TSS Civil Section 05 Roadworks R3
TSS Civil Section 05 Roadworks R3
TSS Civil Section 05 Roadworks R3
Section 05 – Roadworks
Revision: 03
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Document No: AM-ENG-SS-02-05 Issue Date: 29/09/2016
HAYA Water
M/s Halcrow on Behalf of Haya Water Asset Management / Projects / O&M
i Document Authorisation
This document is authorised for issue.
Suleiman Al Qasmi
ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior
to these are held on file by the issuing department.
Date Scope / Remarks
n No.
0 13/04/2006 Document approved and issued
01 01/06/2008 To incorporate Tender Board and Veolia comments
02 31/12/2010 To incorporate latest changes as per current International standards.
03 29/09/2016 Updated as part of the Haya Water Technical Standards Upgrading project
i Document Authorisation .................................................................................................. 3
ii Revision History................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Scope .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Objective .................................................................................................................... 6
1.4. Distribution/Target Audience .................................................................................... 6
1.5. Definitions .................................................................................................................. 7
1.6. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 7
2. General ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.1. Road Cutting Permits and Reinstatement ................................................................ 9
2.2. Referenced Standards ..............................................................................................10
2.3. Works on Existing Highways ...................................................................................12
2.4. Debris and Dust in Public Highways .......................................................................12
2.5. Prohibition of Use of the Highway ...........................................................................13
2.6. Existing Ground Levels ............................................................................................13
2.7. Programme/Method of Working ...............................................................................13
2.8. Protection of Works ..................................................................................................14
2.9. Drains and Underground Services ..........................................................................14
3. Testing and Testing Facilities ......................................................................................15
4. Site Clearance and Earthworks ...................................................................................19
4.1. General ......................................................................................................................19
4.2. Site Clearance ...........................................................................................................19
4.3. Compaction of Existing Ground ..............................................................................19
4.4. Unsuitable Material Below Formation Level ...........................................................19
5. Excavation ....................................................................................................................21
6. Excavation in Rock.......................................................................................................22
7. Formation of Embankment ..........................................................................................23
8. Compaction of Earthworks ..........................................................................................24
9. Subgrade Preparation ..................................................................................................24
10. Drainage, Flood Protection, and Service Ducts ......................................................25
11. Road Sub-Base and Base.........................................................................................26
11.1. Sub-Base Course ..................................................................................................26
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
i. The purpose of this document is to communicate the technical requirements and preferences of
Haya Water for roadworks.
ii. Muscat Muncipality/MOTC road standards shall be superceiding the requirements of this
specifcation incase of difference.
iii. This Specification aims to provide direction for Consultants and Contractors, so that Contract
Documents are properly produced in line with the technical requirements and preferences of Haya
Water. Consultants and Contractors shall be fully familiar with the contents of this Specification.
Incorporating the requirements and criteria of this Specification will ease Haya Water’s technical
review and approval process in the implementation of projects. Requirements and criteria included
in this Specification are not purported to cover all design conditions; Consultants and Contractors
shall address all necessary aspects for their particular project.
1.2. Scope
i. This Specification has been written in accordance with American, European and British Standards.
Due to the introduction of new European Standards, both British and European Standards may be
in force at the same time. In the case of conflict, the European Standard shall apply except where
British Standards have been specified in the Contract, then those shall apply until their official date
of withdrawal.
ii. This Specification shall be applicable for all Haya Water projects and shall be read in conjunction
with all other documents of any Contract requirements or Particular Specifications, or both. The
clauses in this Specification are applicable in varying degrees to each and every part of the Works.
iii. This Specification applies to the entire Works, whether on the Site or in yards, workshops, and
factories employed elsewhere in connection with the Works.
1.3. Objective
The objective of this Specification is to ensure that Project Documents are properly produced,
approved, and used in line with the technical requirements and preferences of Haya Water. This
Specification is intended for use by Consultants and Contractors who are knowledgeable and
experienced in the design and construction of wastewater collection, transfer, and treatment
processes and treated effluent transmission and distribution. Consultants and Contractors need to
be fully familiar with the contents of this Specification. Incorporating the requirements and criteria
of this Specification will ease Haya Water’s technical review and approval process in the
implementation of projects. Requirements and criteria included in this Specification are not
purported to cover all design and construction conditions; Consultants and Contractors shall
address all necessary aspects for their particular project.
1.5. Definitions
i. Client/Owner: Oman Wastewater Services Company (Haya Water) for whom the Works are to be
ii. Owner Representative/Engineer: The firm or company named in the Contract as appointed by
the Client to supervise and administer the Contract
iii. Consultant: The firm or company selected by the Client to prepare the Particular Specification (the
Contract documents) for a given project
iv. Contractor: The company or organisation responsible for the provision of the Works and who have
entered into a Contract with the Client
v. Designer: Any person carrying out design activities for or on behalf of any of the parties mentioned
previously. A person involved in any changes to existing or proposed Works shall be deemed to be
a Designer.
vi. Site: The land allocated for the Works
vii. Project Documents: All documents associated with and applicable to the Contract
viii. Particular Specification: The Specification associated with the Contract and prepared at the time
of the project by the Engineer specifically for that application
ix. Technical definitions related to this document are to be found within the appropriate technical
clauses in the document.
