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Interview With ALLAH

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Interview with the Father

November 15, 1968

Father Allah: Protect the child. Show him where if he doesn’t do right
he is going to go to jail, just like the Muslims. I'm not against anyone
but they are really teaching their children not to smoke, drink or do
anything to inquire other people to follow their standards. Now, I don't
teach the child not to smoke. I teach him to get the understanding what?
Of it! Because I don't have no religion because that doesn't do anything
for him. Now if you taught the child under religion like the muslims,
they say no smoking and if you do smoke they send you out. They can
force what? Religion! You can't win nothing by force. If you give the
child something to fight for, then show him what he is fighting for,
he'll win his war and you got to have the manpower to do it.

I am not against narcotics because the only way to stop a narcotics

pusher from bringing it into this country he must start using it his
what? Self! Sending a person away that doesn't cure him. I used it. That
didn't cure me. I stopped my what? Self! So you got to keep the children
together and you got to kill all religion. Other than that you are going
to lose all fighting in them and they will not have the heart to kill
and you got to have the heart to kill! You've got to! Everyone has to
have the heart to what? To kill to continue a strong country. And you
can't say Russia is not strong because Russia is strong. Because the
children here use drugs they're going back to sleep. And now it's
getting to your people. So they're using it. And sooner or later you're
going to see the downfall.

The hippies are losing the knowledge of themselves. You can't tell me
they're not and they are.

Interviewer: Could you please explain?

Father Allah: They are losing the knowledge of themselves and their
parents can't do nothing about it. The only way their parents can get
them back home is stop sending them money! And they will get hungry and
they will go back home, won't they? Won't they?

Interviewer: I don't know if they will.

Father Allah: They will go. They will go back home if they stop sending
them money. And now they are asking the United States to help find their
what? Children because they are losing the knowledge of what? Self. When
you lose knowledge of self the country got to fall. Why they’re leaving
school? What's the matter?

And the hippies...what happened down there with Rush when he was making
a speech the other day? Look what happened. People don't want to fight
and this is what other countries love to what? To hear whether you like
it or not. If I had a bunch of men and they didn't want to fight,
wouldn't another country like to hear that? Huh? Wouldn't you if you was
another country and you heard I didn't want to fight? Wouldn't you want
to hear that?

And the Five Percenters, I'm teaching them that they can’t go on
religion because religion has never did anything for them. Like my
mother, she said, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." I know he's over there in
Jerusalem dead in the earth because he hasn't showed me nothing.

Now I was in the Army. I don't teach them not to go in the Army. I went
and I came back. I saw action. I got the Bronze Star. I got all these
medals. Now I came back home. I didn't benefit from it as by such as
luxury but I did benefit by knowing how to teach a man. To teach a man
to make a boy a man. This is what I did. I don't teach them not to
drink. I teach them to keep their mouth what? Shut! And listen and
learn. Because I might tell them to drink to do exactly what I want them
to do to get to that man I want to get to. Just like the United States
teach the FBI. I might make one a dope addict. If he's strong he'll come
out of it because there are many dope addicts that come amongst the
people to catch who they want and not to use it. I know this. I don't
tell them not to fight for the country. They can fight! Now by me
telling them children that all my people are against me because they
thought that I was suppose to have came out, when I come from Mattawan,
to join them and I haven't joined any of them yet and not going to join
them because I'm civilized. We don't talk about nobody on religion,
politics, war and protest in the United States.

Interviewer: Why not?

Father Allah: Because religious people fight against one another. You
can't tell me they don't because they do. They'll tell me that "why
should you tell the child not to eat swine?" I say why it's in your
Bible in Leviticus & Deuteronomy. I'll show them where they are not even
good religious people. And they say they believe in the scriptures that
the prophets brought to the people. You understand? This is not only
hurting them but it hurts you. It hurts everybody! So these are the
things you've got to keep away from your people, their people, my people
to make a strong nation. And religious people don't believe in killing.
I do. Years ago the people would form a vigilante to get the others that
didn't want to go along with the rest of the people. Didn't they? If you
hadn't did that would you have built? Huh? Would you build? No! You
couldn't have built because someone was holding you down.

I'm not against the United States for sitting over there in Vietnam.
They should kill all of them people that don't want to build and become
civilized and have a sanitary country because the earth is supposed to
be built on. I'm not against it. Your people protesting against it. Now
when your people protest against it, it gets all the rest of the people
to protest what? Against it. Like Muhammad Ali said, "They burn their
flag so why can't he burn it here?" Now where did this teaching come
from? Did it come from me? Huh? Did it?

Interviewer: Did what?

Father Allah: Yes, not fighting for their own country. Did it come from

Interviewer: Here is Mr. Belmont who heads the Division of Youth.

Father Allah: Glad to meet you.

Interviewer: He runs a start program and I will introduce you to the

others that you don't know later, O.K. If you sit down you won't be able
to get up.

Mr. Belmont: Thanks. I love you.

Father Allah: Didn't this come from your teaching? If not where did it
come from?

Interviewer: It came from those who feel that way.

