TP2 Procedure
TP2 Procedure
TP2 Procedure
Warmer To generate T shows the sts a piece of realia – a passport. He/she tells them a story and asks them S–T 3
interest in the to predict in pairs how it ends. S–S
To put TL into
a meaningful
Feedback To allow students T elicits ideas from 1-2 pairs but doesn’t give the answer. S–T 1
to respond to the
text and share
their ideas.
Orientation To put TL into Sts get fragments of the story - cut-ups in jumbled order (without the ending). In pairs, S–S 1
to TL a meaningful sts re-order the fragments.
To read for gist.
Feedback To make sure sts Answers on h/o. Sts read the story and find out how it has ended. T asks 2 S 3
understand the comprehension questions: ‘What happened next?’ Why did my girlfriend forget her S–T
story. passport?’
Presentation: To clarify meaning T hands out flashcards for new pairing and then, after instructions, the story with S–S 3
MEANING of the TL. highlighted past simple/past continuous forms (colour coded). Under the story there is
a guided discovery activity. In new pairs, sts match examples to rules.
Instructions: ‘Look at the examples from the text. In pairs, match the tenses with the
colors. Then, match the examples 1-5 with the rules: a&b. After that, choose green or
blue. You have 2 mins for that’.
ICQs: Do you work alone or in pairs? (Pairs)
How many examples are there? (5)
And how many rules? (2)
How much time do you have? (2 mins)
Checking To check the Answers on w/b. OCFB: Timelines on W/B (posters) and CCQs: S–T 4
concepts meaning of the TL. PC+PC:
Did those 2 actions happen in the past? (Yes)
Did they happen really quick or did it take some time? (Some time)
Did they happen at the same moment? (Yes)
Did they start the repairs the moment we arrived? (No)
Did they start before we arrived? (Yes)
Was the terminal repaired? (No)
So, is „were doing repairs“ a complete action? (No)
Presentation: To clarify the form T puts gapped sentences on the w/b and asks random sts for the answer, checking that (S – T) 3
FORM of TL. they know how to form affirmative and negative forms of PS and PC – only if necessary. S
T hands out h/o with a guided discovery activity – structure of sentences with PC and
Individually, sts match rules to sentences.
Instructions: ‘Individually, write Past Simple or Past Continuous in the sentence
structures. Then, match them to the examples 1 – 5. You have 1 min for that. And
please, don’t… (unfold) yes, don’t unfold the h/o.’
Feedback The check if sts Pair check. Then sts unfold h/o for answers. OCFB: T elicits sentence examples from S–S 2
understand the random sts to illustrate the rules and sentence patterns. S–T
form of TL.
Presentation: To provide T uses marker sentences to drill pronunciation, focusing on connected speech, S–T 2
PRONUNCIATI pronunciation in this sequence: chorally, random individuals, pairs. S–S
ON practice of the TL.
Restricted To provide T asks sts to complete first example from a gap-fill on the w/b. Sts get a gap-fill activity. S 4444 5
practice controlled, written Sts work individually. T monitors and correct errors on the spot – HEC.
practice of the TL. Instructions: ‘Now, do the same with these. Work alone. You have 4 mins for that.
A2 Outcomes Pre-Intermediate
ICQs: Do you work in pairs? How much time do you have? (4 mins)
Feedback To check students’ Each st in a pair gets the story with every second gapped filled out. Each st has half the S–S 4
understanding of answers. T asks the st from one end of the U-shaped desks’ setting to sit at the other S–T
the TL. end – new pairing. In pairs, sts take it in turns to read the text with completed gaps.
To ensure students OCFB: T focuses on the examples that sts found most challenging. DEC as needed.
have the correct Instructions:’’ Here are the answers. (Let sts read) Each of you only has HALF the
answers. answers. Your partner has the rest. In pairs, read OUT LOUD the sentences with your
answers, so, st name reads no 1, then st name reads no 2 and so on. You have 2 mins
for that.
ICQS: Do you read in your head or out loud? (Out loud). St name, you read the
answers…? (1,3,5) And you, st name? (2,4,6).
If you won’t have enough time for that, let sts quickly check the answers with their
partner without reading!
Freer practice To provide freer Sts get h/o with topics for speaking. Prep time: each st chooses one topic and plans S 9
spoken practice of his/her story. Encourage sts to use the TL. Production time: in turns, sts tell (not read!) Ss – Ss
the TL. their stories in groups of three. The listening sts have to ask one follow-up question
To personalize the each. T monitors unobtrusively and take notes for DEC.
TL. Instructions: ‘Choose one topic and think for 1 min of a story to tell. Try to use the
language we’ve learnt today, e.g. ‘I was sunbathing when suddenly my husband called
me…’. Tell the story to the group and then listen to their stories. After you listen, ask
your colleague one question about his story, e.g. ‘What happened next? How did you
feel?’ Work in groups of 3. You have 8 mins for that.’
ICQs: How many topics do you choose? (1) Do you write the story or tell the story?
(Tell) How many questions will you ask your colleague? (1) Do you work in pairs? (No-
groups). How much time do you have? (8mins).
Feedback on To provide T asks 1-2 random sts to share the story they liked most and praises sts whose ideas S–T 2
ideas feedback on they overheard while monitoring.
Feedback on To give students T puts 2 sentences with mistakes on the WB. Two alternatives (mistake and correct S–S 3
language/DE language forms). Sts choose the correct form in pairs before T provides the answers and drills S–T
C feedback. the model sentences chorally.