1.6. Abbreviations
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
EN European Norm
FGL Fulmar Gas Line
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
N/A Not Applicable
RC Reinforced Concrete
Other abbreviations related to this Specification can be found within the appropriate technical
clauses in the document.
i. Units of Measurement
° Degree
°C Degree Celsius
cm Centimetre
kg Kilogram
m Metre
m3 Cubic Metre
mm Millimetre
MPa Megapascal
N Newton
2. General
i. This part of the Specification defines requirements for all roadworks as shown on the Drawings, as
specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper execution of the Works. The Contractor
shall complete all aspects of the Works by providing all labour, supervision, tools, material, and
equipment, preparing the areas as required; providing surveying services to accurately locate all
areas; and furnishing all submittals required by the Specification.
ii. The Contractor shall restore to the satisfaction of the Engineer any streets, roads, fences, and other
existing surfaces or structures, which may be interfered with by the provision of the Works. All
services, pipes and culverts, or other property which may be interfered with in the progress of the
Works, or any existing pipeleines/sewers to be retained, are to be carefully supported or re-laid
where necessary and in such a manner as the Engineer may direct, and any damage done to
services, sewers, or other utilities must be repaired by the Contractor without delay.
iii. The Contractor shall submit the details of access routes for construction traffic prior to
commencement of the Works for the Engineer’s approval.
The Contractor shall follow the Standards mentioned in Table 1 of this specification.
The Contractor is advised that works at any section of public roads must be done in accordance
with Muscat Municipality (MM) requirements. A summary of the requirements is provided for
information in Appendix: A Road Maintenance Department- Guidelines for Road Reinstatements,
to this Document and SD 211 of the Tender Drawings. However it is the Contractor responsibility
to observe any additions and amendments that may be applied.
The Contractor shall make application to Muscat Municipality after obtaining all relevant NOCs and
excavation permits, and prior to excavation in order to obtain permission to excavate any section
of public road.
At this time, the Contractor shall agree with the Municipality the method and specification for
reinstatement of paved areas, which come under their jurisdiction. It is a general requirement that
excavated road surfaces be reinstated to original specification. The Contractor must be aware
however that the final method and specification for reinstatement shall be to the requirements of
Muscat Municipality, all in accordance with Standards listed in Table 1.
Road reinstatement works will be carried out in two stages, that is:
1. Immediate reinstatement of the full excavation area, as per Muscat Municipality specification.
This must be carried out as part of the continuous (without any delay) construction operation
for the installation of the permanent works.
2. A secondary reinstatement stage is to be carried out at a later date during the construction
phase of the Contract that will involve resurfacing the top layer of the full carriageway width
(i.e. road lane) to the standards specified by Muscat Municipality indicated herein above.
The Contractor shall apprise himself of the relevant standards required by the Muscat Municipality
Roads Department and all costs involved in the provision of the required road reinstatement works
are deemed to be included in the Tender prices.
Route permits must be obtained from Muscat Municipality or relevant local municipality. Permits
shall be required for each sewer and duct line to be installed. The Contractor shall present shop
old drawing number
drawings clearly indicating distances from road, utility apparatus and building lines to the proposed
sewer or duct line. The plans shall be to a scale 1:1000 A1 size sheet or as required by Muscat
Municipality or other authorities.
Before a road-opening permit is issued, the plans must also indicate the location of other known
utilities and No Objection Certificates (NOCs) shall be required from:
4 AASHTO Standards
3 ASTM D2419, Standard test method for sand equivalent value of soil and fine aggregate
4 AASHTO T11, Standard specification for determining material finer than no. 200 sieve in
mineral aggregate by washing
5 AASHTO T27, Standard specification for determining sieve analysis of fine and coarse
7 ASTM C535, Standard test method for resistance to degradation of large size coarse
aggregate, by abrasion and impact of Los Angeles machine
10 AASHTO T 90, Standard specification for determining plastic limits and plastic index of
11 AASHTO T 180, Standard specification for moisture density relations of soil using 4.54
kg rammer and 457 mm drop
12 AASHTO T 193, Standard specification for the California bearing ratio (CBR)
13 AASHTO, Standard specification for determining T19 unit weight and voids in
14 AASHTO T37, Standard specification for determining sieve analysis of mineral filler for
road and paving material
15 ASTM D979, Standard test method for sampling bituminous paving mixtures
16 AASHTO T-245, Resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixture using Marshall
17 ASTM D 6307, Standard test method for determining asphalt content of hot mix asphalt
18 ASTM D 5444, Standard test method for mechanical sieve analysis of extracted
Coarse Gradation AASHTO T-27 2/Stockpile plus 1/1,000 m3
Unit Weight AASHTO T-19 1/Source plus 1/1,000 m3
Specific Gravity AASHTO T-85 2/Source plus 1/1,000 m3
Absorption AASHTO T-85 1/Source plus 1/500 m3
Abrasion AASHTO T-96 1/Source plus 1/5,000 m3
Soundness AASHTO T-104 1/Source plus 1/5,000 m3
Deleterious AASHTO M-80 1/Source plus 1/5,000 m3
i. The Contractor shall submit details of all testing facilities, laboratories, and others that he has
available or proposes to provide for the performance of testing, as required.
ii. All testing facilities should be approved and or accredited by the Muscat Municipality, Government
of Oman, or an internationally recognised accreditation agency.
4.1. General
i. Notwithstanding any information contained within any report of a site investigation for this project,
the Contractor shall judge for himself the nature of the ground and shall be fully responsible for
ascertaining all necessary information concerning permanent water table, periods of rainfall,
flooding of the Site, and all matters affecting the excavations and foundation Works.
ii. The method of excavation which the Contractor adopts shall be at the sole discretion of the
Contractor. The use of explosives may be permitted only with the Engineer’s written consent. The
Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure the complete safety of all Site personnel
including any third parties.
iii. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary licences and permissions covering the purchase and use
of explosives, and shall meticulously observe the requirements of the relevant authorities.
iv. No explosives shall be stored at the Site at any time. The Contractor shall report to the Engineer
when any excavation is completed and is ready to receive new Works, and shall obtain consent
before commencing the new Works.
v. In the event of excavations being made larger than the size shown on the drawings or as otherwise
directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, fill in the excavated void to the
correct profile with suitable material as instructed by the Engineer.
with the Technical Standard Specification – Civil Section 02 – Earthworks and Excavation (AM-
ENG-SS-02-02). All unsuitable material shall be disposed of to a suitable disposal site approved
by the Engineer with the consent of the municipal authority.
