com- ■ Successes in safeguarding information rarely
puter networks are entirely new media that produce measurable results, and successful
challenge traditional views of ownership of in- managers are poorly rewarded, Failures can
formation, liability, and privacy (see chapter 3). produce sensational results and managers are
Who is or who should be liable if a computer sys- put on the defensive.
tem fails, or if an “expert” computer program ■ Information is abstract, its value is only now be-
makes a poor decision? When can or when should coming understood, Information cannot be
employers or the government be able to monitor seen, and losses or disclosures can go unde-
employees and citizens? When is or when should tected.
the copying of computer software be illegal? For m The user is often trusted to protect information
these and other issues, it is not always clear when that does he or she does not “own,”
society should extend traditional (paper-based) ● Information safeguards are relatively new and
models to networks, and when society should de- must evolve with the rapidly changing informa-
vise new rules for net works where they seem nec- tion industry.
essary.84 Should ethics--and the laws based on SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment, 1994
ethics—be rule-based or character-based, or based I
Ethical questions also extend to what consti- from users, but recent events indicate a desire on
tutes proper behavior or acceptable use on public- the part of some to change this tradition. Now that
ly available networks. As the Internet reaches more commercial enterprises are attaching to the
more people, commercial enterprises are explor- Internet and the “backbones” for the large part are
ing it for uses other than education and research. removed from the oversight of the National Sci-
Using the Internet for unsolicited commercial ence Foundation, the old rules for acceptable use
promotions has historically met great opposition of the Internet could change.85 Who defines ac-
8Lt Tom Fore~ter and peq MiJrn~Jn, Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales andEthicalDiiemmas in cbrnpuliq? (Cambridge, MAI MIT ~ess?
85 Users are expected to use the federally subsidized portions of the Internet-such as the NSFNET backbone+mly for nonprofit resealch
or education purposes. This policy is called the Acceptable Use Policy, analogous to acceptable practices used in amateur radio. Those portions
not subsidized by the federal government have no such restrictions, but a user culture exists that discourages use of the Internet for unsolicited
electronic mail and other uses. The Coalition for Networked Information is expected to adopt guidelines to acceptable advertising practices on
the Internet. Ethical principles endorsed by the Internet Activities Board are listed in Vint Cerf, “Ethics and the Internet,” Communications ofrhe
ACM, vol. 32, No. 6, June 1989, p. 710.
ceptable use and proper etiquette? What is the bal- ly to protect the network, or whether they act as
ance between threatening or misleading behavior bystanders who lack the motivation, capability, or
and free speech? What new practices might be responsibility to work cooperatively. 87
necessary to control fraud? User education, therefore, requires progressive
Experts note that users generally want to know approaches to steer the group behavior to be sup-
where the line is drawn regarding ethical use of in- portive and participatory.88 Such approaches in-
formation, and may only need some simple but elude using realistic examples and clearly written
memorable guidelines. For example, relatively policies and procedures, and emphasizing im-
few users probably know what constitutes fair use provements rather than failures. Management
of copyrighted information, but would appreciate should seek to inspire a commitment on the part
knowing what they can legally copy and what they of employees rather than simply describing poli-
cannot. Children are taught early on that writing cies, and it should conduct open and constructive
in library books is an unethical practice; straight- discussions of safeguards rather than one-sided
forward, ethical computer practices can also be diatribes. Security managers should build on one-
taught to children at an early age. Training in the to-one discussions before presenting issues at a
workplace also can help users to understand ethi- meeting, and monitor more close] y the acceptance
cal principles, but such programs are only effec- of policies and practices by “outliers’’--em-
tive if they are well-developed, do not appear ployees who are the most or least popular in the
superficial or insincere, and are repeated. 86 group-since they are less likely to comply with
Group behavior is particularly important since the group behavior.
groups of users do not necessarily behave in the The Computer Ethics Institute was created in
same manner as individuals. Even relatively se- 1985 to advance the identification and education
cure networks rely on the cooperation of users to of ethical principles in computing, and sponsors
alert system managers to problems or threats. A conferences and publications on the subject.
strategic employee who never takes a vacation, for Groups such as the Federal Information Systems
example, may be a worker who cannot leave work Security Educators’ Association and NSA are also
for a single day without risk of becoming discov- working to produce curricula and training materi-
ered in a security violation. An unannounced als. The National Conference of Lawyers and Sci-
change in a program’s operation may indicate that entists (NCLS) is convening a series of two
it has been altered. Fellow users can note this and conferences on legal, ethical, and technological
other unusual net work behavior that may signal an aspects of computer and network use and abuse
intruder in the system, a virus that is taxing net- and the kinds of ethical, legal, and administrative
work resources, or a design fault. “Just as deper- frameworks that should be constructed for the
sonalized ‘renewed’ cities of high-rises and global information infrastructure.89 A consortium
doormen sacrifice the safety provided by obser- of private- and public-sector groups recently an-
vant neighbors in earlier, apparently chaotic, gos- nounced a National Computer Ethics and Respon-
sip-ridden, ethnic neighborhoods,” group sibilities Campaign to raise public awareness of
behavior determines whether users work positive-
87 lb[(i., p. 164.
88 M .E. Kahay “S(xlal psych(~](~g~ and Inft)sec psych(~-s(~ial Factors in the ]n]p]ell]cntath)n of !nf(~mlallf~n s~tllrlt>’ pt)liCy,”’ f’ro~”cedln,~~
oj”the 16!h Notional Computer .Securlry Conjcrence (Baltlm(m, MD: Sept. 20-23, 1993), p. 274.
89 Na(ional conference of Lawyers and sCl~ntlStS, “Pr(Npcctus: NCLS C~mfmtmces (m Legal, Ethical, and Tcchnt~lt~glcal Aspects t~f C’(m~-
puter and Network Use and Abuse,” Irvine, CA, December 1993.
60 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
the social and economic costs of computer-related “cracker.” Violators may perceive that detection is
crimes and unethical behaviors and to promote re- rare, that they are acting within the law (if not ethi-
sponsible computer and network usage. cally), and that they are safely far from the scene
The promulgation of ethical principles in com- of the crime. Also, some crackers who were
puter networks has heretofore received relatively caught intruding into systems have sold their
little attention, and would benefit from broader skills as security experts, reinforcing the image
support from schools, industry, government, and that violators of security are not punished. Many
the media. With the rapid expansion of the net- of these insiders might be deterred from exploit-
worked society, there is a great need to support ing certain opportunities if penalties were en-
reevaluation of fundamental ethical principles— forced or made more severe.
work that is current] y receiving too little attention. It is not clear, however, that increasing criminal
More resources also could be applied to study and penalties necessarily results in less computer
improve the methods and materials used in teach- crime or in more prosecutions. Considerable leg-
ing ethical use of networked information, so that islation exists to penalize computer crimes. but
more effective packages are available to schools criminals are difficult to identify and prosecute.
and organizations that train users. Finally, more Law-enforcement agencies lack the resources to
resources could be devoted to ethical education investigate all the reported cases of misconduct,
for all types of users—including federal em- and their expertise generally lags that of the more
ployees, students, and the public at large. expert users. In some cases where alleged viola-
tors were arrested, the evidence was insufficient or
1 Legal Sanctions and Law Enforcement improperly obtained, leading to an impression
The rapid pace of technological change challenges that convictions for many computer crimes are
criminal and liability laws and regulations that difficult to obtain. Better training of law-enforce-
were conceived in a paper-based society (see also ment officers at the federal, state, and local levels,
chapter 3).90 An error, an insider violation, or an and more rigorous criminal investigations and en-
attack from outside can debilitate an organization forcement of existing laws maybe more effective
in many cases, as can the obstruction of regular than new laws to strengthen sanctions against vio-
business from an improperly executed law-en- lators.91
forcement action. Computer cracking and other Organizations for their part can also clarify in-
malicious behavior is likely to increase, and the ternal rules regarding use of networked informa-
perpetrators are likely to become more profession- tion, based on the organization’s security policy.
al as the Internet and other components of the in- The organization can use intrusion detection and
frastructure mature. Safeguards may become other tools to identify misconduct and apply its
more widespread, but the payoffs will also in- own sanctions in cases where sufficient evidence
crease for those who seek to exploit the infrastruc- is discovered. The monitoring of employees raises
ture’s weaknesses. questions of privacy, however, with some em-
However, misconduct or criminal behavior ployers preferring to warn employees when they
may arise most from opportunities presented to are monitoring them or obtaining written permis-
otherwise loyal employees who do not necessarily sion beforehand. Some security professionals
have significant expertise, rather than from the claim the need for an escrowed key in the hands
stereotypical anti-establishment and expert of the organization’s security officers (in place of
w see Ian Walden, ~~]nfomlatlon” securl~ and he Law,”’ in Irijiirma(ion Security Handbook, William Caelli, ~nnis LOngiey, ~d Michael
Shain (eds.) (New York, NY: Stockton Press, 1991), ch. 5.
91 F{~~ a review of s~cific examples, see Bruce Sterling, The Hacker Crackdown (New York, NY: Bantam Bt~ks, 1992).
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 161
or in addition to safekeeping by law-enforcement receives policy direction directly from the Presi-
officials). In case of an investigation, the security dent and the National Security Council, but is
officers could use the escrowed key, but all other managed through the Department of Defense and
employees would be exempt from random moni- includes member organizations from many other
toring. 92 federal agencies. NSTAC was established during
Criminal and civil sanctions constitute only the Reagan Administration to advise the President
one aspect of safeguarding networked informa- on national-security and emergency-preparedness
tion. Further study is needed to determine the ef- issues, and is composed of presidents and chief
fectiveness of such sanctions, as opposed to executive officers of major telecommunica-
improving the effectiveness of federal, state, and tions and defense-information-systems compa-
local law-enforcement agencies to act on existing nies. NSTAC works closely with NCS.
laws. The FCC plays a strong role in reliability and
privacy issues regarding the public-switched tele-
i Regulatory Bodies phone network. The Network Reliability Council
Given the fragmentation of the telecommunica- was established in 1992 by the FCC to provide it
tions industry and other developments in the last advice that will help prevent and minimize the im-
decade, existing federal oversight over telecom- pact of public telephone outages. It is composed
munications is less comprehensive than in the of chief executive officers from telephone compa-
past. Many modem telecommunications provid- nies, representatives from state regulatory agen-
ers such as value-added carriers and Internet pro- cies, equipment suppliers, and federal, corporate,
viders are not reviewed by the traditional entities, and consumer users.
although such providers are increasingly impor- The federal government can also issue policies
tant to businesses and government. and requirements regarding the security of in-
Existing federal agencies that already review formation stored in and exchanged between finan-
different aspects of the security and reliability of cial institutions, for example, for physical
the public-switched telephone networks include security, or contingency planning in the event of
the National Security Telecommunications Advi- a natural disaster. Finally, the federal government
sory Council (NSTAC), the National Commu- regulates vendors through export controls.
nications System (NCS), and the Federal In other industrial sectors (e.g., transportation),
Communications Commission (FCC). 93 NCS the federal government uses safety regulations to
was established in 1963 to coordinate the planning protect consumers. Some have suggested that this
of national-security and emergency-preparedness function could be extended to critical hardware
communications for the federal government. NCS and software products for information systems, in
92 Dtmn B. Parker, SRI, Jnc., “Crypto and Avoidance of Business Information Anarchy,” Menlo Park, CA, September 1993.
‘)3 The avallablllt y, reliabil ity, and survivability of the public-switched telephone network have been the subject of other studies and there-
fore is not the ft~us t~f this repro. See, e. g., National Research Council, Growing Vulner~bi/i(y of(he Public S}~i/ched Nerwurks: /nrp/icalions
jor Nollonu/ .%cwwy Emer~en(y Preparedness (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989). See also Office of the Manager, Natitmal
C{]mmunicatl(ms System, ‘The Electri~nic Intrusitm Threat to National Seeurity and Emergency Preparedness (N!YEP) Telecommunicatt(m-
An Awareness Document,’” Arlingt(m, VA, Sept. 30, 1993; Richard Kuhn, Patricia Edfors, Victoria Howard, Chuck Capuu), and Ted S. Phillips,
.’lmprf}~ Ing Publlc Switched Netwimk Security in an Open Environment,” IEEE Cumpu[er. August 1993, pp. 32-.35; and U.S. C(mgress, Office
of Technology” Assessment, Cri(~ca/ Connections: Communicationsfor lhe Future, OTA-CIT- 407 (Washingt~m, DC: U.S. G(wemment Printing
Office, January 1990), ch. IO,
~~ The ~ouncll itself recently requested tha[ the FCC disband the council, but the FCC rejected the request, offering instead that senk~r ~~ffi-
cers fr(m~ the orgamzations c(wld attend in place of the chief executive officers. The FCC also proposed” a revised charter for the c(mncil, to
temlinate In January 1996.
62 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
order to provide safe and secure systems and a saf- The National Performance Review has called
er infrastructure overall, and to strengthen the for NIST to coordinate development of a govern-
market for “secure” products that are currently too ment-wide plan for security research and develop-
risky for individual vendors to produce. Vendors, ment including a baseline assessment of current
on the other hand, argue that regulation makes research and development investment.97 Such re-
products more expensive and slows their develop- search and development would address many of
ment. 95 the other areas discussed in this chapter, such as
These issues are beyond the scope of this re- risk analysis, formal models, new products, solu-
port, but further study is warranted. Further study tions to existing vulnerabilities, standards, prod-
is also needed on product quality and liability is- uct evaluations, system certifications, generally
sues, including guidelines or requirements for accepted principles, training and certification of
contingency plans, adoption of standards or gen- information security professionals, the public-key
erally accepted practices, establishment of liabil- infrastructure, emergency response, and ethical
ity for hardware and software products and principles and education.
services, and restrictions on the use of personal, The National Research Council has also called
proprietary, and copyrighted information that for research by ARPA, NSF, and others in prob-
travels over networks. Such oversight could come lems concerning secure firewalls, certification au-
from existing bodies as well as new bodies such thorities, and other areas. 98 The National
as a privacy board (see chapter 3). Research Council also found that “there is a press-
ing need for a stronger program of university-
1 Research and Development based research in computer security. Such a
Much of existing knowledge in information safe- program should have two explicit goals: addres-
guards—and in networking technology, including sing important technical problems and increasing
the Internet itself—arose from research by the fed- the number of qualified people in the field. This
eral government through the Advanced Research program should be strongly interconnected with
Projects Agency (ARPA), NIST, NSA, and other other fields of computer science and cognizant of
agencies, as well as from the private sector. While trends in both theory and uses of computer sys-
some of the work is applicable to civilian applica- tems.” 99 The report further suggested that atten-
tions, most of the work has been oriented toward tion be given to cost-benefit models, new
defense. 96 The National Science Foundation also techniques, assurance techniques, computer safe-
has supported many research activities related to ty, and other areas with a practical, systems ap-
information networks through its management of proach as opposed to viewing the topics overly
the NSFNET, but security has not been a major ac- theoretically or in isolation.
tivity. NSF has essential] y commercialized the op- With the Clinton Administration’s effort in the
eration of the NSFNET, but considerable work National Information Infrastructure program, re-
remains to safeguard the Internet and other net- search and development in safeguards for net-
works. worked information could take a new direction
both in the private sector and in government. and emphasizing the need for information security
Additional resources could be applied to develop in sensitive, unclassified systems. 101 However,
and implement many of the efforts discussed in the specific efforts to achieve these actions mayor
this chapter. may not align with the NH or other efforts within
the Administration, or with the wishes of the Na-
GOVERNMENT’S ROLE IN tion at large as represented by Congress.
PROVIDING DIRECTION The National Research Council recently pro-
The Clinton Administration is promoting the Na- duced a report at the request of the National Sci-
tional Information Infrastructure (NII) initiative ence Foundation on information networking and
to accelerate the development of the existing in- the Administration’s National Information Infra-
frastructure and to facilitate, for example, elec- structure program. The report supports work
tronic commerce and the transfer of materials for by ARPA, NSF, and other groups on problems
research and education.100 The Administration such as developing secure firewalls, promoting
specifically calls for, among other things: review certification authorities and the public-key infra-
and clarification of the standards process to speed structure, providing for availability of the net-
NII applications; review of privacy concerns; re- works, and placing stronger emphasis on security
view of encryption technology; working with in- requirements in network protocol standards. The
dustry to increase network reliability; examining report notes that progress in security does not de-
the adequacy of copyright laws; exploring ways to pend on technology alone but also on develop-
identify and reimburse copyright owners; opening ment of an overall architecture or plan, education
up overseas markets; and eliminating trade barri- and public attitudes, and associated regulatory
ers caused by incompatible standards. policy. The report recommends a broader consid-
In a separate effort to “make government work eration of ethics in the information age, perhaps
better,” the Clinton Administration also is pro- housed in NSF or a national commission.
moting its National Performance Review (NPR), An earlier report by the National Research
which includes other actions that impact the safe- Council on computer security called for, among
guarding of networked information such as devel- other things, promulgation of generally accepted
opment of standard encryption capabilities and system security principles, formation of emergen-
digital signatures for sensitive, unclassified data, cy response teams by users, education and training
1~ ~~ Nil Provam has nine principles and objectives: ] ) promote private-sector investment; 2) extend the “unlVersa] serVICe” c{)nccpl;
3) pr(~mo[e inm~vatifm and applications; 4) promote seamless, interactive, user-driven operation; 5) ensure lnf(~mlati{m security and netw(mk
reliability; 6) improve management of the radio frequency spectrum; 7) protect intellectual property rights; 8) c(xmiinatc with {Jther levels t~f
government and other nations; and 9) provide access to government information and improve government procurement. See lnfom~ati(m infra-
structure Task Force, The National Infomlation Infrastructure: Agenda for Action,” National Telec(mmmnicati(ms and lnf(mnatl{m Adminis-
tration, Washington, DC, Sept. 15, i 993. More generally, one White House official proposes that the Nll initiative ‘“will provide Americans the
inf(mnati(m they need, when they want it and where they want it—at an affordable price.” (Mike Nelson, Office of Science and Technolt)gy
Policy, speaking at the MIT Washington Seminar Series, Washington DC, Mar. 8, 1994.) Vice President Gore has noted that this does not mean
the federal government will construct, own, or operate a nationwide fiber (or other) network, however. He notes that mm.t of the fiber needed for
the backbones is already in place, but other components need support such as switches, software, and standards. See Graemc Brtw+nlng,
“Search for Tom~mow,” Na~iunul Journal, vol. 25, No. 12, Mar. 20, 1993, p. 67.
101 Other privacy and security actl{)ns promoted” are: establish a Privacy Protection Board; establish UnlfO~ privacy pr~~tection Practices:
develop general] y accepted principles and practices for information security; develop a national crisis response clearinghouse for federtil agen-
cies; reevaluate security practices for national security data; foster the industry-government partnership for impr(wing services and security in
publlc telec(~mmunications; implement the National Industrial Security Pn)gram; develop a comprehensive lntemct security plan and co(mii-
nate security research and development. (Office of the Vice President, op. cit., footnote 65. )
102 National Research Councl[, (Jp. cit., footnote 98, pp. 78-84, lo] - 1°2~ 1‘- “i “
64 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
SKIPJACK is a classified, symmetric-key, encryption algorithm that was developed by the National
Security Agency to provide secure voice and data communications while allowing lawful access to
those communications by law-enforcement.1 According to the Clinton Administration, one reason the
algorithm IS classified is to prevent someone from implementing it in software or hardware with the
strong algorithm, but without the feature that provides law enforcement access SKIPJACK is specified
in the federal Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES—see chapter 4),
Like the Data Encryption Standard (DES—see box 4-3), SKIPJACK transforms a 64-bit input block
into a 64-bit output block, and can be used in the same four modes of operation specified for the DES
The secret-key length for SKIPJACK is 80 bits, however, as opposed to 56 bits for the DES, thereby
allowing over 16,000,000 times more keys than the DES SKIPJACK also scrambles the data in 32
rounds per single encrypt/decrypt operation, compared with 16 rounds for the DES,
Mykotronx currently manufactures an escrowed-encryption chip-the MYK78, commonly known as
the Clipper chip-that implements the SKIPJACK algorithm to encrypt communications between tele-
phones, modems, or facsimile equipment The chip is intended to be resistant to reverse engineering,
so that any attempt to examine the chip will destroy its circuitry The chip can encrypt and decrypt with
another synchronized chip at the rate of 5 to 30 million bits per second depending on the mode of
operation, clock rate, and chip version,
The chip is initially programmed with specialized software, an 80-bit family key (as of June 1994
there was only one family of chips), a unique 32-bit serial number (the chip identifier), and an 80-bit key
specific to the chip (called the chip unique key) The chip unique key is the “exclusive or” combination
of two 80-bit chip unique key components, one component is assigned (with the chip identifier) to each
of the escrow agents chosen by the Attorney General
The Clipper chip is currently implemented in the AT&T Surity Telephone Device 3600 When a user
(Alice) wishes to secure her conversation with another user (Bob) using their Model 3600 devices, she
pushes a button and the two devices first generate an 80-bit session key using a proprietary, enhanced
version of the Diffie-Hellman public-key technique In this way, each device can calculate the session
key without actually sending a complete key over the network where it could be intercepted
1 See Dorothy E Dennmg, “The Clipper EncryptIon System, ” Arr?efican Sc/entM, VOI 81, July-August 1993, pp 319-322, and
Dorothy E Dennmg, Georgetown Umversty, “Cryptography and Esc:rowed Encryption, ” Nov 7, 1993
2“Addltlonally, the SKIPJACK algorlttlrnIS classified Secret-Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals This classlflcatlon reflects the
high quahty of the algorithm, I e , It incorporates design techniques that are representatwe of algorithms used to protect classified
Information Drsclosureof the algorhhm would permit analysls that could result m drscovery of these classlfted design techmques, and
this would be detrimental to national securtty ” Ernest F Bnckell et al , “Skipjack Rewew Interim Report The Skipjack Algorithm,” July
28, 1993, p 7
3The “exhaustlvesearch” technlqueuses various keyson an input toproducea known output, until a match Is found or all possible
keys are exhausted The DES’s56-btkey length yleldsover 72trllllon posslblekeys, while SKIPJACK’ s80-blt keylengthylelds over 16
mllllonmore times as many keys as DES According to the SKIPJACK rewewpanel, If the cost of processing power IS halved every 1 5
years, it WIII take 36 years before the cost of breaking SKIPJACK through theexhaushvesearch techmque WIII equal the cost of break-
ing DES today Ibid
The creation of the chip umque key components IS a very Important step, If an adversary can guess or deduce these compo-
nents with relatwe ease then the enhre system IS at nsk These key components are created and the chips are programmed mslde a
secure fachty with representatwes of each escrow agent The speclflc process IS classlfled, and an unclassified descrlptlonwas not
available as of this wrtmg
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 165
The devices then exchange the Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF) and an “initialization vector”
The LEAF contains the session key (encrypted with the chip unique key), the chip identifier, and a 16-bit
authentication pattern, which are all encrypted with the family key Each device then decrypts the LEAF,
confirms the authentication data, and establishes an active Iink. The session key is then used to encrypt
and decrypt all messages exchanged in both directions
Each device also displays a character string. If the characters displayed on Alice and Bob’s devices
are different, this reveals an interception and retransmission of their communication by an eavesdrop-
per, in what is called a “man-in-the-middle” attack
Law-enforcement agents are required to obtain a court order to monitor a suspected transmission If
they begin monitoring and ascertain that the transmission IS encrypted using the Model 3600, agents
first must extract and decrypt the LEAF (using the family key) from one of the devices The decrypted
LEAF reveals the chip Identifier With the chip identifier, they can request the chip unique key compo-
nent from each of the two escrow agents With both components, they can decrypt session keys as
they are intercepted, and therefore decrypt the conversations
The Capstone chip also Implements the SKIPJACK algorithm, but Includes as well the Digital Signa-
ture Algorithm (used in the federal Digital Signature Standard—see chapter 4), the Secure Hash Stan-
dard, the classified Key Exchange Algorithm, circuitry for efficient exponentiation of large numbers, and
a random number generator using a pure noise source Mykotronx currently manufactures the Cap-
stone chip under the name MYK80, and the chip is also resistant to reverse engineering Capstone is
designed for computer and communications security, and its first implementation is in PCMCIA cards
for securing electronic mail on workstations and personal computers
s The lnltlal phases of the system rely on manual procedures for preventing law enforcement frOm using escrowed keys affer the
courl order expires or on communications recorded prewous to the court order For example, the officer must manually enter the ex-
plratlondate mto fhe decrypt processor, manually delete the key when the court order exptres, and manually complete an audtt state-
ment to present to the escrow agents The target system alms to enforce the court order by mcludmg with the escrowed keys an elec-
tronic certificate that IS valld only for the period of the court order The decrypt processor IS Intended to block the decryption when the
certlhcateexplres, andautomat!cally send anaudftstatemenl electrorwcallyto theescrowagents Asof June 1994, thedeslgnwas not
complete (Miles Smld Manager, Security Technology, NIST, presentation at NIST Key Escrow EncryptIon Workshop, June 10, 1994 )
programs to promote public awareness, review for In this environment, the federal government
possible relaxation of export controls on imple- has several important roles that affect the safe-
mentations of the Data Encryption Standard, and guarding of networked information. Even though
funding for a comprehensive program of re- these roles are all intended to promote the needs
search. 103 of the nation’s individuals and organizations,
sometimes there are conflicts.104 These conflicts sues as the technology develops, such as the
are sometimes so polarizing or so important that following examples:
attempts to resolve them at an administrative level m Cryptography policy is the focus of several de-
can lead to poor decisions, or endless legal and op-
bates, including export controls on cryptogra-
erational problems from implementing a policy
phy and development of federal cryptographic
that has only weak support from stakeholders.
standards (see chapter 4).
While many of the details involve technology, the 106
Digital Telephony legislation has been pro-
fundamental debates about national values and
posed that would require telecommunications
the role of government in society can only be re-
carriers “to ensure that the government ability
solved at the highest levels (see boxes 2-7 and
2 - 8 ) .1 0 5 to lawfully intercept communications is not
curtailed or prevented entirely by the introduc-
Thus, networked information poses a particu-
tion of advanced technology.’’107 (A discussion
larly difficult dilemma for government policy-
of digital telephony is outside the scope of this
makers: good security is needed to protect U.S.
personal, business, and government communica- ■
Anonymous transactions. Many privacy advo-
tions from domestic and foreign eavesdroppers.
cates argue that certain monetary or other trans-
However, that same security then may hinder U.S.
intelligence and law-enforcement operations. As- actions (such as request of library materials) be
pects of this dilemma are manifested in specific is-
lw These roles are as follows:” First, government can provide a demfxratic framework for resolving debates and writing law to reglllate
activities. Second, it is a buyer and user of products and services; because of its size it can sometimes move the market in ways no other single
buyer can, and it must also safeguard its own agency networks. Third, it is a supplier of products and services, such as census and other informa-
tion. Fourth, it is at times a catalyst that can enter the marketplace to stimulate research and development or establish new institutions and stan-
dards that eventually operate on their own. Finally, it intercepts communications for law-enforcement purposes and intelligence gathering.
lo5 See a]sc) L~ce J. Hoffman ~d pau] C. Clark, “Jmminent Policy Considerations in the Design and Management Of National ~d Intern-
ational Computer Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, February 1991, pp. 68-74; James E. Katz and Richard F. Graveman, “Pri\acy
Issues of a National Research and Education Network,” Te/emarics andlnformatics, vol. 8, No. 1/2, 1991; Marc Rotenberg, “Communications
Privacy: Implications for Network Design,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 36, No. 8, August 1993, pp. 61 -68; and Electronic Privacy 1n-
forrnation Center, /994 Crypqgruphy and Privacy Sourcebook, David Banisar (cd.) (Upland, PA: Diane Publishing, 1994).
106 me proP)sed Digital Telephony and Communi c atio ns” privacy Act of 1994 was in draft at this writing. Nhkrn digital switches are
actually very fast computers that arrange and bill calls using complex software and pack thousands of calls together into optical fibers. The
Clinton Administration claims that not all such technology has been designed or equipped to meet the intercept requirements of law enforce-
ment. It claims that law enforcement should be able to intercept those communications in certain circumstances, provided that a court order is
obtained and oflicia]s use appropriate measures. Critics charge that legislation is unnecessary or costly at best, and undesirable at worst; many
argue that individuals and corporations should have the right to absolutely secure their conversations if they choose.
107 See Dorothy E. ~nning, “T(> Tap t)r Nt)t To Tap,” and related articles in Communications of fhe ACM, w)]. 36, No. ~, March 1993, pp.
Chapter 2 Safeguarding Networked Information 167
The Clinton Administration’s key-escrow encryption initiative (e.g., Clipper and the Escrowed En-
cryption Standard) is the most publicized escrowed-encryption scheme to date Other schemes for
third-party “trusteeship” of keys are possible, however One so-called fair cryptosystem scheme claims
to resolve many of the objections to the Administration’s proposal.1
Fair cryptosystems allow the user to split a secret key into any number of key components that can
be assigned to trusted entitles The user (e g , a corporation) might spilt the key and assign one piece
to a federal government agency and the other to a trusted third party, such as a bank Each trustee
would receive a signed message from the user, with the key component and its “shadows “The shad-
ows demonstrate to the trustee that the key component is indeed associated with the corresponding
components assigned to the other trustees—without revealing the other components The certificate
would also indicate where the other key components are held In a criminal Investigation, following due
process, a law-enforcement agency could obtain the key components from the two trustees
Other combinations are possible, for example, the user could design a system such that any three of
four key components might be sufficient to decrypt its communications For each secure telephone, the
user might also keep a complete secret key for internal investigations, or in case of loss or sabotage of
The algorithms used to Implement fair cryptosystems could Include a time variable so that the de-
posited key components change periodically Or, the key components could be made to calculate a set
of session keys (which could change periodically) that would be valid for only the prescribed time. The
user would choose the actual algorithm, which could be one of many that are subject to public review.
Fair cryptosystems also could be Implemented in software to reduce cost In a software implementa-
tion of a fair public-key cryptosystem, the user would be motivated to assign the key components to
trustees in order to obtain permission to post his or her “public keys” in a key distribution or certification
system The public keys are used to initiate communications and to perform electronic transactions
among parties who have not agreed in advance on common secret keys Thus, the user has a great
incentive to have his or her public keys made available Without such permission from certification au-
thorities, the user would have to distribute his or her public keys in a less efficient fashion In a hardware
Implementation, chips can be programmed to require proof that deposit of key components with trust-
ees has taken place
This and other related schemes3 claim to address both corporate4 and law-enforcement needs The
Escrowed Encryption Standard proponents note that the fair cryptography schemes require an action
on the part of the user to submit the key components to trustees, while the EES does not—users cannot
keep the escrowed keys from its escrow agents. Critics of the EES proposal note, however, that crimi-
nals and adversaries can, nevertheless, superencrypt over EES encryption (or any other scheme) For-
eign companies and governments, and many others, also may find key-escrowed encryption objection-
able if the U S government keeps the escrowed keys
] SIIVIO Mlcall, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts lnst@_de of Technology, “Fair Cryptosystems, ” MIT Technical
Report MIT/LCSflR-579 b, November 1993 See also SIIVIO Mlcall, “Fair Cryptosystems vs Cllpper Chip A Brief Comparison, ” Nov
11, 1993, SIIVIO Mlcall, “Fair Cryptosystems and Methods of Use, ” U S Patent No 5,276,737 (Jan 4, 1994), and U S Patent No
5,315 658( May24, 1994) NISTannounced anon-excluswe hcensmgagreement mprmclplewlth Sllvlo Mlcall Thellcenseforthe 737
and 658 patents would cover everyone “using a key escrow encryption system developed for authorized government law enforce-
ment pur~ses “(NIST press release, July 11, 1994)
Frank W Sudla, Bankers Trust Company, personal communlcatlon, Apr 22, 1994
s M J B Robshaw, RSA Laboratories, “Recent Proposals To Implement Fair Cryptography, ” N O TR-301, Oct 19 1993
4 Dorm B parker, SRI International Menlo Park, CA, “Crypto and Avoidance of Business information Anarchy, ‘September 1993
kept anonymous. On the other hand, some enforcement authorities may seek to
businesses and law enforcement have an inter- implement provisions that allow such transac-
est in maintaining the electronic trail for bill- tions to be monitored in certain cases. (See
ing, marketing, or investigative purposes. In OTA, Information Technologies for Control of
one example, a debate could arise over the pri- Money Laundering, forthcoming 1995.)
vacy or anonymity of electronic monetary = Electronic commerce. Digital signatures and
transactions over information networks. Such other cryptographic techniques can be used to
"electronic cash” or other transactions would protect electronic documents and enforce elec-
need strong safeguards to assure that the cash tronic contracts. The development of a public-
was exchanged without tampering or monitor- key infrastructure is strategic to further
ing and could be made anonymous to protect expansion of electronic commerce. Crypto-
individual privacy. These safeguards might graphic techniques and other safeguards may
also eliminate the paper trail that exists in many be used to secure or track copyrighted docu-
current transactions, 110facilitating money laun- ments, bill users, collect fees, and so forth. (See
dering and extortion. In such an event, law- chapter 3.)
1~ l~sue~ relating t. ~onymlty and “digita] libraries” are discussed in U.S. Congress, Office Of Technology Assessment, Accessibility (1~
Integrity of Nemwrked Informurion Collections, background paper prepared for OTA by Clifford A. Lynch, BP-TCT- 109 (Washington, DC:
Office of Technology Assessment, July 1993).
1~ See David Chaum, “AChleVing El@rOniC Privacy,” Scientific American, August 1992, pp. 96-1o1.
110 Sebastiam Von S{)lms and David Naccache, “on Blind Signatures and perfect crimes,” Computers and Security, vol. 1 I, N{). 6,1992, p.
Issues and
Security 3
aws develop in response to society’s needs. They evolve
in the context of the mores of the culture, business prac-
tices, and technologies of the time. The laws currently
governing commercial transactions, data privacy, and in-
tellectual property were largely developed for a time when tele-
graphs, typewriters, and mimeographs were the commonly used
office technologies and business was conducted with paper docu-
ments sent by mail. Technologies and business practices have
dramatically changed, but the law has been slower to adapt. Com-
puters, electronic networks, and information systems are now
used to routinely process, store, and transmit digital data in most
commercial fields. As the spread and use of information technol-
ogies in the business world have quickened, the failure of current
laws to meet the needs of a digital, information-based society has
become apparent.
This chapter spotlights three areas where changes in commu-
nication and information technologies are particularly signifi-
1. Electronic commerce. As businesses replace conventional
paper documents with standardized computer forms, the need
arises to secure the transactions and establish means to authen-
ticate and provide nonrepudiation services for electronic
transactions, that is, a means to establish authenticity and cer-
tify that the transaction was made. Absent a signed paper docu-
ment on which any nonauthorized changes could be detected,
a substitute for the signature and a means to prevent, avoid, or
minimize the chance that the electronic document has been al-
tered must be developed.
70 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
1 Some commentators suggest that there maybe a subtext in some of the EW activities in this area, including the desire on the part of some to
create a “Fro-tress Europe” m to negotiate certain national concerns into law for the entire EU. (Susan Nycum, attorney, Baker & McKenzie,
personal communication, June 1994.) Others question whether it is possible to fairly evaluate the motivations for the EU approach to deterrmne
whether they are due to cultural differences or economic competition. (Richad Graveman, Member of Technical Staff, Bellcore, personal com-
munication, April 1994.)
U.S. Congress, OffIce of Technology Assessment, Elecwnic Enterprises: Lwking w Ihe Fufure, OTA-TCT-600 (Washington, DC: US.
Government Printing Office, May 1994).
transactions, such as Electronic Data Interchange as evidence of a contract. Government and indus-
(EDI), enable businesses to contract for sale of try can only make use of these capabilities if elec-
goods electronically, process purchase orders, in- tronic transactions are secure and enforceable.
voice for the transaction, and issue shipping no- The security issues that must be dealt with are:
tices in a one-step process. EDI is available to 1) requirements for authentication of the source of
businesses that can access a network with the req- a transaction, 2) assurance that the message con-
uisite hardware and software for generating mes- tent is unaltered, 3) prevention of disclosure of the
sages and forms with a standard EDI format. EDI transaction to unauthorized persons, and 4) verifi-
has existed since the 1970s; though its use contin- cation of receipt of the transaction by the intended
ues to grow, it is only an evolutionary step in the trading partner.
development of the electronic marketplace in the
global economy. In the future, data and informa-
tion will flow freely among international trading
Statute of Frauds and Electronic
partners and firms as electronic commerce dis- Commerce: The Writing and
places the traditional forms of business transac- Signature Requirement
tions. However, the universal acceptance of The Statute of Frauds was developed primarily to
networks for transacting business requires securi- discourage fraud and perjury in proving the exis-
t y measures to ensure the privacy needed for com- tence and content of a contract. Its essential func-
mercial transactions in a global competitive tion is to bar proof of certain contracts unless a
environment. Security measures that provide as- sufficient writing exists for certain transactions. s
surance that the authenticity and integrity of a The Statute of Frauds demands at least some evi-
communication have not been compromised will dence of a contract; a party may not claim that an
tend to support the enforceability of agreements oral contract or modification was made without
by the legal system. submitting some proof. One method of proof is
While electronic computer messaging technol- that the contract be memorialized, i.e., set forth
ogy allows many business transactions to be han- with certainty, in a signed writing.
dled in a paperless fashion, the law of contract and Section 2-201 of the Uniform Commercial
commerce is still based on a paper system para- Code (U.C.C.) (for discussion of the U.C.C. and
digm. As a result, businesses confront new legal security requirements, see box 3-1 ), which is the
issues as they implement electronic trading sys- U.C.C.’s Statute of Frauds, requires that all con-
tems. Among these are questions regarding con- tracts for the sale of goods over $500 be in a writ-
tractual writing requirements, legally binding ing sufficient to indicate that a contract for sale has
signatures, and use of electronic communications been made and signed by the party, or the party’s
However, oral c(mtracts are binding in many situations.
72 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code, which regulates electronic funds transfers, is an exam-
ple of a provision that creates an incentive for parties to implement commercially reasonable security
procedure, to detect fraud.1 Section 4A-201 defines a security procedure as follows.
[A] procedure established by agreement of a customer and a receiving bank for the purpose of (t) verifying
that a payment order or communication amending or canceling a payment order is that of the customer, or (ii)
detecting error in the transmission or the content of the payment order is that of the customer, or (iii) detecting
error in the transmission or the content of the payment order or communication. A security procedure may require
the use of algorithms or other codes, identifylng words or numbers, encryption, callback procedures, or similar
security devices.
Security procedures are specifically referred to in section 4A-205, which governs erroneous payment
orders, and sections 4A-202 and 4A-203, which govern the authorization and verification of payment
orders. 3 Although the decisions of whether and to what extent security procedures will be used are left
to the parties,4 these sections are drafted to provide incentive to both parties to the transaction to im-
plement security procedures
Section 4A-205 provides the party sending an order electronically with incentive to bargain for the
implementation of security procedures Under section 4A-303, the sender of an erroneous or incorrect
order Is, generally, Iiable Section 4A-205, however, allows the sender to shift the risk of loss to the
receiving bank if 1 ) the sender and receiver have Implemented security procedures, 2) the sender can
prove that the sender or the person acting on the sender’s behalf compiled with the security proce-
dures, and, (3) had the receiving bank also complied, the errors would have been detected.6 Section
4A-205 does not apply unless both parties agree to the Implementation of security procedures Securi-
ty measures are not effective unless both the sender and the receiver comply with the procedure
‘ WWam Lawrence, “Expansion of the Uniform Commercial Code Kansas Enacts Art[cle 4A, ” VOI 59, Kansas Bar Assoclat(on
Journa/, at 2733, (September 1990)
Umform Commercial Code Section 4A-201 (1992)
3 lbld , sec 4A-201 comment
Ibid , sec 4A-205 commenl 1
5 Ibid , sec 4A-303
6 Ibid , sec 4A-205(a)(l) and comment 2 to 4A.205
U C C sec 4A-205 comment 1
8 Ibid , sec 4A-2t)5 comment 2
authorized agent or broker, against whom enforce- quirements: the writing must evidence a contract
ment is sought. 4 The comment to section 2-201 for the sale of goods, must be signed, which in-
states that a writing sufficient to satisfy the section eludes any authentication identifying the party to
must meet only three “definite and invariable” re- be charged, and must specify the quantity.5
An increasingly important area of inquiry in the discussion of electronic commerce pertains to electronic transacti(ms when the subject
matter of the transfer is information. An example of such a question is: what type of contracting will occur when, through use of electron~c
search t(x)ls (e.g., ‘“gophers”) infomlation databases can be sought out, entered. and data extracted (for a fee), with(mt any direct human inv(~lvc-
ment in accepting m rejecting a contract. For further analysis of such issues, see R. Nimmer and P. Krauthaus, “information as Property Data-
bases and Commercial property,” Inrernationul .lomral and Information Technology, vol. 1, No. 1, 1993, p. 3; and R. Nimmer and
P. Krauthaus, “Infomlation as Commodity: New imperatives of Commercial Law,” ]-a’ and Conlemporury Problems, vol. 55, No. 3, summer
1992, p. 3.
U.C.C. section 2-201, comment 1 (1 992).
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 173
Similarly, section 4A-202 provides the receiving bank with an Incentive to use security procedures
Under subsection b, the receiving bank can shift the risk of loss to the customer if an unauthorized
payment order is accepted by the receiving bank in compliance with commercially reasonable security
Under Article 4A, what constitutes “commercially reasonable” security measures IS a question of
law. Factors important in this analysis include the type of customer, the frequency and size of the
customer’s payment orders, and the security procedures used by similar banks and customers.11 T h e
purpose of subsection b is not to make banks ensure against fraud, but rather to encourage them to
use commercially reasonable safeguards against fraud. 12
Article 4A also provides parties with an incentive to keep codes and procedures confidential and
computer access guarded A person who fraudulently breaches a commercially reasonable security
procedure must have knowledge of how the procedure works as well as the codes and identifying de-
vices. 13 Such a person must also have access to the transmitting facilities, either through open comput-
er terminals or other software.14 If the customer can prove that the person committing the fraud did not
receive such confidential Information from the customer or the source controlled by the customer, the
loss shifts to the bank.15
A receiving bank needs objective criteria in order to determine whether it should act on a payment
order. 16 A comment to section 4A-203 suggests types of security measures parties may use. 1 7 Bank
employees may be trained to “test” a payment order, or customers may designate guidelines for the
bank’s acceptance of payments, such as Iimiting payments to authorized accounts, amounts or benefi-
ciaries. 1 8
In evaluating electronic communications, the One of the primary goals of electronic messag-
question arises whether there is a writing and a ing is the elimination of paper transactions, which
signature as required by U.C.C. section 2-201. ultimately means the elimination of conventional
Section 1-201 (39) defines signed as including any writings. Maintaining a paper trail to guard
symbol executed or adopted by a party with pres- against possible problems with the Statute of
ent intention to authenticate a writing. Section Frauds diminishes the objectives of computer
1-201 (46) defines written as including printing, contracting. No judicial decision answers the
typewriting, or any other intentional reduction to question of whether electronic communication
tangible form.6
b Elec[rf~nic Messaging Semices Task Force, Committee (m the Unif(mm Ctmmlercial Code, ‘The Ctmnercial Llse of Electronic Dan inter-
change-A Report, ” 45 Bus(ness [,a\$yer 1645, at 1682 (June 1990).
74 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
satisfies the Statute of Frauds writing and signing change the U.C.C. ’s definition of a writing to
requirements. 7 include properly communicated electronic
In addition, no clear conventions or rules con- communications as reduced to tangible form;
trol the formation of contracts via electronic mes- change the definition of signed to include prop-
saging. Statutes and regulation governing the er, nonreputable electronic signatures;
enforceability and recording of business transac- define electronic signatures;
tions generally refer to documents, writings, and delete the use of the word authenticate from the
signatures—not electronic messages, data logs, definition of signed or define it; and
and authorization codes.8 To eliminate any ques- define identify in the definition of signed. 11
tion about writing requirements and the legality of
The National Conference of Commissioners on
signatures, parties can enter into a trading partner
Uniform State Laws is currently undertaking a re-
agreement. With respect to writing requirements,
vision of U.C.C. Article 2. Among the current
such an agreement may adopt one or more of sev-
draft proposals is to eliminate the Statute of
eral different provisions. The agreement may:
Frauds entirely for sales of goods. The basis for
1) redefine the term writing; 2) provide that the
this proposition includes the conclusion that the
parties not challenge the validity of electronic
Statute of Frauds does not protect the important
messages merely on the basis that they are in elec-
interests in the modem contractor commercial en-
tronic form; and 3) provide that the parties accord
vironment, but does prevent assertion of some
electronic messages the same status as paper mes-
otherwise valid claims.
sages. Trading partner agreements can also elimi-
nate questions about the legality of electronic sig-
natures, by providing that specified electronic B Electronic Commerce and the Rules
codes serve as effective signatures.9 (One means of Evidence: Data Integrity and
by which this can be accomplished involves what Nonrepudiation
are called digital signatures. See below and chap- For an electronic message to survive a challenge
ter 4). to its authenticity, a party must prove the message
In the absence of trading partner agreements, originated from the sender and was not altered af-
contracting parties must await court decisions of ter dispatch from the sender. Evidence of adequate
changes in laws to assure trading partners that safeguards enhance the reliability of records, the
electronic contracts would not be rendered unen- ability to prove substantive terms of the commer-
forceable.10Legislative modifications have been cial transaction, and the likelihood that the com-
proposed. Among these are: puter record will be admitted into evidence to
‘ D.L. Wilkerson, “Electronic Commerce Under the U.C.C. Section 2-201 Statute of Frauds: Are Electronic Messages Enforceable?” 41
Kansas Law Review 407-408 (1992).
An United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group on Electronic Data Interchange is currently
drafting a set of Uniform Drafi Rules on these issues (see A/CN.9/WG.lV/WP.60, Jan. 24, 1994) for adoption by national legislators when re-
viewing legislation. The American Bar Association Section of Science and Technology, Information Security Committee is also drafting rules
of practice and commentary on certification authorities for a global public key infrastructure.
1 ~ ~ile ~)me wou]d suggest wholesale elimination of the statute, doing so would affect more than electronic contracts ~d would consti-
tute a significant change in the U.C.C. It would also require support form the legal community. Modifying the statute to address a subset of
electronic communications is believed by some to be a more pragmatic approach.
I I M< Baum, “E]ectr(~nic contracting in tie U. S.: The Legal and Control Context,” EDI and Ihe Luw, 1. Walden (cd. ) (London: Blenheim
Online, 1989), p. 135.
12 Raymond T. Nlmmer, Unlvenity of Ht~uston Law Center, persona] COllNIWliCatiOIl, JUIY Iwo.
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 175
show a writing in accordance with U.C.C. section addition, records are reliable only to the extent
2-201. If a party fails to show that it has reasonably they are compiled conscientious] y and consistent-
protected its business records and data, its credi- ly.14 Rule 803(6) requires that an opposing party
bility would be damaged should it assert its re- has an opportunity to inquire about production,
cords to be superior to the records of another party maintenance, and accuracy of the records, to en-
that properly guarded its records. Without proper sure that records admitted into evidence are trust-
controls, a recipient or other third party can alter worthy.
electronic mail messages, which renders the com- Electronically filed federal records are often of-
puter printout unreliable as evidence. However, fered as business records prepared in the ordinary
the burden of proof of establishing that messages course of business. 15 The proponent offering the
have been properly handled may be imposed on evidence seeks to demonstrate the authenticity
different parties in different circumstances, and reliability of the information, and the oppo-
whether sender, recipient, or third-party challeng- nent tries to challenge those assertions:
er. The characteristics associated with the eviden- [T]he foundation for admission of (computer
tiary value of electronic documents are often records) consists of showing the input proce-
asserted to be essentially the same as those dures used, the tests for accuracy and reliability
associated with maintaining the security of the in- and the fact that an established business relies on
formation. This need to show adequate controls is the computerized records in the ordinary course
similar in the field of trade secret law. ] 3 of carrying on its activities. The (opposing)
Case law concerning the admissibility of com- party then has the opportunity to cross-examine
puter printouts supports the proposition that com- concerning company practices with respect to
the input and as to the accuracy of the computer
puter data can be sufficiently reliable to provide
as a memory bank and retriever of information
trustworthy evidence of the existence of a con-
. . . [T]he court (must) ● ’be satisfied with all rea-
tract. For instance, courts rarely have excluded re- sonable certainty that both the machine and
liable computer evidence under the best evidence those who supply its information have per-
rule, which generally requires that only the origi- formed their functions with utmost accuracy . . .
nal writing be admitted into evidence. Rule [T]he trustworthiness of the particular records
1001 (3) of the Federal Rules of Evidence states: should be ascertained before they are admitted
“If data are stored in a computer or similar device, and . . . the burden of presenting an adequate
any printout or other output readable by sight, foundation for receiving the evidence should be
shown to reflect the data accurately, is an ‘origi- on the parties seeking to introduce it rather than
nal.'" upon the party opposing its introduction.” 16
Computer data compilations are admissible as Thus, the law of evidence in this context re-
business records under rule 803(6) if a party estab- quires the following:
lishes the proper foundation for the reliability of
the records. Business records must be kept in the
course of regularly conducted business activity. In
I ~ Assefllon of a trade secret “often entails establishing that affirmative and elaborate steps were taken tt~ insure that the secret clainled
would remain so.” Amoco Production Company v. Lindley, 609 P. 2d 733 (Okla. 1980)
14 me defendant in Uni/ed S/a/eJ V. /Jr/3(oe, 896 F.2nd 1476 (7th Cir. 1990) argued that, as shown in L’nifcd stales v. Weathers/~oon. 58 I
F.2nd 595 (7th Cir. 1978) computers must be tested for internal programming errors on a monthly basis. The Bnscoe court held that, although
such evidence was presented in Wea/hcrspoon, the admission of computer records does not require such a showing.
