Computer Networks
Computer Networks
Computer Networks
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5395 & Sciences Publication
Prediction of Crops based on Environmental Factors using IoT & Machine Learning Algorithms
As the population is growing in today's world and it is different system components and input and output for
supposed to be in billions as the years go by and we need to different modules present in system. Sensed information is
improve crop production to feed those billions of people. The contrasted to data set that is stored on past experience and is
population is increasing and on the other hand the agricultural generated as a consequence. The system architecture is shown
land is declining due to various reasons such as in Fig. 1. Main components of system are
industrialization, retail markets and residential buildings are
being built on these agricultural lands and in order to feed IOT devices
these billions we need to increase production and this can be
achieved by introducing appropriate technology in
Machine learning algorithm for prediction.
agriculture. Smart agriculture is the most important thing
required in everyday life. As per the result obtained from the analysis, the farmer
must settle on the process selection of best crop for that
Section 2 outlines related work, while Section 3 analyzes particular soil for increase the production rate of the crop.
the proposed system and structure, Section 4 presents the
findings, and Section 5 finishes the document. 3.1 IOT DEVICES
In IoT-based smart agriculture, sensors (light, humidity,
II. RELATED WORK temperature, soil moisture, etc.) are used to track the plant
field and optimize the irrigation system. The farmers were
The numerical approach, namely the methodology of able to monitor the conditions of the field from anywhere.
multiple linear regression and the process of data mining, This work aims to provide a device for tracking specific
namely the clustering strategy dependent on size, were used to plant temperature & humidity values, soil and water pH
predict plant yields [1]. Kalman filter (KF) is used with sensor and fertilizer control, soil moisture sensor for detecting
predictive analysis in the proposed technique to acquire soil moisture levels. All these devices are used as well as
quality data without any noise and to transmit this data for producing the information to track the plant. IoT system
cluster-based WSNs. Decision tree using predictive analytics interfaced with the sensor:
for crop yield prediction, seed identification, soil
classification, weather prediction, and crop disease prediction
for decision making. This platform combines IoT modules
such as and cube (IOT Gateway) and Mobius (IOT Service
Platform) to provide consumers with a smart crop growth
tracking solution [2]. In machine learning algorithm is
developed using logistic regression to process raw data and
forecast outcomes. It provides the result but is less reliable
than other algorithms [3]. The use of spatial data mining in the
agricultural field has been clarified by authors [4]. They used Fig. 1. IoT Architecture
the K-means algorithm along with incremental improvement
of the optimization approach for the study of spatial
connections. As initial spatial information, temperature and 3.1.1 FC-28 SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR
precipitation are provided and evaluated to increase crop The sensor for soil moisture is quite clear to use. The two
yield and growing crop losses. In [5] authors consider the wide uncovered pads serve as detector sensors, functioning as
problem of predicting the average yield of a type of crop (e.g., a variable resistor together. The more moisture in the ground,
soybean) for a region of interest based on a sequence of the greater will be the conductivity between the surfaces,
remotely sensed images taken before the harvest and resulting in lower resistance and higher output of SIG. [8]
convolutional neural networks applied data to predict the type Table- I: FC-28 Soil Moisture Sensor
of crop. This [6] addresses scientific advancements over the Input Output Input Output
past 15 years on machine-based learning techniques for Signal
Voltage Voltage Current
precise crop yield forecasting and approximation of nitrogen
status, and concludes that rapid advances in sensing 3.3-5V 0-4.2V 35mA Analog &
technology and ML techniques will provide cost-effective and Digital
detailed solutions for improved crop and environmental
condition estimation and decision-making. Remote
Monitoring System (RMS) is introduced in this system [7], a
hybrid solution to internet and wireless communications. The
main goal is to capture real-time agricultural production
environment information that provides easy access to
agricultural facilities such as warnings through Short
Messaging Service (SMS) and weather patterns, plants, etc.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5396 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
The unit of the rain detector is an easy tool to measure
water. When raindrop falls through the rainy board and also to Machine learning is widely applied to aspects in
measure rainfall rate, it can be used as a switch. [10] agriculture. It is used in the study of large data sets and in the
data sets to define valuable classifications and patters. The
Table- III: KG004 Rain Drop Sensor overall goal of the Machine Learning process is to extract the
Item Range Output Output information from a set of data and transform it for further use
Measurement Voltage Signal into an understandable structure.