5. Excavation
i. The Contractor shall, before commencing any earthworks, survey and level the whole of the Site,
and prepare plans and sections accordingly. The plans and sections when finally and mutually
agreed uponand signed by the Engineer and Contractor represent the levels at the commencement
of the earthworks.
ii. The Contractor shall gather information about the nature of the strata, materials, and the likely
volume of water in excavations, open cuttings, and trenches.
iii. Excavation, regardless of the nature or characteristics of the materials encountered, shall consist
of all excavation necessary for the execution of Works and finishing the excavation slopes in
accordance with the lines, grades, and cross sections shown on the drawings or established by the
Engineer. The Works also include the removal or disposal of unsuitable or otherwise surplus
materials taken from within the limits of the Site.
iv. The Contractor shall employ plants which are suitable for the soils to be handled. He shall not at
any time use any plants which would loosen the soil underneath or adjacent to the excavation.
v. Where suitable and unsuitable material are encountered within an excavation, the Contractor shall
excavate the materials in such manner that suitable and unsuitable material shall not be mixed.
Unsuitable material shall be disposed of in accordance with Clause 15.4. Suitable material shall be
stockpiled on a designated location approved by the Engineer for reuse where required.
vi. Construction plants shall not be used at the bottom of an excavation, unless the cutting is in rock.
In case of material other than rock, all excavation of the final 300 mm (300 mm above bottom level)
shall be carried out manually.
vii. Hauling of material from cuttings or borrow pits to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed
only when sufficient compaction plants and equipment are available for compacting the hauled
viii. Where a temporary support system is required to protect adjacent property or the safety of the
workers and the Works, the Contractor shall design the support system in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 6 of this part of specification: Civil Section 02 - Earthworks and Excavation
ix. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any soft or unsound areas uncovered
during excavation.
x. Excavations shall be kept dry by the use of approved dewatering equipment, pumps, sumps, and
sub-drains as specified in Section 9 of the Technical Standard Specification – Civil Section 02 –
Earthworks and Excavation (AM-ENG-SS-02-02).
6. Excavation in Rock
“Rock” shall mean those hard naturally occuring geological strata or deposits so designated in the
drawings and/or meeting the criteria provided in the following tables with respect to P-wave velocity
or compressive strength, and any hard natural or artificial material requiring the use of blasting or
approved pneumatic tools for its removal but excluding individual masses less than 0.25 m3.
Rock excavation work shall comply to the Haya Water Technical Specification for Earthwork
Excavation AM-ENG-SS-02-02 Section 13-Rock Excavation.
Granite 4,000–6,000
Weak 5-25
Strong 50–100
7. Formation of Embankment
i. The Works shall consist of formation of embankment, including preparation of areas for placing and
compaction of embankment material in layers and in holes, pits, and other depressions within the
Site in accordance with the Specification and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness, and
typical cross sections shown on the plans or established by the Engineer.
ii. The material for forming embankments shall be approved suitable material from cuttings or borrow
pits or as specified in the Contract. It shall have a minimum soaked CBR of 25 percent when
compared to 95 percent of its maximum dry density to the compaction test in accordance with BS
1377. Where material from cuttings is encountered which would be suitable except that its CBR
lies in the range of 10 to 24 percent, it may be incorporated in embankments at a depth of 500 mm
or more below formation level, subject to the approval of the Engineer. All material shall be
incorporated by an approved sequence of operations including dumping of materials, spreading,
watering, mixing, and compacting. The Contractor shall keep the delays between consecutive
operations to a minimum.
iii. Any fill material used within 500 mm of concrete structures shall have a soluble sulphate content
not exceeding 0.5 percent tested in accordance with BS 1377:1990.
iv. For embankment formed of material consisting predominantly of rock fragment, such material may
be placed in layers not exceeding in thickness the approximate average size of the rocks, except
that no layer shall exceed 450 mm of loose measurement, and compacted by a vibratory roller with
the minimum mass as shown in the following table.
2,900 400 5
3,600 450 5
v. The material shall be carefully placed in layers, so that all larger stones will be well distributed and
voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, and gravel to form a solid mass. Should
such material be available but not reserved, the Contractor will supply and place borrow material
for forming smooth grade.
vi. Each layer shall be bladed or levelled with motor grader, bulldozer, or similar equipment capable
of shifting and forming the layer into a neat and orderly condition. No rock larger than 8 cm in any
dimension shall be placed in the top 15 cm of embankment unless otherwise authorised by the
vii. Material for each layer should be consolidated with a heavyweight vibratory roller until settlement
as checked between two consecutive passes of the roller is less than 1 percent of the layer
thickness. In evaluation of settlement, survey points should be established, and rolling continued
until the difference between levels as checked after two consecutive passes is less than 1 percent
of the total layer thickness.
viii. Embankments, which are formed of materials that contain rock but also contain sufficient
compactable material other than rock or other hard material to make rolling feasible, shall be placed
and compacted in the manner prescribed previously and to the point when settlement is within the
previously mentioned limit. Compaction tests shall be made whenever the Engineer determines
they are feasible and necessary. Each layer must be approved by the Engineer before the next
layer is placed.
8. Compaction of Earthworks
i. Suitable material shall be placed and compacted in accordance with the Technical Standard
Specification – Civil Section 02 – Earthworks and Excavation (AM-ENG-SS-02-02).
ii. The Contractor shall route his compaction equipment in such a manner over the full width of the
filling as to achieve a uniform compaction over the entire width by this method. All suitable material
including sub-grade and verges shall then be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density
obtained when tested in accordance with BS 1377, Part 4.
iii. Compaction shall be measured by expressing the dry density of the sample as a percentage of the
maximum dry density at optimum moisture content for that material when compacted in accordance
with BS 1377, Part 4.
iv. Compaction of all suitable material shall be carried out at moisture content between 1 percent
above and 2 percent below the optimum moisture content for compaction. The Engineer may,
however, direct that the moisture content at compaction be further controlled to reduce as far as
possible any subsequent consolidation or swelling. Water shall be added as and where necessary
by a water carrier fitted with an appropriate sprinkler, and the uniform wetting of the layer to be
compacted shall be achieved.
v. Tests for the control of compaction shall be carried out at regular intervals as directed by the
Engineer. If any test result from a particular area falls below the minimum specified, then the
Contractor shall at his own expense scarify, water, and re-compact the area to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
vi. The Contractor shall allow in his construction programme time for all necessary tests and for the
results to be made known.
vii. Compaction trials shall be required for all significant fill areas. Where a sizable area of compaction
is involved, compaction trials are to be done in accordance with the approved method statement.
