Caltest Bottle Preservative Holding Time Reference Chart
Caltest Bottle Preservative Holding Time Reference Chart
Caltest Bottle Preservative Holding Time Reference Chart
(Rev 03/02/2021)
1885 North Kelly Road • Napa, California 94558
(707) 258-4000 • Fax (707) 226-1001 • e-mail:
NELAP/ORELAP Certification 4036 CA-ELAP Certification 1664
Maximum Holding Time Required Required Minimum
Analytical Parameter
Container Type Preservative Amount
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 7 days, Aqueous Glass Amber Liter {6} Solids in 0-6°C {5} 1 L
(PAH’s) EPA 625.1/8270 14 days, Sludge or Solid Glass SJ 0-6°C 1 8oz
7 days, Aqueous Glass Amber Liter. Collect In 0-6°C {5} 1 L
Organophosphorus Pesticides triplicate 0-6°C 1 8oz
EPA 625.1 (formerly EPA 614) /8141 Solids in Glass SJ
14 days, Sludge or Solid
Semi-volatile Organics 7 days, Aqueous Glass Amber Liter {6} 0-6°C {5} 1 L
EPA 625.1/8270 14 days, Sludge or Solid Solids in Glass SJ 0-6°C 1 8oz
7 days /3 days {9} Glass Amber Liter. Collect In 0-6°C {5} 1 L
Pyrethroid Pesticides triplicate
GCMS-NCI-SIM/ EPA 8270M/625.1M Solids-Amber Glass SJ
14 days, soil or sediment Solids to be Frozen 1 8oz
7 days, Aqueous Glass Amber Liter. Collect In 0-6°C 1 L
Carbamate Pesticides
14 days, Sludge or Solid triplicate
EPA 632/8321 Solids in Glass SJ
Volatile Organics 14 days, preserved Glass VOA vial {1} (sample in HCl pH <2 + 0-6°C {4} 40 mL
EPA 524.2 {4} triplicate)
14 days except: Total of four 40 mL VOA Vials; 0-6°C One 40mL of
Volatile Organics 3 days unpreserved for Two Pres w/ HCl, Two (see holding time for each
EPA 624.1 {3} Acrolein {12} Unpreserved {1}
(Includes Acrolein and Acrylonitrile) additional preservation) container type
7 days unpreserved for BTEX
only {11}.
THMS only—3 HCl VOAs
14 days (aqueous) Four (4) Glass VOA vial {1} HCl pH <2 + 0-6°C 40 mL
Volatile Organics; EPA 8260 {3}
14 days Sludge/solid Solids in separate glass jar 0-6°C 1 8oz
filled to top
TPH Diesel/Motor Oil; EPA 8015 7 days Glass Amber Liter {6} 0-6°C 1 L
Tributyltin (TBT) 7 days (recommended) Glass Amber Liter {6} 0-6°C 1 L
TPH Gas/ BTEX/ MTBE; EPA 8260 14 days preserved Glass VOA vial {1} HCl pH <2 + 0-6°C 40 mL
Dioxin; EPA 1613 1 year Glass Amber Liter {6} 0-6°C {5} 1 L
Perchlorate; EPA 314.0 28 days Plastic/Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
pH; SM 4500 H+ B 15 minutes Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Phenols, EPA 420.1 28 days Glass Amber 250 mL H2SO4 pH <2 +0-6°C 200 mL
Phosphate, Ortho (as P); SM 4500P E 48 hours Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
15 minutes to filter / 48 Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Phosphate, Ortho, Dissolved (as P); SM 4500P E
hrs once filtered
Phosphorus, Total (PO4 as P); SM 4500P B/F or B/E 28 days Plastic / Glass H2SO4 pH <2+0-6°C 100 mL
Solids, Settleable (SS); SM 2540 F 48 hours Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 1000 mL
Solids, Total (mg/L or %); SM 2540 B, or SM 2540 G 7 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS); SM 2540 C 7 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS); SM 2540 D 7 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 200 mL
Solids, Volatile Suspended (VSS); SM 2540 E 7 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 200 mL
Sulfate (SO42-), EPA 300.0 28 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Sulfide, Dissolved; SM 4500 S2- B/D 7 days Glass 250 mL AlCl3 + NaOH +0-6°C 250 mL
7 days Glass (preferred)/plastic (no NaOH + ZnAC pH >9 + 0- 250 mL
Sulfide, Total; SM 4500 S2- C/D headspace) 6°C
Sulfite (SO3) 7 days Glass Amber 500 mL EDTA + 0-6°C 250 mL
Surfactants (MBAS); SM 5540 C 48 hours Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 250 mL
Suspended Sediment Conc. (SSC); ASTM D3977 7 days Plastic / Glass 0-6°C {7} 100 mL
Total Organic Carbon (TOC); SM 5310 B 28 days Amber Glass VOA (3 vials) HCl pH <2 + 0-6°C 40 mL
Turbidity; SM 2130 B, or EPA 180.1 48 hours Plastic / Glass 0-6°C 100 mL
Ultraviolet Absorption (UVA at 254nm); SM 5910 B 48 hours Glass Amber 125mL 0-6°C 125 mL
{1} Volatile organic samples need to be filled in multiple VOA vials without air bubble s/headspace (≤6 mm in size).
{2} Dissolved metals require field or lab filtration through 0.45-micron filter prior to preservation. 40 CFR 136.3 requires filtration within 15 minutes.
{3} Volatile organic methods EPA 624.1 and 8260 require dechlorination using Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) at time of sampling if chlorine is present.
(Thiosulfate dechlorination bottles are available at the laboratory upon request.) Dechlorination is to occur before transferring to the appropriate VOA.
{4} Volatile organic method EPA 524.2 requires de-chlorination using ascorbic acid at time of sampling if chlorine is present. Ascorbic acid dechlorination kits are
available at the laboratory upon request. If analyzing for THMs only, Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) may be used, and acidification can be omitted. Otherwise,
dechlorinate with Ascorbic acid, then preserve with HCl. If the sample foams vigorously upon addition of HCl, discard and collect unpreserved dechlorinated
sample, and notify the laboratory as the samples must be analyzed within 24 hours of collection if they are to be analyzed for any compounds other than THMs.
Method 524.2 requires a travel/trip blank with each sample set collected.
{5} If sampling from a chlorinated location, add 80 mg/L Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) per liter and mix well. Any method suitable for field use may be employed to
test for residual chlorine (Reference 16). Add more sodium sulfate if 80 mg/L is insufficient but do not add excess sodium thiosulfate.
{6} Semi Volatile Organics Amber Liters (AL) should be collected in duplicate, to ensure volume for re-extraction if necessary. When possible, please collect 4 AL
per method to allow the laboratory to perform matrix Quality Control (MS/MSD).
{7} Suspended Sediment Conc.(SSC) requires its own container and the entire contents are used for the analysis.
{8} Preserve with HCl if less than 10 ppT Salinity, or Preserve with H2SO4 if greater than 10 ppT Salinity.
{9} Cyhalothrin in water has a 3-day hold time in reagent water per USGS study. Permethrin in water has a 3-day hold time per Storage Stability Study by CA
Dept. of Food and Agriculture.
{10} 1000 mL required for RL of 5 mg/L; 250 mL bottle recommended for samples with expected concentrations of 20 mg/L or higher.
{11} If unpreserved, must be analyzed within 7 days of sampling
{12} Hold time can be extended to 14 days if preserved to pH 4-5 at time of collection.
(Rev 03/02/2021)