A2 Vocabulary
A2 Vocabulary
A2 Vocabulary
Go do play
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
4 Listen to the words and tick ✓ which sound you hear. Then, listen again and write the
words in the table.
Audio Player
/eɪ / /aɪ /
1 play ✓
2 bike ✓
3 …………………
4 …………………
5 …………………
6 …………………
7 …………………
8 …………………
9 …………………
10 …………………
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words.
athletics badminton do go play
racket sailing snowboarding stick
1 I ……go…… skating at the weekend.
2 You ………………. baseball outside.
3 You go ………………. on water.
4 You need a ………………. to play tennis.
5 You play ………………. alone or in teams.
6 You go ………………. in the mountains.
6 Read the descriptions and write the sports with the words in the box. There are three
sports you don’t need.
cycling football running sailing
snowboarding surfing tennis
1 ……tennis……
You do this sport alone or in teams.
You do this sport inside or outside.
You need rackets and a ball to do this sport.
2 …………………
You do this sport outside.
You do this sport on water.
You do this sport alone.
You need a board to do this sport.
3 …………………
You do this sport in teams.
You practise and play matches outside.
You need a ball to do this sport.
Players try to score goals to win.
4 …………………
You do this sport outside.
You do this sport on snow.
You do this sport alone.
You need a board to do this sport.
Daily routines; Food – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box.
brush check clean get have
leave prepare put tidy wake
1 ……clean…… your teeth
2 ………………… up
3 ………………… your hair
4 ………………… your room
5 ………………… on your shoes
6 ………………… your messages
7 ………………… breakfast
8 ………………… the house
9 ………………… dressed
10 ………………… your school bag
2 Complete the spaces to make food words.
1 cheese
2 ce____
3 v_________
4 y______
5 c______
6 a______
7 h____
8 b____
9 t_______
3 Match the food words from Exercise 2 with the definitions below.
A These are good for you and can grow in the garden, e.g. potatoes and beans. …3…
B It’s yellow or white and we often put it inside a sandwich. ……
C You use this to make toast. ……
D You have this with milk for breakfast. ……
E It’s made from milk. We often put fruit or sugar with it. ……
F Bees make this. ……
G This is a round vegetable. It’s got leaves and can be green. ……
H They are red and round. We often put them in a salad. ……
I This is a tropical fruit with a hard, green skin. ……
4 Which words have the sound /ə/? Listen and write the words in the table. Then, listen
again and check.
Audio Player
/ə/ No /ə/
…avocado…… …bread……
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
………………….. …………………..
5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 I / my teeth / after breakfast. / clean
……I clean my teeth after breakfast. ……
2 hair. / gets / and / She / dressed / then brushes / her
3 am / I / my / moment. / tidying / at / room / the
4 usually prepare / school bag / He doesn’t / evening. / his / in the
5 leaving / house / is / She / now. / the
6 moment, / At the / on / I am / my / shoes. / putting
7 check my / wake up. / messages / when I / I always
6 Complete the text. You have the first letter of each missing word.
My morning routine
I wake (1)u p_____ at six o’clock. I (2)g……………… dressed, brush my (3)h………………
and then I have (4)b……………… . I usually have (5)h……………… chocolate, toast with
(6)j……………… and a (7)y……………… for breakfast, but sometimes I have
(8)c……………… with milk. After breakfast, I (9)p……………… my school bag and clean
(10)m……………… teeth. Then, I (11)p……………… on my shoes and (12)l………………
the house at eight o’clock.
Music – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Write the missing letters to make words for types of music.
1 pop
2 o____
3 j___
4 s___
5 r___
6 h _ _- _ _ _
7 r__
8 c________m____
2 Put the letters in the correct order to make words for musical instruments.
1 rdsmu ……drums……
2 vnilio ……………………
3 eeicclrt uirtag ……………………
4 xsphanooe ……………………
5 eyrbkdoa ……………………
6 npiao ……………………
3 Complete the words to make music phrases. You have the first letter.
1 b ecome____ famous
2 t………………. music
3 b………………. a singer
4 m………………. a music video
5 g………………. a concert
6 g………………. on tour
7 p………………. in a band
8 r………………. an album
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 can / become / famous? / How / I
……How can I become famous?……
2 I / a / my / play / band / in / sister. / with
3 It’s easy / upload it / a music / and / to record / video / to YouTube.
4 dad / My / school. / music / at / teaches
5 one day. / He / really wants / become a / to / singer / famous
6 gives / She / at school / a concert / year. / every
7 it / Is / album? / record / an / easy / to
8 on tour. / band / My / really wants / go / to
5 Complete the text. You have the first two letters of each word.
I’m a (1) si nger___ and a (2) mu……………… . I play the (3) dr……………… . My friend
plays the (4) el……………… guitar and we play in a (5) ba……………… together. We give (6)
co……………… at a local club at weekends. We (7) ma……………… music videos and post
them online. We want to become (8) fa……………… one day. We really want to record an (9)
al……………… and maybe go on 10 to in the summer.
Adjectives; Emotions – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the spaces to make adjectives.
1 fine
2 a_e_o_e
3 _ea____oo_
4 _o__i__e
5 _o__e__u_
6 _o_e__
7 __i__ia__
8 a_a_i__
9 _e__i__e
10 _ a _ _ a _ _ i _
2 Underline the adjective that is different.
1 wonderful brilliant terrible
2 horrible amazing awesome
3 fantastic fine brilliant
4 really good horrible terrible
5 lovely terrible wonderful
3 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.
1 A: How are you?
B: I’m f ine, thank you.
