In The Court of Mr. Javed Arshad Learned Addl. Sessions Judge, Rawalpindi
In The Court of Mr. Javed Arshad Learned Addl. Sessions Judge, Rawalpindi
In The Court of Mr. Javed Arshad Learned Addl. Sessions Judge, Rawalpindi
The State
Respectfully sheweth:-
2. That the complainant of the case has alleged in his complaint that
the petitioner has occupied his plot on 5.11.2015 unlawfully and
forcibly whereas in writ petition No. 2994/ 2005 regarding
quashment of order dated: 21.10-.2015 passed by Addl. Sessions
Judge Rawalpindi for registration of case, the Honorable High
Court on 7.12.2015 observed as under:-
“It is clear that the petitioner has paid Rs. 29,50,000/-
to respondent No.3, which accordingly to him, has been
forfeited. The possession of plot in question is with
respondent No.3 and titled documents are also in his name.
so far as the agreement to sell is concerned, the respondent
No.3 could seek the remedy before the Civil Court. Until
and unless the terms and conditions of the agreement are not
fulfilled and possession of the plot is not delivered and titled
of the same is not transferred in the name of the petitioner,
respondent No.3 could not ask for registration of criminal
In view of above, the petition is allowed and the
impugned order dated: 21.10.2015 passed by learned Ex-
Officio Justice of Peace, Rawalpindi is set aside and parties
are directed to seek relief from civil court on the basis of
agreement to sell, if so advised.”
3. That the instant complaint was filed after passing of above order
by Honorable High Court and the complainant by suppressing the
material fact from this Honorable Court obtained order dated;
6. That neither the petitioner occupied any plot of the petitioner nor
tried for its occupation and also not in the possession of petitioner,
in fact an agreement between the parties was executed regarding a
plot and the complainant received Rs. 29,50,000/- from the
petitioner as earnest money/ Biana but the complainant could not
clear the titled and possession hence the petitioner stopped the
payment and filed a suit for permanent injunction which is pending
before the competent court of law and the complainant want to
usurp the received money and for this purpose he tried to get
register the criminal case against the petitioner when he failed to
do so he has filed the instant complaint and obtained summing
order of the petitioner by suppressing the real facts.
8. That the police with malafide submitted the report dated: 2.4.2016
which is also vague and also mentioned the boundaries which are
different from the boundaries mentioned in the complaint.
9. That in the cursory statement of the witnesses no one has said that
the petitioner has occupied the plot in their presence.
10. That the complainant has never got demarcated the plot in
question. The land is Shamlat one and so many khasra/ khewat are
11. That the receipt of Rs. 29,50,000/- as Biana has been admitted by
the complainant in his written statement.
12. That no offence as alleged is made out against the petitioner.
15. That mere pendency of the case will serve no useful purpose,
except that it will be the wastage of precious time of this
Honorable court.
16. That the petitioner has been falsely implicated in this case with
malafides and ulterior motives. He is innocent and has nothing to
do with the alleged crime.
17. That court may acquit the accused at any stage of the case, not
withstanding the fact that evidence is yet to be recorded.
Petitioner/ accused
Respectfully sheweth:-
7. That court may acquit the accused at any stage of the case, not
withstanding the fact that some more evidence in the case was
yet to be recorded.
Petitioner/ accused
List of Books;
1. PLJ 1988 Tr.C (Lah) 32
2. PCRLJ 1992 1641 Kar.
The state
Respectfully sheweth:-
10. That court may acquit the accused at any stage of the
case, not withstanding the fact that some more evidence in the
case was yet to be recorded.
Applicant / accused
Sardar Imran
Advocate, High Court,
Respectfully sheweth:-
1. That the above captioned case is pending in this
Honorable court and are fixed for 15 January 2016.
Respectfully sheweth:-
1. That briefly stated the facts of the case are that the
petitioner lodged an FIR No. 10/2012 dated; 9.1.2012 u/s
302/109 PPC. P.S. Bazar Rawalpindi contending there he
received an information on telephone form Rana Iftikhar
servant of his other at ¾ P.M that this mother is seriously
injured and when he reached he saw that his mother who
was living in 39 Harley Street, Rawalpindi alone and there
was a servant namely Sardar in the said property, was
lying in injured condition and his sister Tania Hussain
Kazi was sitting with her. Later on mother of the petitioner
died and the petitioner suspected that his brother, sister,
sister in law, brother in law through some other person has
injured his mother who later on died usurp her property I
which the petitioner and his mother were hurdles and it is
apprehended that after the death of mother they will also
murder the petitioner.
7. That after the above said order of this Honorable Court the
prosecution failed to produce the said witnesses hence on
19.1.2013 bailable warrants of PWs were issued but even
then the witnesses did not appear, then on 4.2.2013 non
bailable warrants of the witnesses were issued even then
they did not appear. Proceedings u/s 87 Cr.P.C. were also
resorted by the learned ASJ but no PW turned up.
7. That court may acquit the accused at any stage of the case,
not withstanding the fact that some more evidence in the
case was yet to be recorded.
8. That mere fact that most of the prosecution witnesses in
the case have been examined or that the trial is about to
conclude cannot be made a ground for dismissal of an
Petitioners/ accused
List of Books;
12.PLJ 1988 Tr.C (Lah) 32
13.PCRLJ 1992 1641 Kar.
Respectfully sheweth:-
19. That other injured of the FIR namely Mst. Abida Bibi
also made statement under section 164 Cr.PC and she also
appeared before the Honorable Lahore High Court Rawalpindi
Bench Rawalpindi and she categorically stated that the
petitioners are not her accused.
7. That court may acquit the accused at any stage of the case.
Petitioners/ accused
Muhammad Ajaib
Advocate High Court