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Solar Interior

Ashok Ambastha

Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur 313001 (India)

Abstract. The solar interior is not visible by direct means, and until a few decades
back its understanding was based only on the surface observations pertaining to its
global properties (e.g., temperature, luminosity, radius, etc.). Solar neutrinos and
global solar oscillations have provided more “direct” probes of the Sun’s internal
structure and dynamics. In these lectures we discuss some aspects of standard so-
lar models, the neutrino problem and recent developments in helioseismology.

1. Introduction

The Sun, like all stars, is a self gravitating ball of gas, where two basic forces are
at play: (1) gravity that causes stars to collapse, (2) pressure that causes stars to
expand. There are stages in a star’s life where gravity wins and the star begins to
collapse, and also where pressure wins and the star begins to expand. However,
the Sun is currently in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium where for the most part
gravity and pressure balance each other. Although the outer layers of solar atmos-
phere are visible using various observational techniques, the large photospheric
opacity does not allow revealing the inner layers of the Sun. Indirect inferences
about the solar interior have been drawn mostly through mathematical models us-
ing the global and surface features of the Sun. More recently, solar neutrinos and
solar oscillations have been providing increasingly important tool for detailed
studies of the interior of the Sun.

2. Solar Modeling Procedure

A solar model is the solution to a set of equations describing the physical proc-
esses occurring within the Sun. These equations are often divided into two sub-
sets: the basic structure equations and the chemical evolution equations. In gen-
eral, the equations cannot be solved analytically and must be solved numerically.
Therefore, a solar model is usually comprised of a set of tables describing the

conditions (chemical composition, density, opacity, luminosity, mass, pressure,

temperature, etc.) at different depths in the star. While modeling the interior of the
Sun we have the advantage that we know a lot more about the Sun than other
stars. But this also makes modeling more challenging, as any useful solar model
must yield correct luminosity, radius, and age of the present Sun, i.e., mass =
1.989× 1033 g, radius = 6.959×1010 cm, luminosity (energy output) = 3.8418× 1033
ergs/s, and age = 4.57×109 years.

2.1 Basic equations of solar structure

For most parts, stars are spherically symmetric, i.e., their internal structure is only
a function of radius and not of latitude or longitude. This means that we can ex-
press the properties of stars using a set of 1-D equations, rather than a full set of 3-
D equations. The main equations describing the star’s hydrostatic equilibrium
concern the following physical principles: (1) conservation of Mass, (2) conserva-
tion of momentum, (3) conservation of energy, (4) transport of radiation, (5) nu-
clear reaction rates, and (6) change of abundances by various processes.

Conservation of mass: This is usually given in the form . How-

ever, in case of the Sun it is more convenient to consider the mass m interior to a
sphere of radius r as the independent variable, and we get

We have assumed here that the Sun is in nearly steady state, but in general r =r(m;
t) and thus we retain the partial derivatives. The reason to take m as the independ-
ent variable is that, except at the very beginning, the mass loss has been negligible
and we know m throughout the whole period to which our model will be appli-
cable. On the other hand, we know the radius only for the present Sun, and the
model has to provide it as a result.

Conservation of momentum: Consider the Sun in the hydrostatic equilibrium, we

have . Using conservation of mass and g = -Gm/r2 we obtain

It is to be noted that this equation does not describe the collapse in the protostar

Energy balance: Let L(m) be the luminosity generated inside the sphere of mass
m, ε the energy generation per unit mass, and S the entropy per unit mass (i.e., the
specific entropy). Then, we have

During the main sequence evolution the interior of the Sun is very close to thermal
equilibrium and the heating/cooling effect is small.

Equation of state: The pressure inside the star arises from momentum transfer by
particles and photons. In the case of the Sun the pressure has two components, the
gas pressure (PG) and the radiation pressure (PR). The radiation pressure is impor-
tant only in the atmosphere and solar wind. For the present solar model we thus
apply the perfect gas law, , where, R is the gas constant and µ is the
mean molecular weight (in a.m.u.). The constituents of the gas are usually denoted
by X: fractional abundance of H, Y: fractional abundance of He and Z: fractional
abundance of the heavier elements. The ionization of elements adds particles to
the gas and reduces µ, e.g., the mean molecular weight of fully ionized electron-
proton plasma is half of neutral hydrogen gas.