Is p.N Weiss, “Securl[y Requirements and Evidentiary Issues in the Interchange of Electnmic Documents: Steps Towwd ~veloping a Se-
curity Pollcy,’” Worid~tde Electronic (’ontntcr(e<onjirence Pro(eedirr~s (New York, NY: Jan. 16-18, 1994), p. 220.
lb Unlled sra~es V. RUSSO, 480 F. 2d 1228 (6th Cir. 1973).
76 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
1. proof that an electronic communication actual- ceives a copy of the document with both his or her
ly came from the party that it purports to come signature and that of the other party. 19 In the world
from; of electronic commerce, authenticity and integrity
2. proof of the content of the transaction, namely, services generally do not provide all of the guaran-
the communications that actually occurred be- tees to both parties that they normally receive in
tween the parties during the contract formation the world of paper transactions. Most electronic
process; messaging mechanisms for integrity and authen-
3. reducing the possibility of deliberate alteration ticity provide identification of the parties only in
of the contents of the electronic record of the a fashion suitable for verification by the other con-
transactions; and tractual party, not by an independent third party
4. reducing the possibility of inadvertent alter- such as a court.20
ation of the contents of the electronic record of Nonrepudiation is an attempt to match the as-
the transactions. 17 surances provided by a well-executed, paper-
based contract,21 prevent a document’s originator
These concerns about the authenticity of the from denying the document’s origin, and provide
identification of the originator, with the integrity proof of authenticity.22
of the content of the communication, and reducing Nonrepudiation maybe provided in whole or in
the likelihood of alteration, which are at the heart part through the use of one or more of mechanisms
of the law of evidence, are the same concerns that
such as digital signatures, data integrity, and certi-
must be addressed in the context of electronic
fying authorities, with support from other system
commerce. Security measures that provide assur-
services such as time stamping. The nonrepudi-
ance that the authenticity and integrity of a com- ation can be achieved by using a combination of
munication have not been compromised will also these mechanisms and services to satisfy the secu-
provide a high degree of confidence that the con- rity requirements of the application in question.
tents of the communication will be admissible as The goal is to collect, maintain, make available,
evidence. 8 and validate nondeniable proofs regarding data
transfers between the originator and recipient,
Nonrepudiation thus establishing legal obligations that serve elec-
A paper contract typically provides identification tronic practices.
of the parties executing the contract, incorporating
their wet signature, thus verifying their identity Time-Stamping
and intent to be bound to particular terms. The The time a transaction is initiated or is submitted
document is typically dated, and each party re- to an electronic messaging system, as well as the
I T M. Baum and H. pemltt, E/ec(r~ni{, conlra(.~ing, Publishing & ED/ Luw’ (New York, NY: John Wiley & !hns, Inc., 1991), section 6.23.
18 p.N. Weiss, t~p. cit., footrmte 15, p. 221.
19 Steven Kent, Chief Scientist, Security Technology, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., personal communication, May 1994.
.20 Some express tie c~)ncem that more demands will be placed on the electronic media than is expected of non-electronic media, since in
modem commerce the idea of a well-executed paper transaction is often not met, irrespective of the influence of electronics. For example, the
current Statute of Frauds is not applicable to cases where gtxxls contracted for have been delivered. Similarly, in the absence of a “writ ing,”
entirely oral evidence is admissible about the tenor and terms of a contract. Finally, in many modem cases, even if a writing claims to bc the
integrated statement of the agreement and is signed and available, the ptiies are often allowed to enter evidence outside the writing to reflect the
meaning of the contract. (Raymond T. Nimmer, University of Houston Law Center, personal communication, July 1994.)
21 Ibid.
22 M. Baum, ‘“Linking Security and the Law,” Worldwide E/eclronic (;ommerce-C’onjirence Proceedings (New York, NY: Jan. 16-18,
1994), p. 295.
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 177
time when a message is received by a third party they contend, but an essential aspect of all digital
or acted upon by a recipient, may be critical in signatures used for nonrepudiation.25 However,
some instances. Examples of such cases include others contend that certification authorities can
electronic submission of bids or cases where the provide this assurance of authenticity.26
first to file a response wins. Some contend that The inherent limitation of the use of digital sig-
there is little need for a trusted third party in such natures is their inability to provide time-related
instances, since the recipient would be the trusted nonrepudiation. While a digital signature attached
entity and the time would be determined by the re- to a message will have a time-stamped audit trail
cipient (e.g., the moment the message entered the through the network, digital signatures cannot, in
recipient electronic mailbox), others believe that the absence of a trusted entity, provide an unforge-
the audit trail maintained may not be sufficiently able, trusted time stamp. To achieve full nonre-
trustworthy, since internal clocks in the system are pudiation, certification must be undertaken by a
subject to inaccuracies, failures, or tampering. disinterested party beyond the control of the par-
For example, two parties to a contract could use ties to a transaction or record. Such a third party
the Data Encryption Standard Message Authenti- is called a trusted entity.27
cation Code (DES MAC) 23 function and suitable The key attributes of a trusted entity are that it
key management to achieve authenticity and in- is a disinterested third party trusted by the parties
tegrity for their EDI messages, but each could to the transaction and subject to the dispute resolu-
change his or her local record of the transaction tion mechanisms relevant to a transaction or re-
and neither could, on purely technical grounds, cord. A trusted entity’s administrative, legal,
prove who tampered with the transaction (also see operational, and technical infrastructure must be
discussion in box 4-4). 24 Moreover, some argue beyond question. A trusted entity can perform any
that because digital signatures are created using of a variety of functions to facilitate electronic
secret keys that can be disclosed, either acciden- contracts. Among these functions are: 1 ) produc-
tally or maliciously, a time context must be ing a document audit trail, 2) storing a record copy
associated with any digital signature if it is to be of electronic documents,28 3) providing time and
treated as authentic and comparable to a paper- date stamps, or 4) generating authentication certif-
based signature. Time context is not an added fea- icates to ensure the identity of the communicating
ture relevant only to time-sensitive transactions,
23 The Data Encrypti(m Standard (DES) is a published, federal infom~ati(m processing standard (FIPS) for use in protecting unclassified
computer data and ctmlmunicati(ms. It has also been incorporated in numerous industry and intemati(mal standards. The encryption algorithm
specified by the DES is called the Data Encrypticm Algorithm (DEA ). This alg(mithm is what is called a symmetric, private-key algorithm, also
referred to as a .$e{rel key alg(withm (see box 4-3). The DES (FIPS PUB 46-2) can be used in message authentication (o create a message authen -
ri~at~on (ode (MAC) that is appended to the message before it is sent. Use of DES in what is called the Data Authentication Alg~withm is speci-
fied in FIPS PUB 113 (“Computer Da[a Authentication,” 1985). Message authentication (e.g., of electronic funds transfers) using the DEA is
standard in banking and the financial c(~mmunity.
24 Steven Kent, Chief Scientist, Security Technology, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., personal communication, May 1994.
25 Ibid. S(m~c commentators disagree with this approach, contending that what is important is to know when a message is made, so that the
time of its making can be compared t(} a list of revoked keys. However, if that rew~atitm list is automatically queried upon receipt of the mes-
sage, actual time w(mld not matter, only relative time (rev(~a(ion I isting versus message receipt). (Charles Miller, attt~mey, San Francisco, CA,
Pers(mal c(mmlunicati(m, June 1994.)
26 Charles Miller, attf)mey, San Francisco, CA, personal communication, June 1994.
27 M. Baurn, op. cit., footnote 22, p. 296
28 !hne commentators argue that storage of record copies of electronic documents is not necessarily a good idea; some might not faww
allowing a third party to hold documents independently and subject (t) subpoena. (Charles Miller, attorney, San Francisco, CA, Pers(mal con~-
municati(m, June 1994. )
78 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
parties.29 These functions maybe provided by dif- Legal standards for electronic commercial
ferent entities, some of whom are trusted by all transactions have not been fully developed and
parties, and some trusted by only some parties.30 these issues have undergone little review in the
Some suggest that the functions ascribed to the courts. Therefore, action by Congress may not be
trusted third party can be provided by the value- warranted now. However, Congress may wish to
-added network providers;31 however, the extent to monitor this issue, so that these concerns are con-
which these responsibilities and the attendant li- sidered in future policy decisions about informa-
ability will be assumed by such enterprises is un- tion security.
clear. Other entities that might take on these
responsibilities include the U.S. Postal Service PROTECTION OF INFORMATION PRIVACY
and the banking industry. In contrast to the courts’ AND THE PROBLEM OF TRANSBORDER
treatment of conventional, paper-based transac- DATA FLOW
tions and records, little guidance is offered as to
whether a particular safeguard technique, proce- 9 Development of a Right to Information
dure, or practice will provide the requisite assur- Privacy in the United States
ance of enforceability in electronic form. This Although a right to privacy is not set forth in the
lack of guidance concerning security and enforce- Bill of Rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has pro-
ability is reflected in the diversity of security and tected various privacy interests. The Court found
authentication practices used by those involved in sources for a right to privacy in the First,32
electronic commerce. T h i r d , 33 F o u r t h , 34 Fifth, 35 N i n t h , 36 and 14th
Amendments. 37 The concept of privacy as a legal the prescription or use of contraceptives as an in-
interest deserving an independent remedy was fringement on marital privacy. Justice William O.
first enunciated in an article coauthored by Samu- Douglas, in writing the majority opinion, viewed
el Warren and Louis Brandeis in 1890, which de- the case as concerning “a relationship lying within
scribes it as “the right to be let alone.”38 Since the the zone of privacy created by several fundamen-
late 1950s, the Supreme Court has upheld a series tal constitutional guarantees,” that is, the First,
of privacy interests under the First Amendment Third, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Amendments, each
and due process clause, for example “association- of which creates “zones” or “penumbras” of priva-
al privacy," “political privacy, ’’wand the “right cy. The majority supported the notion of an inde-
to anonymity in public expression.”41 The Fourth pendent right of privacy inherent in the marriage
Amendment protection against “unreasonable relationship. Not all agreed with Justice William
searches and seizures” also has a privacy compo- O. Douglas as to its source; Justices Arthur Gold-
nent. In Katz v. United States, the Court recog- berg, Earl Warren, and William Brennan preferred
nized the privacy interest that protected an to locate the right under the Ninth Amendment.
individual against electronic surveillance. But the In Eisenstadt v. Baird, 405 U.S. 438 (1972),44
Court cautioned that: the Court extended the right to privacy beyond the
. . . the Fourth Amendment cannot be translated marriage relationship to lodge in the individual:
into a general constitutional “right to privacy.” If the right of the individual means anything,
That Amendment protects individual privacy it is the right of the individual, married or single,
against certain kinds of governmental intrusion, to be free from unwarranted governmental intru-
but its protections go further and often have sion into matters so fundamentally affecting a
nothing to do with privacy at all. Other provi- person as the decision whether to bear or beget a
sions of the constitution protect personal priva- child.
cy form other forms of government invasion. 42 Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), 45 further ex-
The Fifth Amendment protection against self-in- tended the right of privacy “to encompass a
crimination involves a right to privacy against un- woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her
reasonable surveillance by the government or pregnancy.” The Court argued that the right of pri-
compulsory disclosure to the government.43 vacy was “founded in the Fourteenth Amend-
Until Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 ment’s concept of personal liberty and restrictions
(1965), any protection of privacy was simply on State action.” The District Court had argued
viewed as essential to the protection of other more that the source of the right was the Ninth Amend-
well-established rights. In Griswold, the Court ment’s reservation of the right to the people.
struck down a Connecticut statute that prohibited
37 me I Xth AmendRn( ~rovlde~ in ~~lnen[ ~~, “N() state ~ha]l deprive ant person Of life, libefly, or pro~fly, without due process Of laW;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
38 Wmen & Brandeis, “me Right to Privacy,” 4 Han’ard f.UW Re~’iew 193 (1890).
w NAACp v, A/abama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958),
-w wa,kln~ v. (,lni[ed S/ate5, 354 U.S. 178 (1957); and .W’eezy v. New Hampshire, 354 U.S. 2S4 (1957).
41 Ta//eY “ California, 362 U.S. 60 (1960).
42 ~alz v Unlled Srares, 389 U.S. 347. ~50 (1967).
43 see E~C.obedo v, l//lnol~, 378 U.S. 478 ( ] 964); Mlra~a v. Ari~o~, 384 U.S. 4J6 ( ]966); and Scherber V. California, 384 U.S. 757
( 1%6).
44 In Which the c(lu~ stmc~ down a Massachusetts law hat made it a felony to prescfibe or distribute c[)ll~aceptlves r(~ Slllgk pYSOTIS.
45 In Which the COufl struck down the Texas abortion NahIte.
80 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
To this point, the Supreme Court addressed the tomers with some privacy regarding records held
question of privacy only as it applied to very spe- by banks and other financial institutions and pro-
cific kinds of human conduct. In the earliest case viding procedures whereby federal agencies can
that raised the issue of the legitimate uses of com- gain access to such documents. Congress effec-
puterized personal information systems, the Su- tively overruled the Miller holding by requiring
preme Court avoided the central question of the government to obtain a subpoena in order to
whether the Army’s maintenance of such a system access bank records. Because the focus of the
for domestic surveillance purposes “chilled” the constitutional right to privacy has traditionally not
first amendment rights of those whose names been on privacy of information, statutory provi-
were contained in the system.46 In two cases de- sions have been enacted to protect specific kinds
cided in 1976, the Court did not recognize either of information, including the Family Educational
a constitutional right to privacy that protected er- Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (popularly known
roneous information in a flyer listing active shop- as the Buckley Amendment) 51 to protect the pri-
lifters 47 or one that protected the individual’s vacy of records maintained by schools and col-
interests with respect to bank records. In Paul v. leges; the Fair Credit Reporting Act, to protect the
Davis, the Court specified areas of personal pri- privacy of consumers in the reporting of credit in-
vacy considered “fundamental”: formation; 52 and the Federal Videotape Privacy
protection Act.53
. . . matters relating to marriage, procreation,
contraception, family relationships, and child
rearing and education. I The Privacy Act
Respondent Davis’ claim of constitutional protec- Congress enacted the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public
tion against disclosure of his arrest on a shoplift- Law 93-579) to provide legal protection for and
ing charge was “far afield from this line of safeguards on the use of personally identifiable in-
decision” and the Court stated that it “declined to formation maintained in federal government re-
enlarge them in this manner.”48 In United States cord systems. (See box 3-2 for discussion of
v. Miller,49 the Court rejected respondent Miller privacy and confidentiality.) The Privacy Act es-
claim that he had a Fourth Amendment reasonable tablished a framework of rights for individuals
expectation of privacy in the records kept by whose personal information is recorded and the
banks “because they are merely copies of personal responsibilities of federal agencies that collect
records that were made available to the banks for and maintain such information in Privacy Act re-
a limited purpose,” and ruled instead that checks cord systems. The Privacy Act embodies prin-
are not confidential communications but negotia- ciples of fair information practices set forth in
ble instruments to be used in commercial transac- Computers and the Rights of Citizens, a report
tions.” In response to United States v. Miller, published in 1973 by the former U.S. Department
Congress enacted the Financial Privacy Act of of Health, Education, and Welfare. These prin-
197850 (Public Law 95-630), providing bank cus- ciples are as follows:
50 ~b]ic bW 95.630, title XI, 92 Stat, 3697, Nov. 10, 1978, et seq.
s] ~b]ic ~W 93-380, title V, XC. 513,88 StiW 571, Aug. 21, 1974.
52 ~b]ic IAW 91-508, title VI, sec. 601, 84 Stat. 1128, Oct. 26, 1970, et seq.
53 ~b]ic Law ] (30.6 18, sec. 2(a)( 1 ),(2), 102 Stat. 3195, NOV. 5, 1988, et seq.
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security { 81
1. There must be no secret personal data record- along with the individual’s statement, whenever
keeping system. the record is disclosed.
2. There must be a way for individuals to discover The Privacy Act further provides that the indi-
what personal information is recorded and how vidual can pursue his disagreement, and indeed
it is used. any noncompliance by an agency, with a civil suit
3. There must be a way for individuals to prevent in Federal District Court. He or she can obtain an
information about themselves, obtained for one injunction against a noncomplying agency, col-
purpose, from being used or made available for lect actual damages for an agency’s willful or
other purposes without their consent. intentional noncompliance, and also be awarded
4. There must be a way for individuals to correct attorney’s fees and costs if he or she “substantially
or amend a record of information about them- prevails” in any such action. Agency personnel
selves. are criminally liable for willful noncompliance;
5. An organization creating, maintaining, using, the penalty is a misdemeanor and a fine of up to
or disseminating records of identifiable person- $5,000. There have been few cases in which a
al data must assure the reliability of the data for complainant has recovered damages.
its intended use and must take reasonable pre- The federal agencies also have a responsibility
cautions to prevent misuses of the data. to collect only relevant information on individu-
The Privacy Act gives individuals the right to als, to get the information directly from the indi-
access much of the personal information about vidual whenever possible, and to notify the
them kept by federal agencies. It places limits on individual of several facts at the time the informa-
the disclosure of such information to third persons tion is requested. Willful failure to comply with
and other agencies. It requires agencies to keep the notification requirement may result in civil
logs of all disclosures, unless systems of records and criminal liability.
are exempt from the Privacy Act.54 The Privacy Act also covers agencies’ “system
The Privacy Act also gives an individual the of records” and requires an annual, nine-point re-
right to request an amendment of most records port to be published in the Federal Register. The
pertaining to him or her if he or she believes them report must contain information such as catego-
to be inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely, or incom- ries of records maintained; their routine use; poli-
plete. The agency must acknowledge the request cies on their storage and retrieval; and other
in writing within 10 days of its receipt. It must agency procedures relating to the use, disclosure,
promptly (though no time limit is specified) make and amendment of records. Agencies also have
the requested amendment or inform the individual extensive rulemaking duties to implement each
of its refusal to amend, the reasons for the refusal, component of the law.
and the individual’s right to request a review by The Privacy Act is limited, however, in several
the agency head. If the individual requests such a significant ways. Some believe that a system of
review, the agency head has 30 days to render a de- notification through the Federal Register is
cision. Should the agency head refuse to amend cumbersome and burdensome to the individual
the information, the individual can file a concise who, practically speaking, does not regularly re-
statement of his or her disagreement with the view the publication, so that notification is not ef-
agency decision. Thereafter, the agency must note fective. The act also places the burden of
the dispute in the record and disclose this fact, monitoring privacy in information and redressing
$4 ~e ~lkacy Act ~xenlpts fronl this Pr(lvisl(>n rcctlrds pertaining to law enf(wcernent. The PrlVaCy Ac( of 1974 (~blic La~f 93-579, sec.
82 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
In discussions about privacy and information policy, the terms privacy and confidentiality are often
used interchangeably Neither term possesses a single clear definition, and theorists argue variously
that privacy and confidentiality (and the counterpart to confidentiality, secrecy) may be concepts that
are the same, completely distinct, or in some cases overlapping,
While definitions of privacy and confidentiality and distinctions between the two cannot be tightly
drawn (as indeed, the two terms are not necessarily exclusive of one another) for purposes of this re-
port, the Off Ice of Technology Assessment will attempt to use the terms in the following ways, largely
mirroring approaches to the subject matter taken by Alan Westin and Charles Fried, Confidentiality will
refer to how data collected for approved purposes will be maintained and used by the organization that
collected it, what further uses will be made of it, and when individuals will be required to consent to
such uses It will be achieved, as Anita Allen states, when designated information is not disseminated
beyond a community of authorized knowers. 1 According to Allen, confidentiality is distinguished from
secrecy, which results from the intentional concealment or withholding of information Privacy will refer
to the balance struck by society between an individual’s right to keep information confidential and the
societal benefit derived from sharing the Information, and how that balance IS codified into legislation
giving individuals the means to control information about themselves.
Privacy can be viewed as a term with referential meaning, it typically is used to refer to or denote
something But privacy has been used to denote many quite different things and has varied connota-
tions As Edward Shils observed 20 years ago:
Numerous meanings crowd in the mind that tries to analyze privacy the privacy of private property, privacy
as a proprietary interest in name and image; privacy as the keeping of one’s atfairs to oneself, the privacy of the
internal affairs of a voluntary association or of a business, privacy as the physical absence of others who are
unqualified by kinship, affection or other attributes to be present, respect for privacy as the respect for the desire
of another person not to disclose or to have disclosed information about what he IS doing or has done; the privacy
of sexual and familial affairs, the desire for privacy as the desire not to be observed by another person or persons,
the privacy of the private citizen as opposed to the public official, and these are only a few
Definitions of privacy may be narrow or extremely broad One of the best known definitions of priva-
cy is that set forth by Samuel Warren and Louis Brandels in a 1890 article that first enunciated the con-
cept of privacy as a legal interest deserving an independent remedy Privacy was described as “the
right to be let alone 2 “In spite of its breadth, this view has been influential for nearly a century 3
In the
1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the proliferation of information technology (and concurrent developments in
the law of reproductive and sexual Iiberties) has inspired further and more sophisticated inquiry into the
meaning of privacy.
In his work, Privacy and Freedom, Alan Westin conceived of privacy as “an Instrument for achieving
individual goals of self realization, ” and defined it as “the claim of individuals, groups or institutions to
determine for themselves when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to
1 A L Allen, Uneasy Access Prwacy for Women m a Free Soc/e(y (Totowa, NJ Rowman & Lttlefteld, 1988), p 24
2 The term “the right 10 be let alone” was borrowed from the 19th century legal scholar and JU@ Thomas COOley See T c~ley,
Law of Torts (2nd Ed , 1888)
3 Allen argues that If privacy simply meant “being let alone, ” any form of ottenswe or harmtul conduct directed toward another
person could be characterized as a wolatlon of personal privacy
Allen, op clt footnote 1, p 7
5 A F Westtn, %wacyanci Freedom (New York, NY Ateneum, 1967)
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 183
others, ” approaching the concept in terms of informational privacy WA Parent defined privacy in terms
of information as “a condition of not having undocumented personal information about oneself known
by others" 6
In contrast, Ruth Gavison defines privacy broadly as “limited access in the senses of solitude, se-
crecy, and anonymity” In her view, privacy is a measure of the extent to which an individual IS known,
the extent to which an individual IS the subject of attention, and the extent to which others are in physi-
cal proximity to an individual Her definition of privacy was to include
such “typical” invasions of privacy as the collection, storage, and computerization of information, the dis-
semination of information about individuals, peeping, following, watching, and photographing individuals in-
truding or entering ‘(private” places, eavesdropping, wiretapping, reading of letters, drawing attention to individ-
uals, required testing of individuals, and forced disclosure of information.
In Computers, Health Records and Citizens Rights, Westin draws a clear distinction between the
concepts of privacy and confidentiality in the context of personal information
Privacy is the question of what personal information should be collected or stored at all for a given social
function It Involves issues concerning the Iegitimacy and Iegality of organizational demands for disclosure from
individuals and groups, and setting of balances between the individual’s control over the disclosure of personal
information and the needs of society for the data on which to base decisions about individual situations and for-
mulate public policies Confidentiality is the question of how personal data IS collected for approved social pur-
poses shall be held and used by the organization that originally collected it, what other secondary or further uses
may be made of it, and when consent by the individual will be required for such uses It IS to further the patient’s
willing disclosure of confidential information to doctors that the law of privileged communications developed In
this perspective, security of data Involves an organization’s ability to keep its promises of confidentiality.
Allen notes the unsettled relationship between secrecy and privacy in the privacy literature In her
view, secrecy is a form of privacy entailing the Intentional concealment of facts She claims that it does
not always involve concealment of negative facts, as is asserted by other privacy scholars She points
to the work of Sissela Bok, who defines secrecy as the result of intentional concealment and privacy as
the result of “unwanted access “g Since privacy need not involve Intentional concealment, privacy and
secrecy are distinct concepts Privacy and secrecy are often equated because “privacy IS such a cen-
tral part of what secrecy protects “ Bok viewed secrecy as a device for protecting privacy.10
Charles Fried also discusses the relationship between privacy and secrecy He states that at first
glance privacy seems to be related to secrecy, to limiting the knowledge of others about oneself He
argues for refinement of this notion, stating that it IS not true that the less that iS known about us the
more privacy we have He believes, rather, that privacy iS not simply an absence of Information about
us in the minds of others, it is the control we have over Information about ourselves It iS not simply
control over the quantity of Information abroad, it IS the ability to modulate the quality of the knowledge
as well We may not mind that a person knows a generaI fact about us, and yet we feel our privacy
invaded if he or she knows the details.11
G W A parent “Recent Work on the ConceptIon of Prwacy ” Arnencan Ph//o5oph/ca/ (kafler/y, VOI 20, 1983. p 341
R Gawson, ‘Prwacy and the Llmlts of the Law, ” Ya/e Law Journa/, VOI 89 1980, p 421
8 Ibid
S Bok Secrets On the Ethics of Corrcealmenl and Reve/at/on (New York, NY Oxford Unwerslty Press, 1984) p 10
10 Ibid
11 C Fried, “Prwacy,” Ya/e Law Journa/, VOI 77.1968, pP 474 782
wrongs entirely with the individual, providing no the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of re-
government oversight mechanism for the system. cords used in matching programs.56
In addition, the act itself is limited in its applica- More recent use of federal agency information,
tion to “routine use” of the record, which refers to in such programs as the Credit Alert Interactive
disclosure of records, not how the collecting Voice Response System, involve more coopera-
agency uses those records internally. 55 Many tive interconnection of information across agen-
commentators have noted that the penalties pre- cies (see box 3-3). The ability to share databases
scribed in the act are inadequate, and others com- and access systems between federal and state gov-
ment that the act contains no specific measures ernments is also being developed. All 50 states
that must be in place to protect privacy so that it can electronically access Social Security Admin-
cannot be used to describe what technical meas- istration (SSA) data.57 While the Internal Reve-
ures must be taken to achieve compliance. nue Service (IRS) currently sends magnetic tapes
Other criticism arises from technological chal- to the states in order to share federal tax data, elec-
lenges to the act’s effectiveness and workability. tronic access is expected by 1997 or 1998. 58 (’See
When the act was debated and enacted, federal box 3-4 for discussion of privacy concerns at the
agency record systems were still based largely on Internal Revenue Service.)
paper documents and stand-alone computer sys- Because of these uses and the ease with which
tems that were not 1 inked together. Computers and they can be accomplished through networked
telecommunication capabilities have expanded computers, the Privacy Act has come under addi-
the opportunities for federal agencies to use, ma- tional criticism for its agency-by-agency ap-
nipulate, and peruse information. There has al- proach to addressing privacy protections. The act
ready been a substantial increase in the matching places responsibility for data protection separate-
of information stored in different databases as a ly on each federal agency. Given the increased
way of detecting fraud, waste, and abuse. Net- sharing of data, if privacy protection fails, it is dif-
worked systems will further enhance this ability. ficult under this approach to determine who must
The Computer Matching Act requires that every bear responsibility and who is liable when abuses
agency conducting or participating in matching of information occur. Some commentators sug-
programs establish a Data Integrity Board. gest that the act be overhauled to reflect the tech-
Among the responsibilities of these Boards is to nological changes that have occurred since the
oversee matching programs in which the agency 1970s and the new uses of information enabled by
has participated during the year and to determine those changes. (See below for a discussion of the
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and development and capabilities of computer and
guidelines. The are also to serve as a clearing- network technology.) Others believe that clearer
house for receiving and providing information on
ss For a discussion of the government’s “routine use” of personal information, see R Schwartz, “The Computer in German and American
Constitutional Law: Towards an American Right of Information Self Determination,” The American Journal of Compararit’e Lan’, vol. 37, No.
4, fall 1989, pp. 694-698.
565 U.S.C. 552a(u).
57 Among the major SSA data exchanges with (k states is the Beneficiary Earnings and Data Exchange (BENDEX), which extracts ln-
forrnation from the Master Beneficiary Record earnings information for the entire nation. Most states check BENDEX before sending a pay-
ment to a surviving spouse claiming retirement benefits. Another common exchange is the Supplemental Security Income/State Data Exchange
(SDX ). This exchange is an extract of the Supplemental Security Record, the database that stores a person’s history on public assistance. Case
workers use SDX to verify eligibility for public assistance.
5826 u s. c. 6. 10S enumemtes 28 instances in which the IRS can disclose taxpayer lnfOrmatlOn.
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 185
The Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS’S) long-term project to modernize its computer system, the Tax
Systems Modernization (TSM) Program, began in 1988 and is projected to require a net capital invest-
ment of over $8 billion by 2008 Information security has been a major issue in this process; the IRS has
been faulted for privacy violations in its existing system and has been charged with showing little prog-
ress in addressing privacy concerns about the confidentiality of taxpayer records as it proceeds with
TSM The IRS counters that it is aggressively addressing these but additional safeguards could poten-
tially make the system more cumbersome to operate. ’
In a recent review of general controls over IRS computer systems, the General Accounting Office
found that the IRS did not adequately restrict access to computer programs and data files or monitor
the use of these resources by staff As a result, IRS employees who did not need taxpayer data could
access and/or use it, and unauthorized changes to the taxpayer data could be made inadvertently or
deliberately. In addition to confidentiality and integrity problems, these actions could result in fraud.2
The National Research Council (NRC) has also been studying the IRS and its progress in implement-
ing the TSM initiative In its report of a two-year study requested by the IRS, NRC found that the IRS
needed a more integrated, comprehensive, and internally consistent security architecture and that it
should investigate the use of modern cryptographic techniques such as public-key cryptography and
digital signatures in electronic filings NRC also found that the IRS privacy policy development should
include a stronger and more effective integration of privacy principles and techniques in TSM system
designs 3 In a follow-on letter report to the IRS in 1993, NRC found, “The IRS has increased its aware-
ness of privacy issues and has tackled several security issues over the last three years However, seri-
ous concerns remain about the privacy and security issues engendered by TSM. In particular, rapid
development of a comprehensive privacy and security policy is needed."4 According to the NRC com-
mittee, the new technologies being provided through TSM can lead to a wide range of potentially disas-
trous privacy and security problems for the IRS unless the IRS develops effective, integrated privacy
and security policies.
1 Stephen Barr, “IRS Computer Revamp Faulted by Study Panel, ” Washv?gfon Post, Aug 20, 1993, p A21
Z u s GeneralACCOuntlng Office, IRS in forma[ton Systems Weaknesses lncreasethe RlskofFraudand/mpalrRe/iabMty of Man-
agement /n/ormatlon, GAO/AlMD-93-34, September 1994
3 Computer Science and Telecommunlcatlons Board, National Research Council, Review Of the T= SY.Stem.S Modernlzatlon of
/he k?tema/ Revenue Serwce (Washington, DC Nahonal Academy Press 1992)
4 Letter remd from Robert p Clagett (Chair, Committee on Review ot the Tax Systems Modernization Of the Internal Revenue Ser-
wce, Nahonal Research Council) to Margaret Richardson (Commissioner, IRS), July 30, 1993
5 Ibid
problems in the private sector, it believed that the Since the 1970s, however, computer and com-
real threat existed with government collection and munications technology has enabled the growth of
use of information, which is the concern that the an information industry within the private sector.
Privacy Act of 1974 addresses.59 The dramatic advances in telecommunications
w c(~ncem~ ~al~ed by & ~[)mpu[eriza[ion t)f hea][h care information, cited by the Krever Commission of C~ada, reflect those raised by
cmnputenzation generally. The commission stated that: 1 ) computer technology makes the creati(m of new databases and data entry easy, s()
that da~abases can be created and maintained readily; 2) computerization allows for storage of large amounts of data in a very small physical
medium. An intruder into a database can retrieve large amounts of data once access is gained; 3) computers provide for the possibility of “invis-
ible theft’ ’—stealing data without taking anything physical—so that persons are unaware that data has been altered, stolen or abused, and 4)
computers allow for the possibility of “invisible” modification, deletion, or addition of data. Ontario C(wnmission of Inquiry into the Confiden-
tial ity of Health lnfw-mati(m, “Rep)rt of the Commission,” 1980, vol. l], Pp. 160-166.
61 j.R Rei&n~rg, op. cit., flX)hlOte 59, Pp. 201‘2W.
62 ~ Wwe, ,,The New Faces of ~~’acY! “ The information Sociefy, vol. 10, 1993, pp. 195, 200.
63 Hamls-~ulfax Consunler ~l~,acy Suwey 1992, conducted for Equifax by Louis Harris and Associates in a$s(~iati(m with Alan F. WeSt-
in, Columbia University.
64] Wa]den and N, Savage, “Transb)rder Data F]ow$,” lnjiormafion Technology& fhe lmi, 2nd Ed., 1. Walden (cd. ) (Great Britain: MacMll -
Ian Publisher, Ltd., 1990), p. 121.
88 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
could lead to invasions of privacy and that this sponding legal protections may not be afforded
should not be regarded as simply a national con- i t .6 7
cern. They realized that the economic and social The European approach to addressing privacy
relationships of many countries were closer than concerns is a comprehensive one; most European
before, and that the emergence of a global market countries have adopted omnibus legislation gov-
led to an increased movement of information erning private-sector data processing. Among
across borders. Since information is often of a per- these broad national laws are a number of impor-
sonal nature, and based on the premise that the tant differences relating to the scope of coverage
needs of the market should not undermine the and the regulatory enforcement mechanisms. The
legal protection for citizens, it was deemed neces- European Union believes that the effect of these
sary to regulate the use of personal data similarly differences is likely to impede the development of
in all countries. A number of countries prohibit the single European market and has proposed a di-
the transmission of personal information to coun- rective to harmonize these laws and establish a
tries with little or no computer privacy protec- community standard of privacy protection.68
tion. 66 Data protection and security requirements Two sets of international norms have tradition-
established by countries outside the United States ally established standards for data protection: the
may have a significant impact on transborder data Organization for Economic Cooperation and De-
flow because of the limited legal standards in the velopment’s (OECD’s) voluntary Guidelines
United States. Governing the Protection of Privacy and Trans-
While the Privacy Act of 1974 addresses the border Flows of Personal Data , and the Conven-
protection of data maintained by the federal gov- tion of the Council of Europe for the Protection of
ernment through principles of fair information Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing
practices (for enumeration and discussion of fair of Personal Data (No. 108/1981).69 Each at-
information practices, see page 81), American law tempted to assure that transborder data could flow
does not contain a comprehensive set of privacy across borders in an acceptable way and to provide
rights or principles that adequately address the ac- the data with a certain level of protection. Later,
quisition, storage, transmission, use, and disclo- in July 1990, the European Economic Community
sure of personal information within the private Commission proposed a draft directive ‘“concern-
sector. Legal protection is accorded through pri- ing the protection of individuals in relation to the
vacy rights created by federal or state legislation processing of personal data.”
or state common laws. In addition, self-regulatory
schemes have been adopted by some industries The Organization for Economic Cooperation
and various companies. Although these schemes and Development Guidelines
may offer privacy protect ion, the y are not enforce- The OECD guidelines were drafted in 1979 and
able by law. Europe is sensitive to a need to protect adopted in September 1980 as the Guidelines on
privacy, particularly the threat of technology that the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows
may easily transmit data to a country where corre-
65 p B]unle “An EEC policy for Data ~otection,”” Computerlbw’ Journal, vf~l, 1 I, 1992.
66 j.R. Reldenberg, op. cit. f(x~tno[e 59, p. ~3~.
67 Ibid.
68 Ibid.
69 OECD is ~ Uni[ed Natlon~ intergt)vemnlen[a] in5tltut10n, e5tab] ished in ] $)6 ] Wl(h the stated objectives of effective use of ec(mornic re-
sources of member states, development of scientific and technical research, training of personnel, maintenance of stable finances in external
and internal tumo~er, I iberalization of commodity exchange and flow of cap[tal, and technical assistance to developing c(mntries.
Chapter 3 Legal issues and Information Security 189
of Personal Data. They were developed in re- the private sector, however, these principles are
sponse to growing national movements to regu- not consistently applied.71 Since 1980 over 177
late transborder data flows and the discussion U.S. corporations and trade associations publicly
about the Council of Europe proposal. The specif- endorsed the OECD guidelines and issued policy
ic mandate was: letters on privacy and data security in recognition
. . . to develop guidelines on basic rules govern- of the importance of this subject, though few U.S.
ing the transborder flow and the protection of companies have publicly implemented the guide-
personal data and privacy, in order to facilitate lines.
the harmonization of national legislation, with- The guidelines balance the requirements for the
out this precluding at a later date the establish- free flow of data with the need to provide basic
ment of an international convention. data protection. They also specifically require that
The OECD guidelines are based on principles data flow be secured. Part 3 of the guidelines deals
of data protection to govern the protection of per- specifically with transborder data flow:
sonal data in transborder data flows. These prin-
m Member countries should take into consider-
ciples are:
ation the implications for other member coun-
■ Data should be obtained lawfully and fairly. tries of domestic processing and re-export of
m Data should be relevant to their purposes, accu- personal data.
rate, complete, and current. ■
Member countries should take all reasonable
m The purpose for which data will be used must and appropriate steps to ensure that transborder
be identified and data must be destroyed if it is flows of personal data, including transit
no longer necessary to serve that purpose. through a member country, are uninterrupted
■ Use of data for purposes other than those speci- and secure.
fied is authorized only with the consent of the ■
A member country should refrain from restrict-
data subject or by authority of law. ing transborder flows of personal data between
m Procedures must be established to guard against itself and another member country, except
loss, destruction, corruption, or misuse of data. where the latter does not yet substantially ob-
Information about collection. storage, and use serve these guidelines or where export of such
of personal data and personal data systems data would circumvent its domestic privacy
should be available. legislation. A member country may also im-
■ The data subject has a right of access to his or pose restrictions in respect of certain categories
her data and the right to challenge the accuracy of personal data for which its domestic privacy
of that data.
legislation includes specific regulations in
m A data controller should be designed and ac-
view of the nature of those data, and for which
countable for complying with measures estab-
the other member country provides an equiva-
lished to implement these principles.70
lent protection.
These principles mirror the elements of fair in- m Member countries should avoid developing
formation practices that form the basis of much of laws, policies, and practices in the name of the
U.S. law related to government information. In protection of privacy and individual liberties,
that would create obstacles to transborder flows union, and. . . the implementation of certain com-
of personal data that would exceed require- mon policies . . . “77 (For discussion of the Euro-
ments for such protection. 72 pean Union’s analysis of information security
While the OECD guidelines are voluntary and systems, see box 3-5.)
On March 11, 1992, the European Communi-
are not a legally binding instrument, they have
ties Parliament advised amending the commis-
been endorsed by all 24 member countries.
The Council of Europe has interpreted the con- sion’s proposal to eliminate the distinction
vention on data protection for specific kinds of between public and private-sector data protection,
data processing. The principles at the foundation and then amended and approved the draft Council
of this convention are virtually identical to those Directive. On October 15, 1992, the commission
issued its amended proposal, which is being con-
of the OECD guidelines. The Council of Europe
has also defined fair information practices under sidered by the Council of Ministers.
other circumstances and issued recommendations Under the Council Directive, each of the EU
for areas such as direct marketing and employ- member states must enact laws governing the
ment records.73 The U.S. business community “processing of personal data.”78 Processing is de-
views these initiatives as reflecting an appropriate fined broadly as “any operation or set of opera-
balance between privacy protection and free flows tions,” whether or not automated, including but
of information .74 not limited to “collection, recording, organiza-
tion, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval,
European Community Council Directive consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dis-
In July 1990 the Commission of the European semination or otherwise making available, align-
Economic Community published a draft Council ment or combination, blocking, erasure or
Directive on the Protection of Individuals with destruction.” 79 Personal data is defined equally
Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on broadly as “any information relating to an identi-
the Free Movement of Such Data (*’The Council fied or identifiable natural person.”80 The only
Directive’ ’).75 The Council Directive is part of the “processing of personal data” not covered by the
European Union’s (EU’S)76 program to create a Council Directive is that performed by a “natural
“common market and an economic and monetary
The Commission of the European Communities’ Green Book on the Security of information Systems
(“Green Book”)1 IS the result of a European Council decision adopted in May 1992 establishing a Senior
Official’s Group to advise the commission on action to be undertaken, and to develop strategies for the
security of Information systems or “Action Plan “ As a step toward this Action Plan, the Green Book
examines the issues involved, the range of options resulting from an analysis of the issues, and require-
ments for action The Green Book attempts to outline the background to the development of a consis-
tent approach to information security in Europe
The intention of the Commission in preparing the Green Book was to set out and promote a better
understanding of information security issues and to develop a consensus on information system securi-
ty strategies to be considered on an EC-wide basis. The Green Book represents an intermediate step
toward the formulation of an Action Plan foreseen in the Council Decision.
The Green Book, m its section on Proposed Positions and Actions, identifies areas where initiatives
are needed EC-wide These require a concerted approach within Europe and where possible, interna-
tionally. The general position taken by the document is that societies engaged in the global economy
need to provide for adequate levels of Information security With the growing diversity of services and
applications of telematics, the security of information systems must evolve with the growing demand
and reduce the risks to security and safety while avoiding obstruction of renovation or economic and
social developments The document examines and sets forth a proposed position and action for three
major areas trust services, International developments, and technical harmonization
The Green Book addresses issues surrounding trust services, Including electronic alternates to
traditional techniques of securing Information, such as signatures, envelopes, registration, sealing, de-
positing and special delivery. It raises the issue of information crime and rules governing the use of
electronic evidence in civil and criminal court proceedings including the need to harmonize these wlthin
the EC The absence of such harmonization could create, it asserts, “safe havens” for illegal activities. It
addresses the need to cater to the needs for seamless information security for business, the general
public, video and multimedia communications, and telecommuting in nonclassified Information The re-
port suggests that trust services be established, including digital signature, nonrepudiation, claim of
I Commwslon of the European Commun}ttes, Directorate General X111, Telecommumcatlons, Information Market and Exploltatlon
of Research, Green Book on fhe Security of lnformat~on Systems, Drafl 40, Oct 18, 1993
3 Ibid p 1
Ibid at p 2
Ibid at 3-6
person in the course of a purely private and per- date, relevant, not excessive, used only for the le-
sonal activity.”81 gitimate purposes for which it was collected, and
Individual national laws enacted in compliance kept in a form that permits identification of indi-
with the Council Directive must guarantee that viduals no longer than is necessary, for that pur-
“processing of personal data” is accurate, up-to-
origin, claim of ownership in negotiable documents, fair exchange of values, intractability, and time
stamping It suggests establishment of Europe-wide confidentiality services for nonclassified informa-
tion, establishment of a network of Trusted Third Parties for the administration of the service provisions
such as for name assignment, key management, certifications and directories, and liability principles
for network providers, intermediates, and value-added service providers, It suggests establishment of
common principles for legislation covering communication crime and for electronic evidence, develop-
ment of generic codes of practice for handling nonclassified information, including rules for security
labeling, and development of sector-specific codes of practice and base line controls. 6
The Green Book discusses rapidly developing international/ communication and security concerns,
and recognizes that security needs of European organizations and individuals must be safeguarded
and the competitiveness of the European industry maintained. It points out the need to avoid creation of
barriers to trade and services based on the control over security mechanisms and digital signature
schemes. It proposes that if acceptable international solutions cannot be agreed to, a European option
should be considered In response to these positions it suggests efforts toward international solutions
for information security, strengthened support for international standardization, and consideration of a
European security option offering confidentiality and digital signature services internationally
On the subject of technical harmonization, the paper points out that electronic products, systems,
services, and applications must be secure and safe, and must operate to generally recognized levels of
trust The International character of service and product supply requires the establishment of mutual
recognition of testing, validation, auditing, and liability assessment To accomplish this, the Green Book
suggests establishment of an international scheme for evaluation, certification, and mutual recognition
that provides for security, safety, and quality evaluations for applications, services, systems, and prod-
ucts. It also proposes establishment of principles for incident reporting obligations, incident contain-
ment, schemes for service provider and vendor self-evaluations and declarations, and communitywide
quality criteria for safety of systems, including methodologies for the assessment of threats, vulnerabili-
ties, and hazards for safety critical systems
6 Ibid at p 3-4
lb[d , at p 5
Ibid , at p 5-6
pose. 82 personal data maybe processed only with ligious beliefs, philosophical or ethical persua-
the consent of the data subject when legally re- sion . . . [or] concerning health or sexual life” is
quired or to protect “the public interest” or the “le- severely restricted and in most cases forbidden
gitimate interests” of a private party, except where without the written permission of the data sub-
(hose interests are trumped by the “interests of the ject.” 84
data subject.”83 The processing of data revealing
“racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, re-
Persons from whom data is to be collected must cidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss
be informed of the purposes of the intended proc- and against unauthorized alteration or disclosure
essing; the obligatory or voluntary nature of any or any other unauthorized form of processing."90
reply; the consequences of failing to reply; the In keeping with most European data protection
recipients of the data; the data subject right of ac- legal regimes, the Council Directive requires that
cess to, and opportunity to correct, data concern- controllers’ notify the applicable national ● ’super-
ing her or him; and the name and address of the visory authority” before beginning any data proc-
"controller.” 85 This same disclosure, except for essing.91 At minimum, member States’ national
that concerning the obligatory or voluntary nature laws must require that the notification include: the
of any response and the consequences of failing to name and address of the controller, the purpose for
reply, must be provided to anyone about whom the processing, the categories of data subjects, a
data is collected without their consent.86 description of the data or categories of data to be
The Council Directive requires member states processed, the third parties or categories of third
to enact laws guaranteeing each individual access parties to whom the data might be disclosed, any
to, and the opportunity to correct, processed in- proposed transfers of data to other countries, and
formation about her or him. This right of access a description of measures taken to assure the secu-
may be limited only to protect national security, rity of the processing.92
defense, criminal proceedings, public safety, a Each supervisory authority is required to inves-
“duly established paramount economic and finan- tigate data processing that “poses specific risks to
cial interest of a member state or of the [European] the rights and freedoms of individuals.”93 For cer-
Community . . .“ or a similar interest. tain routine processing that does not pose signifi-
National laws under the Council Directive cant threat to individuals rights (e.g., the
must also permit data subjects to correct, erase, or production of correspondence, consultation of
block the transfer of “inaccurate or incomplete documents available to the public, etc.), the Coun-
data,”87 and the opportunity to object to the proc- cil Directive permits members states to simplify
essing of personal data.88 The Council Directive or even eliminate the notification requirements.94
requires that data subjects be offered the opportu- Each supervisory authority is required to keep and
nity to have personal data erased without cost be- make available to the public a ‘*register of notified
fore they are disclosed to third parties, or used on processing operations."95
their behalf, for direct mail marketing. 89 Under the Council Directive, each member
The Council Directive establishes basic re- state must establish an independent public author-
quirements for protecting personal data from “ac-
ity to supervise the protection of personal data,96 tive does not spell out standards for making evalu-
which has the power to investigate data process- ations.
ing activities, to intervene and order the destruc- Because the United States lacks comprehen-
tion of data that has infringed on personal rights, sive laws on fair information practice, the Council
to order that processing cease, and to block trans- Directive prompts increased scrutiny of U.S. pri-
fer of data to third parties. The supervisory author- vate-sector activity in the area of data protection.
ity must also have the power to deal with U.S. business has some serious concerns about the
complaints from data subjects and is required to EU proposal, as it relates to the data subject’s con-
issue a publicly available report at least annual- sent and the transfer of data to non-EU countries.
ly. 97 With respect to issues surrounding transborder
Each member state’s law must provide for civil data flows, the initial version of the proposed
liability against those that control data for unlaw- Council Directive required all member states to
ful processing activities,98 and impose penalties prevent the transfer of personal data to a non-Eu-
for noncompliance with the national laws adopted ropean Union country unless that country ensured
pursuant to the Council Directive.99 National laws an “adequate level of protection,” where adequacy
must provide both for enforcement by a supervi- appeared to be determined by an EU evaluation of
sory authority and for remedies for breach of the third countries’ national data protection laws.
rights. 100 The first draft of the proposed Council Directive
Finally, although forbidden to restrict the flow allowed EU level coordinating committees to es-
of personal data among themselves because of na- tablish a blacklist of countries, but did not require
tional data protection or privacy concerns, mem- it. There was great concern about how the United
ber states will be required to enact laws States would be treated.
prohibiting the transfer of personal data to non- Business was especially concerned with this
member states that fail to ensure an “adequate lev- provision because of its potential to erect barriers
el of protection.’’ lO1 The prohibition is of to the free flow of information. This was also per-
particular concern to U.S. business interests. The ceived as indirectly imposing EU standards on
basis for determining the adequacy of the protec- third-party countries, including the United States,
tion offered by the transferee country “shall be where the approach to privacy protection is differ-
assessed in the light of all circumstances sur- ent. The business community prefers to rely on the
rounding a data transfer,“ including the nature of existing structure of federal, state, and industry-
the data, the purpose and duration of the proposed specific laws in this area and on self-regulation
processing, the “legislative provisions, both gen- rather than broad legislation. The business com-
eral and sectoral,” in the transferee country, and munity sees the revised Council Directive as plac-
the “professional 102
rules which are complied with” ing more emphasis on the importance of the free
in that country. However, the Council Direc- flow of information. It now states that the adequa-
cy of protection in a non-EU country “shall be as- vacy. OTA cited the lack of a federal forum in
sessed in the light of all the circumstances which the conflicting values at stake in the devel-
surrounding the data transfer operation,” includ- opment of federal electronic systems could be ful-
ing nature of the data, purpose and duration of ly debated and resolved. As privacy questions will
processing, laws, and professional rules, but be- arise in the domestic arena, as well as internation-
lieves it should go further and recognize self-regu- ally, a commission could deal with these as well.
