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Question Bank BCT

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Subject Code: 313060

Module – 1: Foundations Marks
(a) Subsurface Investigation


1. Suggest the methods of sub-surface investigation for hard rock

Ans:- Rotary Boring
2. Differentiate between disturbed & undisturbed soil sample.
3. The soil below the base of the foundation is called…
Ans. Sub-soil
4. Trial pit method is suitable up to a depth of .
Ans. 3 m
5. Which device is used for measuring the ariation in the resistance
offered by soil in sub surface sounding method ?
Ans. Penetrometer
6. The hand operated augers are used up todepth and the
mechanically operated augers are used for depth up to .
Ans. 6m and 15m
7. Define bearing capacity of soil.
8. Define ultimate bearing capacity of soil.
9. Safe bearing capacity of soft rock is
Ans. 450 kN/m2 or 4.5 kg/cm2
10.S.B.C. of medium sand which is compacted and dry
Ans. 250 kN/m2 or 1 kg/cm2
11.Which of the below is not a preliminary consideration for building
a) Ground water condition
b) Settlement control

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c) Soil organisms
d) Bearing capacity of soil Ans:- c) Soil organisms
12.Explain the purposes of sub-surface investigation.


1. Write the purposes of site exploration. Enlist various methods of

site exploration. Explain seismic refraction method with sketch.
2. What are the different methods of site exploration? Write purposes
of site investigation.
3. Write various factors affecting the selection of site exploration
method. Enlist various boring methods adopted for site exploration.
Explain wash boring with sketch Enlist the various methods of sub-
soil exploration. Explain wash boring with sketch. Explain wash
boring with sketch.
4. Describe in brief : Wash boring.
5. Enlist different methods used for site exploration. Explain Seismic
Refraction Method
6. 1. State the purpose of soil exploration. 2. Enlist the methods of site
exploration. Explain any one in detail.
Enumerate various methods of soil exploration and discuss any one
with neat sketches.
7. What are the different methods for site exploration? Explain any
two methods in detail.
8. What are the purposes of Site exploration ?
9. Write the purposes of site exploration. Explain in brief any two
methods for site exploration.
10.Explain the purposes of sub-surface investigations and discuss wash
boring in detail.
11.What are the different types of boring methods? Explain each in
brief with neat sketches.

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Explain the various types of boring methods with help of neat
Explain in brief various methods of boring for sub soil exploration.
12.What are the purposes of sub-soil exploration? Explain in brief,
following methods of site exploration: (i) Auger boring, (ii) Wash
13.Explain with sketch Plate Load Bearing Test.
Describe the plate load test for determining safe bearing capacity of
soil. What are its limitations?
14.Describe briefly Plate load test with sketch.
15.What are the different types of boring methods? Explain any two in
16.Describe auger boring and wash boring with a sketch of each.
17.Write the methods of boring for subsurface investigation.
18.Describe objectives of subsurface investigation and discuss wash
boring in detail.
19.Explain in brief (1)Sub-surface investigation (2) Methods of
improving bearing capacity
20.Explain the purposes of sub-surface investigation.
21.the points to be kept in mind while selecting the method of site
22.What are the different types of boring methods? Explain any one in
23.Explain in brief(1) Sub Surface investigation.
24.Write purpose and different methods of site exploration.
What are the purposes of site Exploration?
25.Discuss the methods of boring for subsurface investigation.
26. What are the objectives of sub surface investigation?
27.Discuss various geo-physical methods of sub-surface investigation.
28.What do you understand by disturbed and undisturbed soil

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29.Discuss in detail various methods of improving bearing capacity of
30.What are the different methods of site exploration? Write purposes
of site investigation.
31.Enlist various methods of sub surface investigation. Explain any two
in brief with neat and clean sketches.
32.. What are the objectives of sub surface investigation.
33.Enlist various points to be remembered during any building
construction site visit as a Civil Engineer.
34.. Define ‘Building’. Explain its components
35. Write brief note on seismic refraction method and electrical
resistivity method.
(b) Shallow Foundation


1. The minimum depth of foundation for load bearing wall of building

is restricted to
(a) 600 mm
(b) 700 mm
(c) 800 mm
(d) 900 mm
Ans:- (d) 900mm
2. Enlist various types of shallow foundation

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1. What are the causes of failure of foundation? When do you suggest

: a. Combined footing b. Strap footing c. Raft foundation. Also state
that which type of foundation is suitable for black cotton soil?
2. What are the basic characteristics of black cotton soil? What
precautions should be taken during foundation construction in
black cotton soil?
3. Describe in brief : Foundation in black cotton soil
4. Explain steel grillage foundation with all details.
5. Discuss the problems of foundation in black-cotton soils. Describe
their preventive measures.
What are the characteristics of Black cotton soils? Explain with
sketch under- Reamed pile foundation.
6. Write causes of failure of foundations and remedial measures.
Describe various causes of failure of foundation and their remedies.
What are the causes of the failure of the foundation? What
remedial measures would you adopt?
7. What are the causes of failure of foundation? What remedial
measures would you adopt?
Discuss about failures of foundation and suggest remedial measures
to avoid it.
What are the causes of failure of foundation? Explain its remedial
8. Discuss in brief the causes of failure of foundation.
9. Briefly describe the causes of failure of foundation and their
remedial measures.
10.Describe the causes of failures of foundation and their preventive

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11.What are the problems of foundations on black cotton soils?
Explain with sketch Underreamed pile foundation.
12.Discuss the problems of foundation in black cotton soil. Explain its
remedial measures.
13.What are the problems of foundations on black cotton soils?
Explain with sketch one of the approach for foundation in black
cotton soil.
14.Explain various types of shallow foundation.
15.Explain with help of neat sketch classification of shallow
foundation? What is meant by “Shallow foundation”? Explain the
various types of shallow foundation.
16.Enlist and Discuss various types of shallow foundation.
17. Describe setting out of foundation trenches.
18.What are the different types of foundation in black cotton soil?
Explain any one in detail.
19.Differentiate between shallow foundation and deep foundation
along with types of them.
20.Describe with figure various precautions to be taken for
foundations in black cotton soil.
21.Explain with sketch the “combined footing “. Write the
circumstances in which a combined footing is provided.
22. Explain Methods of Improving bearing capacity of soil.
Explain the methods of improving safe bearing capacity of soils.
23.Draw the Sketch (1) Steel grillage foundation (2) Combined Footing
(3) Strap Footing (4) Raft foundation
24.Explain with sketch:Slopped footing.
25.Explain Raft foundation with sketch. When do you adopt it ?
What do you understand by “Raft Foundation”?
What do you understand by “Mat Foundation”?
26.What are the causes of failure of foundation? What remedial
measures would you adopt?

