The programme syllabus is established by The Faculty Board of the School of
Economics and Management 17-06-2020 and most recently amended by Vice Dean
of Education at the School of Economics and Management 15-11-2023 (U 2023/912).
The amended syllabus is valid from 15-11-2023, autumn semester 2024.
Programme description
The programme aims to train students in understanding the role of data analytics in
the digital economy in general, and in particular how organisations can utilize the
increasing availability of “big data” to their advantage by making better-informed
decisions. Students will learn programming and data management, how to use
statistical machine learning tools in order to explore and deduct patterns from data,
and how to incorporate the results obtained into strategic decision making.
Furthermore, the aim is for students to develop their communicative and collaborative
skills. In particular, students should not only be able to work the number and draw
conclusions but should also be able to clearly communicate their results to data
technicians and business managers alike. For this to be possible, students must
understand the business-economic context in which they will be working and have
the means to communicate the information contained in results derived from
advanced statistical techniques in an easy-to-understand fashion. The students must
also be aware of the relevant data legislation and ethical considerations, and why it is
important to ensure regulatory compliance when working with sensitive data.
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
The aim of the programme is achieved through a careful mix of lectures, seminars,
hands-on case assignments, computer labs and self-studies. While the bulk of the
instructors are selected expert researchers from across the departments of the School,
parts of the teaching is carried out in collaboration with partner companies and
institutions that are working with data analytics.
Career opportunities
An increasing number of companies are searching for analytically talented individuals
with statistical and programming skills that also understand the business-economic
context in which they will be working, as well as the relevant legal and ethical
boundaries of that work. Our employer partners tell us that this combination of skills
is particularly sought after and that is something many other analysts fall well short
of. The aim of the present programme is to fill this gap in the labour market.
In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, a Master of Science (60 credits) is
awarded to students who at the completion of the programme accomplish the
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
Course information
This one-year Master’s degree comprises of 60 credits. The year is divided into two 30
credits semesters.
Mandatory courses
Introduction to Programming (3.5 cr)
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
and economics.
Degree titles
Degree of Master of Science (60 credits)
Major: Data Analytics and Business Economics
Filosofie magisterexamen
Huvudområde: Dataanalys och ekonomi
Degree requirements
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
The degree requirements for a Degree of Master of Science, major in Data Analytics
and Business Economics consists of 60 credits at advanced level. The following must
be included in the degree: the courses that comprises the current programme
structure (see appendix) which includes the course DABN01 Master essay I, 15 cr.
Selection method
Selection is based on academic merits from university studies. In the assessment,
special weight will be given to grades on courses that prepare students for the
curriculum of this study programme.
Other information
Programme management
The programme director, who is appointed by the Board of LUSEM, is responsible for
the quality development and quality assurance of the programme. The Board of the
School also assigns each programme to a host department at LUSEM. The host
department is responsible for providing professional services to the students and
faculty of the programme.
Each programme also organizes a programme council, in which student
representatives and faculty representatives of the programme, together with the
programme director, coordinator and other professional services meet regularly.
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
All programmes at LUSEM are evaluated yearly and the outcome of a programme
evaluation summary is presented to the Board of the School as part of LUSEM’s
Quality Development and Assurance system.
Grading scale
At the School of Economics and Management grades are awarded in accordance with
a criterion-based grading scale A-U(F):
Academic integrity
The University views plagiarism very seriously, and will take disciplinary actions against
students for any kind of attempted malpractice in examinations and assessments. The
penalty that may be imposed for this, and other unfair practice in examinations or
assessments, includes suspension from the University.
(EAGDA) Master's Programme in Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 credits / Magisterprogram i
Data Analytics and Business Economics, 60 högskolepoäng
Programme structure for Master’s Programme in Data Analytics and
Business Economics
The School’s programme portfolio is continuously developed and sometimes changes to courses may
occur after you have accepted your study seat. These changes are usually a result of student feedback,
or research development. Changes can take the form of altered course content, teaching formats or
assessment styles. Any such changes are intended to enhance the student learning experience. If the
programme includes elective courses, students will in most cases be placed in the elective(s) of their
choice, but there are no guaranteed places.