Father Allah: Feel like for what? How did they feel that way? You should
have taught your child right and exact! How did they feel that way? You
mean to tell me you don't know? You don't know who come in your country
and plant a seed. This didn't happen a few years back, did it?

Interviewer: Yes.

Father Allah: With how many people?

Interviewer: They’re called conscientious objectors.

Father Allah: Yeah, but how many? It wasn't public. No, not in 1945 it
wasn't public.

Interviewer: People called the Quakers since the very beginning of this

Father Allah: That was the Quakers.

Interviewer: And it was public.

Father Allah: And if you was a cold-blooded country you should have
stopped that. Because in another government if you don't go by the rules
and regulations they'll kill you. You should have stopped that. Because
I know for a fact when I was in Japan and Korea the people who disobeyed
there something happened to them. Now if your country's in danger and
they disobey, shouldn't you do something to these people? Not only the
Black but you'll now have to do it to your own. And what kind of
children y’all raising? What's going to happen if there is no fighting
in them? What's going to happen?

Interviewer: I don't know. I'm not a prophet.

Father Allah: Well you don't have to be a prophet to know that you'll be
the loser. Fighting, prophets know about that. Doesn't a man lead the
way? Isn't a man a teacher?

Interviewer: Yes.

Father Allah: Well he's a prophet then isn't he?

Interviewer: In that sense.

Father Allah: In all sense. If the United States don't wake up then
they're going to lose because you got babies in the army now and that's
what you need in the army, those seventeen and eighteen year old boys.
That's what you need in the army. They got to be well qualified though.
They got to be more tougher than they are. The United States are the
easiest people in the world because they live in luxury where other
people eat one day and last three. The Muslims taught me the same way.
Eat one meal a day, one every other day or one every three days, and
they can do it! And they eat the proper foods to keep them strong.

Interviewer: And who does this? The Muslims?

Father Allah: I'm trying to teach those Five Percenters to do it. I do

it because I go on a six to seven day fast. I don't eat nothing but
drink water because if I don't I'll dry up. I don't eat.

And Stokely and H. Rap Brown they are really getting to the college
students. Even your people because they really don't want to go to no
war. And then the other people are claiming that the United States of
America are using the uneducated people to fight the what? The war.

Interviewer: Do you think that's true?

Father Allah: Yes that's true. You can't send the captain into battle.
He'll lead them into what? To battle because I was never patrolled by a
captain. The lieutenant took me on patrol because knowledge kept him
from going. Where as if they lose him, they'll have this one here. I
wouldn't send the knowledge man in the Army. I would have him train them
or lead them. Now, today you don't even have those young generals in the
Army. All of them are old and they really don't know how to fight
because they are losing too many men over there in Vietnam. And this is
what they like because Russia is so very intelligent. You're fighting
but they're not losing their men, are they? Are they?

Interviewer: No. Not that I know of.

Father Allah: I'm telling you but you knew it. Now who's in charge the
most, you or Russia? Russia is very strong. And now Douglas...I read
about him a little while ago. He pulled out and don't have much to do
with the United States much more. Do he? Why? The United States have
done a wonderful job. They have went all over the country and help build
up for the low class people because that's their duty. Now my people are
looking at it this way. They said if you can support the other
countries, why can't you support the people that's in you're own
country? You can make all those people bear witness where so much
propaganda won't get out of the country. Now pictures have been got out
of the country. Riots done started. Isn't this the downfall to any
country? And then those people come running out of the (sic). The
educated only know how to tell the other low class people what the
people in this country are doing to them. Now the people are making
statements that you spend eight million dollars or a billion dollars for
a rocket and people here starving. This going all out now. They're
sending pictures out that people got special privileges. And nothing
stops it. The only thing that's going to stop it is the children will
stop it by not listening to those what? People! If you show some kind of
love to the child you can stop it. And putting those laws in effect.
When these people come here from different countries or different states
put them in jail! That's the same if the government if they don't. When
they give these people (sic) money, people don't want to pay for their
children, they should put him in what? Jail! And they gonna have to do
it. They're going to have to do it. Other than that, they are going to
lose the children and there is nothing I can do about it.

Now, they love me. There is so many Five Percenters it's something else.
There still is nothing I can do if you don't show the child in different
ways that you care about the child. If you don't Brown going to get to
them. Carl Stokely going to get to them or Kissick going to get to them.
Many people going to get to them. Because what I'm telling you brother
as if to the child, if they shouldn't do it, the first thing their going
to say is "You see? You didn't get nothing any” what? “Way!”

And Muhammad Ali is sure showing a good example. Here is what he's
fighting. Don't want to go to the army. He is a very intelligent man.
There are many Muslims who went onto jail. He's fighting it. He's
fighting to show the world that he gets not only recognition from the
Muslim World but from your people too from all over the country. Because
why? They want to see America fall whether you like it or not. They want
to see America fall and you know it too. I don't have to tell you that.
You know they want to see America fall. And you got many people here
that you think is on your side but is not. That's just like "The
Invaders," a picture I saw the other night. We might look a-like but we
may not be a-like. See un-alike attract and a-like repels. Now un-alike
attract is between me and you. If we have the same mind together then it
is not un-alike. It is a what? Like!

