7.0 Tillage
It is a mechanical manipulation of soil to provide favourable condition for crop
production. Soil tillage consists of breaking the compact surface of earth to a
certain depth and to loosen the soil mass, so as to enable the roots of the crops
to penetrate and spread into the soil. Tillage may be called the practice of
modifying the state of soil to provide favourable conditions for plant growth.
Tillage operation is most labour consuming and difficult operation, compared
to all subsequent operation in the field.
7.1 Objective of tillage
1. to obtain deep seed bed, suitable for different type of crops.
2. to add more humus and fertility to soil by covering the vegetation.
3. to destroy and prevent weeds.
4. to aerate the soil for proper growth of crops.
5. to increase water absorbing capacity of the soil.
6. to destroy the insects, pests and their breeding places and
7. to reduce the soil erosion.
7.2.1 Primary tillage: It constitutes the initial major soil working operation.
It is normally designed to reduce soil strength, cover plant materials, and
rearrange aggregates. The operations performed to open up any cultivable land
with a view to prepare a seed bed for growing crops in known as Primary tillage.
Implements may be tractor drawn or animal drawn implements. Animal drawn
implements mostly include indigenous plough and mouldboard plough.
Tractor drawn implements include mould-board plough, disc plough, subsoil
plough, chisel plough and other similar implements.
7.2.2 Secondary tillage: Tillage operations following primary tillage which
are performed to crease proper soil tilth for seeding and planting are Secondary
tillage. These are lighter and finer operations, performed on the soil after
primary tillage operations. Secondary tillage consists of conditioning the soil
to meet the different tillage objectives of the farm. The implements used for
secondary tillage operations are called Secondary tillage implements. They
include different types of harrow, cultivators, levelers, cited crushers and
similar implements. These operations are generally done on the surface soil of
the farm. Seconday tillage operations do not cause much soil inversion and
shifting of soil from one place to other. These operations consume less power
per unit area compared to primary tillage operations. Secondary tillage
implements may be tractor drawn or bullock drawn implements. Bullock drawn
implements include harrows, cultivators, hoes etc.
plough must be operated three times: first ploughing, then cross ploughing and
finally ploughing along the corners.
7.4.1 Components
M.B. Plough consists of (a) Share, (b) Mould Board, (c) Landside and (d) Frog
It is the part of the plough bottom (Fig.16), that penetrates into the soil and cut
the soil in horizontal direction below the soil surface is called share. It is a sharp,
well polished and pointed component.
Different portions of the share are called by different names such as (I) share
point, (ii) cutting edge, (iii) wing of the share (iv) gunnel (v) clevage edge. The
forward end of the cutting edge which actually penetrates into the soil is called
share point.
The front edge of the share which makes horizontal cut in the soil is called
cutting edge if the share.
The outer end of the cutting edge of the share is called wing of the share. It
supports the plough bottom.
The vertical face of the share which slides along the furrow well is called
gunnel. It takes the side thrust of the soil and supports the plough bottom against
the furrow wall.
The edge of the share which forms joint between mould board and share on the
frog. The shares are made of chilled cast iron or steel. The steel mainly contains
about 0.7-0.8% carbon and about 0.5-0.8% manganese besides other minor
Types of share
Share is of different such as (a) slip share (b) slip nose share (c) shin share (d)
bar share and (e) bar point share (Fig.17).
a) Slip share: it is one piece with curved cutting edge having no additional
part. It is a common type of share, mostly used by the farmers. It is simple in
design, but it has got the disadvantage that the entire share has to be replaced if
it is worn out due to constant use.
b) Slip nose share: it is a share in which the point of the share is provided
by a small detachable piece. It has the advantage that the share point can be
replaced as and when required . If the point is worn out, it can be changed
without replacing the entire share, effecting considerable economy.
c) Shin share: it is a share, having a shin as an additional part. It is similar
to the slip share with the difference that an extension is provided to fit by the
side of the mould board. This prevents the mouldboard from wearing along its
cutting edge.
d) Bar share : It is provided with an extension on its gunnel side which acts
as the landside of the plough bottom. It does not offer any advantage over the
other types.
e) Bar point share: it is a share, in which the point of the share is provided
by an adjustable and replaceable bar. This bar serves the purpose of point of the
share and landside of the plough. As the point wears out, it is pushed forward.
Fig.17. Types of share
Mould Board
Mould board is the part of the plough, which receives the furrow slice from the
share, it lifted, turns and breaks the furrow slice. Different soil conditions
require mould boards of varying shapes and sizes to carryout a good job of
ploughing. The texture of the soil, amount of moisture and extent of vegetative
cover on the surface determine the soil pulverization. The pulverization and
inversion depend upon the curvature of the mouldboard. A long, gradual curved
mouldboard turns the furrow gently and does not break the soil much. Short,
abruptly curved mould boards twist and shear the soil and pulverize it.
Mouldboards for general use fall between the two extremes of the conditions.
Mould boards are made of cast iron.
