Module For English
Module For English
Module For English
WEEK 7-11
This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the use of
technology for teaching and learning. This course includes ICT Policies and safety issues, media and
technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning
lessons, teaching-learning experiences and assessment task that utilize appropriate traditional and
innovative technologies considering social, ethical, and legal responsibility.
General Objective
To understand the importance of instructional design models and enhanced teaching lessons through
the use of technology.
This is a 3-unit introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the
use of technology for teaching and learning. The units are characterized by continuity, and are
arranged in such a manner that the present unit is related to the next unit. For this reason, you are
advised to read this module. After each unit, there are exercises to be given. Submission of task
given will be given by your respected instructor.
Distance learning is a form of learning without a nice to me contact with the teacher and
delivered via telecommunications in the past, this involved correspondence courses wherein the
student corresponded with the teacher via mails. This turned out to be beneficial since universities
added students without having to construct classrooms while they enjoy being able to work anytime
and anywhere at their convenience. With the advent of newer technologies, distance learning is
delivered via computer based media thus called online learning or e-learning. This made classrooms
borderless and learning boundless. This was enhanced by the emergence of web 2.0 tools which
made collaborative learning easier and.
Learning nowadays is viewed differently. The present generation of learners has access to
information at their fingertips. The teacher is no longer seen as basically the dispenser of knowledge
but rather as one who expertly directs the learners to take their own track in searching for answers to
questions raised inside the classroom. Then they bring these back to the class for further discussion
until perhaps resolutions are agreed. They can search the web and discover a breadth of information
related to the lesson. They even have the patience to stay in front of the computer for an unusually
longer time in search for more articles and multimedia materials that simplify a challenging topic. That
is why they can sometimes learn more than what is confined in the four comers of the classroom
Every chance or comer becomes a learning space. It is clear that learning takes place anywhere
and this adds to the concept of flexibility in the learning environment. With technology, students can
possibly continue to join class sessions even if they are not physically around The learning space
becomes virtual or mediated The library is not only a physical structure where they can read
published books but has also become virtual.
Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle MOODLE stands for
Modular Object Onented Dynamic Learning Environment which is an open source software. It is a
Leaming Management System (LMS) that supports teaching and learning
Below is an image map that we created patterned after the previous LMS format of SEAMEO
INNOTECH Online distance education classes are conducted using this.
Martina (2015) compared edmodo and google classroom in her blog. Although she discussed
several commonalities, there are apparently differences but with technology, things evolve in is clear
is that they were ort a time. What integrate well with classroom activities. The decision lies in the
teacher who will determine what works best in her caching and learning context. Both are amazing
tools that can be explored.
Schoology is another LMS founded in 2009 by Jeremy Friedman, Ryan Hwang, Tim Trinidad and
Bill Kindier.
You can actually create your own online distance education learning system using any of these
Another recent modality to learning is the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). It is a model
for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course It allows one to
pursue learning even outside of university or higher education formal structure. Those who are
working can enrol in MOOCS with no limit on attendance As long as you are willing to learn, you can
engage in an area discipline and learn. It allows interconnectedness among peoples in the world to
discuss and share recent developments in their common held of interest education through the use of
information technology.
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association with the mission is to advance higher education through
the use of information technology. The link herein provides a succinct video explaining about MOOCs.
(Please view URL massive open-online-
In the flexible learning mode the activities can be done in two ways: (1) synchronous and (2)
An online chat at real time is a Synchronous session Course participants meet in a virtual
classroom and discuss a topic in the lesson. So wherever they are situated in the world, they agree
on a scheduled session and log in to join the live class. The LMS has this feature. The teacher called
as the online tutor facilitates the discussion. Ideas are posted in an actual live class. One cannot
lecture and take all the time in explaining in this mode, the course participants are made to be
engaged in the low of discussion that is why, the online tutor has to plan out the instruction guide in
facilitating the discourse.
Using the Skype in holding a live class is another example Members of the class log-in in their
Skype account at a given time to join the video conferencing.
Another important feature is the Asynchronous session. This is when questions or tasks are
posted and course participants answer the question or post their reply at any time most convenient to
them. They can still participate in the discussion by replying to the post. One advantage is that you
can take your time when replying. The LMS mentioned in this lesson has a feature that can allow an
asynchronous session.
