Irjet V10i214
Irjet V10i214
Irjet V10i214
In India, for economic development, agriculture is a valuable A previous study by Aditi Singh, Harjeet Kaur [1] has used
source. To increase the production of food, the agriculture Device is used as input and segmentation on a single plant
industries keep on searching for efficient methods to protect leaf after context removal is carried out. The image
crops from damages. This makes researchers search for new segmentation of the diseased component is then analyzed
efficient, and precise technologies for high productivity. The using a high-pass for the leaf. And outcomes was Keeping
diseases on crops give low production and economic losses this intention as the motivation for the proposed model to
to farmers and agricultural industries. For a successful detect and classify the affected and unaffected leaves of
farming system, one of the essential things is disease potato. The proposed framework able to achieve an accuracy
identification. Ingeneral, by using eye observations, a farmer of 95.99%.
observes symptoms of disease in plants that need continuous
monitoring. Different types of disease kill leaves in a plant. Another study by Tan Soo Xian , Ruzelita Ngadiran [2] uses
For identifying these diseases, farmers get more algorithm Plant Diseases Classification using Machine
difficulties. For disease detection, the image processing Learning. The performance based on the accuracy rate of
methods are suitable and efficient with the help of plantleaf ELM classifier is expected to be on par to the with other
images. Though continuously monitoring of health and classification models such as Decision Tree (DT) and Support
disease detection of plant increase the quality and Vector Machine (SVM). The complexity will be as well
quantity of the yield, it is costly. Machine learning algorithms reduced. Overall, the result shows that ELM has a good result
are experimented due to their compared with decision tree classifier using proposed image
features.In[3] Plant diseases and pests detection based
better accuracy. However, selection of classification on deep learning. Analyses the three kinds of plant diseases
algorithms appears tobe a difficult task as the accuracy varies and pests detection methods based on deep learning
for different input data. The objectives are to detect leaf according to network structure, including classification,
disease portion from the image, extract features of an detection and segmentation. Another paper[4] The
exposedpart of the leaf, and recognize diseased leaf through objectives are to detect leaf disease portion from the image,
SVM. Further, Convolutional Neural Network (Alex net) is extract features of an exposed part of the leaf, and recognize
evaluated and compared for accuracy. The paper is arranged diseased leaf through SVM. Further, Convolutional Neural
into five sections: the first section gives the introduction, the Network (Alexnet). The transfer learning and other CNN
second section presents the literature survey, the third models can be evaluated to improve accuracy of detection of
section discusses methodologies like feature extractions of tomato leaves disease.
images, SVM and CNN, the fourthsection shows the result of
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 87
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 02 | Feb 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Dataset collection is the act of gathering information A collection of methods known as data preparation are
containing potato leaf images. we get this dataset fromkaggle used on data to enhance its quality. These methods include
dataset. we use some data cleaning and preprocessing addressing missing values, changing the type of feature, and
process. As we are using some deep learning, we are using many more. There are two types of process.
tensor flow library accurate results. We use tf dataset which
help us to represents a sequence of elements, in which each 1.TF Datasets: A collection of ready-to-use datasets. A
element consists of one or more components. Data Tensor Flow dataset is a group of ready-to-use datasets
augmentation is used to get more data from the existing type using Tensor Flow or other Python ML frameworks such as
of data and helps us to zoom out and zoom in for it. And after Jax. All datasets are provided as tf. data. Datasets enabling
that we are using convolution neural network model for easy-to-use and influential input pipelines. Check out our
model building which extractfeatures from it and get accurate guide and list of recordings to get started. The tf dataset can create a website where we can click photos and be used to transform blurred images.
upload it.
2.Data augmentation: It is a process of artificially
increasing the amount of data by generating new data points
from existing data. We can generate new points from the
existing points and can generate new type of data from
existing helps to predict accurate data. From the
existing data and generating new type of data from it we can
get zoom in zoom out details from different angles with the
help of data.
C. Model building:
Fig 2.1 System Architecture
The react is framework is an open-source JavaScript
4. RESEARCH METHODS framework and library. With the help of it we are building an
interactive website where we can drag and drop the leave
A. Dataset: images. And with the help of your CNN model, we can predict
accurate results from its used for building interactive and
The potato leaf disease detection is utilized in the study. It web applications quickly and efficientlywith significantly less
has been downloaded online from Kaggle. The dataset code than you would with vanilla JavaScript.
contains various input features, which are broken down into
the following categories: E. Google cloud Functions :
1. Potato healthy leaf Google Cloud Functions is use for connecting and building
2. Potato early blind cloud services. It is server less execution environment. Cloud
3. Potato late blind Functions allows you to create simple, dedicated functions
that attach to events emitted by cloud infrastructure and
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 88
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 02 | Feb 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
services. The function is triggered when the observed event is [7] Monzurul Islam, Anh Dinh, Khan Wahid, “Detection
triggered. Developers can use Cloud Functions to provide and of Potato Diseases Using Image Segmentation and
update users with relevant information about their apps. For Multiclass Support Vector Machine,” CCECE, IEEE, 2019.
example, imagine an app that allows users to track each
other's activity within the app. Every time a user adds
themselves as a follower of another user, a write is made in
the real-time database. Cloud Functions is a server less
execution environment. it is used for create and connecting
cloud services. Cloud Functions allows you to create simple,
dedicated functions that attach to events emitted by cloud
infrastructure and service
Disease detection and identification is done using image
processing and machine learning algorithms. The data is
collected from his Kaggle website called potato plant Diseases
Dataset. This dataset contains different images of healthy and
unhealthy crop leaves with over 12,949 images. Leaf diseased
parts are segmented from the image and various features are
extracted using the grayscale co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).
The recognized part of the sheetis recognized by the SVM.
SVM reports 80% accuracy. To improve accuracy,
convolutional neural networks are used to identify plant
diseases. CNN reported an accuracy of 97.71% for him
against. This is better than the accuracy achieved with Hard
coding technology. This work will aid in the automatic
identification of plant leaf diseases, increasing agricultural
production through early disease detection. Transfer learning
and other CNN models can be evaluated to improve the
accuracy of potato leaf disease detection.
[1] Aditi Singh, Harjeet Kaur“Potato Plant Leaves
Disease Detection and Classification using Machine
Learning Methodologies [1]” ICCRDA 2020
[3] Jun Liu and Xuewei Wang “Plant diseases and pests
detection based on deep learning”, (ICoEngTech) 2021
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 89