And I know the date is the 15th. That means knowledge and power. Now, no
one told me this. Tomorrow is the 16th, means knowledge equality. Next
day, knowledge god. Next day is knowledge build or destroy. Next day,
knowledge born, because a child must go through the birth record. When
he's one years old he has knowledge. When he's two years old he has the
wisdom, he can talk. Three years old, he has understanding. Four years
old, he has his culture. Five years, he has his power. Six years, he has
his equality; he's able to go to the bathroom. A man do not come into
the understanding until he goes into his thirty years. Then he goes into
the understanding. He goes into knowledge, wisdom, understanding, all of
this. No one told me this. I even know the teachings of your calendar.
This month means Now Cipher Victory, November. Next month is Divine
Equality See. No one told me this! That's why I don't talk. I listen.
Many people like to talk, they like the spotlight. I don't like to talk.
They didn't tell me how to master the twelve calendar. The twelve months
only mean the government goes from knowledge to wisdom. That's all. They
knowledge and what? Wisdom!
In the Bible it teaches that Jesus had many disciples but they only had
knowledge and wisdom. Jesus was the thirteenth. He had knowledge and
understanding. He was the only one that they had to kill him. Because
why? He had knowledge and what? Understanding! Where the other ones had
the knowledge and wisdom they could go and get Jesus. He was the only
healer. You understand that? Now this is the way it is. You can't do the
wisdom until you have the knowledge, right? Right? When you go to school
you got to have the knowledge before you could come out and put that
into practice. And they don't know you got it until you go out and put
it into practice. This is why I teach the child to go and get the
knowledge, come back and put it into practice, then the people will get
the what? Understanding! Then they'll know your culture. No one taught
me this. See? And I'm telling you the knowledge now because this is the
eleventh month means knowledge what? Knowledge. This is the eleventh
month. The tenth month means knowledge add a what? Cipher! That means if
I had the knowledge and I tell you something and you didn't know it, I
have a cipher. Didn't I? Didn't I? No one told me anything. And this is
what you better do because I'm telling you.

To hold any nation together, I read in a book what a white man said one
time and I take all book knowledge and use it to benefit myself. I don't
care who I heard it from. He said the wealth of a country is the
children. Not the money. Once upon a time there was no money. The wealth
of any country is the children. And if you don't keep the young people
strong, how you going to win? Bombs can't do it. The bombs haven't made
Vietnam submit. There has been no country in the world that bombs have
been dropped on them more than Vietnam.

Interviewer: When you say strong. What do you mean strong?

Father Allah: You got to have the manpower!

Interviewer: How do you make them strong? In what way do you get the
young people strong?

Father Allah: Feed them the right foods. Don't teach religion.

Interviewer: A lot of people think that helps make people strong.

Father Allah: Well Mayor Wagner don't think so...I mean Mayor Lindsay
don't think so. He said that the churches and the organizations have
lost it! That they cannot control the children! Now, where do they keep
them at? That's why Mayor Lindsay is the greatest mayor that ever been.
He tells the truth. He's a great mayor. He gets out with the people. Now
he got a TV show so he make communication. Now he’s going out there in
California. Mayor talking about "I got to meet Barry tonight” to get off
the telephone to make a special call to something else. Mayor Lindsay
the greatest mayor who ever lived.

Interviewer: What is the right foods you're talking about?

Father Allah: Don't eat the swine!

Interviewer: Everything else is all right?

Father Allah: No, everything else isn't all right. Don't eat no shrimp.
Don't eat no crabs. Don't eat none of that food.
Interviewer: Crabs?

Father Allah: Lobsters.

Interviewer: Seafood you mean?

Father Allah: Yes. There's other seafood. Don't eat no buffalo fish
because it doesn't have no scales. Anything bite it, the poison go right
into it. If the fish has a scale, you bite it; the poison doesn't effect
it because of the texture. Don't eat the old, eat the young. Because you
shouldn't eat meat at all period because you're taking on animal protein
so you still spoil the human being system. If you are going to eat meat
eat the best. Not only is it good for you, it's good for me too.

Interviewer: What's the best kind of meat?

Father Allah: Beef. Lamb. Fish. Don't eat buffalo fish because it has no
protection. Something bite it, the poison go right into the fish. If you
bite a fish with a scale, does the poison go into it? Don't eat tuna
over 150 pounds but most tuna come over 150 pounds.

Interviewer: How do you know?

Father Allah: I'm telling you how it comes because civilized people

Interviewer: Are there any kinds of other foods?

Father Allah: There are many kinds. Don't eat butter beans. Don't eat
collard greens because it belongs to the weed family. Eat the white
cauliflower because it melts in your mouth. The spinach you eat that.
The broccoli you eat that. Cauliflower you eat that. There are certain
foods you have to eat. You've got to save your own what? Self! No
medication can save you.

Interviewer: What about the people who do eat it?