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27.What are the problems of foundations on black cotton soils? What
points should be kept in mind while designing foundations on such
28.Discuss any two types of shallow foundation used in residential
29.Write brief note on causes of failure of foundations.
30.What are the different types of foundation in black cotton soil?
Explain any one in detail.
31.What do you understand by raft foundation? When can it be
32.What can be the failures in foundation? Give suggestion to
overcome these failures.
What are the causes of failure of foundation? What remedial
measures would you adopt?
What remedial measures would you adopt for causes of failure of
33.What do you understand by grillage foundation? Draw a typical
sketch for steel grillage foundation for a steel section.
34.Define “Shallow foundation”. Enlist various types of shallow
35.Explain combined footing with neat sketch.
Explain with neat sketch “Combined footing”.
36.What precaution is to be taken for foundation in Black cotton soil?
Explain Under-reamed pile foundation.


1. Explain under which conditions would you prefer pile foundation?
Which point consider while selecting the type of pile?
What is pile foundation? How pile foundations are used in different
situations? Which factors will affect the selection of type of piles?

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Explain under which conditions would you prefer pile foundation?
Which points you will consider while selecting the type of pile?
2. State the situations in which pile foundations are preferred.
3. Discuss the uses of piles.
4. Explain briefly the meaning of the term pile foundation. Enumerate
the situation demanding theuse of pile foundations.
5. Classify and explain with sketches various types of piles based on
6. Classify various types of piles based on : (i) Function (ii) Material
and Composition
7. Describe the factors affecting selection of pile.
What are the factors that affect the selection of piles?
8. Explain under which conditions pile foundation is preferable?
9. Which points can be considered while selecting the type of pile?
10.Differentiate between End bearing pile and Friction pile?
11.Compare: (i) Cast-in-situ piles and Pre-cast piles, (ii) End bearing pile
and friction pile.
12.Explain with sketches construction procedure of: (i) Button-bottom
pile, (ii) Simplex pile.
Explain with sketches the method of forming Button Bottom Pile
and Simplex Pile.
13.Describe the process of casting a precast concrete pile and draw a
neat sketch of a typical precast concrete pile.
14.Describe with sketch any two cast-in-situ concrete piles.
15.State advantages and disadvantages of pre-cast concrete piles.
16.What are the advantages and disadvantages of cast in situ concrete
17.Write short notes on the following: (i) Franki piles (ii) Pile cap and
pile shoe Discuss about pile cap and pile shoes.
18.Differentiate between the following:
(i) Load bearing piles and non-load bearing piles
(ii) Box piles and tube piles .

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19.Differentiate between cased cast in situ piles and uncased cast in
situ piles.
20.Explain under reamed pile. Describe with sketches construction of
under reamed piles.(May- 2013) [LJIET] Explain Under reamed pile
with sketch (Oct-2020_ACE) [LJIET] With neat and clean sketch
explain under-reamed pile.
21.Clearly differentiate end bearing pile and friction pile.(Nov-2013)
[LJIET] Differentiate between End bearing and Friction piles.(New-
Nov-2017)[LJIET] Give difference between End bearing pile and
Load bearing pile
22.. Write a short note on (1) Under reamed pile (2) Timber pile.
23.Under which situation an Under Reamed piles are required? Explain
construction procedure of it.
24.Write short note on sand piles wit hit s advantages and
25.Which factors will you consider while deciding the pile spacing?
Discuss the various causes of failures of piles.?
26.Write short note on Pile Spacing.
27.Write short notes on Group of piles
28.Explain the method of determining the efficiency of pile group.
29.Calculate the group efficiency of 36 piles arranged in 6 rows and 6
30.Describe the method of pile load tests for the determination of its
bearing capacity.
Describe pile load test for determining the bearing capacity of a
31.Discuss the load tests on piles.
Discuss Pile load test with neat sketch.
Describe pile load test to determine load caring capacity of pile in
32.Enlist methods to determine load carrying capacity of pile. Explain
pile load test with sketches

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33.Describe pile driving by Drop hammer method. State and explain
dynamic formulae for determining load carrying capacity of piles.
34.List different types of hammers used for pile driving. Give
advantages and disadvantages of each.
35.Mention the loads to be taken into account while designing a pile.
36.What are the reasons of pulling out piles from their positions?
What are themethods adopt for it ?
37.Discuss various causes of failure of piles?
What are the causes of failures of piles?
38.Write a note on a) Micro piling. b) Heaving of piles.
39.What is the meaning of the term pile foundation? Explain uses of
40. Mention advantages and disadvantages of cast in situ and pre cast
concrete piles.
41.Describe pile driving by drop hammer method. State and explain
dynamic formula for determining load carrying capacity of piles.
42.Explain pile driving. Give different equipment used for pile driving
with its specific uses? .
43.Explain the method of construction of under reamed piles with help
of neat sketch.
44.Differentiate between End bearing and Friction piles.
45.What is pile foundation? Explain under which condition you would
prefer pile foundation.
46.Explain pile accessories with figure.
Explain pile accessories with neat figures.
47.Explain under reamed piles. ?
48.What is group efficiency of piles? Describe in short various methods
to determine group efficiency of piles.?
49.What is pile foundation? Explain under which condition you would
prefer pile foundation.
50.Explain the method of construction of under reamed piles with help
of neat sketch.

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51.Explain pile driving. Give different equipments used for pile driving
with its specific uses?
52.Discuss with neat sketches, the importance and construction
procedure of under reamed piles.
53.Discuss various factors affecting the selection of type of piles.
54. Explain different types of pile hammers with their advantages and
55.What are under reamed piles? Explain the situation under which
under reamed piles are used. What is under reamed pile? Discuss
the situation in which under reamed pile is adopted.
56.Which factors should be considered while deciding pile spacing?
Write note on grouping of piles.
57.Enlist various types of cement concrete piles. Discuss uncased cast
in situ concrete piles. Enlist various types of uncased cast in situ
concrete piles. Explain any one briefly.
58.Give complete classification of piles. Write classification of piles in
59.Discuss under reamed pile with sketches.
60.Discuss pre cast concrete piles with sketches.
61.Enlist and explain factors affecting selection of types of plies.
62.State various methods of pile driving. Describe with sketches any
one method.
63.Differentiate between cast in situ piles and precast piles.
64.Give classification of Piles based on their function. Discuss any one
pile in detail.
65.Explain Pile driving rig with neat sketch.
66.Discuss various causes of failure of piles.
67.Explain pile accessories with neat figures.
Describe pile accessories in brief.
68.Explain friction pile with neat sketch

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1. Define a caisson. Point out the factors to be considered while

making a choice between cofferdam and caisson.
2. Explain with sketch, different parts of well foundation along with
bridge pier in the river.
3. Under which circumstances pneumatic caisson is adopted?
Discuss its construction Procedure with a sketch.
Where do you prefer pneumatic caisson? Describe its construction
procedure with sketch.
What do you mean by pneumatic caisson? Discuss its construction
procedure with sketch.
Explain construction procedure of pneumatic caisson. Also
enumerate merits and demerits of pneumatic caisson.
What is a Pneumatic Caisson? Discuss the situation in which a
Pneumatic Caisson is adopted.
4. What is pneumatic caisson? Draw neat sketch of pneumatic
caisson and discuss the procedure for its sinking.
Write short note on Pneumatic caisson with sketch.
Sketch typical pneumatic caisson. Discuss function of each
element of pneumatic caisson.
Write a short note on (1) Pneumatic caisson
What is a pneumatic caisson? Where is it adopted? How is it