1atory practices, such as a company’s internal code Data protection boards have been instituted in
of conduct.103 The EC has commissioned an ex- several foreign countries, including Sweden, Ger-
tensive study of U.S. law and practice in connec- many, Luxembourg, France, Norway, Israel, Aus-
tion with an interest in better understanding the tria, Iceland, United Kingdom, Finland, Ireland,
scope of information practices in the United the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia.
States. 104 The responsibilities and functions suggested
In addressing the sufficiency of existing U.S. for a privacy commission or data protection board
legal standards for privacy and security in a net- are:
worked environment for the private sector:
1. to identify privacy concerns, that is to function
● Congress could legislate to set standards simi- essentially as an alarm system for the protec-
lar to the OECD guidelines; or, alternatively, tion of personal privacy;
Congress could allow individual interests, 2. to carry out oversight to protect the privacy in-
such as the business community, to advise the terests of individuals in information handling
international community on its own of its in- activities;
terests in data protection policy. However, be- 3. to develop and monitor the implementation of
cause the EU’s protection scheme could affect appropriate security guidelines and practices
U.S. trade in services and could impact upon for the protection of health care information;
individuals, Congress may also wish to moni- 4. to advise and develop regulations appropriate
tor and consider the requirements of foreign for specific types of information systems;
data protection rules as they shape U.S. securi- 5. to monitor and evaluate developments in in-
ty and privacy policy to assure that all interests formation technology with respect to their im-
are reflected. plications for personal privacy in information;
One means of assuring that a diversity of in- 6. to perform a research and reporting function
terests is reflected in addressing the problem of with respect to information privacy issues in
maintaining privacy in computerized informa- the United States.
tion—whether in the public or private sector—
would be for Congress to establish a Federal Debate continues as to whether such a body
Privacy Commission. Proposals for such a com- should serve in a regulatory or advisory capacity.
mittee or board were discussed by the Office of In the 103d Congress, legislation has been
Technology Assessment (OTA) in its 1986 study introduced that would establish a Privacy Protec-
of Electronic Record Systems and Individual Pri- tion Commission. 105
l~J M N Di T{)st{), M~ager, Te]ecomn]unica( i(~n#Ec(Jnomic” and Financial po]icy, United StaleS council fOr ]ntematl(~na] Business, “ln-
tema[i~mal Data Pn,[ection Landscape,” remarks to the State of Virginia’s Committee on tnforrnation Policy, July 23, 1993.
104 me Studv directed by ~[)fesst)r Splros Slnll[ls, W()]fgang Goethe C()]lege of the University of Frankfurt ~d ctmducted by pr~)fess[ms
Paul Schwartz, University of Arhansas School” of Law and Joel R. Reidenberg, Fordham University Schtx)l {~f Law, is expected to bc released in
IOS s. 1735, [he ~Y,acy ~otec[i(jn Ac(, was intr(xiuced by Senator Paul Simon on N(Jv. 20. 1993.
96 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
1~ The Cop)ration” for Nall~>nal Research Initiatives (CNRI) outlines one proposal for components of a digital system, which c(~uld in-
clude: 1 ) personal library systems for the users; 2) organizational library systems forserving groups of individuals oractivities; 3) new as well as
existing local or distant databases; 4) database servers to handle remote requests, and 5) a variety of system functions to coordinate and manage
the entry and retrieval of data. The system components are assumed to be Ilnked by means of one or more interconnected computer networks.
They assume use of active intelligent computer programs such as “knowbot” programs, that act as agents traveling within a network and acces-
sing network resources on behalf of end users. The programs would be capable of exchanging messages with other such programs and rmwing
from one system to another carrying out the wishes of the users.
I ~7 R()&~ A iken, Network Research %ogmnl Director, U.S. Department of Energy, Livernmre National Laboratories, ~’rSOna] commlJ-
nication, May 1994.
l~s u s. .~pa~nlen[ of Conlnlerce, Technology” Administration, fuffitr~’ [he Infiwmution Infiustrucrure to Work: Repot-l Oj /he Informanon
/n@rtructure 7ti.rk Force Commif/ee on Applications and Technology, NIST Special Publication 857 (Gaithersburg, MD: National Institu[e of
Standards and Technology, May 1994) , p. 95.
1~ Stu Berman, “Advmces in 13ectronk Publishing Herald Changes for Scientists,” Chemical & En~ineering Netis, vol. 71, N(). 24, J une
14, 1993, pp. ](), 16.
110 [bid.
1‘ Ibid.
Chapter 3 Legal lssues and information Security 197
for libraries, based in Dublin, Ohio. This system The nature of digital works changes how authors
enables student and faculty access to a database create, the kinds of works they create, and the
that will eventually include more than 10 years’ ways that readers or users read or use the works.
worth of 20 chemical journals and information These changes in the nature of creative works af-
from scientific reference texts. Users can electron- fect the operation of copyright law. (For a discus-
ically retrieve articles, complete with illustra- sion of copyright law and the related issue of fair
tions, tables, mathematical formulas, and use, see boxes 3-6 and 3-7.) In an earlier work,
chemical structures. They can also switch to ar- OTA suggested several options for dealing with
ticles on related topics, or to reference articles, us- these issues. Among these were to clarify the sta-
ing hypertext-type links. 112 tus of mixed-media works with respect to their
Ways in which digital information differs from copyright protection and to create or encourage
information in more traditional forms include the private efforts to form rights clearing and royalty
following: collection agencies for groups of copyright own-
ers. 114 However, the application of intellectual
1. Digital works are easily copied, with no loss of
quality. property law to protect works maintained in digi-
2. They can be transmitted easily to other users or tal libraries continues to be uncertain; concepts
be accessed by multiple users. such as fair use are not clearly defined as they ap-
3. They can be manipulated and modified easily ply to these works, and the means to monitor com-
and changed beyond recognition. pliance with copyright law and to distribute
4. Works treated very differently under current royalties are not yet resolved.
copyright law are essentially equivalent: text,
video, or music are all reduced to a series of bits I Findings from OTA’s 1992 Study of
and stored in the same medium. Software and Intellectual Property
5. Works are inaccessible to the user without hard- In an earlier work, Finding a Balance: Computer
ware and software tools for retrieval, decoding, Software, Intellectual Property and the Challenge
and navigation. of Technological Change, 115 OTA examined fun-
6. Software allows for new kinds of search and damental copyright issues raised by collections of
linking activities that can produce works that digital information. OTA’s findings still apply,
can be experienced in new ways, e.g., interac- and bear mentioning here.
tive media.113
I I J us. congress, office of Techn&Jgy Assessment, Finding a Balance: Computer Software, ]nte]/ectuai prOpertY Und the challenge u!’
Technological Change, OTA-TCT-527 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1992). These differences were also cited in
Pufrlng the lnjormatlon lrrfrastructure to Work: Report of [he lnfornuuion [nfiastructure Task Force Committee on Applications and Technolo-
gy, op. cit., footrmte 108, p. 96. The report stated that “[t]he advanced information infrastructure presents three significant and qualitatively new
challenges u) prt)tecting intellectual property, First, digitization offers an unprecedented, easy, and inexpensive method to produce an indefinite
number of perfect copies. Second, inf(mnation in disparate media can be converted into a single digital stream and can be easily manipulated to
create a variety of new works. Third, digitized information can be instantaneously distributed to and downloaded by thousands of users of the
I I q Ibid, ,.
p 36 However,
. s(~m comnlentat(~rs believe that an approach more appropriate to present technological capabilities would alh~w
for direct paymen[s. (Oliver Smoot, Executive Vice-President, Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, personal com-
munica[i(m, May 1994. ) At the same time, efforts to arrive at a standard licensing contract for online information have confronted problems.
(Laurie Rhoades, Attorney Advis~m, U.S. Copyright Office, personal communication , May 1994.)
I I $ ~“lndlng fj &J/a~(.e, op. Cit., fOOtnOte 1 I ~.
98 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Copyright law in the United States protects the rights of an author to control the reproduction,
adaptation, public distribution, public display, and public performance of original works of authorship of
every kind, ranging from books to sound recordings.
A fundamental goal of U.S. copyright law is to promote the public interest and knowledge—the
“Progress of Science and useful Arts." 1 Although copyright is a property Interest, its primary purpose
was not conceived of as the collection of royalties or the protection of property, rather, copyright was
developed primarily for the promotion of intellectual pursuits and public knowledge As the Supreme
Court has stated
The economic philosophy behind the clause empowering the Congress to grant patents and copyrights IS
the conviction that encouragement of individual efforts by personal gain is the best way to advance public wel-
fare through the talents of authors and inventors in Science and the useful Arts
Much of the structure and basis for American law is derived from its British legal antecedents After
the Introduction of the printing press in England in the late 1400s, the Crown’s first response was to
control what writings were printed or copied The earliest British copyright laws were enacted in the
1500s to promote censorship by the government to cooperation with a monopolistic group of printers
known as the Stationer’s Guild This system collapsed when the company failed to exercise discretion
as a censor, but used its monopoly power to set high prices. Parliament’s response in 1695 was to allow
the Stationer’s copyrights to expire, but this resulted in a period of anarchical publication. In 1709 Par-
liament responded to the situation by enacting legislation known as the Statute of Anne This statute
granted a copyright to authors, as opposed to printers, for a period of 14 years The copyright was
renewable for an additional 14 years if the author was still alive After the expiration of the copyright, the
writing became part of the public domain available for use by anyone This first modern copyright law
became the model for subsequent copyright laws in English-speaking countries
After severing ties with Great Britain, the former American colonies sought means to secure copy-
right laws in 1783, the Continental Congress passed a resolution encouraging the various states to
enact copyright Iegislation All of the states except Delaware enacted some form of copyright statute,
although the various State laws differed greatly Because of the differences in the State copyright laws
and the ensuing difficulties, the Framers of the Constitution, notably James Madison, asserted that the
copyright power should be conferred upon the legislative branch This concept was ultimately
adopted, and Congress was granted the right to regulate copyright (art 1, sec. 8, cl 8).
1 The Constitution prowdes that “Congress shall have power to Promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing
form Ilmlted Times to Authors and Inventors the excluswe Right to their respectwe Wrltmgs and Dlscoverles “
2 &fa~er v Stein, 347 U S 201 219 (1954 )
See U S Congress, Off Ice of Technology Assessment, Intellectual Properly R\ghts m an Age of Electrcmcs and Information,
OTA-CIT-302 (Washington, DC U S Government Pnntmg Office, April 1986)
R P Lyman, Copyright m F/lstorlca/ Perspectwe (Nashwlle TN Vanderbilt Unwerslty Press 1968), p 183
6 Congress’s constitutional grant of copyright regulation IS more restricted than Its Engllsh antecedents
100 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
The First Congress in 1790 enacted the first federal copyright act This legislation provided for the
protection of author’s rights Commentators have written that the central concept of this statute is that
copyright is a grant made by a government and a statutory privilege, not a right. The statute was sub-
stantially revised in 18318 to add copyright coverage to musical compositions and to extend the term
and scope of copyright. A second general revision of copyright law in 18709 designated the Library of
Congress as the location for administration of the copyright law, including the deposit and registration
requirements. This legislation extended copyright protection to artistic works The third general revision
of American copyright law in 1909 10 permitted copyright registration of certain types of unpublished
works The 1909 legislation also changed the duration of copyright and extended copyright renewal
from 14 to 28 years A 1971 amendment extended copyright protection to certain sound recordings.11
The fourth and most recent overhaul of American copyright law occurred in 1976, after years of study
and legislative activity The 1976 legislation modified the term of copyright and, more significantly, co-
dified the common law fair-use concept as a limitation on the exclusive rights of the copyright holder
In 1980, following recommendations made by the National Commission on New Technological Uses of
Copyrighted Works, legislation explicitly extended copyright to computer programs.12
The copyright statute interprets the constitutional term “writings” broadly, defining it as:
works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression now known or later developed, from
which they can be perceived, reproduced or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a ma-
chine or device. 13
Copyright protection is expressly provided for eight categories of a works literary; musical, dramat-
ic, pantomimes and choreographic, pictorial, graphic and sculptural; motion picture and other audio-
visual works, sound recording, and architectural, however, the legislative history indicates that these
categories are not meant to be exhaustive Computer programs are copyrightable as “literary works”
as defined in 17 U.S.C 101.14
The term computer program IS also defined in section 101 as “a set of statements or instructions
used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result. ”
Copyright protection subsists from the time work of authorship is created in a fixed form. The copy-
right in the work becomes the property of the author immediately upon creation. Only the author or one
deriving rights through the author, can rightfully claim copyright.
Ch 15, Sec 1, 1 Stat 12 See, OTA- CIT-302, op. clt footnote ,p64
84 Stat 436
9 Act of July 8, 1879, c 230, 16 Slat 198
10 Act of March 9, 1909 c 320, 35 Slat 1075
11 publlc law 92-14 r), OCI 15, 1971 I ~ Stat ’91
1217 u s c 107, 1 f 7
1317 U S C 102(a)
1417 us c I 01 prowdes m perment Part “Literary works” are works, other than audiovisual works, expressed In words, num-
bers, or other verbal or numericalsymbols or mdic~a, regardless of the nature of the materialob]ects, such as books, pertodlcals,
manuscnpts, phonorecords, film, tapes, disks or cards, m which they are embodied
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and lnformation Security 1101
In the case of works made for hire, the employer rather than the employee is presumptively consid-
ered the author A work made for hire is define as
1 a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his other employment, or
2 a work specially ordered or commissioned for use in a variety of circumstances enumerated by
the statute
Copyright does not protect ideas, but rather the expression of ideas Copyright protection does not
extend to any
procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in
which it IS described, explained, Illustrated, or embodied 5
Copyright protects the writings of an author against unauthorized copying, distribution, and so forth,
and protects the form of expression rather than the subject matter of the writing Unlike patents, it does
not protect against independent creation Copyright grants the owner the exclusive right to do and to
authorize others to do the following:16
■ reproduce copies of the copyrighted work,
s prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work;
■ distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by
rental, lease or lending,
“ perform the copyrighted work publicly, and
■ display the copyrighted work publicly.17
The statute does, however, specify certain Imitations to the copyright owner’s exclusive rights that
are noninfringing uses of the copyrighted works These limitations Include the “fair use” of the work (17
U S C 107(1988)), certain kinds of reproduction by libraries and archives (17 U S C 108 (1988)), cer-
tain educational performances and displays (17 U S C 110 (1988)), and certain other uses (17 U S C
117 (1980))
It is an Infringement of the copyright for anyone to engage in any of the activities enumerated above
without the authorization of the copyright owner The copyright statute provides that the copyright owner
may institute an action for Infringement against the copyright infringer to prevent further infringement of
the copyright (17 U S C 502 (1988)) An Infringer of a copyright may be subject to the payment of actu-
al damages and profits to the copyright owner (17 U S C 504 (b)(1988)), or in certain circumstances
the copyright owner may elect specified statutory damages within specified ranges in Iieu of actual
damages and profits (17 U S C 504 (c)(1988)) In addition, in certain cases the court may permit the
recovery of legal fees and related expenses involved in bringing the action (17 U S C 505 (1988))
Criminal sanctions may also be imposed for copyright infringement in certain cases (17 U S C 506
1517 U S C 102(b)
16 Not all ~orks, however, enjoy all rights For example, sound recordings have no public Performance right 17 U S C 106(4)
1717 u s c 106
SOURCE U S Congress, Off Ice of Technology Assessment, Copyrlghtand Home Copying Technology Cha//enges the Law OTA-
CIT-422 (Washmgfon, DC U S Government Prmhng Off Ice, October 1989).
102 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
The tension between the stimulation of intellectual pursuits and the property interests of the copy-
right owner has been a central issue in the development, implementation, and interpretation of Ameri-
can copyright laws Moreover, the concept of copyright presents a seeming paradox or contradiction
when considered within the context of the first amendment freedom of speech guarantees while the
first amendment guarantees freedom of expression, it can be argued that copyright seems to restrict
the use or dissemination of Information. It can be argued, however, that copyright, to the degree that it
stimulates expression and encourages writing and other efforts, furthers first amendment expression
values by encouraging the quantity of “speech” that is created. In attempting to resolve these conflict-
ing interests, the courts have adopted a test that weights the interests of freedom of expression and the
property interests of the copyrightholder to arrive at an acceptable balance An extensive body of
case law has been developed that weighs and counterbalances first amendment concerns and the
rights of the copyright holder
Hence, the American copyright system is based on dual interests intellectual promotion and proper-
ty rights Combined with these factors is the first amendment freedom of expression concern, Courts
have balanced and assessed these seemingly conflicting elements, and Congress has considered
them in enacting copyright legislation
Much of the historical balancing has occurred in the context of the fair-use doctrine The doctrine of
fair use as codified in the Copyright Act of 1976 has antecedents in British law of the 18th and 19th
centuries and in 19th century U S case law Various approaches have been adopted to interpret the
fair-use doctrine It has been said that the doctrine of “fair use” allows the court to bypass an inflexible
application of copyright law, when under certain circumstances it would impede the creative activity
that the copyright law was supposed to stimulate Indeed, some commentators have viewed the flexibil-
ity of the doctrine as the “safety valve” of copyright law, especially in times of rapid technological
change Others have considered the uncertainties of the fair-use doctrine the source of unresolved am-
In codifying the fair-use exception in the Copyright Act of 1976, Congress did not formulate a specif-
ic test for determining whether a particular use was to be construed as a fair use Rather, Congress
created statutory recognition of a Iist of factors that courts should consider in making their fair-use de-
terminations The four factors set out in the statute are
1 the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is
for nonprofit educational purposes;
2 the nature of the copyrighted work;
3 the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole,
4 The effect of the use on the potential market and value of the copyrighted work (17 U.S.C. 107)
1 HIS also argued that freedom of speech guarantees the speaker the right to speakhls or her own expression, and that It does not
gwe hlm the right to speak) or copy someone elses expression Nor does It prevent a speaker from using the Ideas or Informahon m
someone else’s Ideas, facts, or mformahon Copyright requires the speaker to arrwe at hrs own expression from the Ideas he wishes to
express The resulting conflict or balance between these interests IS part of copyright Itself —llmtted protection, with the hmltations
spectflcally designed to encourage publication and access to mformahon The remammgconfhct, it IS argued, maybe resolved by
fatr use Mary Jensen, Unwerstty of South Dakota School of Law, personal commumcatlon, Sept 29, 1991
Melwlle Nlmmer, N/mmer on Copyright (New York, NY Bender, 1991), VOI 1, sec 1 10
See Harper& Row Pubhshers, Inc v Nat(on Enterprises, 471 U S 539 (1985)
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 1103
Congress realized that these factors were “in no case definitive or determinative” but rather "(pro-
vided some gauge [SIC ] for balancing equities “ It appears that Congress developed a flexible set of
criteria for analyzing the circumstances surrounding each fair-use case, and that each case would be
judicially analyzed on an ad hoc basis Therefore, courts seem to have considerable Iatitude in apply-
ing and evaluating fair-use factors Courts have given different weight and interpretation to the fair use
factors in different judicial determinations The following Illustrations demonstrate how some courts have
interpreted certain fair-use factors
In evaluating the first factor, the purpose and character of the use, courts have not always held that
the use ‘(of a commercial nature” precludes a fair-use finding, nor does a “nonprofit educational” pur-
pose mandate a finding of fair use A defense of fair use on the basis of the first criterion will more often
be recognized, however, when a defendant uses the work for educational, scientific, or historical pur-
Consideration of the second factor, the nature of the copyrighted work, must be based on the facts
and circumstances of each particular case For instance, courts have Interpreted the scope of the fair
use doctrine narrowly for unpublished works held confidential by their authors
In examining the third factor, the amount and substantiality of the portion of the work used, courts
have looked at both the quantitative aspect—how much of the work is used—and the qualitative fac-
tor—whether the “heart” or essence of the work is used The fair-use doctrine is usually not considered
to be applicable when the copying IS nearly a complete copy of the copyrighted work, or almost verba-
tim. Before the Court of Claims decision in Williams & Wilkins Co v United States, courts as a rule did
not allow fair use for copying of entire works or substantial portions of a work However, the issue of
copying entire works was the topic of significant debate prior to passage of the 1976 act The result of
this debate, which allows for this kind of copying under limited circumstances, is found in section 108,
which sets out guidelines for classroom copying, and in interpretation of fair use in the Iegislative re-
ports. 6
In assessing the fourth factor, courts have examined the defendant’s alleged conduct to see whether
it poses a substantially adverse effect on the potential market for, or value of, the plaintiff present work
These considerations are used with great care by the courts in applying the fair-use doctrine on a case-
by-case basis
Congress looked to the issue of copyright fair use at some length in 1991, examining whether the fair
use doctrine and the First Amendment permit biographers to make unauthorized use of their subject’s
unpublished letters and manuscripts The courts have decided this issue on the basis of the specific
facts of each case, but emphasizing the unpublished nature of the work in denying fair use
In 1991 the Senate passed S 1035 to clarify that the unpublished nature of a copyrighted work does
not per se preclude applicability of the fair use defense to infringement A similar measure was deleted
from H R 2372 when a district court ruled in favor of a biographer in Wright v Warner Books 7
For a historical analysts of the talr use factors, see Willlam Palry, The Fav Use Pmdege m Copyright Law (Washington, DC The
Bureau of National Affairs 1985) ch 17
5 W1//lams & wlf~lns co “ (Jnlted S1ates, 172 IJ S p Q 670 (cl c1 1972), 487 F 2d 1345, 180 U S P Q 49 (Ct Cl 1973), aff’dbyan
equa//ydwded coufl, 420 U S 376 184 U S PO 705 (1975)
6 patV op CIf footnote 4. PP 449-450
Wright v Warner Books, 748 F Supp 105 (DC SNY 1990) The Second Crcult affirmed
SOURCE U S Congress, Off Ice of Technology Assessment, Copyfightandtfome Copying Technology Challenges the Law, OTA-
CIT-422 (Washington, DC U S Government Prlntmg Off Ice, October 1989) and cited sources
104 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
same medium as computer programs, it would braries, in terms of their operations, cost
seem logical to treat them in the same way. How- differentials, and access.
ever, the argument remains that digital data does Other issues to be resolved are policies about
not fit the definitions currently set out in section the use of material obtained by library patrons.
101 of the Copyright Act so owners have no right Some libraries offer online information and other
to make archival copies. The two points raised services such as access to electronic bulletin
here become even more complicated for libraries boards to their patrons. These libraries become an
in the case of mixed-media works in which printed additional link in a complex of transactions. To
material, digital data, computer programs, micro- what extent are libraries responsible if users make
fiche, and other forms might be packaged and unauthorized copies, post copyrighted material on
used together. electronic bulletin boards, send obscene mes-
Libraries have long participated in resource sages, or otherwise infringe copyrights, violate
sharing whereby several libraries cooperatively contracts, or break laws? These problems are not
purchase material, and some libraries don’t make new. The photocopier eventually caused libraries
certain purchases in the knowledge that the mate- to adopt a policy of providing copiers, posting a
rial can be obtained through interlibrary loan. Re- notice about the copyright law, and then leaving
source sharing practices have long been viewed as users unsupervised to follow their own con-
prudent use of both funds and storage space, espe- sciences. Policies regarding digital information—
cially for low-demand items. Interlibrary loans of what can be downloaded, number of printouts
collections among libraries is institutionalized by allowed, etc.—will also be developed. The devel-
tradition and acceptable under the provisions of opment of policies for digital information may be
the Copyright Act (section 108). Interlibrary loan more complex since contracts with information
exchanges have increased dramatically in recent vendors will also be involved.
years. However, sharing of other information re-
sources has recently come under fire from some Authorship and Compilations
publishers, who see them as depriving informa- Copyright attaches to “original works of author-
tion providers of sales. Publishers protect their in- ship.. . .“ Original in this case means that the work
terests by leasing, instead of selling materials, was independently created by the author and not
thus denying libraries the rights that ownership copied from another work. The U.S. Supreme
(e.g., of printed works) permits under the first- Court has defined author as “he to whom anything
sale doctrine. Contracts with electronic informa- owes its origin; originator; maker.” Because much
tion providers sometimes limit or forbid sharing of digital information is in the form of compila-
or lending of materials. Libraries, particularly tions of facts, which are not original, how much of
public ones, have an obligation to balance the in- the publisher’s contribution to selection, arrange-
terests of users and publishers—a balance that the ment, and organization of facts should be pro-
Copyright Act is intended to maintain. The grow- tected by copyright is sometimes contro-
ing use of electronic information, and the tenden- versial. 116
cy of information providers to control the uses of
this material through contracts, may lead to dis-
tinctions between for-profit and not-for-profit li-
I lb me U.S. Suprem COUII addressed this issue in Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Ser~lice Co., Feisr V. Rural TWphww, 499 U.S.
34) ( 1991), finding that telephone White Pages are not copyrightable, and that copying them into another compilation was not an infringement.
The Court held that the proper test for copyrightability of a compilation is originality-not “sweat of the brow>’ or “industrious collection” as
courts had previously held.
Congress might clarify the fair-use guidelines tions of the work. There is no category for a
in the Copyright Act with regard to lending, re- mixed-media work that combines examples from
source sharing, interlibrary loan, archival and each of these categories.117
preservation copying, and copying for patron One approach suggests that a mixed-media
use. work should be considered to be a series of differ-
OTA further suggested that Congress might es- ent works, with each type of work treated accord-
tablish legislative guidance regarding fair use ing to its class. However, enforcement of
of works in electronic form and what consti- intellectual property rights in such a system would
tutes copying, reading, and using. Another op- be complex. Another approach would be to con-
tion would be to direct the Copyright Office, sider the whole package as if all the works were of
with assistance from producers and users of the same category.118 This approach would poten-
electronic information, to develop and dissemi- tially produce what could be argued to be inequita-
nate practical guidelines regarding these is- ble distribution of intellectual property royalties.
sues. Copyright protects the writings of an author
against unauthorized copying, distribution, and so
With respect to question raised concerning multi- forth, and protects the form of expression rather
media works, than the subject matter of the writing. It does not
● OTA suggested that Congress clarify the status protect against independent creation. Copyright
of mixed-media works with regard to their grants the owner the exclusive right to do the fol-
protection under copyright. lowing: (and to authorize others to):
m reproduce copies of the copyrighted work;
9 Multimedia Works and 8 prepare derivative works based on the copy-
Performances over Networks righted work;
m distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the
Networked information systems will contain an
public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or
increasing amount of electronic information in
by rental, lease or lending;
multimedia format, causing concern in the library ● in the case of certain works (literary, musical,
community with respect to copyright protection.
dramatic and choreographic works, panto-
The fact that digital storage makes all works es-
mimes, and motion pictures and audiovisual
sentially equivalent complicates the definition
works), perform the copyrighted works public-
and treatment of digital work under the law of
ly; and
copyright. Current copyright law allocates partic- ● in the case of the certain works, display the
ular rights according to the category to which the
copyrighted work publicly.119 - -
work belongs, including literary works, dramatic
works, pictorial, graphic and sculptural works, au- The statute (17 U. S. C.) does, however, specify
diovisual work, motion pictures, musical com- certain limitations to the copyright owner’s exclu-
positions, computer programs, and sound sive rights. It grants to others the noninfringing
recordings. These different categories sometimes use of the copyrighted works. These limitations
have different implications for uses and protec- include the fair use of the work (section 107), cer-
117 C(>mmental(}rs ~)lnt out that [)n]y 10 ~rcent of all copyrighted works are affected by multimedia and networking, and that while some
review of the law may be necessary, what is really needed is a confluence of business and licensing practices. (Oliver Sm(x~t, Executive Vice-
President, Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, personal communication, May 1994.)
I I 8 American Ass(~ia[ion Of Law Libraries, “Copyright Consideration for the Use of Mixed Media in Libraries,” discussion draft, appeared
as an appendix to A-V Micrographics S1S Newsletter, vol. 10, No. 2, May 1990, and Automation, vol. 9, No. 2, winter 1990, pp. 12-23.
I 1917 U. S. C., sec. 106.
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 1107
tain kinds of reproduction by libraries and ar- not only the right to copy, but also the right to pub-
chives (section 108), certain educational licly display and perform works.
performances and displays (section 110), and cer- The issues related to traditional audiovisual
tain other uses (section 117). materials have already been a source of problems
The copyright law also provides a first-sale for libraries. Early experiences with the lending of
doctrine that upholds the copyright of the copy- software also has raised numerous issues.121
right owner during the first sale or commercial More important, however, may be determining to
transaction of the work, but extinguishes the what extent the rights of public performance and
copyright owner’s rights in subsequent sales or display will be attributed to the viewing of elec-
transactions of the purchased copy. The House tronic information of all types, ranging from the
Report accompanying the original (1976) legisla- library user’s browsing of bitmapped images of
tion provided an example of the application of the print pages through interaction with a digital mov-
first-sale doctrine: ie driven by a program, 22
Thus, for example, the outright sale of an au- Widespread development of multimedia au-
thorized copy of a book frees it from any copy- thoring tools will raise other issues as well. Multi-
right control over its resale price or other media integrates film clips, visual images, music,
conditions of its future disposition. A library and sound along with other content, and most de-
that has acquired ownership of a copy is entitled velopers of multimedia are not simultaneous y ar-
to lend it under any conditions it chooses to im- tists, composers, and musical performers. There
pose. 120 may well be a demand for copyright-free (public
Exceptions to this provision include computer domain) materials that can be included in multi-
programs embodied in a machine or product that media works. There are a large number of ambigu-
cannot be copied during ordinary operation or use, ous copyright questions in this regard, with
or computer programs embodied in or used in con- limited consensus and certainty. These questions
junction with a limited-purpose computer, those include:
designed particularly for playing video games. m Who owns the rights to digitize an image, in-
The unifying issue surrounding all copyrighted
cluding photographs, images of classic paint-
works is the right to make copies for various pur-
ings, and other materials?
poses. Once a copy is sold, the loaning of physical m If an image or other kind of data is digitized and
objects, such as books or serials, is not at issue, nor
subsequently enhanced, is the second-genera-
is the ability of a library patron to view a book
tion image protected under copyright?
owned by a library. But when copyright law is ap- m To what extent is the linkage of a series of media
plied beyond the realm of printed material (e.g.,
(e.g., images and a sound tract) copyrightable
recordings, videotapes, and disks), it addresses
I ZO See U.S. congress, House of Represen(a[ives, Committee on the Judiciary, Report 10 Accompany .$. 22, H. Rpt. 94-1476 (Washingtm
DC: U.S. Government printing Office, September 1976), p. 79.
J 2 ] LlbrW lending ~) fc{)mpu(er softwme was the subject Of a recen( Copyright Office study and re~)fi to C(mgress, The c~~nll~((fcr ‘$(!~ht’are
Rental Amendments Ac! Of 1990: The Nonpro$t Library Lending Exemption to the Renlol Ri~h:, A Report of the Acting Register of Copyrights,
March 1994. Some commentators note tha[ these issues are even more complicated with respect to multimedia works. They assert that it is
unclear whether the Software Rental Act applies to multimedia. (Jeffrey Neuberger, Associate, Brown, Raysman & Millstein, personal ctmmlu-
nicati[m, May 1994. )
122 us congress, office of Technology” Assessn~ent, A(.[,e,~~lbl/l~l ~n~ )n/egrl/}, ~)fNcnt[)r~ed ]n({~rn~~fl{jn c[jllct”tion.~~a{k~rc~ljnd P~-
per, background paper prepared for OTA by Clifford A. Lynch, BP-TCT- 109 (Wash’ingttm, DC Office ~~fTechnt)logy Assessment, July 1993).
Some commentators believe that these rights would be best determined fr(m~ a license agremncnt. (Oliver SnNmt, Executl\e Vice-President,
Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, personal communicati[m, April 1994. )
108 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
separately from the images themselves and the . Congress could also allow information pro-
soundtrack itself? viders and purchasers to enter into agree-
8 To what extent are libraries (or other networked ments that would establish community
information providers) liable for contributing guidelines without having the force of law. 127
to copyright infringement in an electronic in- In so doing, Congress could decide at some
formation environment? 123 point in the future to review the success of such
● Does the rightholder in a work hold all neces- an approach.
sary rights to that work’s components? What
rights have been conveyed through already ex- 1 Copyright Collectives
isting agreements? How are necessary rights Collectives are a way to share the profits within an
acquired? industry when tracking the user of individual ele-
■ Depending on what works are incorporated, and ments of intellectual property is not feasible. The
the method by which the product is to be ex- music industry, represented in organizations such
ploited (including manufacture, sale, and dis- as the American Society of Composers, Authors
tribution), what rights are necessary to each and Publishers (ASCAP) and Broadcast Music,
item included in the product? 124 Inc. (BMI), adopted such an approach to manage
While these questions may be decided through the copyright in musical works and share the reve-
the courts, most libraries do not wish to serve as nue from those rights based on statistical esti-
test cases, and some are concerned that this at- mates of the amount of use of the artist’s work.
tempt to limit the potential legal liability of the ASCAP assigns each performance a value de-
current uncertain copyright framework may con- pending on the type, for example, a feature or
tribute to the destruction of the interlibrary loan background performance. Each performance is
system by turning to a contract or licensing ap- then weighted according to the size and impor-
proach to acquiring material.125 tance of the logged station, time of day of pro-
With respect to these types of works: gram, and so forth, to determine the total number
of performance credits. Quarterly, the total perfor-
Congress could allow the courts to continue to mance credits for writers as a group and for pub-
define the law of copyright as it is applied in
lishers as a group are divided into the respective
the world of electronic information; alterna- dollars of distributable revenue to yield the dollar
tively, value of a performance credit for each group. On
Congress could take specific legislative action payment, ASCAP issues a detailed statement
to clarify and further define the law in the showing the title of the work surveyed, the num-
world of electronic information. 126
123 Lynch (lbId.), ~p. 26.27. Digitization Of information and creation of digital libraries raises questions Centrld to tie law Of copyright ‘tse]f.
For example, what constitutes a copy? How much must a work be changed when it is no longer a copy? When a work has been digitally manipu-
lated, how does one prove that is or is not a copy? What constitutes fair use in a digital environment? These questions, however, are beyond the
scope of this inquiry, but are discussed in depth in an earlier OTA report, Finding u Balance, op. cit., footnote 113. Recent work on the appropri-
ateness of the copyright paradigm for the information highway includes: R. Nimmer and P. Krauthaus, ‘copyright in the Information Super-
highway: Requiem for a Middleweight,” Sranford Journul ofhw and Po/Icy (in press).
124 Jeffrey Neuberger, Associate, BNJwn, Raysman & Millstein, pem(~na] COmnlUnlCatlOn, May 1994.
125 C.A. Lynch, op. cit., foornote 122, pp. 19-28.
126 S(}m Commntatt)rs suggest hat it is inappropriate to make potentially radical changes to the copyright law to address the concerns of
libraries. (Oliver Smoot, Executive Vice-President, Compuater and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, personal communication,
April 1994.)
127 Some commentators” express the concern that such an approach would potentially violate the antitrust laws. (Ibid.)
Chapter 3 Legal Issues and Information Security 1109
ber of performance credits earned, and the media tribution of full-text copyrighted material. The
on which the performance appeared. CCC is an organization of publishers, authors, and
ASCAP has two systems of payments for its users formed at the suggestion of Congress to fa-
writers: the current performance plan distributes cilitate compliance with reprographic rights as de-
the writer’s share of the money on the basis of his fined in the 1976 Copyright Act. Since 1988, CCC
or her performance over the past four quarters. has instituted pilot electronic licensing studies in,
New writer members are initially paid on the cur- among others, the areas of telecommunications.
rent performance plan, with the option of switch- CCC recognizes the need to address the possibili-
ing to the four-find basis after three full survey ties for altering the integrity of the information or
years. The four-fund system is a deferred payment disseminating it widely without authority, and is
plan based partly on current performance, but investigating the role of encryption, validation,
mostly on an average of performances over a peri- access and manipulation restrictions, and usage
od of five or 10 years. monitoring.
Distribution of royalties to publishers is deter- Several services already provided by CCC
mined on a current performance basis only, in might serve as models or guides for treatment of
which the publisher is paid on account for the first copyright in electronic texts. The Transactional
three quarters, with adjustments made in the Reporting Service provides users-document sup-
fourth quarter. pliers, academic institutions, government agen-
BMI affiliates are paid according to a published cies, law firms, medical centers, small corpora-
royalty payment schedule, which distinguishes tions, and individual—with the immediate
between radio and television performances and authorization to make photocopies from 1.5 mil-
between feature, theme, and background musical lion publications from more than 8,500 publishers
performances. A performance index is calculated worldwide A record of photocopying activity is
for each performance, based on the number of reported to CCC, which provides a printed or CD-
times it is played on the radio and television sta- ROM catalog of all CCC-registered titles and their
tions and the total revenue earned paid to the affili- individual royalty fees. Copies are reported
ates. BMI’s royalty payment schedule allows for monthly, and CCC collects royalties and distrib-
bonus credits based on the number of times a work utes fees to the rightholders.
is played on the radio or television. Bonus credits CCC also provides the Annual Authorization
are calculated on a song-by-song basis. Service, a mechanism for facilitating copyright
Management and protection of copyright in the compliance. By paying a single annual fee, licens-
context of digital libraries and the National In- ees are authorized to photocopy excerpts (for in-
formation Infrastructure face similar challenges to ternal distribution) from 1.5 million journals,
those confronted by the music industry. OTA sug- books, magazines, and newsletters from 8,500 do-
gests that private efforts to form clearing and roy- mestic and foreign publishers. Licensees elimi-
alty collection agencies for groups of copyright nate the need to seek individual permissions from
owners be encouraged or that Congress create publishers, as well as the need for tracking, report-
such groups. Collectives similar to ASCAP and ing, and paying fees for individual copying acts.
BMI are contemplated by some for administering The annual fee is determined by a statistical proc-
copyright in digital information; private-sector in- ess that combines fees set by the rightholder with
formation providers are particularly concerned data derived from surveys of actual copying be-
that these collectives remain a private-sector ini- havior by categorized employee populations.
tiative. In contrast to these licensing approaches to ad-
The Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) ministering copyright, others believe that the
has attempted to resolve some of these issues with tracking and monitoring capabilities of the com-
respect to electronic conversion, storage, and dis- puters and networks comprising the digital library
110 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
allow creation of an environment that operates mitted with a new work would identify the right-
strictly on a fee-for-use basis. 128 The Corporation holder and any terms and conditions on the use of
for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) has pro- the document or a pointer to a designated contact
posed a test bed for an electronic copyright man- for rights and permission. The CNRI test-bed pro-
agement system. The proposed system would posal envisions the use of public key encryption
include four major elements: automated copyright to ensure the integrity of digital signatures and to
recording and registration, automated online ensure the authenticity of information.129 The
clearance of rights, private electronic mail, and Copyright Clearance Center is attempting to de-
digital signatures to provide security. It would in- velop a scheme for determining rights and permis-
clude three subsystems: a registration and record- sion for use online. Other private-sector groups
ing system (RRS), a digital library system, and a have also been involved in this effort. 130
rights management system (RMS). The RRS With respect to rights and royalties:
would provide the functions enumerated above ■
Congress may wish to encourage private ef-
and would be operated by the Library of Congress. forts to form clearing and royalty collection
It would provide “change of title” information. agencies for groups of copyright owners; al-
The RMS would be an interactive distributed sys- ternatively,
tem capable of granting rights online and permit- ●
Congress might allow private-sector develop-
ting the use of copyrighted material in the digital
ment of network tracking and monitoring ca-
library system. The test-bed architecture would
pabilities to support a fee-for-use basis of
involve computers connected to the Internet per-
copyrighted works in electronic form. Con-
forming the RRS and RMS functions. Digital sig-
gress could also choose to review whether such
natures would link an electronic bibliographic
an approach is a workable one, both from the
record (EBR) with the contents of the work, ensur-
standpoint of technological capabilities and
ing against alteration after deposit. Multiple RMS
copyright protection (e.g., Does such an ap-
servers would be attached to the Internet. A user
proach serve the fair-use exception? Can net-
wishing to obtain rights to an electronically pub-
work technologies effectively address this
lished work would interact electronically with the
question?). This might be accomplished by
appropriate RMS. When copyright ownership is
conducting oversight hearings, undertaking a
transferred, a message could be sent from the
staff analysis, and/or requesting a study from
RMS to the RRS, creating an electronic market-
the Copyright Office.
place for copyrighted material. The EBR sub-
128 One set ofmqulrements fc}r protective services for dissemination of copyrighted materials that has been proposed includesa mechanism
for authentication, implementation of means to limit redistribution, protection against plagiarism and change, storage and exchange of informat-
ion in standardized but device-independent forms, and means for appropriate remuneration. R.J. Lim, “Copyright and Information Services in
the Context of the National Research and Education Network,” IIUA lnlel/ecrual Properfy Protection Proceedings, vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 9.
’29 H. Perritt, “Permissions Headers and Contract Law,” IMA intellectual Property Pro(ect Proceedings, vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 29-32.
1 Jo Among ~ese inltlatlves we effo~s on he pm of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives ~d the Interactive Multimed~a
Association, Project Xanadu, Coalition for Networked Information, and TULIP (The University Licensing Program).
Policies and
Safeguards 4
he federal government faces fundamental tension be-
tween two important policy objectives: 1 ) fostering the
development and widespread use of cost-effective in-
formation safeguards, and 2) controlling the proliferation
of safeguard technologies that can impair U.S. signals-intelli-
gence and law-enforcement capabilities. This tension runs
throughout the government’s activities as a developer, user, and
regulator of safeguard technologies. The first section of this chap-
ter introduces this tension as it concerns the proliferation of cryp-
tography that could impair U.S. signals intelligence and law
enforcement, and the resulting struggle to control cryptography
through federal standards and export controls (see box 4-1 ).
The chapter then discusses the effects of governmental con-
cerns about cryptography on the availability and use of safe-
guards in the private and public sectors. Government agencies
differ from most of the private sector in that the impact of nation-
al-security concerns on agencies’ operational choices is more di-
rect. 1 Agencies must operate according to information-security
statutes, executive orders, regulations, policies, guidelines, and
) Federal policy for communication security has traditionally been dominated by na-
tional security interests, With the convergence of computer and communication technolo-
gws, national security concerns have continued to play a maj~r role in information securi-
ty and the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Security Agency (NSA) have
continued [o play the major rote in technology and policy development. For an overview
of previ(ws federal policy attempts to balance national-security and other interests (em-
&died in the respective roles of the Departments of Defense and Commerce in develop-
ing safeguard standards for civilian agencies), see U.S. Congress, Office of Technology
Assessment, Defendin8 Secrets, Sharing Dala: New Locks and Keys for Electronic ln-
formatlon, OTA-CIT-310 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, October I 111
1987), especially ch. 4 and ch. 6.
112 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
During the long history of paper-based “information systems” for commerce and communication, a
number of safeguards were developed to ensure the confidentiality (i e , secrecy of the contents), integ-
rity 1 (i e , without transmission errors or unauthorized changes) and authenticity (i e , coming from the
stated source and not forged) of documents and messages These traditional safeguards included se-
cret codebooks and passwords, physical “seals” to authenticate signatures, and auditable bookkeep-
ing procedures Mathematical analogues of these are implemented in the electronic environment. The
most powerful of these are based on cryptography. (See “A Note on Terminology, ” below. )
The recorded history of cryptography is more than 4,000 years old Manual encryption methods us-
ing codebooks, letter and number substitutions, and transpositions have been used for hundreds of
years—for example, the Library of Congress has letters from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison con-
taining encrypted passages. Modern, computer-based cryptography and cryptanalysts began in the
World War II era, with the successful Allied computational efforts to break the ciphers generated by the
German Enigma machines, and with the British Colossus computing machines used to analyze a cru-
cial cipher used in the most sensitive German teletype messages
In the post-WWll era, the premiere locus of U S. cryptographic research and (especially) research in
cryptanalysts has been the Department of Defense’s National Security Agency (NSA). NSA’s preemi-
nent position results from its extensive role in U.S. signals Intelligence and in securing classified com-
munications, and the resulting need to understand cryptography as a tool to protect information and as
a tool used by adversaries
Cryptography provides confidentiality through encoding, in which an arbitrary table is used to trans-
late the text or message into its coded form, or through encipherment, in which an encryption algorithm
and key are used to transform the original plaintext into the encrypted ciphertext. The original text or
message is recovered from the encrypted message through the inverse operation of decryption—i e ,
decoding or deciphering the encrypted message. Cryptanalysis is the study and development of vari-
ous “codebreaking” methods to deduce the contents of the original plaintext message The strength of
an encryption algorithm IS a function of the number of steps, storage, and time required to break the
cipher and read any encrypted message, without prior knowledge of the key Mathematical advances,
advances in cryptanalysts, and advances in computing, all can reduce the security afforded by a cryp-
tosystem that was previously considered “unbreakable” in practice
t Robert Courtney and WIIIIS Ware have proposed a somewhat dtferent definition of mtegrlty, m terms of “having quahty meet a
pnort expectations “ (Willis Ware, personal communication, Apr 29, 1994, Computers& Securi~ forthcoming, 1994)
See Glenn Zorpette, “Breakmg the Enemy’s Code, ” /EEE Spectrum, September 1987, pp 47-51 More generally, see Dawd
Kahn, The Codebmakers (New York, NY MacMillan, 1987)
3 Fornatlonal-securlfy reasons, NSA has a history of efforts to control independent cryptographic research and publlcahon Aca-
demic and commercial reslstanceto NSA’S controls mcreasedthroughthe 1970s and 1980s, and sophtstlcated cryptography of non-
governmental orlgm began to beofferedcommercially mthe 1980s Notable among these are publlc-key cryptosystemsthat can be
used for conftdentlahfy, authentlcatlon, and dlgltal signatures.
standards that have been established within the formation. Therefore, these concerns also affect
framework of national-security concerns. Regard- civilian agencies that are usually not thought of in
ing safeguards based on cryptography, national- conjunction with “national security.” The ability
security concerns shape the standards available to of corporations-as well as government agen-
agencies for use in safeguarding unclassified in- cies—to appropriately safeguard their infor-
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1113
The strength of a modern encryption scheme is determined by the algorithm itself and the length of
the key For a given algorithm, strength Increases with key size. However, key size alone is a not a valid
means of comparing the strength of two different encryption systems. Differences in the properties of
the algorithms may mean that a system using a shorter key is stronger overall than one using a longer
Applications of cryptography have evolved along with cryptographic techniques Cryptography was
originally used to protect the confidentiality of communications, encryption is now also used to protect
the confidentiality of Information stored in electronic form and to protect the Integrity and authenticity of
both transmitted and stored information With the advent of “public-key” techniques, cryptography
came into use for “digital signatures” that are of widespread Interest as a means for electronically au-
thenticating and signing commercial transactions Iike purchase orders, tax returns, and funds transfers,
as well as ensuring that unauthorized changes or errors are detected (See below and also discussion
of electronic commerce in chapter 3 ) Thus, cryptography in its modem setting is a technology of broad
Key management is fundamental and crucial to the security afforded by any cryptography-based
safeguard Key management Includes generation of the encryption key or keys, as well as their storage,
distribution, cataloging, and eventual destruction If secret keys are not closely held, the result is the
same as if a physical key IS left "lying around” to be stolen or duplicated without the owner’s knowledge
Similarly, poorly chosen keys may offer no more security than a lock that can be opened with a hairpin
Changing keys frequently can limit the amount of information or the number of transactions compro-
mised due to unauthorized access to a given key Thus, a well-thought-out and secure key-manage-
ment Infrastructure is necessary for effective use of encryption-based safeguards in network environ-
ments (See discussion of key infrastructures in chapter 2 )
A Note on Terminology
Cryptography, a field of applied mathematics/computer science, is the technique of concealing the
contents of a message by a code or a cipher A code uses an arbitrary table (codebook) to translate
from the message to its coded form, a cipher applies an algorithm to the message
Cryptographic algorithms—specific techniques for transforming the original input into a form that IS
unintelligible without special knowledge of some secret (closely held) information—are used to encrypt
and decrypt messages, data, or other text The encrypted text IS often referred to as ciphertext, the
original or decrypted text is often referred to as plaintext or cleartext. In modern cryptography, the se-
cret information is the cryptographic key that “unlocks” the ciphertext and reveals the plaintext
The encryption algorithms and key or keys are Implemented in a cryptosystem The key used to
decrypt can be the same as the one used to encrypt the original plaintext, or the encryption and de-
cryption keys can be different (but mathematically related) One key is used for both encryption and
decryption in symmetric, or "conventional” cryptosystems; in asymmetric, or “public-key” cryptosys-
tems, the encryption and decryption keys are different and one of them can be made public
4 lntegr[ty and authent Iclty are both aspects of a cryptographic safeguard technique called “authentlcatlon” or “message authen-
Ilcatlon (See box 4-4 on dlgltal signatures )
5 For a glossary see D w Davies and W L Price, Securl~ for CornPuter Nehvorks, 2nd Ed (New York, Ny John Wiley ~ Sons.
mation also furthers national security, 2 b u t issues and the Privacy Act of 1974 were discussed
(except for government contractors) corporations’ in chapter 3.) Special attention is given to the
technology choices are usually less directly re- Computer Security Act of 1987 (Public Law
lated to the national-security objectives of the 100-235) and the responsibilities of the National
governments Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and
Next, the chapter reviews the policy framework the National Security Agency (NSA) according to
within which federal agencies carry out their in- the Computer Security Act. These are important
formation security and privacy activities. (Privacy in understanding issues related to the develop-
SCC, e.g., U.S. Ctmgress, H(wse t~f Representatives, Subcommittee on Ec(momic and Commercial Law, Committee (m the Judiciary, The
T}lrc{l:l~th’(jrt’i,~n h’[t>n(~ut[<’k ’.~]~lt~nog(’ 10 U.S. C-orporatiorrs, hearings, 102d C(xrg., 2d sess., Apr. 29and May 7, 1992, Serial No. 65 (Washing-
t(m, DC (J.S. Gt)vemmen[ Printing Office, 1992).
