QuantProblemSet III
QuantProblemSet III
QuantProblemSet III
School of Management
Quantitative Aptitude (Volume III)
151) Let a, b, c be distinct such that a + 1/b = b + 1/c = c + 1/a, then abc
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) none of these
153) Let tan θ = tan 10 − tan 50 + tan 70 then θ is ?( all angles in degress)
a) 15 b) 30 c) 45 d) 60 e) 75
154)9x + 16y = n find n, where n is the greatest number such that both
of (x, y) are not positive?
155) Find the number of triangles formed when all the diagonals of a pen-
tagon are joined?
a) 0 b) 6 c) -6 d) 13 e) -13
1 1 2
157)Find the number of positive solution to x2 −10x−29
+ x2 −10x−45 = x2 −10x−69
a)0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4
a) a, b, c are distinct.
b) a, b, c ∈ {1, 2, 3, ...2008}
c) x + 1 divides ax2 + bx + c
a) X ≤ |b−a|
b) X ≤ |b−a|
c) Y ≤ |b−a|
d) Y ≤ |b−a|
e) none of these
161) Triangle ABC has base AB of length k and C is such that < CAB =
2 < CBA < 120◦ . Then the locus of C is :
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) none of these
163) There are two ants on opposite corners of a cube. On each move,
they can travel along an edge to an adjacent vertex. If the probability that
they both return to their starting position after 4 moves is m
, where m and
n are relatively prime integers, find m + n. (NOTE:They do not stop if they
a) 17 b) 65 c) 73 d) 85 e) none of these
27 49 243 343
a) 49
b) 27
c) 343
d) 243
e) none of these
165) In a certain town, every girl is acquainted with more boys then girls.
Furthermore, all the girls acquainted with a given boy are also acquainted
with each other.Then
a) The number of boys is always greater than the number of girls.
b) The number of girls is always greater than the number of boys .
c) There are at least as many boys as girls in the town .
d) There are at least as many girls as boys in the town.
e) none of these
166) Find the number of pairs of positive integers (x, y) such that x6 =
y 2 + 127
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) none of these
167) Let m > 1 be a positive integer then find the number of pairs (x, y)
of positive integers such that x2 − y 2 = m3
a) 0 b) 4 c) 8 d) 12 e) none of these
169) Given natural number N, denote as f(N) the following sum of N in-
f(N) = [N/1] + [N/2] + [N/3] + ... + [N/N] (where [x] denotes the greatest
integer that does not exceed x.). Then find f(128)-f(127):
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 8 e) none of these
170) Let n and m be positive integers. An n ∗ m rectangle is tiled with
unit squares. Let r(n, m) denote the number of rectangles formed by the
edge of these unit squares. Thus, for example, r(2, 1) = 3. Find r(11, 12)
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) none of these
173) How many ways to fill the 4X4 board by nonnegative integers, such
that sum of the numbers of each row and each column is 3?
a) 0 b) 4 c) 8 d) 12 e) none of these
176) Two different teams with four students each were training for an in-
ternational math contest. The students were given an assessment exam and
their scores were ranked. What is the probability that the four best scores
come from only one of the teams assuming that no two students got the same
177) Let A = {a1 , a2 ..ak } be any set of k composite numbers such that
1 ≤ ai ≤ 120 f or all i such that1 ≤ i ≤ k. Find the least value of k such
that there exists at least one pair (ai , aj ), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ k in A which is not co
prime ?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 e) 7
178) A polynomial P has four roots 1/4, 1/2, 2, 4. The product of the roots
is 1, and P (1) = 1. Find P (0).
179) Find the sum of all positive integers m such that m2 + 25m + 19 is
a perfect square?