2 That episode was OK, but it wasn’t g……………. .
3 This apple tastes h…………….! I can’t eat it.
4 The exam questions were so easy. I’ve got r……………. g……………. marks.
5 A: Look at my new watch!
B: Wow! It’s a…………….!
6 A: My best friend is moving to a new city.
B: Oh no! That’s t……………. .
7 I really like my new teacher. She’s l……………. .
8 I’m reading a f……………. book. The characters are b……………. .
9 It was a p……………. day. We were on the beach with our friends for hours.
4 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence with the words in the box. Use each
word once.
afraid angry glad interested
nervous sorry surprised upset
1 The film was amazing! I was happy when it was over.
The film was amazing! I was ……sorry…… when it was over.
2 A: Oh no! Look! A spider!
B: There’s no need to be glad. It’s only small.
3 I’m really surprised with my sister. She’s always taking my clothes without asking.
4 Yesterday was my first day at school. I was really happy about it, but it was great!
5 A: I’m feeling much better.
B: I’m upset about that. I was very worried.
6 I’m really upset in art. I’m reading a fantastic book about it at the moment.
7 Thanks for organising my birthday party. I was so worried to see everyone!
8 A: Why are you crying?
B: I’m happy because my friend is angry with me, but I don’t know why.
5 Complete the conversation. You have the first letter of each missing word.
A: How was your weekend?
B: It was (1) b rilliant…… . You know I’m really (2) i…………… in animals. Well, there was
an (3) aw…………… programme on TV all about whales. I was (4) s…………… when it was
over! What about you?
A: I was a bit (5) u…………… because I’ve got a lot of tests this week and I’m really (6)
n…………… about them. But my sister was (7) h…………… to help with my homework so I
was (8) g…………… about that. She’s lovely!
B: That’s nice.
Historical events; Buildings – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the words with the missing letters.
Parts of buildings
1 roof
2 c______
3 f____
4 s_____
Places / Things in a city
5 c________
6 ca____
7 ch____
8 p_____
9 st____
10 s q _ _ _ _
2 Put the letters in the correct order to make verbs in the past simple.
1 declimb ……climbed……
2 ntedpai …………………
3 rreeddco …………………
4 ssedorc …………………
5 yalpde …………………
6 lledrtave …………………
7 eidd …………………
8 buphislde …………………
9 ednope …………………
10 deecreiv …………………
3 Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 2. Use each word once.
1 She ……travelled…… around the world.
2 He ……………… an album.
3 He ……………… football for a national team.
4 He ……………… a mountain.
5 He ……………… when he was 99 years old.
6 She ……………… five books.
7 He ……………… beautiful pictures.
8 She ……………… many prizes.
9 She ……………… the Sahara Desert.
10 He ……………… a restaurant.
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
castle cathedral ceiling churches floor
palace roof square stairs statue
1 I live in a small house, not a ……palace…… or a ……………. like the queen.
2 The ……………. in this room is high, I need to stand on a chair to reach it.
3 The ……………. is cold and hard, I always wear shoes to keep my feet warm.
4 If I go up to the top of the ……………., I can climb out to the ……………. . The view is
5 I can see the town ……………. with a ……………. of an old king in the middle of it.
6 On Sundays there are a lot of people in the town visiting the ……………. and the big
……………. .
5 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word.
1 Yesterday, I ……climbed…… to the r……………… of the palace to see the view.
2 Last year, that author p……………… a book about famous ch………………,
ca……………… and other religious buildings.
3 When I arrived, I c……………… the main s……………… and waited next to the statue.
4 She r……………… her prize at the c……………… . It was amazing to see where the queen
5 I p……………… pictures of stars and planets on my bedroom c……………… yesterday. It
looks great!
6 It was nighttime. The man o……………… the door, walked across the f……………… and
went up the s……………… .
Jobs; Work – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the letters in the correct order to make job words.
1 lpioce rffieoc ……police officer……
2 nnrgeeei ………………………….
3 osph nsssttaai ………………………….
4 sostpr chcoa ………………………….
5 eppahhgootrr ………………………….
6 ftyacor owkerr ………………………….
7 arrmfe ………………………….
8 gmnraae ………………………….
2 Complete the crossword. Use the clues below.
1 This person does paintings and drawings.
2 This person repairs cars or machines.
3 This person helps people with their teeth.
4 This person prepares food in a restaurant.
1 This person plays a character in a film, TV show or play.
2 This person wears clothes in a fashion show.
3 This person flies aircraft.
4 This person helps people in hospital.
3 Complete the definitions with work words.
1 When you work, your ……boss…… tells you what to do.
2 You are ……………… if you have lots to do and no free time.
3 ……………… buy things in a shop.
4 You ……………… money when you have a job.
5 An ……………… is a place to work. It usually has computers, phones and desks.
6 ……………… are people who work for a business.
4 Listen and write the words. Then, circle the word which has a different main stress.
Listen again and check.
1 difficult expensive interesting
2 ………………. ………………. ……………….
3 ………………. ………………. ……………….
4 ………………. ………………. ……………….
5 Complete the text with one word in each space. You have the first letter of each word.
Work Experience
Last week, my class and I weren’t at school. We were at our work experience placements. We all
did different jobs. One friend worked in a garage for a (1) m echanic………. and another worked
for a sports (2) c……………… . I worked in a shop as a shop (3) a……………… . At first, I
was upset because I wanted to work in an (4) o………………, but I really enjoyed the job. My
boss, the (5) m………………, was very friendly and showed me what to do. The other (6)
s……………… were great and always happy to help. The days were really long, and I was
always (7) b………………, there was no free time. I started at 8 am and finished at 7 pm. I
helped the (8) c……………… decide what to buy and tidied the shop. I didn’t (9)
e……………… any money, but I learned a lot. Lots of people want to become famous (10)
a……………… and models when they are older, but I’d like to have my own shop one day and
be the (11) b……………… of my own business.