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Define “pneumatic caisson” and its method of construction?
Sketch typical pneumatic caisson. State functions of each element
of pneumatic caisson. Old
Explain with neat and clean sketches pneumatic caisson.
5. Write short note on Box caisson with sketch.
6. Write short note on well caissons.
7. What is a well foundation? What are its different types? Mention
the cases where each one is suitable .
8. Sketch typical well caisson. Discuss function of each element of
well caisson.
9. What are monoliths? Describe their method of construction and
point out their advantages, disadvantages and uses.
What is a monolith. Write the advantages and disadvantages of a
Explain monolith.
10. Describe Box Caissons, giving neat sketch. In which situations box
caissons are adopted?
11. . Define a caisson. Discuss various methods for floating of
Describe the methods employed for the floating of caisson.
With sketch explain floating of caissons.
12. Write a short note on (2)Sinking of caisson
Write a short note on sinking of caisson.
13. Discuss the well sinking operation with sketches.
14. Describe the methods adopted to facilitate the sinking of caissons
with its advantages and disadvantages.
15. What is tilt and shift in construction of caissons? How can you
rectify the tilting of caissons?
16. What is meant by ‘Tilt’ and ‘Shift’ of a caisson? What are its
causes? How can tilted caisson brought in correct position?
17. Write short notes on Tilting of caissons.

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18. Explain tilt of caisson Discuss remedial measures to rectify tilting
of caisson.
Discuss causes of tilting of caissons. Write actins to correct it.
19. What caisson is sickness or diseases? What are its causes? What
are the precautions to be taken to avoid caisson sickness?
Write a short note on (1) Caisson sickness
What do you understand from Caisson disease? Discuss the
methods of its prevention.
Describe caisson sickness.
Which are the remedial measures to prevent caisson diseases?
20. How will you make choice between caisson and cofferdam?
Differentiate between cofferdam and caisson.
Differentiate between cofferdam and caisson.
Which are the points of difference between caisson and coffer
Write the differences between Caisson and Cofferdam.
21. What types of loads are coming on the caissons?
22. Sketch typical well caisson. Discuss function of each element of
well caisson.
Discuss various components of well foundation with their
23. Discuss various cutting edges for caissons with their merits and
24. Explain Pneumatic Caisson in detail with neat diagram.
25. What is a monolith? Explain with figure.
26. _________cutting edges are preferred for pneumatic caissons.
(sharp, blunt)
27. Pneumatic caissons are to be used when maximum depth of
water is____________ (35m,18m)

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28. Explain cutting edges of caissons. Also write merits and demerits
of each.
29. Discuss pneumatic caissons with neat diagram. What is caisson
30. Discuss causes of tilting of caissons. How can it be corrected?
What is tilting of caissons. State causes of tilting. How tilting of
caissons can be rectified?
31. Under which conditions pneumatic caissons are adopted. Describe
function of its each element with sketch. Also give its advantages
and disadvantages.
32. Define caisson. What precautions should be taken to avoid
caisson sickness?
33. Which precautions should be taken to avoid caisson sickness?
34. What are the types of caisson? Discuss Box caisson with neat
35. What is caisson? How caissons are different from coffer dam?.
36. Discuss stages of construction of open well caisson with neat
37. Write short note on tilting of caisson.
What is meant by the tilting of caissons? What are its reasons?
38. Discuss sinking and tilting of caissons.

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Module – 2 Masonry Construction
Basic Terms

1. A retaining wall may be built in (a) Dry stone Masonry (b) Stone
Masnory (c) Plane cement Concrete (d) All of these (May-2016-
New)[LJIET] Ans:- ( a ) Dry stone masonry
2. Explain cornice and corbel with figure.
3. What is cornice?
4. Explain the term stretcher with sketch.


1. Define: (1) Scotia (2) Reveal (3) Corbel (4) Buttress (5) Durability
(6) Horn (7) Thermal Conductivity.(June- 2010) [LJIET] Define:
1.Corbel 2.Jambs 3.Frog 4. Queen closer 5. King closer 6.Coping
2. Define the following terms: (i) closer, (ii) quoin, (iii) coping.
3. Define the terms: (i) springing points (ii) centering.
4. Define the following terms with figure (1) King closer (2) Queen
closer (3) Frog (4) Jambs (5) Reveals (6)Throating (7) Coping.
5. Describe the following wit figure in relation to masonry (1) King
closer (2) Queen closer (3) Strecher (4) Header (5) Coping (6)
Throating (7)Cornice
6. . Explain the following terms with figures (1) King closer (2) Queen
closer (3) Header (4) Strecher (5) Cornice (6) Coping (7) String
7. Define the following terms (1) Header (2) Strecher (3) Corbel (4)
Coping (5) Throating (6) Quoin header (7) Cornice.
8. Define the following terms with neat sketches (i)Frog (ii) King &
Queen Closer (iii)Bat (iv)Stretcher.

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9. Draw the sketch (1) Ashlar chamfered masonry (3) Ashlar stone
arches (2) Coursed rubble masonry (4) Bull’s Eye arch
10. Define the Following terms (1)King Closer (2) Queen Closer (3)
11. Draw the typical sketches, showing the following and define them:
a)Corbel, b) Jambs, c) Frog , d) Queen closer e) King closer ,f)
Coping ,g) Stretcher.

(a) Stone Masonry


1. Give the situations under which various stone masonries are used.
Ans:- Heavy engineering Works, Masonry work in industrial area,
General building work, face work of buildings, carving and
ornamental works, pavings, door sills, steps, Fire resistant masonry.
2. Weight of stone masonry Ans. 2050 kg/m3


1. Write short note on random rubble masonry and ashlar chamfered

2. Write the difference between rubble masonry and ashlar masonry.
3. Write a note on random rubble built to course stone masonry.
4. Classify the stone masonry and describe the ashlar masonry in
detail with figures.
5. Describe Ashlar masonry with its various categories.
6. Explain various rubble masonries with a figure of each.
7. Describe with neat sketch different types of rubble masonry.
8. Describe different kinds of rubble masonry with neat sketches.
9. Enumerate various stone masonries. Describe rubble masonry in
detail with figure.

