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Effects of E-Learning On Students' Motivation

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Effects of e-learning on Students’ Motivation

Article in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences · May 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.905


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1 author:

Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi

Allameh Tabataba'i University


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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430

3rd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management

Effects of e-learning on students' motivation

Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi*
MA. Student in educational planning at Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)


E-learning has a significant role in instruction of students in higher education, so the objective of this study is
investigating the strength of the relationship between e-learning and students' motivation among students
participating in the research. This research was conducted in Tehran Alzahra University. Overall, the outcomes of
this study have confirmed that e-learning is an element which affects students’ motivation.
Design/ methodology/approach – A questionnaire was applied to collect data from students of Tehran Alzahra
University; and the statistical method of Pearson's correlation coefficient, was used for data analysis.
Research limitations/implications – The analysis is executed in an only country therefore, attention must be paid
in generalization of the outcomes.
Practical implications – The outcomes of this research will be helpful in developing countries for educational
thinkers to better comprehend effects of e-learning on students' motivation.

Keywords: E-learning, students' motivation, higher education

© 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of 3rd International
Conference on responsibility
Peer-review under Leadership, of Technology and Innovation
Uluslararası Stratejik Management
Yönetim veYöneticiler Derneği (usyyd) (International Strategic Management
and Managers Association).
1. Introduction
The traditional instructional delivery system in universities for a long time has been a classroom with
a professor giving speeches to students and the students listening and taking notes. Communication
between the professor and students has been identified to be a critical learning component in this delivery
platform. Novelties in educational delivery systems like interactive and reflective schools of thought

*Corresponding author. Tel.: + 9893-5486-2475

E-mail address: safiyehrajaee@gmail.com

1877-0428 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Uluslararası Stratejik Yönetim veYöneticiler Derneği (usyyd) (International Strategic Management
and Managers Association).
424 Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430

(Haverila & Barkhi, 2009 ; Tamrakar & K. Mehta, 2011) have, however, challenged the traditional
attitudes to education. Technology suggests many new characteristics that can be applied to make
instruction more interesting to learners (Keller & Suzuki, 2004). It is usually supposed that new
technologies make modifications in instruction. Many proponents of e-learning consider that everyone
should be prepared with basic knowledge of technology, as well as utilize it as a mean for getting
educational aims (E-learning, 2013).
As an outcome of this, many universities have used e-learning in a main way. For this reason the
necessity for academic and technical knowledge to teach utilizing the Internet has been appeared, and this
knowledge is becoming core proficiency for many professors. Some scholars have predicted that the
traditional classroom will vanish. E-learning has entered the instruction as well as the corporate world in
a main way and it also completes the traditional delivery styles. It has enabled the traditional educational
patterns like distance learning (Haverila & Barkhi, 2009 ; Tamrakar & K. Mehta, 2011). Traditionally e-
learning in the higher education model, i.e. at university, has been engaged to: (1) rises visibility of
university, (2) stretch the educational suggestion, and (3) as learning “virtualization”. Furthermore e-
learning is a crucial device that professors can use to enhance students' motivation and education (Mateo,
Pérez del Rey, & Hernández, 2010).
E-Learning has become a crucial component of teaching in universities. There are some theories such
as reasoned action (TRAs) and planned behavior that have been used as structures for studing the
motivational and contextual elements that impact partaking in instruction activities (N. Garavan, Carbery,
O’Malley, & O’Donnell. 2010). E-learning has become a common style of providing educational
materials in higher education by universities in every part of the world. Because of these changes there is
an increasing need for flexible deliverance of education. Distant learning takes an imperative part in this.
Even though distant learning had been common long before the introduction of the internet, technological
development has enabled ICT to become a more main device for other forms of learning. In education,
the web (World-Wide-Web) has usually been used as a source of information or even as a learning device
(Mahieu & Wolming, 2013). All these models or methods hold that it is crucial to produce the learner’s
motivation. For this reason, numerous of the computer-based learning environments constructed present
realistic problems.

