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GENERAL 1. Inspection before load test.

2. Test setup on a load box or grid hatches.

The purpose of this publication is to describe
procedures for load test and horsepower
3. Test setup on dynamic braking grids in
standardization on the SD45 locomotive.
parallel with a load box or grid hatch.
Accurate and standardized horsepower data
can be used to evaluate engine and auxiliary
4. Horsepower standardization.
equipment performance and indicate possible
malfunction or excessive horsepower output.
Correction of malfunctions will improve engine INSPECTION BEFORE LOAD TEST
performance, and operation at correct
horsepower will deter abnormal wear rates. 1. Stop the diesel engine and remove the
starting and generator field fuses.
Service data pages are included with this
instruction. These pages provide the following: 2. Check that fuel tank contains sufficient
fuel (minimum 300 gallons) for the
1. References to drawings and other period of the load test (about 90 min
publications relating to equipment and utes). Fuel should be in accordance with
procedures covered in this publication. specifications listed in M.I. 1750.3.
Check oil level at:
2. A list of routine maintenance parts, and
equipment recommended for use with a. Engine oil pan.
the procedures given in this instruction.
b. Air compressor.
3. Specifications covering components and
circuits. c. Governor.

4. Horsepower and loading resistance d. Engine air filter.

graphs, and horsepower correction
factors. 4. Check that coolant level is at the
STOP/FULL mark on the water tank
sight glass gauge.
5. Make an engine air box inspection. Check
The procedures covered in this publication are
condition of piston rings and cylinder
as follows:

13-1 December 1967

Section 13

TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS DURING 3. A thermometer well is located in the water

LOAD TESTING pump discharge elbow. Fill the well with
oil, and in it place a glass thermometer
1. Suspend a thermometer for measuring for measuring engine water inlet
ambient air temperature. The ther- temperature.
mometer may be hung at the radiator air
inlet grill, Fig. 13-1. 4. Suspend a caged glass thermometer
below the oil level in the lube oil strainer
NOTE: The inertial air filter compartment door housing. This will measure engine oil
is to remain closed during the testing. inlet temperature.
Refer to the horsepower correction
factor page for data concerning LOAD TESTING THE LOCOMOTIVE ON A
temperature rise across air filters. LOAD BOX

2. Remove the plug in the engine mounted Use of an engine loading resistor (load box) is
fuel filter and install a dial thermometer recommended for load testing. However, a
to read fuel oil temperature. shunt and meters separate from the load box
are recommended for accuracy.

Fig. 13-1 - Thermometer Placement For Load Testing

13-2 December 1967
Section 13

When making load tests, an available value of meter reading to ascertain that the
loading resistance most suitable to the 3600 system is operating on the load
horsepower curve should be selected. Observe regulator and is not power limiting
the following maximum values during load in any area of the horsepower
tests. curve.

1. AR10 voltage not over 900. 2. AR10 TEST SETUP

current not over 4000. Horsepower and
loading resistance graphs are provided in 1. Stop the diesel engine, and set the
the Service Data pages. The graphs locomotive hand brake.
indicate resistance values available on
standard load boxes. They also indicate 2. Remove the starting fuse and the
resistance values obtained by paralleling generator field fuses.
load box steps with locomotive dynamic
braking resistor grids. Recommended 3. At the base of the electrical cabinet,
resistance values are shown as dark disconnect the main generator shunt
lines on the graph, and a cross mark on panel bus and in its place connect a
the line indicates the maximum 4000 ampere 50 millivolt shunt. Connect
continuous current allowed for the load the positive cable leads from a loading
box step or combination of resistance. resistor box or grid hatch to AR10
generator positive as indicated in Fig. 13-
CAUTION: Care should be taken not to exceed 2. Refer to the Service Data pages for
the maximum current rating for the generator current data and for cable
loading resistances used. Excessive current ratings.
current at any step should be
applied only long enough to take a

Fig. 13-2 - Load Box Cable And Shunt Connections

For Load Testing

December 1967 13-3

Section 13

4. Connect a 0-75 or 0-50 millivolt meter to

the shunt, and connect a 0-1500 DC
voltmeter to indicate main generator

5. Connect the negative leads from a loading

resistor box or grid hatch to AR10
negative as shown in Fig. 13-2.

NOTE: When paralleling extended range

dynamic braking grids with a load box,
connect a 550/24 cable to the negative
bus at this time.

6. Disconnect the MJ6 wire from the No. l

common terminal of isolation auxiliary
relay ISA, Fig. 13-3. This is to prevent
pickup of all power contactors.