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10.Enlist different types of stone masonry. Describe with neat sketch
different types of rubble masonry.
11.Give a point wise comparison between stone and brick masonry.
Differentiate between stone masonry and brick masonry.
12.Write short note on(1) Ashlar masonry (2) Rubble masonry
13.Write the difference between Rubble masonry & Ashlar masonry.
14.Write the difference between : Rubble masonry and ashlar
15.Discuss components of stone masonry? List various lifting
appliances for stone work and explain any two in detail?
16.Sketch for: Ashlar chamfered fine tooled wall in elevation.
17.Sketch for: Ashlar chamfered fine tooled wall in elevation.
18.Sketch three types of joints in stone masonry.
19.Explain following terms: Quoins, Hearting, Bat, Perpend. Write
short note on: Random rubble uncoursed masonry.
20. Explain cramped joint with neat sketch used in stone masonry.
21.. Differentiate between rubble masonry and ashlar masonry.
22.the following. 1) Header. 2) Pitch. 3) Frog. 4) Closer. 5) Lintel. 6)
Coping. 7) Cornice.
23.Describe different kinds of rubble masonry with neat sketches.
24.Draw the typical sketches, showing the following and define them:
a) Corbel, b) Jambs, c) Frog , d) Queen closer e) King closer ,f)
Coping ,g) Stretcher.

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(b)Brick Masonry

1. Write the function of frog in brick

Ans:- Form key of Mortar to prevent displacements of brick above
and reduce the weight of the brick
2. Give the standard and nominal size of brick.
Ans:- Standard Size- 19cmx9cmx9cm , Nominal size:- 20cm x 10cm x
3. Define header and stretcher with figure.
4. The portion of a brick cut across the width is called (a) Closer (b)half
brick (c) bed (d) bat
Ans:- (a) closer
5. The portion of a brick cut across the length is called (a) king closer
(b) queen closer (c) bat (d) quoin.
Ans:- (c) bat
6. The type of bond in which every course contains both headers and
stretchers is called (a) English bond (b) Flemish bond (c) Header
bond (d) stretcher bond.
Ans:- (b) Flemish bond
7. The type of bond in which alternate course are stretcher and
header is (a) English bond (b) Flemish bond (c) Header bond (d)
Stretcher bond.
Ans:- (a) English bond
8. is the arrangement of bricks in courses .
Ans Bond
9. bond is a combination of English and Flemish bond.
Ans. Single Flemish bond
10.In bond, each course presents the same appearance , both in front
and back face .
Ans. Double Flemish bond
11.Inbond, all the bricks are laid as stretchers.

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Ans. Stretching bond
12.Inbond, the bonding bricks are laid at an inclination to the direction
of wall.
Ans. Racking bond
13.Inbond, all the bricks are laid as headers on the faces.
Ans. Heading bond
14.The type of bond provided, in brick for carrying load is a) Zigzag
bond b) English bond c) Flemish bond d) stretcher bond
Ans. English Bond
15.In __________________ bond brick masonry contains alternate
courses of header and stretchers.
Ans: Flemish Bond


1. Write size of brick. Enlist types of bonds in brickwork. Sketch

English bond for 1.5 brick thick wall.
2. Write the difference between 1. English bond and Flemish bond
3. Differentiate between English bond and Flemish bond
4. Write comparison of English bond with Flemish bond in detail.
5. Explain the difference between English bond and Flemish bond
with figure.
6. Describe a point wise comparison between English bond and
Flemish bond.
7. Discuss Points to be considered while Supervising Brick Masonry
8. Give a point wise comparison of brick and stone masonry.
9. Compare stone masonry and brick masonry.
Write the difference between stone masonry and brick masonry.
10.What is the difference between stone masonry and brick
11.What are the different types of bonds in brickwork? Explain
English bond with neat sketches.

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12.What is bond in brick masonry? What is its significance? Disuses
rules for bonding?
13.What is bond in brick masonry? What is its significance? What are
the rules for bonding?
14.Explain Dutch bond and ranking bond with sketch.
15.Explain with sketch: Header Bond and Stretcher Bond in brick
16.Describe merits of English bond and draw plan of 1 brick wall
English bond for odd and even course.
17.Enlist various bonds in brickwork. Describe English bond and
Flemish bond with their essential features.
18.State different types of bonds in brick masonry. Explain 1.5 brick
thick wall in Flemish bond with elevation and plan for even and
odd layers.
19.Describe various defects in brick masonry.
20.Draw a neat sketch of one brick thick English bond and describe
the characteristics of English bond.
21.Enlist the types of bonds in brickwork and explain with sketch 1½
brick thick wall in English bond.
22.Sketch for: Flemish bond for 30 cm thick brick masonry wall.
23.for: Flemish bond for 20 cm thick brick masonry wall in plan.
24.Describe with neat sketches: English bond and Flemish bond of
brick masonry.
25. Write short note on: Defects in brick masonry.
26.Enumerate any six types of bond used in brick masonry.
27.Draw neat sketch of English bond with nomenclature. (Dec-2017-
New)[LJIET] Explain English bond with its use.
28.Differentiate between brick masonry and stone masonry.
29.State different types of bonds in brick masonry. Explain English
bond in detail.
30.Compare brick masonry with stone masonry.
31. Draw a detailed sketch of Dutch bond.
32.Describe various brick arches with neat and clean sketches.

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33.Describe Flemish bond. What is the difference between single
Flemish bond and double Flemish bond? Draw isometric view of
34.What do you understand by grillage foundation? Draw a typical
sketch for steel grillage foundation for a steel section.
(c) Other Masonry Composite masonry


1. What is composite masonry?

2. Define stone slab facing with brick backing masonry.
3. Describe brick facing and concrete backing masonry. [LJIET] 01


1. . What is composite masonry? Write various types of it. Explain any

one in detail.
2. What is composite masonry? Write advantages of composite
masonry and enlist different types of composite masonry.
3. What are the different types of composite masonry? Explain
reinforced brick masonry.
4. Write a detailed note on composite masonry. What you understand
by “Composite Masonry”?
5. What is composite masonry? Explain it with neat sketch.
6. Define composite masonry and write its advantages. Describe any
two types of composite masonries in detail.
7. Define composite masonry and explain anyone its type with figure.
8. What is composite masonry? Explain cavity wall with sketch with
position of cavity at foundation level.
9. What is composite masonry? Give various types of it and explain
with sketch brick facing and concrete backing wall.

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10. What is composite masonry? Explain stone facing with brick
backing with neat and abelled sketch.