In order to integrate the above set of differential equations we need the boundary
conditions. These are generally imposed at the center of the Sun at r=0, M=0,
dT/dr=0; L(0) = 0, and at the surface, R=R , M=M , L=L .

Equations of Chemical Evolution: The equations of chemical evolution depend

solely upon which nuclear processes are occurring in the interior of the star; for
example, in the Sun, the most important fusion process is the pp-chain, and to a
much lesser extent, CNO cycle. In a simplistic model one could choose to keep
track of five elements: hydrogen, two species of helium, carbon, and nitrogen.

2.2 Energy production

Solar energy is produced in the central core mostly by hydrogen burning where
prospects for thermonuclear fusion are more than met (Fig. 1). Of all nuclei, pro-
tons have the smallest charge, which is important to get two particles sufficiently
close to each other by overcoming their electrostatic barrier of about 1 MeV. This
is significant considering that the interior temperature of the Sun is about 1.5×107
K, i.e., 1.3 keV only. Thus very high density is required in order that sufficient
number of close encounters can take place, which is available in the solar core

where density is ~ 160 gm/cc. There are two main reaction chains for stellar (and
solar) fusion, and due to high H-abundance, and low nuclear charge, the most
likely nuclear fusion process is pp-chain reaction. Around 99% of energy comes
from the pp-chain and about 1% from the CNO cycle.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of solar structure showing the interior and the exterior.

The pp-chain reaction is as follows:

H+1H=>2D+ e++ ν +1.44 MeV
D+1H=>3He+γ+5.49 MeV
He+3He=>4He+1H+1H+12.85 MeV

For each occurrence of 3rd reaction, first two must have occurred twice, so

4 1H => 4He+2 e++2 ν+2 γ+26.7 MeV,

i.e., 4 protons fuse to give one helium nucleus, 2 neutrinos and release of energy,
carried by the γ-ray. The energy generation rate can be described as simple power
law to more complicated expressions involving nuclear reaction rates.

2.3 Energy transport through the solar interior:

The energy produced by the nuclear fusion is transported from the central core by
γ-rays. Opacity of solar material due to the high density impedes the radiative flow
of the energy generated in the core, and the γ-ray photons are continuously ab-
sorbed and re-emitted by the gas in the radiative zone. The processes that operate
simultaneously are: (i) bound-bound transition, (ii) bound-free transition (photo-
ionization), (iii) free-free transition, and (iv) scattering. The outward energy diffu-

sion takes around 1.7×105 years to reach the base of the convection zone at about
0.71 r . At this distance the temperature falls from 15 million K in the core to
about 2 million K. The radiative envelope is surrounded by this cooler and more
opaque convective envelope. Therefore it becomes less efficient for energy to
move by radiation outside the radiative zone, and heat energy starts to build up.

Convection occurs when the temperature gradient (the rate at which the tempera-
ture falls with radius) becomes larger than the adiabatic gradient (the rate at which
the temperature would fall if a volume of material were moved higher without
adding heat). Where this occurs, a packet of material moved upward will be
warmer than its surroundings and will continue to rise. This process of transport
by convection dominates above 0.75 r . Convection is a much faster way of en-
ergy transport than radiation in an opaque medium, and takes only about 10 days
for the heated gas to rise through the convection zone. Convection cells nearer to
the outside are smaller than the inner cells. The top of each cell is called a granule,
which appears as tiny specks of light when seen through a telescope. The solar
surface is effectively a black body that absorbs all energy coming from the con-
vection zone and radiates it out at the temperature of 5778 K. The density is very
low, i.e., only 0.0000002 gm/cm³ (about 1/10,000th the density of air at sea level)
at the visible surface.