7. Connect a control jumper wire from

terminal "G" of power contactor S14 to
terminal "H" of power contactor S36.
This is to provide a feed to the generator
field contactor, since power contactors
will be dropped out during the load test.

8. Place the Transition Sequence Test Panel

rotary selector switch in the MANUAL
SEQUENCE TEST position. This is to
preclude pickup of the forward transition
relay FTR.

9. Swing open the engine control panel, and

disable the wheel slip control circuits by
performing one of the following steps:

a. On units with the IDAC wheel slip Fig. 13-3 - Control Wiring Test Setup For Load
control system, disconnect the A L1 Testing
wire from the IDAC wheel slipcontrol
box WSC terminal No. 2, and
disconnect the ALG wire from WSC 10. Connect a jumper wire from terminals B1
terminal No. 1. to B2 of parallel relay PR. This is to
change the bend of the performance
b. On units equipped with WCR and WS control line and ensure full loading of the
relays, disconnect the AL1 wire from power plant.
terminal board TB 68A 7.
11. If the available loading resistor box is of
CAUTION: Carefully insulate all loose wire sufficient capacity to adequately load the
ends. SD45 locomotive (refer to Service Data
graphs) proceed with the load test. If the

13-4 December 1967

Section 13

loading resistor box or grid hatch is to be

connected in parallel with the
locomotive's own dynamic braking grids,
make the following cable connections.

CAUTION: The dynamic braking resistor grids

of the SD45 locomotive are not of
sufficient capacity to fully load the
unit. A load box or grid hatch must
be paralleled with the grids.




If the unit under test is equipped with basic

dynamic brakes, perform the following to
connect four .86 ohm locomotive dynamic
braking grids in series-parallel with a load box.

11a. Using 550/24 insulated cable, connect

dynamic braking resistor grids to main
generator cables as follows: (See Fig.
Fig. 13-4 - Cable Connections To Parallel A
Locomotive's Own Grids With A Load Box
a. At the main electrical cabinet, connect
from left front No. 2 of M12 to right front
No. 5 of RVF1.
If the unit under test is equipped with extended
b. At the main electrical cabinet, connect
range dynamic brakes, perform the following to
from left rear No. 1 of B3 to right front
connect four .86 ohm locomotive dynamic
No. 5 of B23.
braking grids in seriesparallel with a load box.
c. At the No. 2 electrical cabinet, connect
11b. Using 550/24 insulated cable, connect
from left rear No. 1 of B6 to left front No.
dynamic braking resistor grids to main
2 of B56.
generator cables as follows: (See Fig. 13-
d. At the No. 2 electrical cabinet, connect
from left front No. 2 of M45 to right front
a. At the main electrical cabinet,
No. 5 of B56.
connect from right front No. 5 of
RVF1 to left front No. 2 of M12.

December 1967 13-5

Section 13

b. At the main electrical cabinet, connect d. Load box or grid hatch fans and
from right front No. 5 of M12 to dynamic brake grid blower operating.
transition relay bus assem-bly.
e. Generator volts and amperes regis-
c. At the main electrical cabinet, connect tering.
from left rear No. 1 of B3 to left front
No. 2 of B23. 16. Advance throttle one step at a time to
full engine speed and load. When at full
d. At the No. 2 electrical cabinet, connect speed and load, check radiator fan and
from left front No. 2 of M45 to left shutter operation. A test button is
front No. 2 of B56, and disconnect located on each engine temperature
the BKH wire from "J" Of OCP. switch.

LOADING THE UNIT 17. With throttle in Run 8 position, check

that the load regulator is at a balance
When the load test setup is checked and in point and is not at maximum field
order, perform the load test as follows: position.

12. Replace the starting fuse, start the 18. Close all engine room doors and allow
diesel engine, and allow the engine time to the engine to run at full load until
warm up. conditions stabilize (about one half
hour if horsepower only is being
CAUTION: Do not apply load until water checked, and at least 60 minutes if the
temperature reaches at least 130° F. oil cooler performance is being
checked). The shutters can be blocked
13. Set the locomotive controls for operation open and some of the shutter area
under power, but allow the throttle to blocked off if closer control of tem-
remain in IDLE position. perature is needed for stability.

14. Place the reverse lever in FORWARD 19. Check engine water temperature peri-
position, and check that RVF1 switch- odically until there is no difference
gear has picked up and that all power between one temperature reading and
contactors remain dropped out. another taken 15 minutes later.