(d) Other Masonry Hollow concrete blocks & cavity walls


1. Explain the purpose of providing cavity wall.

2. Write two advantages of hollow concrete masonry.
3. The Filling in cavities with cement slurry is known as (a) Coping (b)
Beam Filling (c) Grouting (d) Gunniting
4. Explain about hollow concrete blocks.
5. Write the standard size of hollow concrete block.
6. A cavity wall is constructed to resist a) Dampness b) Axial forces c)
Wind loads d) Heat flow
Ans. Damp


1. What is cavity wall? Write advantages of cavity walls. What

precautions to be taken during cavity wall construction?
2. Write a short note on cavity wall.What you understand by “cavity
3. Explain Brick Cavity Wall with sketch.
4. Define cavity wall. What are its advantages? Explain method of
construction of it.
5. Explain with sketches the details of cavity wall at the following
locations: (a) Foundation level, (b) Parapet level, (c) At openings.
Draw a typical vertical section of a wall through openings and label.
6. Write a short note on (1) Hollow masonry (2) Cavity wall
7. Write a short note on (1) Hollow concrete block construction (2)
Cavity walls

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8. Write a short note on hollow masonry.
9. What are hollow concrete blocks? Enumerate the various
advantages of using hollow concrete blocks for construction.
10.Discuss the purpose of Cavity Walls? Give general principles of its
11.What is cavity wall? Write purposes of cavity walls.
12.What are the purposes to provide cavity wall? Explain position of
cavity at foundation with sketch.
13.Draw a sketch of Cavity wall & give its purposes.
14.What do you understand by concrete masonry? State the
advantages of hollow block concrete masonry. State various types
of surface finishes in such masonry.
15.Describe the precautions to be taken while doing construction of
cavity walls.
16.What is cavity wall? Write purposes of cavity wall.
17.Describe methodology of cavity wall construction.
18.Define cavity wall. What are its advantages? Explain general
features of a brick cavity wall.
19.Define cavity wall. Enlist its advantages?
Define Cavity wall. What are its advantages?

(e) Lintels and Arches

1. What is lintel and explain level for lintel.
2. Why does Reinforced cement concrete lintels are very commonly
3. What is abutment?
4. What is pier?

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1. Explain with sketch: 1. R.C.C. Lintel 2. Semi-circular brick arch.

2. Explain with sketch: R.C.C. Lintel.
3. Describe R.C.C. Lintel with sketch.
4. Explain relieving arch and horse shoe arch. Discuss different causes
of failures of arches.
5. Classify and explain various types of arches based on material and
6. Explain the reinforced brick lintel with sketch.
7. Distinguish between lintel & an arch. Draw a neat sketch of an arch
and show on it various technical terms used in its construction.
8. Classify the arches based on material and workmanship. Explain
stone arches with sketch.
9. Explain in detail with neat sketches various types of stone arches?
10.List various types of lintels. Write about relieving arch and
horseshoe arch with sketch.
11.Write in brief about 4 types of lintel and 3 types of arch with sketch.
12.Explain any two types of arches based on material.
13.Draw a neat sketch of an arch and show on it various technical
terms used in its construction.
14.Describe the segmental arch with neat sketch.
15.Write brief note on RCC lintels. Draw neat sketch of RCC lintel with
16.Give classification of Lintel and explain any one in detail.
17.Explain with sketch: (a) Segmental arch (b) RCC Lintel
18.Explain with sketch: a) RCC Lintel b) Semi- Circular arch
19.Define Intrados, Rise and Springer in connection with arch.
20.Explain with sketch: (a) Segmental arch, (b) Framed and Panelled

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(f) Wall Finishes

1. Enumerate various defects in plastering.

2. What do you understand by hacking ?
3. Describe Acoustic plaster.
4. Describe the various types of pointing with sketch.
5. Write about method of pointing.
6. Enumerate various types of pointing.
7. The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering is
a) Peeling b) Blistering c) Hacking d) Dubbing out
Ans:- d) Dubbing out
8. For pointing works ratio of mortar used is
a) 1: 6 to 1: 7 b) 1: 3 to 1: 4 c) 1:2 to 1: 3 d) 1: 1 to 1: 2
Ans. D) 1: 1 to 1: 2
9. The surface to which first coat of plaster is applied is ____________
Ans. Background
10.Define the term Mortar.


1. What is the difference between plastering and pointing? Discuss

cement mortar plastering.
2. What is included in wall finishes work for a building.
3. Describe various types of pointing .
4. What are the requirements of good plaster and explain various
defects in plastering.
5. What are the basic characteristics of an ideal paint?
6. What is included in wall finishes work for a building? Explain
method of painting with types of materials used for a building.
7. Define mortar. Explain cement and lime mortar.

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8. Define mortar. Describe lime mortar and cement mortar used for
9. What is difference between plastering and pointing? Explain various
types of pointing with sketches.
10.What are the objects of plastering? Describe in brief: (i) Cement
Plastering, (ii) Acoustical plaster.
11.Explain different types of plaster finishes.
12.What are different kinds of wall finishes? Explain plastering in brief.
13.List various types of plaster finishes. Also,write various special
materials used in plastering and various defects in plastering.
14.Write a short note on (1) Pointing (2) Plastering
15.Discuss the necessity of plaster and list the various types of plasters
discussing any one in detail?
16.Define plastering and pointing. Explain with sketch the types of
17.Define pointing and its types in brief.
18.Write short note on: Defects in plastering.
19.What type of defect may appear in painting work? Explain in brief.
Briefly explain Defects in painting.
20.What do you understand by scaffolding? What are the components
of a scaffold?
21.What is the difference between plastering and pointing? What is
difference between plastering and pointing?
22.Give the difference between plastering and pointing in brief. What
is difference between plastering and pointing?
23.Define mortar. Explain cement and lime mortar.
24.Write various types of pointing.
25.Describe the requirements of Good plaster.

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Module – 3 (a)Plain and Reinforced Concrete Construction

1. Explain water cement ratio and state its range.

2. What do you mean by workability of concrete ?
3. What do you mean by M20 grade concrete?
4. Explain about rapid hardening cement.
5. Uses of Portland pozzolana cement.
6. Weight of reinforced concrete cement
Ans: 2400 kg/m3
7. Define coarse aggregates
8. Define workability.
9. Define durability of concrete .
10.The materials other than the basic ingredients of cement concrete
added to the concrete mix before or during mixing to improve
certain properties of concrete are known as __________________.
11.Explain the water-cement ratio and the workability of concrete.
12.Enlist the different types of cement.


1. Describe the ingredients of reinforced cement concrete and explain

the function of each ingredient.
List the ingredients of RCC and write its functions of each
2. Differentiate between pre-cast and cast-in situ construction. Write
advantages and disadvantages of pre-cast construction.
Differentiate between pre-cast and cast in situ concrete
construction. Write advantages and disadvantages of pre-cast cast

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3. What is water- cement ratio? How it affects on strength and
workability of concrete?
4. Explain water-cement ratio, Grades of concrete and Curing of
5. Explain the methods of mixing, placing, compacting and curing of
6. What are the functions of water in concrete mix? Describe the
properties of water which are necessary to be used to get good
7. What is the importance of reinforcement in concrete? Describe
various types of reinforcements used in reinforced concrete.
8. Differentiate between plain cement concrete and R.C.C. Explain
normal mix and design mix of concrete.
9. Write a short note on (1) Pre-cast construction (2) Cast in situ
10.Describe the properties of fresh concrete.
11.Explain segregation, bleeding and grades of concrete.
12.Write advantages and disadvantages of precast and cast-in-situ
13.Discuss various types of concretes used in infrastructure projects?
14.What is the importance of aggregate in concrete mix? Give
classification of aggregates.
15.Describe cast-in-situ and pre-cast construction
16.Write in brief about Cast-in-situ construction.
17.Explain the methods of mixing, Placing, compacting and Curing of
18.Differentiate between precast and cast-in-situ concrete
construction.(Dec-2015-New) [LJIET] Differentiate between pre-cast
and cast in situ concrete construction. Write advantages and
disadvantages of pre-cast cast construction.
19.Explain about pre-cast and cast-in situ construction.
20.Describe and compare cast-in-situ and pre-cast construction.
21.Explain briefly various operations in preparation of concrete at site.