The mould board is of following types (Fig.18): (i) General purpose (ii) stubble
(iii) sod and breaker (iv) slat and (v) high speed.
(i) General purpose mould board
It is the best for all round general farm use to give through pulverization. It is a
mould board having medium curvature lying between stubble and sod. The
sloping of the surface is gradual. It turns the well-defined furrow slice and
pulverizes the soil thoroughly. It has a fairly long mould board with a gradual
twist, the surface being slightly convex.
(ii) Stubble mould board
It is adopted for ploughing an old ground where good pulverization is desired. Its
curvature is not gradual, but it is abrupt along the top edge. This causes the
furrow slice to be thrown off quickly, pulverization is much better than the other
type of mould board. It is best suited in stubble soil i. e under cultivation for
years together. Stubble soil is that, soil in which stubble of the plants from the
previous crop is still left on the land at the time of ploughing.
This type of mould board is not suitable for lands with full of grasses.
(iii) Sod and breaker type mould board
It is a long mould board with gentle curvature which lifts and inverts the furrow
slice. It is used in tough soils of grasses. It turns over thickly covered soil. This
is very useful where complete inversion of soil is required by the farmer. This
type has been designed for use in sod soils.
(iv) Slat type mould board
It is a mould board whose surface is made of slats placed along the length of
the mould board, so that there are gaps between the slats. This type of mould
board is often used, where the soil is sticky, because the solid mould board does
not score well in sticky soils.
(v) High speed type mould board
Most of the high speed bottoms are used on tractor ploughs for general farm
Land side
Landside is the part of the plough bottom, which slides along the furrow wall,
providing stability against tilting sideways, due to soil pressure acting on the
mould board.
The width of the landside of animal drawn plough varies between 5 and 10 cm.
It also helps in stabilizing the plough while in operation. Landside fastened to
the frog with the help of plough bolts. The rear bottom of the landside is known
as heal which rubs against the furrow sole.
Frog is the part of the plough bottom to which the share, mould board and land
side are attached rigidly. It is an irregular piece of metal casting and heart of
the plough bottom. It may be made of either cast iron or steel.
7.4.2 Plough accessories: there are few accessories are necessary for plough
such as: (a) coulter, (ii) jointer and (iii) gauge wheel (Fig.19).
Fig.18. Types of mould board
It is device used to cut the furrow slice vertically from the land ahead of the
plough bottom. It cut the furrow slice from the land and leaves a clear wall. It
also cuts trashes which are covered under the soil by the plough. The coulter
may be a) rolling type b) sliding type.
(a) Rolling coulter
It is round steel disc, used on ploughs to cut trash and help to keep the plough
from clogging. In general, the coulters should be set about 5cm shallower than
the depth of ploughing. To obtain a neat furrow wall, the coulter is usually set
2 cm outside the landside of the plough. It is so fitted that it can be adjusted up
and down and side ways.
(b) Sliding coulter
It is a stationery knife fixed downward in a vertical position on the ground. It
includes knife, which does not roll over the ground but slides on the ground,
the knife may be different shapes and sizes.
It is a small irregular piece of metal having a shape similar to an ordinary plough
bottom. It looks like a miniature plough. The jointer should be set to cut 4 to
5 cm deep. The purpose of the jointer is to cut a small furrow off the main
furrow slice and throw it towards the furrow. The jointer should be set as near
the coulter as possible.
Gauge wheel
It is an auxiliary wheel of an implement, helps to maintain uniformity in respect
of depth of sloughing in different soil conditions it is usually placed in hanging
Throat clearance
Fig. 19. Plough accessories of M.B.Plough
Throat clearance
It is the perpendicular distance between point of share and lower position of the
beam of the plough.
(a) (b)
Fig.20. (a) Vertical suction, horizontal suction and (b) throat clearance of M.B.Plough
Plough size
The size of mould board is expressed by the width of furrow that is designed to
cut. It is the perpendicular distance from the wing of the share to the line joining
the point of share and the heel of the landside. Animal drawn ploughs are
usually available in the range between 15 and 20 cm. The size of the light
plough is above 100 mm width but below 150 mm; medium plough is 150 to
200 mm and heavy plough is 200 mm and above.
Vertical clevis: it is a vertical plate with a no of holes at the end of the beam to
control the depth of operation and to adjust the line of pull.
Horizontal clevis: it is a device to make the lateral adjustment of the plough
relative to the line of pull.
The centre of pull or resistance: It is the point where all the forces on a plough
are act. The centre lies at a distance equal to ¾th size of the plough from wing
of the share.
8.0 Disc ploughs
It is a plough (Fig.21) which cuts, turns and in some cases breaks furrow slices
by means of separately mounted large steel discs. A disc plough is designed
with a view to reduce friction by making a rolling plough bottom. A disc plough
works well in the conditions where mould board plough does not work
(iii) Disc plough is much heavier than mould board plough for equal
capacities because penetration of this plough is affected largely by its weight
rather than suction. There is one significant difference between mould board
plough and disc plough i.e., mould board plough forced into the ground by the
suction of the plough, while the disc plough is forced into the ground by its own
Disc: It is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and inverting
the soil. It is made of heat treated steel of 5 to 10 mm thickness. The edge of
the disc is well sharpened to cut the soil.