\Fcdcra] ]nfonll;itlon” ~ocesslng S[andards (FIPS) usually apply m agencies and their contractors. sometimes they are lncor~~rated in[(~
~(~luntary industry and (w intemati(mal standards, in which case they do help shape technology choices in the private sect(>r,
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards [ 115
ment and use of federal safeguard standards and From the end of World War I through the
guidelines. Some of these Federal Information mid- 1970s, the federal government was almost
Processing Standards (FIPS) have been incorpo- the sole source of technology and know-how for
rated in industry and international standards. safeguards that used cryptography to ensure in-
The chapter looks at two major mechanisms the formation confidentiality. This monopoly has
government uses to control cryptography: export been eroding, however. Good encryption technol-
controls and standards setting. The current activi- ogy is available commercially in the United States
ties of NIST and NSA regarding information safe- and abroad, and cryptography research is interna-
guards and standards are reviewed. Two recent tional. These developments have raised ques-
FIPS, the Digital Signature Standard (DSS) and tions-especially from software developers—as
the Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES), are ex- to whether existing policies concerning the sale
amined in terms of a long-term government strate- and export of encryption products are outdated
gy to control the availability and use of and should be modified, or whether continued re-
information safeguards based on cryptography. strictions are still required to meet national- secu-
The final section of this chapter presents policy rity and signals-intelligence objectives. 5 These
options for congressional consideration. These in- topics are discussed later in this chapter, with a fo-
clude near-term options related to cryptography cus on government operations and attempts to bal-
policy (including export controls and federal stan- ance national-security and other objectives, like
dards based on cryptography), as well as strategic personal rights, open government, and market
options for a broad congressional review of na- competitiveness; their impact on the safeguards
tional cryptography policy. marketplace in general is discussed in chapter 2.
Policy debate in this area used to be almost as
IMPORTANCE OF CRYPTOGRAPHY arcane as the technology itself. Most people didn’t
The tension between promoting and controlling regard government decisions about cryptography
the widespread use of safeguards has existed for as having direct effect on their lives. However, the
decades, but changes in the international arena, in technology of daily life is changing, making elec-
technology, and in the needs of user communities tronic transactions and records central to every-
(e.g., as in the Internet) are bringing it to the fore- thing from commerce to health care. Thus,
front of public attention. 4 This tension is mani- concern over the implications of privacy and secu-
fested in export controls on a fundamental tech- rity policies dominated by national-security ob-
nology for safeguarding information--cryptogra- jectives has grown dramatically in business and
phy--and in the federal government’s process for academic communities that produce or use in-
developing and promulgating cryptography- formation safeguards, as well as among the gener-
based standards for use in safeguarding unclassi- al public (see chapter 3). 6 This concern is
fied information. evidenced in the debates over the government’s
For example, good safeguards are needed to protect U.S. information from foreign intelligence, but the same safeguards might be used
to protect foreign communications from U.S. intelligence. A similar argument can be made from a law-enforcement perspective.
5 Commercial security products containing robust cryptography that can be used for confidentiality --i.e., that can do strong encryption—
are subject to strict export controls and usually cannot be exported, except for limited applications like banking. Thus, when international inter-
operability is desired, export controls form a barrier to use of many U.S.-origin encryption products (including software products) in security
systems. However, the same technologies are often readily available outside the United States. See discussion of export controls later in this
6 See Susan Landau et al., Codes, Keys, and Conj7ic/s: Issues in U.S. Cryptu Policy, report of a special panel of the ACM U.S. Public Policy
Committee (New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, June 1994).
116 I Information Security and Privacy in Network
The Clipper chip is designed for use in telephone systems; it contains the EES encryption algorithm, called SKIPJACK. The Capstone
chip and TESSERA PCMCIA card also contain the SKIPJACK algorithm; these implementations are for use in data communications. (Clinton
Brooks, Special Assistant to the Director, NSA, personal communication, May 25, 1994.)
The Clipper chip is being used in the AT&T Surity Telephone Devtce 3600, which has a retail price of about $1,100. It has been appro~ed
for government use for unclassified voice encryption. The Department of Justice purchased 9,000 of them. AT&T sells another verskm of (he
Surity 3600, using a proprietary AT&T encryption algorithm, for about the same price. (Brad Bass, “AT&T Unveils First Clipper Device on
GSA Schedule,” Federal Compuler Week, May 9, 1994, pp. 24,29.)
8 For examp]e, high. qua]lty, ]ow.c(}5t voice enc~pto~ are becoming available at reasonable cost. For recent exposition of law-enforcemc’nt
and national-security concerns with respect to cryptography and the rationale for the EES, see Jo Ann Hams, Assistant Attorney General, Crimi-
nal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Technology and the Law, Committee on the Judicia-
ry, U.S. Senate, May 3, 1994; Vice Adm. J.M. McConnell, Director, National Security Agency, testimony presented before the Subcommittee
on Technology and the Law, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, May 3, 1994; and James K. Kallstrom, Special Agent in Charge, Special
Operations Division, New York Field Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Technology,
Environment and Aviation, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, IJ.S. House of Representatives, May 3, 1994.
See also Landau et al., op. cit., footnote 6; and Dorothy E. Denning, “The U.S. Key Escrow Encryption Technology,” in Compuler Com-
munications (Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., in press). But see David Banisar, “Roadblocks on the Infmmatkm Superhighway:
Govemmenlal Intrusions on Privacy and Security,” Federa/ Bar News and Journal, in press.
See Dorm B. Parker, Senior Management Consultant, SRI lntemational, “’Crypto and Avoidance of Business Information Anarchy,” Sep-
tember 1993 (obtained from the author). Parker describes problems that could occur in organizations if cryptography is used without adequale
key management and ovemde capabilities by responsible corporate officers. These problems include keys being held for ransom by disgruntled
employees, data being rendered inaccessible after being encrypted by employees who then leave to start their own company, and so forth.
10 Ka]]strom testimony, ~p, cit., f(x)mote 8, p. 3. Kallstrorn noted that in 1992 the total number of criminal wiretap orders obtained by all
federal, state, and local law-enforcement agencies was 919; about two-thirds of these were for serious state and local felonies.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards I 117
The federal Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) was approved by the Department of Commerce
as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) in February 1994. 1 According to the standard
(see FIPS Publication 185), the EES IS intended for voluntary use by all federal departments and agen-
cies and their contractors to protect unclassified Information. Implementations of the EES are subject to
State Department export controls However, encryption products based on EES may be exported to
most end users, and these products will qualify for special licensing arrangements
The EES is Intended to encrypt voice, facsimile, and computer data communicated in a telephone
system It may, on a voluntary basis, be used to replace DES encryption devices now in use by federal
agencies and contractors Other use by the private sector IS voluntary The EES specifies a symmetric
encryption algorithm, called SKIPJACK. The SKIPJACK algorithm is a classified algorithm, developed
by NSA in the 1980s 3 An early Implementation was called Clipper, hence the colloquial use of Clipper
or Clipper chip to describe the EES technology
The EES also specifies a method to create a Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF), in order to pro-
vide for easy decryption when the equivalent of a wiretap has been authorized The SKIPJACK algo-
rithm and LEAF creation method are Implemented only in electronic devices (i e , very-large-scale-in-
tegration chips) The chips are “highly resistant” to reverse engineering and will be embedded in tam-
per-resistant cryptographic modules that approved manufacturers can incorporate in telecommunica-
tions or computer equipment The chips are manufactured by VLSI Logic and are programmed with the
algorithms and keys by Mykotronx. The programming is done under the supervision of the two “escrow
agents” (see below)
After electronic surveillance has been authorized, the EES facilitates law enforcement access to en-
crypted communications This IS accomplished through what is called a “key escrowing” scheme
Each EES chip has a chip-specific key that IS split into two parts after being programmed into the
chips These parts can be recombined to gain access to encrypted communications. One part is held
1 See Federa/RegLsler, VOI 59, Feb 9, 1994, pp 5997-6005 FIPS Pubhcahon 185 (“Escrowed EncryptIon Standard, ” 1994) de-
scnbesthe appl!cabhty Implementation, and maintenance of the standard, as well as speclhcatlons for Its use Unllke the DES algo-
rithm, the EES algorithm IS classlffed and not pubhcty available for fnspecllon
Martha Harris Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Polltlcal-Mllltary Affairs, “Statement on EncryptIon-Export Control Re-
form, Feb 4, 1994
3 The NSA Swclflcatlon for SKIPJACK IS contained m “SKIPJACK, R21 -TECH-044-01 ,“ May 21, 1991, this technical rePort IS
classified at the Secret level The NSA speclflcatlons for the LEAF creation method are contained m “Law Enforcement Access Field
for the Key Escrow Mlcroctrcult, ” also classified at the Secret level Orgamzatlons holding an appropriate security clearance and
entering mto a Memorandum of Agreement with NSA regarding Implementation of the standard can have access to these (OTA prol-
ect staff d!d not access these, or any other classtfled mformahon m the course of this study)
4 Thecllpper Chp Irnplernentallon of SKIPJACK IS for use In securetelephone commurucations Anenhanced escrowed-encryP-
tlon chip with more functions, called Capstone, IS used m data commumcahons
5 See Jo Ann Harris, Assistant Attorney General, Crlfnlnal Dlvlston, Departmentof Justice, testimony before the Subcommittee Ofl
Technology and the Law, Committee on the Judlclary, U S Senate, May 3, 1994, and James K Kallstrom, Special Agent m Charge,
Special Operations Demon, Federal Bureau of Inveshgatlon, testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology, Enwronment, and
Awatlon, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U S House of Representatwes, May 3, 1994 For a dtscusslon of law en-
forcementconcerns and the ratlonalefor government key escrowmg, see also Dorothy E Dennmg, “TheCllpperEncryptlonS ystem, ”
American Sclen(lst VOI 81, July-August 1993, pp 319-322, and “Encryption and Law Enforcement,” Feb 21, 1994, available from
denmngltics georgetown edu
118 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
by each of two designated government keyholders, or “escrow agents, ” When surveillance has been
authorized and the intercepted communications are found to be encrypted using the EES, law enforce-
ment agencies can obtain the two parts of the escrowed key from the escrow agents, These parts can
then be used to obtain the individual keys used to encrypt (and, thus, to decrypt) the telecommunica-
tions sessions of interest. 6 The LEAF is transmitted along with the encrypted message; it contains a
device identifier that indicates which escrowed keys are needed. (A more technical description of how
the EES IS said to work is in chapter 2.)
The National Security Council, Justice Department, Commerce Department, and other federal agen-
cies were involved in the decision to propose the EES according to a White House press release and
information packet dated April 16, 1993, the day the EES initiative was announced. The EES algorithm
is said to be stronger than the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, but able to meet the legiti-
mate needs of law enforcement agencies to protect against terrorists, drug dealers, and organized
Attorney General Reno designated the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Trea-
sury Department’s Automated Systems Division as the original escrow agents NIST’s first estimate of
the costs of establishing the escrow system was about $14 million, with estimated annual operating
costs of $16 million. Cost figures and escrowing procedures are being refined by the Clinton Adminis-
tration NIST did not provide the OTA with more precise estimates of the resources, including staff, re-
quired to implement and manage key escrowing.
The proposed FIPS was announced in the Federal Register on July 30, 1993 and was also sent to
federal agencies for review. The EES was promulgated after a comment period that generated almost
universally negative comments According to NIST, comments were received from 22 government orga-
nizations. in the United States, 22 industry organizations, and 276 individuals Concerns and questions
reported by NIST include the algorithm itself and lack of public inspection and testing, the role of NSA
in promulgating the standard, use of key escrowing, possible infringement of individual rights, effects of
the standard on U S firms’ competitiveness in foreign markets, cost of establishing the escrowing sys-
tem, and cost-effectiveness of the new standard
During the review period, the SKIPJACK algorithm was evaluated by outside experts, pursuant to
President Clinton’s direction that “respected experts from outside the government will be offered access
to the confidential details of the algorithm to assess its capabilities and publicly report their findings “
Five reviewers accepted NIST’s invitation to participate in a classified review of SKIPJACK and publicly
report their findings Ernest Brickell (Sandia National Laboratories), Dorothy Denning (Georgetown Uni-
versity), Stephen Kent (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. ), David Maher (AT&T), and Walter Tuchman
6 Requirements for federal and state law-enforcement agents to certify that electromc SufVedlanCe has been authorized, and for
what period of time, as well as requuements for authorized use of escrowed key components are explained m Department of Jushce,
‘(Authorlzatlon Procedures for Release of EncryptIon Key Components In Conlunchon with Intercepts Pursuant to Title Ill,” “Author-
ization Procedures for Release of Encryption Key Components m Conjunction with Intercepts Pursuant to Slate Statutes,’” and “Au-
thorlzatlon Procedures for Release of Encryption Key Components m ConjunctIon with Intercepts Pursuant to FISA, ” Feb 4, 1994
Because the EES algorlthm IS classdied, the overall strength of the EIES cannot be exammed except under security clearance
(see note 9 below) Thus, unclasslfled, pubhc analyses of Its strengths and weaknesses are not possible
The only publlc statements made by the Admmwtratlon concerning the strength of the EES relatwe to the DES refer to the secret
key size 80 btts for the EES versus 56 btts for the DES Longer keys offer more protection from exhaustwe-search attacks (see box
4-3), but the overall strength of a cryptosystem IS a function of both key $lze and the algorthm Itself
8Federa/ Reglsfer ( Feb 9, 1994), op Clt fOOtnOte 1, PP 5998-~2
—. — ..
g E Brlckell (Sandla National Laboratories) et al “SKIPJACK Review Intenm Report—The SKIPJACK Algorithm, ” JUIY 28.1993
See also “Fact Sheet—NIST Cryptography Actlwtles, ” Feb 4, 1994
10 lbld and Federal Ftegis[er ( Feb 9, 1994), Op Clt , footnote 1
11 Ibid
12 White House press release and enclosures, Feb 4, 1994, “Working Group on EncryptIon and Teiecommunlcatlons “
SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment, 1994 and references cited below
The essence of the cryptographic threat is Expressing support for the EES and key-escrow-
that high-grade and user-friendly encryption ing initiatives, Kallstrom stated that:
products can seriously hinder law enforcement
We fully support the Vice President’s initia-
and counterintelligence agencies in their ability
tive to create a national information superhigh-
to conduct electronic surveillance that is often
way to share information, educate Americans,
necessary to carrying out their statutorily-based
and increase productivity. However, it would be
missions and responsibilities. In particular,
wrong for us as public servants to knowingly al-
some encryption products put at risk efforts by
low this information superhighway to jeopar-
federal, state and local law enforcement agen-
dize the safety and economic well-being of
cies to obtain to [sic] contents of intercepted
law-abiding Americans by becoming an ex-
communications by precluding real-time de-
pressway and safe haven for terrorists, spies,
cryption. Real-time decryption is often essential
drug dealers, and murderers. 12
so that law enforcement can rapidly respond to
criminal activity and, in many instances, pre- Thus, export controls, intended to restrict the
vent serious and life-threatening criminal international availability of U.S. cryptography
technology and products, are now being joined by
11 Ibid., p. 12.
12 Ibid., p. 14.
120 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
domestic initiatives that offer alternative cryptog- enforcement will lose an important tool in fight-
raphy-based technologies for safeguarding un- ing crime—the ability to wiretap-and the mis-
classified information. These initiatives are sion of our Intelligence Community will be
intended to preserve U.S. law-enforcement and made more difficult. 13
signals-intelligence capabilities. According to The EES has been promulgated by the Clinton
NIST Deputy Director Raymond Kammer: Administration as a voluntary alternative to the
In developing cryptographic standards, one current federal encryption standard used to safe-
can not avoid two often competing interests. On guard unclassified information, the Data Encryp-
the one hand are the needs of users-corporate, tion Standard (DES). 14 The symmetric encryption
government, and individual—in protecting tele- algorithm used in the DES is now over 20 years
communications transmissions of sensitive in- old; this standard allows users to generate their
formation. . . On the other hand are the interests own encryption keys and does not require the keys
of the national security and law enforcement to be deposited with any third party. ] 5 The DES al-
communities in being able to monitor electronic gorithm has been made public (i.e., it has been
communications. In particular, I am focusing
published) and can be freely implemented in hard-
upon their need for continued ability to keep our
ware or software (see box 4-3).
society safe and our nation secure.
The algorithm specified in the Escrowed En-
Rapid advances in digital telecommunica-
cryption Standard has not been published. It is
tions have brought this issue to a head. Some ex-
classified and the algorithm is intended to be im-
perts have stated that, within ten years, most
digital telecommunications will be encrypted.
plemented only in tamper-resistant, hardware
Unless we address this issue expeditiously, law
13 Raymond G. Kammer, NIST ~puty Director, testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Technology ~d the Law, Comm)ttee
on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, May 3, 1994, p. 2. NIST is responsible fordeveloping the FIPS for protecting information in unclassified computer
14 NIST, “Da~ Encryption s~dard (L)EsJ,” FIPS PUB 46-2 (Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, Dec. 30, 199S).
An alternative successor to the DES is rrip/e-encryption DES, where the algorithm is used sequentially with three different keys, to encrypt,
decrypt, then re-encrypt. There is, however, no FIPS for triple-encryption DEIS. Triple encryption with the DES offers more security than having
a 112-bit key and, therefore, appears inviolate against all adversaries for the foreseeable future. (Martin I-lellman, Professor of Electrical Engi-
neering, Stanford University, personal communication, May 24, 1994; also see box 4-3.)
15 AS wl~ ~)~er encVptlon techniques, sound key m~agernent (i.e., key generation ~d protection, key distribution ~d destmction) is
vital to the overall security of the system. See NIST, “Guidelines for Implenlenting and Using the NBS Data Encryption Standard,” FIPS PUB
74 (Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, Apr. 1, 1981); and “Key Management Using ANSI X9.1 7,” FIPS PUB 171 (Gaithms-
burg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, Apr. 27, 1992).
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1121
1 See box 4-4 for discussion of dlgltal signatures Ralph Merkles “tree signature techniques” made the use of symmetric (secret
key) ciphers hkethe DES more usable fordlgltal s~gnatures However, asymme!ncc ryptography IS still preferred fordlgltal signatures
(Marlln Hellman Professorof Electrical Engmeermg, Stanford Unwerslty personal commumcatlon, Apr 24, 1994, and Burton Kallskl
Jr Chief Sclentlst, RSA Laboratories personal communlcatlon, Apr 20,1994 )
2 The Commercial Communlcatlons Securlw Endorsement Program (CCEP) was an NSA-mdustry Pro9ram to develop the
embeddable cryptographic modules host products for the modules were developed under an NSA-industry program called the De-
velopment Center for Embedded COMSEC Products (DCECP)
122 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Controversy surrounded NSA’s role in the selection and refinement of the encryption algorithm that
was promulgated as the DES In 1973, the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) had issued a soli-
citation for candidate algorithms for a federal encryption standard, but received no suitable candidates
A year later, IBM responded to a second NBS solicitation with what eventually became the DES, T h e
original algorithm developed by IBM, using a longer key, had been submitted to NSA for classification
review as part of the patenting process NSA chose not to classify the algorithm and suggested that
IBM submit it—but with some modification—to NBS for consideration as the standard, NBS eventually
promulgated the modified IBM algorithm as the DES algorithm.3
The modifications suggested by NSA and made by IBM gave rise to concerns that NSA had deliber-
ately weakened or “tampered with” IBM’s algorithm in order to maintain U.S. signals-intelligence capa-
bilities. Although the algorithm was made public, the design criteria used by IBM and the results of
NSA’s testing and evaluation were not, nor were the design criteria used by NSA that led to shortening
the key length and modifying a feature of the algorithm called the substitution boxes, or S-boxes. After
much public debate, an inquiry by Representative Jack Brooks led the Senate Select Committee o n
intelligence to conduct a classified investigation This investigation concluded that
In the development of the DES, NSA convinced IBM that a reduced key size was sufficient, indirectly assisted
in the development of the S box structures, and certified that the final DES algorithm was, to the best of their
knowledge, free of any statistical or mathematical weaknesses. NSA did not tamper with the design of the algo-
rithm in any way. IBM invented it and designed the algorithm, made all pertinent decisions regarding it, and con-
curred that the agreed on key size was more than adequate for all commercial applications for which the DES
was intended
The reason for attention to the key size was that a longer key would have made it much harder to
find a particular secret key through an “exhaustive search” cryptanalysts, in which all possible keys are
tried in order to find the one being used Because the secret key is 56 bits long, an exhaustive search
would, in principle, require 256 operations Doubling the key size does far more than double the strength
against exhaustive attacks—if the key were 112 bits long, exhaustive search would, in principle, require
2 112 Operations, which is roughly 100,000 million million times as much work. 5
For a given key size, “multiple encryption” can increase the security of the final ciphertext. The in-
crease depends on the characteristics of the encryption algorithm, with the DES the gain is less than
would be achieved through an increase in key size, but can still be adequate That is, encrypting twice
with the DES, using two different keys, is nowhere near as secure as having a true 112-bit key The
preferred method to strengthen the DES is through triple encryption. In this technique, the original plain-
text is encrypted using one key; the resulting ciphertext is decrypted using a different second key, the
3 For more on the history of the DES and controversy surrounding Its 1988 reaf’hrmatlon, see U S Congress, Off Ice of Technology
Assessment, DeiendmgSecrets, Sharing Data NewLocksand Keys :orE/ectronlc /n/ormatlon, OTA-CIT-310 (Washington, DC U S
Government Prmtmg Office, 1987), especlalty chapter 4 and appendix C
U S Senate, Select Committee on Intelhgence, Unc/asslf/edSummary Involvement o/NSA m the Development ot[he Data En-
cryp(lon Standard (Stafl Repwt), 95th Cong 2d sess (VVashmgton, DC U S Government Prmtmg Off Ice, Aprd 1978), p 4 See also
OTA, op cd , footnote 3, pp 169-171
s Martin Hellman, op clt , footnote 1
6 See Ralph C Merkle and Martin I+ellman, “on the Security of Multlple Encryption, ” COmmunlCafiOnS oftbe ACM, Vol 24 NO 1!
July 1982, pp 465-467
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1123
result IS encrypted again, with a third key6 (The plaintext is recovered by reversing the operations, us-
ing all 3 keys) Triple encryption with the DES offers more security than having a 112-bit key and there-
fore, appears Inviolate against all adversaries for the foreseeable future.7
Interestingly, it now appears that the NSA-suggested modifications to the S-boxes were intended to
strengthen the algorithm against another, particularly powerful type of attack called differential crypta-
nalysis Eli Biham and Adi Shamir published the first paper on differential cryptanalysts, which they dis-
covered in 1990 After this announcement, a member of the IBM design team stated that the IBM de-
signers—and presumably NSA—knew about it no later than 19748
7 M“ltlp\e encvptlon With the DES offers less of an Increase m security Ihan multiplying the key length by the same factor because
of Ihe way the mdwldual bits of the key are “mixed’” during encryption Triple encryption with DES offers much less of an Increase m
strength than using a 168-bit (3 X 56 blls) key, but IS much stronger than double encryphon and IS better than using a 1 12-bit key
(Martin Hellman, Professor of Electrical Engmeermg, Stanford Umverstty, personal communication, May 10 1994 )
B Don Coppersmith of IBM as quoted m Bruce Schneter, “A Taxonomy of Encryphon Algorithms, ” Computer Secuf/ty Journa/, VOI
IX, No 1, pp 39-59 (quote at p 42) See also E Blham and A Shamir, “Dtfferentlal Cryptanalysts of DES-llke Cryptosystems “ Ad-
vances m Crypto/ogX CRYPTO “90 Proceecfmgs (New York, NY Sprmger-Verlag, 1991), pp 2-21, and E Blham and A Shamir, “Dlffer-
enhal Cryptanalysts of DES-llke Cryptosystems, ” Journa/ ot Cryplo/ogy, VOI 4, No 1, 1991, pp 3-72
modules. 16 This approach makes the confidential- Unlike the EES algorithm, the algorithm in the
ity function of the classified encryption algorithm federal Digital Signature Standard has been pub-
available in a controlled fashion that does not in- lished. 18 The public-key algorithm specified in
crease users’ abilities to employ cryptographic the DSS uses a private key in signature generation,
principles. A key-escrowing scheme is built in to and a corresponding public key for signature veri-
ensure “lawfully authorized” electronic surveil- fication. (See box 4-4.) However, the DSS tech-
lance. 17 One of the reasons stated for specifying a nique was chosen so that public-key encryption
classified, rather than published, encryption algo- functions would not be available to users. This
rithm in the EES is to prevent its independent im- is significant because public-key encryption is ex-
plementation without the law-enforcement access tremely useful for key management.20
16 see Federa/ Regl~[er, vol. 59, Feb, $), ] 994, ~p. 5997-@05 (“Approva] ~~f Federa] [nf~)m~ati~)n ~ocess)ng st~~~~s ~bllcallon 18S,
Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES)”).
17 Ibid., p. 6003.
18 SW a]so appemiix c
)9 Acc[)rding tO F. Lynn McNulty, NIST As~Kiate Director for Computer Security, the rationale for adopting the technique used in DSS
was that, “We wanted a technology [hat did signatures-and nothing else—very well. ” (Response to a question from Chairman Rick Boucher
in testimony before the Subcommittee on Science of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,” Mar. 22, 1994. Sce also f~mtnote
1 05.)
2~ ~blic-key Cncwptlon can k used for confidentiality and for secure key exchange. See ~)x ~ 1.
124 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Cryptography can be used to accomplish more than one safeguard objective Encryption tech-
niques can be used to safeguard the confidentiality of the contents of a message (or a stored file),
Message authentication techniques based on cryptography can be used to ensure the integrity of the
message (that it has been received exactly as it was sent) and the authenticity of its origin (that it
comes from the stated source) The oldest and simplest forms of message authentication use “secret”
authentication parameters known only to the sender and intended recipient to generate “message au-
thentication codes. ” So long as the secret authentication parameter is kept secret from all other parties,
these techniques protect the sender and the receiver from alteration or forgery of a message by all
such third parties Because the same secret information is used by the sender to generate the message
authentication code and by the receiver to validate it, these techniques cannot settle “disputes” be-
tween the sender and receiver as to what message, if any, was sent. For example, message authentica-
tion codes could not settle a dispute between a stockbroker and client in which the broker claims the
client issued an order to purchase stock and the client claims he never did so
Digital signatures provide a higher degree of authentication by allowing resolution of disputes Al-
though it is possible to generate digital signatures from a symmetric cipher like the federal Data En-
cryption Standard (DES), most interest centers on systems based on asymmetric ciphers, also known
as public-key cryptosysterns. These asymmetric ciphers use a pair of keys--one to encrypt, another to
decrypt—in contrast to symmetric ciphers in which the same key is used for both operations. Each user
has a unique pair of keys, one of which is kept private (secret) and the other is made public (e.g., by
publishing in the electronic equivalent of a telephone book). The security of public-key systems rests on
the authenticity of the public key and the secrecy of the private key, much as the security of symmetric
ciphers rests on the secrecy of the single key (see discussion of key certification and management in
chapter 2 and of digital signatures and nonrepudiation in chapter 3).
in principle, to sign a message using a public-key encryption system, a user could transform it with
his private key, and send both the original message and the transformed version to the intended receiv-
er The receiver would validate the message by acting on the transformed message with the sender’s
public key (obtained from the “electronic phone book”) and seeing that the result exactly matched the
original message. Because the signing operation depends on the sender’s private key (known only to
him or her), it is impossible for anyone else to sign messages in the sender’s name But everyone can
validate such signed messages, since the validation depends only on the sender’s “public” key.
In practice, digital signatures sign shorter “message digests” rather than the whole messages, For
digital signatures based on public-key systems, the sender first uses a cryptographic “hashing” algo-
rithm to create a condensed “message digest” from the message 3 With the commercial RArest-Sharn/f-
For details about the technology and applicahons for encryption, message authentlcatlon, and dlgrtal signatures, see D W Da-
wes and W L Price, Security for Computer Networks “An Intmductlon to Data .%curdy m Telepmcessingand Electronic Funds Trans-
fer, 2nd Ed (New York, NY John Wiley& Sons, 1992) See also U S Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, DefendmgSecreLs,
Sharing Dafa NewLocksandKeys forE/ecfronlc/nt_ormatlon,OTA-CIT-.31O (Washington, DC U S Government Prmtmg Office, Octo-
ber 1987), especially appendices C and D
2 Merkle’s “tree Signature Iechnlques” made use of symmetric (secret-key) c{phers like the DES more usable ford@al S19natUreS
However, there IS currently more Interest m asymmetric cryptography for signatures (Martin Hellman, Professor of Electrical Engl-
neermg, Stanford Unwersity, personal commumcahon, Apr 24, 1994, ald Burton Kallskl, Jr, Chief Sc}entlst, RSA Laboratories, per-
sonal commurucatlon, Apr 20,1994 )
3The RSA method IS Ihebest known pubhc-key signature scheme, but others are possible, see T EIGamal, “A Publc-KeYCryPto-
system and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms, LEEE ” TransactIons on /formation Theory,VOI IT-31, 1985, pp
469-472, and C P Schnorr, “Efflclent ldenttflcatlonand Signatures for Smart Cards, ” PmceedingsofCrypto 89, Advancesm Cryp/o/O
gy (New York, NY Sprmger-Verlag, 1990), pp 239-251
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1125
Adleman (RSA) system, the signature is created by encrypting the message digest, using the sender’s
private key Because in the RSA system each key is the inverse of the other, the recipient can use the
sender’s public key to decrypt the signature, thereby recovering the original message digest The recip-
ient compares this with the one he or she has calculated using the same hashing function—if they are
identical } then the message has been received exactly as sent and, furthermore, the message did
come from the supposed sender (otherwise his or her public key would not have yielded the correct
message digest)
The federal Digital Signature Standard (DSS) defines a somewhat different kind of public-key crypto-
graphic standard for generating and verifying digital signatures The DSS is to be used in conjunction
with the federal “Secure Hash Standard” (FIPS Publication 180), which creates a short message digest,
as described above. 6 The message digest is then used, in conjunction with the sender’s private key
and the algorithm specified in the DSS, to produce a message-specific signature Verifying the DSS
signature involves a mathematical operation on the signature and message digest, using the sender’s
public key and the hash standard
The DSS differs from the RSA digital signature method in that the DSS signature operation is not
reversible, and hence can only be used for generating digital signatures. DSS signature verification is
different than decryption.
In contrast, the RSA system can encrypt, as well as do signatures Therefore, the RSA system can
also be used to securely exchange cryptographic keys that are to be used for confidentiality (e g , “se-
cret” keys for use with a symmetric encryption algorithm like the DES) This lack of encryption capability
for secure key exchange was one reason why the government selected the DSS technique for the stan-
See Dawes and Price, op CII , ch 9 or app D of Office of Technology Assessment, op clt , footnote 1 The overall security of
these schemes depends on mamtammg secrecy of the private keys and on the authenhctty of the pubhc keys
U S Department of Commerce, National Inshtute of Standards and Technology, “Digital Signature Standard (DSS), ” FIPS Publl-
catlon 186, May 19, 1994 The standard IS effechve Dec 1, 1994
6 u s Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,“Secure Hash standard” FIF’S f’lJf3 180. MaY
11, 1993 NIST recently announced atechnlcal correction tothe Secure Hash Standard Accordmgto NIST, NSAanalysts discovered
a “mmor flaw” m the algorlthm The algorithm was developed by NSA (NIST media adwsory, Apr 22, 1994 ) According to NIST, the
hash standard, “while still very strong, was not as robust as we had orlgmally intended” and was being corrected (Raymond Kammer,
Deputy Dmector, NIST, testtmonybefore the Subcommittee on Technology and the Law, Commltteeon the Judlclary, U S Senate, May
3, 1994, p 11 )
See Nahonal institute of Standards and Technology, CSL Bu//ehn, January 1993, or NIST, op cit , footnote 5
e Burton Kallskl, Jr, Chief Sclentlst RSA Laboratories, personal communlcatlon, May 4, 1994
9 see chapter 4, and ~edera/Reglsler, VOI 59, May 19, 1994, p 26209 (“The DSA does not provide for secret key dlstrlbutlon since
It was not Intended for that purpose “ Ibid )
SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment, 1994, Martin Hellman (Stanford Unfverslty), 1994, and references cited m notes
While other means of exchanging electronic sen for the DSS, the technique used in the most
keys are possible,21 none is so mature as public- widely used commercial digital signature system
key technology. In contrast to the technique cho- (based on the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, or RSA,
21 See e.g,, Tom Leighton, ~pa~nlent of Mathernat]cs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Silvio Micah MIT ~~)ratory
for Computer Science, “Secret-Key Agreement Without Public-Key Cryptography (Extended Abstract),” obtained from S. MicaIi, 1993.
126 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
algorithm) can also encrypt. Therefore, the RSA nance that makes alternatives more scarce or more
techniques can be used for secure key exchange costly. In May 1994 testimony before the Senate
(i.e., exchange of “secret” keys, such as those used Subcommittee on Technology and the Law, Whit-
with the DES), as well as for signatures. Another field Diffie (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) referred to
public-key technique, devised by Whitfield Diffie the EES and related key-escrow initiatives, as well
and Martin Hellman, can also be used for key ex- as the DSS and the digital telephony proposals, as:
change. The Diffie-Hellman technique does not . . . a unified whole whose objective is to main-
encrypt. tain and expand electronic interception for both
In OTA’s view, both the EES and the DSS are law enforcement and national security pur-
federal standards that are part of a long-term con- poses. 24
trol strategy intended to retard the general avail- In testimony in support of the EES and related
ability of ‘*unbreakable” or “hard to break” technology before the House Subcommittee on
cryptography within the United States, for reasons Technology, Environment, and Aviation, Dorothy
of national security and law enforcement. As Denning (Georgetown University) stated that:
stated by NIST Deputy Director Raymond Kam-
As we move into an era of even greater elec-
mer: tronic communications, we can and must design
Government standards should not harm law our telecommunications infrastructure and en-
enforcement/national security. cryption systems to support our needs as a nation
This is fairly straightforward, but can be dif- for secure communications, individual privacy,
ficult to achieve. In setting standards, the inter- economic strength, effective law enforcement,
ests of all the components of the government and national security. The Clipper Chip is an im-
should be taken into account. In the case of en- portant step towards meeting all our national
cryption, this means not only the user communi- needs, and the government should continue to
ty, but also the law enforcement and national move forward with the program.
security communities, particularly since stan- The government needs an encryption stan-
dards setting activities can have long-term im- dard to succeed DES. If in lieu of Clipper, the
pacts (which, unfortunately, can sometimes be government were to adopt and promote a stan-
hard to forecast) .23 dard that provides strong encryption without
It appears that the EES is intended to comple- government access, society could suffer severe
ment the DSS in this overall encryption-control economic and human losses resulting from a di-
minished capability of law enforcement to in-
strategy, by discouraging future development and
vestigate and prosecute organized crime and
use of encryption without built-in law enforce-
terrorism, and from a diminished capability for
ment access, in favor of key-escrowed and related foreign intelligence. . . . [T]he government
encryption technologies. If the EES and/or other rightly concluded that it would be irresponsible
key-escrow encryption standards (e.g., for use in to promote a standard that foils law enforcement
computer networks) become widely used, this when technology is at hand to accommodate law
could ultimately reduce the variety of alternative enforcement needs without jeopardizing securi-
cryptography products through market domi- ty and privacy. Moreover, through the Adminis-
22 The public-key concept was first published by Whitfield Diffle and hlartin Hellman in “New Directions in Cryptography,” Theory, vol.
IT-22, No. 6, IEEE Transactions on lnformalion, November 1976, pp. 644-654. Diffie and Hellman described how such a system could be used
for key distributi(m and to “sign” individual messages.
23 Kammer testimony, May 3, 1994, op. cit., footnote 13, pp. IO-11.
24 Whitfield Diffle, Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc., [estimony before the Subcommittee on Technology and the Law,
Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, May 3, 1994, p. 2. (Diftle was also referring to the Capstone and TESSERA implementations of the
EES encryption algorithm.)
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards I 127
tration’s commitment to Clipper or some other cannot be used to securely distribute “secret” en-
form of key escrow, escrowed encryption may cryption keys for use with symmetric encryption
dominate in the market, mitigating the effect of like the DES or EES algorithms. Some sort of in-
unescrowed encryption on law enforcement. 25 teroperable (i.e., standardized) method for secure
Concerns over the proliferation of encryption key exchange is still needed.28
that have shaped and/or retarded federal standards As of June 1994, the DSS had been finalized,
development have complicated federal agencies’ but there was no FIPS for public-key key ex-
technological choices. For example, as appendix change. Two implementations of the EES encryp-
C explains, national-security concerns regarding tion algorithm that are used for data
the increasingly widespread availability of robust communications in computer networks-the
encryption-and, more recently, patent prob- Capstone chip and the TESSERA card-contain a
lems-contributed to the extraordinarily lengthy public-key Key Exchange Algorithm (KEA).29
development of a federal standard for digital sig- However, as of June 1994, this KEA is not part of
natures: NIST first published a solicitation for any FIPS .30 Therefore, organizations that do not
public-key cryptographic algorithms in 1982, and use Capstone or TESSERA still need to select a
the DSS was finalized in FIPS Publication 186 in secure and interoperable form of key distribution.
May 1994.26 (At this writing, the question of The lengthy evolution of the DSS meant that
whether the DSS would be the subject of patent federal agencies had begun to look to commercial
litigation was still open-see appendix C). products (e.g., based on the RSA system) to meet
Public-key cryptography can be used for digital immediate needs for digital signature technolo-
signatures, for encryption. and for secure key dis- gy. 31 The introduction of the EES additionally
tribution/exchange. The DSS is intended to sup- complicates agencies’ technological choices, in
plant, at least in part, the demand for other that the EES and related government key-escrow
public-key cryptography by providing a method encryption techniques (e. g.. for data communica-
for generating and verifying digital signatures. tions in computer networks, or for file encryption)
However, while the DSS algorithm is a public-key may not become popular in the private sector for
signature algorithm, it is not a public-key encryp- some time, if at all. As of this writing, the EES has
tion algorithm.27 That means, for example, that it
2~ Dtm~thy E. Denning, Pn)fcsst)r and Chair, Department [~f computer Science, Gw~rgct(lwn Uni\ erslty, tcstln~(~n} hcf~~rc the SuhctJn~n~lt-
Iee {m Technology,” En$ Ir(mrncnt, and Aviatt(m, C{~rnn~ittee {m Science, Space and Techn{)h~g}’, LJ.S. House of” Rcprcwm[atl\ c’~, Nfa} 3. 1994.
pp. 6-7. Dennlng was ~mc i)f the fi~ ~ n(mg{wemnlcntal experts who tn alu:ited lhc EES alg(u-ithrn under sccurl[y clcarancc, ( SCC dlscll~jl,~n I:llcr
in chapter.)
26 SW “’Appr~)\ al {~f Federal Inft)mlat](m Prt)cessing Standards Publicatl(m 186, Digital Sigrmturc St:indard (DSS ),’” }’cdcra/ Rc<ql\[cr, \ t~l.
59, May 19, 1994, pp. 26208-1 I, atd NIST. “Dlgltal S[gnaturc Standard (DSS ),’” FIPS PUB 186 (G;ilthershurg. MD U.S. Dep;ir[nwnt of C{Jn-
merce, Ma} ! 9, 1994).
27 see &lx 4-4.
‘s Ore publlc-kc> alg(mthmthat can bc used for ky distributi(m ]s the RSA alg(mthm, the RSA algorithm can cncr> pt. The RSA S! i[cn~
was propmd in 1978 by R I \ est. Shamir, and Adlunan. The Di ffle-Hcllnlan a!gt)rithn~ is am)thcr meth(xl, [111s can lx UVXJ for kc] gcncr;i[ 1{ In
and e~change and does not encrypt. See alst~ ch. 2.
2’) The Capst(mc chip is an Implcmcntati{m of the Escrtwed Enc~ ptl{m Standard algorithm. It i~ used ft~r data ct~r]]r~lt]n]c;it]ons and c~~nlaln~
the EES alg(mthm (called SKIPJACK), as well as digital-signature and hey-exchange functl(ms. (The Clipper chip is uxd [n tclcph(mcs) SIcn)j
and has ju~t the EES algorithm. ) TESSERA is a PCMCIA card that c(m[ains a Capsttmc chip. It includes add]tl(mal features and IS king used
]n the Defense Message Sy s[cm. (Cl mttm Br~xAs, Spcc ial Assistant to the Director, NS A, perstma[ c(~nln~unlcatit m, M:iy 2S, 1994. )
30 Miles Sr,lld Manaoer b, security T~~hno](}gy Group, NIST, Pcrs(mal C(MWWnlCatl(m, Ma)’ Z(). 1994
3 I For exanlp]e, at this ~ntlng, the IRS was c(JnsidCring using both the DSS and RSA signature tcchnlquci. (Tlnl Mlnahan. “IRS Digital
Signature Scheme Calls ft~r Both DSS and RSA Vcrit_icatlt~n,’” [;o~crnnlcrr[ (’,m]puter ,NrIi f, July 18, 1994, pp. 1,6S. )
128 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
not yet been embraced within government and is open government, market competitiveness, priva-
largely unpopular outside of government. 32 cy) has shifted from time to time, national-securi-
Therefore, agencies may need to support multiple ty objectives have always been preeminent in
encryption technologies both for transactions establishing federal policies regarding informa-
(i.e., signatures) and for communications (i.e., en- tion security (or computer and communications
cryption, key exchange) with each other, with the security).
public, and with private-sector organizations. In a networked society, where communica-
tions, information, and commerce are digital, the
GOVERNMENT CONCERNS AND struggle to control cryptography is at the heart of
INFORMATION SAFEGUARDS this tension. Control of cryptography encom-
As the previous section indicated, the federal gov- passes: 1) control of research in cryptography and
ernment faces a fundamental tension between the especially in cryptanalysts (code-breaking), 2)
desire to foster the development and deployment control of publication in cryptography and related
of effective (and cost-effective) technologies for fields, 3) control of patenting of cryptographic in-
use in safeguarding unclassified information, so ventions (new techniques for encryption and/or
that these can be widely used by civilian agencies new ways of implementing these in useful prod-
and the private sector, and the desire to control the ucts), and 4) export controls on the proliferation of
proliferation of technologies that can adversely af- cryptography-based products and expertise.33
fect government’s signals-intelligence and law- Over the past three decades, this struggle for
enforcement capabilities. This tension runs control has been exacerbated by:
throughout the government’s own activities as a
1. technological advances in computing and mi-
developer, user, and regulator of safeguard
croelectronics that have made inexpensive,
technologies. Although the relative balance be-
software-based, PC-based, smart-card-based,
tween national-security and other objectives (e.g.,
32 see, ~.g., Beau Brend]er, ‘&Thls Ship’s Going N~whem: Why clinton’s Clipper Policy Makes NO Sense,” Washiw?ron TeC’hn@w. Feb.
10, 1994, pp. 1,6; John Markoff, “Cyberspace Under Lock and Key,” The New’ York Times, Feb. 13, 1994, p. E3; Philip Elmer-Dewitt, “who
Should Keeptbe Keys,” 7ime Magazine, Mar. 14, 1994, pp. 90-91; and John Markoff, “An Administration Reversal on Wiretapping Technolo-
gy,” The New York 71mes, July 21, 1994, pp. D1,D7.
The Committee on Communications and Information Policy of the IEEE United States Activities Board has taken the position that current
cryptographic policies reflect the dominance of law-enforcement and national-security concerns and do not adequately reflect the needs of
electronics manufacturers, service providers, or network users. The committee advocates development of public, exportable, secure algorithms
and the implementation of such algorithms as national standards. (Bob Carlson, “U.S. Government Reaffirms Stand on Clipper Chip Proposal,”
IEEE Computec April 1994, p. 63.)
33 The cvpto~aphic-rese~ch community has grown over the last decade, but it is still relatively small compared with other fields in com-
puter science, electrical engineering, and mathematics. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were serious controversies concerning attempts by NSA
to control federal research funding in cryptography and to control publicati(m and patenting by researchers in academia and industry. For histor-
ical development of cryptography and the repeated controversies concerning government attempts (through NSA) to control cryptography
through research funding, prepublication review, and patent secrecy orders, see Susan Landau, ‘Zero Knowledge and the Department of De-
fense,’’Norices ofthe American Mathematics/ Sociery, vol. 35, No. 1, January 1988, pp. 5- 12; U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Com-
mittee on Government Operations, Computer Security Act of 1987-Reporr to Accompany H.R. /45, H. Rept. NW 100-153, Part 11, 10Oth C(mg.,
1st sess., June 11, 1987 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987), pp. 19-25; James Bamford, The Pux/e Pa/ace (New Y“ork,
NY: Penguin Books, 1983); Tom Ferguson, “Private Locks, Public Keys and State Secrets: New Problems in Guarding Inforrnati(m with Cryp-
tography,” Harvard University Centerfm Information Policy Research, Prograrnon Infomnation Resources Policy, April 1982; Public Cryptog-
raphy Study Group, American Council on Education, ‘6Report of the Public Cryptography Study Group” and “The Case Against Restraints on
Nongovernmental Research in Cryptography: A Minority Report by Prof. (;eorge I. Davida,” Acaderne, vol. 67, December 1981, pp. 372-.382;
U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Government Operations, The Government’s Cla.r.r~icarion of Pri}ate Ideas, H. Rept.
No. 96-1540, %th Congress, 2d sess. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Dec. 22, 1980); and David Kahn, The Codebreakers:
The SIory of Secret Wriling (New York, NY: MacMillan, 1%7). See also OTA, op. cit., footnote 1, especially pp. 55-59 and 168-172.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1129
and token-based (e.g., using PCMCIA cards) Federal standards (i.e., the FIPS) influence the
cryptography potentially ubiquitous; and technologies used by federal agencies and provide
2. increasing private-sector capabilities in cryp- a basis for interoperability, thus creating a large
tography, as evidenced by independent devel- and stable, “target market” for safeguard vendors.
opment of commercial, public-key encryption If the attributes of the standard technology are also
systems. applicable to the private sector and the standard
has wide appeal, an even larger but still relatively
These have made possible the:
stable market should result. The technological sta-
3. increasing reliance on digital communications bility means that firms compete less in terms of
and information processing for commercial the attributes of the fundamental technology and
transactions and operations in the public and more in terms of cost, ease of use, and so forth.
private sectors. Therefore, firms need to invest less in research and
development (especially risky for a complex
Together, these developments have enabled and
technology like cryptography) and in convincing
supported a growing industry segment offering a
potential customers of product quality. (See dis-
variety of hardware- and software-based informa- cussion of standards and certification in chapter
tion safeguards based on cryptography. Recent en- 2). This can result in higher profits for producers,
cryption initiatives like the EES and DSS seem even in the long run, and in increased availability
orchestrated to increase control by reducing com- and use of safeguards based on the standard.
mercial variety and availability over the long run, Promulgation of the DES as a stable and certi-
so as to retard the development and spread of other fied technology—at a time when the commercial
encryption technologies that could impair signals market for cryptography-based safeguards for un-
intelligence and law enforcement. classified information was emerging—stimulated
A historical review of the policy issues, de- supply and demand. Although the choice of the al-
bates, and developments during the 1970s and gorithm was originally controversial due to con-
1980s that led to the current environment is be- cerns over NSA’s involvement, the DES gained
yond the scope of this report, which focuses on wide acceptance and has been the basis for several
their current manifestations in private and public- industry standards, in large part because it was a
sector activities.sA This chapter examines these in public 35 standard that could be freely evaluated
light of the ongoing debates over the activities of and implemented. Although DES products are
NIST and NSA, particularly regarding export con- subject to U.S. export controls, DES technology is
trols and standards development. These are im- also widely available around the world and the al-
portant because the government uses them to gorithm has been adopted in several international
control cryptography. standards. The process by which the DES was de-
{LI For ~ \hofl ~c~,lcw ~)f the hl~[{)nca] tension between na[i(>nal security and other natlOnal objectives and the stmggle to c~)ntr~)l cryptogra-
phy>, see OTA, op. cit., ftwtnote 1. For a hmger review of the developments of federal computer security and communication security policies
and programs after Wt)rid War 11, including discussion of challenges to the government’s cryptographic monw)ly over tie last two decades.
see George F, Jelcn, ‘“lnfornlation Security: An Elusive Goal,” Harvard University Center for Information Policy Research, Program on ln-
fomml(m Resources P(dicy, June 1985. Jelen also examines the power struggle between NSA and the Commerce Department’s National Tele-
cornmunlcati(ms and lnftmnation Administration during the late 1970s and early 1980s and the motivations for and effects of national-security
directives In the 1980s that gave the Department of Defense the leadership role in communication security (COMSEC) and computer security
~~ /~lib/l[. in this sense refers to the fact that the DES algorithm was published.
