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DSA RTU 2022 Paper

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[Mohammed Ayyub]
1. Define static and dynamic array in data structure?
The Static Data Structure has a fixed memory size, and its size cannot be
randomly updated during the run time. The Dynamic Data Structure
does not have any fixed memory size, and its size can be randomly
updated during the run time. Memory is allocated the data structure
during compile time.
2. Explain stack?
A Stack is a linear data structure in which elements can be inserted and
deleted only from one side of the list, called the top. A stack follows the
LIFO (Last In First Out) principle, i.e., the element inserted at the last is
the first element to come out. The insertion of an element into the stack
is called push operation, and the deletion of an element from the stack is
called pop operation.

3. Write difference between array and queue.

• Operate on FIFO principle.
• Insertion and deletion from rear and front.
• Can have dynamic or fixed size.
• Elements accessed by index.
• Allow insertion and deletion at any index.
• Have a fixed size.
4. Write concept of header linked list in data
A header linked list is a type of linked list that has a header node at the
beginning of the list. In a header linked list, HEAD points to the header
node instead of the first node of the list. The header node does not
represent an item in the linked list. This data part of this node is
generally used to hold any global information about the entire linked list.
The next part of the header node points to the first node in the list.
5.What do you mean by sequential search?
Sequential search, also known as linear search, is a simple searching
algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a list or array. It
sequentially checks each element of the list until a match is found or the
entire list has been searched.

6. Define radix sort.

Radix sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts the elements by first
grouping the individual digits of the same place value. Then,
sort the elements according to their increasing/decreasing order.
7. Explain B-Tree.
A B-tree is a self-balancing tree where all the leaf nodes are at the same
level which allows for efficient searching, insertion and deletion of
records. Because of all the leaf nodes being on the same level, the access
time of data is fixed regardless of the size of the data set.

8. Define complete binary tree.

A complete binary tree is a special type of binary tree where all the
levels of the tree are filled completely except the lowest level nodes
which are filled from as left as possible.

9. How to represent graph in memory? Explain.

Graphs in computer memory are commonly represented using either an
adjacency matrix (a 2D array indicating edges between nodes) or an
adjacency list (each node has a list of connected nodes).

10. Explain Double Hashing.

Double hashing is a collision resolution technique used in hash tables.
Double hashing in hash tables uses two hash functions: one for the initial
hash value and another for the step size in the probing sequence.
[Ayan Mohammed]

1. Convert following infix expression to postfix

a. A+B/C-D^E-F
b. A/B-(C+D)*E/F^G

2. Write an algorithm to insert a node in doubly linked

1. Create a new node with the given data.
2. If the list is empty, set the new node as the head.
3. If the new node is to be inserted at the beginning:
a. Set the next of the new node as the current head.
b. Set the previous of the current head to the new node.
c. Update the head to point to the new node.
4. If the new node is to be inserted at the end:
a. Traverse the list to reach the last node.
b. Set the next of the last node to the new node.
c. Set the previous of the new node to the last node.
5. If the new node is to be inserted at a specific position:
a. Traverse the list to reach the position.
b. Adjust the pointers of the adjacent nodes to include the new node.
6. Return the updated linked list.

3. Explain binary search technique in detail.

Initialization :
Start with two pointers, low and high, pointing to the beginning and end
of the sorted array.
Iterative Process :
1.While low is less than or equal to high, calculate the middle index as
(low + high)
2. Compare the middle element with the target value.
Updating Pointers :If the middle element is equal to the target, return
the index.
If the target is less than the middle element, update high to mid - 1 to
search in the lower half.
If the target is greater than the middle element, update low to mid + 1 to
search in the upper half.
Termination :
Repeat the process until the target is found or low is greater than high. If
the target is not found, return a special value (e.g., -1) to indicate
[Mohit Tiwari]

4. Discuss the operations performed on a binary tree.

• Insertion:
Adding a new node to the tree. To maintain the binary tree property,
nodes are typically inserted based on comparisons with existing nodes,
placing smaller values to the left and larger values to the right.
• Traversal:
• Pre-order: Visit the root node, then the left subtree, and finally the right
• In-order: Visit the left subtree, then the root node, and finally the right
subtree. This results in elements being visited in sorted order for a binary
search tree.
• Post-order: Visit the left subtree, then the right subtree, and finally the
root node.
• Searching:
Finding a specific node based on its value. It typically involves
traversing the tree according to certain rules (like left for smaller values,
right for larger values).
• Deletion: Removing a node while maintaining the binary tree
properties. It involves different cases like deleting a leaf node, a node
with one child, or a node with two children.
[Aman Khokar]

1. a. How to perform factorial calculation using

stack? explain.

int fact(int n){

int f = 1;
if (n == 0 || n == 1){
return (1); }
f = n * fact(n-1);
return (f)
Void main(){
int n;
printf(“Enter value of n”);
scanf(“%d”, &n);
Result = fact(n) }

As we can see from the above example, the recursive calls in the
fact function create a stack of function calls, and the values are
pushed onto the stack during the recursive calls. As the base case
is reached (when n becomes 0 or 1), the stack starts to unwind, and
each function call returns its result, popping the corresponding
frames off the stack.
The PUSH and POP are the basic operations of stack and can be
further understood through diagram.