Disc angle: It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is
inclined to the direction of travel. Usually, the disc angle of good plough varies
between 42 and 450 (Fig.22).
Tilt angle: It is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the disc is
inclined to vertical plane. Usually, the tilt angle of good plough varies between
15 and 250(Fig.22).
Scraper: It is a device to remove soil that tends to stick to the working surface
of a disc.
Concavity: It is the depth measured at the center of the disc by placing its
concave side on a flat surface.
Disc ploughs are favoured in areas where the climate is dry and where the soil
is rough and stony. They also work well in heavy clay, hard pan and loose sandy
soils. Such soil conditions do not permit the operation of mould board ploughs
to good advantage. It is also preferred for land infested with heavy growth of
vegetation and for land requiring deep ploughing for reclamation purposes. It
leaves the trash on top of the ground to conserve soil moisture. Penetration of
the disc plough depends mainly on the weight of the plough as a whole. Tractor
drawn disk ploughs weigh between 180 and 540 kg per disk.
But the animal drawn plough weighs about 30 kg per disk.
Disc ploughs are broadly classified as:
1. Standard disc plough - animal drawn and tractor drawn
2. Vertical disc plough or harrow ploughs
Fig. 23. Standard disc plough
The following adjustments that are done on the disk ploughs to control the depth
or width of ploughing or to increase the pulverization:
(i) by increasing the tilt angle, penetration is improved.
(ii) by increasing the disk angle, penetration is improved but the width of cut
is reduced.
(iii) by adding weights to the plough, penetration can be increased.
(iv) the width of the cut by the plough may be adjusted by adjusting the angle
between the frame and land wheel axle.
Lecture No.9
Numerical problems on M.B. plough and disc plough.
Draft: It is the horizontal component of the pull parallel to the line of motion.
Metric hp = Draft speed
Where draft in kg
Speed in m/s
Draft depends upon: (1) sharpness of cutting edge, (2) working speed, (3)
working width, (4) working depth, (5) type of implement, (6) soil condition,
and (7) attachments.
Unit draft: It is the draft per unit cross-sectional area of the furrow.
Theoretical field capacity: It is the rate of field coverage of the implement,
based on 100 percent of time at the rated speed and covering 100 percent of its
rated width.
Effective field capacity (C): It is the actual area covered by the implement
based on its total time consumed and its width.
10 100
Field efficiency: It is the ratio of effective field capacity and theoretical field
capacity expressed in percent.
Total width of ploughing = 32×4 = 128 cm
Furrow cross section = 128 ×14 = 1792 cm2
Total draft = soil resistance × furrow cross section
= 0.8 × 1792 = 1433.6 kg
HP = Draft speed = 1433.6 5.5 1000 29.2
75 75 3600
Problem 2: Calculate the area covered per day of 8 hours by a tractor drawn
four bottom 35cm plough if the speed of the ploughing is 5kmph, the time lost
in turning is 10%.
Turning loss = = 0.56 ha
Actual area covered in 8 hrs = 5.6 – 0.56 = 5.04 ha
Furrow cross section = 4 35 8 = 1120 cm2
Total draft = 1120 ×0.8 = 896 kg
Unit draft = = 0.635 kg/cm2
HP requirement= = 29.6
10 100
5 4 35 75
Area covered per hr i.e., C = 10 100 100 0.525 ha/hr
10.0 Harrowing
It is secondary tillage operation which pulverizes, smoothens and packs the soil
in seed bed preparation and/or to control weeds.
10.1 Harrow
A harrow is a implement that cuts the soil to a shallow depth for smoothening
and pulverizing the soil as well as to cut the weeds and to mix materials with
soil. It is an implement used to break the clods after ploughing, to collect trash
from the ploughed land and to level the seed bed.There are several types of
harrows used in India are mentioned below:
the front and back gangs throw the soil in opposite directions. Thus the entire
field is worked twice in each trip. It may be of two types:
(i) Tandem, and (ii)
Tandem disc harrow
It is a disc harrow comprising of four gangs in which each gang can be angled
in opposite direction.
Off-set disc harrow
It is a disc harrow with two gangs in tandem, capable of being off-set to either
side of the centre line of pull. Two gangs are fitted one behind the other. The
soil is thrown in both directions because discs of both gangs face in opposite
directions. It is very useful for orchards and gardens. It travels left or right of
the tractor. The line of pull is not in the middle, that‟s why it is called off-set
disc harrow (Fig.25).
1. Disc: It is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and
inverting the soil. Disc is made of high grade heat treated hardened steel.
Tractor drawn disc harrows have concave discs of size varying from 35 to 70
cm diameter. Concavity of the disc affects penetration and pulverization of soil.