181)Let there be two lines AC and BC such that < ACB = 90◦ . We
draw circles C1 , C2 , ..Cn with radii R1 , R2 , ..Rn , (Ri > Rj , if i > j). All
these circles are tangent to the lines AC and BC, and any two circles
Cp , Cp+1 (1 ≤ p ≤ n−1) are tangent to each other. Find R1 +R2 +R3 +...+Rn
when n = N where N is very large
√ √ √ √
a) 2+1
R1 b) ( 2 + 1)R1 c) 2+1
RN d) ( 2 + 1)RN e)
none of these
182) a, b, c, d be real numbers in G.P. If u, v, w satisfy the equations u +
2v + 3w = 6; 4u + 5v + 6w = 12; 6u + 9v = 4 then roots of the equations
(1/u + 1/v + 1/w)x2 + [(b − c)2 + (c − a)2 + (d − b)2 ]x + u + v + w = 0 and
20x2 + [10(a − d)2 ]x − 9 = 0 are
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 e) none of these
185)A boy spends Rs. 81 in buying some pens and pencils. If a pen costs
Rs.7 and a pencil Rs 3, What is the ratio of pens to pencils when the maxi-
mum number of pens are purchased such that no extra money is given to the
a) 3 : 2 b) 2 : 1 c) 5 : 4 d) 7 : 2 e) none of these
186) Find the sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/6 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/12
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) none of these
1 1
187) Arrange in ascending order x = 60 3 , y = 2 + 7 3 , 3,4
a b c
+ a+c
+ a+b
a) 0 b) 1 c) -3 d) a, b and c e) b and c
190)If A, B and C denote the angles of a triangle then find the maximum
value of sin2 A + sin B sin C cos A
192) Is x = y?
X:(x + y)( x1 + y1 ) = 4
Y:(x − 50)2 = (y − 50)2
194) In a family, Kamla, her brother, her daughter and her son live. They
play a game of cards. Is Kamla the best player?
X: The worst player’s twin and the best player are of the opposite sex.
Y: The worst player and the best player are of the same age
195) a + b + c equals?
196) Let p(x) = x2 + 40. Then for any two positive integers i and j where
i > j, is p(i) + p(j) a composite number?
198) Is p = q, if pqrst = 4?
X:One sand glass takes 7 minute and other takes 11 minutes for the sand
to go through to the bottom.
Y:One sand glass takes 4 minutes and other takes 10 minutes for the sand
to go through to the bottom.
Answer Key
Appropriate care has been taken to keep this document free. But, if you find
any errors, please report to the author at rahuljha.jha@gmail.com. Kindly
note the solutions of these problems are discussed in full at
This document is not for sale! Good Luck !
Short Hints
152) use tan 90 − x = cot x and then tan θ + cot θ = sin 2θ
155) C3 − 5.2 = 120 − 10 = 110
156)(r2 + 5r − 6)(r2 + 5r + 6)
= (r2 + 5r + 7 − 13)(r2 + 5r + 7 − 1)
= (−13)(−1) = 13
158) solution is finding the solns of a + c = b now b = 3 gives (2, 1), (1, 2).
b = 4 gives (3, 1), (1, 3) so 2 solution. then for each b we have solutions as
2(d 2b e−1) so summing we get 2+2+4+4+· · ·+2006+2006 = 2·1003·1004 =
√ √
√ ( bn−1 − an−1 )2
160) X = |bn −an | = | bn−1 +an−1
− a b
n−1 n−1 | = | 2
| ≤ | bn−1 −a
now use the inequality n times we get X ≤ 2n
161)can be easily proved take one vertex at origin other at (k,0) and third
2 tan θ
as (x,y) use the formula for tan 2θ = 1−tan 2θ
163)At each step each ant can go three ways, so total no of ways 34 .34 = 81.81
now each ant can come back to original in 6 ways along one face ABCD be
now we have 3 faces so we get 6.3 = 18
same for the other ant with C as initial point so m/n = 18.18/81.81 = 4/81
m + n = 85
n 2
164) Tn = 7n−1
now Let S = 1 + 4/7 + 9/49 + 16/343 + ............
S/7 = 1/7 + 4/49 + 9/343 + ........
S − S/7 = 6S/7 = 1 + 3/7 + 5/49 + 7/343 + .............
6S/49 = 1/7 + 3/49 + 5/343 + ...........
