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Research Project

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Allen Delgado Kevin

Avila Cebreros Bryan Axel

Espinoza Sanchez Jose Juan

Ortha Uribe Jesus Norberto

Perez Yañez Juan Pablo

Jimenez Villanueva Abraham


Tijuana Institute of Technology

Tijuana, México.

Abstract- of an IT management system tailored to the unique needs of

The design and research project for an IT management such clinics can significantly contribute to their success. This
system in a beauty and cosmetology clinic involves project aims to address this need by delving into the
identifying specific requirements, selecting and intricacies of software selection, staff training, and system
implementing tailored software, training staff, aligning the integration, ultimately paving the way for enhanced
system with current operational processes, and ensuring efficiency and improved client satisfaction.
robust data security and backup measures. Continuous
optimization is crucial, with periodic evaluations of key Through a comprehensive examination of
performance indicators to gauge effectiveness and make industry-specific requirements, coupled with the
necessary adjustments. The ultimate aim is to contribute to identification of key performance indicators, this research
the clinic's success by enhancing operational efficiency, project seeks to establish a solid foundation for the successful
customer and service management, and overall adherence to implementation of an IT management system. By aligning
industry regulations. technological solutions with the clinic's operational
workflows and ensuring data security, the project aims to
provide a roadmap for sustained growth and competitiveness
Keywords. IT Management Project, Beauty and in the beauty and cosmetology sector.
Cosmetology Clinic, Software Selection and Implementation.


Based on the search for applied research in IT service
management, the following authors contribute the following;
In an era driven by technological advancements, the Recalde Varela, Pablo Marcelo and TUTASIG JIMÉNEZ,
integration of robust IT management systems has become EDWIN FERNANDO in 2019 design and implement a
imperative for businesses seeking to thrive in competitive BILLING AND INVENTORY SYSTEM FOR BLISS
markets. This research project endeavors to explore and AESTHETICS AND BEAUTY CENTER for SMEs that
implement a tailored IT management solution for a consists of the development of a web program to achieve
distinguished beauty and cosmetology clinic, with the billing for the beauty center which consists of 2 parts: the
overarching goal of optimizing operational processes, visual part and the data storage part.
bolstering customer and service management, and ensuring
compliance with industry standards. The main objective of the research work is to determine the
influence of the application of the Information Technology
The beauty and cosmetology sector, marked by its Infrastructure Library on the management of incidents in the
dynamic nature and customer-centric focus, demands a support area of ​the IESTP Argentina, whose justification is
sophisticated approach to information management. As supported by ITIL good practices for management. of
technology continues to evolve, the strategic implementation incidents, thereby increasing the percentage of first-level
resolved incidents, the percentage of resolved incidents-SLA, ls to easily s and
and reducing the average incident resolution time. The access security
methodology uses the hypothetical deductive method, a type information practices.
of study applied with an experimental design at a .
pre-experimental level; an observation sheet was used as an
Advantage Improves Enhanced Offers Constant
instrument for each of the indicators of the present study. The operational data personalize innovation
sample used was 82 incidents. The implementation of the efficiency security d from 2022
ITIL application was proposed because it is a framework of and and experiences
good practices oriented to information technology (IT) precision in increased to clients,
procedures. accessibilit improving
services, with the purpose of homogenizing services and y for staff. retention
generating added value for users, thus allowing to improve and
the Incident response process in the institution. In conclusion, satisfaction
it is determined that the application based on ITIL positively .
influences the incident response process in the support area of
​the IESTP Argentina.
Marcelo, R. V. P. (2019). BILLING and INVENTORY
CENTER. http://repositorio.uisrael.edu.ec/handle/47000/1998 An information system (IS) is defined as the system for
collecting, storing and transmitting information. In simple
Table 1 Linguistic Values about implementing a SI on terms, it is the interaction of people and computers to process
cosmetology clinic. and interpret data.
IT is the process of creating, storing, transmitting and
Element Information Information Smart Origin/Year
perceiving information and the methods of applying these
System Technology Application processes.
Many equate the concept with computer technology because
Definition Comprehen Utilizes Advanced Internally
sive system specialized application developed
it has developed more rapidly along with it.
managing software s in 2017 Despite the fact that the concept of information technology is
cosmetolog and optimizing
considered identical to the concepts of a computer and a
y-related hardware processes,
information for such as computer network, the use of the IT concept itself cannot be
, including collecting, personalize limited to computers.
appointmen storing, and d
t processing recommend An information system in a cosmetology clinic is crucial for
scheduling, cosmetolog ation optimizing operations and enhancing the customer
digital y-related systems for experience. It facilitates customer management, appointment
health data. treatments. scheduling, inventory control, payment processing, treatment
and tracking, and regulatory compliance. Additionally, it enables
treatment data analysis for informed decision-making, implementation
tracking. of marketing strategies, and ensures the security and backup
of information. Collectively, it contributes to the growth,
Characteris Efficient Secure Integration First efficiency, and competitiveness of the business.
tic 1 manageme databases of system
nt of and technologie implemente
appointmen encryption s like d in 2019 Table 1 General Data about Service Management.
ts, digital systems to artificial
health protect intelligence
records, patient to analyze
and privacy. data and
treatment enhance
follow-ups. precision in
| Secure procedures.
systems to

Characteris User-friend Regular Enabling Upgraded

tic 2 ly interface software efficient to version
for updates to appointmen 2.0 in 2022
cosmetolog incorporate t
y the latest scheduling.
professiona technologie
Table 2 Linguistic Values about implementing a SI on medianos? 0 siendo irrelevante, 1 siendo absolutamente
cosmetology clinic. necesario.