Usually two types of disc are used in disc harrows: (a) Plain disc and (b)
Cut-away disc.
Plain discs have plain edges and they are used for all normal works. Most of
the harrows are fitted with plain discs only. Cut-away discs have serrated edges
and they cut stalks, grasses and other vegetative matter better than plain discs.
Cut-away discs are not very effective for pulverization of soil but it is very
useful for pudding the field especially for paddy cultivation.
2.Gang: It is an assembly of concave discs mounted on a common shaft with
spools in between.
3. Gang axle or arbor axle: It is a shaft on which a set of discs are
mounted. The spacing between the discs on the gang bolt ranges from 15cm to
23cm for light duty harrows and 25 to 30 cm for heavy duty harrows.
4. Gang angle: The angle between the axis of the gang and the line
perpendicular to the direction of travel is called Gang angle.
5. Gang control lever: A lever which operates the angling mechanism of
disc harrow is called Gang control lever.
6. Spool or Spacer: The flanged tube, mounted on the gang axle between
every two discs to retain them at fixed position laterally on the shaft is called
spool or spacer. It is just a device for keeping the discs at equal spacing on the
axle. It is usually cast in special shapes and sizes and is generally made of cast
7. Bearing: Bearing is essential to counteract the end thrust of the gangs
due to soil thrust. Disc harrow bearings are subjected to heavy radial and thrust
loads. Chilled cast iron bearings, ball bearings or tapered roller bearings may
be used on disc harrows. Oil soaked wooden bearings are very common for disc
harrows, because they are cheaply available. Chilled cast iron bearings are also
used due to their durability.
8. Transport wheel: In trailing type discs harrows, transport wheels are
provided for transport work on roads and for preventing the damage of the
roads. This also helps in protecting the edges of the discs. Mounted type disc
harrows do not require wheels for transport purpose.
9. Scraper: Scraper prevents the discs from clogging. It removes the soil
that may stick to the concave side of the disc.
10. Weight box: A box like frame is provided on the main frame of the
harrow for putting additional weight on the implement. Additional weight helps
in increasing the penetration of the discs in the soil.
adequate. Penetration can be increased by adding some additional weight on
the frame of the harrow. For obtaining maximum penetration, the gangs should
be set with the forward edges of the disc parallel to the direction of motion. If
the hitch point is lowered, better penetration is achieved.
A sharp edged disc has more effective penetration compared to blunt
edged disc. It is observed that penetration is better in low speed than in high
speed. In short, the following are a few adjustments for obtaining higher
1. By increasing the disc angle.
2. By adding additional weight on the harrow.
3. By lowering the hitch point.
4. By using sharp edged discs of small diameter and lesser concavity and
5. By regulating the optimum speed.
10.5 Animal drawn disc harrow: It consists of: (i) disc, (ii) gang frame, (iii)
beam, (iv) gang angle mechanism, (v) scraper, (vi) spacer(spool), (vii) clevis,
(viii) axle, (ix) middle tyne, and (x) bearings (Fig.26).
1. Disc: Disc is the main part of the harrow which cuts and pulverizes the
soil. Discs are arranged in two gangs. The thickness of the material used for
disc is at least 3.15 nm. The cutting edge is beveled for easy penetration. The
disc has a square opening in the centre to allow the passage of the axle. The
disc is usually made of steel with carbon content ranging from 0.80 to 0.90%.
2. Gang frame: All the gangs are mounted on a frame, called Gang frame.
It is usually made of sturdy mild steel structure. The gang frame is bolted to the
beam of the implement.
3. Beam: It is that part of the harrow which connects the implement with
the yoke. The rear end of the beam has a clevis to fix its height of hitching to
suit the size of animals. It is made of wood which is locally available in the
area. 4. Gang angle mechanism: It is a mechanism by means of which the
gang angles are adjusted. Arranged of adjusted the width and depth of cuts of
the implement, is done by gang mechanism. The lever of the gang angle is
usually made of mild steel flat with a wooden handle. The gang angle can be
adjusted approximately in the range from 0º to 27 º only.
5. Scraper: It is that part of the harrow which scrapes the soil from the
concave side of the disc and keeps it clean for effective working of the harrow
in the field.
6. Spacer (spool): Spacer is used to separate the two adjacent discs and to
keep them in position. It is usually made of cast iron. The spacer has a suitable
square opening in the middle to allow the passage of the axle.
7. Clevis: Clevis is the part fitted to the beam and the frame which permits
vertical hitching of the harrow.
8. Axle: The axle is usually 20 × 20 mm square section. The length of axis
depends upon the size of the harrow.
9. Middle tyne: The tyne which breaks the unbroken strip of soil left in
between two gangs of the harrow during operation is called middle tyne. This
tyne is suitable fixed to the rear end of the gang frame in such a way that it is
replaced easily.
10. Bearing: There is one or two bearings, made of cast iron or wood fitted
at each end of the gang.