In the image map, there is a column of icon labeled as LIVE CLASS and FORUM If you click the
LIVE CLASS it will lead you to enter the virtual classroom to attend the synchronous session while
the icon labelled FORUM is responsible for allowing class participants to join the asynchronous
Blended Learning
Model 2: Rotation
In a particular course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule between learning online
in a one-to-one, self-paced learning environment and being inside the classroom with a face-to-
face teacher. This is the model that is in between the traditional face-to-face learning and online
Model 3: Flex
This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course. Support to learning is
provided as needed through on-site support or by an online tutor who facilitates the tutorial or
small group sessions. Sessions can be arranged into synchronous or asynchronous Course
participants may work on their tasks at any convenient time as long as it is within the confines of
the course duration.
Model 5. Self-Blend
The self-blend Model is a system provided by the school where the students can choose the
courses they would like to have in addition to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes.
This model is always remote - a major difference from the Online Lab.
Planning and managing blended learning experiences are very similar planning and managing a
brick-and-mortar school with courses or subjects integrating technology. It needs to be system wide
as the school makes plan, develop guidelines for students to follow for the use of technology in a
blended format and provide a resource guide. A lot of preparation is needed in designing a blended
format Technology has to be prepared. The back-end and front-end infrastructures of blended
learning have to be put in place as well as the content in varied multimedia formats. Teachers and
teacher’s assistant who will act as online tutors and assistant need to be pedagogically capacitated.
What is Networking
When productive relationships are cultivated, networking works best. A network is defined as
that group of individuals who communicates and connects on a regular basis. If an individual has a
personal network of people, one can tap on the potential contacts for social, educational or
professional purposes. They say that there is a great need to connect because whom one knows
matters. Sometimes one needs to link with them because they have what one needs. However, the
challenge is how to shift the network from people who can provide the favors into establishing the
relationship that will entitle him or her to be called “a friend”, one who can be trusted as a collaborator
in working on an assigned task by the teacher.
Social networking services have been evolving for more than a decade. Initially, these social
networking services allowed users to construct their personal profile so that other contacts may know
the relevant information about them. At present, these have now evolved to sharing of multimedia
resources. Even having immediate and direct contact with friends in real time is easily accessible
through these sites.
There are varied platforms available where one can create a personal account. Some of these
popular social networking sites include Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flicker, YouTube, and LinkedIn
among others.
Facebook apparently is the biggest social networking site founded in 2004 based in Menlo Park,
California. The most popular social network apparently is Facebook. Used by most people, it allows
users to post their profile, blogs, pictures and videos. Facebook lets one share status updates, news
articles with friends and family. Although it started as a way for college students to connect and
socialize, it expanded its services allowing people ages 13 and up to use a Facebook account for
personal or even business reasons.
Twitter does not only provide social networking service but it also gives online news. Breaking
news has taken a new twist with this § social network website. Friends or colleagues may tell that
they saw the breaking news on Twitter.
Twitter is the site where users post and interact with messages called “tweets,” restricted only to
140 characters. Only registered users can post tweets, but those who are not can only read them.
One of the main features of Twitter is it enables people to post their thoughts immediately. Founded in
2006, Twitter is based in San Francisco, California, United States.
LinkedIn is another social networking website for, work. When one @ is trying to find a job and
may not have contacts, LinkedIn helps one in? search for career connections. It may contain one’s
resume for potential employers to see.
The website lets one upload his educational qualifications, skills, work history, and relevant
experiences. One’s connections can even endorse and this helps employers who can message the
one concerned and talk about the possibility of employment. Launched in 2003, this is a popular
social Site in the + professional world.
To distinguish connection, Google+ creates circles and the four standard circles refer to friends,
family, acquaintances and those being followed. Users can actually create as many circles as they
YouTube is an American video-sharing website where users can upload, view, and even share
video clips or multimedia productions. It is a free social network site to join and use. Since it is owned
by T pal Google, YouTube prefers a Google account to make it easier and streamlined. Some people
think that YouTube is not a social network. It 1s such as it allows the users to share personal videos,
view other uploaded multimedia clips and make connections with friends and acquaintances. Just like
with other social networking sites, users can either make their videos private or public. Based in San
Bruno, California, the service was created in February 2005.
Pinterest is another social media tool that like YouTube, is often thought of as otherwise.
Pinterest was designed as a catalogue of ideas or project ideas by its founder Ben Silberman. This is
an excellent choice for those who have a passion for creativity. Users must have an account to use
Pinterest. An email account or a Facebook account can be used in signing up to Pinterest, and if
users will use Facebook, their wall would be ready to post pins without linking with Facebook.
