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Iot Based Smart Irrigation System: Abstract - Agriculture Production Is A Significant Role in

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IoT Based Smart Irrigation System

N. Divya E. Aswin Das R. Hari Prasath

Department of EEE Department of EEE Department of EEE
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore
Tamilnadu, India Tamilnadu, India Tamilnadu, India
divya.n@srec.ac.in aswindas.2003011@srec.ac.in hariprasath.2003048@srec.ac.in

R. Janani B. Kaviya K. Lakshmi

2022 International Conference on Computer, Power and Communications (ICCPC) | 979-8-3503-9784-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCPC55978.2022.10072254

Department of EEE Department of EEE Department of EEE

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore
Tamilnadu, India Tamilnadu, India Tamilnadu, India
janani.2003029@srec.ac.in kaviya.2003034@srec.ac.in lakshmi.2003036@srec.ac.in

Abstract— Agriculture production is a significant role in have been using computers and software systems for the
Indian Economy. Traditional methods of farming needs vital past few years to manage their economic data and to keep
human process of monitoring and measuring of parameters track monitoring of their farm crops. Smart Agriculture
like soil moisture level, pH value, temperature and water level.
paves way for the betterment solution along with internet
Modern Technology has improved a lot for smart way of
of things. Preserving water management practices and
irrigation system. This paper introduces the concept of smart
irrigation system with measurement of humidity and up-to-date technologies can help enhance water usage
temperature using soil moisture sensors and ARDUINO efficiency without lowering yield. The system is capable
microcontroller. Humidity and temperature are measured and of transferring information via a network without the
analyzed using an Arduino-Uno microcontroller with a assistance of humans. IoT has been an expanding concept
humidity measuring sensor and a temperature measuring for decades. Smart Irrigation systems were developed in
sensor. The hygrometer is a sensor that delivers information response to this problem in order to efficiently manage
about the moisture status of the soil after being placed in it for water.
a period of time. The data from the hygrometer will be
collected and processed by an Arduino - Uno. Water will be II. LITERATURE SURVEY
supplied when the moisture level of soil reaches a certain level.
Jin et al proposed a Greenhouse Unique monitoring
This is necessary because the plant need water at a specific
period in order to produce a high yield. Farm automation can technique which is based on GSM-SMS remote area system,
shift the agricultural domain from one that is physical and which is connected to a base station via a PC-based database
static to one that is intelligent and dynamic, resulting in system. A microcontroller, GSM module, sensors, and
increased production with less human monitoring. The actuators are used to create the base station. In practice, the
autonomous irrigation system used in this study uses central station uses the GSM module to receive and send
watering-on-demand to monitor and maintain the required messages. The central station determines the control
level of soil moisture. The control and monitoring system is parameters to be monitored in each area and measured.
designed and demonstrated using the ATMEGA328P
Sumeet et al concentrated on evaluations of monitoring and
Microcontroller on the Arduino- Uno platform.
control remote system, technological employment and its
Keywords— Smart irrigation, Arduino - Uno, Hygrometer prospective benefits. The system autonomously waters the
field when it is unattended based on the monitored
parameters of humidity and temperature values. the data is
Agriculture is India's most important source of income. sent via message on the GSM based network between the
Increased agricultural productivity is required as the far end and the intended system. This framework
world's population grows. In order to sustain increased illuminates the clients about the statistical data on time.
farm production, the quantity of renewed water used in Gautam et al mentioned that automation can be done in the
irrigation must likewise increase. Farming currently irrigation system with modern rain gun cum microcontroller
consumes 83 percent of India's whole water supply. technology. This demands saving water resource when there
Unintentional water waste occurs as a result of unplanned is a high demand. These technologies transform the way
water use. This shows that systems to prevent water waste field resource management is done, as they designed an
without putting farmers under strain are in need. Farmers Android software stack for monitoring devices and