Spike tooth harrows are either rigid or flexible. The flexible type tractor
drawn can be rolled up for transporting. But the animal drawn harrows are
always of rigid frame type. There may or may not be provision for changing
the angle of the spikes while operating the harrow. The basic frame of the
harrow may be triangle (Fig.27). It has pointed steel pegs (teeth) about 23 cm
long with their pointed ends towards ground. Each peg is rigidly clamped with
the help of a U-bolt to the cross bars of the frame. In the case of harrows with
a wooden frame, the pegs have threatened ends to be tightened from the top.
Generally the wooden frame is triangular in shape, and the pegs are fixed along
the three arms of the frame. Before operating the harrow in the field,
adjustments should be made for efficient and effective operation. The peg point
is tilted backward vertically so that soil is not accumulated in the front. The
pegs of the rigid harrows are fixed slightly tilted so that no arrangement is
needed to change the angle. The harrow is dragged over the surface by means
of a chain or rope tied to the yoke. The animal drawn harrows cover almost 1
to 1.2 m width and are used to stir the soil to a depth of about 5 cm. The depth
of penetration can be increased by adding weights to the frame. Spring
tyne tractor drawn harrows have looping, elliptical or spring like tynes. But the
animal drawn unit is only provided with elliptical tynes. They are used
extensively to prepare ploughed land before planting. They penetrate much
deeper than spike tooth harrows and are generally used in the soil where
obstructions like stones, roots and weeds are hidden a few centimeters below
the surface. The basic frame of the harrow is mostly rectangular. The spring
tynes are bolted staggered on to the frame to avoid clogging during operation.
Spike tooth and spring tyne harrows do not require lubrication. The harrow
teeth, however, are adjustable and may be loosened and turned to present a new
cutting edge when they wear out. Teeth may also be removed for sharpening.
Spring tyne harrows can be sharpened by grinding. The spikes of the spike tooth
harrow are either square or diamond shaped and are of the self sharpening type.
Fig. 27. Peg tooth or triangular harrow
10.7 Cultivator
10.7.1 Cultivator with spring loaded tines
A tine hinged to the frame and loaded with a spring so that it swings back when
an obstacle is encountered, is called spring loaded tine. Each tine of this
cultivator is provided with two heavy coil springs, tensioned to ensure
minimum movement except when an obstacle is encountered. The springs
operate, when the points strike roots or large stones by allowing the tines to ride
over the obstruction, thus preventing damage. On passing over the obstruction,
the tines are automatically reset and work continues without interruption. The
tines are made of high carbon steel and are held in proper alignment on the main
frame members. This type of cultivator is particularly recommended for soils
which are embedded with stones or stumps. A pair of gauge wheel is provided
on the cultivator for controlling the depth of operation. The cultivator may be
fitted with 7, 9, 11, 13 tines or more depending upon the requirement (Fig.29).
Fig.30. Cultivator with rigid tines
Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have good germination
in the field.
Seed drill is a machine for placing the seeds in a continuous flow in
furrows at uniform rate and at controlled depth with or without the arrangement
of covering the seed with soil. Drills are used for sowing seeds in rows at 1535
cm apart. The seed drill performs the following functions: (i) to carry the seeds,
(ii) to open furrow to an uniform depth, (iii) to meter the seeds, (iv) to place the
seed in furrows in an acceptable pattern, and (v) to cover the seeds and compact
the soil around the seed.
Seed drills, fitted with fertilizer dropping attachment, distribute the
fertilizer uniformly on the ground, is called seed cum fertilizer drills. It has a
large seed box which is divided length wise into two compartments, one for
seeds and another for fertilizers.
Frame. The frame is usually made angle iron with suitable braces and brackets.
The frame is strong enough to withstand all types of loads inn working
Seed box. It may be made of mild steel sheet or galvanized iron with a suitable
cover. A small agitator is sometimes provided to prevent clogging of seeds.
Covering device. It is a device to refill a furrow after the seed has been placed
in it. Covering the seeds are usually done by patta, chains, drags, packers,
rollers and press wheels, designed in various sizes and shapes. Transport
wheel. There are two wheels fitted on the main axle. Some seed drills have got
pneumatic wheels also. The wheels have suitable attachments to transmit power
to operate seed dropping mechanism.
different crops. The fluted rollers are mounted at the bottom of the seed box;
receive the seeds into longitudinal grooves and pass on to the seed tube through
the seed hole. By shifting the rollers sideways, the length of the groove exposed
to the seed, can be increased or decreased and hence the amount of seed sown
is changed. The number of rollers on a drill is the same as the number of furrow
openers. There is also an adjustable gate on the discharge side of the fluted
wheel. The gate opening can be changed to fit the size of the seed. Generally,
the speed of the square shaft is constant, but on some drills, the speed of the
shaft can also be changed, resulting in a change in the seed rate. The number of
flutes on the roller ranges from 8 to 12. This method is favoured for sowing
small or medium size seeds. For bold size seeds, this mechanism is not preferred
as the seeds are likely to get crushed during metering operation. Fluted roller
is a simple, low cost, trouble free device suitable for bulk metering even for
granulated fertilizers. An improved design of the fluted roller has spiral shaped
flutes. This design offers a uniform distribution of seeds as compared to straight
shaped flutes. However, most of the low cost animal drawn ferti- drills are fitted
with straight shaped rollers. It is mostly used for drilling wheat.