Holidays – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the holiday activity words with the missing letters.
1 take photos
2 buy p_______
3 go c______
4 go s__________
5 do w____ s_____
6 stay at a h _ _ _ _
7 lie on a b____
8 ride a b___
2 Match the words in the box to the definitions.
airport coach ferry flight
guidebook map passport station
suitcase ticket tourist tour guide
1 You put your clothes in it. ……suitcase……
2 Where you go to catch a flight. ………………….
3 You buy this to catch a plane. ………………….
4 A bus for long trips. ………………….
5 A book about a place. ………………….
6 A boat to take you across water. ………………….
7 A trip in a plane. ………………….
8 Someone who visits a place. ………………….
9 A picture to show you where things are. ………………….
10 This person tells you about a place. ………………….
11 An ID document needed to travel. ………………….
12 Where trains and buses stop. ………………….
3 Complete the table with the words in the box. Some words can go in more than one
a bicycle a bus a ferry a flight
a long time a suitcase a train at the airport
bicycle car in the city photos
train your things
4 Put the letters in the correct order to make the name of an animal. Then, match the
animals (1–10) to the descriptions (A–J).
1 pnthaeel ……elephant…… …C…
2 niohpdl …………………. ……
3 ealhw …………………. ……
4 yemnok …………………. ……
5 rrtoap …………………. ……
6 uignepn …………………. ……
7 ralop eabr …………………. ……
8 kesna …………………. ……
9 regit …………………. ……
10 ffgaier …………………. ……
A This animal has no legs.
B This colourful animal can fly.
C This is a very big animal with large ears.
D This large cat is orange and black.
E This animal lives in the sea and likes to play.
F This large animal is white and lives in cold places.
G This animal lives in the forest and likes bananas.
H This big mammal lives in the sea.
I This animal can walk and swim, but it can’t fly.
J This animal has long legs and a long neck.
5 Complete the text with the words from the box. There are three extra words.
active elephants first giraffes
lake lazy mountains parrots
river sea surname tigers
My name is Alena, well my 1……first…… name is Alena. My 2……………… is Winters. I
love animals and visit the zoo a lot. 3……………… are one of my favourite animals, but they
are dangerous, so I don’t get close. I love 4……………… too because they are so big, but they
look friendly. The 5……………… with their long necks are funny. The penguins have their
own 6……………… to swim in and they play a lot, which is fun to watch. I want to see a whale,
but to do that I need to go to the 7……………… which is difficult because I live in
the 8……………… . I’m very 9……………… and I ski a lot because there is usually a lot of
snow in winter.
Holidays: Ways of travelling – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the sentences with suitable words.
1 They travel to school ……by bike…… because it is good exercise.
2 I think it is easy to travel ……… u………………. in cities like Madrid and Moscow.
3 In Amsterdam we travelled ……… t………………. in the city centre.
4 We explored the city ……… f………………. and walked for miles.
5 In Vietnam a lot of people travel ……… s………………. because they are cheap to run.
6 After the accident they flew ……… h………………. to the hospital.
7 My parents went from England to New York ……… s………………. . The journey took a
8 We travelled ……… c………………. to Windsor Castle because we were a big group.
9 Last summer we flew ……… p………………. from Madrid to Rome.
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
guests guidebook luggage map
receptionist suitcase tourists visitors
1 My dad always takes a lot of ……luggage…… when he goes on holiday.
2 The hotel has room for twenty ………………… .
3 We bought a ………………… about the city before we went on holiday.
4 A lot of ………………… visit this museum in London because it’s so interesting.
5 The hotel manager gave me a ………………… of the city centre so I didn’t get lost.
6 The ………………… at the hotel was very helpful when we arrived.
7 What do you have in this …………………? It’s so heavy!
8 The art museum has over 1,000 ………………… every day.
3 Underline and correct the mistakes in five of the sentences.
1 I bought a guidebook of the underground to help us move around. ……map……
2 During the summer, the city is full of guests visiting the museums and attractions.
3 I took an empty luggage because I planned to buy a lot of souvenirs to take home.
4 The hotel has 200 rooms, so there are about 350 receptionists at the moment.
5 The receptionist offered to give us a different room with more space. …………………
6 The success of the TV series means the town gets more suitcases every day.
4 Listen to the words and write them in the correct column. Underline the stressed
Oo Ooo oOoo Oooo
5 Complete the text with suitable words. Add by or on where necessary.
Last summer we flew 1……by plane…… from Madrid to Cancún. From Cancún we
travelled 2…… c……………… to the town of Playa del Carmen and then went across the
sea 3…… b……………… to the island of Cozumel. We stayed in a hotel with a beautiful view
of the 4…… s……………… . Our room was on the ground floor, so we didn’t need to use the
lift. All the hotel staff were very 5…… h……………… and we made friends with some of the
other hotel 6…… g……………… . We went swimming with 7…… d………………, which was
incredible, and we explored parts of the island 8…… f……………… . At the end, we
exchanged 9…… e……………… a……………… with our new friends so we could share our
photos. We had a great holiday.
Adjectives to describe homes – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I didn’t shut the gate / entrance / ceiling and the dog escaped.