3. Standard Solar Model

A standard solar model is defined as a model where the observed physical inputs
(nuclear reaction rates, diffusion coefficients, opacity tables, equation of state) are
not changed to bring the model in better agreement with the Sun. The agreement
or otherwise between the Sun and the model is an indication of how good are the
input parameters. The major assumptions are spherically symmetric Sun, negligi-
ble effect of distortions due to rotation/magnetic field/ tidal forces, mechanical and
thermal balance, standard nuclear and neutrino physics, uniform initial chemical
composition, no significant mass loss nor any accretion, no mixing of nuclear re-
action products outside the convection zone, gravitational settling of helium and
heavy elements beneath the convection zone, and no transport of energy or mo-
mentum by waves. Sun is assumed to be in steady state, i.e., it is neither expand-
ing, nor contracting so that it is in hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium. The inte-
rior model is matched to outer atmospheric model (Vernazza, Avrett & Loeser
1981). Fig.2 shows radial variations for some physical parameters obtained by one
such “Standard Solar Model”.

Fig.2. Temperature, density, pressure, and sound speed decrease as r is increased, except some
departures as seen near the surface (inset). Also shown are adiabatic index Γ1 and H/He abun-
dance profiles. The density drops from 20 g/cm³ (about the density of gold) down to only 0.2
g/cm³ (less than the density of water) from the bottom to the top of the radiative zone. The tem-
perature falls from 7,000,000 K to about 2,000,000 K over the same distance (after Brun, Turck-
Chieze & Zahn (1999).

4. Solar Neutrinos

One of the most famous problems of solar physics has been the so-called solar
neutrino deficiency, which means that the standard solar models predict a larger
neutrino flux than observed. “The use of a radically different observational probe
may reveal wholly unexpected phenomena…perhaps, there is some great surprise
in store for us when the first experiment in neutrino astronomy is completed”, said

Bahcall in 1967. The motivation of the Chlorine experiment set up in Homestake

Gold Mine by Ray Davies was to “see” into the interior of the Sun and thus verify
directly the hypothesis of nuclear energy generation in stars. This was essentially a
"neutrino detector" designed to detect solar neutrinos. Since neutrinos are very
weakly interacting, such detectors are very large in volume, and are often built
deep underground in order to reduce effects of cosmic rays and other background
radiation. Before the detectors were built, solar models had predicted a production
of 2×1038 neutrinos per second. Fig. 3 shows the calculated neutrino fluxes at 1
AU. Here the energy of neutrinos is important, because it easier to detect higher-
energy neutrinos than the main part of the spectrum.

The goals of solar neutrino experiments are essentially (a) to test physics of nu-
clear reactions operating in the solar core, (b) to confirm nature of thermonuclear
energy generation in the Sun: pp-chain, CNO cycle, and (c) to study the properties
of neutrinos.

Fig. 3. Energy spectrum of the solar neutrino flux at 1 A.U., (after Bahcall 1979). The dotted
vertical lines mark the thresholds at 233 keV and 814 keV for the 71Ga and 37Cl experiments, re-

There are three basic types of solar neutrino detectors: the 71Ga experiment with
the lowest energy threshold (233 keV), the 37Cl experiments with threshold of 814
keV, and large water detectors having the highest threshold of about 5 MeV.

Radiochemical experiments - Chlorine and Gallium (Charge current or CC reac-

tions): The first solar neutrino experiment, Homestake gold mine in South Dakota
beginning in 1967, used 615 tons of the ordinary cleaning fluid, tetrachloroethene,
C2Cl4, whose chlorine is converted to argon in the reaction.

Water detectors: Kamiokande water experiment started operating at Kamioka, Ja-

pan in 1987. Water detectors detect neutrinos through Cerenkov light from elastic
ν-e- scattering (ES reaction) if the recoil energy of the electron is at least 5 MeV.
While the water tank can observe only the 8B neutrinos, it is possible to determine
their arrival direction and thus can identify which neutrinos come from the solar
direction. SuperKamiokande (SK), that became operational in 1996, also uses wa-
ter Cerenkov effect.