The fluted feed mechanism is more positive in its metering action than the
Internal double run method.
Fig. 34. Fluted roller seed metering mechanism
Internal double run Cup feed mechanism
Fig. 35. Seed metering mechanisms in seed drill
desired uniform depth and spacing. Furrow openers play a very significant role
in placing the seed and fertilizers at the moist zone of the soil. The seed tube
conducts the seed from the feed mechanism into the boot from where they fall
into the furrows.
Fig. 36. Types of furrow openers
(b) Double disc type furrow openers: In double disc type furrow opener,
there are two flat discs, set at an angle to each other. The discs open a clean
furrow and leave a small ridge in the centre. The seeds are dropped between the
two discs, providing a more accurate placement. It is suitable for the trashy
lands. Seed drills attached with tractors having high speeds, usually have this
type of furrow opener.
L = 10000 1 400 m
W 25 W
Step 3: Determine the number of revolutions (N) the ground wheel has to make
to cover the length of the strip (L).
rpm N 400
Step 4: Raise the seed drill in such a way that the ground wheels turn freely.
Make a mark on the drive wheel and a corresponding mark at a convenient
place on the body of the drill to help in counting the revolutions of the drive
Step 5: Put selected seed and fertilizer in the respective hoppers. Place a sack
or a container under each boot for seed and fertilizers.
Step 6: Set the rate control adjustment for the seed and the fertilizer for
maximum drilling. Mark this position on the control for reference.
Step 7: Engage the clutch or on-off adjustment for the hoppers and rotate the
drive wheel at the speed N.
N= rpm
Step 8: Weigh the quantity of seed and fertilizer, dropped from each opener and
record on the data sheet.
Step 9: Calculate the seed and fertilizer, dropped in kg/ha and record on the data
Step 10: Repeat the process by suitable adjusting the rate control till desired
rate of seed and fertilizer drop is obtained.
Problem 1: The following results were obtained while calibrating a seed drill.
Calculate the seed rate per hectare.
No. of furrow openers – 8
Spacing between furrows – 15 cm
Diameter of drive wheel – 1.5 m RPM
of the drive wheel – 600 Seed
collected – 25 kg.
Effective width of seed drill = 8 ×15 = 120 cm = 1.2 m
Circumference of drive wheel = 1.5 m
Problem 2: Calculate the cost of seeding one hectare of land with bullock
drawn seed drill of 5×30 cm size. The speed of bullocks is 3 kmph. Hire charges
of bullocks is Rs. 100/- per pair, hire charges of seed drill is Rs.200/- per day
and wage of operator is Rs.200/- per day of 8 hours.
Width of seed drill = 5×30 = 150 cm = 1.5 m
Area covered per hr = width × speed = 1.5 ×3×1000 =4500 m 2 =0.45 ha To
cover 0.45 ha of area, one hour is required
Problem 3: A fluted feed seed drill has eight furrow openers of single disc type.
The furrow openers are spaced 30 cm apart and the main drive wheel has a
diameter of 110 cm. How many turns of main drive wheel would occur when
the seed drill has covered one hectare of area.
Circumference of drive wheel = 110 = 345.7 cm
80% is expected. Find: (a) How many seeds per hill should be planted if hills
are 140 cm apart? (b) What would be seed spacing if crop is drilled?
water while working in the field. There are two end wheels that facilitate the
movement of the transplanter. A marker is provided to demarcate the
transplanting width during operation. The machine maintains row to row and
plant to plant spacing. The planting capacity of the machine is about 0.05-0.1
ha/hr. These transplanters are now commercially available in India.
12.0 Harvesting plants
The operation of cutting a plant is achieved by four different actions. (1) slicing
action with a sharp smooth edge, (2) tearing action with a rough, serrated edge,
(3) high velocity single element impact with sharp or dull edge, and (4) a two
element scissor type action. Generally, manual harvesting involves slicing and
tearing actions that result in plant structure failure due to compression, tension
or shear. The serrated sickle combines a slicing and a sawing action. Sickles
with serrated edges do not require the repeated sharpening needed by smooth
edge sickles.
Single element impact cutting is an economical method of cutting unrestrained
vegetation and has been widely used in rotary lawn mowers, forage choppers,
and some tractor mounted cutter bar. Usually a single element, sharp edged
blade requires a velocity of about 10 m/second for impact cutting. A dull edged,
single element blade requires a velocity of about 45 m/second.