9. Subgrade Preparation
i. The formation level shall be the level of the embankment or cutting in its final shape after
completion of the earthworks and before the superimposition of the pavement construction. The
formation shall be correct to line, level, and cross-fall. All earthworks shall be graded to provide the
required formation profile.
ii. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when each area of formation is ready for inspection and
shall allow reasonable time for inspection to be made before commencing the compaction.
iii. All loose pieces of stone or other material exceeding 75 mm in any dimension shall be removed
and disposed of as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then compact the whole of the
formation by the use of approved smooth-wheeled or pneumatic rollers or vibratory compactors,
but final compaction shall be by smooth roller. In cuttings, other than rock, the formation shall be
scarified to a depth of 150 mm before compaction, unless instructed otherwise by the Engineer.
iv. All requirements for subgrade as mentioned in the Sultanate of Oman MoTC Standard Design
Specification shall be followed when preparing the subgrade.
v. In accordance with the MoTC Standard Design Specification, the subgrade material shall consist
of suitable materials of Classes A-1, A-2-4, or A-2-5 having a 4-day soaked CBR of not less than
25 percent when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 193 when compacted at 100 percent of
modified proctor AASHTO (T-180-D) and having a maximum Plasticity Index of 12 percent and
gypsum content not exceeding 3 percent. The maximum dry density of subgrade material shall be
equal or greater than 1.9 t/m 3. Subgrade gradation shall be reasonably smooth without gap-
grading. All material shall pass through a 75 mm sieve. The percentage of material passing a 0.075
mm (No. 200) sieve shall not exceed 18 percent and shall not be less than 5 percent. Where
directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall screen the subgrade material at his own expense.
The top 200 mm of subgrade material shall not contain more than 0.2 percent total sulphate content
and 0.05 precent total chloride content.
vi. In accordance with the MoTC Standard Design Specification, wherever shallow groundwater is
expected under the roadway and wherever damage to the pavement layers is potential due to water
impact, a suitable subsurface drainage blanket shall be installed under the subgrade of the
roadway. A drainage blanket is a course of washed granular material placed to cut off upward
capillary flow of pore water under paved areas. Drainage blankets shall be designed in accordance
with the criteria provided in the MoTC specification.
63 mm 100 - -
50 mm 90 – 100 100 -
37.5 mm - 70 – 100 -
25 mm - 55 – 85 100
19 mm - 50 – 80 -
9.5 mm - 40 – 70 50 – 85
4.75 mm 35 – 70 30 – 60 35 – 65
2.00 mm - 20 – 50 25 – 50
0.425 mm - 10-30 15 – 30
0.075 mm 0 – 10 5 - 15 5 - 15
pieces when tested according to ASTM C235 and C123. The maximum size of material shall not
exceed 60 mm. The amount of the fraction of material passing through the 0.075 mm (No. 200)
mesh sieve shall not exceed one-half the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) mesh sieve. The
4 days’ soaked CBR at 100 percent maximum dry density (in accordance with AASHTO 180-D)
when tested in accordance with AASHTO 193 shall not be less than 80 percent. The maximum
permitted swell for the aggregate material used in the base courses shall be 0.5 percent when
tested in accordance with ASTM D4829. The fine material passing through the 0.425 mm sieve
shall have a plasticity index not exceeding 6 percent and a liquid limit not exceeding 25 percent.
The Los Angeles abrasion loss of the material when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 96 shall
not exceed 40 percent. When tested for soundness in accordance with AASHTO T 104, the material
shall not show signs of disintegration, and the percentage loss in weight after five cycles shall not
exceed 12 percent in the case of the sodium sulphate test and 18 percent in the case of the
magnesium sulphate test. The gypsum content of the material shall not exceed 2 percent, and the
sand equivalent value shall be more than 50. The aggregate base course material shall have
chloride content of less than 3.5 percent and sulphate content of less than 2.0 percent when tested
in accordance with BS 812.
ii. The base material shall meet the gradation requirements of Class A, Class B, or Class C, as
provided in the following table (refer to MoTC Standard Design Specification).
63 mm 100 – –
50 mm 90 – 100 – –
37.5 mm 60 – 90 100 –
25 mm 42 – 77 60 – 100 100
19 mm 35 – 70 55 – 85 80 – 100
12.5 mm 25 – 60 – –
4.75 mm 15 – 40 35 – 60 30 – 60
2.00 mm 10 - 25 25 – 50 20 – 45
0.425 mm 5 - 15 15 – 30 _
0.075 mm 2-9 8 - 15 3 - 10
iii. The finished surface shall be left smooth and to a camber or cross-fall as shown on the drawings,
and shall be clean and free from compaction cracks, ridges, or loose material. All loose or
otherwise defective material shall be dug out and made good with new material to the required
thickness and re-compacted at the Contractor’s expense.
iv. Except where agreed upon by the Engineer, the completed sub-base and base material must be
protected from damage and must not be trafficked.
v. Details as provided in the Sultanate of Oman MoTC Standard Design Specification shall be
followed wherever guidance is required for laying and compaction of sub-base and base material,
and where stabilised sub-base and base is required.
