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IIT Genius 2024

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Get set to Study

Free of Cost at IITs

even without joining FIITJEE

Unleash the Academic Genius in you & Seize the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Test Dates : 28th January & 4th February 2024

For Students presently

in Class VIII, IX, X, XI & XII
(Aspiring for JEE Main & JEE Advanced 2028,
2027, 2026, 2025 & 2024 respectively)

l IIT Kanpur
l IIT Kharagpur

IIT l IIT Madras

l IIT Gandhinagar l IIT Mandi

Geniu l IIT Goa l IIT Palakkad

l IIT Guwahati l IIT Patna
l IIT Bombay l IIT Hyderabad l IIT Roorkee
l IIT Delhi l IIT Indore l IIT Ropar
l IIT Bhilai l IIT Dharwad l IIT Jammu l IIT Tirupati
www.iitgenius.com l IIT Bhubaneswar l IIT (ISM) Dhanbad l IIT Jodhpur l IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Get set to Study Free of Cost at IITs even without joining FIITJEE

FIITJEE is the only institution known for taking initiatives directed towards the welfare
of Students (& their parents), and we continue to create opportunities that set new
benchmarks of excellence for the student community. In pursuit of this, IIT Genius is one
such life-changing opportunity !

IIT Genius - We dedicate a revolutionary

service to the Geniuses of India where
10 Students from each class VIII, IX, X,
XI & XII will be bestowed with the honour
of 'IIT Genius' title and will also get their
Education at IITs sponsored by FIITJEE.
The scholarship will cover all institutional
expenses, including hostel fee, tuition
fee, books fee & reasonable personal
expenses*. One doesn’t have to be a
FIITJEE Student to avail this Scholarship
& Award or even join a Program at
FIITJEE after the Award. Selection of
Students will be based on IIT Genius Test
followed by an interview where Top 30
IIT Students from each class VIII, IX, X, XI &

G e n iu s
XII will be called to Delhi / Hyderabad.
*Rs. 5000 per month

T it le
*Rs. 5000 per month

Please note that the present cost** of pursuing a 4 Year Graduate / 5 Year Integrated
Program at any IIT is approximately Rupees 18 - 20 Lacs
(**including reasonable personal expenses).
Read how IIT Genius has impacted the lives of Students

in JEE Advanced, 2022

Nandan Manjunath
FIITJEE IIT Genius Scholar

Nandan Manjunath Immadisetty

was awarded the Title of
IIT Genius. He had appeared in
IIT Genius Test held on
21st February 2021 and is now

Studying Free of Cost

at IIT Bombay.
Scan the QR Code to
watch his video testimonial

in JEE Advanced, 2018

Pawan Goyal
FIITJEE IIT Genius Scholar

Pawan Goyal was awarded the Title of IIT Genius. He appeared in IIT Genius Test held on 4th February 2018

Studied Free of Cost at IIT Bombay.

Eligibility For Students presently in Class VIII, IX, X, XI & XII
(Aspiring for JEE Main & Advanced 2028, 2027, 2026, 2025 & 2024 respectively)

Who should appear ? School Toppers | NTSE Scholars | Jr. Science Olympiad qualifiers | Qualifiers of any stage of
Olympiads till Class XI | MVPP qualifiers (in case of Delhi) | Any State / City level Scholastic
/ Competitive exam qualifiers | Those who have the potential to become one of the Top
Rankers in JEE Main / JEE Advanced.

Registration Fee*
Test Date : Sunday, 28th January 2024
Last Date to Register For Students presently Enrolled in any FIITJEE Program

26th January 2024 Till 18th January 2024 From 19th January to 26th January 2024

Rs. 1500/- NIL Rs. 500/-

Test Date : Sunday, 4th February 2024

Last Date to Register For Students presently Enrolled in any FIITJEE Program

*(including GST)
2nd February 2024 Till 25th January 2024 From 26th January to 2nd February 2024