130 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
veloped and evaluated also stimulated private- large and lucrative federal market and by encour-
sector interest in cryptographic research, aging private-sector demand to eventually switch
ultimately increasing the variety of commercial to key-escrowing technology. In the long term, a
safeguard technologies. loss of technological variety is significant to pri-
By 1993, 40 manufacturers were producing vate-sector cryptography, because more diverse
about 50 implementations of the DES in hardware research and development efforts tend to increase
or firmware that had been validated for federal use the overall pace of technological advance. In the
(as meeting the FIPS) by NIST. Another 60 com- near term, technological uncertainty may delay
panies were estimated to be producing software widespread investments in any new safeguard, as
implementations of the DES. A 1993 industry es- users wait to see which technology prevails.40
timate of U.S. sales of DES hardware and software In May 1994 testimony before the Subcommit-
products was between $75 million and $125 mil- tee on Technology and the Law of the Senate Judi-
lion annually. 36 As of April 1994, a survey of ciary Committee, Assistant Attorney General Jo
products using cryptography in the United States Ann Harris stated that:
and abroad, conducted by the Software Publishers The Clinton Administration has been far-
Association (SPA) had identified 245 domestic sighted in seeing the advent of high-quality,
encryption products (hardware and software) that user-friendly encryption products and the im-
used the DES.37 plications of such products. It has also been pre-
Now, however, introduction of an incompatible pared to act early, when markets are still
new federal standard-e. g., the EES—may be developing and when both consumers and
destabilizing. If the EES and related technologies manufacturers are seeking strong, reliable cryp-
ultimately manage to gain wide appeal, they may tography for use in mass-market products.
succeed in “crowding out” safeguards38
based upon We believe, therefore, Mr. Chairman [Patrick
other cryptographic techniques. This may be a J. Leahy], that, as one major equipment
long-term objective of the key-escrow encryption manufacturer has already done, others will re-
initiative, in order to stem the supply of alternative spond to their customers’ needs for extremely
cryptography products by ensuring vendors a strong encryption by marketing key escrow-
J61ndu~~ estimates cited in: Charlotte Adams, “Data Encryption Standard Software Now Headed for Widespread Government uSe,” I’ed-
era/ Computer Week, July 26, 1993, p. 35. The reaffirmation of the DES in FIPS Publication 46-2 (NIST, op. cit., footnote 14) makes software
implementations of the DES also eligible for validation.
37 stephen T. walker, Resident, T~Stect Information Systems, Inc., testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Technology and tie
Law, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, May 3, 1994, p. 15 and enclosure. See also Lance Hoffman, “SPA Study of Foreign Availability
of Cryptography,” SPA News, March 1994. SPA began its study of foreign availability in 1993.
38 At Pmwnt, the EES is not king well ~ceived by tie private sector, in part because there is a growing installed base of ~~er technologies
(e.g., the DES and the RSA system) and in part because of the classified algorithm and key escrowing. In establishing the EES, the government
is acting in its roles as a producer and regulator of safeguard technologies. Ilis contrasts with the government’s role (with industry) as a user
in other, voluntary standards development. (See, e.g., John Perry Barlow, “A Plain Text onCrypto Policy,” Communications of~he ACM, vol.
36, No. 11, November 1993, pp. 21-26; and Lance J, Hoffman, “Clipping Clipper,” Communications of~he ACM, vol. 36, No. 9, September
1993, pp. 15-17.) The role of the U.S. government in developing the algorithm, as well as the key escrowing provisions, also make the EES
unattractive to the international business community. (Nanette DiTosto, United States Council for International Business, yrsonal communica-
tion, Apr. 28, 1994.)
JgIn early 1994, tie ~pnt of Justice had reportedly purchased 8,000 EES devices and was considering purchasing another 2,aM,
in a procurement totaling $8 million. (Executive-branch procurements announced by Raymond Kammer, NIST Deputy Director, as quoted
in: Brad Bass, “Clipper Gets Stamp of Approval,” Federal Computer Week, Feb. 7, 1994, pp. 1,4.)
40 This happened wi~ Vide(xassette reco~em (VCRS). When technological uncertainty decmsed (afler the rivalry ~tw=n VHS and Be-
tamax was resolved), VCR penetration began to increase dramatically,
equipped products. And as that occurs, we look dards process. Although the Federal Reserve
for a gravitation of the market to key-escrow en- monitors advances in security technologies, as of
cryption, based on both a need for interoperabil- spring 1994 it remained committed to “crypto-
ity and a recognition of its inherent quality. Even graphic implementations which are based on DES
many of those who may desire encryption to
and are ANSI compliant.”44
mask illicit activities will choose key-escrow
In July 1994, Vice President Gore indicated the
encryption because of its availability, its ease of
use, and its interoperability with equipment Clinton Administration’s willingness to explore
used by legitimate enterprises. 41 industry alternatives for key-escrow encryption,
including techniques based on unclassified algo-
However, others question the need to act now:
rithms or implemented in software. These alterna-
If allowing or even encouraging wide dis- tives would be used to safeguard information in
semination of high-grade cryptography proves computer networks and video networks; the EES
to be a mistake, it will be a correctable mistake.
and Clipper chip would be retained for telephony.
Generations of electronic equipment follow one
Whether the fruits of this exploration result in in-
another very quickly. If cryptography comes to
present such a problem that there is popular con- creased acceptance of key-escrow encryption will
sensus for regulating it, this will be just as pos- not be evident for some time.
sible in a decade as it is today. If on the other Moreover, not all government attempts at in-
hand, we set the precedent of building govern- fluencing the marketplace through procurement
ment surveillance capabilities into our security policies (and the FIPS) are successful. The FIPS
equipment we risk entrenching a bureaucracy that prove to be unpopular with industry and users
that will not easily surrender the power this can have little influence on the private sector. 45
gives. 42 For example, the government made an early com-
At this writing, the success of this strategy to mitment to the Open Systems Interconnection
control cryptography is still questionable—in the (OSI) protocols for networking, but it is the ubiq-
near term, at least. One reason the outcome will uitous Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
take some time to materialize is that although it Protocol (TCP/IP) protocols that have enjoyed
was issued as a FIPS, use of the EES is voluntary wide use throughout the world in the Internet and
(even within the government) and many federal other networks. Although the Government Open
agencies have not yet taken positions regarding its Systems Interconnection Profile (GOSIP) was
implementation, or announced plans to imple- mandated for agencies, it did not become popular
ment the EES in their operations. 43 For example, in the commercial market, so there was a lack of
the Federal Reserve System encrypts its funds GOSIP products, relative to TCP/IP products. As
transfer operation, using DES-based technology, a result, the government had to reassess open
and is an active participant in the American Na- systems network requirements and federal use of
tional Standards Institute (ANSI) banking stan- networking standards, through the Federal Inter-
46 Ariel]e Emmett, “App]ica[ions Drive Federal TCP/lP Use,” Federa/ Computer Week, May 9, 1994, PP. 22-23.
w Walker testimony, op. cit., footnote 37, P. 26.
~ see ~]s{) U.S. General Accounting office, Commun;c,afions prilacy: Federa/ Po/icy andAcfions, GAOIOSI-94-2 (Washington, ~: us.
Government Printing OffIce, November 1993).
Overlaid on this are statutory privacy require- ing these standards. These responsibilities
ments that set forth policies concerning the disse- were carried out by the National Bureau of
mination and use of certain types of information Standards (NBS, now NIST).
about individuals. Within this framework, and 2. The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 as-
subject to their own specific statutory require- signed the Office of Management and Budget
ments, federal agencies and departments develop (OMB) responsibilities for maintaining a com-
their policies and guidelines, in order to meet indi- prehensive set of information resources man-
vidual and government-wide security and privacy agement policies and for promoting the use of
objectives (see box 4-5). information technology to improve the use and
Information security in the broadest sense is dissemination of information by federal agen-
fundamental to privacy protection, because con- cies. OMB Circular A-130 (Management of
scientious use of appropriate technical and institu- Federal Information Resources) was originally
tional information safeguards can help achieve issued in 1985 to fulfill these and other statuto-
privacy goals. The Privacy Act of 1974 set forth ry requirements (including the Privacy Act).
data collection, confidentiality, procedural, and 3. The Computer Security Act of 1987 affirmed
accountability requirements federal agencies and expanded the computer-security research
must meet to prevent unlawful invasions of per- and standards responsibilities of NBS and gave
sonal privacy, and provides remedies for noncom- it the responsibility for developing computer
pliance. It does not mandate use of specific system security training programs and for com-
technological measures to accomplish these re- menting on agency computer system security
quirements. Other statutes set forth information plans. The U.S. General Accounting Office
confidentiality y and integrity requirements for spe- (GAO) has audited agencies’ progress in im-
cific agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Ser- plementing the security controls mandated by
vice, Bureau of the Census, and so forth. (Issues the Computer Security Act of 1987.49
related to the Privacy Act, and other, international
privacy issues are discussed in chapter 3.) Special emphasis is given to the Computer Securi-
This section spotlights three key developments ty Act in this chapter, because it is fundamental to
in the evolution of the overall statutory and regu- the development of federal standards for safe-
latory framework within which federal agencies guarding unclassified information, to the balance
formulate their information-security and privacy between national-security and other objectives in
policies and guidelines, and then select and de- implementing security and privacy policies
ploy safeguard technologies to implement them: within the federal government, and to issues con-
1. The Brooks Act of 1965 made the Commerce cerning government control of cryptography.
Department the focal point for promulgation of Moreover, review of the controversies and debate
government “automatic data processing” (i.e., surrounding the Computer Security Act—and
computer and information-system) standards
and authorized Commerce to conduct a
research program to support standards develop-
ment and assist federal agencies in implement-
@ See the f(~[lowing GAO reP~~s: Computer Securiry: Go~’ernmentwide Planning Process Had Limifed Impat”r. GAO/IM~c-90-@
(Washingt(m, IX: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 10, 1990); Cornpufer SecuriQ’: Compliance )~’i~h Security P/an Requirements oj~he
Computer Security Act, GAOIIMTEC-89-55, June 21, 1989; Compliance with Trainin~ Requirements of (he Computer Security Act of 1987,
GAO/lMIEC-89- i6BR, Feb. 22, 1989); and Compuler Security: Sratus oj’Compliance wi(h the Computer Seeurity Act of /987, GAO/lM-
TEC-88-6113R, Sept. 22, 1988.
134 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
As part of this study, the Office of Technology Assessment held workshops on federal-agency issues
related to information security and privacy in network environments. Participants came from a variety of
agencies and had a variety of responsibilities and interests with respect to information privacy and se-
curity. Their concerns, comments, and topics of interest included the following
SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment workshops, October and December 1994
purchase, lease, maintenance, operation, and uti- authority under the act and does centralized pro-
lization of automatic data processing [ADP] curements, as in establishing the Federal Tele-
equipment by federal departments and agencies.” phone System contract. Section 11 l(c) of the act
The Brooks Act gives the General Services Ad- requires agencies to report annually to Congress
ministration (GSA) central purchasing and over- and to the Office of Management and Budget (for-
sight authority o v e r f e d e r a l A D P a n d merly the Bureau of the Budget) on ADP equip-
telecommunications equipment. The GSA Ad- ment inventories, acquisitions, and utilization, as
ministrator may delegate purchasing authority to well as ADP expenditures.
individual agencies for reasons of economy or op- A provision of the Brooks Act that is funda-
erational efficiency, or when delegation is essen- mental to unclassified information-system securi-
tial to national defense or national security.50 ty is the authorization of the Secretary of
Delegations of procurement authority for agency Commerce:
information systems and/or large purchases of
1. to provide GSA and other agencies with scien-
particular computers have become increasingly
tific and technological advisory services relat-
common over the years, and GSA schedules have
ing to automatic data processing and related
been established for commodity purchases of mi-
systems, and
crocomputers, peripherals, packaged software
and the like. GSA, however, always retains central
50 me Warner Amendment (~b]ic Law 97-g6) exempted certain types of Department of ~fense pr(xurements from tie Br~)t~ks ‘ct.
136 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
2. to make appropriate recommendations to the cessors have published dozens of FIPS and guide-
President relating to the establishment of uni- lines 53 on information-systems operations and
form federal automated data processing stand- security, most recently the controversial Es-
ards.51 crowed Encryption Standard (FIPS Publication
185, 1994) and Digital Signature Standard (FIPS
This section also authorizes the Secretary of Com-
Publication 186, 1994).
merce to “undertake the necessary research in the
Under authority of the Brooks Act as amended,
sciences and technologies of automatic data proc-
NIST participates in the activities of voluntary
essing and related systems, as maybe required un- standards organizations such as the American Na-
der the provisions of this subsection.” tional Standards Institute and the International Or-
Thus, the Brooks Act established the computer- ganization for Standardization. For a more
systems research programs and standards devel- detailed history of the National Institute for Stan-
opment conducted by the National Bureau of dards and Technology’s computer security pro-
Standards, now the National Institute of Standards gram and the evolution of the DES, including the
and Technology. NBS established its program in role of the National Security Agency, see the
computer and communications security in 1973, OTA’s 1987 report, Defending Secrets, Sharing
under authority of the Brooks Act; the agency was Data: New Locks and Keys for Electronic In-
already developing performance standards for formation. 54 The Computer Security Act of 1987
government computers. This security program led and NIST’s responsibilities under the act are dis-
to the adoption of the Data Encryption Standard as cussed later in this chapter.
a Federal Information Processing Standard for use The NIST director has indicated an intention of
in safeguarding unclassified information.52 creating a new Information Technology Laboratory,
The security responsibilities of what is now based on the current Computer Systems Laborato-
NIST’s Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) ry and the NIST Computing and Applied Mathe-
were affirmed and extended by the Computer Se- matics Laboratory. The rationale for this would be
curity Act of 1987. CSL has been responsible for to improve NIST’s capabilities in the underlying
developing standards, providing technical assist- technologies and enable NIST to be more respon-
ance, and conducting research for computers and sive to the needs of industry and government with
related systems; it also provides technical support respect to the information infrastructure.55
to civil agencies and industry. CSL and its prede-
Risk Management,” FIPS PUB31, June 1974; “Guideline for Automatic Data Processing Risk Analysis,” FIPS PUB 65, Aug. 1, 1979; “Guide-
lines ft)r Security of C(mlputer Applicati(ms,” FIPS PUB 73, June 30, 1980; “DES Modes of Operati(m,” FIPS PUB81, Dec. 2, 1980; “C(m~puter
Data Authentication,” op. cit., footm~te 52; ‘“Key Management Using ANSI X9. 17,” op. cit., foomote 15; “Secure Hash Standard,” FIPS PUE\
180, May 11, 1993; “Aut(mlated Passw(mi Generator.’” FJPS PUB 181, Oct. 5, 1993; and “Security Requirements forCryptographic” Modules,”
FIPS PUB 140-1. Jan. 1 I, 1994. All the FIPS publications are published by the Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg, MD.
~~ OTA ~)p
, Clt
. footnote
., 1. chapter 4 ~~ apP~ndlx c of the 1987 repn-t describe the DES; appendix D discusses use Of the DES algorithnl
and (xhers f(w message authcnticatmn and digital signatures. (Note: As of 1994, software implementations of the DES comply with the federal
standard. )
5s Aratl ~abh~ar, Director, N] ST, Perst)nal c(mmlunicati(m, May 12, 1994; NIST public affairs division, June 6, 1994.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1137
~ The Paperwork Reduction Act and the relationship between these agency controls
OMB Circular A-130 and security programs and the requirements of
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Public OMB Circular A-123 (internal Control Sys-
Law 96-511) gave agencies a broad mandate to tems).57 The appendix also incorporated responsi-
perform their information-management activities bilities from applicable national security
in an efficient, effective, and economical manner. directives. Federal agencies can obtain services
The Office of Management and Budget was given from GSA on a reimbursable basis, in support of
authority for: the risk analysis and security audit requirements
of Circular A- 130; GSA also provides a number of
1. developing and implementing uniform and information-system security documents.
consistent information resource management The security appendix of OMB Circular A-130
policies; assigned the Commerce Department responsibil-
2. overseeing the development of and promoting ity for developing and issuing standards and
the use of government information manage- guidelines for the security of federal information
ment principles, standards, and guidelines; systems, for establishing standards “approved in
3. evaluating the adequacy and efficiency of accordance with applicable national security di-
agency information management practices; and rectives,” for systems used to process information
4. determining whether these practices comply that was national -security sensitive (but not classi-
with the policies, principles, standards, and fied), and for providing technical support to agen-
guidelines promulgated by the director of cies in implementing these standards and
OMB. guidelines. The Defense Department was to act as
The original OMB Circular A- 130, The Man- the executive agent of the government for the se-
agement of Federal Information Resources,56 was curity of telecommunications and information
issued in 1985 to fulfill these and other statutory systems that process information, “the loss of
responsibilities, including requirements of the which could adversely affect the national security
Privacy Act (see chapter 3). It revised and consoli- interest” (i.e., including information that was un-
dated policies and procedures from several other classified but was considered “sensitive”), and
OMB directives, which were rescinded. Appen- was to provide technical material and ass i stance to
dix 111 of the circular addressed the “Security of federal agencies concerning the security of tele-
Federal Automated Information Systems,” Its communications and information systems. These
purpose was to establish a minimal set of controls responsibilities later shifted (see below) in accor-
to be included in federal information systems se- dance with the Computer Security Act of 1987
curity programs, assign responsibilities for the se- and National Security Directive 42, with the lead-
curity of agency information systems, and clarify ership responsibilities of the Commerce and De-
‘~ F~tr appllcatl{ms security. agcnclcs were required t{) establlsh management ctm[rt)l pr(wcsses t{) ensure apprt~priatc sccunt] measures
were implemented: agency officials were required tt~ test security safeguards and certif) they met all applicable federal requlrenwnts and stan-
dards, and :igmwies were required to de~elop and assign responsihil i ties for contingency plans. In the area tif Pers(mnel security. agencies were
rcqumxt I() establ i$h screen ing procedures commensurate with the nature of the lnfom)ati(m t[) he handled and the potential ri shs and damages.
Rcgardlng installatitm security. agencies were required to assign rcsp(msibillty for security and tt~ c{mduct periodic risk analyses and es(abl~sh
dlsastcr rcct)vmy and c(mtinulty plans. Agenclcs were also required to include all appropriate security rcqulrenwnts in prt~urcnvmt specitica-
ti(ms for mftmnatltm technology” equipment, software, and SCWICCS. Final l), agencws Mere required m cstabllsh a security av arcmess and tram-
Ing program.
138 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
fense Departments set according to whether the thorized and necessary for the proper
information domain was outside or within the area performance of agency functions;
of “national security.” 58 3. limit the sharing of information that identifies
OMB Circular A-130 was revised in 1993, but individuals or contains proprietary information
the revised version of the security appendix was to that which is legally authorized, and impose
not available as this report went to press. Appen- appropriate conditions on use where a continu-
dix III (“Security of Federal Automated Informa- ing obligation to ensure the confidentiality of
tion Systems”) was being revised to incorporate the information exists; and
requirements of the Computer Security Act of 4. provide individuals, upon request, access to re-
1987 requirements for security plans described in cords maintained about them in Privacy Act
OMB Bulletin 90-08. According to OMB, these systems of records, and permit them to amend
revisions will incorporate changes based on the those records that are in error, consistent with
experience gained in visits to major agencies, and the provisions of the Privacy Act.60
OMB will work with NIST to incorporate recom-
mendations regarding better coordination be- 9 The Computer Security Act of 1987
tween the Circular A-130-Revised and OMB The Computer Security Act of 1987 (Public Law
Circular A-123.59 With respect to safeguarding 100-235) 61 was a legislative response to overlap-
information, Circular A-130-Revised (1993) ping responsibilities for computer security among
generally provides that agencies shall: several federal agencies, heightened awareness of
1. ensure that information is protected commen- computer-security issues, and concern over how
surate with the risk and magnitude of the harm best to control information in computerized or
that would result from the loss, misuse, or un- networked form. The act established a federal
authorized access to or modification of such in- government computer security program that
formation; would protect all sensitive, but unclassified in-
2. limit the collection of information that identi- formation in federal government computer sys-
fies individuals only to that which is legally au- tems, as well as establish standards and guidelines
58 me computer secufi~ Act of 1987 gave corn~rce responsibl]ity in information domains that contained information lhal Was “sensi-
tive” but not classified for national-security purposes. National Security Directive 42 (“National Policy for the Security of National Security
[emphasis added] Telecommunications and Information Systems,” July 5, 1990) established a National Security Telecommunications and 1n-
fm-mation Systems Security Committee (NSTISSC), made the Secretary of Defense the Executive Agent of the Government for National Secu-
rity Telecommunications and Information Systems, and designated the Director of NSA as the National Manager for National Security Tele-
communications and lnfmnation Systems.
59 of fIce of Management and Budget, “ReviSion Of OMB circular No. A- 130” (Plans for Development of Other Topics), Fede~u/ R@S@r,
V()]. 58, Ju]y 2, ] 993.
Management and Budget, Management of Federal Information Resourees, Circular A-130-Revised, June 25, 1993, sec.
~ Office of
8-a(9). The Secretary of Commerce is charged with developing and issuing FIPS and guidelines necessary to ensure the efficient and effective
acquisition, management, and security of information technology. The Secretary of Defense is charged with developing, in consultation with
the Administrator of General Services, uniform federal telecommunications standards and guidelines to ensure national security, emergency
preparedness, and continuity of government (ibid., sec. 9-c,d).
b] IO I Stat. 1724. See legislative history in box 4-6.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1139
to facilitate such protection. (For legislative his- formation technologies renewed national interest
tory of the Computer Security Act of 1987, see in computer security in the early 1980s.63
box 4-6.) Disputes over how to control unclassified in-
Specifically, the Computer Security Act as- formation also prompted passage of the act. The
signs NBS (now NIST) responsibility for the de- Reagan Administration had sought to give the Na-
velopment of government-wide computer-system tional Security Agency much control over “sensi-
security standards and guidelines, and training tive, but unclassified” information, while the
programs. The act also establishes a Computer public-especially the academic, banking, and
System Security and Privacy Advisory Board business communities—viewed NSA as an inap-
within the Department of Commerce, and requires propriate agency for such responsibility. The Rea-
Commerce to promulgate regulations based on gan Administration favored an expanded concept
NIST guidelines. Additionally, the act requires of national security. This expanded concept was
federal agencies to identify computer systems embodied in subsequent presidential policy direc-
containing sensitive information, to develop secu- tives (see below), which in turn expanded NSA’s
rity plans for identified systems, and to provide control over computer security. Questions regard-
computer security training for all employees using ing the role of NSA in security for unclassified in-
or managing federal computer systems. (The formation, the types of information requiring
Computer Security Act, as well as a memorandum protection, and the general amount of security
of understanding (MOU) between NIST and NSA needed, all divided the Reagan Administration
and subsequent letters of clarification, is con- and the scientific community in the 1980s.65
tained in appendix B of this report.)
Congressional concerns and public awareness Agency Responsibilities Before the Act
created a climate conducive to passage of the Some level of federal computer-security responsi-
Computer Security Act of 1987. Highly publi- bility rests with the Office of Management and
cized incidents of unauthorized users, or “hackers,” Budget, the General Services Administration, and
gaining access to computer systems and a growing the Commerce Department (specifically NIST
realization of the government dependence on in- and the National Telecommunications and In-
62 me act ~a~ ..[tlo ~rovlde for a computer st~dards prowam within the Nati(mal Bureau t)f Standards, It) provide for g(~vemnlent-wide
computer security, and to provide for the training in security matters of persons who are involved in the management, (~pcr:iti(m, and use of
federal computer systems, and for other purposes” (ibid.). The National Bureau of Standards is now the Natitmal Institute of Standards and
63 u. s. c(,ngre$s, Omce of Technology” ASSeSS~nt, Federal Gm,ernrnent Injimnation Technology: Mana~enlent. .~ecuritY and COnXreS-
siorwl O\ers{gh/, OTA-CIT-297 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, February 1986), pp. 64-65.
64 see e.g,, Huold Relyea, S1/cn{.lnR &lence: Na[i~~/ sec.wi~ controls and Scientific Communication (Norwo(d,” NJ: Ahl~~, 1994); and
OTA, op. cit., f(wtnote 1, ch. 6 and ch. 7.
65 see ~.g,, John T. soma and Elizabeth J. Bedien(, “C(~mpUter Security and the $%~tecthm of Sensitive but Not Classified Data: The Com-
puter Security Act of 1987,” 30 Air Force Law Rei’[ew 135 (1989).
140 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
In 1985, Representative Dan Glickman introduced the Computer Security and Training Act of 1985
(H.R. 2889) H.R. 2889 included provisions to establish a computer security research program within
the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) and to re-
quire federal agencies to train their employees and contractor personnel in computer security tech-
niques, with the intent of establishing NBS as the developer of training guidelines for federal employees
who manage, operate, or use automated information processing systems that do not include classified
information. 1 Congressional hearings were held on the bill, and at the end of the 99th Congress it
reached the House floor and was brought up under a suspension of the rules, but failed to obtain the
two-thirds vote required and went no further.2 In 1987, Representative Glickman, on behalf of himself
and seven cosponsors, introduced H.R. 145, the Computer Security Act of 1987, based on the earlier
H.R. 2889 The bill eventually had 11 cosponsors in the House,
Witnesses at hearings on H.R. 145 raised concerns over the implications of National Telecommu-
nications and Information Systems Security Policy Directive No. 2, which proposed a new definition of
“sensitive, but unclassified reformation." 3 This directive defined sensitive, but unclassified information
as “information the disclosure, loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction of which could adversely affect
national security or other federal government interests.”4 (The National Security Adviser rescinded this
directive in 1987, in response to H.R. 1455, Witnesses at hearings on H.R. 145 warned that the National
Security Agency could apply the “sensitive but unclassified” categorization to commercial databanks
providing Information on federal government laws and policies.6 Opponents to NSA’s role in computer
security also expressed concern that NSA was the agency responsible for determining federal comput-
er systems security policy, even for systems that did not contain classified information Witnesses re-
minded Congress that current statutes already protected proprietary and classified information and
trade secrets, NSA’s role in this area, therefore, was unnecessary and could lead to restrictions on ac-
cess to information
Congress’s primary objective in enacting the Computer Security Act of 1987 was to protect informa-
tion in federal computer systems from unauthorized use 9 The act set forth a clear definition of sensitive
1 H R 2889, 99th Cong (1985) See also U S Congress, House of Representatives, Compiler SecuntyAct of 1987—Report to
Accompany R 145, H Rpt 10-153, IOOfh Cong , 1 stSess , Parts I and II (Washington, DC U S Government Printing Office, 1987),
Part 1, p 8.
2 H Ffpt 100-1” 53, Op CII , fOOtnOfe 1, part 1, p 8,
3 “NaIlonal POIICY on protection of Sensltlve, but Unclassified Informahon m Federal Government Telecommunlcatlons andAutO-
mated Information Systems, ” NaOorta/ Telecornmumcahons ancf/nformat~on Systems Secur@ Po/Icy Dmcfwe No 2, Oct 29, 1986
This dwectwe was usually referred to as NTISSP No 2
4 Ibid , p 2
5 H Rpt No 1OQ-1 53, op Clt , fOOtnOte 1, part 1, p 8
6computerSecurl~ Act of Ig87 HeanngsonH R. 145 Be forethe Subcommittee on Leg\slatlonandNationalSecurtyofthe House
Commttee on Government Operations, 100th Cong , Ist Sess , Feb 25, 26 and Mar 17, 1987
7 l+earlngs, Committee on Government Operations, op. clt , footnote 6, P 1
8See ComputerSecurl~ Actof 1987 Hear/ngson/-f R, 145Beforet~esu~omml~ee cm Science, Research, and li?chnol~yand
the Subcommittee on Transporiatlon, Awatlon, and Materials of the House Comm\ttee on Sclerrce, Space and Technology IOOth
Cong , 1st Sess , Feb 26 and May 19, 1987
9 H Rpt 100-153, op CII , footnote 1, Part 1, P 23
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1141
reformation to ease some of the concern that led to the act’s passage The legislative history assures
that the definition of sensitive information was set forth in the Computer Security Act to guide NBS in
determining what kinds of information should be addressed in its standards development process, the
definition was not provided to authorize the establishment of a new quasi-classification of Information. 11
The act’s legislative history clearly Indicates that it was passed with the purpose of rejecting the fed-
eral computer security plan of National Security Decision Directive 145 (NSDD-145).12 As expressed by
Senator Patrick Leahy during consideration of the Act, “[NSDD-145] signaled a dramatic shift in the
management of government information protection from civilian authority to military authority It has set
the government on a course that has served neither the needs of national security nor the interests of
the American people."13 The Computer Security Act was intended to change the direction of this course
and delegate control of unclassified Information security to the appropriate civilian agency, NBS
While Congress clearly Intended NSA to have an advisory role in all federal computer security, NBS
was to have the primary role in security for unclassified information “The bill appropriately divides re-
sponsibility for developing computer security standards between the National Bureau of Standards
[now NIST] and the National Security Agency NSA will provide guidelines for computer systems which
handle classified information and NBS will provide guidelines for those which handle unclassified but
sensitive information."14
Off Ice of Management and Budget Director Jim Miller stated that “it is the [Reagan] Administration’s
position that NBS, in developing Federal standards for the security of computers, shall draw upon tech-
nical security guidelines developed by NSA in so far as they are available and consistent with the re-
quirements of civil departments and agencies to protect data processed in their systems When devel-
oping technical security guidelines, NSA will consult with NBS to determine how its efforts can best
support such requirements In this regard the technical security guidelines provided by NSA to NBS
will be treated as advisory and subject to appropriate NBS review." During consideration of the act
Senator Leahy said he believed that Miller’s assertion continued to be the [Reagan] Administration’s
position and that the act would appropriately Iegislate such a relationship.16 (See discussion of imple-
mentation of the Computer Security Act of 1987 and the NIST/NSA Memorandum of Understanding later
in this chapter)
Congressional Reports
● House Report 99-753 on H R 2889, “Computer Security Act of 1986, ” Aug. 6, 1986
● House Report 100-153 on H R 145, “Computer Security Act of 1987, ” June 11, 1987
10 Computer Security Act of I g87 (publlc law 100-235) sec 3 Sensdwe mforrnallon was detmed as “any Information the loss
misuse, or unauthorized access to or modlflcahon of which could adversely affect the national Interest or the conduct of Federal pro-
grams or the pr(vacy to which mdwtduals are entitled under (the Prwacy Act), but which has not been speclftcally authorized
under cr(terla established by an Executive order or an Act of Congress to be kept secret m the interest of nallonal defense or foreign
pOllCy (Ibid ) 4
I 1 H Rpt 1()().153 Op Cl! fOOk70te 1 part I p
12 congreSSlona/ Record Dec 21 1987. P 37679
‘ 3 Ibid
14 Ibid p 37680 (remarks of Senator Wllllam V Roth Jr)
Ib H Rpt 100-153 Op Clt footnote 1, part I p 41 (letter to Chairman Roe), Ibid part 11, P 37 (letter to Chairman Brooks)
16 Congresslona/ Record, Dec 21.1987 PP 37679-80
142 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
■ House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Trans-
portation, Aviation, and Materials, Computerland Communications Security and Privacy, hearing, Sept.
24, 1984
m House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Trans-
portation, Aviation, and Materials, Computer Security Policies, hearing, June 27, 1985.
m House of Representatives, Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Legislation and Na-
tional Security, Computer Security Research and Training Act of 1985, hearing, Sept. 18, 1985.
■ House of Representatives, Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Government in-
formation, Justice, and Agriculture, Electronic Collection and Dissemination of Information by Federal
Agencies, hearings, Apr. 29, June 26, and Oct. 18, 1985
■ House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Trans-
portation, Aviation, and Materials, Federal Government Computer Security, hearings, Oct. 29,30, 1985
● House Report 96-1540, “Government’s Classification of Private Ideas, ” Dec. 22, 1980.
■ House of Representatives, Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Legislation and Na-
tional Security, Computer Security Act of 1987, hearings, Feb. 25, 26, Mar. 17, 1987
● House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Science,
Research, and Technology and Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation, and Materials, Computer Se-
curity Act of 1987, hearing, Feb. 26, 1987
● House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Trans-
portation, Aviation, and Materials, GAO Survey “Federal Government Computer Security,” hearing, May
19, 1987
formation Administration (NTIA)). OMB main- Brooks Act, the Department of Commerce devel-
tains overall responsibility for computer security ops the Federal Information Processing Standards
policy. 66 GSA issues regulations for physical se- that provide specific codes, languages, proce-
curity of computer facilities and oversees techno- dures, and techniques for use by federal informa-
logical and fiscal specifications for security tion systems managers. 69 NTIA serves as the
hardware and software. In addition to its other Executive Branch developer of federal telecom-
responsibilities, NSA traditionally has been re- munications policy.70
sponsible for security of information that is classi- These overlapping agency responsibilities hin-
fied for national-security purposes, including dered the development of one uniform federal
Department of Defense information.68 Under the
66 U.S. Ct)ngress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Compuwr Securify ACI @ i9fl--ReP0rt (o
Accompany}{.R. /45, H. Rept. 100-153, Part I, lt)oth Cong., 1 st sess., June 11, l!~87 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987),
p. 7.
67 Ibid.
m Ibid.
69 Ibid -l-he Flps ~pply ~)nly t. federa] agencies, but some, like the DES, have been adopted in voluntary standards and are used in the Private
sector. T%e FIPS are developed by NIST and approved by the Secretary of Commerce.
70 Ibid.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1143
policy regarding the security of unclassified in- mentation under the direction of the steering
formation, particularly because computer security group. 75
and communications71 security historically have
developed separately. In 1978, OMB had issued Expanded NSA Responsibilities
Transmittal Memorandum No. 1 (TM-1) to its Under NSDD-145
Circular A-7 1, which addressed the management In 1980, Executive Order 12333 had designated
of federal information technology.72 TM-1 re- the Secretary of Defense as Executive Agent of the
quired federal agencies to implement computer Government for Communications Security.
security programs, but a 1982 GAO report con- NSDD-145 expanded this role to encompass tele-
cluded that Circular A-71 (and its TM-1 ) had communications and information systems securi-
failed to: ty and responsibility for implementing policies
1. provide clear guidance to agencies on mini- developed by NTISSC. The Director of NSA was
mum safeguard requirements, designated National Manager for Telecommu-
2. clarify the relationship between national-secu- nications and Automated Information Systems
rity information security and other types of in- Security. The national manager was to implement
formation security, and the Secretary of Defense’s responsibilities under
3. provide guidance on general telecommunica- NSDD-145. As a result, NSA was charged with
tions security.73 examining government information and telecom-
munications systems to evaluate their vulnerabili-
Executive orders in the 1980s, specifically the ties, as well as with reviewing and approving all
September 1984 National Security Decision Di- standards, techniques, systems, and equipment
rective 145, National Policy on Telecommunica- for telecommunications and information systems
tions and Automated Information Systems security.
Security (NSDD-145), 74 created significant shifts In 1985, the Office of Management and Budget
and overlaps in agency responsibilities. Resolv- (OMB) issued another circular concerning com-
ing these was an important objective of the Com- puter security. This OMB Circular A- 130, Manage-
puter Security Act. NSDD-145 addressed ment of Federal Information Resources, revised
safeguards for federal systems that process or and superseded Circular A-71 (see previous sec-
communicate unclassified, but “sensitive,” in- tion). OMB Circular A-130 defined security, en-
formation. NSDD-145 established a Systems Se- couraged agencies to consider information
curity Steering Group to oversee the directive and security essential to internal control reviews, and
its implementation, and an interagency National clarified the definition of “sensitive” information
Telecommunications and Information Systems to include information “whose improper use or
Security Committee (NTISSC) to guide imple-
7 I Jelen ~)p, ~lt., footnote 34, pp. I.&_ I-I 7. Jelen explains that computer security and communications security are interde~nden[ ~d
inseparable because computers and telecommunications themselves converged (ibid., p. 1-7).
72 office of Management and Budge(, Tranwnitta] Memorandum No. I tO OMB Circulw A-71 T ] 978
73 u. .s Genera] Accoun[lng office, Federal ]nformrlon SY5femS Remain Highly Vulnerable [O Fraudulent, wasteful, Abusi~’e, ond ]//egfl/
Prac~ices (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Ofice, 1982).
74NSDD- 145 is C]asslfied. An Unc]asslfied version was used as tie basis f[)r his discussion.
75 ~ls is now tie Natlona] Security Te]ecommunicati[>ns ~d ]nfomatlon” Systems Security committee, or N!jTISSC. See footnote 58.
144 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
disclosure could adversely affect the ability of an the private sector’s needs and hesitated to adopt
agency to accomplish its mission . . . . " 76 NSA’s encryption technology in lieu of the DES.
In 1986, presidential National Security Adviser At the time, the DES was up for recertification.80
John Poindexter77 issued National Telecommu- In the House Report accompanying H.R. 145, the
nications and Information Systems Security Committee on Science, Space and Technology
Policy Directive No. 2 (NTISSP No. 2). NTISSP noted that:
No. 2 proposed a new definition of “sensitive but NSDD-145 can be interpreted to give the na-
unclassified information.” It potentially could tional security community too great a role in set-
have restricted access to information that pre- ting computer security standards for civil
viously had been available to the public. Specifi- agencies. Although the [Reagan] Administra-
cally, “sensitive but unclassified information,” tion has indicated its intention to address this is-
within the meaning set forth in the directive, in- sue, the Committee felt it is important to pursue
cluded not only information which, if revealed, a legislative remedy to establish a civilian au-
could adversely affect national security, but also thority to develop standards relating to sensi-
tive, but unclassified data.81
information that could adversely affect “other fed-
eral government interests” if released. Other fed- In its explanation of the bill, the committee also
eral government interests included economic, noted that:
financial, technological, industrial, agricultural, One reason for the assignment of responsibil-
and law enforcement interests. ity to NBS for developing federal computer sys-
Such an inclusive directive sparked enormous, tem security standards and guidelines for
negative public response. As the Deputy Director sensitive information derives from the commit-
of NBS stated during 1987 hearings on the Com- tee’s concern about the implementation of Na-
puter Security Act, the NTISSP No. 2 definition tional Security Decision Directive- 145.
of sensitive information was a ● ’totally inclusiona- . . . While supporting the need for a focal point
ry definition. . . [t]here is no data that anyone to deal with the government computer security
would spend money on that is not covered by that problem, the Committee is concerned about the
definition.” 78 Opponents of NSDD-145 and perception that the NTISSC favors military and
NTISSP No. 2 argued that NSA should not have intelligence agencies. It is also concerned about
how broadly NTISSC might interpret its author-
control over federal computer security systems
ity over “other sensitive national security in-
that did not contain classified information.. 79 The
formation.” For this reason, H.R. 145 creates a
business community, in particular, expressed con- civilian counterpart, within NBS, for setting
cern about NSA’s ability and suitability to meet
7fJ Office of Managen~nt ~d Budget, OMB Circu]ar A- 130 ( 1985). As this report went to press, the computer security sections Of A- 130
were still being revised but were expected h) issue in 1994. The other secti(ms of A- 130 have been revised and were issued in 1993.
77 Adm. Poindexter wa5 also chairman of the NSDD- 145 Systems Security Steering Group (NSDD- 145. sec. 4).
78 Raym[)nd Kammer, ~pu(y Direc[or, National Bureau of Standards, testimony, Compuler ~WUritY A~/ of/gs7: He~wv off HR. 145
Before the Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security of the Houst’ Committee on Got’ernmen[ Operations, IOOth Cong., I st Sess.,
Feb. 26, 1987. See also H. Rept. 100-153, Part I, op. cit., footnote 66, p. 18.
79 See U.S. Congress, H(~use Of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Compufer Security Acr Of 1987: Hearings
on H.R. 145 Before the Subcomrnirree on Science, Research, and Technology and/he Subcommiffee on Transportation, At’ia/ion, and Ma/erials
uj”rhe lfouse Commiftee on Science, Space, and Technology, 10Oth Cong., 1 st sess. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 198 7),
pp. 146-191.
go For history, see C)TA, op. cit., f(x)tnote 1, pp. 102-108. Despite NSA’S desire to replace the DES with a family of cryptographic mOdules
using classified algorithms, it was reaffirmed in 1988.
81 H. Rept. ]00-1 53, Part ], op. cit., footnote 66, p. 22.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1145
policy with regard to unclassified informa- established the National Security Telecommu-
tion. . . NBS is required to work closely with nications and Information Systems Security
other agencies and institutions such as NSA, Committee (NSTISSC), made the Secretary of
both to avoid duplication and to assure that its Defense the Executive Agent of the Government
standards and guidelines are consistent and
for National Security Telecommunications and
compatible with standards and guidelines devel-
Information Systems, and designated the Director
oped for classified systems; but the final author-
ity for developing the standards and guidelines of NSA the National Manager for National Securi-
for sensitive information rests with the NBS. 82 ty Telecommunications and Information Sys-
tems.87 As such, the NSA director is to coordinate
In its report on H.R. 145, the Committee on
with NIST in accordance with the Computer Se-
Government Operations explicitly noted that the
curity Act of 1987. NSD 42 does not rescind pro-
bill was ● ’neutral” with respect to public disclosure
grams, such as those begun under NSDD-145, that
of information and was not to be used by agencies
pertain to national-security systems, but these are
to exercise control over privately owned informa-
not construed as applying to systems within the
tion, public domain information, or information
purview of the Computer Security Act of 1987.88
disc losable under the Freedom of Information Act
or other laws.83 Furthermore, the committee
noted that H.R. 145 was developed in large part to Agency Information-System Security
ensure the delicate balance between “the need to Responsibilities Under the Act
protect national security and the need to pursue the Under the Computer Security Act of 1987, all fed-
promise that the intellectual genius of America of- eral agencies are required to identify computer
fers us.” 84 The committee also noted that: systems containing sensitive information, and to
Since it is a natural tendency of DOD to re- develop security plans for identified systems. 89
strict access to information through the classifi- The act also requires mandatory periodic training
cation process, it would be almost impossible in computer security for all federal employees and
for the Department to strike an objective bal- contractors who manage or use federal computer
ance between the need to safeguard information systems. The Computer Security Act gives final
and the need to maintain the free exchange of in- authority to NIST [then NBS] for developing
formation.85 government-wide standards and guidelines for
Subsequent to the Computer Security Act of unclassified, sensitive information, and for de-
1987, DOD’s responsibilities under NSDD-145 veloping government-wide training programs.
were aligned by National Security Directive 42 In carrying out these responsibilities, NIST can
(NSD 42) to cover “national security” telecom- draw upon the substantial expertise of NSA and
munications and information systems.86 NSD 42 other relevant agencies. Specifically, NIST is
‘z Ibid., p. 26.
83 H Rept, 100.1 S3, Par-t 11, op. cit., footnote ~~, p. 30.
‘4 Ibid., p. 29.
*$ Ibid., p. 29.
M Nat){)nal security Dlrec[lve 42, Op. ~ll., f(x)~()[e 58. The National Security Council released an unclassified, Pafilal (~xt of NSD 42 to
the Computer l%) fessi(mals for Social Responsibility on Apr. 1, 1992, in response to Freedom of Infomlation Act (FOIA) requests made in
i 990.
UT NSD 42 (unclassified partial text), sees. I -7
88 Ibid,, sec. 10.
89 ~h]lc Law 100-235, sec. 6.
146 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
authorized to “coordinate closely with other agen- Act of Congress to be kept secret in the interest of
cies and offices” including NSA, OTA, DOD, the national defense or foreign policy.”91 Additional-
Department of Energy, GAO, and OMB. 90 This ly, the Computer Security Act authorizes NIST to
coordination is aimed at “assur[ing] maximum “draw upon computer system technical security
use of all existing and planned programs, materi- guidelines developed by [NSA] to the extent that
als, studies, and reports relating to computer sys- [NIST] determines that such guidelines are con-
tems security and privacy” and assuring that sistent with the requirements for protecting sensi-
NIST’s computer security standards are "consis- tive information in federal computer systems.’’92
tent and compatible with standards and proce- The act expected that "[t]he method for promul-
dures developed for the protection of information gating federal computer system security standards
in federal computer systems which is authorized and guidelines is the same as for non-security
under criteria established by Executive order or an
90 I bid., W C. 3(b)(6). NIST ct~tmiinatitm wi[h OTA in this regard generally consists of including OTA staff in external review of selected
NIST rcpwts.
‘)1 ibid.
‘)2 Ibid.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards ] 147
standards and guidelines.” 93 The intent of the act nical guidelines,” and forced NBS to use these
was that NSA not have the dominant role and to guidelines in issuing standards.
recognize the potential market impact of federal Since work on technical security standards
security standards: represents virtually all of the research effort be-
. . . [I]n carrying out its responsibilities to devel- ing done today, NSA would take over virtually
op standards and guidelines for protecting sensi- the entire computer standards from the National
tive information in federal computer systems Bureau of Standards. By putting NSA in charge
and to perform research, NBS [now NIST] is re- of developing technical security guidelines
quired to draw upon technical security guide- (software, hardware, communications), NBS
lines developed by the NSA to the extent that would be left with the responsibility for only ad-
NBS determines that NSA’s guidelines are con- ministrative and physical security measures--
sistent with the requirements of civil agencies. which have generally been done years ago.
The purpose of this language is to prevent un- NBS, in effect, would on the surface be given the
necessary duplication and promote the highest responsibility for the computer standards pro-
degree of cooperation between these two agen- gram with little to say about most of the pro-
cies. NBS will treat NSA technical security gram—the technical guidelines developed by
guidelines as advisory, however, and, in cases NSA.
where civil agency needs will best be served by This would jeopardize the entire Federal
standards that are not consistent with NSA standards program. The development of stan-
guidelines, NBS may develop standards that dards requires interaction with many segments
best satisfy the agencies’ needs. of our society, i.e., government agencies, com-
It is important to note the computer security puter and communications industry, internation-
standards and guidelines developed pursuant to al organizations, etc. NBS has performed this
H.R. 145 are intended to protect sensitive in- kind of activity very well over the last 22 years
formation in Federal computer systems. Never- [since enactment of the Brooks Act of 1965].
theless, these standards and guidelines will NSA, on the other hand, is unfamiliar with it.
strongly influence security measures imple- Further, NSA’s products may not be useful to ci-
mented in the private sector. For this reason, vilian agencies and, in that case, NBS would
NBS should consider the effect of its standards have no alternative but to issue standards based
on the ability of U.S. computer system manufac- on these products or issue no standards at all.95
turers to remain competitive in the international The Committee on Government Operations also
marketplace. 94 noted the concerns of industry and the research
In its report accompanying H.R. 145, the Com- community regarding the effects of export con-
mittee on Government Operations noted that: trols and NSA involvement in private-sector acti-
While the Committee was considering H.R. vities, including restraint of innovation in
145, proposals were made to modify the bill to cryptography resulting from reduced incentives
give NSA effective control over the computer
for the private sector to invest in independent re-
standards program. The proposals would have
charged NSA with the task of developing “tech-
search, development, and production of products dum of understanding to clarify the working
incorporating cryptography.96 relationship, but this MOU has been controversial
The Computer Security Act of 1987 estab- as well, because of concerns in Congress and else-
lished a Computer System Security and Privacy where that its provisions cede NSA much more
Advisory Board (CSSPAB) within the Depart- authority than the act had granted or envisioned. 99
ment of Commerce: The last section in this chapter examines imple-
The chief purpose of the Board is to assure mentation issues related to the MOU and the roles
that NBS receives qualified input from those of NIST and NSA. (Chapter 2 examined addition-
likely to be affected by its standards and guide- al implementation issues concerning the federal
lines, both in government and the private sector. role in safeguarding information in the informa-
Specifically, the duties of the Board are to iden- tion infrastructure.)
tify emerging managerial, technical, adminis-
trative and physical safeguard issues relative to ~ Future Directions in Safeguarding
computer systems security and privacy and to
advise the NBS and the Secretary of Commerce
Information In Federal Agencies
on security and privacy issues pertaining to fed- Information resource management in the federal
eral computer systems.97 government is in need of general reform. Informa-
The Chair of the CSSPAB is appointed by the Sec- tion technologies—properly used—have the po-
retary of Commerce. The board is required to re- tential not only to improve government
information resource management, but also to im-
port its findings relating to computer systems
prove the overall effectiveness and efficiency of
security and privacy to the Secretary of Com- 100
government. This requires that top manage-
merce, the OMB Director, the NSA Director, the
ment is informed and interested—information
House Committee on Government Operations, technology has all too often been viewed as a tool
and the Senate Committee on Governmental Af- to make incremental improvements, rather than an
fairs. 98 integral part of operations. Compared with tradi-
Implementation of the Computer Security Act tional mainframe or paper-based methods, mod-
has been controversial, particularly with respect to ern databases and networking services provide
the roles of NIST and NSA in standards develop- opportunities to actually change the way that fed-
ment. The two agencies developed a memoran-
% Ibid., pp. 22.25 and 30.35. in I %6, N!34 had announced a program 10 develop cryptographic modules that qualified COMMUnlCallOnS
manufacturers could embed in their products. NSA’S development of these cmbeddable modules was part of NSA’S Development Cemer for
Embedded COMSEC Products. (NSA Press release fm Development Center for Embedded COMSEC products, Jan. 10, 1986.)
97 H. Rept. IO(I- 153, Part 1, op. cit., fOOtnOte 66, pp. 27-28.
98 ~b]ic Law ] 00-235, sec. ~.
99 me m~ner in Which NIST and NSA planned to execute tlwir functions under the Computer Security Act of 1987, as evidenced by the
MOU, was the subject of hearings in 1989. See U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security,
Committee on Government Operations, Military and Cit’ilian Control of Computer Securifylmues, 101 st Cong., 1 st sess., May 4, 1989 (Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing OffIce, 1989). The NIST-NSA working relationshiphas subsequently been raised as an issue, with regard
to the EES and the DSS.
1~ see Commlttw on Applications and T&hn{~l(~gy, National lnfmrnation Infrastmcture Task Force, fu~~in~ the Injbrmution /nfrastruc-
wre 10 Work, NIST Special Publication 857 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1994).