13.1. Aggregate
i. Coarse aggregate shall be of uniform quality, hard, clean, and durable crushed stone; crushed
rock; or crushed gravel from an approved source. For particles retained on a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve,
at least 90 percent by weight shall have two or more fractured faces when tested in accordance
with ASTM D5821. The aggregate shall have an abrasion value not more than 35 percent for binder
and base course and 25 percent for wearing course when tested in accordance with AASHTO T-
96, and shall be free from dirt and other deleterious material. Soundness in accordance with
AASHTO T 104 after five cycles shall not show signs of disintegration, and the loss by weight after
five cycles shall not exceed more than 10 percent for the sodium sulphate test and 12 percent for
the magnesium sulphate test. When tested for resistance to stripping in accordance with the
AASHTO T-182, at least 95 percent coated particles should be achieved. If resistance to stripping
is not achieved, then an anti-stripping agent should be used. Polished stone value (PSV) of coarse
aggregates used in the wearing course mix when tested according to BS 812 shall be at least 60
percent. Aggregates shall be free of gypsum, and the coarse fraction of the aggregate shall not
contain more than 5 percent chert when tested in accordance with AASHTO T113. The percentage
by weight of friable particles, clay lumps, and other deleterious matter shall not exceed 1 percent
as determined by AASHTO T 112. The flakiness index and the elongation index test shall be
conducted in accordance with BS 812. The maximum limits are shown in the following table.
ii. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, sand prepared from stone, gravel, or combinations
thereof. It shall consist of hard, tough grains free from dirt and other deleterious material. The sand
equivalent for fine aggregates, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T45, shall be a minimum
of 75.
iii. Mineral filler shall consist of finely ground particles of hydrated lime, Portland cement, or other non-
plastic mineral matter approved by the Engineer. It shall contain no organic impurities, be free from
foreign or other deleterious material, and meet the grading standards shown in the following table.
b) Binder Course
1” 25.0 mm 100
3/4 “ 19 mm 65–100
iii. The nominal binder content shall be 3.0 to 3.8 percent for the base course and binder course, and
3.2 to 4.0 percent for the wearing course and single course measured by weight of the total mix.
The actual binder content to be used shall be determined following approval of the Contractor’s
mix design.
14.1. General
i. The Contractor shall ensure that the asphaltic concrete base course, wearing course, and single
course mixes are in accordance with the Asphalt Institute procedure, Manual Series MS-2. The
mixes shall be designed to ensure that, in production, the material can maintain compliance with
the Marshall limits provided in the following table, and such that the mixes are suitable for the use
intended as road surfacing materials. The Contractor shall give adequate notice in writing of any
additional information he requires to complete his design mix.
ii. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of his proposed aggregate
grading and bitumen content, together with details of the mix design.
iii. When the design mix has been approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall maintain the mix
proportions as approved, within the following limits.
Grading A Grading B
Work Item Tests at Source Frequency for Tests at Road Frequency for
of Material All Tests Site All Rests
Mentioned Mentioned
under (A) under (B)
As required
Loss of Stability
15.1. Mixing
i. The asphalt mix shall be mixed at the plant at a temperature between 150 and 170° C. The
temperature of the mix delivered to the Site prior to the compaction shall be between 135 and 155°
C. The mix with the temperature beyond this range shall be rejected and shall not be used in the
provision of the Works.
ii. Asphaltic concrete material shall be prepared in an approved central mixing plant of weight-
batching type and shall be transported in clean vehicle, covered over whilst in transit or awaiting
iii. The mixed material shall, as soon as possible after arrival at the Site, be supplied continuously to
the paver and laid without delay; the rate of delivery of material to the paver shall be so regulated
as to enable the paver to be operated continuously, and it shall be so operated whenever
practicable. The materials shall be spread by approved mechanical asphalt pavers and compacted
by rollers approved by the Engineer.
iv. The rate of travel of the paver and its method of operation shall be adjusted to ensure an even and
uniform flow of material across the full laying width, freedom from dragging or tearing of the
material, and minimum segregation.
15.2. Laying
i. The material shall be laid generally in conformity with the recommendations for laying in the
standard to which it has been made, but in all cases, subject also to the following additional
overriding requirements.
ii. All mixtures shall be spread at a temperature of not less than 130° C, and all initial rolling shall be
performed when the sum of the air temperature plus temperature of the mixture is between 165
and 190°. The mixture shall not be placed on any wet surface or when weather conditions will
prevent proper handling or finishing of the mixture, or both.
iii. Hand-laying of any bituminous material shall only be permitted in the following circumstances:
a) For laying a regulating course of irregular shape and varying thickness
b) In confined spaces where it is impracticable for a paver to operate
c) For footways
iv. Material shall be compacted as soon as rolling can be effected without causing undue
displacement of the mixed material and whilst this has at least the minimum applicable rolling
temperature. The material shall be uniformly compacted by an 8 to 10 tonnes smooth-wheeled
roller having a width of roll not less than 450 mm or by a multi-wheeled pneumatic-tired roller of
equivalent mass, except that base course, wearing course, and single course material shall be
surface-finished with a smooth-wheeled roller.
v. The material shall be rolled in a longitudinal direction from the sides to the centre of the
carriageway, overlapping on successive passes by at least half the width of the rear roller or, in the
case of a pneumatic-tired roller, at least the nominal width of one tire. The roller shall not stand on
newly laid material whilst there is a risk that it will be thereby deformed.
vi. Hand-raking of wearing course material which has been laid by a paver and the addition of such
material by hand-spreading to the paved area for adjustment of level will be permitted only in the
following circumstances.