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) began collecting data in 1999. It used heavy
water as the detecting medium for Cerenkov radiation that is emitted when an in-
coming neutrino creates a free electron or neutron (sensitive to both charge, or
CC, and neutral current or NC reaction). The deuterium present in the heavy water
is dissociated by a neutrino. All three flavors of neutrino νx (νe, νµ, ντ) participate
equally in this process.

Due to the extremely weak interaction between neutrinos and ordinary matter, a
special unit for the solar neutrino flux, the solar neutrino unit (snu) is used, where
1 snu corresponds to the capture of one neutrino per second per 1036 target atoms.
Typical predictions for observable fluxes for the gallium, chlorine, and water de-
tectors and observational results are listed in Table 1. It shows the deficit of meas-
ured neutrino flux as compared to the predicted flux.

Table 1. Predictions for observable neutrino fluxes


Threshold (MeV) 0.834 0.233 5 5
Predicted flux (in snu) 7.7±1.1 130±7 1.0±0.15
R 0.33 ± 0.03 0.55 ± 0.03 0.465 ± 0.015 0.36 ± 0.015

Here, R= (Measured neutrino flux) / (Predicted model neutrino flux).

The neutrino deficit or the famous solar neutrino problem has been attributed to
several different causes. That it could be an observation problem was a popular
explanation as long as the Homestake observations were alone. But after the gal-
lium and water detector results, this appeared very unlikely. For a long time it was

thought that the origin of the problem would be in erroneous solar models. Quite a
number of attempts to correct the models have been made but without much suc-
cess, as they lead to problems elsewhere in the models.

4.1. Non-standard solar models

Reduction of the central temperature is one strategy to look for non-standard solar
models, which would reduce the 8B neutrino flux and help at least with the origi-
nal chlorine experiment problem. This is a reasonable idea, as the 8B neutrino rate
is proportional to Tc18 where Tc is the temperature in the center. A lowering of the
central temperature by only 7% would be sufficient, but this directly leads to prob-
lems with the 7Be neutrino fluxes whose temperature dependence is proportional
to Tc8 . Furthermore the lower-temperature solar models would face problems in
view of other observations, in particular, the solar oscillations.

Reduction of the relative abundance of heavy elements (low Z) is another possibil-

ity, but this would reduce opacity κ and thus the temperature gradient. This does
not seem a way out for solar-type stars in the first place and also contradicted by
the solar oscillation observations. One more suggestion was a rapidly rotating core
which would lower the thermal pressure. But this is again inconsistent with oscil-
lation results that indicate that the core rotates at nearly the same angular speed as
the surface (c.f., section 6.2). Furthermore, a strong internal magnetic field could
lower the central temperature, but it should be very intense to have a significant,
say 10%, contribution to the pressure of the core.

4.2 Origin of neutrino problem in non-solar effects?

The fact that the gallium experiments also fall a factor of 2 short of the predicted
neutrino flux indicated that the lowering of the temperature and shifting the neu-
trino peak to lower energies is not the right solution. More recently it has become
evident that the solution lies in the physics of neutrinos. Certain non-standard
elementary particle models predict that the neutrinos have finite masses. In such a
case the neutrinos can oscillate between their three flavors. The nuclear reactions
in the Sun produce electron neutrinos (νe) only and the predicted fluxes are for
electron neutrinos. As these neutrinos travel through space, and if a large enough
fraction of solar neutrinos would transform to other neutrino flavors before reach-
ing the Earth, this would provide an elegant solution to the whole problem.

In 1998 the Superkamiokande observations indicated oscillations between muon

neutrinos (νµ), produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere of the Earth, and tau

neutrinos (ντ). This did not solve the problem of solar neutrinos directly but it
gave strong evidence that neutrinos are not mass-less particles. In 2001 the first
results from the heavy water (D2O) detector at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
(SNO) indicated that the solar neutrino problem was coming to its final solution as
this detector was able to distinguish between the total neutrino flux and the νe flux.
The successful results were published in September 2003 (c.f.,
http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/). The consistency of the standard solar model
with solar oscillation observations and the failure of the non-standard solar models
to solve the neutrino problem together with the new neutrino observations indi-
cated that “the solar neutrino problem" was finally coming to be resolved. It also
indicated that the solution lies in the properties of the neutrinos. In fact the failed
attempts to find the solution within the solar models have contributed enormously
to our detailed knowledge of the interior of the Sun.

