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State Level Seminar on One Day State Level Seminar

20th December, 2023
Vidyasagar's Thought
Name( In Block Letters):........................................................................... on Books & Library
Age :..........................................................................................................
(Vidyasagarer Grantha
Educational Qualification: ........................................................................
O Granthagar Bhabna)
Mailing address with Pin Code: .....................................................
Phone No:......................................................................................
E-mail:........................................................................................... 20th December, 2023
Accommodation required (Yes/No):..........................................................
Organized by :
Remittance details
Central Library
DD No ......................... Dated ..............................
For Rs:................................... in favor of K D College of Commerce and
K D College of Commerce
General Studies A/C Counselling Cell, Payable at Midnapore (Account number: & General Studies
08270110039946, IFSC: UCOA0000827, UCO Bank, Midnapore) Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur.
In collaboration with :
Place: Medinipur Town Ancholik Unit
Date: Signature of Participant Medinipur Samanway Sanstha
Background of the Institution TARGET AUDIENCE
K D College of Commerce and General Studies, Midnapore has glorious been 1. Librarian and other professional colleagues working in different libraries.
maintaining its age-old tradition in the indelible annals of time since its inception with its 2. Teachers, research scholars and students of any discipline
realized mission of imparting quality education to the generations of students who enter 3. Library organizers and users in different libraries
with a mission and leave with a vision. Situated in the heart of Minapore town, in a palatial CALL FOR PAPERS
main building donated by the erstwhile scion of Ramgarh, Raja Ranjit Kishore Singha We invite articles on the themes mentioned above. Full papers in MS Word references
Sahas Roy, the college is named after his beloved mother Rajmata Kaibalya Dayini Devi. following Indian standard (IS:2381 1978) in CD or by e-mail and a hard copy of the same
Beginning solely as an exclusive Commerce college at the time of its inception, of late it must reach us by 17th December, 2023. The papers will be published as individual chapters
has gleefully come forward to perform more of its educational and social responsibility
in an edited book with ISBN no upon payment of an additional amount, which will be
by introducing the Arts stream into its nourishing fold and has been named anew as – “K D
communicated later.
College of Commerce and General Studies, Midnapore”.
Theme of the Seminar VENUE
The Central theme of the State Level Seminar is “ VIDYASAGAR'S THOUGHT Rabindra Sardha Satabarshiki Hall
ON BOOKS AND LIBRARY (VIDYASAGARER GRANTHA O GRANTHAGAR K D College of Commerce & General Studies, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur
BHABNA)”. Vidyasagar was a man of multiple skills and talents. Most noteworthy, he ABOUT THE PLACE
was an academic educator, philosopher, printer, entrepreneur, reformer, philanthropist, The weather is normally soothing cool during this time. Historically many important
translator, and publisher As an erudite educationist Vidyasagar's thought relating to sites, forests are the added attractions of this place.
library still remains to be less-explored a territory, though much have been discovered. He HOW TO REACH THE VENUE
gave a clear concept about written of books for creation of user group and library Nearest Railway Station : Medinipur (about 13 km. by road from Kharagpur).From
organization and services in his writings. His active participation in various library Medinipur Rail Station / Bus Terminus autorickshaws and rickshaws are available to
programmes enriched the library movement of the undivided Bengal. His philosophical reach the college.
thinking not only describes the concept of a Library but also its programme of activities
and role to execute be played by the library personnel.
Accommodation of outstation participants may be arranged if request is sent at least seven
days before the Seminar. Participants will have to bear the charges.
1. To identify and consolidate the thinking and contribution of Vidyasagar about Books
2. To Juxtapose knowledge development following Vidyasagar concept on library Student (VU & K D C C ) Rs : 100
activities and creation of user group by library professionals ,teachers, research Others Rs : 200
scholars, organizers, users etc Payment should be made by Cash/DD in favour of K D College of Commerce and
3. To know the relevance of the thinking of great educationist towards the Books, General Studies A/C Counselling Cell, Payble at Midnapore. (A/C No-:
library activities and creation of User group in the present day context. 08270110039946, IFSC: UCOA0000827, UCO Bank, Midnapore). Filled in Registration
4. To provide a platform for bringing local, regional and national initiatives as to form and fees must reach on or before December 18, 2023.
Vidyasagar concept on Books, Spread of Women education, Library activities and ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO :
services encompassing research as well as practical application.
Dr. Milan Kumar Sarkar
5. To create understanding of the need of the various library professionals in the
Organizing Secretary
creation of knowledge about Vidyasagar concept on Books, Present education
system and library activities State Level Seminar on
Vidyasagarer Grantha o Granthagar Bhabna
Following subthemes may be considered for the seminar and it is expected that 20th December, 2023
suggestions would be drawn according to the concept of Vidyasagar. Mobile No-9474444582/7407733553
1. Vidyasagar: the pioneer of Bengali literature and lover of books e-mail : drmilansarkar@gmail.com/librarykdcc@gmail.com
2. Vidyasagar's thought on books and library Dr Dulal Chandra Das
3. Present education system and Vidyasagar Principal & Chairman
4. Women Education, Library and Vidyasagar K D College of Commerce & General Studies, Midnapore
5. Role of Vidysagar in the extension of mass education Paschim Medinipur -721101
6. Vidyasagar and future of the libraries Phone-97751002112
7. librarian's perspectives towards Vidysagar's literary thoughts e-mail: kdccmid-westbengal@rediffmail.com

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