1. b. Write an algorithm to delete an item from

circular Queue.

◦ STEP 2 Store the element to delete. (This step is preparing to
return the deleted element if needed.)
◦ STEP 3 If front == -1 then Queue Underflow. (This is a check
to ensure that the circular queue is not empty before attempting
to delete an element.)
◦ STEP 4 Element deleted from queue is arr[front]. (This step
retrieves the element to be deleted from the front of the circular
◦ STEP 5 if (front==rear) then front= -1; rear= -1; else go to
(If the front and rear pointers are equal after deletion, it means
there was only one element, and the queue should be reset.)
◦ STEP 6 if (front == MAX - 1) then front= 0 else go to
(If the front pointer is at the end of the circular queue, it wraps
around to the beginning.)
◦ STEP 7 front = front + 1. (Move the front pointer to the next
position in the circular queue.)
2. a. Explain circular linked list. Write an
algorithm to insert a node into circular linked
• Circular linked list is a variation of linked list in which the
first elements points to the next element and the last element
points to the first element.(refer diagram)
• Circular linked list can be used to help traverse the same list
again and again if needed.

• Each node in a circular linked list has two fields: • Data: The
value stored in the node.
• Next: A reference to the next node in the sequence.
◦ STEP 3 SET PTR = PTR -> NEXT (Move the pointer (PTR)
to the next node in the list.)
◦ STEP 4 SET NEW_NODE -> DATA = VAL (Set the data of
NEW_NODE to a given value (VAL).) ◦ STEP 5 SET
NEW_NODE -> NEXT = HEAD (Make the "NEXT" pointer
of NEW_NODE point to the current head of the list.)
◦ STEP 7 Repeat Step 8 while TEMP -> NEXT != HEAD
(Loop through list until reaching the last node (where TEMP-
>NEXT is head).)
◦ STEP 9 SET TEMP -> NEXT = NEW_NODE (Set the "next"
pointer of the last node (TEMP->NEXT) to point to

2. b. Discuss insertion sort with suitable example.

Insertion Sort is a straightforward way to sort a list by gradually

building a sorted part. It's good for small lists but not great for
big ones. It's adaptive, meaning it's faster if the list is partially
sorted. It's better than Selection Sort and Bubble Sort. It uses
minimal extra memory and is stable (keeps the order of equal
Here's how it works:
• Start with the first element; it's considered sorted; save it to to
a variable (KEY).
• Check from each element, insert it into the sorted part, and
repeat until the list is sorted.
It can be further understood by following example :

[Anurag Saini]
5 b.Write down the algorithm of Bubble Sort. Sort the
following elements using bubble sort. 68, 98, 35, 48, 62, 52,
Bubble sort repeatedly swaps adjacent elements until they are
in the correct order, resembling the rising movement of air
bubbles in water.
◦ STEP 1 Start with an array arr.
◦ STEP 2 For each element in the array: If arr[i] > arr[i+1],
swap the elements.
◦ STEP 3 Repeat Step 2 for each pass through the array until no
more swaps are needed.
◦ STEP 4 Return the sorted array.
◦ STEP 5 End Bubble Sort algorithm.

Pass 1:
Compare 68 and 98 (no swap: [68, 98, 35, 48, 62, 52, 30])
Compare 98 and 35 (swap: [68, 35, 98, 48, 62, 52, 30])
Compare 98 and 48 (swap: [68, 35, 48, 98, 62, 52, 30])
Compare 98 and 62 (swap: [68, 35, 48, 62, 98, 52, 30])
Compare 98 and 52 (swap: [68, 35, 48, 62, 52, 98, 30])
Compare 98 and 30 (swap: [68, 35, 48, 62, 52, 30, 98])

Pass 2:
Compare 68 and 35 (swap: [35, 68, 48, 62, 52, 30, 98])
Compare 68 and 48 (swap: [35, 48, 68, 62, 52, 30, 98])
Compare 68 and 62 (swap: [35, 48, 62, 68, 52, 30, 98])
Compare 68 and 52 (swap: [35, 48, 62, 52, 68, 30, 98])
Compare 68 and 30 (swap: [35, 48, 62, 52, 30, 68, 98])

Pass 3:
Compare 35 and 48 (no swap: [35, 48, 62, 52, 30, 68, 98])
Compare 48 and 62 (no swap: [35, 48, 62, 52, 30, 68, 98])
Compare 62 and 52 (swap: [35, 48, 52, 62, 30, 68, 98])
Compare 62 and 30 (swap: [35, 48, 52, 30, 62, 68, 98])

Pass 4:
Compare 35 and 48 (no swap: [35, 48, 52, 30, 62, 68, 98])
Compare 48 and 52 (no swap: [35, 48, 52, 30, 62, 68, 98])
Compare 52 and 30 (swap: [35, 48, 30, 52, 62, 68, 98])

Pass 5:
Compare 35 and 48 (no swap: [35, 48, 30, 52, 62, 68, 98])
Compare 48 and 30 (swap: [35, 30, 48, 52, 62, 68, 98]) Pass 6:
Compare 35 and 30 (swap: [30, 35, 48, 52, 62, 68, 98])

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