2 We keep the bikes in the balcony / garage / first floor.
3 The hotel room has a balcony / cupboard / lamp that looks over the pool.
4 This house is unusual because the gate / cupboard / entrance is on the first floor.
5 The kitchen is usually on the ground / first / garage floor.
6 My house has three bedrooms on the first / sink / ceiling floor.
7 The cooker / ceiling / gate in this room is very high.
8 Dad enjoys watching TV on the sink / lamp / sofa.
9 We need another lamp / cooker / entrance in here because it’s very dark.
10 I was putting the food away in the cooker / sink / cupboard when you arrived.
2 Complete the text with suitable words.
My family lives in a house in the country. The 1……entrance…… is through a big, blue door.
On the 2………………… floor is the kitchen, living room and dining room. The kitchen is large
with a big gas 3………………… . There is a big 4………………… by the window for washing-
up. The living room has two large 5………………… where we sit. I sleep on
the 6………………… floor and so do my parents. They have a 7………………… in their room
which looks over the garden. The garden is very big with a 8………………… where we keep
the car and the gardening tools.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 big / make / this room / the / windows / bright
……The big windows make this room bright. ……
2 winter / cosy / flat / is / in / our
3 sofa / comfortable / very / this / is
4 the / is / inside / warm / temperature
5 cool / summer / in / is / the house
6 winter / cold / this room / is / in
7 is / attractive / their house / very / think / I
8 in the country / peaceful / house / Tom / lives / a / in
4 Underline and correct the mistakes in five of the sentences.
1 I love the style of this house. It is so cold. ……attractive……
2 They live in a tiny flat with just one room. ………………………
3 Jackie lives in an unusual house because it’s a boat! ………………………
4 I thought the dining room was very light with only one small window.
5 The big windows and high ceilings mean the room is very dark. ………………………
6 These chairs are not very cosy. ………………………
7 I prefer a warm garden to a noisy street. ………………………
5 Complete the table with the words in the box. Underline the letters that make that sound.
Then, listen and check.
ceiling eat hill leave
peaceful ship sink visitor
/iː/ /ɪ/
6 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: Welcome to my house! How was the journey?
B: We came 1……by bike…… and it was a beautiful ride.
A: Great! Come in. This is the front (2) e……………… .
B: Thanks. It’s so (3) p……………… . There is no traffic!
A: I know. It’s great! So, this is the kitchen.
B: Wow! You have a lot of (4) c………………!
A: My parents enjoy cooking, so they have a lot of equipment. This is the living room.
B: It is lovely and (5) l……………… .
A: Yes, the high (6) c……………… helps.
B: Now, this is my parents’ room.
A: Oh! They have a (7) b……………… . What a wonderful view of the (8) m……………… .
B: Yes. It’s nice. This is my room.
A: Cool! You have a sofa! That’s (9) u……………… .
B: I know, but it’s great. It’s very (10) c……………… .
Materials; Adjectives for describing objects – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Unscramble the letters to write the names of materials. Then, match the items in the box
to the correct material. Some materials can go next to more than one item.
box dress necklace ring
shoes sweater window
1 nttooc ……cotton…… ……dress…… ……………….
2 salgs ………………. ……………….
3 revlsi ………………. ………………. ……………….
4 rahtlee ………………. ……………….
5 pprae ………………. ……………….
6 dwoo ………………. ……………….
7 loow ………………. ………………. ……………….
2 Complete the words with the missing letters.
1 My mum wears a g o l d wedding ring.
2 I prefer s _ _ _ _ _ jewellery to gold.
3 Dad puts his money in a l _ _ _ _ _ _ wallet.
4 In the summer, I wear c _ _ _ _ _ T-shirts.
5 Jason kicked the ball into the window and the g _ _ _ _ broke.
6 The school encourages students to have a reusable p _ _ _ _ _ _ water bottle.
7 In the winter, you need to wear a sweater made of w _ _ _ to stay warm.
8 This old coin is made of m _ _ _ _ but it isn’t gold or silver.
9 In design and technology we are using w _ _ _ to make boxes.
3 Choose the correct options.
1 I love this colourful / round / heavy woollen sweater my grandmother gave me.
2 Freda dropped the box because it was so soft / heavy / pretty.
3 Do you think Lina is soft / hard / pretty?
4 These biscuits don’t taste nice. They’re too hard / round / little.
5 Grandad is 92 this year. He is very little / lovely / old.
6 Do you have a soft / round / heavy plate I can put the cake on?
7 This is my colourful / little / pretty brother. He is four.
8 The view of the mountains is lovely / soft / colourful.
9 This leather handbag is so nice and heavy / old / soft.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 lovely / my jewellery / in this / old box / I keep
……I keep my jewellery in this lovely, old box. ……
2 this blanket / is / soft / smooth / and
3 I like / made of / to wear / clothes / cotton
4 a football / is / round / smooth and
5 with / be careful / very / that box: / heavy / it is
6 keeps / small / a / in his pocket / hard stone / Dad
7 parrot / can / this / it / talk / and / is / colourful
8 large / object / is / made / this / of / and / wood / it’s
9 little / is / four / my / old / years / sister
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words.
hard heavy large little
pretty round small smooth soft
1 I think your friend Gina is very ……pretty…… .
2 This material is lovely and ……………… . It’s perfect to make a baby’s blanket.
3 Look at the moon, it is almost completely ……………… tonight.
4 Can you carry that box? Don’t worry it’s not ……………… .
5 I don’t like this bed, it’s too ……………… . It’s not comfortable.
6 They have a really ……………… garden and a swimming pool. It’s amazing.
6 Complete the text with suitable words.
This beautiful (1) o…ld…… house is very (2) a………………. . It has a (3) s……………….
garden but there is a (4) g………………. at the bottom to enter the forest. The house has large
windows made of (5) g………………. so the rooms are (6) l………………. . It is also very (7)
c………………. as each room is a different colour. The floors are all made of (8)
w………………. . There are two sofas and a (9) r………………. dining table with four chairs
and there are two beds upstairs which are lovely and (10) s………………. .