Instagram is a platform where users share visual stories. This system allows users to post
photos with captions allowing followers to like or comment on one’s posts. Photos shared have a wide
range of coverage - trips, food, business products. Since the site is free, advertisers can use
instagram to reach a wide and are follower base. Instagram account can be private or made public. It
is the best social networking site for photography.
Tumblr is a networking site that combines social media and tumbir, blogging. Its main goal is to
simplify social media and blogging. Users can post whatever they like such as photos, videos, quotes,
music, and links. This is a social media that makes it very easy and straight forward to search just
about anything.
MySpace is another popular social networking website where members can make friends, post
blogs and photos, videos. It was acquired by Specific Media in: 2011 and based in Beverly Hills
California. MySpace had its dose of crisis but came back stronger and rebranded to focus on music.
Personal users can use MySpace to keep up with their favorite artists, have an update on the music
industry, see what their friends are listening to, and connect with people who have similar music
preferences. It is a fitting social networking website for music.
Flickr (pronounced “flicker”’) is an image and video hosting website that was created by
Ludicorp in 2004 and acquired by Yahoo. It offers massive online photo storage.
Bebo is a social networking website with the backronym “Blog Early. Blog Often”. It was
invented to answer the question what the name meant. It was founded by husband and wife team
Michel and Xochi Birch in January 2005 at their home in San Francisco.
With the fast development and vast coverage of innovations that address the mediated
communicative needs in the virtual reality, it is expected that there will be more interactive features of
social networking sites that will be readily available for the users in the upcoming days.
Using social networking websites opens an array of benefits for users. The world has become a
global village through connectivity. The connection has transcended space and borders. Getting
connected to family and friends is now just a few clicks away. It is an easy access to keeping in touch
with friends, or keeping tabs on family. It provides opportunities for making friends with others who
share similar interests and passion.
A major advantage of social networking websites is that they provide information. News and
views of others around the world can be easily accessed instantly at one’s fingertips. It easily allows
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one to transmit information or update contacts on what one thinks or how now feels.
Social networking websites can support learning or augment educational activities. Young
learners are well-acquainted with social networking sites and regard them as just a part of the day-to-
day activities and school-related discussions. Even after school period, learners can continually
connect as they collaborate to accomplish a task or homework using a social networking website.
Announcements on assignments or instructions for the upcoming work can be conveniently delivered
to concerned individuals through the social networking sites.
One major risk is making friends with strangers who may actually be a predator or cyberbully. No
one initially recognizes the true nature of an acquaintance or one who seemingly poses as a friend.
Sometimes, a youngster gets bullied by other, who may not even be connected as friends in a social
networking website. There are also trolls who actually instigate conflict, misunderstanding or
emotional response by eliciting anger or ill feelings from other users through social media. They Post
messages that are inflammatory or controversial. Topping these risks is also the danger of users
getting hooked on internet and may learn to ignore the real world. Their ability to socialize is
incapacitated as they devote hours or days on gaming go, using the computer manifesting abuse to
themselves. That is why teachers and parents or guardians are protective to the extent of disallowing
youngsters to use the internet, and social networking sites without realizing that such act denies the
opportunity to explore the educational potential it can serve.
You need to understand and take precautionary measures to safeguard yourself in social
networking websites.
Networking can be confined and monitored within the school system. Students can use social
networking platforms designed for educational purposes that will allow students to post, share and
discuss insights gained from an activity. Some of these sites are SuperClubs Plus, Learner Journey,
ScuttlePad, among others. One drawback, however, is that sometimes youngsters are not enticed to
use these social networking platforms because they are not as attractive as Facebook or Twitter.
When young users prefer to use a social networking website that is outside of the school’s system,
teach them to stay safe through some precautionary measures:
1. A social networking account has passwords and log-in details. Secure passwords and keep them
2. Log out every time you use public computers.
3. Regularly check privacy settings of social networking websites so that only direct friends or those
particularly known can see the posts.
4. Online posts are saved and may become a permanent part of their online reputation. As you use
the internet, you leave a digital footprint which can be traced back to you.
5. Do not accept invites from contacts unless you know them personally or you are sure of their
6. Seriously consider the effect of possible posts on others before deciding to do so. If posts (i.e. text,
picture, video) could be considered offensive or humiliating another person, then you refrain from
posting or uploading it.
