Aphasia is an acquired neurogenic language disorder resulting from an injury to the brain,
typically the left hemisphere that affects the functioning of core elements of the language
network. Aphasia involves varying degrees of impairment in four primary areas:
Aphasia may also result from neurodegenerative disease. For example, primary progressive
aphasia is a subtype of frontotemporal dementia in which language capabilities become
progressively impaired.
Aphasia is often described as nonfluent or fluent, based on the typical length of utterance and
amount of meaningful content a person produces. There are various subtypes of aphasia within
these two categories based on differences in other aspects of expressive and receptive language
skills. Clinicians should be aware that a person’s presentation may not fit into a single aphasia
type or subtype, and should use care if designating a type or subtype. Aphasia’s presentation may
also change over time as communication improves with recovery.
The recovery arc of aphasia varies significantly from person to person. The most predictive
indicator of long-term recovery is initial aphasia severity, along with lesion site and size.
Aphasia is caused by damage to the language network of the brain. Aphasia typically results
from left-hemisphere damage. However, in rare instances, aphasia can occur with a right-
hemisphere lesion. This happens most often in people who are left-handed because left-handed
individuals are more likely to have language networks that are bilateral or that are located in the
right hemisphere (Szaflarski et al., 2002). When a right-hemisphere lesion causes aphasia in
someone who is right-handed, this is referred to as crossed aphasia.
Common causes of aphasia include the following:
o ischemic—caused by a blockage that disrupts blood flow to a region of the brain
o hemorrhagic—caused by a ruptured blood vessel that damages the surrounding
brain tissue
traumatic brain injury
brain tumors
brain surgery
brain infections
Screening individuals who present with language and communication difficulties and
determining the need for further assessment and/or treatment.
Diagnosing and documenting the presence or absence of aphasia.
Referring to other professionals to rule out other conditions and to facilitate access to
comprehensive services.
Conducting thorough culturally and linguistically relevant services related to language
and communication.
Developing person-centered treatment plans, providing treatment, documenting progress,
and determining appropriate dismissal criteria in collaboration with the patient and the
treatment team.
Serving as an integral member of a collaborative team that includes physicians, other
professionals (e.g., nurses and case managers, neuropsychologists, occupational and
physical therapists, audiologists), and the patient and their care partners.
Implementing and supporting appropriate communication systems at all stages of
See the Assessment section of the Aphasia Evidence Map for pertinent scientific evidence,
expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspectives.
Assessment can be static (i.e., using procedures designed to describe current levels of
functioning within relevant domains) and/or dynamic (i.e., an ongoing process using hypothesis
testing procedures to identify potentially successful intervention and support procedures).
Assessment protocols can include both standardized and nonstandardized tools and data sources.
When conducting screening and assessment for people with aphasia, SLPs consider several
factors, including the following:
These factors may have an impact on screening and assessment and are considered during the
evaluation. For example, if the individual with aphasia wears glasses (prescription or
nonprescription), hearing aids, or dentures, then these devices should be worn during assessment
if applicable prescriptions are still appropriate. Hearing and/or visual deficits may exist prior to
the onset of aphasia or may be present as a result of the neurological event that caused aphasia.
Physical or environmental modifications (e.g., large-print material, modified lighting,
amplification devices) may assist SLPs with diagnosing language deficits in the presence of such
co-occurring factors.
Screening is a procedure for identifying the need for further assessment and does not provide a
detailed description of the diagnosis, severity, and characteristics of aphasia. Screening is a
valuable tool that helps health care providers make appropriate referrals to speech-language
pathology services. Screening is conducted in the language(s) used by the person, with
sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity.
Screenings are completed by the SLP, the speech-language pathology assistant, or other trained
professionals. Standardized and nonstandardized methods are used to screen oral motor
functions, speech production, expressive and receptive language, cognitive communication, and
Screening may result in
Comprehensive Assessment
Consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework (ASHA, 2016; WHO, 2001), a
comprehensive assessment is conducted to identify and describe
Differential Diagnosis
The identification and differential diagnosis of co-occurring impairments (e.g., cognitive-
communication deficits, dysarthria, or acquired apraxia of speech) aid in planning an appropriate
treatment plan. Clinicians consider the severity and subtype of aphasia (e.g., Broca’s,
Wernicke’s, anomic) in addition to the functional impact of the communication disorder when
selecting intervention strategies and counseling patients and their care partners.
Assessment Results
Assessment may result in one or more of the following:
See the Treatment section of the Aphasia Evidence Map for pertinent scientific evidence, expert
opinion, and client/caregiver perspectives.
Aphasia treatment is individualized to address the specific areas of need identified during
assessment, including goals identified by the person with aphasia and their care partners.
Person- and family-centered care is a collaborative approach grounded in a partnership
between the person with aphasia, their care partners and support network, and their clinicians.
Each party is equally important in the relationship, and each party respects the knowledge, skills,
and experiences that the others bring to the process.