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards { 149
eral agencies (as well as corporations and other or- the historical development and popular attention
ganizations) do business. 101 that exist in older fields, such as airplane or bridge
Clear, strong leadership is vital to effective use safety. 104 Problems due to an absence or break-
of information technology. Leadership and down of information safeguards can be underre-
management commitment 103
are also crucial in safe- ported, or even kept completely secret.
guarding information. Unfortunately, respon- Information-security “disasters,” “near misses,”
sibility for information safeguards has often been and compromises, like the 1988 Internet Worm
disconnected from the rest of information man- and the 1994 ’’password sniffer” network monitor-
agement, and from top management. Information ing incidents and intrusions into civilian and mili-
safeguards have all too often been viewed as ex- tary computer systems, have only recently begun
pensive overhead, rather than a valuable form of to receive popular attention.105
insurance. Higher level agency managers are not The Computer Security Act of 1987 requires all
necessarily unconcerned about protecting the or- federal agencies to identify computer systems
ganization’s assets, but are under constant pres- containing sensitive information, and to develop
sure to trim budgets and personnel. Responsibility y security plans for these systems.106 The act also
for information safeguards too often lies with requires mandatory periodic training in computer
computer security professionals who do not have security for all federal employees and contractors
the authority and resources they need. who manage, use, or operate federal computer
This disconnected responsibility is not limited systems. In its workshops and discussions with
to the federal government. Information safe- federal employees and knowledgeable outside ob-
guards generally tend not to be addressed with the servers, OTA found that these provisions of the
levels of attention they deserve, even in the private Computer Security Act are viewed as generally
sector, One reason may be that the field of in-
formation safeguards is relatively new and lacks
1~1 Rcfom~ing infonatl(~n resource managenlent in the federal government tt~ improve electronic delivery of services is discussed in U.S.
C[mgress, Office of Technology Assessment, Making Go>’ernment Work: Electronic De/i\ery ofFederal Ser\’/ces, OTA-TCT-578 ( Washingt(m,
DC: U.S. Gtwemment Printing Office, September 1993). See also Office of the Vice President, Reerrg[neering 77wough /nforma(ion Teclmology
(Accompanying Report Oj’the Natwnul Pe@mance Re)vie~), September 1993 (released May 1994).
10? see us Genera] Accounting Office, Exe(.141i\,e G[lide: lrnpro~ing Mission performanl-e Throwh s~r~le~i(’ [n~~rmati~n ‘an~Rnlenf
and Technology, GAO~AIMD-94-115 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing OffIce, May 1994). See also Reengineering Through /n-
fi~rma[~on Technology), op. cit., footnote 101, ch. ITOI.
‘“~ Ibid., ch. IT I 0.
1~ C[)nlputer m(~e]s tt) slmu]ate and test bridge and ai~]ane designs have been used for decades. A sensational airplane or bridge disaster
IS also {~bvi(ws, and ascertaining accountability is generally more straightforward. In contrast, networks are changing constantly. No good
meth[}d(d{~gy exists to prove that a network is secure, or to simulate its operation under worst-case conditions.
10S see peter H. ~wls, ,+ Hackers on 1ntemet posing Secufity Risks, Expe~s Say,” The Ne~ york ~mes, JIIly 21, 1994, pp. I , B 10. See also
L. Daln Gary, Manager, C(wnputer Emergency Response Team Operations, Carnegie Mellon University, testimony, Hearing on Inferne{ Securl-
IY, Subcommittee on Science, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Mar. 22, 1994; and F. Lynn
McNulty, NIST Associate Director for Computer Security, testimony, Hearln,g on In]ernet Security, Subc(mm~ittee on Science, Committee on
Science, Space, and Techntdogy, U.S. H(mse of Representatives, Mar. 22, 1994.
I(M ~bllc Law ]00.~35, SeC. 6.
150 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
adequate as written, but that their implementation agency sharing of data, interagency coordination
can be problematic.107 of privacy and security policies is also necessary
During the course of this project, OTA found to ensure uniformly adequate protection.
strong sentiment that agencies follow the rules set The forthcoming revision of Appendix III
forth by the Computer Security Act, but not neces- (“Agency Security Plans”) of OMB Circular
sarily the full intent of the act. In practice, there are A-130 will be central to improved federal in-
both insufficient incentives for compliance and formation security practices. The revision of Ap-
insufficient sanctions for noncompliance with the pendix 111 will take into account the provisions
spirit of the act—for example, agencies do devel- and intent of the Computer Security Act, as well as
op the required security plans. However, the act observations regarding agency security plans and
does not require agencies to review them periodi- practices that resulted from series of agency visits
cally or update them as technologies or circum- made by OMB, NIST, and NSA in 1992. ’W Be-
stances change. One result of this is that cause the revised Appendix III had not been issued
“[security of systems tends to atrophy over time at the time this report was written, OTA was un-
unless there is a stimulus to remind agencies of its able to gauge its potential for improving informa-
importance."108Another result is that agencies tion security in federal agencies or its potential for
may not treat security as an integral component making implementation of the Computer Security
when new systems are being designed and devel- Act more effective. To the extent that the revised
oped. Appendix 111 facilitates more uniform treatment
OMB is responsible for developing and imple- across federal agencies, it can also make fulfill-
menting government-wide policies for informa- ment of Computer Security Act and Privacy Act
tion resource management; for overseeing the requirements more effective when agencies share
development and promoting the use of govern- data (see chapter 3).
ment information-management principles, stan-
dards, and guidelines; and for evaluating the
adequacy and efficiency of agency information-
management practices. Information-security ON CRYPTOGRAPHY
managers in federal agencies must compete for re- The United States has two regulatory regimes for
sources and support to properly implement exports, depending on whether the item to be ex-
needed safeguards. In order for their efforts to ported is military in nature, or is “dual-use,” hav-
succeed, both OMB and top agency management ing both civilian and military uses. These regimes
must fully support investments in cost-effective are administered by the State Department and the
safeguards. Given the expected increase in inter- Commerce Department, respectively. Both rc-
107 Son)e of the ~)551b]e ~1ea5uRs [() improve Implementation that were suggested during these discussions Were: increasing res[~urces f~)r
OMB to coordinate and oversee agency security plans and training; increasing resources for NIST and/or other agencies to advise and review
agency security plans and training; setting aside pan of agency budgets for information security (to be used for risk assessment, training, devel-
opment, and so forth); and/or rating agencies according to the adequacy and effectiveness of their information-security policies and plans and
withholding funds until perf{mnance meets predetem~ined accepted levels. (Discussions in OTA workshops and interviews, 1993 -94.)
log Office of Managenlent and Budget (in conjunction with NIST and NSA), Obsert’utions oj’Agency Compurer ~ecuri~ pracli~’es Umi
lmplementatiorr oj’OMB Bulletin No. 90-08: Guidancejbr Preparation of Security Plans for Federal Computer Systems That Contain Sensiti\w
injbrmaliorr, February 1993, p. 11.
IW lbld, According to OMB, NI!jT, and NSA, these visits were successful in raising agency managers’ awareness of Computer security ~d
of its importance. The three agencies found that periodically focusing senior management attention on the value of computer security to agency
(ywrati(ms and service delivery improves the effectiveness of agency computer security programs and can also result in increased resources
and updated security policy directives (pp. 1 I - 12).
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1151
gimes provide export controls on selected goods nical data) that are “inherently military in charac-
or technologies for reasons of national security or ter” and, therefore, placed on the Munitions
foreign policy. Licenses are required to export List. 113 Items on the Munitions List are controlled
products, services, or scientific and technical to all destinations, meaning that “validated” li-
data110 originating in the United States, or to re- censes—requiring case-by-case review—are re-
export these from another country. quired for any exports (except to Canada, in some
Licensing requirements vary according to the cases). The Munitions List is established by the
nature of the item to be exported, the end use, the State Department, in concurrence with the Depart-
end user, and, in some cases, the intended destina- ment of Defense; the State Department Office of
tion. For many items, no specific approval is re- Defense Trade Controls administers the ITAR and
quired and a “general license” applies (e.g., when issues licenses for approved exports. DOD pro-
the item in question is not military or dual-use vides technical advice to the State Department
and/or is widely available from foreign sources). when there are questions concerning license ap-
In other cases, an export license must be applied plications or commodity jurisdiction (i.e., wheth-
for from either the State Department or the Com- er State or Commerce regulations apply—see
merce Department, depending on the nature of the below).
item. In general, the State Department’s licensing With certain exceptions, cryptography falls in
requirements are more stringent and broader in ‘*Category XIII—Auxiliary Military Equipment”
scope. 111 Licensing terms differ between the of the Munitions List. Category XIII(b) covers
agencies, as do time frames and procedures for li- “Information Security Systems and equipment,
censing review, revocation, and appeal. cryptographic devices, software and components
specifically designed or modified therefore,” gen-
I State Department Export Controls erally including:
on Cryptography 1. cryptographic and key-management systems
The Arms Export Control Act and International and associated equipment, subcomponents,
Traffic in Arms Regulations(ITAR)112 are admin- and software capable of maintaining informa-
istered by the State Department and control export tion or information-system secrecy/confiden-
of items (including hardware, software, and tech- tiality;
I lo Both the Ex~)fi Administration Act (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 -2420) and the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 275 I -2794) provide aU-
thorily u) c(mtrd the disseminati(m to foreign nationals (export)of scientific and technical data relatedto items requiring export licenses under
the regulati(ms implementing these acts. “Scientific and technical data” can include the plans, design specifications, m other infmmation that
describes how to produce an item.
For history and discussion of national-security controls (m scientific and technical data, see H. Relyea, op. cit., footnote 64; and Kenneth
Kallwtia, “’The Export Administration Act’s Technical Data Regulations: Do They Violate the First Amendment?’” GeorgM Journal of /ntcrna-
tlorrdand Comparatl\’e Ixw, vol. 1 I, fall 1981, pp. 563-587. Other statutory authorities fornational-security contr(ds on scientific and technical
data are found in the Restricted Data or “born classified” provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 755) and the At(mlic Energy
Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 919, 42 U.S.C. 2011 -2296) and the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. 181- 188), which allows for patent secrecy
(mlers and withholding of patents (m nati(mal-security grounds. NSA has obtained patent secrecy orders on patent applications for cryptograph-
ic equipment and algorithms under authority of the Invention Secrecy Act.
I I I For a Conlpanson” Of the two ex~~rl-control” regimes, see U.S. General Accounting Office, Export COntrO/.f: /.~sUt’.f In Renlf~~’in/! M1/l~ar~/Y
.\err.rt/Ile /[ern.!frorn Ihe Munr’/iorrs L.ISI, GAO/NSIAD-93-67 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government printing Office, March 1993), especially pp.
I IZ 22 C.FR. 120-130.
I I ~ See supplement 2 [() pan 77o of the EXp(MI Administratitm Regulati(ms. The Muniti(ms List has 21 categ(wies of items and related
technologies,” such as artillery and projectiles (Category 11) or toxicological” and radiological agents and equipment (Category XIV). Category
Xl II(b) consists of ‘“lnfom~atl(m Security Systems and equipment, cryptographic devices, software, and c(~mpments specifically m~xhfied
152 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
2. cryptographic and key-management systems the cryptography is of a type restricted for use
and associated equipment, subcomponents, only in applications exempted from Munitions
and software capable of generating spreading List controls (e.g., in banking applications);
or hopping codes for spread-spectrum systems e. those limited to access-control functions (e.g.,
or equipment; for ATM machines, point-of-sale terminals,
3. cryptanalytic systems and associated equip- etc.) in order to protect passwords, personal
ment, subcomponents, and software; identification numbers, and the like provided
4. systems, equipment, subcomponents and soft- that they do not provide for encryption of other
ware capable of providing multilevel security files or text;
that exceeds class B2 of the NSA’s Trusted f. those limited to data authentication (e.g., calcu-
Computer System Evaluation Criteria, as well lating a message authentication code) but not
as software used for certification; allowing general file encryption;
5. ancillary equipment specifically designed or g. those limited to receiving radio broadcast, pay
modified for these functions; and television, or other consumer-type restricted
6. technical data and defense services related to audience broadcasts, where digital decryption
the above. ’ is limited to the video, audio, or management
Several exceptions apply to the first item above. functions and there are no digital encryption ca-
pabilities; and
These include the following subcategories of
h. those for soft ware designed or modified to pro-
cryptographic hardware and software:
tect against malicious computer damage from
a. those used to decrypt copy-protected software, viruses, and so forth. 115
provided that the decryption functions are not
Cryptographic hardware and software in these
b, those used only in banking or money transac- subcategories are excluded from the ITAR regime
tions (e.g., in ATM machines and point-of-sale and fall under Commerce’s jurisdiction. Note,
terminals, or for encrypting interbanking trans- however, that these exclusions do not include
actions); hardware-based products for encrypting data or
c. those that use analog (not digital) techniques other files prior to transmission or storage, or user-
for cryptographic processing in certain applica- accessible, digital encryption software for ensur-
tions, including facsimile equipment, re- ing email confidentiality or read-protecting stored
stricted-audience broadcast equipment, and data or text files. These remain under State De-
civil television equipment; partment control.
d. those used in personalized smart cards when
I l-$ ]bld. See ca[egoV Xl]](b)(( I ).(5)) and xl]](k). For a review of c(mm)versy during the 1970s and early 1980s conCemlng c(mtr(d of
cryptographic publication, see F. Weingarten, “Controlling Cryptographic Publicati(m,” Contp14ters & .Ye(i4rily, w~l. 2, 1983, pp. 41-48,
I I $ Ibid. see Xl If(b) ( I ) (i)-(ix).
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1153
I I ~ In the 103d Congress, leglsla[lon lnt~nd~d [t) streanlllne c(mtr~~ls and ease restricti(ms tm mass-marhcl computer si~ft~ are, hardware.
and technology,” Including certain enc~ ptlon software, was introduced. Provisions In H.R. 3627 and S. 1846 placed mass-marhet sotiw arc w Ith
encryp(itm under C’(mmwrcc c(mtrtds. At this writing, the 1994 onmlbus ex~~rt administration bills (H. R. 3937 and S. 1902) were aw altmg
congre$sltmal acll(m. Scc 11. S. Ctmgress, House of Representatives, OnwrIbm Elporl Adminlslranon Acr (~’ 1994, H. Rcpt. 103-531, 103d
Cong.. M sc~~., Parts 1 (C(mmllttee (m Foreign Affairs, May 25, 1994),2 (Pemlancnt Select Committee on Intelligence, June 16, 1994),3 (C(m)-
n~lttce (m Ways and Means, June 7, 1994), and 4 (C(mlmit[ee (m Amwd .%rvices, June 17, 1994) (Wash ingt(m, DC, U.S. G(~vcmnwnt Pnntlng
[)tficc, 1994), and H.R, 4663, “omnibus Exp)rt Administratit)n Act t)f 1994,” June 28, 1994.
1 I 7 ~~ (-’,s.~, 2751-2794,
I IS see GA(), op. cit., ft)otnote” ! 1 I, pp. 10-12.
I I 9 see Supplen)enl ] t. p~fl 799 I of the Ex~)~ Adnl]nis~ation Regulati(ms. secti(ms A (equipment. ass~n~hll~s and ~(~n~~~n~nts), B (test?
Inspectl(m, and pr~tiuctit~n equlpnwnt), D ( st)ftwarc), and E (techm~logy).
154 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
above). 120 The cryptographic items excepted . . . [T]he detailed criteria for these decisions are
from control under advisory note 1 are: personal- generally classified. However, vendors export-
ized smart cards as described in item d above; ing these items can learn some of the general cri-
equipment for fixed data compression or coding teria through prior export approvals or denials
techniques, or for use in applications described in they have received. NSA representatives also
advise companies regarding whether products
item g above; portable, commercial civil cellular
they are planning would likely be munitions
phones containing encryption, when accompany-
items and whether they would be exportable, ac-
ing their users; and software as described in item a cording to State Department representatives. 124
above. 121 Other items, such as cellular phone sys-
tems for which message traffic encryption is not
possible, or items for civilian use in banking, ac-
Export Controls and Market
cess control, and authentication as described un- Competitiveness
der items b, e, or f above, are covered by advisory The United States was a member of the Coordinat-
notes 3 through 5. These advisory notes state that ing Committee for Multilateral Export Controls
these items are likely to be licensed by Commerce, (COCOM), which was dissolved on March 31,
as administrative exceptions, for export to accept- 1994, The COCOM regime had an “East-West”
able end users. 122 focus on controlling exports to communist coun-
At present, however, software and hardware tries. Within COCOM, member nations agreed on
for robust, user-controlled encryption remains on controls for munitions, nuclear, and dual-use
the Munitions List under State Department con- items. However, when U.S. export controls were
trol, unless State grants jurisdiction to Com- more stringent than COCOM controls, U.S. firms
merce. 123 This has become increasingly were at a disadvantage in competing for markets
controversial, especially for the information abroad, relative to competitors in other COCOM
technology and software industries. According to countries.
GAO’s 1993 report: After COCOM ended, the United States and its
former partners set about establishing a new, mul-
NSA performs the technical review that de-
termines, for national security reasons, (1) if a tilateral regime designed to address new security
product with encryption capabilities is a muni- threats in the post-Cold War world. ’ 25 Major
tions item or a Commerce List item and (2) goals for the new regime will be to deny trade in
which munitions items with encryption capabil- dangerous arms and sensitive technologies to par-
ities may be exported. The Department of State ticular regions of the world and to “rogue coun-
examines the NSA determination for consisten- tries” such as Iran, Libya, Iraq, and North
cy with prior NSA determinations and may add Korea. 126 The target goal for the establishment of
export restrictions for foreign policy reasons— the new multilateral regime is October 1994. Until
e.g., all exports to certain countries may be the new regime is established, the United States
banned for a time period.
120 ibid,, p. CCL 123 (notes). The advisory notes specify items that can be licensed by Commerce under one or more administrative excep-
121 Ibid .,Pp CCL
. 123.126. Software required for or providing these functions is also excepted.
IZ2 Ibid., Advis(~ry Notes 1‘5”
12J GAO, Op. cit., footnote 48, pp. 24-28.
124 Ibid., p. 25.
12S Lynn Davis, (Jndersecre[w for International security Affairs, U.S. Depmrnent of state, pmSS briefing, Apr. 7, 1994. (As this report
went to press, this was the most current public information available to the OTA project staff regarding post-COCOM export regimes. )
126 Ibid.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1155
and other partners in the discussions have agreed than the United States. ’30 (However, some of
to continue “controls or licensing on the most sen- these have import controls on encryption, which
sitive items in arms” but on a global basis, rather the United States does not.131) As a result, U.S.
than in an East-West context.127 These continued firms (including software companies) are pressing
controls are being implemented on a “national for a fundamental rethinking of the system of ex-
discretion” basis, where each nation retains the port controls. Some progress was previously
right to do as it wishes. This contrasts with the made in this area, including transfer of some dual-
“consensus” rule under which COCOM had oper- use items formerly on the Munitions List to Com-
ated, where any state (e.g., the United States) merce Department control. This “rationalization”
could unilaterally block exports proposed by any was accomplished through a 1991-92 interagency
other state. 128 review of items on the U.S. Munitions List to de-
At the end of COCOM, the Clinton Adminis- termine which of those also on COCOM’s Indus-
tration liberalized the policy for some exports of trial List (IL) of dual-use technologies could be
computer and telecommunications products to removed from the ITAR regime without jeopar-
Russia, Eastern Europe, and China. However, dizing significant national-security interests. 132
controls were maintained on cryptography be- The rationalization process led to removal of
cause: over two dozen items, ranging from armored
The President has determined that vital U.S. coaxial cable to several types of explosives, from
national security and law enforcement interests the Munitions List. Some other items, however,
compel maintaining appropriate control of en- were “contentious.” These contentious items,
cryption. 129 which State and Defense identified for retention
The end of the Cold War and opening up of the on the Munitions List, included some commercial
former Soviet bloc have led to new market oppor- software with encryption capability. According to
tunities for U.S. firms and their competitors. GAO:
Many countries—including former COCOM State and Defense wanted to retain software
countries like Japan and members of the European with encryption capability on the USML [Muni-
Community, as well as others—have less restric- tions List] so the National Security Agency
tive export controls on encryption technology (NSA) can continue its current arrangement
127 Ibid ..we IVe ~]S() ~gree~ ~() ~xerclSe exmenle Vigilance (MI a global basis for all trade in the most SeflSlti Ve of these items. so that we will
be continuing m control these most sensitive items not (rely to the fomlerly proscribed countries of Russia and China but alst) mm ar(mnd the
world to include countries such as Iran.” (Undersecretary Davis, ibid. )
128 See U,S. Congress, office of Techn(~l(~gy Assessment, E.rport Controls and Nonpro/~2ration Policy, OTA-I SS-596 (Washington, Dc
U.S. Government Prin[ing Ofice, May 1994), especially table 5-2, p. 44.
129 Maflha Ha~is, Deputy Assis[~t Secre[w for Political-Military Affairs, U.S. Depaftnleflt Of State, “Encryption-Export C’(mmd Re-
fom~,” statement, Feb. 4, 1994.
130 see James p. Chmdler et a]. (Na[l(~na] ]n[ellec[ual pro~fly Law Instimte, The George Washing[c)n University), “identification ~d Anal-
ysis of Foreign Laws and Regulations Pertaining to the Use of Commercial Encryption Products for’ Voice and Data C(mwnunications,” c(mtrac-
tor repwt [o the U.S. Department of Energy Under Contract No. DE-AC05-840R2 1400, January 1994.
131 Frmce, for exanlp]e, requires a Ilcense for [he inlP)~ of encryption and DES-baSe~ m~ufacturers and users must de~}si[ a key with
the French government. China restricts both the importation and exportation of voice-encoding devices (ibid.).
132 GAO ,,p Cit., f{x)tnote 48 pp. 9. I o and I ~- 15. According to the U.S. General Accounting office, some iten~s on the IL aPP’ar~d “n
both the CCL and the Munitions List, when the State Department and DOD wanted to keep an item on the Muniti(ms List after COCOM moved
it to the IL. This would occur when State and DOD wanted to maintain the rmwe restrictive lntemational Traffic in Amls Regulations controls
on militarily sensitive items for which the United States has a technological lead. Generally, th(wgh, when items were added to the IL, they wrcre
added to the CCL (ibid., p. 13).
156 [ Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
with industry to review all new software with amend the Export Administration Act as another
encryption capability coming to market to deter- reason that jurisdiction over software should not
mine if the new product should be controlled on be transferred. The provision, if passed, would
the USML or the CCL. One reason for maintain- have moved all mass-market software from the
ing this item on the munitions list is concern USML to the CCL, including software with en-
over future encryption development by software cryption capability. On February 3, 1992, the
firms being placed on commercial software pro- Acting Secretary of Commerce notified the
grams. Additional reasons are classified. The Congress that including this provision would
software industry is concerned that it is losing its lead senior advisors to recommend that the Pres-
competitive advantage because software with ident [Bush] veto the bill. Defense’s argument
encryption capability is controlled under the prevailed, and the item was retained on the
USML. 133 USML. 134
Some other contentious items, namely nonmili- Thus, as this report went to press, U.S. software
tary image intensifiers and technical data producers still faced the ITAR restrictions for ex-
associated with inertial navigation systems, were ports of software with strong encryption.135 Soft-
eventually transferred to the Commerce Control ware (or hardware) products using the DES for
List by interagency agreements, with Commerce message encryption (as opposed to message au-
agreeing to impose additional foreign-policy con- thentication) are on the Munitions List and are
generally nonexportable to foreign commercial
trols to alleviate DOD’s concerns. However, GAO
users, except foreign subsidiaries of U.S. firms
found that:
and some financial institutions (for use in elec-
State later proposed to transfer mass-market tronic funds transfers). This means that individu-
software, including software with encryption al, validated licenses—requiring a case-by-case
capabilities, to Commerce’s jurisdiction be-
review of the transaction—must be obtained for
cause it believed that it would be impossible to
control such software. Defense, led by the Na- products and programs that have strong data, text,
tional Security Agency, refused to include this or file encryption capabilities. 136 Products that
item in any compromise with Commerce, citing use the DES and other algorithms for purposes
the inadequacy of Commerce’s control system other than message encryption (e.g., for authenti-
even with added foreign policy controls. The cation) are exported on the Commerce Control
National Security Agency was also concerned List, however. 137
that foreign policy controls may lead to decon- In 1992, there had been limited relaxation of
trol. Further, Defense cited administration op- export controls for mass-marketed software with
position to a provision in a bill to reauthorize and
133 Ibid .,p. 21. GAO exanlined ~D’s classified national-security justifications for retaining several other items (e.g., technical data for
nonmilitary inertial navigation systems) and found them to be “sound.” Ho~ever, due to the level of classification involved, GAO did not ex-
amine the justification for retaining cryptographic software on the Munitions List (ibid., p. 19).
134 Ibid., pp. 21-22.
] M ..strong~, encwption in ~ls context ~fers t. sys[ems on a par with the DES or with the RSA system with a I @24-bit m(~ulus.
In 1992, some mass-market software with encryption (but not the DES) was moved to Commerce control, given an expedited NSA review.
According to NSA, requests to move mass-market software products to Commerce have usually been granted, except for those that include
the DES for data encryption. (Roger Callahan, NSA, personal communicatilm, June 8, 1994, point 7.)
136 under ~e= ~]es, he exp)~lng firm has to apply for a separate for each customer (e.g., overseas subsidiary, independent soft-
ware distributor, foreign computer manufacturer); a license is valid for one product. The exporter must tile annual reports listing the number
of copies sold to the customer, to whom they were sold, and the sale price. (Business Software Alliance, Unrealistic U.S. Government Export
Controls Limit the Ability of American Companies To Meet the Demand for Encryption,” 1994. )
137 GAO, Op. cit., footnote 48, p. 26.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1157
encryption capabilities. NSA and the State De- without licenses for mass-market software con-
partment relaxed and streamlined export controls taining encryption algorithms loaded in their lap-
for mass-market software with moderate encryp- top or notebook computers. (At this writing,
tion capabilities, but not including software im- provisions were being put in place to allow busi-
plementing the DES or computer hardware ness travelers to carry domestic encryption prod-
containing encryption algorithms.138 Also, since ucts overseas for personal use—see discussion of
July 1992, there has been expedited review of licensing reforms below.) Companies that employ
software using one of two algorithms developed foreign nationals face additional complications in
by RSA Data Security, Inc. These algorithms, licensing and end-use regulations. 143
called RC2 and RC4, are said to be significantly According to the Business Software Alliance
stronger than those previously allowed for export, (BSA), the net result is a “virtual embargo” to for-
but are limited to a 40-bit key length and are said eign commercial users of U.S. products with
to be weaker’ 39 than the “DES-strength” pro- strong encryption (e.g., the DES). 144 Under cur-
grams that can be marketed in the United States rent rules, obtaining a license to export encryption
and that are available overseas.140 products to financial institutions can take several
As a result of U.S. export controls, some firms weeks; qualifying subsidiaries 145
must have at least
have produced “U.S.-only” and “export” versions 50 percent U.S. ownership. One way through
of their products; others report that overseas mar- these strict controls is to disable any file- or text-
kets have been foreclosed to them, even as world- encryption capabilities in the “export” version.
wide demand for data encryption is dramatically At a May 1994 hearing before the Senate Sub-
increasing. Companies with offices in the committee on Technology and the Law, Stephen
United States and overseas have faced operational Walker (Trusted Information Systems, Inc.) pre-
complications from export requirements, includ- sented the results of SPA’s study of the foreign
ing a lack of integrated (as opposed to add-on) en- availability of encryption products. As of April
cryption products. Business travelers also 1994, SPA reported having identified 423 U. S.-
potentially violated ITAR by traveling abroad
‘~8 [bId.
I ~~ See walker [es[lnlony, op. cit., footnote 37, p. 9.
I.W Software ~b]lshers A~~{)~lation, “SpA News,” March 1994, p. 94. See also Walker [estim(my, 0p. Cit., f(x~mo[e 37, P. 28. According
ttt a 1992 presenta[itm by Jim B idzos (President, RSA Data Security, Inc. ) to the Computer System Security and Privacy Ad\ ISAMY Board
(CSSPAB ), RC2 and RC4 were developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. in the mid- 1980s and are not public-key based. They have been inc(qx)-
rated Into Lotus Notes. (Minutes of the September 15-17, 1992 meeting of the CSSPAB, obtained from N]ST. )
I ~1 See Business software Alliance (BSA), op. cit., f(wtnote 136. According to BSA, its member companies aCCOUIIt fOr 7 ! percent of pre-
packaged PC software sales by U.S. companies. See also software-producer testimonies before the Subcommittee on Economic Policy. Trade
and Envlr(mment, H(mse Committee on Foreign Affairs, Oct. 12, 1993 and GAO, op. cit., f(x}mote 48, pp. 26-28.
~Z see ~lscl]la A Wa]ter and Louis K. Ebling, “Taming the Jungle of ExP~fi RegulatlOns~
“ The International Computer [xmyer, vol. 1,
N(). 11, oct{hw 1993, pp. 14-16.
143 Ibid,, p, 16. However, acc{)r~lng t. NSA, it is not difficult t. {~btain licensing for m employed foreign national. (Roger Callahan, NSA,
pers(mal conln~unlcatl(m, June 8, 1994, point 1 2.)
I-M BSA ~)p. Clt, f(~)mote 136, pp. I -2, citing statement by Bob Rarog, Digital Equipment Corp., before the CSSF’AB, June s, 1993.
I AS Ellen MeSSm~r “EnC~ptlon Restriction
policy HUIIS USerS, Vendors,” Neh$wk World, Aug. 23, 1993, pp. 34,43. Semaphore Corp..
a U.S. manufacturer of encryption products, estimated that U.S. vendors are not eligible to ship encryption products to 403 of the so-called
Global 1000 multinati(mal c(~rporati(ms named by For/une magazine. Because many foreign-based procurements include security in the speci-
fication ft~r the total pr(xurement, U.S. fim]s t~ften lose out to foreign fimls (e.g., in the United Kingd(~n] or Switzerland) that do not face the
same restnctitms ( lbld. ).
158 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
origin products containing encryption imple- Foreign customers who need data security
mented in hardware, soft ware, and now turn to foreign rather than U.S. sources to
hardware/software combinations. According to fulfill that need. As a result, the U.S. govern-
SPA, 245 of these products use the DES and, ment is succeeding only in crippling a vital
American industry’s exporting ability. 150
therefore, are subject to ITAR controls and cannot
be exported except in very limited circum- The impact of export controls on the overall cost
stances. 146 In total, SPA identified 763 crypto- and availability of safeguards is especially
graphic products, developed or distributed by a troublesome to business and industry at a time
total of 366 companies (211 foreign, 155 domes- when U.S. high-technology firms find themselves
tic) in at least 33 countries. ’47 In addition, soft- as targets for sophisticated foreign-intelligence at-
ware implementations of the DES and other tacks 15] and thus have urgent need for sophisti-
encryption algorithms are routinely available on cated safeguards that can be used in operations
Internet sites worldwide. ’48 worldwide. 152 Moreover, software producers as-
At the hearing, Walker showed examples of
sert that several other countries do have more re-
DES-based products that SPA had taken delivery
laxed export controls on cryptography:
on from vendors in Denmark, the United King-
dom, Germany, and Russia. Walker also demon- Our experience. . . has demonstrated conclu-
strated how laptop computers (with internal sively that U.S. business is at a severe disadvan-
tage in attempting to sell products to the world
speakers and microphones) could be transformed
market. If our competitors overseas can routine-
into encrypting telephones, using a DES-based
ly ship to most places in the world within days
software program purchased in the United States and we must go through time-consuming and
to encrypt/decrypt digital speech.149 onerous procedures with the most likely out-
Based on experiences like this, many in indus- come being denial of the export request, we
try consider that the foreign-dissemination con- might as well not even try. And that is exactly
trol objectives of the current export regime serve what many U.S. companies have decided.
mainly to hinder domestic firms that either seek to
sell or use cryptography:
And please be certain to understand that w e and suggestions on the entire encryption export
are not talking about a few isolated products in- control policy and process. As a result of this re-
volving encryption. More and more we are talk- view, the Administration concluded that the cur-
ing about major information processing rent encryption export controls are in the best
applications like word processors, databases, interest of the nation and must be maintained,
electronic mail packages, and integrated soft- but that some changes should be made to the ex-
ware systems that must usc cryptography to pro- port licensing process in order to maximize the
vide even the most basic level of security being exportability of encryption products and to re-
demanded by multinational companies. 153 duce the regulatory burden on exporters. These
On the other hand, U.S. export controls may changes will greatly case the licensing process
and allow exporters to more rapidly and easily
have substantially slowed the proliferation of
export their products.
cryptography to foreign adversaries over the
years. Unfortunately, there is little explanation (at In addition, the Administration agreed at the
urging of industry that key escrow encryption
least at the unclassified level) regarding the degree
products would be exportable. Our announce-
of success of these export controls and the neces-
ment regarding the exportability of key escrow
sity for maintaining strict controls on strong cryp- encryption products has caused some to assert
tography in the face of foreign supply and that the Administration is permitting the export
networks like the Internet that seamlessly cross of key escrow products while controlling com-
national boundaries. (For a general discussion of peting products in order to force manufacturers
the costs and benefits of export controls on dual- to adopt key escrow technology. These argu-
use goods see OTA’s recent report Export Controls ments arc without foundation. . .we are not us-
and Nonproliferation Policy, OTA-ISS-596, May ing or intending to use export controls to force
1 994.) vendors to adopt key escrow technology. ] 54
Some of the most recent public justifications Clinton Brooks also noted that:
for continued strict controls were made in May The U. S., with its key escrow concept, is
1994 testimonies by Vice Admiral J.M. McCon- presently the only country proposing a tech-
nell (NSA Director) and Clinton Brooks (Special nique that provides its citizens very good priva-
Assistant to the Director, NSA): cy protection while maintaining the current
Clearly, the success of NSA’s intelligence ability of law enforcement agencies to conduct
mission depends on our continued ability to col-
lawful electronic surveillance. Other countries
lect and understand foreign communications arc using government licensing or other means
. . . Controls on encryption exports arc impor-
to restrict the usc of encryption. 155
tant to maintaining our capabilities. In February 1994, the Clinton Administration
announced its intention to reform the export con-
. . . At the direction of the President in April,
1993, the Administration spent ten months care- trol procedures that apply to products incorporat-
fully reviewing its encryption policies, with par- ing encryption technology:
ticular attention to those issues related to export These reforms are part of the Administra-
controls on encryption products. The Adminis- tion’s effort to eliminate unnecessary controls
tration consulted with many industry and private and ensure efficient implementation. The re-
sector representatives and sought their opinions forms will simplify encryption product export
160 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
licensing and speed the review of encryption In the 103d Congress, legislation intended to
product exports, thus helping U.S. manufactur- streamline export controls and ease restrictions on
ers to compete more effectively in the global mass-market computer software, hardware, and
market. While there will be no changes in the technology, including certain encryption soft-
types of equipment controlled by the Munitions ware, was introduced by Representative Maria
List, we are announcing measures to expedite li-
Cantwell (H.R. 3627) and Senator Patty Murray
censing. 156
(S. 1846). In considering the Omnibus Export Ad-
The new licensing procedures were expected to ministration Act (H.R. 3937), the Committee on
appear in the Federal Register in June 1994.157 Foreign Affairs reported a version of the bill in
According to the State Department, the reforms which most computer software, including soft-
“should have the effect of minimizing the impact ware with encryption capabilities, was under
of export controls on U.S. industry. ’’158 These Commerce Department controls and in which ex-
were expected to include: port restrictions for mass-market software with
encryption were eased.161 The Report of the Per-
license reform measures that will enable manent Select Committee on Intelligence struck
manufacturers to ship their products directly to out this portion of the bill and replaced it with a
customers within approved regions, without new section calling for the President to report to
obtaining individual licenses for each end user; Congress within 150days of enactment, regarding
m rapid review of export license applications (a the current and future international market for
“significant” number of applications will have software with encryption and the economic im-
a turnaround goal of 10 working days); pact of U.S. export controls on the U.S. computer
m personal use exemptions for U.S. citizens tem- software industry. 162
porarily taking encryption products abroad for At this writing, the omnibus export administra-
their own use (previously, an export license tion legislation was still pending. Both the House
was required); and and Senate bills contained language calling for the
allowing exports of key-escrow encryption Administration to conduct comprehensive studies
products to most end users (key-escrow prod- on the international market and availability of en-
cryption technologies and the economic effects of
ucts will qualify for special licensing arrange-
U.S. export controls.
ments). 159
The Secretary of State has asked encryption prod- SAFEGUARDS, STANDARDS, AND
uct manufacturers to evaluate the impact of these THE ROLES OF NIST AND NSA
reforms over the next year and provide feedback This section summarizes current NIST and NSA
on how well they have worked, as well as recom- activities related to safeguards for unclassified in-
mendations for additional procedural reforms. 160 formation, as well as joint activities by the two
la Ibid.
161 see omnlbu~ EXporl Admini~lration A’( of 1994, ~Jp. cit., footnote I I b, Pm 1, pp. 57-58 (H.R. 3937, sec. ] ] T(c)( ] )-(4)).
162 OmnibuS Erporf AdminiS/ralion A(,1 of ]994, op. cit., fOOtnOte 1 I 6, Part 2, pp. 1‘5 (H.R. 3937, sec. ] ] 7(c) ( 1 )-(3)).
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards [ 161
agencies. It also discusses the current, controver- m advanced software technology and algorithms,
sial interagency agreement describing the agen- m National Research and Education Network,
cies’ implementation of the Computer Security and
Act. ●
information infrastructure technology and ap-
plications 164
1 NIST Activities in Support of
Information Security and Privacy According to NIST’s interpretation of policy
Ongoing NIST activities in support of informa- guidance received from OMB, no agency has the
tion security and privacy in the High Performance lead with respect to security and privacy in
Computing and Communications/National In- support of the NH; accordingly, NIST and other
formation Infrastructure (HPCC/NII) Programs agencies support OMB initiatives. 165 NIST’s
are conducted by NIST’s Computer Systems Lab- summary of NII-related security projects is repro-
oratory. 163 The overall objectives of the HPCC/ duced in box 4-7.
NII Programs are to accelerate the development NIST has also announced two opportunities to
and deployment of high-performance computing join cooperative research consortia in support of
and net working technologies required for the NII; key-escrow encryption. In August 1993, NIST an-
to apply and test these technologies in a manufac- nounced an ● ’Opportunity to Join a Cooperative
turing environment; and to serve as coordinating Research and Development Consortium to Devel-
agency for the manufacturing component of the op Software Encryption with Integrated Crypto-
federal HPCC Program. NIST contributes to the graphic Key Escrowing Techniques.” According
following components of the federal HPCC Pro- to the announcement, this research would be done
gram: in furtherance of the key-escrowing initiative an-
= high performance computing systems, nounced by President Clinton on April 16,
i ~ < As [hls ~ew)n ~,:i~ ~ ~l[tcn, NIST ~ as in the Pr(wess of reorganizing to create a new Information Technology La~)mt(~ry; [he CSL activi-
tic~ are expected I() h’ ln~ludd In the functions of the lnfmmatim Technology Laboratory. See also Dennis M. Gilbert, A Smdy oj” Federtd
,l,~cn( I ,VFFd\ for in/orma(Ion 72thno/og.Y Securlfy, NISTIR-5424 (Gaithersburg, MD: NIST, May 1994) for the results of a NIST study to be
uwl for plannlng future hll ST In f(mnation technology security standards, guidance, and related activities.
I {A .’~op{)scd HpCC NII ~ogram at N]ST,” May 1993. Included in attachment 2 of a letter from F. Lynn McNultY, Associate Director for
C’tmlputcr Security, NIST, lo Jt)an D. Winst(m, OTA, Apr. 13, 1994. OTA had requested inf(~m~ati(m about current NIST activities in support
of the lnf~~m~atl~~n Infrastructure and ab(mt securlt} fpri~ acy related inf(mnatitm in letters to NIST dated Feb. 28, 1994 and Mar. 11, 1994.
165 . F.L McNuItY, lbld. SM also Gilbert. op. cit., ftx~tnt)te 163.
162 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
The Office of Technology Assessment asked the National Institute of Standards and Technology for a
summary of activities related to computer and information security The information provided by NIST in
April 1994 is reproduced below:
Issue Area: Information Security
Objective Areas: All
Information security is an important issue in all the objective areas. In addition, information security
is a cross-cutting issue for three other areas: privacy, protecting intellectual property, and controlling
access to information since the ability to ensure privacy, protection of intellectual property, and con-
trolled access to information will require that information security controls are in place and operating
Project: Digital Signature Standard and Supporting Infrastructure
This project provides the technology to electronically sign multi-media information, to ensure non-re-
pudiation of the originator and receiver of the information, and to detect modifications to the informa-
tion It also focuses on establishing the supporting infrastructure needed to distribute certificates to us-
ers in government and commercial interactions. Certificates are necessary since they contain unforge-
able information about the identity of the individual presenting the certificate and contain other compo-
nents required for the digital signature function.
Project: Cryptographic Standards
This project area includes basic cryptographic-based standards that are needed throughout the
[National Information Infrastructure] Nll “electronic highway” and within applications in most, if not all
objective areas. In addition, it includes a standard (metric) for the level of security of cryptographic
mechanisms used throughout the Nll.
Project: Advanced Authentication Technology
The vast majority of current [information technology] IT systems continue to rely on passwords as the
primary means of authenticating legitimate users of such systems Unfortunately, vulnerabilities
associated with the use of passwords have resulted in numerous intrusions, disruptions, and other un-
authorized activity to both government and commercial IT systems. NIST activities in this area have
focused on moving federal agencies away from reliance on passwords to the use of token based and
other technologies for authenticating users. Specifically, the [Computer Security Division] CSD has
been working directly with federal agencies to incorporate advanced authentication technology (as well
as other security technologies) into their applications to provide better cost effective security Such ap-
plications are/will be included as components of the Nll (e g , IRS tax filing applications).
Project: Security Criteria and Evaluation
The goal of this project area is to develop an internationally accepted security which can be used to
specify the security functionality and assurance requirements of IT systems and products and to estab-
lish a U.S. government capability to verity that the developer of the product/system has met both sets of
requirements. The long term goal of this project is a plentiful supply of secure commercial off-the-shelf
products that will be used in Nll applications and other part of the Nil.
Project: Secure the Internet and Network Connectivity
This project focuses on providing near term assistance and solutions for organizations that must
connect to the Internet and other networks.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1163
1993. 166 A February 1994 NIST press release167 cilities would be about $14 million, with total
announced partnership opportunities in research annual operating costs of about $16 million. 170 In
directed at developing computer hardware with April 1994, NIST told OTA that the Clinton Ad-
integrated cryptographic key-escrowing tech- ministration was still working on cost estimates
niques. 168 The cooperative research involves tech- for the escrow system and was not able to release
nical assistance from NSA. As of June 1994, additional cost information. 171 By June 1994,
NIST reported that several individuals and orga- 17,000 Clipper chip keys had been escrowed at
nizations were participating in a Key Escrow En- NIST.172 OTA has not received any additional in-
cryption Working Group seeking to “specify formation regarding costs, staffing, and other re-
requirements and acceptability criteria for key-es- source requirements for the escrow system.
crow encryption systems and then design and/or Funding for NIST’s computer-security activi-
evaluate candidate systems.’’169 ties is shown in table 4-1. According to the figures
In early 1994, OTA asked the National Institute in table 4-1, appropriated funds for computer se-
of Standards and Technology for more informa- curity show an almost fourfold increase from lev-
tion on the resources that would be required— els prior to the Computer Security Act of 1987.
staff, funds, equipment, and facilities—to set up This does not represent steady growth, however;
NIST as a key-escrow agent. NIST had originally there was a large increase from $1.0 million in FY
estimated that startup costs for both escrowing fa-
166 F“edera/ Re~lSrer, Aug. 24, 1993, pp. 44662-63. (This announcement was written before the EES was finalized. )
167 “NIST Ca]ls for pa~ers in Developing Key Escrowing Hardware,” Feb. 4, 1994. (The EES was finalized. )
168 This matefia] Wm attachment I of McNulty, Apr. 13, 1994, op. cit., ft~otnote” 164.
169 Miles Smld, N]ST, “me U,S. Gove~nlent Key Escr[)w System,” presentation at NIST Key Escrow Encryption Workshop,” June 10,
1993. These activities support the Administration’s exploration of alternative key-escrow encryption techniques, as anmmnced in a July 20,
1994, letter from Vice President Al Gore to Representative Maria Cantwell.
17~ Federai Regisler, Feb. 9, 1994, p. ~.
17 I F. Lynn McNu](y, NIST Ass(~iate Director fm Computer Security, letter to Joan ~~plc(~ wlnsl(~n, OTA, ~ pr. 1 ~, 1994.
172 Miles Smld M~ager, security T~hno]L)gy Group, N] ST, personal communicati(~n, May 25, 1994.
164 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
~ 73 Memora~um of U~ersla~inR Ilefu,eerr the Director of the Na[ionai Insliture of Standards and Technology and the Director of the
National Security A~ency Concerning the Implementation ofPublic Luw 100-235, Mar. 23, 1989. (See appendix 0.)
174 The Technical working @JUp may identify issues fordiscussion, or these may be referred to it by the NSA Deputy Director fOr InfOmla-
tion Security or the NIST Deputy Director (ibid., sec. 111(5)).
The Office of Technology Assessment asked NSA for a summary of joint NIST-NSA activities, The
material provided by NSA in April 1994 is reproduced below:
NSA provides technical advice and assistance to NIST in accordance with Public Law 100-235 An
overview of NIST-NSA activities follows
National Conference. NIST and NSA jointly sponsor, organize, and chair the prestigious National
Computer Security Conference, held yearly for the past 16 years The conference IS attended by over
2,000 people from government and private Industry
Common Criteria NSA is providing technical assistance to NIST for the development of computer
security criteria that would be used by both the civilian and defense sides of the government Repre-
sentatives from Canada and Europe are joining the United States in the criteria’s development
Product Evaluations. NIST and NSA are working together to perform evaluations of computer secu-
rity products In the Trusted Technology Assessment Program, evaluations of some computer security
products will be performed by NIST and their labs, while others will be performed by NSA. NIST and
NSA engineers routinely exchange Information and experiences to ensure uniformity of evaluations
Standards Development. NSA supports NIST in the development of standards that promote inter-
pretability among security products Sample standards include security protocol standards, digital sig-
nature standards, key management standards, and encryption algorithm standards (e g , the DES,
Research and Development Under the Joint R&D Technology Exchange Program, NIST and NSA
hold periodic technical exchanges to share Information on new and ongoing programs Research and
development IS performed in areas such as security architectures, Iabeling standards, privilege man-
agement, and identification and authentication Test-bed activities are conducted in areas related to
electronic mail, certificate exchange/management, protocol conformity, and encryption technologies
involved in certain areas-an influence the act 1989, letter was intended to assuage concerns. 1 7 6
was designed to diminish. 175 However, concerns that neither the MOU or the
In response to concerns and questions raised in letter of clarification accurately reflected the in-
the May 1989 hearings, NIST and NSA prepared a tent of the Computer Security Act continued. ’77 A
letter of clarification for the House Committee on February 1990 letter to the committee from the
Government Operations. This December 22, Secretary of Commerce and subsequent staff dis-
175 Ml]ton J. NXOIM, SFcla] Assis[anl to [he Ctmlptrf)ller General, “National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Nati(mal Secu-
rity Agency’s Memorandum of Understanding on Implementing the Computer Security Act of 1987,” in Hearing on Military and Ci\’i/ian Con-
trol of Compiler ,$ecur~ry Issues, May 4, 1989, op. cit., footnote 99, pp. 39-47, quote at p. 47. Soeolar also noted t~ther c(mcems, such as the
MOU appeal process in sec. III(7), the NSA evaluation of security programs, NSA research and development activities, NIST rec(~gnition t~f
NSA-certified ratings of trusted systems, and other matlers.
176 ~tter t. Rep John Conyers, Jr., and Rep. Frank Horton from Raymond Kammer (NIST) and W. O. Studemann (NSA), Dec. 22, 1989.
(See appendix B.)
ITT See Richard A. Danca and R~)bcfl Snlithmidford, “NSA, NIST Caught in Security Policy Debate,” Federal Computer Week, Feb. 12,
1990, p. 1,
166 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
cussions continued to explore these concerns. ’78 for use in protecting sensitive information in fed-
(See appendix B of this report for the MOU, the eral computer systems to ensure they are consis-
December 1989 NIST/NSA letter of clarification, tent with the national security of the United
and the February 1990 letter from the Secretary of States.” 180 If NIST and NSA cannot resolve such
Commerce.) an issue within 60 days, either agency can elect to
Implementation of the Computer Security Act raise it to the Secretary of Defense and Secretary
remains controversial; the MOU has not—to the of Commerce, or to the President through the Na-
best of OTA’s knowledge—been modified. A re- tional Security Council. No action can be taken on
cent GAO study found that: an issue until it is resolved. Thus, the MOU provi-
The Computer Security Act of 1987 reaf- sions give NSA power to delay and/or appeal any
firmed NIST as the responsible federal agency NIST research programs involving “technical sys-
for developing federal cryptographic informa- tem security techniques” (such as encryption), or
tion-processing standards for the security of sen- other technical activities that would support (or
sitive, unclassified information. However, NIST could lead to) proposed standards or guidelines
has followed NSA’s lead when developing cer- that NSA would ultimately object to. 181
tain cryptographic standards for communica- NSA reviewers who commented on a draft of
tions privacy. 179 this OTA report disagreed with this interpretation.
The MOU authorizes NIST and NSA to estab- According to these reviewers, the Computer Secu-
lish a Technical Working Group (TWG) to “re- rity Act did not take into account that the tech-
view and analyze issues of mutual interest niques NIST would consider in developing
pertinent to protection of systems that process standards for information systems that process un-
sensitive or other unclassified information.” The classified information:
TWG has six members; these are federal em-
. . . have the potential to thwart law enforcement
ployees, with three selected by NIST and three se- and national intelligence activities. NIST recog-
lected by NSA. The working group membership nized that they needed a mechanism to obtain
may be augmented as necessary by representa- NSA’s expertise and to understand the risk that
tives of other federal agencies. certain security techniques could pose for these
Where the act had envisioned NIST calling on activities. Moreover, they needed to understand
NSA’s expertise at its discretion, the MOU’s TWG these risks before the proposed standards were
mechanism involves NSA in all NIST activities promulgated and the damage was done. The
related to information-security standards and MOU between NIST and NSA provided this
technical guidelines, as well as proposed research mechanism. Rather than delay NIST standards,
programs that would support them. The imple- the MOU process provides NIST critical in-
mentation mechanisms defined by the MOU in- formation it needs in formulating the stan-
dards. 182
clude mandatory review by the TWG, prior to
public disclosure, of “all matters regarding techni- In subsequent discussions with OTA staff, NSA
cal systems security techniques to be developed officials reiterated this point and explained that
178 utter It) Chaimlan John Conyem, committee (m Government Operations, from Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary of Commerce, Feb.