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22.What are the various methods of proportioning concrete? Explain
any two in detail.
23.Explain the methods of mixing, compacting and curing of concrete.
24.Discuss in brief about pre-cast and cast-in-situ concrete. Enumerate
the advantage and disadvantage of both.
25.Write advantages and disadvantages of precast and cast-in-situ
26.What are the various methods of proportioning concrete? Explain
any two in detail.
27.Explain water cement ratio and workability of concrete.
What is water cement ratio? How it affects on workability of
Explain the water-cement ratio and the workability of concrete.
28.Differentiate precast concrete with cast in situ concrete.
29.What is the importance of water in concrete mix? Describe various
properties and impurities of water.
30.What is the difference between pre cast & cast in situ concrete?
Explain the process of manufacturing pre cast products.
31.Explain about pre-cast and cast-in situ construction.
32.Explain various properties of concrete.
33.Enumerate various types of cement and discuss about sulphate
resistance cement.
34.What is the difference between pre cast & cast in situ concrete?
Explain the process of manufacturing pre cast products.

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Module – 3 (b) Form work

1. Write short notes on ‘Requirements of a good formwork’. State the

requirements of good formwork.
Discuss requirements of good formwork.
What are the requirements of good form work?
Enlist and explain essential requirement for good formwork.
2. Why formwork is necessary? Explain the requirements of
formwork. Which are the materials used for preparing formwork?
3. Define (i) Centring (ii) Shuttering. What are the characteristics of
timber, steel and plywood formwork?
4. What are the different types of centering for big arches of bridges?
Explain briefly each of them.
5. Discuss the design features of temporary works. Draw the sketch
showing the arrangement for centering of large span arches.
6. Briefly explain: (i) Slip formwork, (ii) False work for bridges.
7. Why steel formwork is preferred? Explain with neat sketches, the
formwork for R.C.C. column.
8. Write short note on slip form work. Explain split formwork with
neat sketch.
9. What is slip formwork? Explain their operation, uses, and
advantages. Give brief idea of slip formwork.
10.Sketch typical formwork for (i) column (ii) slab and beam floor.
11.Write a short note on (2) Formwork for RCC wall .
Explain form work for RCC wall.
Explain briefly formwork for R.C.C. walls. Also mention planning &
duration of removal of formwork of structural members.

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12.Explain with sketches formwork for (i) RCC column and (ii) RCC wall
13.Explain with neat sketch, the form work of RCC column.
Explain the formwork of column with neat and clean sketches.
14.Define temporary works. Why formwork is necessary? Why steel
formworks are more preferred over others?
15.Draw sketch of formwork for R.C.C. slab and beam showing all
components. What important facts of this formwork should be
Sketch typical formwork for R.C.C. slab and beam floor with all
Describe form work for Floors.
16.Enlist and explain factors affecting growth, height and structural
form of tall structures.
17.Write a short note on (1) Requirement of form work (2) Economy in
from work
Which measures should be taken to achieve economy of formwork?
18.Write a short note on (1) Timber formwork (2) Steel formwork
19.Explain formwork for big arches.
20.. Why steel formwork is preferred? Explain with neat sketches, the
formwork for R.C.C. Beam.
21.Enlist requirements of formwork.
22.Write a note on Slip Formwork?
23.Explain with neat sketch formwork for R.C.C beam.
24.What is formwork? Discuss the formwork of columns and stairs
with neat sketches.
25.Discuss the causes of failure of false work.
26.Explain with neat sketches the form work of RCC stairs.
27.Explain with neat sketches the form work of RCC column.
28.Draw neat sketch of formwork for R.C.C. column.
29.State requirements of good formwork.
30.Explain design features of formwork.
31.Draw form work for RCC footing with nomenclature.

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Module – 4 Building Components
(a) Doors

1. Exposed portions of a vertical surface at right angles to the door or

window frame are known as
(a) Jambs (b) lintels (c) Reveals (d) Soffits.
Ans:- ( c ) Reveals
2. The vertical sides of door and window openings provided in a wall
are known as
(a) Jambs (b) lintels (c) Reveals (d) Soffits.
Ans:- (a) Jambs
3. What is jamb?
4. What is rebate?
5. Explain about louvers.
6. Define fanlight.
7. . Give any four types of hinges with neat sketch.
8. Give any 3 types of bolts with neat sketch.
9. The vertical sides of door and window openings provided in a wall is
known as ________________
10.The portion of wall on which the end of an arch rests is known as
Ans: Skew Back
11.A vertical member of a frame, which is employed to sub-divide a
window or a door is known as _________________
ANS: Mullian
12.Define the given terms:- A) Mullion B) Jamb

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1. Enlist types of doors. Write size of doors of residential buildings.

Sketch solid core flush door.
2. Explain Venetian door and Collapsible steel door.
3. Differentiate between: Panelled doors and glazed doors
4. Write the points to be kept in mind while fixing the position of
doors and windows.
Explain the points to be kept in mind, while locating doors and
5. Classify various types of doors. Discuss flush door and collapsible
steel door in detail.
6. Enlist various types of doors and explain flush door and collapsible
steel door with figure.
7. Classify various types of doors. Describe flush door in detail.
8. Enlist various types of doors and explain partly glazed and partly
paneled door figure. Also indicate usual sizes of the component for
the same.
9. What are the points to be kept in view, while locating doors &
windows in a room? Explain with sketches: (1) Revolving door, (2)
Dormer window.
10.Describe framed and panelled doors and write salient features.
11.Explain the construction of following doors with their suitability. (1)
Ledged and braced door (2) Glazed door (3) Panelled door
12.Enlist various types of doors and explain flush door and collapsible
steel door with figure.
13.Explain solid core and hollow core flush door with sketch.
14.Write suitability of collapsible and rolling steel door. Also, write
about fixtures used for doors with sketch.
15.Draw a label diagram of typical door and define its each
16.Draw a label diagram of typical door.