Planning Treatment
Social and Cultural Factors
Views on the natural aging process and understanding of disability vary by culture. Cultural
views and preferences may not be consistent with medical approaches typically used in the U.S.
health care system. It is essential that clinicians acknowledge and incorporate the perspective of
the person with aphasia and their care partner(s) when sharing potential treatment
recommendations and outcomes. Clinical interactions should be approached with cultural
responsiveness. Consider dialectal and cultural background when choosing stimulus items and
providing models for expressive language.
Linguistic Factors
Recovery of language may vary depending on the type of aphasia, how languages were acquired
(simultaneously or sequentially), the degree of proficiency in each language, and demands for
the use of each language. SLPs consider the language(s) that an individual uses in their home as
well as in other environments (e.g., social settings, work) when selecting the language(s) for
treatment. Treatment occurs in the language(s) used by the person with aphasia—either by a
bilingual SLP or through collaboration with interpreters, when necessary.
In addition to considering these questions, clinicians may need to consult with another
professional, such as a bilingual SLP, a cultural/language broker (a person trained to help the
clinician understand the person’s cultural and linguistic background to optimize treatment), an
interpreter, and/or a translator. The clinician may need to provide additional training about what
types of errors might be expected; what information would be important to note (e.g.,
paraphasias, neologisms, absence of functors); and what kind of prompting should be used or
Treatment Techniques
Brief descriptions of both general and specific treatment options for individuals with aphasia are
provided below. This information is not exhaustive, nor does inclusion of any specific treatment
approach imply endorsement from ASHA. Treatment can be restorative (i.e., aimed at
improving or restoring impaired function) and/or compensatory (i.e., aimed at compensating for
deficits not amenable to retraining).
Expressive Language Treatments
Constraint-Induced Language Therapy (CILT) — a treatment approach that focuses on
increasing spoken language output while discouraging (constraining) the use of compensatory
communication strategies (e.g., gesturing and writing). CILT also involves high-intensity
training via massed practice (Pulvermüller et al., 2001). The principles and techniques of CILT
are derived from constraint-induced movement therapy in which the use of a less-affected
limb is restrained while, at the same time, training movements of the affected limb using
intensive treatment (Taub et al., 1993; Taub & Wolf, 1997).
Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) — a therapy program that uses melodic concepts (i.e.,
pitch, rhythm, and stress) to improve expressive language by engaging the right hemisphere of
the brain. It is often used to treat individuals with severe nonfluent expressive language deficits
who have relatively intact receptive language skills (Albert et al., 1973; Norton et al., 2009).
Individuals begin by intoning simple phrases and then gradually increasing syllable length and
length of utterance. Visual and tactile cues are given by the clinician, and phrases of social and
functional importance to the individual (e.g., “I love you”) are practiced. Reliance on intonation
is gradually decreased over time.
Phonological Components Analysis (PCA) — a phonologically based treatment approach
modeled after semantic feature analysis (see below). In PCA, a participant is presented with a
picture and is asked to complete five phonological tasks related to the word that the picture
represents. The individual is asked to state the following:
If the individual is not able to complete one of the components above, then they are given a
choice from a list of up to three. After the individual completes all the above elements, the
clinician asks them to state the target word (Leonard et al., 2008, 2014; van Hees et al., 2013).
Response Elaboration Training (RET) — a treatment approach designed to improve spoken
language by increasing the number of content words in persons with aphasia. The goal of RET is
to generalize elaboration abilities so that the person can more fully participate in conversations
with a communication partner (Kearns, 1986; Wambaugh et al., 2013).
A typical RET sequence consists of the following:
1. The person with aphasia responds verbally to a prompt (e.g., picture stimulus).
2. The clinician provides reinforcement and then shapes and models the person’s response.
3. The clinician gives a “wh–” cue to elicit an elaborated response.
4. The clinician reinforces attempts to elaborate and shapes and models the original
response + the elaborated response.
5. The person attempts to repeat the clinician’s combined model.
6. The clinician elicits a delayed imitation of the combined model.
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) — a word retrieval treatment in which the person with
aphasia identifies important semantic features of a target word that is difficult to retrieve. For
example, if the person has difficulty retrieving the word “stove,” they might be prompted with
questions to provide information related to “stove” (e.g., “Where is it located?” “What is it used
for?”). SFA is thought to improve word retrieval by activating the semantic network associated
with the target word, thereby increasing the likelihood that a particular word will be retrieved
(Boyle, 2004; Maher & Raymer, 2004).
Script Training — a functional approach to aphasia treatment that uses script
knowledge (understanding, remembering, and recalling event sequences of an activity) to
facilitate participation in personally relevant activities. Using this approach, the clinician and the
person with aphasia develop a scripted monologue or dialogue of an activity of interest and then
practice it intensely until production of the scripted speech becomes automatic and effortless
(Holland et al., 2002).
Sentence Production Program for Aphasia (SPPA) — a treatment program designed to aid in
the production of specific sentence types. The SPPA is based on the concept that the production
of certain sentence types will improve if the person with aphasia hears and produces multiple
sentences with the same syntactic form but different lexical content.