15. Replace the generator field fuses, and NOTE: Opening the engine room doors to take
place the throttle in Run 1 position. temperature readings can affect the
Check the following: stability of conditions. Always allow time
for conditions to stabilize before taking a
a. Engine oil pressure satisfactory. second reading.

b. No fuel, oil, or water leaks. 20. When the stability of conditions is

verified, observe and record values and
c. Compressor unloaded.

13-6 December 1967

Section 13

conditions as indicated on the form b. Disconnect loading cable from main

shown on the Service Data page. Take generator shunt panel and from
a second set of readings in 10 or 15 transition relay bus as applicable.
minutes, and a third set 10 or 15
minutes after the second. c. Disconnect the 4000 ampere shunt
and meters, and replace the shunt
21. From the observations, calculate the panel bus.
corrected brake horsepower, using the
formulas, correction factors, and d. If the locomotive was loaded on its
auxiliary horsepower values that ap- own dynamic braking resistor grids in
pear in the Service Data. addition to a load box or grid hatch,
disconnect jumper cables at the
22. If the total horsepower adjusted to switchgear. Securely bolt locomotive
standard conditions does not fall cabling in place, and reconnect the
within the allowable limits listed on the BKH wire to "J" of OCP if applicable.
Service Data page, the rack settings,
injector timing, valve timing, governor e. Reconnect the MJ6 wire to No. 1
settings, injector calibration, air filter common of ISA.
cleanliness, power assembly condition,
and generator excitation, should be f. Disconnect the jumper wire from "G" of
checked to find the reason for the S14 and "H" of S36.
horsepower discrepancy.
g. Disconnect the jumper at B1-B2 of PR.
23. If the engine lube oil inlet temperature is
higher than the maximum indicated by h. If applicable, reconnect the AM wire to
the calculation shown on the load test 2 of WSC, and reconnect the ALG
data sheet (also see Section 2 Service wire to 1 of WS C.
Data), the l lube e oil cooler should be
cleaned and inspected. i. If applicable, reconnect the A L1 wire to
24. Return locomotive controls and circuits
to normal operating condition by j. Return locomotive controls to normal
performing the following: standby condition.

a. Isolate the unit and stop the diesel k. If radiator fans or shutters were
engine. blocked, return to normal condition.

December 1967 13-7

Section 13

13-8 December 1967

Section 13

SD45 Charts And Graphs Drawing ....... Early Basic (Before July, 1967) - 8372728
Late Basic (After July, 1967) - 8399937

Refer to the locomotive schematic wiring diagram for the

number of special Charts And Graphs drawings

645E3 Engine Maintenance Manual

Lube Oil Coolers ......................................... M.I. 927


4000 Ampere 50 Millivolt Meter Shunt ........................... 8351657
Volt-Millivolt-Milliammeter (2 Required) ........................ 8218499
1100/0.0201 Cable (444,400 Circular Mills)
Heat Resistant Rubber And Neoprene Insulation .................. 8126656
Terminal Lugs For 1100/0.0201 Cable ........................ 8118062
1325/24 Cable (535,000 Circular Mills)
Heat Resistant Rubber And Neoprene Insulation .................. 8179320
Terminal Lugs For 1325/24 Cable ........................... 8160274
550/24 Cable (220,000 Circular Mills)
Heat Resistant Rubber And Neoprene Insulation .................. 8126655
Terminal Lugs For 550/24 Cable
Drilled To Accept 3/8" Bolt Or Stud ....................... 8197509
Blank ............................................ 8118060


Size Amperes Size Amperes

550/24………… 600 1325/24 .......... 1190
775/24……… 810 1600/24 .......... 1370
1100/24……… . 1020 1925/24 .......... 1520

*Based on four conductors 1/2" spacing in open air to keep temperature

within 120° C. rise.


Dial indicating thermometer 0° - 150° F.

Equipped with 1/4" M.P.T. threaded stud
Glass thermometer 0° - 150° F.
Glass thermometer 100° - 250° F. Bulb 1/4" maximum diameter
Caged Glass thermometer 100° - 250° F.

December 1967 13-9
Section 13

Approved by
*Add 69 - Cooler Assembly 8364235 Soldered Copper Cores 8318804 or 3146250 Add 71 - Cooler
Assembly 8367$42 Mechanical Copper Core ...... 8367841 Add 73 - Cooler Assembly 8367842
Mechanical Aluminum Core .... 8393169

13-10 December 1967

Section 13

*This scale includes compensation for temperature rise across the locomotive inertial air filter plus the
engine air filter.


December 1967 13-11

Section 13




13-12 December 1967

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