979-8-3503-9784-0/22/$31.00 2022
c IEEE 7

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applications. As an irrigation control system, this holds efficiently. Without the use of A/D converters, the
advantage of the GPRS function of a mobile phone. These temperature measurement system can connect well with
systems only covered a small portion of agricultural area budget free processors.
and were not commercially viable. Marve et al mentioned
that IoT-enabled farm field monitoring and irrigation
automation is the main emphasis of work. Irrigation
management can be done perfectly by working under the
given sensors. The sensor's data and the irrigation
controller's data are synced over a Wi-Fi network. With the
assistance of that specific application, a person can learn
about the current state of the land. The water can be
irrigated based on the present valuation. Water supply to the
farm field can be done either intermittently or continuously,
according to weather forecasting. The user can get the right
value, such as how much water level is required to irrigate,
by using the native bias method. The farmer can decide at Fig.1 Schematic representation of proposed system
which situation they want to deliver water with the help of
that application. The output is then sent wirelessly to the base station
through the wireless connectivity modules module. The
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM wireless connectivity modules were designed to comply
The antiquated irrigation technique has been replaced by with IEEE standards to suit the special requirements of
the automated approach. Numerous improvements have sensor networks. The module supports multipoints, and
been made to smart irrigation systems. In contrast to mesh networking protocols and works in the 2.6 MHz
traditional irrigation methods, a smart irrigation system frequency band with a data transfer rate of 320kbps. The
adjusts water flow based on the demands of the fields and wireless connectivity modules coordinator receives data
crops. A temperature sensor serves as the feedback from the wireless connectivity modules router on the
mechanism for the smart irrigation system. This temperature receiving side and transfers it to the Arduino board.
sensor is placed in a specific location on the irrigation field.
Depending on its value, water is pumped to the proper area
for a predetermined amount of time. Wireless The implementation of smart way of irrigation
communication technology will make it possible for the system is realized from the use of soil moisture
transmitter section and reception section to connect with one sensors. To measure the physical properties of soil
another. As a result, fewer cables will be required in the content, nutrients from soil and fertility measure
field. If not, it may result in a number of challenges during sensors are implemented. The ease of implementing
harvesting, ploughing, and performing other duties. helps to monitor the controlling parameters with the
help of controllers. It also determines the on time
A. BLOCK DIAGRAM dynamic changes that happens with the moisture
The proposed system includes a MCU-Arduino, level and temperature. The conventional method of
Temperature measurement sensor device, wireless soil measuring leads to drying the sample of soil to a
connectivity modules, UPS inverter and Relay module, consistent weight. Modern development in
solenoid valves, Pumps. The temperature of the atmosphere technology owes to sensor technology along with
is taken into account. The LM:35 temperature sensor was IoT.
employed. The LM:35 is an integrated-circuit temperature
sensor with a linearly proportional output voltage to the
Celsius temperature. The LM:35 operates in the range of -55
to +120 degrees Fahrenheit. The LM:35 has amaximum
supply voltage of five volts. This sort of sensor is made up
of a substance that changes resistance in response to
temperature changes. The circuit detects the change in
resistance and estimates the temperature. Directly attached
to the microprocessor input, temperature sensors are capable
of direct and dependable communication with
microprocessors. With cost effective direct and dependable
Fig.2 Soil moisture sensing unit
connectivity with processors, the sensor system can work

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The sensor unit employs dielectric method to Irrigation pumps are used to either lift water from
determine the amount of water content in soil. It a lower to a higher level, where it then flows through
provides high resolution data measurement of soil channels to the fields that require irrigation (lift operation)
moisture sensing unit as electrical voltage equivalent or to elevate it to the requisite pressure head, where it can
to water level. Light dependent sensor LDR is used be sprayed on the fields via piping systems (sprinkling).
for measuring the soil temperature. It employs an
output voltage equivalent to the temperature effect.
The resistance of sensor decreases as the temperature An Arduino Uno is employed as a controller for this
decreases. The change in resistance as an electrical irrigation system. Its job is to coordinate all of the smart
parameter mentioned as voltage and interface with irrigation system's functions. The microcontroller receives
controller unit. analogue voltages as measured values from the two sensors
and digitizes them. The optimal control method for
An uninterruptible power supply is the heart of any implementing irrigation is then computed depending on the
well-designed power protection system. A static UPS soil moisture content and reservoir water level. The
is intended to serve as the primary power supply for irrigation pumps receive a digital control from the controller
all important loads. A UPS offers not only via the relays. On a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) attached
uninterruptible power to a vital load, but also to the microcontroller, the status of the system, including the
isolation from the utility fine and fine voltage water level, moisture content, and irrigation pumps, is
changes, as well as various types of voltage displayed. A 12-volt DC source provides power to the
transients present on the utility line. The cost of the controller. The algorithm was created in the Arduino
system and the degree of load protection provided by Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and uploaded
the system will be determined by how one or more to the microcontroller using the Arduino script
UPS units are used. The 230V supply is scaled down programming language. The algorithm allows the system to
to 12V AC in this setup. With the use of rectifiers, automatically start/stop pumps when moisture content
capacitors, and regulators, this is then transformed to reaches preset thresholds, decide the number of pumps to be
12V DC. The 12V DC is utilized to charge a battery, active at any one time, and prioritize irrigated areas based
and the battery's output is fed into our smart watering on reservoir water levels.
A tiny pump is required to irrigate the plant, but in the
case of a garden, we will need to drive a larger pump
capable of providing a higher volume of water, which
cannot be directly driven by an Arduino. To demonstrate
using a 5v relay, you need to operate a larger pump, a driver
is required to give enough current for the pump. An
appropriate relay can also be used with an AC-powered
pump. The functionality of the system will remain the same,
need to change the DC power input attached to the relay
with an AC power input and power your Arduino with a
separate DC power source.
Fig.4 Arduino Uno