The two element scissors action is the most widely used for harvesting
agricultural crops. The reciprocating cutter bars that are commonly used for
harvesting paddy/wheat use this principle. The inclined angle between the
cutting edges is about 38 degrees. The serrated blades permit a larger inclined
angle because the plants can not easily slip between the two cutting edges.
Reciprocating cutter bars do an excellent job of harvesting but are characterized
by the high energy, losses, short dynamic imbalance, and restricted operating
speeds. Improvements have been relatively limited by the high inertial and
frictional forces involved in this type of mechanism.
12.2 Mower
Mower is a machine to cut herbage crops and leave them in swath. The
conventional mower has the following main parts (Fig.39): a) Frame to support
moving parts
b)Power transmitting unit to receive and transmit motive force
c) Cutter bar to cut crops and separate it from uncut portion.
d)Wheels for transport and for operating the cutting mechanism
e) Auxiliary parts to lift and drop the cutter bar
The frame of the mower is a heavy casting which supports other parts and
provides openings for main axle, countershaft and crankshaft. It also provides
space for gears, clutch and bearings. The lever for lifting the cutter bar is
attached to the frame.
Power transmitting unit
In bullock drawn mowers, the power transmitting unit consists of main axle,
gears, crankshaft, crank wheel and pitman. The main axle receives power from
one of the transporting wheels. A spur gear mounted on the main axle drives
the spur pinion on one end of the countershaft in the gear box. The crank wheel
and the pitman are fixed on the outer end of the crankshaft. The reciprocating
(back and forth) motion is transmitted to the pitman, which in turns operates
the knife in the cutter bar. The knife is connected to the pitman with a ball and
socket joint. The knife makes about 1600 cutting strokes per minute. In order
to engage or disengage the driving unit, generally a dog clutch is provided on
the counter shaft so that the man can operate it by foot from the seat.
The tractor drawn semi-mounted or mounted type mowers are operated
by the P.T.O. shaft. In this case, the cutting mechanism is driven independently
of the forward speed of the mower. A shaft is connected with the PTO shaft,
which drives a V pulley with the help of a universal joint. The V pulley rotates
another smaller pulley on the crank shaft of the machine and reciprocating
motion is transmitted to the cutter bar. Other basic components of the machine
are the same as that of bullock drawn mower with some variations in size and
minor accessories.
Cutter bar
It is an assembly comprising of fingers, knife section, ledger plate, wearing
plate, knife guides (clips) and shoes (Fig.40). It is used for cutting grasses and
forage. It is made of high grade steel. It works like a knife. The knife is a metal
bar, on which triangular shaped sections are mounted. The cutting edges of
these knife sections are mostly smooth edges. The knife sections move back
and forth and cut plants in both directions. The section of knife should always
stop at the centre of the guard on each stroke. The length of the stroke is 7.5
cm. Ledger plate is a hardened metal, inserted in a finger over which knife
sections move to give a scissor like cutting action. Knife clips hold the knife
sections down against ledger plates but allow it to move freely. Knife clips are
placed together with wearing plates to absorb the rearward thrust of the crop to
the knife. Wearing plate is a hardened steel plate, attached to the finger bar to
form a bearing surface for the back of the knife.
A badly worn wearing plate or a loose knife clip may allow the knife to bend.
Pitman is a type of connecting rod which is pinned to the crankshaft with the
help of a pin. It transmits reciprocating motion to a knife head. Wooden pitman
is commonly used for the mowers.
A shoe is always provided on each end of the cutter bar to regulate the height
of cut above the ground. The inner shoe is larger in section and is placed at the
inner end of the cutter bar. The outer shoe is placed at the outer end and is
smaller in section. The inner shoe has a larger area of contact with the ground
than the outer one. This results in smooth and easy sliding of the cutter bar on
the ground. Grass board is provided at the outer end of the mower, which causes
the cut plants to fall towards the cut material. The angle of the grass board can
be changed for different crops.
Early imported mowers had a pair of wheels made of cast iron with sufficient
width and number of lugs to develop better grip in the soil. Now pneumatic
wheels have been introduced. Because of the ratchet and pawl arrangements,
the transport wheels transmit power to the knife.
Auxiliary parts
There is a lever provided within the easy reach of the operator to enable him to
lift the cutter bar from his seat. In addition to this, all animal drawn mowers are
provided with a foot lift so that the cutter bar can be raised when turning at
corners or to avoid obstructions. A hand lever is also provided to adjust the
height of the cut.
Moline U.S.A, and self-propelled Russian combine harvesters were available
with some Govt. farms and landlords. However, between 1970-73 introduction
of E512 GDR combine in Punjab, Haryana and M.P. was made in a big way.