15.3. Compaction
i. The density of the completed asphaltic concrete layers shall be not less than 98 percent and not
more than 101.8 percent of the laboratory density of the approved Marshall mix design.
ii. The temperature shall not be less than 120C for initial breakdown rolling, whilst all other
compaction operations shall be completed before the temperature drops down to 110C.
course (or both), if required, shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm and compacted using
mechanical compactors. It shall conform with the requirements of this Specification, as appropriate,
and shall be to the grading shown on the drawings or as specified by the Engineer. Prior to receiving
bituminous material, the excavations shall be thoroughly cleaned. Subgrade, sub-base, or base
course material shall be primed with a light coating of medium curing cutback bitumen, and existing
bituminous surfaces shall be lightly painted with emulsified bitumen, all in accordance with the
requirements of this Specification.
iv. The excavation shall be filled with bituminous pavement materials placed in layers not exceeding
70 mm and compacted using vibratory compactors. Unless ordered to the contrary by the Engineer,
the top layer shall be compacted by steel wheeled roller, first compacting the 150 mm strips
adjacent to the traffic edges, then rolling in the direction of traffic.
v. New utility trenches shall be backfilled to the details shown on the Drawings, or as specified by the
Engineer, and in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.
16. Surface
16.1. Levels
i. The levels of pavement course shall be determined from the true finished road surface calculated
from the vertical profile and cross-falls as shown on the drawings. The vertical depth below the true
pavement surface of any point on the constructed surface of the formation or pavement courses
shall be within the appropriate tolerances stated in the following table.
Road Surface +6 mm
Base course +6 mm
Road Base +15 mm
Formation +15 mm
ii. The surface level of the pavement at any point shall not deviate vertically from the true finished
road surface by more than ±6 mm. However, the combination of permitted tolerances in different
pavement layers shall neither result in reduction of the overall depth of wearing course and base
course by more than 5 mm from that specified nor in a reduction in the thickness of the whole
pavement by more than 15 mm from the specified thickness. For checking compliance with these
requirements, measurements of surface levels will be taken at points selected by the Engineer at
10 m centres longitudinally and at 2 m centres transversely. In any length of pavement, compliance
with these requirements shall be regarded as met when not more than 1 in any consecutive 10
measurements longitudinally, or 1 measurement in any transverse line, exceed the tolerances
permitted, but this 1 measurement shall not exceed by more than 5 mm the tolerance for the layer
ii. Alternatively, a rolling straight-edge may be used to test the surface smoothness and ride-ability as
required by the Engineer.
16.3. Rectification
i. Where any level or thickness tolerances in this clause are not met, the Contractor shall determine
the full extent of the area which is out of tolerance and shall submit a proposal for the rectification
of the affected area for approval by the Engineer. The proposal must take into account both level
and thickness tolerance, and will not be approved if correction of one causes the other to be out of
tolerance. If both cannot be met, the entire layer will have to be replaced.
ii. Milling and overlay shall be the primary method of rectification. The minimum overlay thickness is
40 mm for wearing course and 50 mm for base course.
iii. Approval of areas where the surface levels are out of tolerance on the positive side of the proposed
levels shall be at the discretion of the Engineer and shall be primarily based on thickness, ride-
ability, and surface drainage.
18.1. General
i. The Specification for concrete Works associated with highway/concrete pavement areas shall be
in accordance with the Technical Standard Specification – Civil Section 03 – Concrete Works (AM-
ENG-SS-02-03), supplemented by the clauses contained in this Specification. Where any conflict
arises between the specifications, this Specification shall apply for all concrete Works associated
with pavement construction.
ii. Concrete (lean and pavement quality concrete [PQC]) used for roads shall have the properties
shown in the following table.
18.3. Joints
18.3.1. General
i. Joints shall be formed in a straight line and shall cross each other at right angles.
ii. Joints running in one particular direction shall be parallel to each other.
iii. That part of the groove to be sealed, whether wet-formed or sawn after concreting, shall be within
a tolerance of 5 mm from a straight line along the length of the joint. Joints shall be in the positions
as shown on the drawings.
approved by the Engineer which ensures re-compaction around the bars. The insertion of the bars
shall be carried out before the passage of the final finishing beam or screed. Inserted contraction
joint dowel bars shall be equally positioned about the centreline of the joint within a tolerance of
±50 mm.
18.3.4. Longitudinal Joints
i. Longitudinal joints in concrete paved areas shall be positioned as shown on the drawings and shall
have dowel bars fully or partly bonded, as specified. On concrete roads, longitudinal joints shall
be provided at the edge of each traffic lane within the tolerances given in the Contract, except in
the case of the following:
a) Reinforced three-lane carriageways are constructed in two slab widths, as described in this
b) A hard strip adjoins a traffic lane and is constructed in one operation with that lane, to the full
thickness of the carriageway and providing the maximum width of the slab does not exceed 4.8
c) At right angles to the line of each longitudinal joint, tie bars shall be placed or inserted, and the
joint sealant shall be 12 mm diameter by 1.0 m long mild steel or 10 mm diameter by 750 mm
long high yield deformed bars. They shall be placed parallel to surface profile within the middle
third of the slab thickness.
ii. When pavement is constructed in more than one lane width, an approved timber or synthetic strip
or filler shall be securely fixed to the surface underlying the slab along the line of the joint within a
horizontal tolerance of ±5 mm, and cast into the bottom of the slab. A groove shall be made in the
top of the slab, and be located vertically above the centre of the filler to within a horizontal tolerance
of ±13 mm. It shall not deviate from the general line of the joint as laid by more than 5 mm. The
combined depth of the groove and the crack inducer shall be between one-quarter and one-third of
the depth of the slab, and the difference between the depth of the groove at the top and the height
of the crack inducer at the bottom shall not be greater than 13 mm. The crack inducer shall be
omitted if grooves are sawn. In this case, the depth of the groove shall be between one-quarter and
one-third of the depth of the slab, but the top of the tie bar must be at least 20 mm below the bottom
of the groove.
