1. Which of the following statements is the main difference between short run and long run?
A. The law of diminishing marginal returns applies in the long run
B. All resources are fixed in the short run, while all resources are variables in short run
C. All resources are variables in long run, while at least one resources are fixed in short run
D. Fixed cost are more important to decision making in the long run compared to short run
3. Which of the following statements on the relationship between total product (TP), average product (AP)
and marginal product (MP) is incorrect?
A. TP reaches a maximum when the MP of the variable input becomes zero
B. AP reaches a maximum, before TP reaches a maximum
C. AP continues to rise, so long as TP is rising
D. MP cuts AP at the maximum AP
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5. Which of the following statements is implied by the above graph?
A. Total product is at minimum when the marginal product is zero
B. Total product is at maximum when the marginal product is at maximum
C. Average product is increasing when the marginal product lies below the average product
D. Average product is increasing when the marginal product lies above the average product
6. When output increases in higher proportions than the increases in inputs, the return to scale is?
A. Decreasing
B. Increasing
C. Negative
D. Constant
7. If the variable input is added to some fixed inputs, beyond some point, the resulting extra output or
marginal product will decline. The statement refers to:
A. Diseconomies of scale
B. The law of diminishing returns
C. Economies and diseconomies of scale
D. the law of diminishing marginal utility
10. Suppose a firm increases its input by 10%, while its outputs decreased by 15%, the firm is experiencing:
A. Decreasing returns to scale
B. Increasing returns to scale
C. Constant returns to scale
D. Diminishing returns
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12. The law of diminishing returns sets in at ________ of the above graph
A. Point A
B. Point B
C. Point C
D. Point D
13. The marginal product curve and average product curve intersects _______________
A. Where marginal product equals zero
B. Where total product is at a maximum
C. At the maximum point of the average product curve
D. At the maximum point of the marginal product curve
15. In the short run, product curves have all the following characteristics, except:
A. Total product is at its maximum when marginal product equals zero
B. Total product begins to decrease when average products begin to decrease
C. Average product is at its maximum when average product equals marginal product
D. When average product equals the marginal product, then the total product must be rising
16. It is impossible for total product to be __________ when the marginal product is __________
A. Positive, negative
B. Decreasing, positive
C. Increasing, increasing
D. Increasing, decreasing
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17. If the units of a variable factor are increased on a fixed factor, after a point, the marginal product of the
variable factor _________________
A. Increases
B. Diminishes
C. Remains constant
D. None of the above
0 0 -
1 3 3
2 5
3 12
4 15
5 1
18. When this manufacturing company employs two workers, the ___________________
A. Total product is 4
B. Total product is 20
C. Average product is 4
D. Average product is 10
21. How many workers the company needs to employ when the average product is 3.75?
A. 2
B. 3
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C. 4
D. 5
23. In the short run, a firm which produces 100 units of output has an average total cost of RM200 and
average variable cost of RM150. The firm’s Total Fixed Cost is ___________
A. RM5,000
B. RM500
C. RM50
D. RM0.50
24. If a firm produces 20,000 bottles of tomato in a month, and the selling price is RM1.50 per bottle, the
implicit cost of production is RM5,000. The explicit cost of production is RM15,000. Thus, the firm has an
economic profit of _______________ and accounting profit of __________________
A. RM15,000: RM5,000
B. RM5,000: RM15,000
C. RM15,000: RM10,000
D. RM10,000: RM15,000
25. If a firm decides to produce no output in the short run, which of the following cost will be zero?
A. Its total cost
B. Its fixed cost
C. Its average cost
D. Its variable cost
27. Which of the following short run costs continues to decrease as output increases?
A. Average variable cost
B. Average fixed cost
C. Marginal cost
D. Average cost
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28. In the long run, a company has __________________
A. Insufficient time to enter or leave the market
B. The ability to adjust its resources
C. At least one fixed input
D. None of the above
30. Suppose a firm is able to double its production in the long run and its cost of production declines, we can
conclude that the firm is experiencing___________________
A. Diseconomies of scale
B. Diminishing returns
C. Economies of scale
D. None of the above
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