2. Literature Review and Hypotheses

In recent years e-learning has been the subjects of many researches, Keller & Suzuki (2004) studied
on Learner motivation and e-learning design; the results of their empirical studies have approved the
validity of their model for the systematic design of motivationally enhanced instruction in E-learning
settings with regard to diminishing drop-out rates and other positive motivational results. Tarans' (2005)
study about Motivation Techniques in eLearning, suggests 10 techniques (Manding stimuli, Anticipation,
Incongruity, Concreteness, Variability, Humor, Inquiry, Participation, Breaks and energizers,
Storytelling) for catching and keeping students' attention, which are regarded as the most important
elements in obtaining motivation while learning online. Schaer, Roizard, Christmann & Lemaitres’
(2006) study deals with using an e-learning course at ENSIC in France. The results of their study
demonstrate that this new teaching does not decrease the time of teaching but encourages more active
learning, moreover a better understanding of technology for students to proceed with their own ability.
Rovai, Ponton, Wighting, & Baker, (2007) studied on student Motivation in Traditional Classroom
and E-Learning Courses, Their study results give evidence that students who are taught by e-learning are
more intrinsically motivated than students who go to Traditional Classroom, They found that there were
no differences in three extrinsic motivation measures or a motivation. And also, the outcomes showed
that graduate students were more intrinsically motivated than undergraduate students in e-learning and
traditional education. Liaw, Huang & Chens’ (2007) researchs’ aim was to examine learners’ approach
toward e-learning systems they believed that learners’ approaches can be classified four different factors
Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430 425

“e-learning as a learner autonomy environment, e-learning as a problem-solving environment, e-learning

as a multimedia learning environment, and teachers as assisted tutors in e-learning. Wan, Wang, &
Haggerty (2008) in their study believed that having experience with ICT and virtual competence were
two important elements that affected e-learning and had a positive influence on its results, They tested
their hypotheses on a sample of 383 students partaking in online courses, Their findings approved the
effect of virtual capability and exposed a nuanced mechanism by which experiences with ICT influenced
e-learning results. Payne et al. (2009) investigated whether an e-learning approach which utilizes
constructivist principles can be effectively used to train staffs in a highly specialized skill thought to need
expert individuals and extensive prolonged training, Lastly their study displayed that workplace learners
can be better assisted by e-learning settings rather than routine training as they let asynchronous learning
and private study which are valued by staffs who have other requests on their time and are more relaxed
getting tuition privately. Paechter & Maier (2010) studied about Austrian students’ favorite aspects of e-
learning courses that enable them for learning and about the time students choose online or face-to-face
learning, the result of their study showed that Students chose online learning because of providing an
obvious structure of learning material and they chose face-to-face learning for communication goals in
which a shared comprehension has to be extracted. Lawa, Lee, Yu (2010) believed that computer
programming skills create one of the main proficiencies. Their research showed that improving well
programming skills usually needs students to do a lot of training, which cannot stand if they aren’t
sufficiently motivated. A research model is adopted relating numerous motivating factors, self-efficacy,
and also the influence as a result of e-learning system. Moreover the results indicate that a well assisted e-
learning situation increases learning motivation.
Yengina, Karahocab, Karahocab, & Yücelb, (2010), studied about the roles of teachers in e-learning,
in their paper a model of teachers’ role in the e-learning system has been discussed, According to the
model they provide pathways for teachers to make online courses that involve students into e-learning
more successfully. Mateo et al. (2010) believed Technologies and especially information and
communication technologies (ICT) are obstacle breaking in the existing social scenario and their use is
becoming crucial for any skilled person, and their scope of use is becoming especially widespread in
education due to the existence of communication out of the class through e-learning devices. Universities,
which have an innovative role in instruction, are utilizing ICT-based approaches to adjust their learning
methodology. In their study, they provide a model where students from first-world universities get ready
and adjust course contents for use in educational institutions in developing countries. The finding of
Evaluation of E-learning program versus traditional lecture instruction shows Lack of computer skills of
students affects their abilities to communicate effectively with the instructor and failed to participate in a
variety of online communication methods. Students in the study group were pleased with the e-learning
program as a teaching method, but they did not want to take another e-learning program except if they
had computer and Internet at home (Abdelaziz, Kamel, Karam, & Abdelrahman, 2011). The role of
readiness factors in E-learning showed that organizational readiness factors have a very imperative effect
on E-Learning results; Also teachers’ motivation and education are the critical factors in E-Learning
(Keramati, Afshari-Mofrad, & Kamrani, 2011). Results about use of e-learning to enhance medical
students’ understanding showed that most of students were optimistic about the learning experience
(O’Neill et al., 2011).
Kim & W. Frick (2011) focused on changes in student Motivation during Online Learning, The results
of their study showed that motivation during self-directed e-learning (SDEL) was the best forecaster of
positive change in motivation, which forecast learner agreement with SDEL. Crucial success factors for
e-learning in developing countries demonstrate the significance of curriculum plan for learning
performance. Bhuasiri, Xaymoungkhoun, Zo, Rho, & Ciganek, (2012) believe that essentials for
implementing effective e-learning in developing countries are technology awareness, motivation, and
changing learners’ behavior. Personalized Learning Course Planner with E-learning indicates that the
offered system improved learning efficiency and student contentment. Further investigation of the
426 Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430