7. Using appropriate language is essential. The tone when communicating or sending social
networking messages should be respectful.
8. Better be safe than sorry. You should accept friends and connections when you are sure of the
person’s identity. Personally meeting someone you only met online is discouraged. Even if the
sincerity of having @ personal meeting looks convincing, it would be better if you will be
9. When there is an indication of harassment or abuse, it is advised that you report this by clicking the
report button of abuse. It is better still to talk to friends or trusted adults about the case.
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10. Bullying takes place even in social networking websites. Cyberbullying uses the site’s messages,
updates, and other functions to harass, intimidate, humiliate, taunt, or pick on the individual. When
this happens, you can do the following actions:
a. ignore the behavior by not responding at all;
b. block the person;
c. click the report button of abuse; or
d. talk to a trustworthy adult about it.
Connecting with friends and having an active life on social networking websites have its rewards.
However, when one is not taking precautionary steps, there is also imminent danger. It is more
beneficial if you understand both its potential and its pitfalls. When used properly and in the right
measure, it can bring more benefits. Only then can social networking sites lead to one’s growth and
ensure a productive social life.
A lot of information are found in the net. These can be explored and studied to determine their
relevance to the lesson. There are concerned parties that host educational services through websites
and portals. Like a door, the portal opens to a virtual room where activities, tools, applications, articles
provide ideas and suggest ways on the use of technology tools.
One example that can be further explored is Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. This
blog site is a rich repository of tools and applications assembled and curated for teachers and
educators by teachers They evidently understand the pedagogical needs, hence, the arrangement of
categories with corresponding suggested sites or tools and even applications for android or 1Pads.
Tools, applications, EdTech charts, books, links and many more are found in categories arranged by
subject area or competency.
As you prepare to become a teacher by learning how to utilize these digital tools, you need to
have the right mindset or a way of thinking how these tools can be effectively integrated in the lesson.
A lot of teachers may find it daunting to use a technology tool in a lesson. The anxiety to explore the
possibility can be overwhelming, but for one who has the openness to learn and continuously study
the features of the tool can possibly lead to a more productive way of designing a technology-
enhanced lesson.
Hold on to the positive attitude and Openness to learn. Nurture the curiosity and sustain the
passion to improve practice. Persevere as you learn to adapt to the evolving digital tool.
Once you get the habit of exploring the tools perhaps taking one step at a time and expanding
your ideas on how to creatively use the appropriate tool in a class, you will eventually see your
transformation as a teacher who is becoming more relevant and effective in teaching content while at
the same time develop learners’ capacity to be creative and think critically, and become collaborative
and effective communicators in the 21st century.
Direction: Read and understand the given questions. Submit your answers through messenger.
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics. Clear and concise
(26-30points) statements. Excellent effort and presentation with detail. Demonstrates thorough
understanding of the topics.
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics. Good presentation and organization.
(21-25points) Sufficient effort detail.
Fair Minimal effort. Good grammar mechanics. Fair presentation. Few supporting details.
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics. Confusing and
(11-15points) incomplete sentences. No organization of thoughts.
Very Poor Lacking Poor. Very poor grammar mechanic. Very unclear. Doesn’t address topic. Limited
(1-10 points) attempt.
How teachers integrate technology in the teaching and learning process depends very much on
their beliefs on how people learn. Specifically, they need to know who their learners are and how to
approach instruction. As educators, their role is to provide learning experiences that will help achieve
the defined outcomes. In this Module, you will be acquainted with different theories and learning
principles such as Dale’s Cone of Experience, the TPACK Framework, SAMR and the ASSURE
With reference to the 8 M's of instruction, one element is media. Another is material. These two
M's (media, material) are actually the elements of the Cone of Experience. Edgar Dale’s Cone of
Experience relates well with various instructional media which form part of the system's approach to
The version of Dale's Cone of Experience with percentages as to which band will hone
higher order thinking skills and engage learners more may be confusing because it may not
necessarily mean that learning better takes place when materials or activities belong to the upper
level of the cone or that the nature of involvement is more active if it is in the bottom. For all the
descriptive categorization of learning experiences, other elements such as students’ motivation to be
engaged and learn have to be factored in as well.
the pattern of arrangement of the bands experience is not difficulty but degree of abstraction -
the amount of immediate sensory participation that is involved. A still photograph of a tree is not more
difficult to understand than a dramatization of Hamlet. It is simply in itself a less concrete teaching
material than the dramatization...