Rs. 1500/- NIL Rs. 500/-

Test Schedule & Pattern

Paper 1 : I.Q. (Duration : 180 Minutes) - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Note : All Students must be seated
For students Objective type questions to gauge current level of preparedness. by 8:45 am for Paper 1 and 1:45
presently in pm for Paper 2. The time period
Paper 2 : Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Class VIII, of 8:45 am to 9:00 am and 1:45
(Duration : 180 Minutes) - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
IX & X pm to 2:00 pm is for filling up
Objective type questions to test goal oriented analytical skills.
the information on the OMR
JEE Advanced Foundation (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics).
Answer Sheet and for reading
Paper 1 : I.Q. (Duration : 180 Minutes) - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm the examination instructions.
Objective type questions to gauge current level of preparedness. For information on how to fill
For students
up Answer OMR Sheet please
presently in Paper 2 : Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
download “An Introduction on
Class XI & XII (Duration : 180 Minutes) - 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
OMR Sheets” from www.fiitjee.
Objective type questions to test goal oriented analytical skills.
JEE Advanced (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics).

Result Declaration & Interview Schedule

Class Stage - I, Result Dates# Interview Schedule Final Results

XI & XII 9th February 2024 Hyderabad - 18th & 19th March 2024
29th March 2024
VIII, IX, X 10th February 2024 Delhi - 21st & 22nd March 2024

# Results will be Available at www.iitgenius.com (4:00 pm onwards)

Participate in one or more of the below mentioned activities and initiate this voyage of transformation by taking
a Personalised Counselling Session, exclusive FIITJEE Seminar / Webinar, Online Aptitude Test inter alia.

Earn incentives in the form of fee waivers up to 99%* on Registration Fee

Registration Detailed Online Attend FIITJEE Personal Counselling Session
Registration Aptitude Test Seminar / Webinar
You can

register quickly If you opt Hone your skills prior Attend a FIITJEE Seminar to We understand the importance of
and conveniently for Detailed to the IIT Genius Test gain valuable insights and take guidance & personalised support in

by Registration, by writing the Online an informed decision for the your educational journey. The

it results into Aptitude Test and journey ahead, unlocking your personal counselling sessions will
paying the
true potential. Attending a be tailored to provide you and your
full fee of our better & discover an extra
FIITJEE Seminar along with your parents with valuable insights and
comprehensive ordinary opportunity
Rs. 1500 understanding to test your mental
parents at least 10 days before guidance about understanding
the last day of registration yourself in a much better manner.
(for Class about you. As ability & overall
comes with 50% incentive Attend a counselling session, fill
VIII, IX, a token of our aptitude. By acing
as waiver on the Registration survey / feedback form and gain
appreciation, you this online test, you
X, XI & XII). Fee post filling survey / incentive as fee waiver upto
will receive a can earn upto feedback form over and above 75%, over and above any
50% incentive 75% incentive the accumulated benefits. accumulated benefits you've earned.

as waiver on the as waiver on the

Kindly note that you have the option to choose either a
Registration Fee. Registration Fee. Seminar / Webinar or a Personal Counselling Session. However,
only one benefit is applicable between the two choices.

*It is the maximum registration fee waiver that is given when a student completes all the steps given above and registers through his / her school. Please ask your school
to get in touch with a FIITJEE Centre for more details.

Start from anywhere and participate in multiple How to Register :

activities to maximise your incentives as waiver on the
Registration Fee. Online Registration Mode : Registration
can be done through www.iitgenius.com
So Hurry Up ! Visit www.iitgenius.com or your nearest
and the Self Declaration Form (of parental
FIITJEE Centre and start your journey of Extraordinary
income) needs to be uploaded.
Growth by registering for FIITJEE IIT Genius Test.

Note 1 : Multiplicative Fee Waiver: Keep in mind that our fee Paper Registration Mode : Fill in your complete details
waiver incentives are multiplicative. This means that the incentives
in the Registration Form and submit it in person at the
from the second activity onwards will be calculated based on the
remaining fees to be paid.
nearest FIITJEE Centre along with the prescribed test fee
in cash, two passport size photographs and a copy of
Note 2 : Benefit Selection: If you have attended both a Seminar /
Webinar and a Personal Counselling Session, please note that only Student’s ID Card. Your Hall Ticket will be issued to you
one of the best benefits will be applicable. We want to ensure you in person.
receive the maximum advantage without duplication.