participants indicated that suggesting a learning course suitable for students’ previous test scores and
priorities encouraged students to concentrate on the lesson (Jeong, Choi & Song, 2012).
Yacoba, Zuriyati, Kadirb, & Zurairahc (2012) studied about student awareness towards e-Learning in
education their findings indicate that males and female are more aware towards e-learning in education at
Afzal, Ali, Aslam Khan, & Hamids’ (2010) study shows that extrinsic motivation and intrinsic
motivation have positive impacts on academic performance of students and academics performance
reinforces due to extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.
Isa Figueira & Manuel Duartes’ (2011) study shows that, students with a deep approach to learning
(i.e. intrinsic motivation and deep learning strategies) like to have a higher quality of learning, outcomes
of their study demonstrate that the quality of the learning product enhanced with the interference on

2.1. E-learning

There are many definitions for e-learning from Educational dictionary: “E-Learning identifies various
types of computer-aided learning, usually using modern technological means; CD-ROM. E-learning is
expanding especially in the sphere of distance education and corporate training” (Prucha, 2003),
Or a later definition:
“E-learning can be understood as an educational process, using information and communication
technologies to create training, to distribute learning content, communication between students and
teachers and for management of studies” (Wagner, 2005).
E-learning challenges the traditional ways of training and learning, and provides new solutions for
problems. For instance, the role of teachers is probably changing from importers of knowledge to
expeditors of knowledge (Haverila & Barkhi, 2009). And it can be a very good learning practice that can
exceed the education you may experience in a crowded classroom. It's self-paced, active learning
(Obringer, 2002). And also, E-learning contains different types of educational tools in learning and
educating. E-learning has the same meaning with “technology-enhanced learning (TEL), computer-based
instruction (CBI), computer-based training (CBT), computer-assisted instruction or computer-aided
instruction (CAI), internet-based training (IBT), web-based training (WBT), online education, virtual
education, virtual learning environments (VLE) (which are also called learning platforms), m-learning,
and digital educational collaboration”(E-learning, 2013).
E-learning can refer to different learning settings, In this paper we use e-learning to allude to almost
any learning environment in which electronic media, like computers, are utilized as a piece of an
educational delivery system. These can extend from using Email to complement print-based materials
spread at a distance to courses that are delivered entirely by means of technology like computers or the
World Wide Web.

2.2. Motivation to learn

Promoting motivation to learn is one of the main principles for efficient education (Kim & W. Frick,
2011). Motivation to learn reveals that a student desires to take part in, and learn from, a training activity
(Garavan et al., 2010).
Motivation to learn in the context of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) signifies an attitudinal
variable. Student motivation is often parted into two types: Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation: A student is intrinsically motivated when he or she is motivated from within:
Intrinsically motivated students strongly involve themselves in learning out of unique thing, interest, or
gratification, or in order to attain their own scholarly and personal objectives. Intrinsically motivated
students like to use strategies that need more struggle and that let them to process information more
Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430 427

extremely. Extrinsically motivated students are tending to put forth the least amount of struggle necessary
to get the most reward (Afzal et al., 2010).
In this paper intrinsic motivation is measured.