Father Allah: Well that's their business. That's their business. Don't
worry about them. Don't you eat it. That's why many women not built up.
They eat the wrong what? Food and can't hold a baby. Can't hold it. So
don't worry about the other people. All you do is tell them. Save
yourself. Live as long as you can. Now when I do stop eating meat I know
I have to stop drinking wine. See?

Interviewer: Why can't you? Why so?

Father Allah: Because the liquor will have nothing to eat on. It will
eat me up. There are many things you got to understand. This is why
President Johnson got an operation on his hand. You know? And it won't
heal. And when they sewed it up it wouldn't stay together. Why? Because
it's decayed. You know what I mean by decay? It won't stay what?
Together. It's not solid. It's decayed. Because when you sew it
together, you find some people they sew it together. They have a bad
break in and it open, the thread keep pulling apart as it tighten up it
come right on what? Through. It won't close up. Why? It's decayed.
Why you think people get old? Do you think when you get old you call it
a blessing? Do you call it a blessing when you get old? Huh? That's no
blessing! That's long suffering!

Interviewer: (Laughing) But everybody gets old.

Father Allah: Do they? I'm not going no more further! I'm 39 years old
meaning understanding born. I'm not going no further. If I do want to go
further then I know how to kill myself by taking on the wrong what?
Foods! Doing the wrong what? Things! That's how you get old.

Interviewer: Do you think you're going to get older?

Father Allah: Not me! Not me!

Interviewer: You're not going to get older?

Father Allah: Not me!

Interviewer: How do you know that?

Father Allah: I know it!

Interviewer: How do you know?

Father Allah: Because I know what it do for me. I know what it do for

Interviewer: Then your body won't change?

Father Allah: Not mine. Because I'm going to tell the truth. I'm not
going to talk about no one. I'm just going to tell you what they do and
you can't bring an accusation against me. I'm only telling you what they
did because I'm studying them. And all things were put forth before I
became involved myself into the knowledge of self and let them know. I
can tell them all about them but they can't tell me nothing about me
because I'm a new breed that they don't know about. Now what they're
going to tell about me when I can tell them all about themselves?

I can show a religious man that he never led anyone to God. Not the Pope
or anyone. They all died and all the people in the Bible died. Now where
are they? Where are they? The only way you will find God if you keep on
reproducing until he make himself known. And the Pope, he supposed to be
a successor to God. Where they show the people? Have they? Elijah says
W. D. Fard is God. Where is he? They make me sick. And they talk about
people and religious people talk about people. What meant to be is meant
to be. If it wasn't meant to be would it ever be? Would you see it? Huh?
So don't talk about nothing!

As life change you change. If you don't change you are going to die.
Change with the young people. If you stay around young people you'll
stay young. Two old people can’t tell two people how to do. I don’t want
nothing old. I don’t want no old woman. I’m going to keep young women. I
don’t know what you want. Do what you want to do. I don’t want none. I
don’t want no old woman. You can have one if you want to. I don’t want
one. I want to be around young people. They will keep me active.
And they always bringing me something to tell me. So, know what I do? I
sit right there like Barry, he’s the head of the task force and all his
satellites go out and they bring him back all the information. He's just
sitting right there. That’s the same thing I do. They go out, bring me
back all the information, tell me how you all treating them. That’s good
because they educate me don’t they? Don’t they? Just like the captain.
He says, "Come on. Come say this to me. I ain’t going to tell nobody".
If you don’t tell nobody they can’t make it known to the people what
people are what? Talking about can they? Sure can’t.

Interviewer: Who is Barry?

Father Allah: Barry Gottehrer.

Interviewer: That’s the mayor’s aide?

Father Allah: He just sit there and all of them come with information.
He sit right there. (Mimicking Barry) "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh". And he
don’t write nothing down. He’s so intelligent he don’t write nothing
down. He puts it all into his mind. Now isn’t that the most intelligent
man? If I entrust a man with information he can’t put it on no paper. He
must carry it in his mind because if someone took the paper they would
have everything they want. Now if he don’t tell them they won’t know
what? Nothing!

This is why the U2 power is a disgrace to the United States of America.

Because if he had everything they would take his life and they didn’t do
it. And he come back home and got a divorce from his wife. He going
crazy. That’s what he’s going to go because he wasn’t a man. It would
have been better for him to take his life than be a disgrace. That’s why
his wife left him. Nobody else don’t believe it but that’s why she left
him. He wasn’t a man! He take on a job like that then won’t carry it
through, he wasn’t a man. You don’t find many Russia people that will do
that. And the woman are strong like the men.