In our teaching, then, we do not always begin with direct experience at the base of the Cone.
Rather we begin with the kind of experience that is most appropriate to the needs and abilities of
particular learning situation. Then, of course, we vary this experience with many other types of
learning activities. (Dale, 1969 as cited in B. Corpuz & P. Lucido, 2012).
Direct purposeful experiences — These refer’ to foundation of experiencing learning. Using the
senses, meaningful knowledge and understanding are established. This is experiential learning where
one learns by doing.
Dramatized experiences - These are commonly used as activities that allows students to
actively participate in a reconstructed experience through roleplaying or dramatization.
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Demonstrations - When one decides to show how things are done, a demonstration ts the most
appropriate experience. It is an actual execution of a procedure or a process. A demonstration of how
to bake a cake or how to execute the dance step is an appropriate way of making the learning
experience meaningful.
Study trips - These are actual visits to certain locations to observe a situation or a case which
may not be available inside the classroom.
Exhibits - These are displays of models such as pictures, artifacts, posters, among others that
provide the message or information. These are basically viewed, however, there are currently exhibits
that allow the viewers to manipulate or interact with the display and as a result, the exhibit becomes
more engaging and fun.
Television and motion pictures — This technology equipment provide a two dimensional
reconstruction of a reality. These allow learners to experience the situation being communicated
through the mediated tools. They provide a feeling of realism as viewers try to understand the
message portrayed by actors in the films.
Still pictures, Recordings, Radio - Still are pictures or images. Together in this category are the
audio-recorded materials or information broadcast through the radio.
Visual symbols — These are more abstract representations of the concept or the information.
Examples of these are information presented through a graph or a chart. For example, a process can
be presented using a flow chart.
Verbal symbols — This category appears to be the most abstract because they may not exactly
look like the concept or object they represent but are symbols, words, codes or formulae.
In addition, Brunner’s three-tiered model of learning points out that every area of knowledge
can be presented and learned in three distinct steps.
With young learners, it is highly recommended that a learner proceed from the ENACTIVE to
ICONIC and lastly to the SYMBOLIC. A young learner would not be rushed to move to immediate
abstraction at the highest level without the benefit of a gradual unfolding. However, when the learner
is matured and capable to direct his own learning, it may move fluidly across the cone of experience.
Discussion Points and Exercise Questions
Direction: Read and understand the given situations. Submit your answers through messenger.
1. If you teach a lesson on the concept of fractions to a grader, how will you proceed if you allow the
pattern in Dale’s Cone of Experience beginning with the concrete moving toward the abstract?
2. Now that there is a great deal of ICT tools and applications used in enriching the lesson, how would you
explain its potential use in instruction and where will you categorize it on the Cone?
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics. Clear and concise
(26-30points) statements. Excellent effort and presentation with detail. Demonstrates thorough
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understanding of the topics.
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics. Good presentation and organization.
(21-25points) Sufficient effort detail.
Fair Minimal effort. Good grammar mechanics. Fair presentation. Few supporting details.
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics. Confusing and
(11-15points) incomplete sentences. No organization of thoughts.
Very Poor Lacking Poor. Very poor grammar mechanic. Very unclear. Doesn’t address topic. Limited
(1-10 points) attempt.
TPACK as a Framework for Technology-Driven Teaching and Learning
What is TPACK?
TPACK is a framework that combines the teacher’s three knowledge areas: technological
knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge. This framework shows the
interconnectedness of content knowledge with pedagogical knowledge and the integration of
technology in making teaching more engaging, relevant and effective. It looks at how these
knowledge areas intercept or work together to increase student’s motivation and make the content
more accessibly engaging to students. This framework has significantly influenced practices in
teaching as a result of research.
CK is content knowledge. It is the ‘what’ — understanding of the content such as language arts,
math, science, history among others. This is composed of facts, concepts, theories or principles in a
given discipline. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is the “How.” It is the expert’s knowledge in the science
of teaching from educational and learning theories to individual differences to strategies and
techniques as well as assessment of learning. The teachers need to possess the capability to handle
learning through effective method and appropriate strategies.
The intersection of the pedagogical and content areas of knowledge is the PCK. This how much
competencies the teachers have in making the students learn concepts and skills. This includes the
knowledge of how to use techniques that can meaningfully address different learning styles while
supporting content with deeper understanding. Schulman (2008) considers this teaching at its best.