2.3. Hypotheses

The paper provided the main hypothesis: “there is a relationship between e-learning and students'

3. Objective and methodology of the research

3.1. Objective of the research

The research subject is to determine whether use of e-learning in higher education, leads to affect
students' motivation in the field of learning and the effect of technology on students' motivation. The
purpose of this study is to describe the research carried out and the outcomes which are focused on the
motivation of students participating in the research.

3.2. Statistical Population and Sampling

The statistical population in this study includes all students of Tehran Alzahra University that were
from different majors and different levels of education. The sample volume has been calculated using
GPower3.1 as 140 people. In order to select the members of sample, the random sampling method has
been used.

3.3. Analyses and Results

In the present study in order to test the hypotheses an expert-designed questionnaire was used for e-
learning and intrinsic motivation that included 18 questions, which was according to 5-point scales of a
Likert Scale (from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree). In this study the reliability of questionnaire
was examined through Cronbach's alpha (e-learning questionnaire 0.63 and intrinsic motivation 0.74),
that is presented in Tables 1 & 2.
And the validity was approved by experts view then a pilot study was conducted to improve the
reliability of the instrument. Collected data was analyzed using inferential statistics (Pearson correlation
coefficient to calculate the correlation size between two variables) through a statistical analysis program,
SPSS 20.
Finding showed that results are consistent with the hypotheses. The results of the research showed,
that there is a significant relationship between e-learning and students’ motivation. Findings indicated
that when teachers apply e-learning, more motivation is generated by students and vice versa.
Considering the collected data, the correlation matrix between variables has been computed. The
computed coefficient in the matrix is presented in table 3.
Moreover, the results showed that there is not a significant difference in relationship between e-
learning and students' motivation in different ages and different levels of education that is presented in
table 4.
Table 1: Reliability Statistics (e-learning)

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.639 11
428 Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430

Table 2: Reliability Statistics (motivation)

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.744 7

Table 3: Correlation matrix between E-learning and motivation

E-learning Motivation

E-learning Pearson Correlation 1 .564**

Sig.(2-tailed) 140 .000
N 140
Motivation Pearson Correlation .564** 1
Sig.(2-tailed) .000 140
N 140

**.Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 4: Group Statistics

level of education N M ean S td. D eviation S td. E rror M ean

B .A 82 26.2561 5.01556 .55388

E L earning
M .A - P H D 50 27.1600 6.13242 .86725

M otivation B .A 82 2.2718 .53198 .05875

M .A - P H D 50 2.2914 .55588 .07861

The appropriate statistical model to show the relationship between e-learning and students' motivation
could be shown in figure 1.

Figure 1

E-Learning More motivated


Figure 1 shows general strength of relationship between eLearning as the predictor and students
motivation as the criterion. It shows significantly high relationship between two concepts.
Safiyeh Rajaee Harandi / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 181 (2015) 423 – 430 429

4. Conclusion

This study highlighted the significant relationship between e-learning and students' motivation so,
students are more likely to be more motivated when applying e-learning. If students are more motivated
to learn, then they are more likely to be engaged; and if they are engaged and engaged successfully, they
are more likely to achieve the learning objectives (Kim & W. Frick, 2011). So, it would definitely be
fascinating to utilize e-learning as a standard device in the instruction of university students.
Applying e-learning as a tool in education needs some attention, Sokolová (2011) states that the
following points should be cautiously regarded before utilizing the e-learning in teaching:
- “Content of course - the appropriateness of learning by using e-learning and educational
- Assumptions of educational institutions - ICT facilities, personnel ensure;
- Assumptions of students - the ICT literacy, access to ICT;
- Finally the economic aspect”. (P.178)
However, the analysis is carried out in an only country; thus, attention should be paid in generalization
of the results. and since the motivation of students is an important issue in higher education, mainly
owing to significance of academic performance in their professional life (Afzal et al., 2010), this study
will be helpful for educational thinkers in developing countries to better comprehend the effects of e-
learning on students' motivation.


I am pleased with Dr.Davood Babaei (Assistant Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University);


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