Note 3 : Family Participation: For Personal Counselling Sessions,

if at least one of the parents and the child seeking admission actively
participate, a remarkable upto 75% waiver will be applied. It's a
collaborative effort that reaps significant rewards !
class VIII class IX
Physics Mathematics Physics Mathematics
1. Force and Pressure 1. Rational Numbers 1. Motion 1. Number System
2. Friction 2. Understanding 2. Force and Laws of 2. Lines & Angles
3. Chemical Effect of Electric Current Quadrilaterals motion 3. Triangles
4. Natural Phenomena 3. Comparing Quantities 3. Gravitation 4. Co-ordinate
5. Light 4. Algebraic Expression & 4. Work and Energy Geometry
Identities 5. Fluid 5. Linear Equations in
5. Square & Square Root Two Variables
Chemistry 6. Cube & Cube Root Chemistry 6. Polynomials
1. Metals and Non metals 7. Exponents and Powers 1. Matter in Our
2. Coal & Petroleum Surrounding
3. Combustion & Flame 2. Is matter around
us pure ?
3. Atoms and Molecules
4. Structure of Atom

class X class XI
Physics Physics Mathematics
1. Light: Reflection and 1. Physical world and Measurement 1. Sets
Refraction 2. Kinematics 2. Relations and Functions
2. Electricity 3. Laws of motion 3. Linear Inequality
3. Human Eye and 4. Work Energy and Power 4. Progression & Series
Colourful World
5. Gravitation 5. Complex Numbers
4. Sources of Energy
6. Mechanical Properties of Solids 6. Trigonometric Ratios and
5. Magnetic Effect of
7. Motion of System of Particles and Identities
Rigid Body 7. Conic Section
Chemistry 8. Logarithms
1. Chemical Reactions & 9. Basic Calculus
Equations Chemistry
10. Straight Lines
2. Acids, Bases and Salts 1. Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
11. Quadratic Equations
3. Metals and Non-Metals 2. Atomic Structure
12. Statistics
4. Carbon and Its 3. Periodic Properties & Periodic
13. Circle
Compounds Classification of Elements
14. Parabola
5. Periodic Classification 4. Chemical Bonding
15. Limits & Derivatives
5. Redox Reactions & Stoichiometry
6. Chemical Equilibrium
1. Real Numbers
7. Ionic Equilibrium
2. Polynomials
8. Hydrogen & It’s compounds
3. Quadratic Equations
4. Similar Triangles 9. General Organic Chemistry & class XII
5. Trigonometry Isomerism
Full syllabus of
6. Coordinate Geometry
7. Arithmetic Progression
JEE Advanced 2024
Note 1 : Note 5 :
All Students must appear in both the Papers (Paper 1 & Paper 2). The final discretion of awarding the Sponsorship will remain
Decision of awarding the IIT Genius title is based on complex with the FIITJEE management and their decision will be final
algorithm & performances in various sections of both the and binding on the Student.
papers. Top 30 Students (from each Class) will be called for an
Note 6 :
interview and on the basis of the total marks secured in the Test
& Interview, top 10 Students (from each Class) will be declared Students who have already been awarded the IIT Genius

as an IIT Genius who on joining IIT will get their education Scholarships in any of the previous editions of IIT Genius

sponsored (institutional expenses including hostel fee, tuition Test, can appear in the upcoming IIT Genius Test (28th

fee, books fee, & reasonable personal expenses*) by FIITJEE. January & 4th February 2024) to evaluate their current level

 S tudents presently in Class VIII must secure a Rank in of preparation. However, they will not be entitled for any

