LICD Lab 4
LICD Lab 4
LICD Lab 4
Objective: To create the schematic and analyze pMOS transistor in Cadence Virtuoso
Ability to perform
Experiment without
Ability to general
understanding of
Data presentation
Experimental results
Date: Signature:
Lab no. 4: Device characteristics of a pMOS transistor in Virtuoso
The purpose of this lab is to understand the operation and the electronic characteristics
of pMOS devices. Here, you must study the following for a MOSFET device in
1. Transfer characteristics, IDS - VGS. a. Identify the threshold region
2. Output characteristics, IDS - VDS, of MOSFET.
a. Identify different regions of operation.
i. Which region could be utilized as a current source, and what are the
nonidealities and challenges?
b. Identify deep triode region and study RON as a function of VGS. What could be
the potential application of this region?
3. Compute transconductance, gm, as a function of the overdrive VGS – Vth
• VMware workstation
• CentOS 6.5
• Candence Virtuoso
Circuit Diagram
Parameters. Inputs: VDS: -3V, VGS: -1.5V, Outputs: I vs Vgs, I vs. Vds, Ron, gm
Repeat the steps of Lab 03. Attach body to maximum positive voltage.
Pmos Circuit:
Results & Discussion:
1)Transfer characteristics, IDS - VGS. a. Identify the threshold region.
For Vgs:
Vth Value = -0.44064
= -1.5 – (-0.44064)
= -1.5 +0.44064
= -1.0593
From starting point to M1 Pmos are in linear and point between M1 and M0 is saturation and
after these point that are in cutoff.
2. Output characteristics, IDS - VDS, of MOSFET.
a. Identify different regions of operation.
i. Which region could be utilized as a current source, and what are the nonidealities and
For Vds:
Go to choose analysis select dc analysis and the select design variable after this we choose Vds
and put sweep range value starting is -3 and stop is 0. Then sweep type is linear and put number
of steps is 10. And then ok.
Graph of Vds:
I put the value of sweep range value starting is -1.5 and stop is 0. Then sweep type is linear and
put number of steps is 10. To remove the curve I discuss this in class And then ok.
Go to parametric analysis:
Here we can find over drive voltage value and each graph have different. These three different
we find by Overdrive formula and the formula is OV=Vgs-Vth. The value of Vth is given in
graph we put in this formula and then we find overdrive value for this.
b. Identify deep triode region and study RON as a function of VGS. What could be the
potential application of this region?
Ron Graph:
From starting it will be on cutoff region after om Vgs -25 they are in saturation and then it will
be on linear region. This is how we find region of Ron.
3. Compute transconductance, gm, as a function of the overdrive VGS – Vth
In this lab we learn about Designing a P-MOS transistor using Cadence Virtuoso. To create the
schematic and analyze pMOS transistor in Cadence Virtuoso. we perform different task in this lab
like we Transfer characteristics, IDS - VGS. And Identify the threshold region and then we find
Output characteristics, IDS - VDS, of MOSFET. The Aim if this lab is to understand the
characteristics of this lab we find Ron value and we tell there regions and also find Vth
,over drive voltage and gm. and this lab we study the characteristics of pmos.and also take output
from waveforms.