The women in the United States of America they dominate their men
because they can put you in jail. Can’t they? They put you in jail! And
they got certain men that carry out their orders. Women are something
else. Then the men wind up killing their women. Just “Pow!” Blow their
head off. A woman couldn’t get me to kill her to make me go and suffer
behind prison. I’ll go have her arrested you understand? And tell the
woman to leave me what? Alone and I’ll take care of the babies. Just get
me a job. You think she can get me to kill her? Not me! Not me! That’s
why I tell all Five Percenters about this story in the Bible about
Samson and Delilah. Boy, when he let that woman know what was happening,
she blind him boy. She turned him over to another government. He woke up
and he find all of them. You understand that? Why? By telling that woman
what’s happening. And that government caused him...she caused him to
lose his life. A woman can’t tell me nothing but just go there and cook.
They don’t need to tell me nothing. And I don’t think it’s right to put
a woman over a man. That’s why I agree with those people who were going
to try to blow up the Statue of Liberty. Because she’s holding the
torch. That supposed to represent the woman holding a torch. Then they
say justice is blind (laughs). Because she has a thing around her neck,
around her eyes. Justice can’t see (laughs). There is a sign to all
these things. And the Liberty Bell is cracked. Liberty ain't got no
crack in it. Liberty is the truth! Ain’t no crack. All this is a sign.
That woman knows that she’s holding the torch. She can’t do nothing to
me though. Can’t do nothing to me. Because if I do something to her I
will tell the judge "Yes I did" and why I did it. Then if he wants to
give me any justice, I don’t worry about it because I know nature is
going to take its course.

They sent me to Mattawan because I said I was Allah. Then they certified
me out of Mattawan as Allah. I could have sued this city. But I don’t
want no money. I wouldn’t give them any money because all they would do
is sport and play. That’s all children do with money is sport and play.

Interviewer: What do you want them to do?

Father Allah: I want them to live in America and help protect their
country if the government do right by them. The ones that help protect
the country the government should do right by these. The ones that don’t
the government should do away with them.

Interviewer: Besides them fighting how else could they protect


Father Allah: Unite. Let your children and them unite together and
create new ideas. Where the world is building a square now it’s going to
be building a circle. And they don’t need your ideas no more. Your ideas
did what you was supposed to do. All you got to give them is the basis
because they’ll do it them what? Selves! See you can see where ideas
have traveled for many years cause when you first come to this country
there were no houses. It went from the log cabin to this. So each
generation brought this about right? So let the children bring about
another new world.

Interviewer: Through education?

Father Allah: Or be destroyed.

Interviewer: Build an education?

Father Allah: I said build a nation or be destroyed. And if you stop

them from mingling together it’s over with. It’s over.

Interviewer: What do you mean by that?

Father Allah: You can’t accomplish nothing!

Interviewer: Stop mingling together?

Father Allah: The children.

Interviewer: I don’t understand. Stop mingling together?

Father Allah: Why? Don’t they supposed to give their knowledge to each

Interviewer: Always.

Father Allah: Well if you stop it is over because they will not have no
ideas to build. They don’t have it now. You don’t see young men
building. You see the old men building. What’s going to happen when they
can’t do no building no more? Your leg.

Interviewer: What about it?

Father Allah: It hurts right?

Interviewer: A little.

Father Allah: Not a little. A lot because you got to have a crutch.

Interviewer: I guess.

Father Allah: But then you be the crutch for the young children until
they are able to walk. You need that until you are able to walk. And for
the benefit of any country certain people got to change. It’s not a
shame in change. There’s not a shame. Because people now don’t even want
to walk in Harlem. They did it this year because I was home. That’s why
there was no riot in Harlem. They did it this year because I’m going to
stop it all. I’m going to stop crime. Do you hear me? The houses and
buildings that you all are in you going to have to give these to
children as dormitories for the children. I’m going to stop crime.
Hitting people in the head, killing people, that’s a shame. This boy
killed these two people, a boy and a girl. Wasn’t that a shame? What he
kill them for? That sucker said that was their...what they call that?
They have to sacrifice human life. Kill a human life. He was an Uhura.
Is that what he was?

Interviewer: Yoruba.

Father Allah: Don’t you see where these people coming from? Now, people
who even teach that doctrine should be eliminated. I can’t do it because
you’ll put me in jail or those other people will put me in jail. I can’t
do it. The government have to what? Do it. Then if you eliminate these
people, the people will say where they gone? Got to kill humans for
sacrifice. Now that lady lost her son, right? The other lady lost her
daughter, right? Now the only thing they’ll give that man is maybe 20 or
30 years. It will be life, but he’s still alive, right? And they don’t
have capital punishment in New York no more unless killing a police. Now
they been crying themselves. Now they done took their guns away from the
police really because he can’t shoot nobody unless they attack what?
Him. So you don’t think that the United States is going backwards? Huh?
You going to see. You going to see. You going backwards. Look at those
people that went and killed those three brothers in the real estate
business. Now when they catch them what they going to give them? Only
life, right? That’s all. And then they might not even serve the time out
if the United States don’t act right. Because they're going to lose and
all prisoners will be set free. Because they know that these people came
with the United States of America and they’ll do anything to fight for
their life. Won’t they? United States better wake up.

Interviewer: They are bringing the street pedestrians to New York on the
4th in order to free them.