5. Solar Oscillations

Surface of sun undergoes a series of mechanical vibrations of the gases, observed

as Doppler shifts of spectrum lines, oscillating with a period centered at 5-minutes
(3 mHz). These oscillations were first reported by Leighton, Noyes and Simon
(1962), using spectroheliograph recordings by simultaneously measuring the rela-
tive intensity in the red and blue wings of a spectral line. The exact nature of the
oscillations was not understood till Ulrich (1970), Leibacher and Stein (1971)
theoretically interpreted them as resonant, standing waves trapped below solar sur-
face. This was observationally confirmed by Deubner (1975) by the (kω) diagnos-
tic diagram which showed the oscillations to have a spectrum of discrete frequen-
cies. A typical power spectrum of solar oscillations is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Power spectrum of solar oscillations.


It has been demonstrated that the Sun oscillates in over 107 Modes with different
spatial patterns and temporal frequencies are visible at solar surface. High fre-
quency acoustic (p-) modes are driven by pressure forces, low frequency gravity
(g-) modes are driven by buoyancy forces, and the fundamental or surface gravity
(f-) modes are determined by surface gravity and are largely independent of strati-
fication. The velocities and intensity variations associated with solar oscillations
as compared to some other features are given in Table 2&3.

Table 2. Velocity fields (line of sight component) at Solar surface:

Earth’s rotation and orbital velocity Solar rotation Convective motions Solar oscillations
500 m/s 2 km/s 1 km/s < 1 m/s

Table 3. Intensity variation at solar surface:

Convection (granulation) Sunspots Solar oscillations

15% factor of 10 10−6

Libbrecht et al. (1990) published a table of solar oscillation frequencies from ob-
servations at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) extending over summer months.
This formed the basis of most early studies in helioseismology until 1996 when
data from the ground-based Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) and the
space-borne Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) became available. These
observations have been providing accurately measured oscillation frequencies
which stringently constrain the admissible solar models.

5.1. Helioseismology: The science of the ringing Sun

The science studying wave oscillations in the Sun is called helioseismology in

analogy with terrestrial seismology to learn about Earth's interior by monitoring
waves caused by earthquakes. Solar global modes of oscillations propagate in the
solar interior, and temperature, composition, and velocities influence the oscilla-
tion characteristics, which yields insights into conditions in the solar interior.
Therefore, precise identification and accurate measurement of oscillation modes is
the mainstay of helioseismology.

The Sun act as a resonant cavity. In fact no physical boundaries exist inside the
Sun, however, acoustic cavities exist due to density and temperature gradients that
reflect or refract sound waves (Fig. 5). Acoustic waves are trapped in a region
bounded on top by a large density drop near the surface, and on the bottom the in-
crease in sound speed with depth refracts the downward propagating wave back
toward the surface. Thus a standing wave is created.

Fig.5. Reflection and refraction of a wavefront

5.2 Solar global modes of oscillation

Global helioseismology involves decomposition of time series of full-disk solar

photospheric Doppler image data. For spherically symmetric Sun, global oscilla-
tions can be best given by spherical harmonic functions for an observational pa-
rameter, such as, velocity or intensity at the surface:

where are spherical harmonic functions of latitude θ , and longitude , and r

is the depth. A given mode with frequency  is characterized by three integers, l ≥
0 (degree; i.e., total no. of nodal planes slicing the solar surface), m (azimuthal or-
der; i.e., the total number of planes cutting the equator perpendicularly |m| ≤ l, n =
radial order (-∞ < n < ∞). For each pair l and m, there is a discrete spectrum of
modes with distinct frequencies ω having different spatial structures represented
by eigenfunctions n(r), oscillatory in space with nodes determined by the radial
order n. Modes of positive n are defined to be p-modes, negative n as g-modes,
and the n=0 mode is called the f-mode. The degree l measures the horizontal com-
ponent of the wavenumber, i.e., kh = at radius r, and frequency

Amplitudes with depth of some acoustic and gravity modes from a theoretical
model are shown in Fig. 6, where the eigenfunctions, say Δr, are scaled for clarity.
Radial extension of modes is delimited to resonant cavity by two turning points,
outside which the mode decays. Outer turning point is the same for all modes,
while the inner turning point is different for every (l,n) pair.