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17.Enumerate the functions of a door? Explain different types of doors
with help of neat sketches.
18.Define terms: Door, Window, Ventilator, Lock rail, Mullion, Jamb,
19.Draw a neat sketch of door with all components and describe the
function of each component.
20.Explain construction and suitability of sliding door with sketch.
21.Describe Battened & Ledged door with sketch.
22.Explain with sketch Framed and panelled door.
23.Discuss the points to be kept in mind while deciding location of
doors and windows.
24.Draw typical door elevation showing various components name.
25.What are the points to be kept in view while locating Doors and
Windows? Explain any one Door in detail.
26.Give brief classification of doors. Explain any two with neat and
clean sketch.
27.Explain points to be consider while locating doors and windows?
28.Explain the classification of windows and discuss any one of them
with a neat sketch.
29.Draw a neat sketch: (a) Framed and Panelled Door (b) Dog-legged
30.Write short notes on Glazed door and Flush door .

(b) Windows

1. Write the factors affecting selection of size, shape, location and

number of windows. Sketch casement window and label various
components of window on it.
2. Differentiate between Skylight window and Lantern light widows
3. Differentiate between Fixed window and pivoted window.
4. Discuss various factors affecting location of doors and windows.

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5. What factors should consider for selecting type, shape and size of
6. Describe the factors affecting selection of size, shape and location
of window.
7. Describe the factors affecting the selection of size, shape, location
and number of windows in rooms.
8. Classify various types of windows based on nature of operation or
opening and explain any two in brief.
9. Write a short note on (1) Location of doors and windows (2) Metal
10.Enlist various types of windows. Explain bay window and sky light
window with figure.
11.Enlist different types of windows. Explain skylight and ventilators.
12.Write the factors for selection of shape, size, location and number
of windows in a room. Explain fan light with sketch.
13.Describe factors affecting selection of size, shape and location of
14.Discuss the factors affecting the selection of size, shape, location
and number of windows in rooms.
What are the factors affecting the selection of size, shape, location
and number of windows in a room?
15.Explain clear storey window with sketch. Also, write fastenings used
for windows.
16.Write a short note on (with figure). (1) Louvered window (2) Bay
17.Discuss various components parts of a window with a neat sketch?
Give various factors affecting the selection of window?
18.Explain casement window with sketch and label all the components
on it.
19.What are the functions of ventilators? How is it different from a
window? Draw sketch of ventilator.

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Write the function of ventilators? How is it different from a
window? Draw details of ventilator combined with a window.
20.Explain the classification of windows and discuss any one of them
with a neat sketch.
21.Classify various types of windows based on nature of operation or
opening and explain any two in brief.
22.Draw the sketch of Window (1) Bay window (2) Clear Storey
Window (3) Pivoted Window (4)Lantern window
23.Describe Bay window with sketch.
24.Draw sketch of - A) Dormer window B) Gable window.
25.Give the classification of windows. Draw the sketch of a casement
window and label its various parts.
26.26. Draw the sketches of following: Clere-storey window, Skylight.
27.Give names of various types of windows and explain any two in
28.Draw a detailed sketch of bay window.
29.Explain any four types of hinges used for doors, windows and
30.Differentiate between Fixed and Pivoted windows.
31.What are the factors affecting the selection of size, shape, location
and number Doors in building?
32.Discuss clear storey window with neat sketch.

(c) Stairs and Staircases


1. In a Public building the stair should be located near the

___________ of building (a) Entrance (b) Centre (c) End (d) Toilet
Ans:- (b) Centre
2. The angle which the line of nosing of the stair makes with the
horizontal is called (a) Riser (b) Filler (c) Soffit (d) Pitch
Ans:- ( d) Pitch

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3. The width of landing should be _____________ the width of stair
(a) Equal to (b) Less then (c) Greater than (d) None of these
Ans:- ( c ) Greater than
4. The Pitch of stair should never exceed (a) 200 (b) 250 (c) 300 (d) 400
Ans:- (d) 400
5. Write the value of minimum width of stair for a residential building.
Ans: 0.9 m
6. Explain about trade and riser with standard size.
7. Enlist different types of steps.
8. Define nosing, staircase, transom & style.
9. Define flight, scotia and landing.
10.The angular steps in stair used to change direction are called


1. Draw single flight staircase and label various components of stair on

it. Also sketch various types of steps with their names.
2. Draw a sketch showing Single flight stair with various components
& define the various components of stair. (Jan-2017-New)[LJIET] 07
3. Write short note on Escalator with sketch
4. Define following: 1)Winders 2)Pitch. 3)Frog. 4)Queencloser.
5)Lintel. 6)Spandril 7)Cornice.
5. dog-legged stair and bifurcated stair with neat sketch.
6. Explain with the help of sketches the following terms: (i) winders (ii)
nosing (iii) landing
7. Describe the following types of stair with line diagram. Also state
the conditions under which they are provided (1) dog-legged stair
(2) Open-well stair (3) Quarter- turn stair
8. State requirements of a good stair case in brief and explain
continuous stairs

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9. State and explain the circumstances under which the following
types of stairs can be provided : (i) half turn geometrical stair (ii)
dog-legged stair
10.Explain with sketches the following types of stairs: (1) Open well
stair (Half& Quarter turn), (2) Bifurcated stairs, (3) Spiral stairs.
11.Define stair and explain requirements of good stair.
12.Describe the classification of stair and discuss any two of them in
details (with figure).
13.Classify the stairs and explain halfturn stairs.
14.Describe requirements of good stairs explaining each requirement
15.Describe various types of stairs with figure explaining suitability of
16.I. Sketch different types of steps with label. II. Sketch dog legged
staircase in plan.
17.Sketch different types of steps and dog legged staircase plan with
18.Explain about circular staircase with sketch.
19.Give various types of stairs commonly used in construction? Explain
any one in detail with a neat sketch?
20.Define the stair. Draw the detail sketch of stair and label the various
parts of it.
21.Define the following with figure in relation to stair (1) Tread (2)
Riser (3) Flight (4) Landing (5) Nosing (6) Waist (7) String
22.Define (1) Flight (2 Landing (3 Nosing (4) Waist
23.Define the following terms in relation of stairs (1) Tread (2) Riser (3)
Going (4) Scotia (5) Baluster (6) String (7) Waist
Define the following with figure in relation to stair:
a) Scotia b) Baluster c) Landing 07
24.Draw the Sketch of Stair (1) Helical Stair (2) Spiral Stair (3) Half turn
geometrical stair (4) Three –Quarter –Turn Stair
25.Describe the following types of stairs with line diagram. 1. Open
well stair 2. Dog legged stair 3. Quarter turn stair

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Describe the following staircase with sketch.A )Doglegged staircase
B) Geometrical stair
26.Explain Dog-legged stair with sketch.
27.Describe Spiral stair with sketch.
28.Draw plan and section of a typical dog-legged stair of R.C.C and
label various parts of it.
29.Define the terms: Tread, Landing and Soffit.
30.Define stair and explain requirements of good stair. Give the
classification of stair.
31.Draw neat sketch of open newel half turn stair with quarter space
32.Discuss the requirement of good stairs.
33.How are the treads and risers proportioned?
34.Differentiate between: i. Helical stair and Spiral stair ii. Dog-legged
stair and Open-well stair.
35.Define the terms: Tread, Landing , Soffit, Lintel?
36.Enlist types of stairs and discuss any two in Detail.
37.Define the following with figure in relation to stair: a) Tread, b)
Riser, c) Landing
Define the terms: Nosing, Newel post, Winder, Soffit
38.Explain dog legged stair, Open well stair and bifurcated stair with its

