December 2023
December 2023
December 2023
For the month of December through Epiphany Once again Pastor Mary Jean is inviting everyone
I will be looking at the history behind some of to an Open House at the parsonage. This will take
our beloved carols of this time period. My main place on Sunday January 7 from 4-? Please feel
source of information will come from author free to stop in for fun, food, and fellowship. There
Ace Collins. I hope you will find this uplifting will be coffee this year as well as tea and soda.
and interesting.
In God’s love,
Linda and Todd Thank you from the Hawleyton Kids’
Sunday School program for helping
collect shoeboxes for Operation
Thank you to all at Conklin Forks who Christmas Child. They were very
participated in our Shoebox and supply appreciative of your support in their
collection for Redbird Missions! We mission that they believe in and feel
collected 68 shoeboxes full of blessings for strongly about sending the
adults and children at Redbird. In addition shoeboxes to other children around the
to the shoeboxes we received school world. We were able to send 77
supplies, several pillows, blankets, many shoeboxes filled with toys, school
sheets and sets of towels! Your generosity supplies, personal care items, shoes
will be shared with those in great need and and more. Thanks to your generosity,
God will bless you in return. A special the children had a great time putting
thank you to Jerry Russell and Bob Palmer them all together. Thank you to
for delivering our collection to the Amanda, Brooklyn, Charles, Declan,
warehouse at Endwell UMC for Emagene, Henry and Makayla for your
transportation to Beverly, Kentucky just in hard work!
time for Christmas! Thank you!!
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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The Bulletin deadline is Thursdays at 5pm. The monthly Newsletter deadline is the
last Monday of the month (unless otherwise noted).
Chelsea will be out of the office from December 22nd 2023– January 8th 2024. Any
items for bulletins for the dates of 12/17, 12/24, 12/31 & 1/7, as well as January
Newsletter items are due no later than Thursday, December 14th at 5pm. Please call
or email with any questions. Thank you!!