Holidays activities – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Unscramble the words to write sports.
1 ngiieatrwks ……waterskiing……
2 rseoh dngiri ………………………
3 ktie rusnigf ………………………
4 ddelap rdboaign ………………………
5 pzi riiwng ………………………
6 nnmuoiat kibing ………………………
2 Complete the sentences with the correct sports.
1 Horses are my favourite animals, so I love h orse……. r iding……. .
2 Z…………… w…………… isn’t fun in wet weather as you can’t see the view.
3 My family loves the outdoors, so we go c…………… every summer.
4 I’m a good swimmer and I love the sea, so I would like to try d…………… one day.
5 I prefer m…………… b…………… to cycling on the roads.
6 W…………… is a very exciting sport because you move very fast.
7 We often go h…………… in the hills near our house at the weekend.
8 I don’t like the sea, so I don’t want to try s…………… on a yacht.
3 Complete the sentences and question with the correct words.
1 Look! People are getting ……on…… the train now.
2 We are getting ……………… early tomorrow to take the first bus.
3 How are you getting ……………… the airport in the morning?
4 I’m taking a map with us because I don’t want to get ……………… .
5 James usually gets ……………… around 6 o’clock.
4 Read the definitions and write the words.
1 You wear these on your feet when you go hiking. ……walking boots……
2 You wear these on your feet to do sports. ……………………
3 You put this up when you go camping. ……………………
4 You put your toothbrush in this. ……………………
5 You use this on your skin when it’s sunny. ……………………
6 You use these so you don’t get lost. ……………………
7 You eat these when you are hungry. ……………………
8 You sleep in this when you are in a tent. ……………………
9 This is a portable light. ……………………
5 Underline and correct the mistakes in five of the sentences.
1 Take warm cream because it’s hot and sunny today. ……sun……
2 The nurse is taking a first-aid kit just in case someone has an accident. …………………
3 Don’t forget to take a towel as we could get hungry. …………………
4 Take your water bottle as we could get lost. …………………
5 I like this backpack because it has a lot of space. …………………
6 The forecast is rain, so pack your trainers and jacket. …………………
7 Oh dear! I forgot to bring a bowl to see in the dark. …………………a
6 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: Well, the weather is perfect for our first hike of the holiday. Is everyone wearing (1) s un
All: Yes!
A: Jane, did you pack the (2) m……………. ……………. …………….?
B: Yes. I don’t want to (3) g……………. …………….. .
A: Tara, did you find the (4) s…………….? I don’t want to feel hungry!
C: Yes. They’re in the (5) b……………. .
A: Right. So, we’re going to walk through the (6) f……………. and up to the top of that hill.
Let’s go!
D: Wow! This bag is (7) h……………. . What’s in here?
A: Water. It’s hot so we need to make sure we have enough water.
C: The good thing is we’re (8) z……………. ……………. down the hill later. So, (9)
g……………. ……………. will be a lot easier!
D: That’s true! I’d like to go (10) w……………. later to cool off too!
C: Good idea!
Bedroom furniture; Free-time activities – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the letters in the correct order to make words for furniture and decorations.
1 hiaarrmc ……armchair……
2 omirrr …………………….
3 kbtlnae …………………….
4 tcshe fo sdrreaw …………………….
5 lpma …………………….
6 bklfhoose …………………….
7 ppshhaoortg …………………….
8 cterap …………………….
9 suhnico …………………….
10 cnruista …………………….
11 crpdbauo …………………….
2 Complete the table with the missing verbs to make free-time activities. You have the first
letter of each verb.
(1) d raw…………. (2) w……………… (3) p………………
a blog; a diary; music; songs; computer games; the drums;
stories the guitar music;
(4) r……………… (5) l……………… to (6) p………………
magazines; a blog; a diary;
music pictures
3 Listen and tick ✓ which sound you hear. Then, listen again and write the words. Some
words do not have either sound.
Audio Player
No /ɜː/
/ɜː/ /ɔː/
or /ɔː/
1 Bird ✓
2 floor ✓
3 guitar ✓
4 ………………….
5 ………………….
6 ………………….
7 ………………….
8 ………………….
9 ………………….
10 ………………….
11 ………………….
12 ………………….
13 ………………….
14 ………………….
15 ………………….
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 carpet. / got / dark / a / blue / I’ve
……I’ve got a dark blue carpet. ……
2 a grey / with a / blue cushion. / I’ve / armchair / got
3 bookshelf / There’s a / favourite / my / with / books.
4 lots of / There are / in the / kitchen. / cupboards
5 little chest / drawers / of / On the / a lamp. / there’s
6 window. / curtains / my / on / grey / got / I’ve
7 photographs / my family. / I’ve got / of / a few
5 Complete the sentences with the missing words. You have the first letter of each word.
1 She p ainted……….. pictures.
2 She l………………. to music.
3 In the mornings, I wrote my b………………. on my laptop.
4 I bought a g………………. and learned to play it.
5 I wrote s………………. about nature and sang them.
6 I didn’t write a d………………. when I was young.
7 Do you play c………………. games?
8 I listened to my mother’s st………………. .
Clothes and fashion – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the clothes words. You have the first two letters of each word.