(d) Floorings

1. Enlist any five materials used for flooring.

2. What is mumpty and barsati ?
3. Give components of floor.
4. Which materials are used for floor finish?
5. Terrazzo flooring comprises of

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a) Chips, cement c) Chips, powder, cement b) Chips, powder,
concrete d) Chips, concrete
Ans. c) Chips, powder, cement


1. Write essential requirements of a floor. Explain cement concrete

flooring with advantages and disadvantages of it.
2. Explain in brief the factors that affect the selection of a floor finish.
Explain factors that affect the choice of a flooring material.
3. Explain in brief the essential requirements of a floor. Describe the
following with sketches & mention the situations under which they
are used. (a) Reinforced brick flooring, (b) Ribbed floor.
4. What are the essential requirements of a floor? Explain marble
flooring with sketch.
5. Describe essential requirements of floor.
6. Explain in brief the essential requirements of a good floor.
7. What are the factors affecting selection of a floor? Explain the
essential requirements of floor.
8. Discuss various factors affecting the selection of flooring material.
9. Explain with the help of sketch the method of constructing timber
10.Explain essential requirements of floor and describe tiled flooring.
11.Enumerate various types of materials used for construction of floor
base and flooring. Explain factors that affect the selection of
flooring materials.
12.Classify different types of timber floors and explain each in brief
with help of sketches.
13.Enlist the materials used for construction of floor finish and write
the factors that affect their selection.
14.Describe factors affecting selection of flooring material

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Discuss various factors affecting the selection of flooring material.
15.Write a short note on (1) Timber flooring (2) Reinforced concrete
16.Explain about timber flooring.
Write short note on timber flooring.
17.Discuss in brief the method of construction of concrete jack arch
18.Draw a neat sketch of jack arch floor of bricks. Explain its method of
19.Draw a neat sketch of jack arch floor of bricks.
20.Enlist the materials used for flooring. Explain marble flooring with
21.Enlist upper floors. Explain jack arch floor with sketch.
Describe Jack arch flooring with sketch.
22.Discuss various factors affecting the selection of flooring material?
Give your recommendation for flooring to be provided for a
hospital building.
23.Enlist the types of floors and explain brick flooring with sketch. Also
write its merits and demerits.
24.Explain essential requirements of floor.
Explain in brief the essential requirements of a good floor.
Describe essential requirements of floor.
25.Describe about floor with sketch (1) Reinforced brick floor.
26.Draw the Sketch (1) Brick Jack arch Flooring (2) Concrete jack arch
flooring (3) Ribbed Flooring (4) Flag stone Floor.
27.Describe briefly Hollow Tiled Ribbed flooring with sketch.
28.Discuss the factors which affect the selection of a good flooring
29.Write short note on timber flooring.
30.Explain the procedure of constructing terrazzo and timber flooring.
31.Discuss the various factors affecting the selection of

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32.State the various types of upper floors. Mention the situations
where each type may be used.
33.Draw detail sketch of components of a floor.

(e) Roofs and Roof Coverings


1. Explain the differences between pitched roof and flat roof.

2. Define the given terms related with roof – A) Pitch of roof B) Ridge
3. Define gable and verge.
4. What is flat roof?
5. Give classification of roofs.
6. Define ridges.
7. The roof having slope in all four directions is called a) Gambrel roof
b) Gable roof c) Hip roof d) Mansard roof
Ans. Hip Roof


1. What is pitched roof? What are the types of it? What are the roof
coverings for it? Sketch king post truss with labels.
2. Compare Steel roof trusses and Timber roof trusses.
3. State briefly the essential requirement of a good roof.
4. Define the following terms in relation to roof (1) Span (2) Rise of a
roof (3) Ridge (4) Eaves (5) Gable (6) Purlins (7)Common rafter
Explain the following in relation to roof (with a figure): (a) Rise (b)
Ridge (c) Common rafter (d) Principal rafter (e) Cleat (f) Purlin (g)
5. 1. Explain the factors affecting the selection of types of roof
covering. 2. Enlist various materials used in roof covering.
Enlist various roofing material.

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6. Differentiate between pitched roofs and flat roofs. Write
advantages and disadvantages of flat roofs.
7. What are the various types of flat terraced roofing? Explain lime
concrete terracing with tile.
8. Give merits &demerits of flat & pitched roof.
9. What are the essential requirements of a good roof? Compare
merits & demerits of flat & pitched roof?
10.Explain various types of roof coverings for pitched roof of a
11.Write detail comparison of Pitched roof & Flat roof.
12.Define the following terms in relation to roof with figure (1) Ridge
(2) Common rafter (3) Purlin (4) Cleat (5) Eaves Board
13.Write advantages and disadvantages of flat roof. Write short note
on drainage of roofs
14.Describe the following with figure (1) Lean to roof (2) King post roof
15.Write types of roof and roof covering. Explain king post truss with
16.Define the following terms in relation to roof (1)Ridge (2) Valley (3)
Eaves (4) Common rafter (5) Purlin (6) Cleat (7) Gable.
17.Write a short note on (1) Roof covering (2) Queen post roof truss.
18.Explain the following in relation of roof (with a figure) (1) Rise (2)
Pitch (3) Principal rafter (4) Common rafter (5) Purlin (6) Cleat (7)
19.Define the following terms in relation to roof with figure (1) Ridge
line (2) Common rafter (3) Purlin (4) Cleat (5) Eaves Board (6) valley
line (7) Gable
20. Define the following in relation of roof. (1) Pitch (2) Ridge (3) Valley
(4) Common rafter (5) Purlin (6) Eave board (7) Gable
21.Define the following in relation of roof. (1) Pitch (2) Ridge (3) Valley
(4) Common rafter (5) Purlin (6) Eave board(7) Gable.
22.Give requirement of a good roof? Define the following terms with
respect to roof (i) truss (ii) Span (iii) Rise (iv) Ridge beam.

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23.Write essential requirements of good roof and draw sketch of lean
to roof showing all its parts.
24.Describe lean to roof with a neat sketch.
25.Discuss in brief various roof covering materials.
26.Explain about roof covering material.
27.Define the following in relation of roof (1) Ridge (2 Valley (3) Purlin
28.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof over a
29.Write the advantages and disadvantages of flat roof.
30.Explain king post truss and queen post truss with neat and clean
31.Draw the plan and isometric view of building roof, Label and define
the various parts.
32.Explain Lean-to-Roof.
33.Describe the king post roof truss with figure.
34. Describe the Queen post roof truss with figure.

YouTube, Instagram, telegram, twitter, Facebook: Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth

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