Fig. 6. The eigenfunctions associated with some g- and p-modes with depth. The three p-modes
with frequency ~ 3.3mHz (T~5 minutes) shown are obtained by decreasing n and increasing l.
As l increases, these are increasingly confined to the surface. For the three g-modes with fre-
quency ~ 0.1 mHz (T~160min), and increasing l, n gives structures confined towards the core.

5.3 Trapping of the modes:

The radial component of displacement can be described by a single second order

differential equation (c.f., Christensen-Dalsgaard 2003):

This equation represents non-radial oscillations in a crude approximation, and de-

scribes the overall properties of oscillation modes, and gives a reasonable accurate
determination of their frequencies. It is evident that the characteristic frequencies,
acoustic or Lamb frequency (Sl) and the buoyancy or Brunt-Väisälä frequency (N)
play a very important role in determining the behaviour of these modes. These
frequencies are defined as:

, and

The Brunt-Väisälä frequency N is the frequency with which a small fluid element
will oscillate about its equilibrium position when displaced, and it is independent
of l. For N2>0 the system is stable to small perturbations. On the other hand, the
Lamb frequency is l dependant, and for l=0, Sl=0. Sl tends to infinity as r tends to
zero and decreases monotonically towards the surface due to the decrease in c and
increase in r. N2 is negative in convection zone and positive in convectively stable
region. These frequencies are illustrated in Fig. 7. The sharp maximum in N near
the very centre is associated with the increase in the helium abundance in the re-
gion where nuclear burning is taking place.

Fig. 7.The characteristic acoustic or Lamb frequency Sl (dashed lines for l=1, 5, 20, and 100) and
the Brunt-Väisälä frequency N (solid lines) against radius in a standard solar model. The heavy
horizontal lines indicate the trapping regions for a g-mode with frequency ν=100 µHz and for a
p-mode with degree l=20 and ν=2000µHz.

5.4 Solar dispersion relation: the l-ν diagram

Waves which resonate between the two turning points through a constructive in-
terference form a mode. This happens only when there are an integral number of
vertical wavelengths fitting in the cavity defined by the two points:

where Kv(r) the vertical wavenumber, and ε is a correction factor. The order n of
the modes defines this dispersion relation between degree (through Kv(r) ) and de-
termines discrete frequency for every given l. Based on this relation, a diagram of

frequencies as a function of degree can be plotted and ridges appear for every or-
der n, the so called l- ν diagram (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Frequencies νn,l obtained from a theoretical solar model for acoustic (p-) and gravity (g-)
modes. Loci of frequencies at fixed radial order n as l is varied are shown.

5.5 Observational requirements and the instruments

For λ6000 Å solar line (width ~ 0.1 Å), a velocity corresponding to ~ 1 meter/sec
would shifts it by ~ 10-5 Å, so individual oscillation modes having amplitudes ~
0.1 meter/sec would require observational accuracy of parts per million. Maxi-
mum value of the frequencies depends on the time-interval Δt between observa-
tions, or cadence; so for a cadence of 1 minute, the Nyquist frequency is 1/(2Δt) or
8.3 mHz. The frequency resolution of temporal spectrum is determined by the du-
ration over which the observations are made; for example, we get Δν = 1/86400 ≈
11.6 µHz for a one day long data series.

The longer, continuous coverage of the Sun allows the mode frequencies to be de-
termined with greater precision, which is important at low l's where the peaks in
the spectrum are very narrow. There are three alternatives to obtain continuous
observations over a long time period: (1) Observing from geographic South Pole,
(2) Observing from a network of ground-based sites, such as, the Birmingham So-
lar Oscillation Network (BiSON), the International Research on Interior of Sun
(IRIS), the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), and Taiwan Oscillation
Network (TON), and (3) Observing from space-borne instrument in sun-lit (La-
grangian point), e.g., the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Global
Oscillations at Low Frequencies (GOLF), and Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI).