18.3.5. Construction Joints
Emergency joints in reinforced concrete pavement shall only be installed in the event of mechanical
breakdown or adverse weather, and shall not be constructed less than 3 m from any expansion or
construction joint. They shall be formed by means of drilled and split cross form in which 1.0 m long
12 mm diameter tie bars at 600 mm centres shall be inserted at mid-depth of the slab which shall
permit the reinforcement to project through the joint for a distance of at least 600 mm. The next
reinforcement shall completely overlap and be tied to the projecting reinforcement.
18.3.6. Sealing of Joints
i. In advance of permanent sealing, and before any traffic is permitted to use the pavement, the
joint immediately prior to permanent sealing shall be cleaned and any direct or loose material or
any temporary sealing former or other filling material shall be removed. The sides of the part of the
groove to be sealed shall be scoured by either grinding, sawing, or day sand-blasting, except where
plastic formers are used. The groove shall be temporarily caulked prior to sandblasting. In addition
or for the removal of old sealing compound, high pressure water jetting or water and sand blasting
may be used. The surface of the groove shall be dry at the time of sealing. The dimensions of the
seals shall be in accordance with Contract Standard Details. If the depth of the groove exceeds the
depth of the seal, the groove may be caulked to the required depth with a compressible caulking
material of a type which does not affect and is not affected by the sealing compound to be used.
Compressible filler shall be used in all grooves with polysulphide type sealant so that the
width:depth ratio of the seal shall be between 2:1 and 1:1. Any spillage at the edges of the grooves
shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer, using an approved material compatible with
the sealant, before the sealant is applied.
ii. The prepared groove shall then be sealed with poured compounds. Where recommended by the
manufacturer of the sealing compound, an appropriate primer shall be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
iii. Two-component cold poured sealants shall be thoroughly mixed in the correct proportions in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions using an automatic mixer dispenser approved by
the Engineer, or for small quantities for hand application, using a power operated mixer for sufficient
time to produce a homogeneous mix. As soon as possible after mixing, the material shall be poured
into the joint or applied using a caulking gun, to a level between 3 and 6 mm below the concrete
surface. The tack-free time shall be achieved within 3 hours for machine-applied material or 12
hours for hand-applied sealants.
iv. Expansion joint filler shall normally be 25 mm thick.
20. Concrete
For concrete works Haya Water Technical Standard Specification – Civil Section 03 – Concrete
Works (AM-ENG-SS-02-03) shall be followed.
The surface shall then be regulated by at least two passes of a scraping straight edge
with blade length not less than 1.8 m. If the surface is torn extensively by the scraper, a
further pass of the scraping straight-edge shall be carried out.
b) Surface finish during initial construction of concrete pavement:
After the completion of joints and the final pass of the finishing beam and before the
application of the curing membrane, the surface of concrete pavements to be used as
running surface shall be brushed in a direction at right angles to the centreline of the
Brushed finish shall be formed with a wire broom not less than 450 mm wide. The wire
tufts of the broom used shall initially be 100 mm long of 32-gauge tape wire. The broom
shall contain two rows of tufts, at 20 mm centres, and tufts shall be at 10 mm centres and
offset to the centre of the gap between tufts in the other row. The tufts shall, on average,
contain 14 wires each. Brooms shall be replaced when shortest tufts wear down to
90 mm long.
22. Curing
i. The exposed surface of concrete pavements shall be cured immediately after the surface treatment
specified in Clause 33, by treating with an approved curing compound. It shall be mechanically
sprayed on to the surface at the rate of 0.22 to 0.27 L/m2 using a fine spray. For the sides of slabs
when the side forms are removed within 24 hours and for small areas where a mechanical
distributor cannot be used, the compound areas shall be sprayed by hand lance at the rate of 0.27
to 0.36 L/m2. Any groove over a joint shall be protected from entry of curing compound.
ii. The mechanical sprayer shall incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation
and mixing of the compound in its container during spraying.
ii. Dowel bars for joints shall be straight and free from burred edges or other irregularities and shall
have their sliding ends sawn or sheared, if approved by the Engineer. Joint sealants shall consist
of cold poured compounds as described in the Contract and which comply with the following
a) Cold-poured sealants for joints in pavements and footpaths shall comply with the performance
requirements of the normal type of sealant.
b) The sealant shall be composed of a curing agent and a base resin, which shall be in such
proportions as recommended by the manufacturer to provide a fast cure if the material is mixed
and applied by special machines. If the material is mixed by hand, a retarding curing agent
shall be used. When a primer is recommended by the manufacturer, it shall be applied within
as per manufacturer’s recommendations.
c) Material mixed and applied by hand shall be supplied in separate containers in the correct
proportions and shall be mixed using a powered stirrer or mixer or any other method approved
by the Engineer.
i. This Specification for road cutting and reinstatement incorporates the Guidelines for the
Contractor to Estimate the Cost for the road cutting and road reinstatement. The Contractor shall
be fully responsible to obtain the latest Muscat Municipality / Municipalities specifications
ii. The Contractor shall apprise himself of the relevant standards required by Muscat Municipality /
Municipalities / Ministry of transport as applicable / Roads Department and all costs involved in
the provision of the required road reinstatement works are deemed to be included in the Tender.
iii. The Contractor shall install Haya Water Assets within the right of way at one of the side to avoid
relocation of Assets whilst widening of roads. During the shop drawing preparation the Contractor
shall officially obtain the final road levels and other requirements from Municipalities.
iv. The Contractor shall avoid install Haya Water assets diagonally crossing of road, the crossing
shall be perpendicular to the roads.
v. The Contractor shall comply and update the road reinstatement status using Haya Trench and
Road Monitoring System (TRMS) program as described in the GIS specifications .
vi. The Contractor is advised that works at any section of public roads must be constructed in
accordance with Muscat Municipality / Municipalities requirements. A summary of the
requirements is provided for information in Guidelines 2.4 and Typical Details below in this
document, however it is the Contractor responsibility to observe any additions and amendments
that may be applied during tendering period.
vii. The Contractor shall make application to Muscat Municipality / Municipalities after obtaining all
relevant NOCs and Excavation Permit’s, and prior to excavation in order to obtain permission to
excavate any section of public road.
viii. The Contractor shall agree with the Muscat Municipality / Municipalities the method and
specification for reinstatement of roads, which come under their jurisdiction. It is a general
requirement that excavated road surfaces be reinstated to original specification. The Contractor
must be aware however that the final method and Specification for reinstatement shall be to the
requirements of Muscat Municipality / Municipalities, all in accordance with Highway Design
Standard 2010.2 Section 20.2 Road Reinstatement and Section 20.5 Traffic Management at
Road Work.