1 tr a i n e r s
2 bo _ _ _
3 ti _
4 sw _ _ _ _ _ _ co _ _ _ _ _
5 sc _ _ _
6 so _ _ _
7 ca _
8 su _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9 gl _ _ _ _
10 ju _ _ _ _
11 sw _ _ _ _ _ _ sh _ _ _ _
12 su _ _
2 Match the clothes words from Exercise 1 to the definitions.
A You wear these on your hands in winter. ……9……
B Girls wear this to swim. ……………
C You wear these on your feet in winter. ……………
D You wear these on your feet for sport. ……………
E You wear this on your head. ……………
F Some people wear this in an office. ……………
G These protect your eyes from the sun. ……………
H You wear this around your neck in winter. ……………
I You wear this around your neck with a suit. ……………
J Boys wear these to swim. ……………
K You wear these on your feet. ……………
L You wear it on your top half to keep warm. ……………
3 Listen and write the words. Then, circle the word which has a different sound. Listen
again and check.
1 sea shoes socks
2 ……………. ……………. …………….
3 ……………. ……………. …………….
4 ……………. ……………. …………….
5 ……………. ……………. …………….
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one extra word.
boots cap jumper scarf
sunglasses swimming tie trainers
1 I didn’t need a ……jumper…… on holiday, it was so hot!
2 I like wearing ………………. in winter: they keep my feet warm.
3 I like wearing ………………. in summer: they protect my eyes.
4 I wear ………………. when I go running.
5 My ………………. costume is black.
6 I bought a suit and a ………………. for my new office job.
7 My neck is cold; I need to buy a ………………. .
5 Complete the sentences with clothes and materials words. You have the first letter of
each word.
1 My sunglasses are p l a s t i c.
2 My scarf is made of w _ _ _.
3 In Portugal and Spain they make things from c _ _ _.
4 His b _ _ _ _ are made of l _ _ _ _ _ _.
5 Those aren’t my s _ _ _ _. Mine are made of c _ _ _ _ _!
6 My friend recycled m _ _ _ _ cans and made a strange swimming c _ _ _ _ _ _ from them.
7 Her j _ _ _ _ _ is very unusual. It’s made of metal and pl _ _ _ _ _!
Buying and selling – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the letters in the correct order to make words for buying and selling.
1 sach ……cash……
2 llbi …………………
3 lltaew …………………
4 lesa …………………
5 ericp …………………
6 sprue …………………
7 ptercie …………………
8 dtsiocun …………………
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.
bill buy cash discount pay
price receipt sale wallet
1 She always looks at the ……price…… before she buys something.
2 Can I have the ……………., please? I’d like to pay.
3 If you want to return something to a shop you need the ……………. .
4 I bought this suit in the ……………. . There was a 50% ……………. .
5 Do you have any …………….? I don’t have my purse with me.
6 Do you carry a purse or a …………….?
3 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 I love this shop; the cash are great!
……I love this shop; the prices are great!……
2 I don’t like this jumper, but I didn’t keep my sale, so I can’t return it.
3 I don’t like shopping in the purse. I prefer the new collections.
4 I don’t think our wallet is correct. We didn’t order these drinks.
5 How much discount do you carry in your purse or wallet?
6 There’s 50% prices if you buy online.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and a question.
1 I / pounds. / can / five / buy / for / oranges / a / few
……I can buy five oranges for a few pounds. ……
2 I / for her / some / birthday. / bought / books / my mum
3 for / What’s / awesome? / word / another
4 shop / The / amazing / is / its / prices. / famous for
5 need to / I / Monday. / my / do / for / homework
5 Match the sentences from Exercise 4 to the meanings below.
A payment …1…
B time ……
C occasion ……
D reason ……
E the meaning of ……
6 Complete the text with suitable words. You have the first letter of each word.
I (1) b ought…… my dad a new suit (2) f………………. his birthday. The (3) p……………….
was great because the suit was in the (4) s………………. . There was a 20% (5)
d………………. and I bought it (6) f………………. less that £100. The shop is very well-
known (7) f………………. its clothes and my dad was really happy. But when he tried it on it
didn’t fit. I wanted to return the suit to the shop, but when I looked in my (8) p………………. I
couldn’t find the (9) r………………. .
Food – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the missing letters to make food words.
1 lemonade
2 _i_e__l_a_e_
3 _o____i___
4 _o_a
Fruit and vegetables
5 grapes
6 ___a__e___
7 __e___e_e_a__e_
8 _u___oo_
9 _a_a_
10 p a s t a w i t h t o m a t o s a u c e
11 _ u _ _ e _
12 _ _ i _ _ e _ _ e _ _
13 _ _ e a _
2 Underline the one that is different.
1 burger chicken legs lemonade
2 grapes mushroom strawberry
3 pasta with tomato sauce cola soft drinks
4 fresh vegetables salad cream
5 mineral water burger cola
3 Some of the words contain a spelling mistake. Find and correct them.
1 cury ……curry……
2 chips ……✓……
3 omelettes ……………….
4 fried unions ……………….
5 pankaces ……………….
6 chilli ……………….
7 griled meat ……………….
8 sweets ……………….
9 seefood ……………….
10 noudles ……………….
4 Listen and tick ✓ which sound you hear. Then, listen again and write the words. Some
words do not have either sound.
No /ʌ/
/ʌ/ /ɒ/
or /ɒ/
1 coffee ✓
2 Cup ✓
3 noodles ✓
4 ………………
5 ………………
6 ………………
7 ………………
8 ………………
9 ………………
10 ………………
5 Order the words to make sentences.
1 famous / for / curry. / its / is / India
……India is famous for its curry. ……
2 dessert. / I’d / sweets / like / for
3 you / Would / try / to / like / meat? / grilled
4 onions. / fried / don’t / I / like
5 famous / France / for / is / pancakes. / its
6 make / to / eggs / need / You / omelettes.