28, ] 990. An ~nclosure t. this letter eIa&)ra[es on matters raised by the committee staff in a meeting on Jan. 3, 1990. (The MOU and both the
December 1989 and February 1990 letters are f(nmd in appendix B of this report.)
I w GAO, Op. cit., fof)[note” 48, p. 5, using the DSS as evidence.
1~~ MOU, (~p, cit., fo{~tnote ! 73, sec. 111(7).
I ~ I ibid., sees. 111(5)-(7). See also M.J. Soco]ar, op. Cit., ftM)mWe 175, pp. 45-46.
IW Roger M Ca[ldan, NSA, letter t~~ Joan D. Winston, OTA, May 6! 1gw4, P“ 4“
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1167
the appeals process specified in the Computer Se- According to GAO, at the start of these discus-
curity Act (see below) would come too late in the sions, the NIST members of the Technical Work-
standards process to avoid harming national-secu- ing Group had preferred the RSA algorithm
rity and law-enforcement interests.183 because it could be used for signatures and also
NIST’s most recent efforts to develop a public- could encrypt for confidentiality (and, therefore,
key standard and a digital signature standard have be used for cryptographic key management/ex-
focused concerns on the MOU and the working change). 186 According to GAO, the plan to select
relationship between NIST and NSA. NIST stan- a public-key algorithm that could do both signa-
dards activities related to public-key cryptogra- tures and key exchange was terminated in favor of
phy and digital signatures have proceeded a technique, developed under NSA funding, that
intermittently for over 12 years. Much of the origi- only did signatures. Another motive for select-
nal delay (i.e., 1982-89) appears to have been due ing a different algorithm was that the RSA method
to national-security, nonproliferation concerns was patented, and NIST wanted to develop a roy-
voiced by NSA.184 (The most recent delay re- alty-free standard.
sulted from patent-licensing problems—see ap- NSA’s algorithm is the basis for the DSS. It per-
pendix C.) forms the signature function but does not encrypt
NBS (now, NIST) originally published a “Soli- for purposes of confidentiality or secure key dis-
citation for Public Key Cryptographic Algo- tribution. The Capstone and TESSERA imple-
rithms” in the Federal Register on June 30, 1982. mentations of the EES encryption algorithm also
According to the results of a classified investiga- include digital signature and key-exchange algo-
tion by GAO, NBS abandoned this standards ac- rithms, but as of June 1994 this key-exchange al-
tivity at the request of NSA.185 In 1989, after the gorithm was not part of a FIPS.
Computer Security Act, NIST again began discus- As originally proposed in 1991, the DSS met
sions with NSA about promulgating a public-key with several types of criticism. Some criticisms
standard that could be used for signatures. These were on technical grounds, including the strength
discussions were conducted through the Technical of the algorithm. In response, NIST and NSA re-
Working Group mechanism established in the vised the proposed standard, increasing the maxi-
MOU, which had been signed earlier that year. mum size of the modulus from 512 to 1,024
1~~ C]lnton Br(x)ks, Specia] Assistant t{) the Director, NSA, personal communication, May 25, 1994.
184 ~bl ic.key Cwptoflaphy cm ~ used fi~r data encrypti(m, digital signatures, and in cryptographic key managemen~exchange (to se-
curel y distribute secret keys). Current federal standards initiatives take the approach of devising ways to do signatures (i.e., the DSS) and key
distributicm without also providing data encryption capabilities.
185 GAO, OP. cit., footnote 48, p. 20.
lsb ibid. GAO based this conclusion on NIST memoranda.
I ST Ibid .,pp. 20.21. GAO based [his c(mc]usion on NIST memoranda. See also the series of NIST/NSA Technical working Group minutes
from May [989 to August 1991, published in “Selected NIST/NSA Documents Concerning the Development of the Digital Signature Standard
Released In Computer Professionals for Social Responsibdity v. National Instilure oj’Standards and Technology, Civil Action No. 92-0972,”
C(m~puter Pmfessmnals for Social Responsibility, The Th~rd Cryptography and Pri\acy Conjirence Source Book, June 1993. (Note: According
to NSA, the mattmals obtained through the Freedom of Information Act are not a true picture of all the different levels of discussion that to{~k
place during this period, when NIST management and NSA were in agreement regarding the development of a signature standard. Clint{m
Brooks. Special Assistant to the Director, NSA, personal communication, May 25, 1994.)
See also D.K. Branstad and M.E. Smid, “Integrity and Security Standards Based on Cryptography,” Compufers & Securiry, vol. I ( 1982),
pp. 255-2@; Richard A. Danca, “T(micelli Charges NIST with F(x)t-llragging on Security,” Federa/ Compufer Week, Oct. 8, 1990, p. 9; and
Michael Alexander, “Data Security Plan Bashed,” Computerw’or/d, July 1, 1991, p. 1
168 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
bits. 188 (Increasing the number of bits in the mo- posed NIST standards activities, without notice or
dulus increases strength, analogous to increasing the benefit of oversight that is required by law.
the length of a key.) Other criticisms focused on NIST and NSA disagree with this conclusion.
possible patent infringement and licensing issues According to NIST and NSA officials, NIST has
(see appendix C). The DSS was finished and is- retained its full authority in issuing the FIPS and
sued by the Commerce Department in May 1994, NSA’s role is merely advisory. In May 1994 testi-
to take effect on December 1, 1994, with the state- mony before the House and Senate, the NIST
ments that: Deputy Director stated that:
NIST has addressed the possible patent in- The Act, as you are aware, authorizes NIST
fringement claims, and has concluded that there to draw upon computer security guidelines de-
are no valid claims. 189 veloped by NSA to the extent that NIST deter-
mines they are consistent with the requirements
The Department of Commerce is not aware
for protecting sensitive information in federal
of any patents that would be infringed by this
computer systems. In the area of cryptography,
standard. 190
we believe that federal agencies have valid re-
As this report went to press, the possibility of in- quirements for access to strong encryption (and
fringement litigation was still open (see appendix other cryptographic-related standards) for the
c). protection of their information. We were also
The Computer Security Act envisioned a dif- aware of other requirements of the law enforce-
ferent standards-appeal mechanism. According to ment and national security community. Since
NSA is considered to have the world’s foremost
the act, the President could disapprove or modify
cryptographic capabilities, it only makes sense
standards or guidelines developed by NIST and
(from both a technological and economic point
promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce, if he of view) to draw upon their guidelines and skills
or she determined such an action to be in the pub- as useful inputs to the development of standards.
lic interest. The President cannot delegate author- The use of NSA-designed and -tested algorithms
ity to disapprove or modify proposed NIST iS fully consistent with the Act. We also work
standards. 191 Should the President disapprove or Jointly with NSA in many other areas, including
modify a standard or guideline that he or she deter- the development of criteria for the security eval-
mines will not serve the public interest, notice of uation of computer systems. They have had
such action must be submitted to the House Com- more experience than anyone else in such evalu-
mittee on Government Operations and the Senate ations. As in the case of cryptography, this is an
Committee on Governmental Affairs, and must be area in which NIST can benefit from NSA’s ex-
. 192By pertise. 193
published promptly in the Federal Register.
contrast, interagency discussions and negoti- According to the NSA Director:
ations by agency staffs under the MOU can result Our role in support of [the Clinton Adminis-
in delay, modification, or abandonment of pro- tration’s key escrow initiative] can be summed
l~g “Dl~l(al signature stan~ard (DSS)--Draft,” FIPS PUB XX, Natitmal Institute of Standards and Technology, Feb. 1, 1993.
189 fi-ederu/ Regj~ter, May 19, 1994, op. cit., footnote 16, p. 26209.
In ibid., p. 262 10; also NIST, op. cit., footnote 26, p. 3.
191 ct~n}puter Security Act of 1987, sec. 4.
’ 9 2 lbld.
193 Kanlnler (es.lnlt)ny, May ~, 1994, op. Cit., footnote 13, pp. ] 2. 1‘3. (The same written testimony was ~resented [o the subcommittee on
Technology and Law, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, in the morning and to the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment and Avi-
ation, Committee (m Science, Space, and Techn(dogy, U.S. House of Representatives, in the aftem(xm. )
up as “technical advisors” to [NIST] and the misperceptions. 195 When OTA inquired about the
FBI. MOU/TWG appeals process in particular, offi-
As the nation’s signals intelligence (SIGINT) cials in both agencies maintained that it does not
authority and cryptographic experts, NSA has conflict with the Computer Security Act of 1987
long had a role to advise other government orga-
because the MOU process concerns proposed re-
nizations on issues that relate to the conduct of
electronic surveillance or matters affecting the search and development projects that could lead to
security of communications systems. Our func- future NIST standards, not fully-developed NIST
tion in the latter category became more active standards submitted to the Secretary of Com-
with the passage of the Computer Security Act merce or the President.196 GAO has previously
of 1987. The act states that the National Bureau noted that NIST considered the process appropri-
of Standards (now NIST) may, where appropri-
ate because:
ate, draw upon the technical advice and assist-
ance of NSA. It also provides that NIST must . . . NSA presented compelling national security
draw upon computer system technical security concerns which warranted early review and dis-
guidelines developed by NSA to the extent that cussion of NIST’s planned computer security re-
NIST determines that such guidelines are con- lated research and development. If concerns
sistent with the requirements for protecting sen- arise, NSA wanted a mechanism to resolve
sitive information in federal computer systems. problems before projects were initiated.
These statutory guidelines have formed the ba- In discussions with OTA, senior NIST and NSA
sis for NSA’s involvement with the key escrow
staff stated that the appeals mechanism specified
in the Computer Security Act has never been used,
Subsequent to the passage of the Computer
and pointed to this as evidence of how well the
Security Act, NIST and NSA formally executed
a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that NIST/NSA relationship is working in implement-
ing the act. These agency officials also told
lq~ M~Conne]l ICstinlony, op. cit., f(~f)tno[e 8, pp. 1-2. Similar passage in Clinton Brooks t~stlnl{)n}, op. cit., foo~f~te” 154, pp. 1-2.
lg~ OTA s[aff intem,lews with N[ST ~d NSA officials in Octt~ber 1993 and January ] 994. See also SOCtJ[ar, op. Cit.. fo(~tn~)te 153, p. 45.
196 OTA staff interviews, ibd.
197 s(~~~lar, op. cit., f(~mmte I 53, p. 45.
19~ OTA staff intewlew ~,l[h M, Rubln (~.puty Chief counsel, NIST) on Jan. ] 3, ] 994 and with four NSA staff (m Jan. ] 9, 1994.
199 C]ln[on Br(~~ks, Specla] Assistant [(} the Director, NSA, Perstmal communicatl(m, May 25, 1994.
170 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
MOU, is satisfactory to both NIST and NSA, this tion of the National Security Agency, to declas-
is not proof that it meets Congress’ expectations in sify the SKIPJACK algorithm and issue a
enacting that legislation. Moreover, chronic pub- revised version of FIPS 185 that specifies the al-
lic suspicions of and concerns with federal safe- gorithm and omits the key escrow provisions.
guard standards and processes are This would be a proper replacement for FIPS 46,
counterproductive to federal leadership in pro- the Data Encryption Standard, and would serve
the needs of the U.S. Government, U.S. industry,
moting responsible use of safeguards and to pub-
and U.S. citizens for years to come.202
lic confidence in government.
With respect to the EES, many public concerns It may be the case that using two executive
stem from the secrecy of the underlying SKIP- branch agencies as the means to effect a satisfacto-
JACK algorithm, and from the closed processes ry balance between national security and other
by which the the EES was promulgated and is be- public interests in setting safeguard standards will
ing deployed. Some of these secrecy-related con- inevitably be limited, due to intrabranch coordina-
cerns on the part of industry and the public have tion mechanisms in the National Security Council
focused on the quality of the algorithm and hesita- and other bodies. These natural coordination
tion to use federal endorsement alone (rather than mechanisms will determine the balance between
consensus and widespread inspection) as a quality national-security interests, law-enforcement in-
guarantee. 200 Others have focused on another terests, and other aspects of the public interest.
consequence of the use of a classified algorithm— The process by which the executive branch
the need to make it only available in tamper-resis- chooses this balancing point may inevitably be
tant modules, rather than in software. Still other obscure outside the executive branch. (For exam-
concerns related to secrecy focus on a situation ple, the Clinton Administration’s recent cryptog-
where: raphy policy study is classified, with no public
. . . authority over the secret technology under- summary.) Public “visibility” of the decision
lying the standard [FIPS 185] and the documents process is through its manifestations—in a FIPS,
embodying this technology, continues to reside in export policies and procedures, and so forth.
with NSA. We thus have a curious arrangement When the consequences of these decisions are
in which a Department of Commerce standard viewed by some (or many) of the public as not
seems to be under the effective control of a De- meeting important needs, or when the govern-
partment of Defense agency. This appears to ment’s preferred technical “solution” is not con-
violate at least the spirit of the Computer Securi- sidered useful, a lack of visibility, variety, and/or
ty Act and strain beyond credibility its provi- credible explanation fosters mistrust and frustra-
sions for NIST’s making use of NSA’s tion.
expertise. 201
Technological variety is important in meeting
To remedy this, Whitfield Diffie, among others, the needs of a diversity of individuals and commu-
has suggested that: nities. Sometimes federal safeguard standards are
Congress should press the National Institute eventually embraced as having broad applicabili-
of Standards and Technology, with the coopera- ty. But it is not clear that the government can-or
zoo A more own ins~ctlon pr~ess pfior to issuance of the EES would have allowed issues like the possible protocol failures in implement-
ing the law-enforcement access field to be dealt with before they became sensationalized in the press, See John Markoff, “Flaw Discovered
in Federal Plan for Wiretapping,” The New York 7irnes, June 2, 1994, p. I and p. D 17; and “At AT&T, NO Joy in Clipper Ftaw,” The New York
fimes, June 3, 1994, pp. DI,D2.
ZOI Dlffle testimony, op. cit., footnote 24, p. 6.
202 Ibid., pp. IO-1 1.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1171
should--develop all-purpose technical safeguard DES,” but not to any federal guidance (i.e., a
standards, or that the safeguard technologies be- FIPS) in implementing it.
ing issued as the FIPS can be made to meet the full
spectrum of user needs. More open processes for t Executive Branch Implementation of
determining how safeguard technologies are to be Cryptography Policy
developed and/or deployed throughout society In early 1994, the Clinton Administration an-
can better ensure that a variety of user needs are nounced that it had established an interagency
met equitably. Working Group on Encryption and Telecommu-
If it is in the public interest to provide a wider nications to implement its encryption policy and
range of technical choices than those provided by review changes as development warrant. The
government-certified technologies (i.e., the working group is chaired by the Office of Science
FIPS), then vigorous academic and private-sector and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National
capabilities in safeguard technologies are re- Security Council (NSC) and includes representa-
quired. For example, private users and corpora- tives of the agencies that participated in the ten-
tions might want the option of using third-party month Presidential review of the impact of
deposit or trusteeship services for cryptographic encryption technology and advanced digital tele-
keys, in order to guard against accidental loss or communications. 205 According to the announce-
destruction of keys, in order to provide for “digital ment, the working group will develop
powers of attorney,” and so forth. 203 But, al- recommendations on encryption policies and will
though private-sector use of the EES is voluntary, ● ’attempt to reconcile the need of privacy and the
if the EES is used, key escrowing is not “option- needs of law enforcement.” 206 The group will
al.” Private-sector users that don’t want the es- work with industry to evaluate possible alterna-
crowing arrangements the government has tives to the EES. It will work closely with the In-
associated with the EES must look elsewhere.204 formation Policy Committee of the Information
As another example, private-sector users who Infrastructure Task Force and will seek private-
want to increase the security provided by DES- sector input both informally and through groups
based technologies can look to “triple-encryption
~~~ See parker, op. cit., footnote 9. parker describes problems that ctwld (~cur in (wganizatlons if cryptography is used ~ ith(mt adequate
key management and override capabilities by responsible c(mporatc officers. These prtdiems include keys being held f(}r rans(ml by chsgruntki
employees and data being rendered inaccessible after being encrypted by cmployees who then leave I() start their tn+ n company.
‘M Use of the technique specified in the EES is not the only means by which a variety of he} h(ddcr arrangements can be designed and
implemented. See, e.g., David J. Farber, Professor of Telecommunicati(ms Systems, Unlversit y of Pennsylvania, testimony beftm the Subc(ml-
mlttee on Technology, Envmmment, and Aviation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. H(mse (}f Rcprcscntatl\cs, May 3,
1994, Frank W. Sudla, Bankers Trust Co., “Bankers Trust Company Intemati(mal Corporate” Key Escrow, ‘- February i994, Sllvi[~ Mlcali. MiT
Lab(wat(my for Computer Science, “Fair Cryptosystems,” MIT/LCS/TR-579.b, Novcmbcr 1993; and Silvi(~ Micah, MIT Lahwat(]ry ft)r CtJn-
puter Science, “Fair Cryptosystems vs. Cllpper Chip: A Brief Comparison,” NcJ*. 11, 1993.
The Bankers Trust approach is an alternative key-escrow encryption technique based on general-purp~se trusted dm ices and public-key
certificates. According to Bankers Trust, it 1s designed for worldwide business use without requiring govcmmcnt escrtnv agents.
Mlcall describes how any public-key cryptosystcm can be transftmned into a,la~r onc that presenes the secun~y and efficiency of the
original, while allow lng users to select tbe algorithm they prefer, select all their [nvn secre[ keys, and usc software implementatmns If dcsmd.
Fa(r cr?pro~.v.~tem.~ Incorporate a decentralized process for distributing keys to trustees and ensure tha[ c(wrt-auth(wized u irc-tapping ends at
the prescribed tlrne. See Sllvio MicaIi, U.S. Patent 5,276,737 (issued Jan. 4, 1994, appllca[ion filed Apr. 20. 1992) and U.S. Pattmt 5, .? 15,658
(Issued May 24, 1994, applicati[m filed Apr. 19, 1993). The federal government plans t{) liccnsc these patcms fr(ml Mwal] (NIST press release.
July I 1, 1 994)..
20S White H(mse press release, “Working Group on Encryption and Telecommunicatio ns,” Feb. 4, 1994. These agcnclcs w ill include the
State Department, Justice Department, C(mmlerce Department (including NIST), DOD, the Treasug Department. OMB, NSA, the Federal Bu-
reau of ]nvest)gati(m, and the Nati(mal Ec(momic C(wncil (ibid.).
‘w lbld.
172 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
like the National Security Telecommunications alternative key-escrowing techniques, and cre-
Advisory Committee, CSSPAB, and the Advisory ation of a government key-escrowing task force
Council on the National Information Infrastruc- to manage and expedite the search for key-es-
ture. crow alternatives. The task force would be run
The Clinton Administration made a start at by NIST under policy guidance of the inter-
working more closely and more openly with in- agency working group led by OSTP and
dustry through a Key Escrow Encryption Work- N S C .208
shop held at NIST on June 10, 1994. The
Based on the discussion and industry presenta-
workshop was attended by representatives of
tions at the meeting, there was increasing interest
many of the leading computer hardware and soft-
ware companies, as well as attendees from gov- in exploring “other” approaches to key-escrow en-
ernment (including OTA) and academia. One of cryption that can be implemented in software,
the assumptions stated as the basis for subsequent rather than just in hardware.
action was that, “the results of the deliberations On July 20, 1994, acknowledging industry’s
between the government and private sector shall concerns regarding encryption and export policy,
be public] y disclosed, consistent with the national Vice President Al Gore sent a letter to Representa-
security interests of the country. ’’207 The “pro- tive Maria Cantwell that announced a “new
posed action plan” subsequent to the NIST work- phase” of cooperation among government, indus-
shop called for: try, and privacy advocates. This will include un-
dertaking presidential studies of the effects of
attendees to prepare corporate positions on
U.S. export controls and working with industry to
working with the government to seek “other”
explore alternative types of key-escrow encryp-
approaches to key-escrow encryption. Papers tion for use in computer networks. Key-escrow
were to be submitted to NIST by July 1, 1994.
encryption based on unclassified algorithms or
establishment of joint industry-government implemented in software will be among the alter-
working groups (with NIST leadership) to:
natives to be explored. Escrow-system safe-
evaluate all known key-escrowing proposals
guards, use of nongovernmental key-escrow
according to criteria jointly developed by gov-
agents, and liability issues will also be explored.
ernment and industry; hold a public seminar/
However, this exploration is in the context of com-
workshop to discuss and document the results
puter and video networks, not telephony; the pre-
of this analysis; and prepare a report that will be sent EES (Clipper chip) would still be used for
used as the basis of subsequent discussions be-
telephone systems.
tween “senior government officials and mem-
Additionally, the Advisory Council on the Na-
bers of the private sector.”
tional Information Infrastructure has initiated a
Other activities, including examination of ex- “Mega-Project” on privacy, security, and intel-
isting vehicles for collaborative government-
lectual property will address applications of cryp-
industry research and development, develop-
tography as it sets about “defining and setting
ment of criteria for determining the suitability
guidelines for personal privacy and intellectual
of encryption algorithms to be used in conjunc-
property protection, outlining methods for pro-
tion with key escrowing, examination of intel-
tecting First Amendment rights, and for addres-
lectual-property and royalty issues related to
207 “proposed Post Meeting Action Plan,” presented at Key Escrow Encryption Workshop, NIST, June IO, 1994 (assumptions).
zos “~{) P)sed post Meeting ACtl~~n Plan,” presented at Key Escrow Encryption Workshop, NIST, Jun. 10, 1994 (action plan items I -S).
The NIST contact is Lynn McNulty, NIST Associate Director for Computer Security.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1173
sing national security and emergency crowed 17,000 Clipper chip keys and was prepar-
preparedness.” 209 The Advisory Council and the ing for escrowing of Capstone chip keys.214
NII Security Issues Forum held a public meeting The Administration is developing auditing and
on July 15, 1994, to gather input from various user accountability controls to prevent misuse of keys
communities regarding their needs and concerns (during programming of the chips or in the escrow
with respect to NII security. agencies) and to increase public confidence. Ac-
cording to NIST, these physical-security and insti-
Key Escrowing for the EES tutional controls include:
In the meantime, however, the Clinton Adminis-
m magnetically “wiping” computer memories;
tration is investing in implementing key escrow-
ing and the EES. In early 1994, NIST estimated it
locking computers in secure facilities;
would take $14 million to establish the escrow
using cleared staff;
system and $16 million in annual operating costs
m using shrink-wrapped software;
210 m using safes and secure areas to store pro-
for the two agents. Justice Department pur-
chases of EES equipment were estimated at $12.5 grammed EES chips and key components;
m packaging key components in tamper-evident
million. 211
NIST is the program manager for key escrow- security packaging, with serial numbers;
ing; the Department of Justice and the Federal Bu- m logging when key components are placed in
reau of Investigation are family-key agents (the and removed from safes;
EES family key is used to encrypt the law enforce- ● using ● ’dual controls” for two-person security,
ment access field).22 In February 1994, Attorney requiring two individuals to get at an escrowed
General Reno designated NIST and Treasury’s key component;
Automated Systems Division as the escrow ■
using split knowledge—two escrow agents
agents for the EES (Clipper) chip-specific keys each have one of the two key components;
needed to gain access to encrypted communica- m using redundancy in storage and transportation
tions. The Vice President reportedly deemed this of key components;
an “interim solution,” recognizing that having m encrypting stored key components at each site;
both escrow agents within the executive branch and
does little to quell concerns over the potential for m ensuring that key components never appear in
misuse of the escrowing system. The Clinton Ad- the clear outside of a computer—the escrow
ministration reportedly has been considering us- agents never see them.215
ing private organizations
or an office in the court
system as agents. By June 1994, NIST had es-
~i~ Na\l(Jna] ]nfomatlon” Infrastmcture Advis(wy Ctwncil announcement, Apr. 25, 1994.
z If) ~’ederfl/ Reglyfer, V(JI S9, Feb. 9, 1994, pp. 1 I -12. OTA asked for, but did not receive, any subsequent cost figures.
211 Roger Callahan, op. clt , f(~mmte i 82, poin[ 52.
‘i 2 Miles Smld, N] ST, “’The U.S. G(wemment Key Escrow System,” presentation at NIST Key Escrwv Encgp(ion Workshop, June 10,
2‘3 See Brad Bass, “’White House To Prck Third Party To Htdd One Set of Decryption Keys,” Federal Compurcr Nkck, Mar. 28, 1994, p.
3; and Kevin Power, “Exactly WIN) Will Guard Those Data Encrypti(m Keys’?” Go~errrrncnl Compurer NCMS, Apr. 18, 1994, p. IO.
214 Miles Smid, Manager, Security Techm)logy Group, N] ST, personal communication, May 25, 1994; and Miles Smid, op. cit., footrwte
z 12, June 10, 1994. see also D(m~thy E. Dennmg and Miles Srmd, ‘“Key Escrowing Today,” /EEE (’c)nrnr((rr(c’alluns, in press (September 1994).
21$ Ib]d.
174 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
A June 1994 NIST summary of key-escrow ability of the software program and code is of par-
program activities included: preparation for pro- amount importance.
gramming of Capstone chips, modification of the
Secure Hash Algorithm to include the technical
correction announced in April 1994, search for a
possible new escrow agent, and review of “target
system” requirements for the key-escrowing sys- Congress has vital strategic roles in cryptography
tem. As of June 1994, according to NIST, the in- policy and, more generally, in safeguarding in-
terim key-escrowing system was using prototype formation and protecting personal privacy in a
components, research and development software, networked society. This chapter has examined
and a combination of manual and automated op- these issues as they relate to federal safeguard
erations. standards and to agency roles in safeguarding in-
The “target” key-escrowing system will have formation. Other controversies--current ones like
an upgraded chip programming facility, use cryp- digital telephony and future ones regarding elec-
tographic functions to automate key transporta- tronic cash and commerce—will involve similar
tion, develop a trusted escrow agent workstation, issues and can be dealt with within a sufficiently
and complete a trusted decryption processor.216 broad strategic framework.
According to NIST, the key-escrow program is in Cryptography is a fundamental tool for safe-
the second of four phases of development. Phase 1 guarding information and, therefore, it has be-
(September 1993 through March 1994) saw estab- come a technology of broad application. Despite
lishment of a prototype chip programming facility the growth in nongovernmental cryptographic re-
and manual procedures for handling and storage search and safeguard development over the past
of escrow components; there was no decryption 20 years, the federal government still has the most
processor. In phase 2 (April 1994— ), there is a expertise in cryptography and cryptanalysts.
prototype decryption processor, a simple key- Thus, federal standards (the FIPS) have substan-
component extraction program, and manual key- tial significance for the development and use of
component release procedures. Phase 3 will see these technologies. The nongovernmental market
the first release of a target chip programming facil- for cryptography products has grown in the last 20
ity and an escrow-agent workstation; phase 4 will years or so, but is still developing. Export controls
see deployment of the final operating capability also have substantial significance for the develop-
for all escrowing subsystems.217 ment and use of these technologies.
Although these facilities, procedures, and secu- Therefore, Congress’s choices in setting na-
rity measures have been developed specifically tional cryptography policies (including standards
for the EES and other implementations of the and export controls) affect information security
SKIPJACK key-escrow encryption algorithm, and privacy in society as a whole. Congress has an
they could be made applicable to other forms of even more direct role in establishing the policy
escrowed encryption, including software-based guidance within which federal agencies safeguard
key-escrow approaches. Some of the established information, and in oversight of agency and OMB
procedures and security measures would have to measures to implement information security and
be modified and/or augmented for software-based privacy requirements. This section presents op-
escrowed encryption. For encryption (of any type) tions for congressional consideration with respect
implemented in software, the integrity and reli- to safeguarding information in federal agencies
2]6 Miles Smid, op. cit., footnote 212, June 10, 1994.
217 Ibid.
Chapter 4 Government PoIicies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1175
and to national cryptography policy. Congress has dures) continue to be developed in a closed forum.
both strategic and tactical options in dealing with In May 1994 testimony before the House Sub-
cryptography. committee on Technology, Environment, and
Aviation, David Farber (University of Pennsylva-
1 The Need for More Open Processes nia) stated that “open technical processes are best
for solving hard problems,” such as the need for
More open policies and processes can be used
technology and public policy that:
to increase equity and acceptance in implement-
ing cryptography and other technologies. The cur- . . . assure[s] privacy and security, enables law
rent controversies over cryptography can be enforcement to continue to do its job, and, at the
same time, respects fundamental civil liberties
characterized in terms of tensions between the
which are at the heart of our constitutional sys-
government and individuals. They center on the
tem of government.220
issue of trust in government. Trust is a particular
issue in cases like cryptography, when national- Farber called for a more open process for evolving
security concerns require an asymmetry of in- proposals like the EES:
formation between the government and the While I recognize that a small part of cryp-
public. Government initiatives of broad public ap- tography will always be classified, most of the
plication, formulated in secret and executed with- development of the proposed escrow system has
out legislation, naturally give rise to concerns been taking place in those room[s] (not smoke-
over their intent and application. There is a history filled any more). This process must be brought
of concern over use of presidential national-secu- out into the sunshine of the technical and policy
community. Proposals like Clipper must be
rity directives-often classified and not publicly
evolved, if they are to have any chance of suc-
released 218—to make and execute policy: cess, with the co-operation and understanding of
Implementation of policy decisions through the industrial and academic community and
the issuance of undisclosed directives poses a their enthusiastic cooperation rather than their
significant threat to Congress’ ability to dis- mistrust. This penchant for openness must not
charge its legislative and oversight responsibili- be seen as a power struggle between industry
ties under the Constitution. Operational and government, or as an excuse for revisiting a
activities undertaken beyond the purview of the decision that technologists dislike for political
Congress foster a grave risk of the creation of an reasons. Rather it is a reflection of a deep faith in
unaccountable shadow government-a devel- open design processes and a recognition that
opment that would be inconsistent with the prin- closed processes invariably lead to solutions
ciples underlying our republic.219 which are too narrow and don’t last.221
The process by which the EES was selected and In calling for congressional action to ensure
approved was closed to those outside the execu- that overall cryptography policy is developed in a
tive branch. Furthermore, the institutional and broader context, Jerry Berman of the Electronic
procedural means by which the EES is being Frontier Foundation (EFF) testified that Congress
deployed (such as the escrow management proce- should seek the implementation of a set of public
z 1 g H, Rep~, ] 00. ] 53, Pan ][, Op. Cit., ftx)mt~(e 33, pp. 3 I -33. Forexample, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) reported tO the House
Committee on Government Operations that, between 1981 and 1987, over 200 National Security Decision Directives (NSDDS) had been issued
by the Reagan Administration, and only five had been publicly disclosed. According to CRS, the NSDDS comprised an ongoing system of
declared (but usually secret ) U.S.policy statements that, evenwhen available to the public, had to be requested in writing and were not pub-
lished in the Federa/ Regisrer (ibid.). NSDD-I 45 was one of the directives issued during this period.
219 H. Rept. I ~- ] 53, pan 11, op. cit., f{xXnote 33, p. 33.
ZZO Farber testimony, op. cit., ftx)mote 204, p. 4.
22[ Ibid., p. 5.
176 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
policies that would promote the widespread avail- After the escrowed-encryption initiative was
ability of cryptographic systems that seek “rea- announced by President Clinton in April 1993—a
sonable” cooperation with law enforcement and complete surprise to the CSSPAB—the Board
national security needs; promote constitutional was asked by the Deputy Director of NIST to de-
rights of privacy and adhere to traditional, Fourth vote its June 1993 meeting to hearing public views
Amendment search and seizure rules; and main- on what was being called the Clipper program,225
tain civilian control over public computer and The Board then unanimously resolved to gather
communications security, in accordance with the additional public and government input. The
Computer Security Act of 1987.222 Board recommended that the interagency cryp-
tography policy review that was part of the Presi-
The CSSPAB’s Call for a Broad dent’s April 1993 announcement take note of the
Review of Cryptography “serious concerns and problems” the CSSPAB
In early 1992, prompted by controversies over the had identified. 226 The CSSPAB subsequently
proposed DSS, the Computer System Security held four more days of public hearings and re-
and Privacy Advisory Board advised NIST to solved (not unanimously) that the preliminary
delay a decision on adopting a signature standard concerns identified in the June hearings had been
pending a broad223
national review on the uses of “confirmed as serious concerns which need to be
cryptography. Noting the significant public resolved.” 227 The Board strengthened its views
policy issues raised during review of the proposed on the importance of a broad national cryptogra-
signature standard, the CSSPAB unanimously ap- phy policy review, including Congress, before any
proved a resolution to the effect that “a national new or additional cryptographic “solution” is ap-
level public review of the positive and negative proved as a U.S. government standard, in order to
implications of the widespread use of public and resolve the following issues:
secret key cryptography is required” in order to
produce a “national policy concerning the use of 1. the protection of law-enforcement and nation-
cryptography in unclassified/sensitive govern- al-security interests;
ment and the private sector. ’’224
222 Jerry J. Berman, Executive Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation, testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment,
and Aviation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, May 3, 1994, pp. 13-14.
223 Minutes[)f the Mtich ]7. ] 8, 1992 meeting of the CSSpAB (aval]ab]e l’r~)m N]ST). See also David K. Black, op. cit., pp. Ll~g-440; Darryl
K. Taft, “Board Finds NIST’S DSS Unacceptable,” Go}’ernnrent Computer Ne~s, Dec. 23, 1991, pp. 1, 56; and Kevin Power, “Security Board
Calls for Delay on Digital Signature,” Government Computer News, Mar. 30, ‘ 992, p. 114. In the public comments, negative resp{mses twtnunl-
bered endorsements of the DSS by 90 to 13 (Power, ibid.).
224 csspAB Re501u11{)n N() I of Mar .18 1, 992. See discussion ofthls resoluti(m and other CSSPAB activities In: Willis H. ware, Chalrnlam
CSSPAB, testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology, Environment, and Awation, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S.
House of Representatives, May 3, 1994.
225 See wwe teStlmony, ibld$, pp. G-7. see als{} “cvptographlc ]Ssue statements,” submitted {() the C{)mputer system Security and privacy
Advisory Board, revised June 25, 1993 (available from NIST) and “Summary of Comments Received by the Computer System Security and
Privacy Advisory Board (in conjunction with its June 2-4, 1993 public meeting),” also available from N] ST. A full transcript is also available
from NIST.
226 CSSPAB Resolution No. 1 of June 4, 1993 and attachment. The Board noted that Congress should also play a r~~le in the conduct and
approval of the results of the review.
227 CSSpAB Resolution 93-5 of Sept. 1-2, 1993.
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1177
2. the protection of U.S. computer and telecom- year study of national policy with respect to the
munications interests in the international mar- use and regulation of cryptography. 23] The study
ketplace; and is intended to address how technology affects the
3. the protection of U.S. persons’ interests, both policy options for various national interests (e.g.,
domestically and internationally.228 economic competitiveness with respect to export
controls, national security, law enforcement, and
This resolution stated that, “. ., the Congress of
individual privacy rights) and the process by
the U.S. must be involved in the establishment of which national cryptography policy has been for-
cryptographic policy.’’229 mulated. It will also address the current and future
In May 1994 testimony, CSSPAB Chairman capabilities of cryptographic technologies suit-
Willis Ware of the RAND Corp. noted that, from able for commercial use. In its Resolution 93-7,
March 1992 to present, based on its publicly avail- the CSSPAB endorsed the NRC study of national
able record, the board has: cryptography as the study that ● ’best accom-
● focused attention of government agencies on plishes” the Board’s “repeated calls” for a national
the cryptographic issue; review. 232
● focused attention of the public and various In June 1994, the NRC was still forming the
private-sector organizations on the crypto- study committee; the chair and vice-chair had
graphic issues; been selected. According to the study staff, once
● provided a forum in which public views as the committee process is fully under way, the
well as government views could be heard; committee will be soliciting the views of and in-
● assembled the only public record of ongoing
put from as wide a constituency as possible; the
activities and progress in the Clipper initia- committee hopes that those with interests in the
tive; and topic will respond to calls for input ‘*with thought
and deliberation.’’233 A subpanel of the committee
● created a public record for national cryptog-
raphy policy, and its many dimensions—
will receive security clearance; the role of this
Clipper, Capstone [OTA note: these refer to subpanel will be to ensure that the findings of the
implementations of the EES encryption algo- study committee are ● ’consistent with what is
rithm], the DSS, public concerns, constitu- known in the classified world. ’’234
tional concerns.230
1 National Cryptography Policy
The National Research Council Study Congress has a major role in establishing the na-
The Committees on Armed Services, Commerce, tion’s cryptography policy. Just as cryptography
Intelligence, and Judiciary have asked the Nation- has become a technology of broad application, so
al Research Council (NRC) to undertake a two- will decisions about cryptography policy have in-
creasingly broad effects on society. The effects of the current working relationship between NIST
policies about cryptography are not limited to and NSA will be a satisfactory part of this open
technological developments in cryptography, or process, or the extent to which the current ar-
even to the health and vitality of companies that rangements should be reevaluated and revised.
produce or use products incorporating cryptogra- Another important outcome would be a sense
phy. Instead, these policies will increasingly af- of Congress with regard to information policy
fect the everyday lives of most Americans. and technology and to when the impact of cer-
Cryptography will be used to help ensure the con- tain technologies is so pervasive and powerful
fidentiality and integrity of health records and tax that legislation is needed to provide public visi-
returns. It will help speed the way to electronic bility and accountability. For example, many of
commerce, and it will help manage copyrighted the concerns surrounding the EES (and the key-es-
material in electronic form. crowing initiative in general) focus on whether
Recognizing the importance of the technology key-escrow encryption will be made mandatory
and the policies that govern its development, dis- for government agencies or the private sector, or if
semination, and use, Congress asked the NRC to nonescrowed encryption will be banned, and/or if
conduct a major study that would support a broad these actions could be taken without legislation,
review of cryptography (see above). The results of Other concerns focus on whether or not alterna-
the study are expected to be available in 1996. tive forms of encryption would be available that
Given the speed with which the Administration would allow private individuals and organizations
is acting, information to support a Congressio- the option of depositing keys with one or more
nal policy review of cryptography is out of phase third-party trustees, or not—at their discretion.
with the implementation of key-escrow encryp- These trustees might be within government, or in
tion. Therefore, Congress may wish to consider the private sector, depending on the nature of the
placing a hold on further deployment of key-es- information to be safeguarded and the identity of
crow encryption, pending a congressional policy its custodians. (For example, federal policy might
review. require agencies to deposit cryptographic keys
An important outcome of a broad review of na- used to maintain confidentiality of taxpayer data
tional cryptography policy would be development only with government trustees. Companies and
of more open processes to determine how cryptog- individuals might be free not to use trustees, or if
raphy will be deployed throughout society. This they did, could choose third-party trustees in the
deployment includes development of the public- private sector or use the services of a government
key infrastructures and certification authorities trustee.) The NRC study should be valuable in
that will support electronic delivery of govern- helping Congress to understand the broad range of
ment services, copyright management, and digital technical and institutional alternatives available
commerce (see chapters 2 and 3). More open proc- for various types of trusteeships for cryptographic
esses would build trust and confidence in govern- keys, “digital powers of attorney,” and the like.
ment operations and leadership. More openness However, if implementation of the EES and re-
would also allow diverse stakeholders to under- lated technologies continues at the current pace,
stand how their views and concerns were being key-escrow encryption may already be embedded
balanced with those of others, in establishing an in information systems.
equitable deployment of these technologies, even As part of a broad national cryptography
when some of the specifics of the technology re- policy, Congress may wish to periodically ex-
main classified. More open processes will also al- amine export controls on cryptography, to en-
low for public consensus-building, providing sure that these continue to reflect an appropriate
better information for use in congressional over- balance between the needs of signals intelli-
sight of agency activities. Toward this end, Con- gence and law enforcement and the needs of the
gress may wish to consider the extent to which public and business communities. This ex-
Chapter 4 Government Policies and Cryptographic Safeguards 1179
amination would take into account changes in implementation of EES], and we believe it will
foreign capabilities and foreign availability of become increasingly attractive to the private
cryptographic technologies. Information from sector as an excellent, easy-to-use method of
industry on the results of licensing reforms and the protecting sensitive personal and business in-
executive branch study of the encryption market formation. 235
and export controls that is included in the 1994 ex- But, absent legislation, these intentions are not
port administration legislation (see discussion binding for future administrations and also leave
above on export controls and competitiveness) open the question of what will happen if EES and
should provide some near-term information. related technologies do not prove attractive to the
However, the scope and methodology of the stud- private sector. Moreover, the executive branch
ies that Congress might wish to use in the future may soon be using the EES and/or related es-
may differ from these. Congress might wish to crowed-encryption technologies to safeguard—
assess the validity and effectiveness of the Ad-
among other things—large volumes of private
ministration’s studies by conducting oversight
information about individuals (e.g., taxpayer
hearings, by undertaking a staff analysis, or by
data, healthcare information, and so forth).
requesting a study from the Congressional
For these reasons, the EES and other key-es-
Budget Office.
crowing initiatives are by no means only an execu-
tive branch concern. The EES and any subsequent
Congressional Responses to escrowed-encryption standards also warrant con-
Escrowed-Encryption lnitiatives gressional attention because of the public funds
Congress also has a more near-term role to play in that will be spent in deploying them. Moreover,
determining the extent to which—and how—the negative public perceptions of the EES and the
EES and other escrowed-encryption systems will processes by which encryption standards are de-
be deployed in the United States. These actions veloped and deployed may erode public confi-
can be taken within a long-term, strategic frame- dence and trust in government and, consequently,
work. Congressional oversight of the effective- the effectiveness of federal leadership in promot-
ness of policy measures and controls can allow ing responsible safeguard use.
Congress to revisit these issues as needed, or as In his May 1994 testimony before the Senate
the consequences of previous decisions become Subcommittee on Technology and the Law, Whit-
more apparent. field Diffie observed that:
The EES was issued as a voluntary federal stan-
dard; use of the EES by the private sector is also In my experience, the people who support the
key escrow initiative are inclined to express sub-
voluntary. The Clinton Administration has stated
stantial trust in the government. I find it ironic
that it has no plans to make escrowed encryption therefore that in its conduct of this program, the
mandatory, or to ban other forms of encryption: [Clinton] Administration has followed a course
As the [Clinton] Administration has made that could hardly have been better designed to
clear on a number of occasions, the key-escrow provoke distrust. The introduction of mecha-
encryption initiative is a voluntary one; we have nisms designed to assure the government’s abil-
absolutely no intention of mandating private use ity to conduct electronic surveillance on its
of a particular kind of cryptography, nor of cri- citizens and limit the ability of citizens to pro-
minalizing the private use of certain kinds of tect themselves against such surveillance is a
cryptography. We are confident, however, of the major policy decision of the information age. It
quality and strength of key-escrow encryption has been presented, however, as a technicality,
as embodied in this chip [i.e., the Clipper chip buried in an obscure series of regulations. In so
doing, it has avoided congressional consider- Branch almost certainly pass constitutional
ation of either its objectives or its budget. The challenge. . .
underlying secrecy of the technology has been Under the Fourth Amendment, it is the re-
used as a tool for doling out information piece- sponsibility of judges to issue warrants for
meal and making a timely understanding of the searches and seizures, including warrants for
issues difficult to achieve.236 wiretapping and other electronic surveillance.
In responding to the Clinton Administra- Courts will authorize interceptions of the tele-
tion’s escrowed-encryption initiatives, and in de- communications at issue here. Under those cir-
termining the extent to which appropriated cumstances, it is difficult to see a successful
funds should be used in implementing EES and argument that custody of one of the keys [is]
related technologies, Congress might wish toad- constitutionally inappropriately placed in a judi-
dress the appropriate locations of the key-escrow cial agency.
agents, particularly for federal agencies, before Alternatively, it would seem equally valid to
additional investments are made in staff and fa- place custody in a court itself. . . If a court is to
cilities for them. Public acceptance of key-es- issue a warrant authorizing seizure and decryp-
crow encryption might be improved-but not tion of certain telecommunications, effectuation
of such a warrant through the partial agency of
assured--by an escrowing system that used sep-
one of two encryption keys hardly seems to stray
aration of powers to reduce perceptions of the beyond the bounds of judicial cognizance.237
potential for misuse.
In response to an OTA inquiry in late 1993, the With respect to current and subsequent es-
Congressional Research Service examined any crowed-encryption initiatives, and in determin-
constitutional problems that might arise in placing ing the extent to which appropriated funds
an escrow agent elsewhere in government. Ac- should be used in implementing EES and re-
cording to CRS, placing custody of one set of keys lated technologies, Congress may wish to ad-
in a federal court or an agency of the judicial dress the issue of criminal penalties for misuse
branch would almost certainly pass constitutional and unauthorized disclosure of escrowed key
challenge: components. Congress may also wish to consid-
er allowing damages to be awarded for individu-
First, as we discussed, it is a foregone conclu-
als or organizations who were harmed by misuse
sion that custody of one key could not be vested
in Congress, a congressional agency, or a con- or unauthorized disclosure of escrowed key com-
gressional agent. Using strict separation-of- ponents.
powers standards, the Supreme Court has held Acceptance in the United States, at least, might
that no legislator or agency or agent of the Legis- be improved if criminal penalties were associated
lative Branch may be given a role in execution with misuse of escrowed keys238 and if damages
of the laws. . . Custody of one of the keys and could be awarded to individuals or organizations
the attendant duties flowing from that posses- harmed by misuse of escrowed keys. In May 1994
sion is certainly execution of the laws. testimony before the House Subcommittee on
Second, placing custody of one of the keys in Technology, Environment, and Aviation, Jerry
a federal court or in an agency of the Judicial Berman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
noted that the lack of legal rights for those whose over-emphasise the importance of avoiding arti-
keys were escrowed and lack of stability in escrow ficial obstacles to trade through restrictions and
rules served to reduce trust in the system: controls on Encryption Methods. Many coun-
tries have or may use a variety of restrictions
As currently written, the escrow procedures
which inhibit businesses from employing secure
insulate the government escrow agents from any
communications. These restrictions include ex-
legal liability for unauthorized or negligent re-
port and import control laws, usage restrictions,
lease of an individual’s key. This is contrary to
restrictive licensing arrangements, etc. These
the very notion of a escrow system, which ordi-
diverse, restrictive measures create an interna-
narily would provide a legal remedy for the de-
tional environment which does not permit busi-
positor whose deposit is released without
nesses to acquire, use, store, or sell Encryption
authorization. If anything, escrow agents should
Methods uniformly to secure their worldwide
be subject to strict liability for unauthorized dis-
closure of keys.
The Administration has specifically stated . . .What is needed is an international policy
that it will not seek to have the escrow proce- which minimises unnecessary barriers between
dures incorporated into legislation or official countries and which creates a broader interna-
regulations. Without formalization of rules, us- tional awareness of the sensitive nature of in-
ers have no guaranty that subsequent adminis- formation
trations will follow the same rules or offer users . . . . Furthermore, the ICC believes that restric-
the same degree of protection. This will greatly tion in the use of encryption for [crime preven-
reduce trust in the system.239 tion] would be questionable given that those
However, while measures addressing the loca- engaged in criminal activities would most cer-
tion of the escrow agents, sanctions, and liability tainly not feel compelled to comply with the reg-
ulations applied to the general business
for key-escrow encryption could increase accep-
community. The ICC would urge governments
tance of escrowed encryption in the United States, not to adopt a restrictive approach which would
these measures would not be sufficient to ensure place a particularly onerous burden on business
acceptance in the international business communi- and society as a whole.241
ty.240 Other aspects of key-escrow encryption,
ICC’s position paper calls on governments to:
such as use of a classified encryption algorithm,
1 ) remove unnecessary export and import con-
implementation in hardware only, and key man-
agement, could still be troublesome to the interna- trols, usage restrictions, restrictive licensing ar-
tional business community (see below). rangements and the like on encryption methods
The International Chamber of Commerce’s used in commercial applications; 2) enable net-
(ICC) ICC Position Paper on International En- work interoperability by encouraging global stan-
cryption Policy notes the growing importance of dardization; 3) maximize users’ freedom of
cryptography in securing business information choice; and 4) work together with industry to re-
and transactions on an international basis and, solve barriers by jointly developing a comprehen-
therefore, the significance of restrictions and con- sive international policy on encryption.
trols on encryption methods: ICC recommends that global encryption policy
While the ICC recognises that governments be based on the following broad principles:
have a national security responsibility, it cannot
counting Office. However, the effects of OMB’s and workshops, individuals from outside and
revised guidance may not be apparent for some within government repeatedly noted that NIST’s
time after the revised Appendix III is issued. security activities were not proactive and that
Therefore, a few years may pass before GAO is NIST often lagged in providing245
useful and needed
able to report government-wide findings that standards and guidelines. Many individuals
would be the basis for determining the need for from the private sector felt that NIST’s limited re-
further revision or legislation. sources for security activities precluded NIST
In the interim, Congress might wish to gain from doing work that would also be useful to in-
additional insight through hearings to gauge dustry. Additional resources, whether from over-
the reaction of agencies, as well as privacy and all increases in NIST’s budget and/or from
security experts from outside government, to formation of a new Information Technology Lab-
OMB9S revised guidelines. Oversight of this sort oratory, could enhance NIST’s technical capabili-
might be especially valuable for agencies, such ties, enable it to be more proactive, and hence, be
as the Internal Revenue Service, that are devel- more useful to federal agencies and to industry.
oping major new information systems. NIST activities with respect to standards and
In the course of its oversight and when con- guidelines related to cryptography are a special
sidering the direction of any new legislation, case, however. Increased funding alone will not be
Congress might wish to consider measures to: sufficient to ensure NIST’s technological leader-
“ ensure that agencies include explicit provi- ship or its fulfillment of the “balancing” role as en-
sions for safeguarding information assets in visioned by the Computer Security Act of 1987.
any information-technology planning docu- With respect to cryptography, national-security
ments; constraints set forth in executive branch policy di-
8 ensure that agencies budget sufficient re- rectives appear to be binding, implemented
sources to safeguard information assets, through executive branch coordinating mecha-
whether as a percentage of information- nisms including those set forth in the NIST/NSA
technology modernization and/or operating memorandum of understanding. These
budgets, or otherwise; and/or constraints have resulted, for example, in the
“ ensure that the Department of Commerce as- closed processes by which the Administration’s
signs sufficient resources to NIST to support key-escrow encryption initiatives, including the
its Computer Security Act responsibilities, as EES, have been developed and implemented. In-
well as NIST'S other activities related to safe- creased funding could enable NIST to become a
guarding information and protecting privacy more equal partner to NSA, at least in deploying
in networks. (if not developing) cryptographic standards. But,
Regarding NIST’s computer-security budget if NIST/NSA processes and outcomes are to re-
(see table 4-1 ), OTA has not determined the extent flect a different balance of national security and
to which additional funding is needed, or the ex- other public interests, or more openness, than has
tent to which additional funding would improve been evidenced over the past five years, clear
the overall effectiveness of NIST’s information- policy guidance and oversight will be needed.
security activities. However, in staff discussions
24S For ~ Samp]e of fedeml.agen~- ‘&Wan[~ ~d id~~” ~gardlng NIST’s role, see Gi]~~, op. cit., f(~~~(~le lb~, ap~ndix M, espeeia]ly pp.
appendix-85 and appendix-86.