Father Allah: I hope you keep them if they don’t obey. Keep them. Isn’t
it best to keep them, if they stagnant, in chains? He sure should be. I
wish you take all the people that are bums and put them in the jailhouse
so that these children won’t grow up and see them. Then they won’t be a
what? A bum. You hear me? Keep them all. Don’t let them out in prison.
Because I’ll go directly to the Police and will help send them to prison
if they don’t say nothing. And this is exactly what you should do. And
you shouldn’t let them out in prison. They supposed to be tormented. If
I do something wrong it’s the same thing. I supposed to be tormented

I went through Mattawan and nobody did nothing. One officer hit me one
time. The Doctor, if I would have told that doctor that officer hit me
and I didn’t do nothing to him, they would have fired that sucker. They
tried. They said "where is he Allah? Let me know who he is." I wouldn’t
tell them. And the officer know he was wrong because I ain’t do nothing
to him, just enlightened him. And when he found out who I was he didn’t
do that no more. I didn’t do nothing to him. And no one was supposed to
be able to get me out of there because I was the law there. I was under
the Doctor and they had some very intelligent doctors there. Especially
Dr. David P. Johnson, the Director. Because if I was to protest I
couldn’t protest because they would send me to the court and the Deacon.
And boy whatever the Doctor say that judge do not go against it. And I
didn’t have to go too sad. I didn’t have one thing in Mattawan. I didn’t
protest what they gave me to eat. If they gave me that meat, I didn’t
eat it. I had money and everything I want in Mattawan. I wouldn’t buy no
food. I wanted to show them exactly who I said I was and I was going to
prove it. All I wanted them to do is ask the questions. And I know I was
the only one that could give it to them. And they let me out of there. I
could have sued New York City for putting seven charges against me and I
hadn’t did any of them. I didn’t do a thing. I had been shot with a
double-barreled shotgun and a high powered rifle. And I don’t run from
no Muslims or nobody else. Because I know if I’m telling you the truth,
if that don’t stop you, then nothing else will. And them doctors let me
right out of there. And now the officers are so friendly and intelligent
and love me they expressed to me that I can go out by myself. And
Mattawan is a place when you go there, they say you a criminal in what?
Sane. Meaning that you cannot control your emotions. And I had just
been...I hadn’t been in the hospital too long.

The people been taking advantage of me ever since I said I was Allah.
And I know when I said I was Allah, the Muslim whole world was what?
Against me. I don’t care. And now they really against me because I’m not
anti-white nor pro-black. They really against me because everybody is
against the white. Well let me tell you something. Who is man if he
ain’t man? Tell me! So this is up to you to make your country what? God!
It’s up to you and if you don’t teach the young right you're not hurting
me, you're hurting yourself. Now I can gain power by even not turning
them over to the law. Couldn’t I? When they come to me about his stuff I
can say no I don’t know nothing about these gangs and 85’ers. Right? I
don’t want that kind of power. That’s not power. Power comes through the
truth. That’s what power comes through. I don’t want that kind of power
so that these other so-called American Negro leaders are trying to gain.
I don’t want that kind of power. And I don’t recruit no old people.
None! None! You can be of help and you got to know something. I don’t
recruit no old! I’ve got 4 or 5 old now. They give me their children. I
don’t recruit no old. And anybody can be a Five Percenter, white, I
don’t care who they are can be a Five Percenter. Because a Five
Percenter is one that is civilized. We don’t talk about nobody. And they
are mad because Barry Gottehrer is a Five Percenter and his wife is
getting a divorce from him just because of that. Ain’t that something?
But the man is a man because he know the truth is the what? Is the
truth. And this is the only thing that is going to bring the country
together and make it strong. Now if he fall for his wife and "baby don’t
you do this and don’t you do that" he’ll be just like Samson in the
Bible by letting that jive woman run him. And the country will fall
because the woman can’t go no further than equality and then she got to
turn the babies to god to stay. That’s why the government...he let a
child quit school at 16, only even knowledge what? Equality. And then he
seventeen, the child knowledge god. And that’s his daddy. You can find
any boy, if he don’t know where his daddy at all he got to do is look in
the mirror and then he’ll see him because he’s looking at him. Who is
your son if he ain’t you? Hmm? Can’t you tell your son if someone come
mess with your Earth? If you a apple and that’s your orange. If he don’t
look like you, boy, he ain’t you. That’s somebody else’s. That’s a
matter with your Earth. He's not you.

If a man can’t...don’t produce him a boy he's not blessed because the
woman done cultivated his seed into a girl. And he'll show you right
there that he is not blessed. The woman is what? Blessed. Now me, I let
the woman cultivate my seed if I fall in love with her a little bit, you
know, but there is no such thing as love but yall ain’t made for it. Now
I let her cultivate the seed a little bit. I let her (?) but I’m
blessing her. If I don’t want her to cultivate that seed I don’t do
nothing except make no love to her. I still go (unghh!) she can’t
cultivate my seed. Now if the woman continue to cultivate the seed isn’t
that there bringing destruction to man? Hmm? So if you don’t continue to
be men what’s going to happen? She’s going to bring destruction to you
because she’s a cultivator. She’s the Earth that you plant in just like
this Earth you build on. She’ll bring destruction to you. Didn’t you
know that? A woman’s a cultivator. She’ll turn you into a girl every
time. And there are many men who don’t have…yeah I’m about finnin’ to go
anyway, I’ll take a pot to go please, I like mine regular (laughter)…If
a man don’t become something, then a woman going to become man. Every
one of his child is a what? Is a girl! And you don’t have no girls in
you. Man is what? Man! He’s the creator of woman whether she like it or

And then you should...I know how to bring my own babies. I do. I do.
After the birth, cut the thing then hit him “bow,” they go “ow!” That’s
all to it. I don’t need nobody to bring mine. Like the average woman go
to the doctor, the man bring her to him she be like (sigh) "Oh doctor!"
She give him all the love whether you like it or what? Not. Cause he's
right there and she's there all the what? Time. That’s why a man should
treat his woman right.