6S/7 − 6S/49 = 36S/49 = 1 + 2/7 + 2/49 + 2/343 + .......
or, 36S/49 = 1 + 2(1/7 + 1/49 + 1/343 + ......) = 1 + 2(1/6) = 4/3
or, S = 49/27
165)If n girls know a certain boy, any one girl in the group would have
(n − 1) girl friends; this would imply that every girl (in the group) would
have to know at least n boys, so that they would know more boys than girls.
Now, if every girl knew the same boys, there would be n boys and n girls (the
minimum of boys). If there are girls that do not know each other through a
specific boy, there would be (n + m) boys, and n girls, withn + m > n .
166) Note that 127 is prime . now (x3 + y)(x3 − y) = 127.1 as x, y are
positive integers x3 + y = 127, x3 − y = 1 so we get one pair (4, 63)
2 m2 −m
167) let x = m+m 2
and y = 2
then clearly for each m we have one
solution. so infinite solutions
So all three are correct
169)the only time in which one of the terms in the expansion of f(128) will be
diff. than in one of the terms of f(127) will be in the [N/1] term, and in any
subsequent terms of the form [N/d], where d—128. To see why, observe that
for any term of the form [N/k], k not dividing 128 and not equal to 1, 128 and
127 will have the same integer quotients upon division by k and thus that
term will be the same. Ok, finally, note that for each term of the form [N/d],
k—128, the difference between [128/d] and [127/d] will be 1, as [128/d] will
have exactly one more factor of d. So essentially what the question is asking
for is the number of divisors of 128, that is (7+1)=8
172) subtract the two equations gives 9p1 + 4p2 = 3p4 clearly 3 divides
p2 hence p2 = 3 this give 3p1 + 4 = p4 solving which gives (p1 , p4 ) =
(5, 19), (11, 37).. the second and further solutions wont work as it will lead
to negative value of p3 . hence only one set!
p.s: there is no further need but we can proceed to find p3 = 2 :)
175) x4 + 6x2 + 25 can be easily factorized as (x2 − 2x + 5)(x2 + 2x + 5)
so one of them is p(x) further investigation proves p(x) = x2 − 2x + 5
176) Suppose the teams are A and B. there are two favorable ways. All
from A or all from B. Trick here is to find the total no of ways which comes
out to be 8 C4 . I leave it to you to figure it out :)
177) 121 = 112 > 120 so the prime factors are 2, 3, 5, 7 which make the
composite numbers of A. By pigeon − hole principle there must be at max
4 such composites which will not be co-prime. So the required minimum k is 5
181) Any circle Ci will form a square of the side Ri so Oi C = √ 2Ri us-
ing this we can form a relation that 0i+1 C = Ri+1 + Ri + Oi ⇒ 2Ri+1 =
2Ri Ri+1 + Ri use this and sum of an infinite GP we get the answer in terms
of RN
tion of gp then (a − d)2 = (b − c)2 + (c − a)2 + (d − b)2 so the two equations
have reciprocal roots
186) series is just the sum of numbers whose reciprocals have only 2 and
3 as prime divisors. So sum = (1 + 1/2 + 1/4...)(1 + 1/3 + 1/9..) =
[1/(1 − 1/2)][1/(1 − 1/3)] = 3
191)easy !
If Kamla is worst player , the best player is female , but this defies other
condition that the best player and worst player are of same age
now if her brother is worst player best player is then her son. this means
katrina her son and her brother are of same age. not possible again
if her son is worst player, the best player is male so he must be katrina’s
now if we assume that her son and her brother are of same age this can
=> choice (A) is the right answer
199) 8.3.3 and 6.6.2 so can’t say with X also can’t say with Y. But Y says
eldest so combining the two, we get eldest in case 1, so ages are 8,3,3. option
200) 15 = 11.2 − 7 so if we start the two timers together when the 7 minute
timer runs out, reverse it, now when the 11 minute timer runs out, the 7
minute timer will show 4, reverse it. we got 11+4 so A other two timers are
even and 15 is odd