Top 20 All India Ranks (in Common Merit List only) in Scholarships associated with the IIT Genius Test held on 28th
JEE Advanced 2028. January & 4th February 2024.
 S tudents presently in Class IX must secure a Rank in
Note 7 :
Top 20 All India Ranks (in Common Merit List only) in
S tudents already enrolled in any FIITJEE Program are
JEE Advanced 2027.
eligible to appear in this Test and they will be eligible for the
 S tudents presently in Class X must secure a Rank in
Sponsorship to be given through IIT Genius Test. FIITJEE
Top 20 All India Ranks (in Common Merit List only) in
JEE Advanced 2026. also gives cash rewards to its Students on the basis of their

 S tudents presently in Class XI must secure a Rank in performance in JEE Advanced (please see FIITJEE Rewards

Top 15 All India Ranks (in Common Merit List only) in Booklet). So, if a FIITJEE Student becomes eligible for the

JEE Advanced 2025. Sponsorship through IIT Genius Test and secures an All India

 S tudents presently in Class XII must secure a Rank in Rank in JEE Advanced through which he / she becomes

Top 15 All India Ranks (in Common Merit List only) in eligible for FIITJEE Rewards also, then he / she can choose
JEE Advanced 2024. the one which is higher among two.

Note 2 : Note 8 (a):

The sponsorship offered through IIT Genius Test is applicable The registered office of FIITJEE is at New Delhi. All disputes
only for Students joining regular B. Tech. or Integrated 5 years' and differences of any nature whatsoever shall be referred
Master program at any IIT. Institutional Fee will be paid to the to the Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Management of
institution directly. FIITJEE Ltd. The Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted
in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and
Note 3 :
Conciliation Act 1996 and Statutory modification thereof and
The sponsorship will be given semester wise and will be paid
rules made thereunder. The award of the Arbitrator shall be
in advance of the next semester & on the basis of previous
final & binding. It is further agreed that in spite of the fact that
semester’s performance. The first installment of sponsorship
the Sole Arbitrator may be known to any of the Directors or
will be disbursed as soon as the Student furnishes the proof
of his / her admission in an IIT (in accordance with the details shareholders or may have been appointed as an arbitrator

given in Note 1) in a regular B Tech or Integrated 5 years' earlier by the company shall not disqualify him. Even if the

Master program. To be eligible to get the further installments Arbitrator may have expressed an opinion in a similar matter

of the sponsorship, a Student must achieve a grade point of earlier shall also not render him disqualified. The seat of the

8.5 or above in every semester. Arbitration will be New Delhi / Delhi.

Note 4 : Note 8 (b):

The interview will be headed by a panel of FIITJEE experts Subject to Note 8 (a) hereinabove, the exclusive Jurisdiction in
and their decision will be final and binding on the Student. the matter shall vest in New Delhi / Delhi Courts only.

*Rs. 5000 per month

FIITJEE Centre Network

Delhi (South)
Delhi (Punjabi Bagh)
Delhi (Janakpuri)
Delhi (East)
Delhi (Dwarka)
Chandigarh Delhi-NCR (Noida - Sector 62 & Greater Noida)
Meerut Delhi-NCR (Gurgaon)
Delhi-NCR (Faridabad - Sector 15 A & Sector 16)
Amritsar Lucknow (Gomti Nagar)
Delhi-NCR (Ghaziabad - Rajnagar & Vasundhara)
Lucknow (Aashiana)
Jaipur (J.L.N. Marg) Lucknow (Aliganj)
Jaipur (Vaishali) Kanpur
Jaipur (Vidyadhar Nagar) Gorakhpur Prayagraj

Varanasi (Mahmoor Ganj)

Gwalior Varanasi (Khajuri)
Indore (Vijay Nagar) Dhanbad
Indore (Palasia) Bokaro
Indore (Annapurna) Kolkata (South Zone Centre)
Vadodara Kolkata (North Zone Centre)

* This map is not to scale

Nagpur Durgapur

Mumbai (Andheri) Ranchi (Lalpur)
Mumbai (Kandivali) Ranchi (SOP Doranda) Bhubaneswar (Unit - IX)
Mumbai (Thane) Bhubaneswar (Infocity)
Mumbai (Navi Mumbai) Raipur
Pune (Swargate)
Pune (PCMC) Bhilai

