A Synopsis Submitted
Priyanshu [2105295]
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Pick & Place Robotic-Arm is a type of industrial robot that is specifically designed for automated
handling of objects. It consists of a robotic arm, with a gripper or end-effector at the end, which is
used to grasp and move objects from one location to another.
It’s commonly used in manufacturing, assembly, and packaging processes, as well as in material
handling and warehousing applications. They are capable of performing a wide range of tasks,
including picking up objects from one location, moving them to another location, placing them in a
specific position, and releasing them.
Pick and place robotic arms can be programmed to perform a variety of functions, including
repetitive tasks that are difficult or impossible for humans to perform efficiently. They are designed
to operate continuously for long periods of time with high accuracy and precision, and can be
customized to suit the specific needs of different industries and applications.
1920s: The first robots were created, mainly for use in industrial settings. The term "robot"
was coined by Czech writer Karel Capek in his play "Rossum's Universal Robots".
1940s-1950s: The first electronic robots were developed. They were mainly used for military
and space exploration purposes.
1960s-1970s: Robots started to be used in manufacturing and assembly lines. The first
industrial robots were created by companies such as Unimation and Kawasaki.
1980s: Robots started to be used in other industries, such as healthcare and entertainment.
The first robot-assisted surgery was performed in 1985.
1990s: Robotics technology continued to advance rapidly, with the development of more
advanced sensors, actuators, and control systems.
Today: Robotics technology continues to advance, with the development of new materials,
sensors, and other components. Robots are becoming increasingly common in a wide range
of industries and applications, from manufacturing and healthcare to education and
The "Three Laws of Robotics" is a set of rules proposed by science fiction author Isaac Asimov in his
book "I, Robot". The laws are often cited as a framework for guiding the behavior of robots and
artificial intelligence systems, and have been the subject of much debate and discussion in the field of
robotics. The three laws are:
1. A robot should not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human to be harmed.
2. A robot must obey orders given by humans except when that conflicts with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence unless that conflicts with the First or Second law.
The motivation for developing an Android app-controlled pick and place robot arm is to create a
system that can improve efficiency, safety, precision, and accessibility in various industries and
applications. Here are some of the specific motivations for developing this type of system:
1. Efficiency: A robot arm can perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately, reducing the
time and effort required by humans to do the same tasks. By developing an Android app to
control the robot arm, users can easily program the robot to perform specific tasks, making it
more efficient than manual labor.
2. Safety: There are certain tasks that can be dangerous for humans to perform, such as working
with hazardous materials or in environments with high temperatures or radiation. An Android
app-controlled robot arm can be used to perform these tasks, reducing the risk of injury or
harm to human workers.
3. Accessibility: An Android app-controlled pick and place robot arm can be used by
individuals who may not have the physical ability or strength to perform certain tasks.
5. Articulated robotic arm are increasingly being integrated into working tasks to replace
humans especially to perform the repetitive task and used in industries.
6. The outcome of this research to model and fabricate a 5DOF robotic arm with pick and place
application which may also be helpful for the student to know robotics and use in education
purposes for their learning.
1. Components:
A typical pick and place robot arm consists of the following components:
a) Base: The base is the foundation of the robot arm, and it supports all the other components.
b) Joints: The robot arm consists of several joints that allow it to move in different directions.
c) End-effector: The end-effector is the part of the robot arm that comes into contact with the
object being picked up or placed.
d) Sensors: Sensors are used to detect the position and orientation of the object and the robot
e) Control system: The control system is responsible for controlling the movement of the robot
f) Servo Motor: Servo motors are used for moving the robot arm in particular directions. It’s
help for pick and place an object.
g) Arduino UNO: Arduino Uno is used to control the robot arm. It’s a microcontroller that
control the circuit of robot arm and the program of the robot arm is including in the
h) Bluetooth Module: To establish a connection between the android application device and
the circuit. It basically incorporates a serial communication between the android application
device and the circuit.
i) Power Supply: A rechargeable battery can provide a portable and flexible power source for
the robot arm, making it easier to move around and use in different locations.
j) Android Application: We have designed an Android application using MIT app Inventor 2
and by using this application we can interface both movement of robot, arm and gripper by
using inbuilt Bluetooth module in the android.
Microcontroller [Arduino-UNO]
1. Robotic Arm: The robotic arm was designed using aluminum extrusions and linear
actuators. It has three degrees of freedom, which allows it to move in three
3. Control System: The control system was designed using an Arduino Uno
microcontroller and a motor driver. The Arduino Uno was programmed using the
Arduino IDE to control the motor driver and the robotic arm.
4. Android App: The Android app was developed using Java and Android Studio. It
allows the user to control the pick and place robot using Bluetooth
Pick and place robot arms have a wide range of applications in manufacturing industries, such as:
1. Assembly line work: Pick and place robot arms can be used to assemble products on the
assembly line.
2. Material handling: Robot arms can be used to move materials from one location to
another in a factory.
4. Manufacturing: Pick and place robots are widely used in manufacturing industries for
assembling, sorting, and packaging products. They can pick up raw materials or
finished products and place them in the right location with high accuracy and speed.
5. Logistics and warehousing: The robot arm can be used to sort, pick, and pack products in
warehouses, improving accuracy and speed of order fulfillment.
There are several types of pick and place robot arms available in the market, such as:
1. Cartesian robot: This type of robot arm has three linear joints that move along the X, Y, and
Z axes.
2. SCARA robot: SCARA stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. This type of
robot arm has two parallel joints that move in the X and Y axes and a third joint that moves in
the Z axis.
3. Articulated robot: This type of robot arm has multiple joints that allow it to move in a
variety of directions.
Pick and place robot arms offer several advantages over manual labor, such as:
1. Increased productivity: Robot arms can work continuously without getting tired or
taking breaks, which increases productivity.
2. Improved quality: Robot arms can perform tasks with precision and accuracy, which
improves the quality of the work.
3. Reduced labor costs: Robot arms can replace manual labor, which reduces labor costs.
4. Improved accuracy: Pick and place robots can be programmed to pick up and place objects
with high accuracy, reducing errors and waste.
5. Flexibility: Robot arms can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, making them
suitable for various applications across different industries.
In conclusion, the app-controlled pick and place robot arm is a versatile industrial robot that can be
used in various applications. With the help of a mobile app, it becomes easier to operate and allows
for greater flexibility in the manufacturing or assembly process. With further development and
advancements in technology, the pick and place robot arm will continue to play a vital role in the
manufacturing industry.
Pick and place robot arms are widely used in manufacturing industries for tasks such as assembly
line work, packaging, and material handling. They offer several advantages over manual labor, such
as increased productivity, improved quality, and reduced labor costs. There are several types of pick
and place robot arms available in the market, such as Cartesian, SCARA, and articulated robots, each
with its own unique features.