Object Oriented Programming Java 1 - Lecture 5
Object Oriented Programming Java 1 - Lecture 5
Object Oriented Programming Java 1 - Lecture 5
Lecture 5
Learning Outcomes
Decision-making is a control structure that allows for the order of execution to take one of
two options available based on the outcome of a given conditional expression. It is also known
as branching or selection. The conditional expression returns a Boolean value that can be
either TRUE or FALSE as a determinant of the direction to be taken as shown in Figure 2.
The if Statement
The if statement is the most basic and simplest decision-making statement [1]. The if
statement contains a condition that evaluates to a TRUE or FALSE Boolean value. In case the
condition returns a TRUE, then the statements in the if segment are executed. Otherwise, if
a FALSE value is returned, then the program does not get into the if segment, it instead
proceeds execution of any other statements coming after the if statement segment.
Statement(s) to be executed of condition is TRUE;
Consider the following simple example of a Java program that checks whether the
temperature value provided is greater or equal to 20 for it to execute or fail to execute the if
segment of the program.
Figure 3. Example of the if Statement
Since the set temperature value 30 is greater than 20, the condition returns a TRUE. This
makes the execution to jump into the if statement block and execute the statement that
displays “It is a hot day”. After which, execution proceeds to sequentially execute any other
statements coming after the if statement segment. If the set temperature could have been
less than 20, the output could have omitted the statement “It is a hot day”.
The if … else statement extends the standard if statement by including an else part. The else
segment comes immediately after the if segment, such that it only gets executed if and only
if the condition returns a FALSE value.
Statement(s) to be executed if condition is TRUE;
Statement(s) to be executed if condition is FALSE;
Consider the enhanced example of the Java program that checks whether the temperature
value provided is greater or equal to 20. This time round, the program will either jump into
the if segment or else segment depending on the outcome of the condition.
Since the set temperature value 15 is less than 20, the condition returns a FALSE. This makes
the execution to jump into the else part of the if … else statement and execute the statement
that displays “It is a cold day”. After which, the program proceeds to sequentially execute any
other statements coming after the if and the else segments. If the set temperature could have
been 20 or more, the output could have been as explained in the previous if statement
The Nested if … else Statement
The if … else statement allows nesting, where several if … else statements are stacked
together to test several conditions. Such an implementation is commonly referred to as the
nested if … else.
Statement(s) to be executed if current condition is TRUE;
}else if(condition_2){
Statement(s) to be executed if current condition is TRUE;
}else if(condition_3){
Statement(s) to be executed if current condition is TRUE;
else if(condition_n){
Statement(s) to be executed if current condition is TRUE;
Statement(s) to be executed if no condition is TRUE;
Consider a Java program that checks a numeric value matching a day of week then displays
the correct day of week, such that:
1 – Sunday
2 – Monday
3 – Tuesday
4 – Wednesday
5 – Thursday
6 – Friday
7 – Saturday
Figure 4. Example of the Nested if … else Statement
Since the variable, today, has been set to value 4, only condition 4 returns a TRUE. This makes
the program execution to jump into that segment and execute the statement that displays
“Today is a Wednesday”. After which, the program proceeds to sequentially execute any
other statements coming after the nested if … else segment. If none of the conditions could
have returned a TRUE, then the else part of the nested if … else segment could have been
executed. Note that the else part comes at the very end of the nested if … else statement to
take care of such scenarios.
It is worth pointing out that the nested if … else statement works in a similar manner to that
of a switch statement. Thus, the next subsection on the switch statement will hence use a
similar example to show the relationship between the two approaches.
The switch statement is best suited for scenarios with many options requiring decision-
making. It starts with a switch kind of function that determines the value of focus. Such a
values may be supplied directly or may be a result of an expression. The value can be of
different data types including String, character, or numeric value. The switch body contains
as many case segments as the number of possible options to be tested. Each case has a
different value tested against the value being sought for. A break statement exists in each
case segment to allow the execution to get out of the switch statement upon successful
execution of all statements in the matching case segment. At the very end of the cases is a
default segment that is executed if and only if no matching case is found. It is very important
to ensure that the break statement is present in each case segment. Otherwise, the default
segment will be executed in addition to the matching case since the execution will still be in
the switch statement [1].
case value_1:{
Statement(s) to be executed if the value matches;
case value_2:{
Statement(s) to be executed if the value matches;
case value_3:{
Statement(s) to be executed if the value matches;
case value_n:{
Statement(s) to be executed if the value matches;
Statement(s) to be executed if the value matches;
The following is a similar implementation for a program matching numeric values to days of
week using the switch statement.
Figure 5. Example of the Switch Statement
Since the variable, today, has been set to value 4, only the case requiring value 4 matches.
This makes the program to jump into that segment and execute the statement that displays
“Today is a Wednesday”. After which, the program breaks from the segment allowing the
program to proceed sequentially by executing any other statements coming after the switch
statement segment. If none of the cases could have been found matching, then the default
segment could have been executed. Note that the default part comes at the very end to take
care of such scenarios.
In this topic, the concept of control structures has been introduced. This has broken the
monotony of sequential execution by exploring decision-making as the second type of
execution of program statements. Three statements that implement decision-making have
been covered. These are the if … statement, the if … else statement, and the switch
statement. The concept of nesting of if … else statements has also been covered as another
version of implementing the switch statement. The next topic will focus on looping as the
third and last form of execution.
Check Points
1. Joyce Farrell, Java Programming, 7th Edition. Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2014,
ISBN-13 978-1-285-08195-3.
2. Malik, Davender S. JavaTM Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design,
International Edition, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning.
Other Resources
[1] Farrell, J., Java Programming, 7th Edition. Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2014,
ISBN-13 978-1-285-08195-3.
[2] Malik, D. S., JavaTM Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design,
International Edition, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning.
[3] Sebester, R. W., Concepts of Programming Languages, 12th Edition, Pearson, 2018, ISBN