Gmo Brochure
Gmo Brochure
Gmo Brochure
Nowadays consumers take strict attitude towards GMOs. Labelling a product as “non-GMO”
increases its value for customers and producers. By law, foods containing GM ingredients must state
so on the label. Even so, there is still the possibility that foods may contain GM ingredients, as
In an ever more complex environment with a continuously growing number of commercially planted
GMOs, reliable testing is essential to meet customers’ demands and legal requirements . The
intelligent portfolio of PCR and real time PCR kits allows a time- and cost-efficient approach.
Our comprehensive portfolio Accurate and reliable Based upon official EURL
provides the most economic and identification of single GMO methods using species-specific
advanced screening combination events, and/or exclusion of references, our multiplex GMO
for optimal coverage of relevant non-approved GMOs in your target quantification platform
Our commitment
clients as kits are Eurofins owned and every reaction. per sample for MPI-accredited GMO
manufactured. analysis.