6 Complete the sentences. You have the first and last letter of each missing word.
1 Fresh v …egetable…… s are healthier than burgers.
2 Thailand is famous for its g……………d meat.
3 We’d like a bottle of m……………l water.
4 I’d like to have p……………s for dessert.
5 Do you like f……………d onions?
6 I’d like to try p……………a with tomato sauce.
Technology; Computers and the internet – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Write letters to make technology words.
1 screen
2 m____
3 l_____
4 h_________
5 t_____
6 s_________
7 f______t______
8 g____c______
9 e- _ _ _ _ _ _
10 s _ _ _ _ _ _
11 k _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12 p _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Complete the crossword with computer and internet words. Use the clues below.
1 You do this to keep your work.
2 Where a computer stores information.
3 A smartphone is a … device.
4 Programs that tell computers what to do.
1 A program that can destroy your computer.
2 A computer is a type of … .
3 You … something from the internet.
3 Complete the computer and internet verbs and nouns.
1 c h a t to friends online
2 w _ _ _ _ videos
3 d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ music
4 b _ _ clothes
5 v _ _ _ _ websites
6 p _ _ _ games
7 g _ online
8 s _ _ _ the internet
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
digital download friends machines memory
online save videos virus visit
1 Which websites do you ……visit……?
2 Do you prefer watching ……………… online or playing computer games?
3 I don’t buy clothes ……………… .
4 How can you stop a ……………… from getting onto your computer?
5 Don’t forget to ……………… your work, you don’t want to lose it.
6 Computers are the most important ……………… in the world.
7 I need to buy a computer with more ……………… . I need more space for my photos.
8 How can I ……………… the software?
9 I haven’t got a ……………… camera, so I use my phone.
10 I chat to my ……………… online every day.
5 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word.
1 I use my s martphone……. to talk to my friends online all the time.
2 I don’t like working on my t……………. because the s……………. is too small: I can’t see
what I’m doing.
3 I prefer to work on my l……………. because it’s got a mouse and a k……………., so it’s
easier to type.
4 My new computer has got anti-virus s……………. .
5 I use my computer to w……………. videos and p……………. computer games. I also use it
to b……………. clothes online.
Technology; Computers and the internet – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Write letters to make technology words.
1 screen
2 m____
3 l_____
4 h_________
5 t_____
6 s_________
7 f______t______
8 g____c______
9 e- _ _ _ _ _ _
10 s _ _ _ _ _ _
11 k _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12 p _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Complete the crossword with computer and internet words. Use the clues below.
1 You do this to keep your work.
2 Where a computer stores information.
3 A smartphone is a … device.
4 Programs that tell computers what to do.
1 A program that can destroy your computer.
2 A computer is a type of … .
3 You … something from the internet.
3 Complete the computer and internet verbs and nouns.
1 c h a t to friends online
2 w _ _ _ _ videos
3 d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ music
4 b _ _ clothes
5 v _ _ _ _ websites
6 p _ _ _ games
7 g _ online
8 s _ _ _ the internet
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
digital download friends machines memory
online save videos virus visit
1 Which websites do you ……visit……?
2 Do you prefer watching ……………… online or playing computer games?
3 I don’t buy clothes ……………… .
4 How can you stop a ……………… from getting onto your computer?
5 Don’t forget to ……………… your work, you don’t want to lose it.
6 Computers are the most important ……………… in the world.
7 I need to buy a computer with more ……………… . I need more space for my photos.
8 How can I ……………… the software?
9 I haven’t got a ……………… camera, so I use my phone.
10 I chat to my ……………… online every day.
5 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word.
1 I use my s martphone……. to talk to my friends online all the time.
2 I don’t like working on my t……………. because the s……………. is too small: I can’t see
what I’m doing.
3 I prefer to work on my l……………. because it’s got a mouse and a k……………., so it’s
easier to type.
4 My new computer has got anti-virus s……………. .
5 I use my computer to w……………. videos and p……………. computer games. I also use it
to b……………. clothes online.
Illness; Health – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the sentences with the correct illness words.
1 He’s got a c o l d.
2 I feel _ i _ _.
3 My back _ u _ _ _.
4 She’s got a _ _ o _ e _ _ r _.
5 I _ u _ _ my leg.
6 She’s got a _ o o _ _ a _ _ e.
7 I’ve got a _ _ o _ a _ _ a _ _ e.
8 I’ve got a _ e a _ a _ _ e.
9 I’ve got a _ a i _ in my stomach.
10 Has she got a _ e _ _ e _ a _ u _ e?
2 Complete the health phrases with the words in the box.
a race a rest fit healthy some exercise
some exercises in a gym well
1 enter / do ……a race……
2 get / do ………………….
3 feel / stay ………………….
4 have / take ………………….
5 do / try ………………….
6 eat / sleep ………………….
7 get / keep ………………….
3 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence. Use the words in the box. There is
one extra word.
do do enter have make keep sleep stay
1 I need to stay some exercise. ……do……
2 What do you do to sleep fit? …………….
3 I want to have some exercises in a gym. …………….
4 I hurt my leg, so I didn’t go the race. …………….
5 Did you stay well last night? …………….
6 It’s important to make healthy. …………….
7 I’d like to go a rest, but I can’t. …………….
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 you / did / your / hurt / arm?
……Did you hurt your arm?……
2 didn’t / I / sleep / last / well / night.
3 He / wants / to / fit. / get
4 It’s / eat / important / well. / to
5 I’m / rest. / I / tired; / a / need / to / have
6 stay / do / How / healthy? / you
7 She / went / her leg / to hospital. / hurt / and
8 you / Have / stomach / a / got / ache?
9 feel / healthy. / very / don’t / I
10 exercise. / some / get / You / should
5 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.