The incorporation of technology knowledge into PCK by Mishra and Koehler (2006) is relevant to
21st century teaching. This is the TK or the technological knowledge. This is the teachers” knowledge
on how to select, use and integrate these tools in the teaching and learning context. This is not only
about the tools but also about the quality of content that students can access through appropriate
applications and sites.
It allows student to learn content through digital tools. They can document and record evidence
and plot out a strategy using a collaborative tool where the group can discuss their action plan while
in or out of school. The drawn plan can be presented using a productivity tool (i.e. PowerPoint
presentation or a digital story) to pertinent persons for feedback. Once approved and given support,
the project can now proceed to the next level-implementation stage.
The intersection of all knowledge areas is known as the TPACK. So, TPACK is about what
teachers know, how they teach and how technology is used in the delivery of the lesson to make it
more engaging and making learning more relevant in the 21st century.
In conclusion, TPACK will start with content and then pedagogy and layer in technology.
Sometimes, you might get excited about the technological tool and design a lesson around it.
Remember, it is NOT about the technology tool but it is the right blend of the three know ledge areas.
Figure 1 shows a balanced and collaborative functions of the varied activities manifesting teachers’
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Another important model in the integration of technology in instruction is SAMR.
SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into teaching and learning.
Developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the model supports and enables teachers to design, develop,
and infuse digital learning experiences that utilize technology. (Nov 9, 2013)
S stands for Substitution. It is literally using technology as an alternate for the regular item that is
employed in augmenting or assisting instruction. Instead of using a map or a globe in teaching
geography, teachers can use Google map or Google earth instead. Showing a location in a map can
be substituted by the use of google map or google earth.
A is Augmentation. In this part of technology integration, there is a functional improvement in the use
of a technology tool. With the google map, you can use the features available such as measuring the
distance from one point to another. You can provide a task by making students utilize this. For
example, ask them to measure the distance and get the estimate time of travel if they start from one
point to go to the next point. With this use of the google map, you tap on certain functions that the
application provides. Instruction with technology integrated is enhanced.
M means Modification. In this level, technology is used to redesign a lesson. When studying
geography for example, google applications have panoramio. Using this you can guide students to
start uploading their own pictures of places they may have visited online. A brief description of these
places can also be added. If internet connectivity is not available in the classroom, they can do the
task after class. With clear and proper instructions, students can be guided to work on the
R represents the idea of creating something from the regular item. This is Redefinition. Technology
allows the creation of a new concept that has not been previously conceptualized. Puentedura labels
this as the transformation of learning. Students are given the opportunity to create an output based on
what they know and learned using a technology tool or application. So with the ready pictures
uploaded in panoramio, students can probably write the script for a guided tour using his available
materials (i.e. pictures) using Google Earth and start arranging these to be shared through the world
wide web. It would be good if before the students start posting or publishing their work online, as a
teacher, you can review it just to be sure it is ready to be shared.
On the web…
There are two relevant video clips that can be viewed. They will reinforce the understanding of
TPACK. Search in YouTube the following files and view them.
Benjamin Bloom is a known educationist who provided the cognitive taxonomy which has greatly
been used in education. His students, Anderson and Krathwohl made some revisions. This is the
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Evaluation Creating
Synthesis Evaluating
Analysis Analysing
Application Applying
Comprehension Understanding
Knowledge Remembering
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Lower Order Thinking Skills Lower Order Thinking Skills
Original Revised
Figure 4: A Comparison between the Original and the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Discussion Points and Exercise Questions
Direction: Read and understand the given task. Submit your answers through messenger.
Task #1: Look for a research article related to TPACK from a published journal article. Study it and
identify the following (a) research objectives, (b) the method used, (c) the results and conclusions,
and (d) insights gained from the article.
Research Objective(s) Methodology Results and Discussion Insights Gained
Task #2: Write an essay: What is the significance of being aware of a theoretical framework (i.e.
TPACK, SAMR, Blooms Revised Taxonomy) in preparing to become an effective teacher?
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics. Clear and concise
(26-30points) statements. Excellent effort and presentation with detail. Demonstrates thorough
understanding of the topics.
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics. Good presentation and organization.
(21-25points) Sufficient effort detail.
Fair Minimal effort. Good grammar mechanics. Fair presentation. Few supporting details.
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Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics. Confusing and
(11-15points) incomplete sentences. No organization of thoughts.
Very Poor Lacking Poor. Very poor grammar mechanic. Very unclear. Doesn’t address topic. Limited
(1-10 points) attempt.