Characteristics Information Technology 12.-¿Crees que los empleados deben recibir capacitación
System Information acerca del manejo de las redes sociales?

Security Good Excellent 13.-Dentro del ambiente laboral, ¿Existe alguna recesión
Satisfaction Regular Good
4.2- Analytical study
Speed Good Regular Figura 1.


The profile of the respondents mainly serves people in the

workplace in the software development sector, as well as
academic staff from the Tijuana Institute of Technology. It is
worth mentioning that a small sample of individuals not so
related to the field of software development was also taken
into account. software development.

4.1.- Data Collection

On this side the data obtained during the survey generated for
decision making will be presented. Figura 2.

1.-¿Has oído hablar de las tecnologías de la información?

2.-De las siguientes herramientas, cuál herramienta utilizarías

para administrar información de una empresa

3.-¿Crees que el uso de esta, podría facilitarte el manejo de


4.-¿Qué características buscarías en un administrador de


5.-¿Crees que los negocios que utilicen esto, vean reflejado en

los clientes una mejor satisfacción?
Figura 3.
6.-¿Cree que sea importante para tu negocio implementar una
base de datos?

7.-Si cree que es importante que un negocio implemente una

base de datos

8.-¿Por qué es importante para tu negocio implementar una

base de datos?

9.-De 0 a 1 ¿Cuál cree que es el nivel de familiaridad y

comodidad de los empleados que deberían de tener con las
tecnologías de inteligencia artificial utilizadas en la clínica de
cosmetología? 0 siendo nada utilizado, y 1 siendo muy
10.-De 0 a 1 ¿Cree que es necesario una capacitación para las
tecnologías que se podrían implementar en la clínica? 0
siendo nada necesario, 1 siendo absolutamente necesario

11.-Del 0 al 1 ¿Cuánto crees que las redes sociales sean una

buena TI para el manejo de emprendimientos pequeños y
Figura 4.

Figura 8.

Figura 5.

4.3- Statistical Analysis

In this section, a statistical test was conducted for the results
obtained during the survey, specifically a Z-test [30]
In this case, a non-parametric test was chosen for the
appropriate inferential analysis of data from samples [30].
This decision was made considering the sample size obtained
during the survey exercise, which resulted in the graph shown
in Figure 9, where Z=0.004047961374.

The statistic analysis is based on the next formule:

Figura 6.

Figura 7.
Figura 9. identified areas for enhancement can contribute significantly
to elevating overall service quality.

In summary, the clinic is on a solid foundation, and with

strategic improvements in technology adoption, security
measures, and customer satisfaction initiatives, it can position
itself for excellence in service management. A proactive
approach to addressing specific areas of improvement
identified in this evaluation will be instrumental in ensuring
sustained customer satisfaction and the long-term success of
the cosmetology clinic.


In summary, the results suggest that the cosmetology clinic

is operating at an acceptable level in terms of information
system, technology, security, satisfaction, and speed.
However, there are opportunities for incremental
improvements in each of these areas. The implementation of
specific measures, such as technological updates, more
rigorous security protocols, and enhancements in customer
experience, could contribute to raising the overall quality of
services provided by the clinic. It is crucial to maintain a
proactive approach in the pursuit of excellence in every
aspect of service management to ensure the ongoing
satisfaction of customers and the long-term success of the



In conclusion, the evaluation of the cosmetology clinic's

service management, particularly concerning the
implementation of an information system, reveals a generally
positive outlook with areas for enhancement. The "good"
rating across various aspects, such as the information system,
security, and speed, signifies a foundation of functionality and
effectiveness. However, the absence of an "excellent" rating
suggests room for refinement and optimization.

The clinic's commitment to information security is

commendable, as indicated by the "good" rating. Continuous
monitoring and adaptation of security protocols will be
crucial to staying resilient against evolving cyber threats.

While the clinic demonstrates efficiency in service delivery

("good" speed rating), there is an opportunity for leveraging
more advanced technologies to further enhance operations
and customer experience, as suggested by the "regular" rating
in technology information.

Customer satisfaction, though rated as "regular," serves as a

critical focal point for improvement. Conducting detailed
customer satisfaction surveys and actively addressing

1. Cabello, M. V. N. (2010). Introducción a las bases de

datos relacionales. Vision Libros.
2. Autor, Año de publicación, Título Articulo, Fecha de
Recuperación, url: ###
3. Lucena, P. (2023, 3 mayo). ¿Qué es la tecnología de
la información? | 2023. Maestrías y MBA.
4. Flores Barturen, A. E. Implementación de un modelo
multidisciplinar para el diseño de la continuidad de
negocios con un enfoque en TIC orientado a
5. Lucena, P. (2023, 5 noviembre). ¿Qué es la
tecnología de la información? | 2023. Maestrías y
6. Autor, Año de publicación, Título Articulo, Fecha
de Recuperación, url: ###
7. [2] Lucena, P. (2023, 3 mayo). ¿Qué es la tecnología
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9. Flores Barturen, A. E. Implementación de un
modelo multidisciplinar para el diseño de la
continuidad de negocios con un enfoque en TIC
orientado a PYMES.
10. Casaretto Sandoval, F. (2023). Aplicación De
Buenas Prácticas ITIL V4. 0 En La gestión de
servicios de TI en una consultora de tecnología.

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