Appendix A:
Letters of
Request A
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-6250
186 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
William V. Roth, J r .
U. S. Senate
Appendix A Congressional Letters of Request I 187
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-6250
July 1, 1993
Best regards.
Y John Glenn
cc : Senator Roth
188 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Edward J. Markey
Recognizing that:
1. D e v e l o p i n g t e c h n i c a l , m a n a g e m e n t , p h y s i c a l , a n d
administrative standards and guidelines for the cost-effective
security and privacy of sensitive information in Federal computer
systems as defined in the Act; and,
2. Drawing on the computer system technical security
guidelines of the National Security Agency (NSA) in this regard
where appropriate.
Acting Director Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy
National Institute of Director
Standards and Technology National Security Agency
Appendix B Computer Security Act and Related Documents 1201
22 December 1989
Both NIST and NSA are keenly aware of the significant changes in
the administration of NIST'S program that were mandated by the
Computer Security Act, a n d f u l l y s u p p o r t t h e A c t a n d i t s i n t e n t .
The Act has strengthened the authority of the Secretary of Com-
merce in the preparation and p r o m u l g a t i o n o f F e d e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Processing Standards (FIPS) and guidelines for the protection of
unclassified information stored in federal computer systems.
Before the Act was passed, the basic authority for promulgating
FIPS rested with the President under the Brooks Act, with the
role of the Secretary of Commerce being delegated through Execu-
tive Order 11717. Delegated authority is inherently susceptible
of weakening or re-definition by the delegating official.
The Act not only placed the government computer security program
for systems that process sensitive unclassified information
explicitly and directly into the hands of the Secretary of
Commerce, but suppressed any erosion of the Secretary’s authority
that might have been threatened by the 1985 promulgation of
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) - 145, “National
Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems
Security." NSDD-145 obliged Commerce to submit to an interagency
review of FIPS just before they were to be issued by the Secre-
tary -- a step viewed by many as undermining Commerce authority
to issue FIPS and as an intrusion of military-related agencies,
particularly NSA, into civilian matters. Finally, NSDD-145, and
more particularly certain policy documents issued pursuant to
had been interpreted by some to give the Department of Defense
and NSA authority to make determinations regarding what informa-
tion in computers required protection. Since passage of the Act,
it has been recognized that such policies have no applicability
to systems within the purview of the Act. This recognition is
reflected in the letter to Chairman Conyers from the Assistant to
the President for National Security Affairs, dated June 26, 1989.
Just as important as the direct authority the Act lodged with the
Secretary of Commerce was the Act’s careful, narrow definition of
that authority, which implies strict limits on the scope of the
NIST Computer Security Program. The power of the Secretary is
limited to promulgating standards and guidelines for hardware and
software to protect the unclassified but sensitive information
c o n t a i n e d i n f e d e r a l c o m p u t e r s y s t e m s . The Act confers no power
to issue any standard regulating the types of information such
systems may contain or who may be given access to such informa-
tion. These matters are entirely the responsibility of indivi-
dual agencies.
In drafting the MOU, both agencies considered the intent of the
Computer Security Act to be both paramount and plain. We ac-
cepted as a given that NIST, not NSA, has the responsibility and
authority to set security standards applicable to Federal Govern-
ment computer systems that contain sensitive but unclassified
Appendix B Computer Security Act and Related Documents 1203
c. Mention in the
MOU of NSA’s threat
assessments of information systems without
corresponding mention of the NIST role in
assessing information system vulnerability.
Clarification: GAO indicated a concern that by mentioning only
the NSA role in conducting assessments of the hostile intelli-
gence threat to federal information systems, the MOU “suggests a
diminution of NIST responsibilities for assessing computer
system vulnerability. As we will explain, your Committee can be
assured that it was not our intent in this or any other part of
the MOU to diminish NIST’s leadership or operating
responsibilities under the Act.
Once again we note that the MOU was intended to outline only
areas of agency interaction -- not to recite NIST's independent
c o m p u t e r s e c u r i t y - r e l a t e d a c t i v i t i e s . As with R & D , t h i s p r o v i -
sion of the M O U relates to an area in which both agencies have
o n g o i n g a c t i v i t i e s . The NIST responsibility to assess computer
system vulnerabilities is clear in the Act and its legislative
history. As then-Chairman Brooks said, the Act "sets up an
important research program within [NIST] to assess the
vulnerability of government computers and programs.” (Cong. Rec.
H6017, Aug. 12, 1986.) NIST is pursuing these activities
diligently and will continue to do so.
NSA has a program that draws upon its unique expertise in assess–
ing hostile intelligence threats. As an adjunct of this program,
NSA evaluates the vulnerability of computer systems to such
threats. NSA conducts its hostile intelligence threat and vul-
nerability assessments upon request of the individual agencies
that operate computer systems. By noting in the MOU that NSA
will continue to conduct such assessments upon the request of
‘federal agencies, their contractors and other government- -
sponsored entities, "we simply meant to make clear to all con
cerned that in cases involving NSA’s unique expertise, NIST will
not, and should not be expected to, duplicate NSA'S special role
of evaluating hostile intelligence threats. The phrase ‘hostile
intelligence threats” is understood by both agencies as a refer-
ence to the threat of foreign exploitation.
d. The scope of activities of the Technical Working Group.
This concern of GAO, shared by Committee staff, is more complex.
As Mr. Socolar explained it in his testimony:
Section 111.5 of the MOU establishes a Technical
Working Group to review and analyze issues of mutual
interest pertinent to protection of systems that
process sensitive, unclassified information. The group
206 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
With this background, it should be clear that the MOU does not,
as some have suggested, give NSA a "veto" over NIST activities or
o v e r its promulgation of standards and guidelines. The appeals
procedure simply ensures that certain issues can be resolved in a
timely fashion so that the Program can proceed smoothly.
Our conversations with private sector witnesses have revealed
that many of their concerns coincided with or were similar to
those identified by the GAO, and thus are addressed above.
One additional area of concern they raised, which was echoed by
some of the staff of your Committee, was that the MOU might in
some way undercut existing legal controls on NSA’s abilities to
conduct electronic surveillance, or otherwise empower NSA to use
the NIST Computer Security Program for purposes outside the scope
of that Program. We can assure everyone concerned that such
misuse is simply not possible -- because NIST, which has no
intelligence or military functions, is in charge of this Program,
and the Program does nothing more than develop standards for
protecting certain information systems. Moreover, the Program
has been, and will continue to be, implemented in full compliance
with all applicable laws, including the Privacy Act and the
Freedom of Information Act.
To ensure that our successors and others can read the MOU in
light of our intent and the clarification we provide in this
letter, we are appending this letter to the MOU. We hope this
has fully answered the questions raised by your Committee and the
others who have indicated similar concerns. We are confident
that the NIST/NSA implementation of the MOU over the coming
months and years will lay to rest concerns that NIST and NSA may
not adhere to their respective roles under the Act.
210 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Robert A. Mosbacher
cc: Honorable Frank Horton
Appendix B Computer Security Act and Related Documents j 211
1 NIST, “Digital Signature Standard (DSS),” FIPS PUB 186 (Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, May 19, 1994 (advance
copy)). See also Federal Registec vol. 59, May 19, 1994, pp. 26208-11 for the Department of Commerce announcement “Approval of Federal
information Processing Standard (FIPS) 186, Digital Signature Standard (DSS).”
NIST proposed the revised draft DSS in February 1993; NIST had announced the original version of the proposed DSS in August 1991. The
finalized DSS has a larger maximum modulus size (up to 1,024bits). The 1991 version of the proposed standard had a fixed modulus of 512 bits.
Increasing the number of bits in the modulus increases strength, analogous m increasing the key size.
216 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
public-key encryption,2 and the DSS does not pro- will still need to select a secure form of key dis-
vide capabilities for key distribution or key ex- tribution. 9
change. 3 The National Bureau of Standards (NBS, now
There is at present no progress toward a federal NIST) published a “Solicitation for Public Key
standard for public-key encryption, per se, and it Cryptographic Algorithms” in the Federal Regis-
appears unlikely that one will be promulgated.4 ter on June 30, 1982. According to the results of
Work had been proposed for a new key-manage- a classified investigation by the General Account-
ment standard, but as of June 1994, NIST was not ing Office (GAO), NIST abandoned this standards
pursuing a new FIPS for key management or key activity at the request of the National Security
exchanges The combination of the DSS and a Agency (NSA). According to GAO:
key-management standard would meet user needs RSA Data Security, Inc., was willing to ne-
for digital signatures and secure key exchange, gotiate the rights to use RSA [named for the in-
without providing a public-key encryption stan- ventors of the algorithm, Drs. Ronald Rivest,
dard, per se.6 The implementation of the Es- Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman]—the most
crowed Encryption Standard (EES) algorithm that widely accepted public-key algorithm-as a
is used in data communications—in the Capstone federal standard, according to a NIST represen-
chip-also contains a public-key Key Exchange tative. NSA and NIST met several times to dis-
cuss NSA concerns regarding the 1982
Algorithm (KEA).7 However, this KEA is not part
solicitation. However, NIST terminated the
of any FIPS.8 Therefore, individuals and orga-
public-key cryptographic project because of an
nizations that do not use the Capstone chip (or the NSA request, according to a 1987 NIST memo-
TESSERA card, which contains a Capstone chip)
Z me DSS dc~s not Splfy an encryption dgor-lttun; encryption is a “two-way” function that is reversible, via decryption. The DSS specifies
a “one-way” function. The DSS signature is generated from a shorter, “digest” of the message using a private key, but the operation is not revers-
ible. Instead, the DSS signature is verified using the corresponding public key and mathematical operations on the signature and message digest
that are different from decryption. Burton Kaliski, Jr., Chief Scientist, RSA Data Security, Inc., personal communication, May 4, 1994.
According to F. Lynn McNulty, Associate Director for Computer Security, NIST, the rationale for adopting the technique used in the DSS
was that, “We wanted a technology that did signatures-and nothing else-very well.” (Response to a question from Chairman Rick Boucher in
testimony before the Subcommittee on Science, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Mar. 22, 1994.)
q See us. Genera] Accounting Office, Communicaficms fri~wcy: Federal Po/icyand Acrions, GAO/OS l-94-2 ( Washington, DC: U.S. @v-
emment Printing Office, November 1993), pp. 19-20.
F. Lynn McNulty, Associate Director for Computer Security, NIST, personal communication, May 25, 1994.
There is a 1992 FIPS on key management that uses the Data Encryption Slandard (DES) in point-to-point environments where the parties
share a key-encrypting key that is used to distribute other keys. NIST, “Key Management Using ANSI X9. 17,” FIPS PUB 17 I (Gaithersburg,
MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, Apr. 27, 1992). This FIPS specifies a particular selectionof options for federal agency use from the ANSI
X9. 17-1985 standard for “Financial lrrstitution Key Management (Wholesale).”
6 But the EIGamal algorithm upon which the DSS is based does provide for public-key encryption. Stephen T. Kent, Chief Scientist, Bolt
Beranek and Newman, Inc., personal communication, May 9, 1994.
The Capstone chip is used for data communications and contains the EES algorithm (called SKIPJACK), as well as digital signature and
key exchange functions. (The Clipper chip is used in telephone systems and has just the EES algorithm.) TESSERA is a PCMCIA card with ii
Capstone chip inside. It includes additional features and is being used in the Defense Message System. Clinton Brooks, Special Assistant to the
Director, National Security Agency, personal communication, May 25, 1994.
Miles Smid, Manager, Security Technology Group, NIST, personal communication, May 20, 1994.
9 One public-key algofi~m ~a[ can be used for key distribution is the “RSA” algorithm; the RSA algorithm can encrypt. (The RSA systenl
was proposed in 1978 by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. ) The Diffle-Hellman algoridm is another method that can be used for key generation
and exchange, but does not encrypt. The public-key concept was first published by Whitfield Diflle and Martin Hellman in “New Directions in
Cryptography,” IEEE Transaction on Infornrulion Theory, vol. IT-22, No. 6, Nlwember 1976, pp. 644-654. Ditlle and Hell man also described
how such a system could be used for key distribution and to “sign” individual messages.
randum. The 1982 NIST solicitation was the last 1993. The patent specification describes the sig-
formal opportunity provided for industry, acade- nature method as a variant of the ElGamal signa-
mia, and others to offer public-key algorithms ture scheme based on discrete logarithms. 12 The
for a federal standard and to participate in invention, developed under NSA funding, was as-
the development of a federal public-key stan- signed to the United States of America, as repre-
dard that could support key management/ex-
sented by the Secretary of Commerce.
change. 10
According to GAO, the NIST members of the
working group had wanted an unclassified algo-
CHOICE OF A SIGNATURE TECHNIQUE rithm that could be made public, could be imple-
FOR THE STANDARD mented in hardware and software, and could be
In May 1989, NIST again initiated discussions used for both digital signatures and key manage-
with NSA about promulgating a public-key stan- ment.13 NIST and NSA members of the Technical
dard that could be used for both signatures and key Working Group met frequently to discuss candi-
exchange. These NIST/NSA discussions were date algorithms; according to GAO, the NIST
conducted through the Technical Working Group members preferred the RSA algorithm because it
(TWG) mechanism specified in the memorandum could perform both functions (i.e., sign and en-
of understanding between the agencies, which had crypt), but NSA preferred its own algorithm that
been signed several weeks earlier (see chapter 4). could sign but not encrypt.
According to NIST memoranda, the NIST mem- At the time these Technical Working Group
bers of the TWG had planned to select a public- discussions were taking place, many in the private
key algorithm that could do both signatures and sector expected that NIST would release a public-
key exchange. This plan was terminated in favor key standard—probably based on the RSA algo-
of a technique developed by NSA that only did rithm—as early as 1990. Major computer and
signatures. 11 A patent application for the DSS software vendors were reportedly hoping for a
technique was filed in July 1991; patent number federal public-key and signature standard based
5,231,668 was awarded to David Kravitz in July on the RSA technique because it was already in-
eluded in their products, and they hoped they technical inputs from others as well, but [NIST]
would not have to support both a federal standard made the final choice.19
and a de facto industry standard (RSA).15 NIST’s McNulty also pointed to the fact that NSA had ap-
announcement that it would instead propose a dif- proved the DSS for use with some classified data
ferent technology as the standard was greeted with as proof of its soundness.
severe industry criticisms and industry announce- In early 1992, the Computer System Security
ments of plans to jointly affirm RSA as the de fac- and Privacy Advisory Board (CSSPAB) advised
to industry signature standard. 16 NIST to delay a decision on adopting a signature
NIST proposed the original version of the DSS standard pending a broad20
national review on the
(with the NSA algorithm anda512-bit modulus) uses of cryptography. Noting the significant
in the Federal Register in August 1991.17 NIST’s public policy issues raised during review of the
August 1991 request for comments generated a proposed signature standard, the CSSPAB unani-
number of severe criticisms during the initial mously approved a resolution to the effect that: “a
comment period and afterward. Criticisms fo- national level public review of the positive and
cused on both the choice of signature method18 it- negative implications of the widespread use of
self and the process by which it was selected, public and secret key cryptography is required” in
especially NSA’s role. Countering allegations that order to produce a “national policy concerning the
NSA had dictated the choice of standard, F. Lynn use of cryptography in unclassified/sensitive gov-
McNulty (Associate Director for Computer Secu- ernment [sic] and the private sector” by June
rity, NIST) stated that: 1993. 21 The CSSPAB also approved (but not
NIST made the final choice. We obtained unanimously) a resolution that the Secretary of
technical assistance from NSA, and we received
Is Indu~tV ~upP)ners ~)fa federa] signature standard based on RSA included Digital Equipment CW-P., ~tus Development COW.> Motoro-
la, Inc., N(well, Inc., and, of course, RSA Data Security, Inc. Ellen Messmer. “NIST To Announce Public Key Encryption Standard,” Network
World, July 23, 1990, p. 7; and G. Pascal Zachary, “U.S. Agency Stands in Way of Computer-Security Tool,” The Wall Street Journul, July 9,
I b c~tlcs c]alnled the technique Wm t (M) SIOW for commercial use and did not offer adequate protection. At least six major computer vendors
(Novell, Inc., Lotus Development Cm-p., Digital Equipment Corp., Sun Microsystems, Inc., Apple Computer, Inc., and Microsoft Corp.) had
endt~rsed or were expected to endorse RSA’S signature system. Michael Alexander, “Encryption Pact in Works,” Computerwor/d, Apr. 15,
1991; and Michael Alexander, ‘“Data Security Plan Bashed,” Computeru’orld, July 1, 1991, p. 1. (Note: The original technique was refined to
offer more security by increasing the maximum size of the modulus.)
17 Federa/Regisfer, Aug. 30, 1991, pp. 42980-82, NIST’S announcement of the proposed standard stated the intention Of making he DSS
technique available worldwide on a royalty-free basis in the public interest. N] ST stated the opinion that no other patents would apply to the DSS
I g The final DSS technique specified in the standard is stronger than the one originally proposed; in response to public comment, the maXi-
Commerce should only consider approval of the dentiality, CPSR questioned the extent to which
proposed DSS upon conclusion of the national NSA’s interest in signals intelligence dictated the
review,22 and unanimously approved another res- choice of technology.24
olution that the board defer making a recommen- During this period, NIST continued to work on
dation on approval of the proposed DSS pending a revised version of the DSS, strengthening it by
progress on the national review.23 increasing the maximum size of the modulus (up
Criticism of the 1991 version of the proposed to 1,024 bits). Ways were found
to implement the
DSS—targeted at technology and process-con- algorithm more efficiently. A companion hash-
tinued to mount. At hearings held by the House ing (i.e., condensing) standard was issued; hash-
Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial ing is used to create the condensed message digest
Law in May 1992, GAO testified that the DSS (at that is signed.26 NIST also formed an interagency
that time, with a 512-bit modulus) offered such group to study how to implement DSS, and con-
weak protection that it raised questions as to tracted with MITRE27 to study alternatives for au-
whether “any practical purpose would be served” tomated management of public keys used for
by requiring federal agencies to use it, especially signatures. 28 The revised draft DSS was issued in
since the private sector would continue to use the February 1993 as FIPS Publication XX.
more effective commercial products on the mar- While NIST pursued the Digital Signature
ket. Other questions and concerns were targeted Standard, Computer Professionals for Social Re-
more generally at U.S. cryptography policies and sponsibility sought to obtain NIST memoranda
the extent to which NIST “had the clout” to resist documenting the NIST/NSA Technical Working
pressure from NSA and the Federal Bureau of Group discussions related to the DSS and the
Investigation, or “had the upper hand” in negoti- aborted federal public-key standard. CPSR
ations and standards-setting procedures. The charged that the DSS was purposely designed to
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility minimize privacy protection (i.e., encryption ca-
(CPSR) noted that NIST was required by the pabilities) and that the actions of NIST and NSA’s
Computer Security Act to develop “cost-effec- had contravened the Computer Security Act of
tive” methods to safeguard information. Because 1987. CPSR based these charges on documents re-
the chosen DSS technique did not provide confi-
were held on Mzy 8, 1992. (Note: Discussion of strength and eftlciency is in the context of the original ( 1991 ) proposal, witha512-bit modulus.)
25 See E.F. Brickell et al., “Fast Exponentiation with Precomputation” Adt’ances in Crypto/og@urocrypf ’92, R.A. Rueppel (cd.) (New
York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992), pp. 200-207.
26 NIST, *’Secure Hash Standard,” FIPS PUB 180, (Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, May 11, 1993). The Secure Hash
Alg(withm specified in the hash standard may tx implemented in hardware, software, andlor firmware. It is subject to Department of Commerce
export controls. (See also Ellen Messmer, “NIST Stumbles on Proposal for Public-Key Encryption,” Nemtwk Wor/d, July 27, 1992, pp.
1,42 -43.)
In April 1994, NIST announced a technical correction to the Secure Hash Standard. NSA had developed the mathematical formula (hat
underlies the hash standard; NSA researchers subsequent y discovered a “minor flaw” during their continuing evaluati(m process. (NIST media
advisory, Apr. 22, 1994. ) According to NIST, the hash standard, “while still very strong, was not as robust as we had originally intended” and
was king corrected. Raymond Kammer, Deputy Director, NIST, Testimony Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, May 3, 1994, p. 1 I.
27 MITRE Corp., “public Key Infrastructure Study (Final Repro),” April 1994. (Available from NIST.)
28 me final DSS notes hat: **A means of ass(wiating public and private key pairs to the corresponding users is re@red...[Al CeflifYing
authority could sign credentials containing a user’s public key and identity to form a certificate. Systems for certifying credentials and distribut-
ing certificates are beyond the scope of this standard. NIST intends to publish separate document(s) on certifying credentials and distributing
certificates.”’ NIST, FIPS PUB 186, op. cit., footnote 1, p. 6.
220 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
ceived from NIST after litigation under the Free- neer patents in public-key cryptography had been
dom of Information Act,29 and asked the House issued to Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, Ste-
Judiciary Committee to investigate.30 phen Pohlig, and Ralph Merkle, all then at Stan-
As part of the Defense Authorization Bill for ford University. Although the government has
FY 1994, the Committees on Armed Services, In- rights in these inventions and in RSA, because
telligence, Commerce, and the Judiciary have they had been developed with federal funding,
asked the National Research Council to undertake royalties for commercial users would have to be
a classified, two-year study of national policy negotiated if a federal standard infringed these
with respect to the use and regulation of cryptog- patents. 34 Another patent that was claimed by the
raphy. 31 The study is expected to be completed in grantee to apply to the DSS technique had been is-
summer 1996 and has been endorsed by the sued to Claus Schnorr in 1991, and the govern-
CSSPAB as best accomplishing its repeated calls ment did not have rights in this invention .35
for a broad national review of cryptography.32 Stanford and MIT granted Public Key Partners
(PKP) exclusive sublicensing rights to the four
PATENT PROBLEMS FOR THE DSS Stanford patents and the RSA patent. PKP also
Patents had always been a concern in developing holds exclusive sublicensing rights to the Schnorr
any federal public-key or signature standard. One patent. 36 It is a private partnership of organiza-
reason NIST gave for not selecting the RSA sys- tions (including RSA Data Security, Inc.) that de-
tem as a standard was the desire to issue a royalty- velops and markets public-key technology, In an
free FIPS. A royalty-free standard would also be attempt to minimize certain royalties from use of
attractive to commercial users and the internation- the DSS, NIST proposed to grant PKP an exclu-
al business community. An approach using RSA sive license to the government’s patent on the
technology would have required patent licenses. technique used in the DSS. What was proposed
When the inventors of the RSA, Ronald Rivest, was a cross-license that would resolve patent dis-
Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, formed RSA putes with PKP, without lengthy and costly litiga-
Data Security, Inc. in 1982, they obtained an ex- tion to determine which patents (if any) were
clusive license for their invention from the Mas- infringed by DSS. PKP would make practice of
sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which the DSS technique royalty-free for personal, non-
had been assigned rights to the invention. commercial, and U.S. federal, state, and local
Other patents potentially applied to signature government uses. Only parties that enjoyed com-
systems in general. In the early 1980s, several pio- mercial benefit from making or selling products
29 NIST mem(~r~da published as. “Selected NIST/NSA Documents,” op. cit., footnote 1 I. (See Note in footnote 14 above.)
10 Richard A. Danca, “CPSR ch~ges N] ST, NSA with Violating Security Act,” Federal Computer Week, Aug. 24, 1992, pp. 20, 34.
1 I Ann(~uncenlen[ fronl (he Compu[er science and Telecommunication Board, National Research Council, Dec. 7, 1993.
32 CSSpAB Rest~lu[ion 93-7, Dec. 8-9, 1993.
33 u,s. patent 4,45,829 (Cvp{ographlc Conlnlunlcatl{)n system and Method; Ronald Rlves[, Adl Shamir, and Lenard Adleman, 1983 ).
34 U.S. patents 4,2~,770 (Cgptoflaphic Appara~s ~d Me~(~; Mafi]n He]]man, W%l[fie]d Diffie, and Ralph Merkle, 1980); 4,218,582
(Public Key Cryptographic Apparatus and Melhod; Martin Hellman and Ralph Merkle, 1980); 4,424,414 (Exp(mcntiati(m Cryptographic Ap-
paratus and Method; Helhnan and Pohlig, 1984); and 4,309,569 (Method of Providing Digital Signatures; Merkle, 1982) are all assigned to
Stanford University.
Stanford considers that the -582 patent covers any public key system in any implementation (including RSA); variations of the -582 patent
have been issued in I I other countries. Robert B. Fougner, Direct(w of Licensing, Public Key Partners, letter to OTA, Nov. 4, 1993.
35 patent 4995,082 (C]aus p. schn~~~; Me~{~ ft)r Identifying Subscribers iind for Generating and Verlfylng Electronic signatures in a Data
Exchange System, 1991 ). The patent was applied for in February 1990.
36 Fougner, op, cit., foomo[e 34.
Appendix C Evolution of the Digital Signature Standard 1221
incorporating the DSS technique, or from provid- Ultimately, patent discussions had to be re-
ing certification services, would be required to opened, after a majority of potential users ob-
pay royalties according to a set schedule of fees.37 jected to the original terms and the Clinton
The government announced that it had waived Administration concluded that a royalty-free digi-
notice of availability of the DSS invention for li- tal signature technique was necessary to promote
censing because expeditious granting of the li- its widespread use. NIST resumed discussions in
cense to PKP would “best serve the interest of the early 1994, with the goal of issuing a federal sig-
federal government and the public.”38 The ar- nature standard "that is free of patent impediments
rangement would allow PKP to collect royalties and provides for an interoperability and a uniform
on the DSS for the remainder of the government level of security.”43
17-year patent term (i.e., until 2010); most of the
patents administered by PKP would expire long
before that. However, the Schnorr patent had an
almost equivalent term remaining (until 2008); so SIGNATURE STANDARD
the arrangement was seen as an equitable tradeoff In May 1994, the Secretary of Commerce ap-
that would avoid Litigation. 39 proved the DSS as FIPS 186, effective December
Some saw the PKP licensing arrangement as 1, 1994. It will be reviewed every five years in or-
lowering the final barrier to adoption of DSS. 40 der to assess its adequacy. According to FIPS Pub-
However, others-including the CSSPAB— lication 186, the DSS technique is intended for use
questioned the true cost of the DSS to private- in electronic mail, electronic funds transfer, elec-
sector users under this arrangement: tronic data interchange, software distribution,
The board is concerned that: data storage, and other applications that require
data integrity assurance and origin authentication.
1. the original goal that the Digital Signature
The DSS can be implemented in hardware, soft-
Standard would be available to the public on
a royalty-free basis has been lost; and ware, and/or firmware and is to be subject to Com-
2. the economic consequences for the country merce Department export controls. NIST is
have not been addressed in arriving at the developing a validation program to test imple-
Digital Signature Algorithm exclusive li- mentations of DSS for conformance to the stand-
censing arrangement with Public Key Part- ard. The DSS technique is available for voluntary
ners, Inc.42 private or commercial use. 44
,(er June II 1993, pp. 32105-06, “NtJticc of Prospective Grant of Excluslve F%mmt Licm=.
37 ~-r~era/RegJ ., This” includes an appendix fr(~nl
R(k-t F(mgner stating PKP’s Intentl(ms m Ilccnslng the DSS technt~l{~gy. The PKP licenses w(mld Include key management for the EES at m)
addl[l(mal ftx. Als{), PKP w(mld all(m a three-year rm)ratonurn (m collecting fees fr(ml c(mmwrcial signature certiflcatlfm services. Thereafter,
all c(mmwrclal sem ices that “ccmfy a signatures authenticity for a fee” would pay a royalty to PKP (ibd., p. 32106).
‘x Ibid.
39 OTA staff Intcnlew with Michael Rubin, Deputy Chief C(wnscl, NIST, Jan. I ~. 1994.
w Sce Kevin Power, “With Patent Dispu[e Finally over, Feds Can Use Digital Signatures,” Go\crnn~cnt Comput~rNc\~.~, June 21, 1993, pp.
‘1 SW Kevin Power, ‘“Board Questj(mi True Cost of DSS Standard,” Goternmcn/ ~-omplfter ,Vtw.r, Aug. 16, 1993, pp. 1, 107. Digital signa-
tures (hence, the DSS) WII1 be wdely used in health care, electrcmic c(~mmerce, and t)ther applicati(ms (see chapter 3).
42 CSSpAB Res(llutl(]n N(), 93.4, .luly 30, 199.3. This was not unanirmmsly adopted.
J3 ~“c(/cra/ Rexl ~fer, Ma} 19, 1994, (~p. cit., footnote 1, p. 2~~09.
# N[ST FIpS puB 1 ~c, ~)p Clt, f(x)[note 1, pp. 2.3, The D.SS app]les to all federal departments and agencies for use in prf~tecting uncl~si-
fied Inf{)mlati(m that IS m)t subject to the Warner Amendment (i.e., 10 USC sec.2315 and 44 USC sec. 3502(2)). It “shall he used in designing or
Inlplernentlng public-key based signature systems which federal departments and agencies t)pcrate or which are (~perated for them under con-
tract.” (I bid., p. 2).
222 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
The Federal Register announcement stated that tures. A private key is used to generate a digital
NIST had “considered all the issues raised in the signature. A hash function (see FIPS Publication
public comments and believes that it has ad- 180) is used in the signature generation process to
dressed them.”45 Among the criticisms and NIST obtain a condensed version, called a message di-
responses noted were: gest, of the data that are to be signed. The message
● criticisms that the Digital Signature Algorithm digest is input to the DSA to generate the digital
specified in the DSS does not provide for secret signature. Signature verification makes use of the
key distributions. NIST’s response is that the same hash function and a public key that corre-
DSA is not intended for that purpose. sponds to, but is different than, the private key
● criticisms that the DSA is incomplete because used to generate the signature. Similar procedures
no hash algorithm is specified. NIST’s re- may be used to generate and verify signatures for
sponse is that, since the proposed DSS was an- stored as well as transmitted data. The security of
nounced, a Secure Hash Standard has been the DSS system depends on maintaining the secre-
approved as FIPS 180. cy of users’ private keys.47
● criticisms that the DSA is not compatible with In practice, a digital signature system requires
international standards. NIST’s response is that a means for associating pairs of public and private
is has proposed that the DSA be an alternative keys with the corresponding users. There must
signature standard within the appropriate in- also be a way to bind a user’s identity and his or
ternational standard (IS 9796). her public key. This binding could be done by a
● criticisms that DSA is not secure. NIST’s re- mutually trusted third party, such as a certifying
sponse is that no cryptographic shortcuts have authority. The certifying authority could form a
been discovered, and that the proposed stan- “certificate” by signing credentials containing a
dard has been revised to provide a larger modu- user’s identity and public key. According to FIPS
lus size. Publication 186, systems for certifying creden-
~ criticisms that DSA is not efficient. NIST’s re- tials and distributing certificates are beyond the
sponse is that it believes the efficiency of the scope of the DSS, but NIST intends to publish
DSA is adequate for most applications. separate documents on certifying credentials and
● criticisms that the DSA may infringe on other distributing certificates.48
patents. NIST’s response is that it has ad- Although the DSS has been approved as a Fed-
dressed the possible patent infringement claims eral Information Processing Standard, issues con-
and has concluded that there are no valid cerning the DSS have not all been resolved,
claims. 46 particularly with respect to patent-infringement
claims (see above) and the possibility of litiga-
According to FIPS Publication 186, the Digital tion.49 As this report was completed, whether or
Signature Algorithm specified in the standard pro- not Public Key Partners would file suit was “still a
vides the capability to generate and verify signa- pending question.” 50
NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the workshop participants. The w ork-
shop participants do not. however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and
the accuracy of its c(mtents.
224 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
226 I
Appendix E Reviewers and Other Contributors 1227
Alan Buzacott
Telecommunication and David Jensen Kevin O’Connor
Energy, Transportation and Education and Human Resources
Computing Technologies Program
Infrastructure Program Program
Michael Callaham
International Security and Space Tom Karas Jean Smith
Program International Security and Space Telecommunication and
Program Computing Technologies Program
Martha Dexter
Information Bill Keller Fred Wood
Management/Building Services Industry, Technology and Telecommunication and
Employment Program Computing Technologies Program
Gerald Epstein
International Security and Space
I ndex
A Austria
ABA. See American Bankers Association data protection board, 22,95
Access control Authentication, 20. See also Nonrepudiation
confidentiality and, 28 authenticator, 32
copyrighted or proprietary information, 28 in banking, 121
definition, 28 certificates, 77-78
Orange Book and, 48 cryptographic keys for, 53
subscription services and, 28 cryptography and, 5-6, 35-37, 39, 53, 113, 124
Accessibility and Integrity of Networked Information need for in electronic commerce, 20, 69, 76
Collections, 6 NIST activities relating to, 162
Accreditation of systems, 50-51 product evaluations by Treasury Department, 48
Adleman, Leonard, 220 trusted entity role, 77-78
Administrative Procedures Act, 182 U.C.C. requirements, 72-74
Advanced Research Projects Agency, 57,62,63 using the DEA, 121
Advisory Council on the National Information Authenticator, 32
Infrastructure Authorship and copyright, 104
input on national encryption policy, 172 Availability of services
b’Mega-Project” on privacy, security, and emphasis on by network providers, 28
intellectual property, 172-173 formal security models and, 31,32
Allen, Anita, 82,83
American Bankers Association, 47 B
American National Standards Institute, 47, 131, 136 Banking industry
American Society of Composers, Authors and authentication using DEA, 121
Publishers, 108-109 banks as certification authorities, 54-55,78
Annual Authorization Service, 109 emphasis on integrity and nonrepudiation, 28
ANSI. See American National Standards Institute trusted third-party functions, 54-55,78
Appendix 111 to OMB Circular A-130. See OMB U.C.C. and electronic funds transfers, 73
Circular A-130 use of DES-based encryption technology, 121,
Arms Export Control Act, 151 131
ARPA. See Advanced Research Projects Agency Bell-LaPadula security model, 31
ASCAP. See American Society of Composers, Berman, Jerg, 175-176, 180-181
Authors and Publishers Biham, Eli, 123
Association for Computing Machinery, 182 Biometric devices, 37
Asymmetric cryptosystems. See Public-key BMI. See Broadcast Music Inc.
cryptography Bok, Sissela, 83
AT&T Surity Telephone Device 3600,64-65 Brandeis, Louis, 79,82
Auditing Brennan, William, 79
to prevent key misuse, 173 Brickell, Ernest, 118
of safeguard violations, 35 Broadcast Music Inc., 108, 109
Australia Brooks, Clinton, 14-15, 159, 169
data protection board, 22,95 Brooks, Rep, Jack, 122
not included in work toward international product Brooks Act of 1965, 121, 132, 133, 134-136
evaluation standard, 49 BSA. See Business Software Alliance
I 229
230 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Computer Incident Advisory Capability, 57 Convention of the Council of Europe for the
Computer Matching Act, 84 Protection of Individuals with Regard to
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Automatic Processing of Personal Data, 88
219-220 Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export
Computer programs copyright, 100 Controls, 154, 155
Computer records admissibility, 74-76 Copyright. See aiso Royalties
Computer Security Act of 1987 authorship and compilations, 104
background, 139-145 computer programs, 100
cost-effectiveness requirement, 219 copyright collectives, 108-110
federal agency responsibilities under, 145-150 cryptography and access controls for protection,
implementation of, 8, 13-16, 20, 114, 132, 28
133-134, 149-150, 164-171 defining a work, 98
legislative history, 140-142 digital libraries and, 22-23,98-104, 105
purpose, 8, 138-139 electronic information, 4, 6, 23
significance of, 8, 133, 138-139 fair use, 102-103, 105-106
text of, 190-196 first-sale doctrine, 104, 105, 107
Computer Security Division. See also National history of U.S. copyright law, 99-100
Institute of Standards and Technology multimedia works, 23, 97, 106-108
activities related to computer and information OTA’s 1992 study of software and intellectual
security, 162-163 property, 97-106
authentication-related activities, 162 policy options, 23,97, 105-106, 108, 110
Computer Security Institute purpose of, 99
role in developing information security rights under U.S. law, 99-101
certification, 52 unauthorized copying, 105
Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Copyright Act, 106
Board Copyright Act of 1976, 100-101, 102, 103, 104, 109
call for a broad review of cryptography policy, Copyright Clearance Center, 109, 110
176-177,218-219 Copyright collectives
endorses NRC study of national cryptography legal issues, 108-110
policy, 177,218,220 Cornell University, 96-97
establishment of, 13, 139, 148 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
purpose of, 148 proposed electronic copyright management
questions cost of DSS under PKP licensing system, 110
arrangement, 221 Corporations
role in encryption policy review, 172 cryptography and access controls, 28
Computer Systems Laboratory, 136, 161, 164 Cost-justifying safeguards, 30-31,52, 134
Computers, Health Records and Citizens Rights, 83 costs
Computers and the Rights of Citizens, 80-81 effects of lower costs on computing, 4
Confidentiality Council Directive on the Protection of Individuals
cryptography and, 5-6, 35-37, 39, 113 with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data
definition, 28,82-83 and on the Free Movement of Such Data, 90-95
distinguished from privacy, 28,82-83 CPSR. See Computer Professionals for Social
Orange Book and, 48 Responsibility
Congress “Crackers,” See aho Hackers
policy issues and options, 18-23,85,95, 105-106, exaggeration of threats from, 42, 60
108, 110; 174-183 threats to networked information, 26
response to escrowed-encryption initiatives, Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System, 84,
17-18, 179-182 85
review of cryptography policy, 16-17, 177-179 Criminal and civil penalties, 8, 18,60-61, 180-181
role in defining objectives and organizational CRS. See Congressional Research Service
security policy, 27 Cryptanalysts
strategic and tactical roles, 174-183 definition, 112
Congressional Budget Office, 179 differential cryptanalysts, 123
Congressional Research Service, 180 Cryptographic algorithms. See afso specific
Contracts, 71-74. See afso Electronic commerce algorithms
232 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
providers’ emphasis on availability of services, size and encryption scheme strength, 113,
28 122-123
security problems, 2 Key-escrow agents
Transmission Control Protocol/lntemet Protocol, policy options, 17, 18, 173
46, 131 Key-escrow encryption. See also
viruses, 2 Escrowed-Encryption Standard; Public-key
worm, 149 cryptography
1ntemet Architecture Board, 47 Clinton Administration will ingness to explore
1ntemet Engineering Task Force, 47 industry alternatives for key-escrow encryption,
1ntemet Society, 1,41 11, 131, 172
1nteroperability congressional policy review, 16-17
open systems and, 4 for the EES, 173-174
standards development, 165, 181 escrowed-encryption initiative, 5, 17, 39, 67,
1ran 161-163, 173-174, 176-177, 179-182
export controls, 154 export controls, 159
Iraq law enforcement and, 9, 10,65, 117-118
export controls, 154 policy options, 16, 178
Ireland separation of powers and, 18, 180
data protection board, 22,95 Key Escrow Encryption Working Group, 163
IRS. See 1ntemal Revenue Service Key Escrow Encryption Workshop, 15-16, 172
1SC2. See International Infom~ation Systems Key exchange
Security Certification Consortium Diffie-Hellman technique, 126
1S0. See 1ntcmational Organization for public-key, 10, 11,39,53,54, 125-126, 127
Standard ization RSA techniques, 125-126
1sracl Key Exchange Algorithm, 65, 127,216
data protection board, 22,95 Key management
ISSA. See information Systems Security auditing and accountability controls, 173
Assoc iat ion deposit with trusted entity, 17, 171
ITAR. See 1ntemational Traffic in Arms Regulations exchanging keys, 10, 11, 38, 53, 54, 125-126,
ITSEC. See 1nfom~ation Technology Security 127,216
Evaluation Criteria functions, 113
Green Book proposals, 92
key-escrow agents, 17, 18, 173
MITRE study on, 219
cryptography export controls, 155 public-key infrastructure, 53-56
not included in work toward international product Kravitz, David, 217
evaluation standard, 49
role in development of Generally Accepted
System Security Principles, 51
Laptop computers, 157, 158
Joint R&D Technology Exchange Program, 165
Law enforcement. See also Electronic surveillance
cryptography and, 8-9, 17, 111, 116-120, 126,
K 128, 129
Kallstrom, James, 116, 119 monitoring financial transactions, 68
Kammer, Raymond G. safeguarding networked infom~ation, 60
comments on cryptographic standards, 120, 126 Law Enforcement Access Field, 65, 117, 118, 173
letter of clarification of NIST/NSA memorandum Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 57
of understanding, 201-209 LEAF. See Law Enforcement Access Field
NIST/NSA memorandum of understanding, Leahy, Sen. Patrick, 141
197.200 “Least privilege” principle, 37
Katz v. United States, 79 Legal issues
KEA. See Key Exchange Algorithm digital libraries, 22-23,70,96-110
Kent, Stephen, 1 I 8 electronic commerce, 20-21, 69, 70-78
Key legal sanctions, 8, 18,60-61, 180-181
definition, 39, 113 privacy protection, 21-22,70,78-95
238 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
Trusted Technology Assessment Program, 48-49, working toward international product evaluation
50 standard, 49
National Manager for Telecommunications and National Security Council, 15,61, 118, 119, 166,
Automated Information Systems Security, 143, 145 170, 171
National Performance Review, 51,62,63 National Security Decision Directive 145, 141,
National Policy on Telecommunications and 143-145
Automated Information Systems Security National Security Directive 42, 137-138
(NSDD-145), 141, 143-145 National Security Telecommunications Advisory
National Research Council Committee, 172
comments on system certification, 50-51,62 National Security Telecommunications Advisory
report on computer security, 63-65 Council, 61
report on information networking and the National Security Telecommunications and
National Information Infrastructure program, 63 Infomlation Systems Security Committee, 145
study of IRS implementation of TSM initiative, National Telecommunications and Infomlation
86 Administration, 139-142
study of national cryptography policy, 16, 17, National Telccomrnunications and Infomlation
177, 178,220 Systems Security Committee, 143
suggests areas for research, 62 National Telecommunications and Inf~)rntation
suggests establishment of generally accepted Systems Security Policy Dirccti\’c No. 2, 140,
principles, 51 144-145
National Science Foundation, 58,62,63 Natural disasters and environmental damage
National security. See also National Security threats to networked infom}ation, 26
Agency; Signals intelligence NCS. See National Communications System
cryptography control and, 115-116, 126, 127, NCSC. See National Computer Security Center
128, 137, 166-167, 170, 176, 177, 183 Netherlands
export controls and, 12, 45, 115 data protection board, 22,95
federal agencies and, 111-114 lnfomlation Technology Security Evaluation
terrorism, 9, 116, 118 Criteria, 49
National Security Agency Network
development of SKIPJACK, 117 definition, 27
education on ethical computer use, 59 Network Reliability Council, 61
emergency response, 57 Networked infomlation. See also Infomm(ion
expanded responsibilities under NSDD- 145, government’s role, 63-68
143-145 institutions that facilitate safeguards for, 40-63
export controls, 45, 154, 155-156, 157 organizational objectives and security policy, 7
joint NIST/NSA activities, 164 policy issues and options, 8-23
letter of clarification of NIST/NSA memorandum safeguards for, 6-8, 26-40
of understanding, 210-214 system certification and accreditation, 50-51
NIST/NSA memorandum of understanding, threats to networked infomlation, 25-26
13-14,20, 148, 164-171, 183, 197-200,201-209 trends affecting information security, 3-5
overview of joint NIST/NSA activities, 165 NH Security Issues Forum, 173
policy option, 16, 178 N] ST. See National Institute of Standards and
product evaluation, 48, 121 Technology
proposed “Federal Criteria” for product Nonrcpudiation
evaluation, 49 definition, 28
research and development, 62 emphasis on by value-added services, 28
role in computer security, 140 encryption and, 35-37
role in developing infomlation safeguards, Green Book proposals, 91
160-174 need for, 69, 76
role in developing infomlation security services, 20-21, 76
certification, 52 North Korea
role in developing standards, 121, 122, 123, 132, export controls, 154
139, 141, 145, 146, 147-148, 148, 160-174, Norway
216-217 data protection board, 22,95
SKIPJACK, 64 NRC. See National Research Council
240 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
NSA. See National Security Agency Encryption with Integrated Cryptographic Key
NSDD- 145. See National Security Decision Escrowing Techniques,” 161-163
Directive 145 Orange Book, 48
NSFNET, 62 Organization for Economic Cooperation and
NSTAC. See National Security Telecommunications Development
Advisory Council Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy
NSTISSC. See National Security and Transborder Flows of Personal Data, 88-90
Telecommunications and Information Systems information-security guidelines, 51
Security Committee personal data controls, 21
NTIA. See National Telecommunications and Organizational security policy
Information Administration cost-justifying safeguards, 30-31
NTISSC. See National Telecommunications and developing, 29-30
Information Systems Security Committee formal models, 31-32
organizational objectives and, 27-28
0S1. See Open Systems Interconnection
o OSTP. See Office of Science and Technology Policy
Ownership of electronic information, 4,6
differing objectives in large networks, 41
federal agencies, 27, 135
organizational objectives and information P
safeguards, 7, 27-28, 32 Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 133, 137-138
OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation Parent, W. A., 83
and Development Passwords
Office of Export Licensing, 153 challenge-response systems, 32
Office of Management and Budget guidance for users, 33
responsibility for computer security policy, 43, sniffer network monitoring incidents, 3, 149
39, 142, 143, 146, 161, 182 weak vs. strong, 33
responsibility for information resource weaknesses of, 32, 33
management, 18, 133, 150 Patent issues, 127, 128, 167, 168,217,220-221
role in defining objectives and organizational Paul v. Davis, 80
security policy, 7, 27 PC:MCIA cards, 34,65, 129
role in emergency response, 57 PEM. See Privacy-Enhanced Mail
Office of Science and Technology Policy, 119, 171 Penalties, 8, 18,60-61, 180-181
Office of Technology and Policy Analysis, 153 Personal data
Office of Technology Assessment access to, 21, 81, 85, 93, 130, 135
letters of request, 185-188 amendment right under Council Directive, 93
scope and background of OTA report, 5-6 amendment right under OMB Circular A-130,
OMB. See Office of Management and Budget 138
OMB Bulletin 90-08, 138 amendment right under Privacy Act, 81
OMB Circular A-71, 143 collection of, 138
OMB Circular A-123, 137 European Community protection of, 21,22,
OMB Circular A-130, 18-19, 133, 137-138, 87-88,90-95
143-144, 150, 182-183 policy options, 21-22,85,95, 182-183
OMB Transmittal Memorandum No. 1, 143 Privacy Act rights, 80-87
Omnibus Export Administration Act, 12, 160 privacy issues, 21-22,85,87, 135
Online Computer Library Center, 96-97 protection of, 20-21,70,87, 138
Online publishers Plaintext
cryptography and access controls, 28 definition, 113
Open systems, 4,5 Pohlig, Stephen, 220
Open Systems Interconnection protocols, 46, 131 Poindexter, John, 144
Open Systems Security Policy issues and options, 8-23,85,95, 105-106,
NIST activities relating to, 163 108, 110, 174-183
“Opportunity to Join a Cooperative Research and President
Development Consortium to Develop Software role in standards appeal-mechanism, 166, 168
Index 1241
u w
U.C.C. See Uniform Commercial Code Walker, Stephen, 132, 157-158
Unauthorized copying, 105 Warren, Earl, 79
Unauthorized use, 58-60 Warren, Samuel, 79,82
Uniform Commercial Code Westin, Alan, 82-83
electronic funds transfers security procedures, White Book, 49
72-73 Williams & Wilkins Co. v. United States, 103
proposed legislative modifications, 74 Wireless networks
Statue of Frauds, 71-74 emphasis on availability of services, 28
United Kingdom information infrastructures, 41
availability of DES-based products, 158 Wiretapping. See Electronic surveillance
Code of Practice for Information Security Working Group on Encryption and
Management, 51 Telecommunications, 171-172
244 I Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments
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