Theee are essentially two classes of observations: (i) un-imaged data in integrated
light that give only the averaged velocity or intensity over the solar disk (This al-
lows to detect only low degree l ≤4 modes), and (ii) imaged data over the solar
disk with spatial resolution (0 ≤ l ≤ N, N = No. of pixels). Maximum value of l that
can be studied depends on the spatial resolution of the observations. One can ob-
serve the oscillations in either the line-of-sight velocity via Doppler shift or in in-
tensity. GONG and SOHO provide long time series imaged data. Operation of the
GONG network of six ground-based observing stations started on May 7, 1995, at
Learmonth (Australia), Udaipur (India), Tenerife (Canarias, Spain), Cerro-Tololo
(Chile), Big Bear (USA), and Mauna Loa (Hawaii, USA). The initially used
256×256 CCD was upgraded in 2001 to a 1024 × 1024 CCD for higher spatial
resolution to cover larger l-modes. Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on-board
SoHO also has 1024 × 1024 CCD. It was launched in December 1995, and started
observing on May 1, 1996. Contact with SOHO was lost in June 1998, but it was
recovered back in February 1999. Frequencies of 400,000 modes have been de-
termined for l≤150 and 1≤ν≤4 mHz using the GONG and SOHO observations.

5.6 The analysis techniques

Analysis of helioseismic data of oscillation frequencies is carried out by (i) for-

ward method, where an equilibrium standard solar model is perturbed to obtain ei-
genfrequencies, which are then compared with observed mode frequencies, and
(ii) inverse method, where observed frequencies are used to infer the internal
structure of the sun. In forward modeling the depth-dependent coefficients of the
equations describing the oscillations are computed from a solar model. Then these
equations are solved subject to appropriate boundary conditions. This results in ei-
genfunctions and eigenfrequencies, i.e., the values of ω for which non-zero solu-
tions exist. Now the solutions likely deviate somewhat from the observed frequen-
cies. The direct approach is to make small corrections to those parameters of the
solar model which have the largest uncertainties, e.g., corrections to the ideal gas
law, the fractional abundance of helium and heavier elements (Y; Z) in different
layers of the Sun, the depth of base of the convection zone, etc.

6. Inferences from the Global Helioseismic Data

Important inferences about the solar internal structure and dynamics have been ob-
tained from the interpretation of the frequencies of solar global oscillation modes
(Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2002). The goal of the inverse problem is to derive un-
known internal physical properties of the Sun, i.e., density, temperature, sound
speed, from the observed frequencies. Two broad classes of inversion techniques

are generally used: Regularised Least Squares (RLS) (c.f., Antia and Basu 1994)
and Optimally Localised Averages (OLA) (c.f., Pijpers and Thompson 1992).
Most inversion techniques use a reference solar model to calculate density and
sound speed differences from the frequency differences. Hare and hound exercises
provided the tests of inversions, where ‘hare’ constructs a solar model and calcu-
lates the frequencies of p-modes, which are perturbed by random errors and sup-
plied to ‘hounds’. The hounds calculate sound speed and density profiles using in-
version techniques, and send these back to ‘hare’ for comparison with model.

6.1 Solar radius, density and base of the convection zone

It is possible to measure the solar radius using the lowest ridge, or the f mode, in
the l-ν diagram. It has no radial nodes, and has a simple dispersion relation,
i.e., . The horizontal wavenumber is given by , and
f-mode frequencies are nearly independent of the internal structure of the Sun. Us-
ing , one gets , which gives r as we can now determine
frequencies with high precision. The problem with this method is that the optical
depth which defines the surface must be defined precisely. Fixing the optical
depth τ=2/3, the radius r is calculated to be 695.7 ± 0.026 Mm. The depth of con-
vection zone is another critical distance which is determined by the ratio of the
mixing length and the pressure scale height. The p-mode ridges of high degree l
are very sensitive to this ratio, which contribute to the determination of the base of
convection zone. With improving solar models, the present estimate for its loca-
tion is rbase=(0.713±0.001)r , i.e., (199700±700) km from the surface of the Sun.

