This document provides a uniform European mechanical code for textile fibers developed by COMITEXTIL. It consists of a table listing various natural and synthetic fibers in Italian, English, German, French, and Dutch. A few codes are explained at the bottom such as fleece wool, other fibers, cotton linen, and textile residues.
This document provides a uniform European mechanical code for textile fibers developed by COMITEXTIL. It consists of a table listing various natural and synthetic fibers in Italian, English, German, French, and Dutch. A few codes are explained at the bottom such as fleece wool, other fibers, cotton linen, and textile residues.
This document provides a uniform European mechanical code for textile fibers developed by COMITEXTIL. It consists of a table listing various natural and synthetic fibers in Italian, English, German, French, and Dutch. A few codes are explained at the bottom such as fleece wool, other fibers, cotton linen, and textile residues.
This document provides a uniform European mechanical code for textile fibers developed by COMITEXTIL. It consists of a table listing various natural and synthetic fibers in Italian, English, German, French, and Dutch. A few codes are explained at the bottom such as fleece wool, other fibers, cotton linen, and textile residues.
WP Alpaca Alpaca Alpaka Alpaga Alpaca WL Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama WK Cammello Camel Kamel Chameau Kameel WS Kashmir Kashmir Kaschmir Cachemire Kasjmier WM Mohair Mohair Mohair Mohair Mohair WA Angora Angora Angora Angora Angora (kanin) WG Vigogna Vicuna Vikunja Vigogne Vigogne WY Yack Yak Yak Yack Jak WU Guanaco Guanaco Guanako Guanaco Guanaco WB Castoro Beaver Biber Castor Becer WC (*) Cashgora Cashgora Kaschgora Cashgora Cashgora WT Lontra Oteer Otter Loutre Otter HA Pelo a Crine Hair Haar Poil Haar HR (**) Pelo bovino Cattle hair Rinderhaar Poil de bovin Harr van runderen HZ (**) Pelo di capra comune Common goat hair Hausziegenhaar Poil de chévre haar van gewone commune geiten HS (**) Crine di cavallo Horsehair Rosshaar Crine de cheval Paardenhaar CODICE MECCANOGRAFICO UNIFORME EUROPEO ELABORATO DA COMITEXTIL
SE Seta Solk Seide Soie Zijde
CO Cotone Cotton Baumwolle Coton Katoen KP Kapok Kapok Kapok Capoc Kapok LI Lino Flax Flachs Lin Vlas of linen b.z.w. Leinen CA Canapa True hemp Hanf Chanvre Hennep JU Juta Jute Jute Jute Jute AB Abaca Abaca Manila Abaca Abaca (Manila hemp) hemp) AL Alfa Alfa Alfa Alfa Alfa CC Cocco Coir Kokos Coco Kokos (coconut) coconut) GI Ginestra Broom Ginster Genet Brem KE Kenaf Kenaf Kenaf Kenaf Kenaf (Hibiscus hemp) hemp) RA Ramié Ramié Ramie Ramie Ramie Ramee SI Sisal Sisal SIsal Sisal Sisal SN Sunn Sun Sunn Sunn Sunn HE Henequen Henequen Henequen Henequen Henequen MG Maguey Maguey Maguey Maguey Maguey CODICE MECCANOGRAFICO UNIFORME EUROPEO ELABORATO DA COMITEXTIL
AC Acetato Acetate Acetat Acetate Acetaat
AG Alginica Alignate Aliginar Aliginate Aliginaat CU Cupro Cupro Cupro Cupro Cupro MD Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal PR Proteica Protein Regenerierte Proteinique Proteine Proteinfaser TA Triacetato Triacetate Triacetat Triacetate Triacetaat VI Viscosa Viscose Viskose Viscose Viscose PC Acrilica Acrylic Polyacryl Acrylique Acryl CL Chlorofibra Chlorofibre Polyachlorid Chlorofibre Chloorvezel FL Fluorofibra Fluorofubre Fluorfaser Fluorofibre Fluorvezel MA Modacrilica Modacrylic Modacryl Modacrylyque Modacryl PA Poliammidica Nylon Polyamid Polyamide Polyamide AR (*) Aramide Aramid Aramide Aramide Aramide PM (*) Poliimmide Polyimide Polyimid Polyimide Poliymide LY (*) Lyocell Lyocell Lyocell Lyocell Lyocell PL poliester Polyester Polyester Polyester Polyester PE Polietilenica Polyethylene Polyathylen Polyethylene Polyetheen PP Polipropilenica Polypropylene Polypropylen Polypropylene Polypropeen PB Poliureica Polycarbamide Polyharnstoff Polycarbamide Polycabrmide PU Poliuretanica Polyurethane Polyurethan Polyurethan Polyurethaan Codice Tedesco Francese Olandese Italiano Inglese WV "Schurwolle" Art. 5 § 1 Laine vierge Scheerwol Lana Vergine Fleece wool AF "Sonstige Fasern" Art. 6 § 2 Autres fibres Andere vezels Altre fibre Other fibres a) HL "Halbleinen" Art. 6 § 3 Metis Halflinnen Misto lino Cotton linen Union TR "Textilreste" other Residus textiles ou Textielresten Residui tessili o Textile residues or "Erzeugunisse" unbekannte composition non ofonbepaalde composizione non unspecified Zusammensetzung gem. determinee samenstellin determinata composition Art. 6 § 5
VY Vinilal Vinylal Vinylal Vinylal Vinylal
TV Trivinilica DENOMINAZIONI Trivinyl PARTICOLARI Trivinyl Trivinyl Trivinilica EL Gomma Elastodiene Elastodien Elastodiene Elastodieen EA Elastan Elastane Elasthan Elasthanne Polyurethaan- elastomeer GL Vetro tessile Glass fibre Glasfaser Verre textile Glasvezel ME Metallo Metal Metall Metal Metaal Metallica Metallic Metallisch Metallique Metallizata Metallised Metallisiert Metallise AS Amianto Asbestos Asbest Amiante Asbest PI Carta tessile Paper Papier Papier Papier UNI 9963 - FIBRE CHIMICHE : ABBREVIAZIONI
Nome della fibra Abbreviazione Nome della fibra Abbreviazione
acetato CA modacrilica MAC
acrilica PAN modal CMD
alginica ALG poliammidica PA
aramidica AR poliestere PES
clorofibra CLF polietilenica PE
cupro CUP poliimmidica PI
elastan EL poliossiamidica POA
elastodiene ED polipropilenica PP
fibra di carbonio CF triacetato CTA
fibra di silice SF vetro tessile GF
fibra metallica MTF vinilal PVAL
fluorofibra PTFE viscosa CV
lyocell (es. Tencelâ
Tencelâ ). CLY I risultati di una ricerca su capi importati in Italia )
Nessuna Made in Made in Altre
origine China India origini Accessorio 9.8 0 3.6 0 Abbigliamento 9.8 2.4 4.9 3.7 esterno Intimo 0 0 0 1.2 TOTALE 19.6 2.4 8.5 4.9
For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades