W2 Export
W2 Export
W2 Export
f Employee's address and zip code f Employee's address and zip code
7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 Advance EIC payment 7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 Advance EIC payment
10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans 12a Code See inst. for box 12 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans 12a Code See inst. for box 12
0.00 E 210.00 0.00 E 210.00
13 Statutory employee 14 Other 12b Code 13 Statutory employee 14 Other 12b Code
385.02 ER 403B MATCH 385.02 ER 403B MATCH
Retirement plan 8.27 ORSTTWH 12c Code Retirement plan 8.27 ORSTTWH 12c Code
X 274.43 OSEA DUES X 274.43 OSEA DUES
Third-party sick pay 12d Code Third-party sick pay 12d Code
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 41-1628061 Dept. of the Treasury -- IRS Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 41-1628061 Dept. of the Treasury -- IRS
This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.
Copy C For EMPLOYEE'S RECORDS OMB No. Copy 2 To Be Filed With Employee's State, OMB No.
(See Notice to Employee on back of copy B.) 2018 1545-0008
City, or Local Income Tax Return 2018 1545-0008
a Employee's soc sec no 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld a Employee's soc sec no 1 Wages, tips, other comp. 2 Federal income tax withheld
15482.58 372.24 15482.58 372.24
xxx-xx-1476 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld xxx-xx-1476 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
b Employer ID number 15692.58 972.92 b Employer ID number 15692.58 972.92
5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
93-6000508 93-6000508
15692.58 227.57 15692.58 227.57
c Employer's name, address, and zip code c Employer's name, address, and zip code
f Employee's address and zip code f Employee's address and zip code
7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 Advance EIC payment 7 Social security tips 8 Allocated tips 9 Advance EIC payment
10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans 12a Code See inst. for box 12 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans 12a Code See inst. for box 12
0.00 E 210.00 0.00 E 210.00
13 Statutory employee 14 Other 12b Code 13 Statutory employee 14 Other 12b Code
385.02 ER 403B MATCH 385.02 ER 403B MATCH
Retirement plan 8.27 ORSTTWH 12c Code Retirement plan 8.27 ORSTTWH 12c Code
X 274.43 OSEA DUES X 274.43 OSEA DUES
Third-party sick pay 12d Code Third-party sick pay 12d Code
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 41-1628061 Dept. of the Treasury -- IRS Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 41-1628061 Dept. of the Treasury -- IRS
This information is being Evaluation.
furnished to the IRS. Copyright
If you are required to file a tax2002-2006 (c) Data
return, a negligence Dynamics, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
penalty/other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and you fail to report it.