400HP AC Drilling Motor WL250040 2
400HP AC Drilling Motor WL250040 2
400HP AC Drilling Motor WL250040 2
4/21/2014 15:27
WL250040-575V Inverter Duty; Motor Performance Curves
Exclusive Property of Ward Leonard Electric; Prepared by Ward Leonard Electric Company Inc.
Unauthroized Disclosure Prohibited
Base Operating Point 400 HP @ 1170 RPM; 40 Hz
800 Series11 4000
Continuous Duty Line Current (Arms)
Thermal limits based on: * Int. Duty Line Current (Arms)
Locked Rotor Data is Based On a - 55C ambient Series10
Frequency of 0.75Hz at Breakaway - 700 SCFM Specified Power (HP)
- 26.7 kW Continuous Max. Cont. Power 432 HP @ 1458.8 RPM
Voltage (30.4V and 36.6V)
Thermal Shaft Power Limit (HP)
* Int. Duty Thermal Shaft Power Limit (HP)
Specified Torque (lbf - ft) 3
Max. Cont.
WL250040 |Torque 2403 ft-lbf @ 0 RPM
WL250045 1
600 Thermal Torque Limit (lbf - ft) 3000
* Int. Duty Specified Torque (lbf - ft) 10.5
NDE Grease Port (Alignment Boss)
BD Torque (lbf - ft)
Shim Base
4 3