The ASSURE Model
A well-planned lesson is half of the battle won; the other half is the delivery of the lesson by the
facilitator who has the pedagogical skills in implementing what has been planned. This will ensure the
achievement of learning outcomes. This will engage learners to perform expected standards, That is
why, it is important that before teaching, elements needed to be incorporated when designing a plan
have to be plotted well.
ASSURE model is a guide in crafting an instructional flow that can guide the teacher in
integrating appropriate technology and media into the instructional process. It also refers to a
systemic approach that the teacher can use when writing an instructional plan.
In conclusion, the ASSURE process is really just a matter of common sense. However, it is
good to follow a regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any, effective teacher knows
that the perfection of their technique does not come Overnight, and there is always room for
improvement. By following the ASSURE Process, you will be sure to improve your teaching for many
years to come.
Discussion Points and Exercise Questions
Direction: Read and understand the given task. Submit your answers through messenger.
TASK: Think of a lesson and hypothetical group of learners. Design the lesson good for an hour by
writing a brief outline of the plan. Explain how the ASSURE model has helped in the process of
designing it. Discuss the rationale of the decision on the selection of the materials, technology tools,
learning and assessment activities.
Elements in an What is it? Explain the reason for the
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Instructional decision in relation to the
Design ASSURE model.
Lesson Topic:
Subject Area:
Level of
Duration: one hour lesson
Content: refers to the completeness of data needed in the 25pts.
outline and its relevance to the concept given
Composition: refers to the construction and organization of 15pts.
thoughts prior to the format of writing an effective essay
Grammar: refers to the use of the English language to explain 10pts.
concepts and create meaning
Total: 50pts.
Models of Technology-Enhanced Instructional Lessons
The conventional way of teaching in this century may outmode the preference of present
learners. The teacher providing the information while taking the center stage may not hold students’
attention for a longer time. This still works, however, but with the appropriate use of the right
technology tool or application, a lesson becomes engaging.
The roles that learners play in this millennium are no longer limited to being a receiver of
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information. They desire to be actively involved in the retrieval of information, repackaging them and
using them to create something unconceivable before.
The learning place can also evolve especially when you consider the varied roles that learners
play. They can learn and perform the task in any physical or virtual location. There is also the
element of flexibility since learners can tackle assigned tasks at preferred times or manner of doing
them. However, certain agreed rules have to be established to provide the right amount of guidance
without curtailing their ingenuity.
Contributors — Learners can upload materials such as a video or an audio, post a message,
submit an output in a dropbox or add documents and eBooks and add a picture or contribute to a
digital world using a ‘popup.’
Creators — Students can collate a digital portfolio or commonly known as an ePortfolio or create a
virtual poster or an interactive resource. They can produce a digital story, edit the entries and share.
Communicators - Using technology tools, students can chat with peers, post a reply in a blog and
contribute a comment to the let thread flow. Creating a wiki, editing and adding to it gives the
students the chance to communicate their thoughts. Using the chat room or the web conferencing
by Skype creates a new dynamic to what a learning place is.
There are many great ideas on how to integrate a technological tool or an application in
teaching the lesson. Identifying the possible role that students need to be can guide them to choose
the appropriate way of using the right tool. The bottom line is for you to integrate technology
because learners become engaged and they learn better hence, a well-integrated phase of
technology is critical.
Tools must be used as fundamental components of a class as long as they are appropriate
and strategically integrated to facilitate learning for the integration of technology in a lesson is an
informed judgment of a qualified and innovative teacher.
Discussion Points and Exercise Questions
Direction: Read and understand the given task. Submit your answers through messenger.
TASK 1: 3-2-1 Prompt
3 Give three realizations that you have gained from integrating technology in instruction.
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2 Give two questions that you would like to ask in relations to how technology can be
integrated in a lesson.
1 Name one thing that you have enjoyed in using technology in a lesson
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics. Clear and concise
(26-30points) statements. Excellent effort and presentation with detail. Demonstrates thorough
understanding of the topics.
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics. Good presentation and organization.
(21-25points) Sufficient effort detail.
Fair Minimal effort. Good grammar mechanics. Fair presentation. Few supporting details.
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics. Confusing and
(11-15points) incomplete sentences. No organization of thoughts.
Very Poor Lacking Poor. Very poor grammar mechanic. Very unclear. Doesn’t address topic. Limited
(1-10 points) attempt.