This smart system is recommended for effective
automated irrigation systems, and it could be a useful tool
for water conservation planning and irrigation scheduling
that can be applied to various agricultural crops. A servo
motor is used to evenly distribute the water, ensuring
maximum absorption by the plant. As a result, there is very
little water waste. By monitoring soil moisture and
temperature, this system may also adjust the amount of
water provided to the plants when it is needed, based on the
Fig.3 Pump unit (Motor) sorts of plants. This project can be implemented across huge
agricultural areas where human labor is required. Many

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features of the system can be changed and fine-tuned for a Many features of the proposed system can be
specific plant requirement using software. The following changed, allowing the requirements to be fine-tuned.
automated condition will work once the motor pump has As a result, a scalable, supporting technology has
begun. If the user wishes, he can turn off the motor by emerged. We'll be able to tell whether the soil is moist
clicking on the web page. When the soil moisture sensor or dry with this sensor. If the motor detects that it is
reaches the required threshold value, the motor pump will dry, it will begin pumping water. This system is an
turn off automatically. If the weather conditions are such intelligent irrigation solution based on artificial
that it begins to rain, the microcontroller will turn off the intelligence that takes use of the soil moisture content
motor pump until it stops raining. Then it determines and the crop's moisture requirements to automate the
whether or not the soil moisture sensor has reached the entire watering process. The system's main advantage
threshold value. The motor pump will remain turned off if is its effectiveness in terms of lowering water waste
the value exceeds the threshold; else, it will automatically and reducing the amount of work required to irrigate
restart. This helps to conserve both water and electricity. the agricultural area, as well as its economic viability.
Also, if the power source is disconnected and the motor is
switched off. It will automatically resume when power is
restored, so the user will not have to bother about manually Our proposed smart irrigation system consists of a
restarting the motor pump. Also, data from multiple sensors number of modules, each of which is responsible for a
such as moisture sensors, temperature sensors, and humidity certain task. The sensor network, which is necessary to
sensors will be displayed in graphical form on the BOLT determine the factors impacting the requirement for water, is
cloud, but owing to BOLT's limitations, only one sensor the fundamental module. For the purpose of measuring
data will be displayed (moisture sensor data). temperature, soil moisture, and air humidity, we combined
sensors with the DHT11 and Soil Wetness Model. Although
V. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION the current version of our system does not use an algorithm
A clever way to build an irrigation system is to control for decision-making, future iterations might make use of
moisture and temperature. The amount of water pushed sophisticated data extraction methods. In order to improve
through the motor will be determined by the level of soil the functionality, additional decision-making approaches,
moisture in the plant or crop, and it will automatically turn such as the random forest algorithm, can be added to the
on and off. By sensing the water level at a specific location aforementioned irrigation system concept in the future. We
within the plant, this improves agricultural productivity have made an effort to improve the efficiency of the
while conserving water. A servo motor from vegetation traditional irrigation system using buzzing technologies.
water that was equally distributed in the water allowed the We'll keep working to make improvements to agriculture,
best possible absorption through. As a result, there is not which will also benefit our society and economy. This
much water waste. Additionally, the system enables water to system has a lot of potential and can be used in several other
be sent to the plant in accordance with its needs, which are scenarios thanks to its useful design.
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