This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet for students. It contains questions about family trees, telling time, identifying animals and their names in English, and questions about a story about a character named Tara and her various pets. The questions are in Polish and would need to be translated to fully understand the content and intent of the test.
This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet for students. It contains questions about family trees, telling time, identifying animals and their names in English, and questions about a story about a character named Tara and her various pets. The questions are in Polish and would need to be translated to fully understand the content and intent of the test.
This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet for students. It contains questions about family trees, telling time, identifying animals and their names in English, and questions about a story about a character named Tara and her various pets. The questions are in Polish and would need to be translated to fully understand the content and intent of the test.
This document appears to be an English language test or worksheet for students. It contains questions about family trees, telling time, identifying animals and their names in English, and questions about a story about a character named Tara and her various pets. The questions are in Polish and would need to be translated to fully understand the content and intent of the test.
Test Unit 3 Imię: …....................................... Nazwisko: …............................... Klasa:............
1. Uzupełnij zdania patrząc na drzewko rodzinne:
Hi ! My name is Harrry! Susi is my ............................... . Jennifer is my ..................... . Jack is
my ….................. . Jennifer and Jack are my …...................... . Valerie is my …........................ and Keith is my …........................... . Jean is my …...................... and Bill is my …......................... . Barry and Mary are my …................................ .
2. Napisz w wykropkowanym polu odpowiednią godzinę:
1. It's ten past six. …...................... 6. It's ten o'clock. …....................
2. It's ten to ten. …..................... 7. It's quarter past eleven. ….................... 3. It's twenty to twelve. ….................... 8. It's half past twelve. ….................. 4. It's nine to ten. ….................... 9. It's quarter to nine. ….................... 5. It's eight past eleven. ….................... 10. It's twelve o'clok. ….....................
3. Napisz po angielsku (słownie) która jest godzina:
cat - ….................... spider - …........................ dog - …..................... pets - …......................... hamster - …....................... horse - ….................... lizard - …................... rabbit - …...................... 5. Popatrz na rysunek i odpowiedz na pytania. ZOBACZ NA PRZYKŁADY!!! Uwaga na HE i SHE!!!
1) Has he got a snake?
Has he got a dog? Has she got a dog? …....................................... ...No, he hasn't got a dog. …..Yes, she has. …....... …....................................... He has got a cat. ….
4) Has she got a parrot?
2) Has she got a lizard? …..................................................................................... …................................................ 3) Has he got a hamster? ..... ... …............................................................................................ …................................................ ..... ... 5) Has she got a horse? …................................................ 6) Has he got a spider? ... …............................................................................................ 7) Has he got a spider? …................................................ ...... ….......................................... ...
6. Przeczytaj tekst o Tarze i krótko odpowiedz na pytania:
Tara is ten years old and she's from York. She's got lots of pets. She's got two dogs. Their names are Prince and Spot. They're friendly and they're good pets. Tara has also got a hamster. Its name is Harry. Tara has got a parrot, too. Its name is Frankie. It's very noisy and very dirty! It isn't a good pet. Tara's favourite pet is Blackie. Blackie has got eight legs. It's clean and quiet. It's a good spider! a) What's Tara's favourite pet? …............................................... b) How many pets has Tara got? …....................................... c) How old is Tara? …......................................................... d) What is Harry? …............................................................... f) Where is Tara from ? …...................................................... g) What is bad about the parrot? …........................................... h) What is Frankie? …................................................................. i) What is good about the spider? ….......................................... j) What are the names of Tara's dogs? …........................................ k) What is the name of Tara's favourite pet? …..........................