Based on available data, this paper analyzes the crop yield
KG004 −0.3 to +36 V Digital form. The methodology of machine learning was used to
+36 V and
forecast crop yields in order to maximize crop profitability.
Figure 6 demonstrates the stream of estimation of the
expected crop yield.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5397 & Sciences Publication
Prediction of Crops based on Environmental Factors using IoT & Machine Learning Algorithms
As shown in the previous example, sensors are installed on Bangalore Karnatak June 29.4 19.8 79.7
the farm to detect data related to humidity, temperature,
Bangalore Karnatak July 27.7 19.3 109.7
precipitation, and pH. Logistic regression, Decision Tree, a
Random Forest, and GDBoost algorithms are used to
characterize sensed data. The forecast result shows which soil 4.2. MACHINE LEARNING MODELS
may be ideal for different crops and the state of soils.
Machine learning is the method of finding correlations in
4.1. OVER VIEW OF DATA large datasets that were previously unknown and potentially
increasing. The extracted data is used as a statistical and
Data was gathered from different outlets and create datasets in classification template to reflect. Datasets obtained from IoT
this process. And for analysis, such databases are used. & Multiple Sources tend to be considerably more complex
Internet sources such as then are than the database used in machine learning historically. produce the data. The below table having the Machine learning is specifically defined as machine learning
sample data values, we almost cover all the crops which are that is analytical or predictive. Yet predictive data mining is
helpful to the farmer. Duration shows that crop duration in mostly used in the agricultural area. Classification and
months, Min & Max attributes are showing the range clustering are two primary methods. Some of the methods
temperature which is required for the crop. N, P, K Values are below are used to extract the response from the data collected.
fertilizers for specific crop. pH min & max values for soil
management. Rain fall is the range of that area. The technique suggested includes two phases: the stage
of preparation and the phase of evaluation. The data was
Table V. Overview of Sample Data Points collected and pre-processed during the training phase. The
learning cycle utilizes pre-processed information to train the
template. The yield value is calculated in the testing phase
based on the rules developed. Work begins with phase of
pre-processing. The data collected were pre-processed in this
phase. Several information has been omitted from the data set
in the pre-processing. Some of the field was inadequate for
crop production. So the data will be deleted. Models used in
the phase of training and testing described below:
A. Logistic Regression
The method used to relate a dependent variable to one or
more independent variable is logistic regression. The
dependent variable is sometimes called predictors, and
predictors are called independent variable. Regarding plant
Table VI. State Wise Sample Data Points type prediction(c) as variable based and temperature and
State N P K humidity disparity, soil moisture, pH rate as variable
independent. The formula that has been established is in the
A& N VL VL L ppm( parts per million)
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5398 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5399 & Sciences Publication
Prediction of Crops based on Environmental Factors using IoT & Machine Learning Algorithms
The proposed system lists all potential crops that are
feasible in a given area, allowing the farmer to determine
which plant to produce. The program has carried out a careful
examination of the climate, weather and pH information and
recommends which are the most viable crops that can be
grown in the correct environmental situation. This program
often analyses the past data output that will enable the farmer
gain insight into the market demand and value of different
crops. Because total plant varieties under this program will be
protected, farmers can know about the crop that may never
have been produced. IOT leads to connection of all farming
devices together with help of internet in. Different types of
Fig 11. Random Forest Algorithm Depth Generation sensors employed in farm is give real time data of farm
condition and the devices can be used to increase the
moisture, acidity, etc. accordingly.. Further the best profitable
crop can also be found in light of the monetary and inflation
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to those who have
contributed to this thesis and supported me in one way or the
other during this amazing journey. I am extremely grateful to
my thesis guide, Professor Suresh Varma, for his guidance
and all the useful discussions and brainstorming sessions,
especially during the difficult conceptual development stage.
His deep insights helped me at various stages of my research.
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96.32 96.69 8.
95 94.14 9.
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Max Bramer, editor, Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II,
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Logistic Regression Decision Tree
Processing, pages 109–118. Springer, July 2008.
Random Forest Gradient Boost
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5400 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: A4695119119/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4695.119119 5401 & Sciences Publication