This was another revolution in the farm mechanization sector. Gradually
indigenous production started with the manufacture of a Swaraj 8100 combine
harvester in organized sector by M/s Punjab Tractors Ltd., which followed
manufacturing of the machine in small sector in a small way. Surprisingly in
30 years of its production on commercial scale in India there are 60 more
manufacturers with a production capacity of 5 to 150 combines per year. On
an average about 800 combines are added every year on Indian farms. All these
manufacturing units are located in the state of Punjab.
to suffer in many ways. Among the important methods of weed control and
plant protection systems, the following methods have been recognized as the
effective and economical ones under different situations: a) Mechanical control
b) Chemical control
c) Biological control
d)Agronomical methods
e) Bio-physical methods
f) Fire as control
The mechanical control of weeds is most widely used in India and in many
developing countries due to the availability of farm labour at relatively low
rates of wages. Whereas, the chemical method of plant protection has been
universally accepted due to saving of time, labour and its effectiveness with
relatively low expenditure. In developing countries, combination of chemical
and mechanical methods of weed control has been successfully accepted. The
chemicals for protecting the plants from various injurious or organisms need to
be applied on plant surfaces in the form of sprays, dusts, mist etc. Sprayers and
dusters are available in many forms for this purpose.
13.1 Sprayers
Sprayer is a machine to apply fluids in the form of droplets. Sprayer is used for
the following purpose: (i) application of fungicides to minimize fungal
diseases, (ii) application of insecticides to control insect pests, (iii) application
of herbicides to remove weeds and (iv) application of micronutrients on the
plants. The main functions of sprayer are: (i) to break the liquid into droplets of
effective size, (ii) to distribute them uniformly over the plants, and (iii) to
regulate the amount of liquid to avoid excessive application
13.3 Sprayer’s classification
Based on power source, sprayers may be classified as:
(i) Hand operated machines – suitable for small holdings. They are operated
at pressure ranging from 1 to 7 kg/cm2.
(ii) Power operated machines – suitable for treating a large area. They are
operated at pressure ranging from 20 to 55 kg/cm2.
(iii) Air planes – suitable for large scale work.
It develops a pressure of 4 -10 kg/cm2.
Fig. 43. Line diagram of knapsack sprayer
13.4.5 Rocking sprayer
This type of sprayer consists of a lever operated pump assembly which rests on
a wooden platform (Fig.45). Suction hose with a strainer is immersed in a
separate container containing the spray liquid. Delivery system consists of a
separate pressure chamber, a flexible hose, spray lance, and a spray nozzle. The
lever attached to the pump is operated by the rocking- forward and backward
movement of the handle. Pressure is developed in the pressure chamber, which
may attain pressure of 14-18 kg/cm2. Such sprayers are used for spraying tall
plants like coconut and arecanut trees, and sugar cane plants. Uniform spraying
can be done if sufficient pressure is maintained in the pressure chamber. It
needs two persons to operate the sprayer, one for operating the pumping system
and another for the application of spray liquid.
13.5.1 Hand compression sprayer
The compressed air sprayer consists of an air pump, is fitted vertically inside
the airtight chamber. The outlet pipe is suspended in the liquid in the chamber,
the end running into the bottom of the chamber, the other end is provided with
a nozzle. The chamber is usually filled to three fourths of its capacity, leaving
one-fourth volume for the compressed air. Before spraying, the pressure is
developed by pumping air into the chamber and continued till sufficient
pressure is built. When sufficient pressure is developed, then the delivery
system is operated to obtain spray in the form of fine droplets. The tank capacity
is usually 14 lts. Frequent pumping must be done to maintain the required
Agitator: Agitators are needed to agitate the liquid in the tank. Propeller or
paddle type mechanical agitators are provided to agitate the liquid. Horizontal
shaft with flat blades rotating at about 100 to 200 rpm may be used. Paddle tip
speed in excess of 2.5 m/s may cause foaming.
Air chamber: An air chamber is provided on the discharge line of the pump to
level out the pulsations of the pump thereby providing a constant nozzle
Pressure gauge: It is provided on the discharge line to guide the operator
regarding spray pressure. It should be under specified limit.
Strainer: It is provided in the suction line between the tank and the pump to
remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials.
Boom: It is driven by a tractor, has a long boom in a horizontal plane on which
nozzles are fixed at specified spacing. The boom can be adjusted vertically to
suit the height of plants in different fields.
Nozzle: It is used to break the liquid into the desired spray and deliver it to
Fig. 46. Line diagram of power sprayer
Duster is a machine to apply chemical in dust form. Dusters make use of air
streams to carry pesticides in finely divided dry form on the plants. A duster
essentially consists of: (a) hopper, (b) agitator, (c) feed control, (d) fan or
blower and (e) delivery nozzle.
compartments, one for gasoline, and the other for the powder to be dusted. The
blower is directly mounted on the crankshaft of the high speed (4000 rpm) air
cooled engine. The air pressure is utilized to agitate the dust in the container in
order to blow it through the flexible hose pipe. The direction of the dust is
regulated by a movable delivery spout suitably fitted with the unit. The dust can
be blown up to about 6 meters height. Such a duster can cover about a hectare
in a day. This type of duster can be converted into a sprayer with little
modifications. Portable type power dusters are also in use. They are mounted
on two wheel trolleys.