ammonia, urea, uric acid etc. from the tissues. of some animals to maintain a desired osmolarity.
3. Uricotelism: Process of excretion of uric acid. It is water
Types of excretion
insoluble & less toxic. So, water is not needed for excretion.
1. Ammonotelism: Process of excretion of NH3.
Uricotelic animals: Insects, some land crustaceans, land
Ammonotelic animals: Aquatic invertebrates, aquatic
snails, terrestrial reptiles & birds.
insects, bony fishes, aquatic amphibians etc.
Ureotelism & uricotelism are needed for water conservation.
NH3 is highly toxic. So, excretion needs excess of water.
NH3 is readily soluble in water and is excreted by Some excretory organs in animals
diffusion through body surface or gill surfaces (in fishes) • Protonephridia (flame cells): In Flatworms, rotifers,
as ammonium ions. some annelids & cephalochordate (Amphioxus).
Kidneys do not play any significant role in its removal. Protonephridia are primarily for osmoregulation.
2. Ureotelism: Process of excretion of urea. • Nephridia: In Annelids. Help in the removal of
Ureotelic animals: Cartilaginous fishes, terrestrial & nitrogenous wastes and osmoregulation.
semi-aquatic amphibians (frogs, toads etc.), aquatic & • Malpighian tubules: In Insects. Help in the removal of
semi-aquatic reptiles (alligators, turtles), mammals etc. nitrogenous wastes and osmoregulation.
In liver, NH3 is converted into less toxic urea. So, it needs • Antennal or green glands: In Crustaceans (prawn etc.)
only moderate quantity of water for excretion. • Kidneys: In higher animals.
2. Reabsorption
- 180 litres of glomerular filtrate is produced daily. But
about 99% of this is reabsorbed by the renal tubules.
So normal volume of urine released is 1.5 litres.
- From the filtrate, glucose, amino acids, Na+, etc. are
reabsorbed actively and nitrogenous wastes are absorbed
passively. Passive reabsorption of water occurs in the
initial segments of the nephron.
- PCT reabsorbs most of the nutrients, and 70-80% of
electrolytes & water. Simple cuboidal brush border
epithelium of PCT increases surface area for reabsorption.
- Loop of Henle maintains high osmolarity of medullary
interstitial fluid.
Descending limb is permeable to water but almost
impermeable to electrolytes. This concentrates the filtrate.
In ascending limb, minimum reabsorption occurs. It is
impermeable to water but allows transport of electrolytes.
MICTURITION E.g. Glycosuria (presence of glucose) and Ketonuria
- Gradual filling of urinary bladder causes stretching. As a (ketone bodies) in urine indicates diabetes mellitus.
result, stretch receptors on its wall send impulses to CNS. Role of Lungs, liver & skin in Excretion
The CNS passes on motor messages. It causes the ¨ Lungs: Remove CO2 (200 mL/minute) and water.
contraction of smooth muscles of the bladder and ¨ Liver: Secretes bile containing bilirubin, biliverdin,
simultaneous relaxation of the urethral sphincter. It cholesterol, degraded steroid hormones, vitamins and
results in micturition (release of urine). drugs. Most of them pass out along with digestive wastes.
- The neural mechanism causing micturition is called
¨ Skin (Sweat glands & sebaceous glands): Sweat contains
micturition reflex.
water, NaCl, small amounts of urea, lactic acid, etc.
- An adult human excretes 1 to 1.5 litres of urine (25-30 gm
urea) per day. Primary function of sweat is to give a cooling effect on
- Urine is a light yellow coloured watery fluid, slightly body surface.
acidic (pH-6.0) and has a characteristic odour. Sebaceous glands eliminate sterols, hydrocarbons,
- Various conditions affect the characteristics of urine. waxes etc. through sebum. Sebum provides a protective
- Analysis of urine helps in clinical diagnosis of many oily covering for the skin.
metabolic disorders and malfunctioning of the kidney. ¨ Saliva eliminates small amounts of nitrogenous wastes.
1. Terrestrial animals are generally either ureotelic or uricotelic, not ammonotelic. Why?
2. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place
a) Bony fishes: Ammonotelism Birds:…………………
b) JG cells: Renin Atria:………………….
3. Complete the following sentences
a) Reabsorption of water from DCT is facilitated by the hormone................
b) Angiotensin ll activates the adrenal cortex to release.................
c) In cases of Kidney failure, urea can be removed by the process called................
4. Match the following
Malpighian body Urethral sphincter Oxalates
Uraemia Glomerulus Release of urine
Renal calculi Accumulation of urea Afferent and efferent arterioles
Micturition Crystallized salts Kidney failure
5. Prepare a flowchart of filtrate flow in the nephron using the flow terms.
Collecting duct, PCT, DCT, Ascending limb of Henle’s loop, descending limb of Henle’s loop, Bowman’s capsule
6. “Counter current system plays an important role in concentrating urine.” Name any two regions inside the kidney,
where the counter current system is seen.
7. Complete the flowchart given below:
(Hint: Angiotensin II, JG cells, Constricts blood vessels, Angiotensinogen, Aldosterone)
…. A …..
Fall in glomerular blood flow → …. B .... → Renin
Angiotensin I
Converting enzyme
…. C …..
Secretion of …. D ….. …. E …..
↓ ↓
Reabsorption of Na+ and water from distal Increase in BP and GFR
parts of the tubule
Increase in BP and GFR
8. Observe the diagram