The road surface and wearing course shall be cut no more than
100mm either side of the required trench width,
3. The trench shall be excavated to the required depth to lay the
4. Once the services has been installed as required in the
contract, it shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance
with the Contract Documents (Specifications, Drawing etc.)
5. Provide a wearing course across the width of the carriageway
cut by the road saw. The wearing course shall be suitably rolled
to suit the existing road surface level.
ii. Permanent reinstatement:
A secondary reinstatement stage is to be carried out at a later date during the
construction phase of the contract that will involve resurfacing the top layer of the full
carriageway width (i.e. road lane) to the standards specified by Muscat Municipality /
Municipalities / Ministry of Transport indicated herein.
b. General Requirements:
i. Permanent reinstatement shall be completed within 6 month from trench excavation. The
Contractor execution plan shall cover reinstatement taken into consideration that the
reinstatement shall be completed within the Construction Contract period.
ii. The road marking paint on asphalt surface shall be in accordance with "Sultanate of Oman
Highway Design Manual, February 1994 edition or the latest edition as applicable."
iii. All Asphalt Road cutting locations shall made by approved and registered Road Contractor
according to Oman Highway Design manual, specification and standard.
xi. If the number of Horizontal road crossing is 5 or more within 300m road length, the entire road is
to be re-instated. If the number of Horizontal road crossing is less 5 within 300m road length, the
minimum Asphalt cutting width shall be 2.0 m.
xii. Temporary repair is not allowed.
xiii. The repair to be done one time by doing the benching for both side of the trench and if any road
remaining area is balance to reach the centerline of the road, this area to be reinstated either by
milling/resurfacing or by reconstruction keeping one bench/step of 20cm to mat ch with existing
asphalt at the center line, as per the existing asphalt thickness and trench location as mentioned
xiv. The trench to be done at middle of the lane to avoid the disturbance to traffic.
xv. The chamber covers to be matched properly with the road level in order to avoid the disturbance
to traffic.
xvi. Longitudinal trench edges to be cut straight to avoid zigzag reinstatements.
xvii. Proposed bitumen content for the bituminous base course to be 3.4% with ± 0.2% tolerance.
xviii. Proposed bitumen content for the bituminous wearing course to be 3.6% with ± 0.2% tolerance.
xix. Riding quality of the reinstatements (roughness) to be checked by conducting the required tests
mentioned in the Oman Highway Design Standards 2010.
xx. Road contractors to be approved before appointing, their profile and experience to be reviewed.
xxi. Each contractor to submit complete proposal for road reinstatement incorporating all above
mentioned requirements.
xxii. Where Road cutting, temporary Traffic diversion is required the Contractor shall submit and
obtain the required approvals from Directorate of traffic /Royal Oman Police.
xxiii. Wherever road cutting are requirement (horizontal, longitudinal or diagonal), the Contractor
shall prepare a complete and accurate list of all locations and submit to Muscat municipality with
valid technical reason for requesting such road cuttings.
xxiv. Any change in the approved alignment Muscat municipality / municipalities shall be notified and
the required approvals shall be obtained.
xxv. Prior to actual execution of work, the contractor should inform the director of technical affairs,
directorate general of Muscat municipality / municipalities.
xxvi. The reinstatement shall be same as existing condition. The final Reinstatement works shall be
subject to the approval of Muscat Municipality /municipalities.
xxvii. The Contractor will stand responsible for the reinstatement.
d. Route Permits:
Route permits must be obtained from Muscat Municipality / Municipalities. Permits shall be
required for each Asset i.e. Sewer, TE, Water or Ducts line to be installed. The Contractor shall
present shop drawings clearly indicating distances from road, utility apparatus and building lines
to the proposed sewer or duct line. The plans shall be to a scale 1:1000, A1 size sheet or as
required by Muscat Municipality / Municipalities or other authorities.
Before a road-opening permit is issued, the plans must also indicate the location of other known
utilities and “No Objection Certificates” (NOCs) shall be obtained from the following:
1. Ministry of Housing (directorate general of survey & towns planning)
2. Public Authority for Electricity & Water (PAEW)
3. Muscat Electricity Distributing Co. (MEDC)
4. Oman Broadband Company (OBC )
5. Oman Communication CO. (Oman Tel)
6. Ooredoo
7. Directorate General of landscaping (In case the excavations have direct
effect of the agricultural.)
8. Lightings Department of Muscat Municipality (If the excavations affect
directly the road lightings or traffics lights.)
9. The Royal Omani Police (ROP)
10. Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources (MRMWR)
11. Petroleum Development Oman (PDO)
12. Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC)
13. Oman Gas Company (OGC)
14. Muscat Municipality / Municipalities
15. Any other relevant underground utility owner, government body or
The Contractor shall note that the above procedures can consume a considerable amount of time
and require the services of personnel familiar with the local requirements and processes. Under
no circumstances shall the Contractor be allowed to carry out works without the written consent
of the various utilities noted above.
The Contractor shall provide a traffic management plan to satisfy the requirements of the ROP
and the Muscat Municipality / Municipalities Roads Department for each location where it shall
be necessary to disrupt traffic. The Contractor must consider this at tender stage when submitting
a program for the works.
All landscaped, concreted or interlocked tiled areas disturbed or excavated due to the works
carried out by the Contractor shall be reinstated to its original condition immediately after the