A story completion task is used to practice eight different sentence structures. There are two task
levels per Helm-Estabrooks and Nicholas (2000):
Level A — The clinician reads a story that includes the target sentence and then asks a
question to elicit repetition of that sentence.
Level B — The clinician reads the story without the target sentence and asks a question
to elicit that sentence.
1. The clinician shows a picture to a patient. If the participant spells the pictured word
correctly, the clinician moves to the next item. If the participant spells it incorrectly, the
clinician proceeds to Step 2.
2. The clinician shows the patient a handwritten word of the item shown in Step 1 and asks
the patient to copy the word three times.
3. The clinician covers the written example, shows the picture again, and prompts recall of
the spelling three times.
4. If the patient cannot demonstrate recall after several trials, then move to the next word.
Please see Copy and Recall Treatment (CART) Protocol [PDF] for a complete description of this
Reading Treatments
Multiple Oral Re-Reading (MOR) — a treatment technique that involves re-reading text aloud
—either for a specific number of times or until a specific reading rate is reached—in an effort to
improve whole-word oral reading in the context of a text passage. MOR is best suited for
individuals with preserved letter-by-letter reading abilities, relatively intact comprehension, and
the ability to read aloud at the single-word level (see, e.g., Cherney, 2004; Kim & Russo, 2010;
Moyer, 1979; Tuomainen & Laine, 1991).
Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia — a treatment that involves repeated practice reading
sentences aloud with the clinician to improve reading comprehension via phonological and
semantic reading routes. The use of connected discourse (sentences) rather than single words
allows the individual to practice natural rhythm and intonation (Cherney, 1995; Cherney et al.,
Supported Reading Comprehension — approaches that incorporate aphasia-friendly text
supports (e.g., drawings, personally relevant photographs, and reader-friendly formatting) and
linguistic supports (e.g., headings and bolded text; see, e.g., Dietz et al., 2014; Knollman-Porter
et al., 2016; T. A. Rose et al., 2003, 2011).
Partner Approaches
Treatment approaches that engage communication partners to facilitate improved communication
in persons with aphasia include the following.
Conversational Coaching — a treatment designed to teach verbal and nonverbal
communication strategies to individuals with aphasia and their primary communication partners
(e.g., spouse, care partner). Strategies can include drawing, gesturing, cueing, confirming
information, and summarizing information. Strategies are chosen by the individual and their
communication partner and are practiced in scripted conversations. The SLP serves as the
“coach” for both partners (Hopper et al., 2002).
Supported Conversation for Adults With Aphasia — an approach to aphasia rehabilitation
that emphasizes (a) the need for multimodal communication, (b) partner training, and (c)
opportunities for social interaction. Per Kagan (2007), there are three underlying principles:
1. preparation
2. recording the conversation
3. preliminary viewing of the recording and transcription
4. conversation assessment
5. moving from assessment to training
6. conversation training
Multimodal Treatments
Treatment approaches that use any modality to communicate a message. Multimodal treatments
focus on using varied effective and efficient communication strategies and include the following.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) — an area of clinical practice that
supplements or compensates for impairments in speech-language production and/or
comprehension, including spoken/signed and written modes of communication. AAC approaches
incorporate low-tech strategies (e.g., photos, communication books) and high-tech devices to
enhance communication. AAC focuses on using the individual’s residual language abilities and
training communication partners to use “augmented input” to enhance comprehension and to
offer written or visual choices to help individuals with aphasia indicate preferences, ideas, and
feelings. Please see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Augmentative and Alternative
Communication for further information.
Gestural Facilitation of Naming — an approach that uses intact gesture abilities to facilitate the
activation of word retrieval by taking advantage of the interactive nature of language and action
(see, e.g., Raymer et al., 2006; Rodriguez et al., 2006; M. L. Rose, 2013; M. L. Rose et al., 2013,
Promoting Aphasics’ Communicative Effectiveness — a treatment designed to improve
conversational skills. The individual with aphasia and the clinician take turns being the message
sender and the message receiver. Picture prompts for conversational messages are hidden from
the listener (similar to a barrier task), and the speaker uses their choice of modalities for
conveying messages (Davis & Wilcox, 1981).
Reciprocal Scaffolding Treatment — a group treatment approach that addresses
communication skills using natural language in meaningful social contexts. An individual with
aphasia is given an opportunity to use premorbid knowledge and vocabulary to teach a skill to a
group of “novices.” The person with aphasia has an opportunity to convey knowledge to the
novices, and the novices, in turn, learn a new skill and provide language models during realistic
interactions (Avent & Austerman, 2003).
Visual Action Therapy (VAT) — a nonverbal treatment approach that trains individuals to use
hand gestures to represent items that are not present (Helm-Estabrooks et al., 1982). VAT
incorporates a 12-step training hierarchy beginning with tracing (e.g., tracing objects); then
matching objects; then producing pantomimed gestures for visible objects; and, finally,
producing pantomimed gestures for absent objects.