Now, to me for one, I’m not never going to have one woman because a poor
rat got one hole. See? I found that out. I am not, you hear me woman?
I’m not ever going to have one. Whoever love me, that’s who I’m going to
love. I’m not loving no more, they have to love what? Me! Because I
found that out through my wife. She didn’t write me a letter nor come to
see me after 22 months. So now them young girls love me. She say, "I’m
surprised at you.” I say "Oh honey don’t worry about them my blessings"
because she saw me. And they young too. I like that. And I can teach
them myself. After I get through with her everything be alright because
that means she's not contaminate. Because I’ll show you something. If
your woman go to this church, right? And you go to another church,
right? Isn’t that wrong? Because I’ll tell you something right now. Now,
if you have to go to church for someone to teach your women…I’m not
saying nothing about the Reverend or trying to make you feel bad or
nothing like that because I’m only going to tell the truth. My wife
wanted to teach me Elijah Muhammad. She tried to put my mind under the
capture of that man. I said "woman you crazy!" She said, "what! What!
What!" I said "what! What!" I’m not going to let my woman go up under
this man when I’m a man myself and if I fall for that my children can
never respect me. I don’t need you to educate my child. It is my duty to
educate my child my what? Self! You understand that? But the preachers
are so far backwards that they have created teachings to educate that
child. Don’t you know if you take your child somewhere and you don’t
have the knowledge of what that child is going up under that person is
taking your child’s mind from you? He can control that child. I bear
witness to this cause I know a man that went to get his child from
church and wanted to speak to his child alone. You know what that child
told that...told his daddy? "You have to talk in front of the preacher."
What the...? I would have “bam!” I would have knocked that sucker out!
Telling me that he can’t talk to me private and that’s me. And another
man has my mind and my child’s mind? Boy, I would have hit that boy so
hard I would have broke his jaw. So if you grow up under someone else's
indoctrination and you don’t understand where that child is at or who
that man is or what he’s teaching that child. He's going to take your
child. I examine everything they teach mine. I go see the teacher and I
look at him is he a sucker or a man. You know I look at him. I look at
him. I let him know, ‘I’m looking at you sucker.’ And I keep looking at
him. And I watch his ways and actions because I don’t want him to have
no feminine ways whatsoever if he’s teaching that boy! This is what I
like about they said Ron...the method that the Governor up there in
Reers. He fired everybody. He fired a lot of people out of his office,
or some of them, because he said they were homo what? He a homosexual.
Now this man is a man. See a whole lot of people don’t go for that but
that man’s a man because homosexuals bring on destruction to a what? A
nation. The man is right and a lot of people don’t think the man is
right but the man is what? He’s right because homosexuals bring
destruction to a what? A nation.

And when you produce a girl. (Silence. Cuts in and out as if tape is
edited) Hmm, no don’t kill her. I can’t say that. I never said that. I
never said that. I’m more daint than a non-violent man. I’m not violent.
See, you got a word for something which is right, you might say it’s
non-violent. You understand? But see there is no such word as non-
violent, you see, because I’m right in what I do. So to save my life I
must survive. I don’t care what you call it. If you had food in your
house and you won’t give it to me and I have to save my life, I’m coming
in there. And that’s the way you should come in my house because you got
to try and what? Survive! So if I’m trying to survive for my life you
wouldn’t call that violence would you? Hmm? Now you can’t call that
violence. I know if you got everything and I ain’t got any. You gonna
make me suffer. You got to kill me.

Interviewer: Are you talking about without having riots in the streets?

Father Allah: Do what? If I did something it wouldn’t be a riot! I’d go

to the government.

Interviewer: People would follow you.

Father Allah: I’d go to the government. You don’t call that a riot. If
the store got food in there and you own that store and don’t give no
food you not going to riot if I go in there and get some food.

Interviewer: But you said you would be (sic).

Father Allah: I’m civilized. All civilized people say that.

Interviewer: That what you want boys to follow you.

Father Allah: And I want them to obey your orders, too.

Interviewer: Use a cooperative approach.

Father Allah: If you try to force on them religion you can’t win because
the child must fight for the United States of America because he might
make this what? His home. And if you continue to teach that child about
religion the first thing that boy going to be hollering out "Jesus
Coming!" He ain’t gonna fight. You don’t want to get them like this
because they don’t want to pick up no what? Arms. While this country is
getting weak Russia is building up, and not only this country building
up the other countries.