Shaktinagar NTPC
Hyderabad (Saifabad)
Visakhapatnam (Shantipuram)
Hyderabad (Dilsukhnagar)


Visakhapatnam (MVP Colony)
Hyderabad (Kukatpally)
Visakhapatnam (Ukkunagaram)
Hyderabad (Miyapur)

Published in January, 2024

Kochi Vijayawada
Bangalore (HSR Layout)

Chennai (Nungambakkam)
Bangalore (Jayanagar)

Chennai (Kilpauk)
Bangalore (Sheshdripuram)
Chennai (Adyar)
Coimbatore (R.S. Puram) Chennai (Sriperumbudur)
Coimbatore (Nehru Nagar) Chennai (KK Nagar)
Chennai (Anna Nagar)
Chennai (Velachery)
Chennai (Trichy)

Where winning is a habit !


National Admissions Office : FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016
Email : info@fiitjee.com | Web : www.fiitjee.com | FIITJEE Helpline No: 7825895400 | FIITJEE eSchool Helpline No: 8400928400

FIITJEE Centres at {Delhi South Delhi (46106000), Punjabi Bagh (45634000), Janak Puri (45616600), Dwarka (28035963) & East Delhi (43002500)} ; Delhi NCR {Gurgaon (4628400), Noida (Sector 62 - 4754800), Greater
Noida (9871113448), Faridabad (Sector 15 - 4001608 & Sector 16 - 4607992), Ghaziabad (Rajnagar - 2820004 & Vasundhara - 4179012)}; Amritsar (2501686) ; Bangalore (HSR Layout - 9742288873, Jayanagar - 9742255583
& Sheshadripuram - 9742255583); Bhilai (4035204) ; Bhopal (4253355) ; Bhubaneswar (Unit - IX - 9178145775 & Infocity - 8447492362) ; Bokaro (9835525511) ; Chandigarh (4001003) ; Chennai {Nungambakkam, Kilpauk,
Adyar, Anna Nagar, KK Nagar, Sriperumbudur, Velachery - (8010891089), (Trichy - 7397796577)} ; Coimbatore (R.S. Puram & Nehru Nagar) 8754485348 / 49)} ; Cuttack (9040032630) ; Dhanbad (7631758111) ; Durgapur
(2542643) ; Gorakhpur (9889013567) ; Gwalior (4926888) ; Hisar Information Centre (9958600587) ; Hyderabad (Saifabad - 9885337381, Dilsukhnagar - 66757890, Kukatpally - 9966595656 & Miyapur - 9121012594);
Indore (Vijay Nagar - 4274702, Palasia - 4044443, Annapurna - 4044445); Jaipur (JLN Marg - 9513745227, Vaishali - 4920319 & Vidyadhar Nagar - 8875555804) ; Kanpur (9792333384) ; Kharagpur (256162); Kochi
(4015747) ; Kolkata (South Zone Centre - 40977800, 6292236537 & North Zone Centre - 23556700, 6292236538) ; Lucknow (Gomti Nagar, Aashiana & Aliganj - 7825895322) ; Meerut (4054378); Mumbai (Kandivali, Andheri,
Navi Mumbai & Thane : 8080 220 888) ; Nagpur (6600502, 9734556677) ; Patna (9534599992) ; Prayagraj (9792712323) ; Pune (Swargate - 41418686, PCMC - 46918686); Raipur (4035204) ; Ranchi (Lalpur - 2563188
& SOP Doranda - 2563187) ; Shaktinagar NTPC (232372) ; Vadodara (9879113635) ; Varanasi (Mahmoor Ganj Centre - 2361018, Khajuri Centre - 9208100003) ; Vijayawada (8885549700) & Visakhapatnam (2555503).

www.facebook.com/fiitjeeindia123 www.twitter.com/fiitjee www.pinterest.com/fiitjee www.linkedin.com/company/fiitjee www.youtube.com/fiitjeeltd www.instagram.com/fiitjee.india

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