hydroxyzine hydrochloride
Oral preparations:
Apo-Hydroxyzine (CAN), Atarax, Novo-Hydroxyzine (CAN), Vistaril,
Parenteral preparations:
Multipax (CAN), Vistaril, Vistazine
hydroxyzine pamoate
Oral preparations:
Pregnancy Category C
Drug classes
Therapeutic actions
Mechanisms of action not understood; actions may be due to suppression of subcortical
areas of the CNS; has clinically demonstrated antihistaminic, analgesic, antispasmodic,
antiemetic, mild antisecretory, and bronchodilator activity
• Symptomatic relief of anxiety and tension associated with psychoneurosis;
adjunct in organic disease states in which anxiety is manifested; alcoholism and
asthma; prior to dental procedures
• Management of pruritus due to allergic conditions, such as chronic urticaria,
atopic and contact dermatosis, and in histamine-mediated pruritus
• Sedation when used as premedication and following general anesthesia
• Control of nausea and vomiting and as adjunct to analgesia preoperatively and
postoperatively (parenteral) to allow decreased opioid dosage
• IM administration: Management of the acutely disturbed or hysterical patient; the
acute or chronic alcoholic with anxiety withdrawal symptoms or delirium
tremens; as preoperative and postoperative and prepartum and postpartum
adjunctive medication to permit reduction in narcotic dosage, allay anxiety, and
control emesis
Start patients on IM therapy when indicated; use oral therapy for maintenance. Adjust
dosage to patient's response.
• Symptomatic relief of anxiety: 50–100 mg qid.
• Management of pruritus: 25 mg tid–qid.
• Sedative (preoperative and postoperative): 50–100 mg.
• Psychiatric and emotional emergencies, including alcoholism: 50–100 mg
immediately and q 4–6 hr as needed.
• Nausea and vomiting: 25–100 mg.
• Preoperative and postoperative, prepartum and postpartum: 25–100 mg.
• Anxiety, pruritus:
< 6 yr: 50 mg/day in divided doses.
> 6 yr: 50–100 mg/day in divided doses.
• Sedative: 0.6 mg/kg.
• Nausea, preoperative and postoperative: 1.1 mg/kg (0.5 mg/lb).
Route Onset Peak Duration
Oral, IM 15–30 min 3 hr 4–6 hr
Adverse effects
• CNS: Drowsiness, involuntary motor activity, including tremor and seizures
• GI: Dry mouth
• Hypersensitivity: Wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness
Nursing considerations
• History: Allergy to hydroxyzine or cetirizine, uncomplicated vomiting in
children, lactation, pregnancy
• Physical: Skin color, lesions, texture; orientation, reflexes, affect; R, adventitious
• Determine and treat underlying cause of vomiting. Drug may mask signs and
symptoms of serious conditions, such as brain tumor, intestinal obstruction,
• Do not administer parenteral solution SC, IV, or intra-arterially; tissue necrosis
has occurred with SC and intra-arterial injection, hemolysis with IV injection.
• Give IM injections deep into a large muscle. In adults, use upper outer quadrant of
buttocks or midlateral thigh; in children use midlateral thigh muscles; use deltoid
area only if well developed.
Teaching points
• Take this drug as prescribed. Avoid excessive dosage.
• These side effects may occur: Dizziness, sedation, drowsiness (use caution if
driving or performing tasks that require alertness); avoid alcohol, sedatives, sleep
aids (serious overdosage could result); dry mouth (use frequent mouth care; suck
sugarless lozenges).
• Report difficulty breathing, tremors, loss of coordination, sore muscles, or muscle
Adverse effects in Italic are most common; those in Bold are life-threatening.