Fig.9. Relative difference in (a) sound speed, (b) density between the sun and the standard solar
model, and (c) fractional helium abundance. Inset-blow up close to convection zone base.

SOHO and GONG data analysis teams have obtained results for sound speed, den-
sity, and elemental abundances through inversions of measured frequency data
(Fig. 9). Inversions of frequency differences does not show any change in the inte-

rior, except possibly in the HeII ionisation zone (Basu & Mandel 2004). There is
also an evidence that solar structure changes with changes in solar activity.

6.2 Solar internal rotation and the “tachocline”

An important achievement of helioseismology has been the inference of the large-

scale rotation as a function of depth and latitude (Thompson et al., 2003). The in-
version problem to determine the internal rotation rate of the Sun requires a very
good frequency resolution, because the rotation rate is less than 0.5 µHz. If the
Sun were to be spherically symmetric, there would be degeneracy in the azimuthal
number m, but rotation breaks the degeneracy, which allows us to infer rotation
rate Ω(r,θ) as a function of depth. By measuring the splitting, we infer Ω(r) by
means of inversion techniques.

Fig.10. (Left) Solar internal rotation rate with radius at three latitudes, inferred from two months
of MDI Medium-l data (upto l=300). (Right) Contours of constant rotation rates at 5nHz inter-
vals by a 2-D inversion technique using GONG data. The base of convection zone is at r=0.7R,
and the shear or interface layers are located just below the equatorial region and around the base
of convection zone (Tachocline) (adopted from Antia, Basu and Chitre 1998).

The internal rotational profiles shown in Fig.10 (left panel) provides an important
conclusion that differential rotation observed at the surface disappears below the

base of the convection zone. The angular velocity is larger at the equator than at
the poles throughout the convection zone, while the radiative interior rotates
nearly uniformly. This important result also rules out a faster rotating solar core as
envisaged by some proposals to mitigate the neutrino problem.

A shear layer, discovered between the radiative and convective zones (Fig. 10,
right panel), is believed to be the seat of the solar dynamo (Gilman, 2000). The
changes in fluid flow velocities across the shear layer can stretch magnetic field
lines of force and make them stronger. This change in flow velocity gives this
layer its alternative name, the tachocline. There also appears to be sudden changes
in chemical composition across this layer.

7. Local Helioseismology

Global helioseismology is complemented by local helioseismology which probes

local perturbations in the interior close to the surface (c.f., Duvall Jr, 1998). Local
helioseismology provides a three-dimensional view of flows, magnetic structures,
and their interactions in the solar interior. The main techniques of local helioseis-
mology are (i) Fourier-Hankel spectral analysis (Braun, Duvall and LaBonte
1987), (ii) ring-diagram analysis (Hill 1988), (iii) time-distance helioseismology
(Duvall, Jefferies, Harvey, Pomerantz 1993), (iv) helioseismic holography
(Lindsey and Braun 1990), and (v) direct modeling (Woodard 2002),

Local helioseismology has been used to measure flows in the upper convection
zone on a wide variety of scales, including differential rotation and meridional cir-
culation, local flows around complexes of magnetic activity and sunspots, and
convective flows (for a review, see Gizon and Birch 2005). Lindsey and Braun
(2000) used helioseismic holography to provide images of active regions on the
far-side of the Sun. This has importance in space weather predictions, as it allows
about a week of warning before an active region emerges at the East limb. Daily
far-side images obtained from MDI data are routinely available on the web at

8. Summary

The evolution of the Sun and stars can be described by using a few basic equa-
tions. However, the models rely critically on physics inputs such as opacities, nu-
clear reaction rates, abundances etc. The structure of the present day Sun is now
known very well from the recent developments in the tools of global and local he-
lioseismology, and this has provided constraints on the solar models. Further, one

of the major triumphs of the field was to show that the solar neutrino problem has
a particle physics solution, and the problem did not lie with the models.


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