OSI Model New
OSI Model New
OSI Model New
Application 7
Presentation 6
Session 5
Transport 4
Data Link 2
ST0025803A 121
Unit 2: LAN Configurations
The upper four layers, listed below, deal more with application-oriented
(user or software) functions. Network operating systems applications such
as Windows NT, Novell NetWare, and UNIX function at these upper
• Transport
• Session
• Presentation
• Application
Each layer of the OSI model provides specific functions not provided by any
other layer. Sets of protocols allow the peer layers of the sending and
receiving computers to communicate with each other. Each level uses the
services of the layer immediately below it and provides services to the layer
immediately above it.
Data Routing
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
Layer 1: Physical
The OSI physical layer protocols handle the mechanical, electrical, and
procedural functions needed to provide the physical link between devices
and the network. An easy way to think about it is that the physical layer
is anything you can touch that transmits the dataa plug, cable, fiber, and
so on.
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
ST0025803A 123
Unit 2: LAN Configurations
The data link layer, in simplest terms, functions to provide any service not
found in the physical layer needed for communication between two devices
attached to the same wire.
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
Network hardware associated with the OSI data link layer includes
bridges, switches, and network interface cards (NICs).
Some protocols and standards implemented at this layer are Ethernet,
PPP, FDDI, Frame Relay, and ATM.
Layer 3: Network
The network layer provides the functions not found in the first two layers
that allow for the exchange of information between two devices on different
wires, that is, on different networks.
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
Data Routing
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
ST0025803A 125
Unit 2: LAN Configurations
Layer 4: Transport
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Data Routing
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
Layer 5: Session
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Presentation Presentation
Dialog between
Session Application Programs Session
End to End Connection
Transport Transport
Data Routing
Network Network
Error Free Dataflow
Data Link Data Link
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
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Unit 2: LAN Configurations
Layer 6: Presentation
The presentation layer translates data into a standard format that can be
understood by each network application and the computers on which they
run. The protocols in this layer also provide for compression/expansion
and/or encryption/decryption of data and security services. This layer also
takes care of file locking, which prevents two users from modifying the
same file at the same time.
User User
Processes Processes
Sending Receiving
Workstation Application Application Workstation
Data Conversion between
Presentation Presentation
Different Systems
Dialog between
Session Session
Application Programs
End to End Connection
Transport Transport
Data Routing
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
Layer 7: Application
The application layer handles the management of the OSI network and
provides the representation of a connection to an end user such as HTTP.
The protocols in this layer also perform network functions such as file and
Dialog between
Session Session
Application Programs
End to End Connection
Transport Transport
Data Routing
Network Network
Physical Connection
Physical Physical
This layer does not include the actual application software, but does
include the technologies that allow user software to access network
services such as:
• Printing and viewing.
• Interfacing databases, email, web browsers, and word processing to
network resources.
Examples of TCP/IP protocols running at this layer are HTTP and SMTP.
ST0025803A 129
Unit 2: LAN Configurations
Sending Receiving
Workstation Workstation
Application Application
Oriented Hp Presentation Hp Presentation
Hs Hp Session Hs Hp Session
H t H s Hp Transport H t Hs Hp Transport
Hn H t Hs Hp Network Hn H t Hs Hp Network
Dependent Hd Hn H t Hs Hp Data Link T Hd Hn H t Hs Hp Data Link T
Hd Hn H t Hs Hp Physical T Hd Hn H t Hs Hp Physical T
As data crosses the physical medium (Layer 1) to the destination host, the
data flows back up through the layers in the opposite order, from lowest
(physical) to the highest (application) layer. Each layer in the receiving
system communicates with its peer layer in the sending system by reading
and processing the (header) control information. When successive layers
remove all headers, the receiving system sees the data in original format.
It is interesting to note that as data flows from one host to another, each
layer functions as if it alone is involved in communication with its peer
layer at the destination host. Individual layers are unaware of the
functions of layers above and below them.