Now, I don’t tell the children not to go to war because I’ll go back
with them. I enjoyed the army when I was in there. I enjoyed it. Because
it’s something to kill and don't worry about it. Some people kill and
have a conscious and go crazy behind it because they can’t clear their
mind up. Now, when I was in the army I know I was fighting for the
country and also myself. And I was one to come back home with many
units. And I’m reaping the benefits from it now whether I got anything
or not. The United States of America taught me to be discipline. They
also done taught me how to raise me an army. They self educated me to
lessen all my trials and tribulations.

I have done messed with cocaine. I have done messed with everything but
LSD and I’m not going to take any of those trips. Did I gain from using
cocaine? Yes. I know what it do for me. I start bringing it on my
ownself because I just had it because it freezed me. So by you going to
all these other countries getting all these results and bringing it back
in…I know this because they made me a doctor. No army did this to me.
Every doctor talking about that "that’s no understanding". So it helped
me in the Army. The only thing I need to know is where to get it at now.
And also lily white come in what? Swaps! Because did it harm you or did
it hurt you? It don’t hurt do it?

Interviewer: What you do with it?

Father Allah: Well, alright then. It couldn’t harm me.

Interviewer: I think one of your boys have a question.

Father Allah: Well, they can ask anything they want.

Interviewer: You can go ahead.

Young God: I know my Father.

Father Allah: And he’s always coming with questions.

Young God: Allah, you know like when we go to church on Sundays? Do we

have to man?

Father Allah: Listen, son. I’m going to tell you something and I must
say this. Listen, son. If you go without force, it is good to listen and
learn. Now if you're forced, don’t go. Don’t go. Because as a force it’s
gonna make you not to be able to protect this country. It’s going to put
you in a state of mind that if they don’t get rid of this state of mind
the country got to fall. And I don’t want you under up nobody else’s
command. I want you to stay right here in the United States. If you go
with anyone to church do exactly what they do, kneel. They didn’t force
me to go to church in Mattawan. They said "Allah we don’t have your
service here." I said "if you did have Muslim service that is not my
service." Because I don’t have no religion. And they didn’t force me to
go. They put on my paper "very religious man" and I said, "No, I don’t
have no religion." They put on my paper that I was a leader and I said,
"No, I’m not a leader." Because if I said I was a leader then I would
hold records of you and they would come and ask for my records one day.
So I don’t have records. So that’s when they come, if they come ask me
and they let me show no records of you. You understand that? So I say if
you go. Go! Go! You’ll benefit from it.

Interviewer: What about singing?

Father Allah: Plenty of singing. That’s fine to sing. Sing!

Interviewer: It’s almost Christmas time.

Father Allah: Listen. Barry Gottehrer was trying to get us a building so

we could have a Christmas party. Now, Muslims don’t believe in
Christmas. I would like to have a Christmas party for the Five
Percenters. You understand that? So if you want to go, go to church.
You’ll learn from it. You not going there...

Interviewer: And you say if you’re not forced. Are we forcing you to go
to church?

Young God: I mean, there ain’t no way we can get out of it.

Father Allah: Well go. Because I’m a show you why you have a right to
go. Because if you hadn’t did anything wrong, you wouldn’t be there
would you? All I know is that you didn’t do anything wrong when it came
to your mothers and I don’t blame you because man don’t have a mother.
What is a mother? Man don’t have no mother. Who is my daughter if she
ain’t my wife? I give her away if I want to. And in this country they’ll
say, "Oh you can’t marry your daughter." That’s my seed, I’ll give her
away if I want to and not let nobody come in and try to steal her and
contaminate my Earth. You understand that? And I feel exactly the way
the Queen and them do of England. That’s my Earth. I give her away if I
what? Want to. Now, how many more concerns you have?

Interviewer: Thanks everyone.

Father Allah: Alright gentlemen.

Interviewer: Thank you very much.

Father Allah: Alright gentlemen. I’m not against nobody. I’m only trying
to make the young people strong together so that they can keep the
country safe. Because this is a new country. Isn’t it? You don’t keep it
safe, you ain’t going to reap the benefits from it. Because it’s a new
country. You know this is a new country.

In the Name of Allah

Peace to the Nation of God and Earths!

I see todays math as Knowledge Born.

Physically it takes a new born nine months to be born out of the mothers
womb (sometimes 7).

Mentally it takes a new born from Knowledge to Born in Allah's

Mathematics to be brought out of the womb of triple stage darkness
(being blind, deaf and dumb).

We are indeed the Saviors of the Human Families of the planet Earth by
teaching Civilization, which is the Knowledge and Wisdom.

Allah is the Original Man, the Original Man is God and God is Civilized.
7 1/2 ounces of Original Brain that God has teaches us that lesson.

Therefore, if anyone comes in the name of God Allah and is not Civilized
he is not manifesting who the True and Lving God is nor their duty as a
Civililed Person. Those who fail in performing his duty by coming in the
name of God Allah shall be punished. They will be put onto the 'Hot
Seat' and examined by the doctors of Allah's World Manifest. Unlike
Yacub's doctors we make sure they are A-LIKE while Yacub doctors make
sure that the 85% are UN-alike their Original Self or Grafted, being
made WEAK and wicked.

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