1 It’s important to get some e xercise……… every day.
2 I did a 10-km r……………… yesterday and I won!
3 I’ve got a p……………… in my foot.
4 My forehead feels very hot. I think I’ve got a t……………… .
5 He ate too many sweets and now he feels s……………… .
6 I’ve got a c……………… . Should I see the doctor?
7 I go running every day to keep f……………… .
8 I need to get fit if I want to e……………… the race.
9 I tried some new e……………… in the gym, but they were too difficult.
10 Can we h……………… a rest when we get to the top of the mountain?
Places in town – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Write the missing letters to make places in a town. You have the first letter of each word.
A bridges
B t______ l_____
C b__ s____
D s______
E ap_________
F ar_________
2 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the definitions below.
1 You cross these to go over rivers. …A…
2 A place where children can play, e.g. at school. ……
3 It connects roads in a circle and cars drive around it. ……
4 Roads that have houses or shops on them. ……
5 Where you get on or off buses. ……
6 Red, yellow and green lights that show cars when to stop and go. ……
3 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 I sent you a tourcard with a picture of the castle on it. ……postcard……
2 It rained yesterday, but it was OK because I had my raintour with me. ……………….
3 The walking card took three hours. We walked all around the city! ……………….
4 We didn’t do the cycle coat because I can’t ride a bike. ……………….
5 An amazing post guide showed us around the museum. ……………….
6 This guidetour is great! It’s got maps and lots of interesting information about the history of
the city. ……………….
4 Listen and write the compound nouns. Underline the main stress. Then listen again and
1 ……bus stop……
2 …………………
3 …………………
4 …………………
5 …………………
6 …………………
7 …………………
8 …………………
9 …………………
5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 a fantastic / There’s / that street. / restaurant on
……There’s a fantastic restaurant on that street. ……
2 roundabout. / is / The cinema / to the / next
3 a library / There’s / opposite / lights. / the traffic
4 stop, there’s a / theatre. / Opposite / the bus
5 centre / The sports / playground. / is near the
6 the river. / across / a bridge / There’s / going
6 Complete the sentences about a weekend in Edinburgh. You have the first letter of each
1 We decided to do the c ycle……. tour, not the walking t……………… because we both love
2 I bought a g……………… before we went, which had lots of useful information about the
3 We went to a museum and a tour g……………… showed us around and explained
4 We found a great café, just down the s……………… from our hotel.
5 It’s opposite the r……………… and over the b……………… near the traffic l………………
6 I sent you a p……………… with a picture of the university on it; I hope it arrives soon!
Furniture and household appliances; Words with two meanings – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Read the clues and write the words in the puzzle. Find the missing word and write a clue
for it.
1 /ei/ neighbour
2 /aː/
3 /e/
4 /ɪ/
5 /ɒ/
6 /əʊ/
7 /ɔː/
8 /ɜː/
6 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: So, this is my house. Oh! Hi Cathy! This is my friend Jack. Jack this is my (1) n…
eighbour……, Cathy.
B: Hi Sally! Nice to meet you Jack.
A: You have a lot of food there! Are you having a party?
B: No, not a party. We have some (2) g…………… staying this weekend.
A: That will be fun. Do you have any plans?
B: Tomorrow we’re going (3) c…………… . I’m a (4) m…………… of the Vertical Club. I’m
going to (5) s…………… online too and see what films are on at the cinema.
A: I have a (6) c…………… at school called Will. He writes articles about local events and
posts them in a (7) b…………… .
B: Sounds interesting. Can you send me the (8) l……………?
A: Sure. No problem!
Places in a city – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Underline and correct mistakes in eight of the sentences.
1 The Montjuic church in Barcelona has fantastic water and light shows. ……fountain……
2 The temple in this city is an area of small streets full of old churches and statues.
3 A lot of famous artists perform at Wembley embassy in London. ………………….
4 The ruins at Chichen Itza include several temples used to celebrate their traditions and
beliefs. ………………….
5 The Burj Khalifa palace in Dubai is the world’s tallest building. ………………….
6 The Queen of England sometimes lives at Buckingham Museum. ………………….
7 There are several good art galleries you can visit here. ………………….
8 This statue is the largest church in my town. ………………….
9 The ambassador lives in the mosque. ………………….
10 Michelangelo’s famous cathedral of David is in a museum in Florence. It is 5 metres tall and
made of white stone. ………………….
2 Find five pairs of nouns with related meanings.
3 Now complete the table using the words in Exercise 2.
Countable Uncountable
necklace jewellery
4 Complete the sentences and questions with the words from the box. Then,
write C (countable) or U (uncountable).
animals article desk food
homework information meals news
traffic wildlife
1 There are a lot of ……animals…… in this zoo. …C…
2 I usually sit at my ……………… to do my homework. ……
3 How much ……………… do you have tonight? ……
4 I’m very hungry. Do you have any ………………? ……
5 The journey was very easy because there wasn’t much ……………… . ……
6 Did you hear the ………………? ……
7 The teacher didn’t give me much ……………… about the exam. ……
8 How many ……………… are included when you stay at this hotel? ……
9 The government should pass a law to protect the ……………… and its habitat. ……
10 There’s a very good ……………… in this magazine that you should read. ……
5 Complete the text with suitable words.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Madrid! We’re going to start our tour here by the beautiful
royal 1……palace…… . So, if you have a heavy 2s……………… with you, then leave it on the
bus. From here we’re going to walk to the 3s……………… a of Plaza del Sol – and you will
have time to buy some souvenirs. There you can see the famous 4s……………… of the bear of
Madrid. After a light 5m……………… in a café, we’ll walk down to
the Cibeles 6f………………, where water surrounds a statue. Please be careful while you’re
walking as there is a lot of 7t……………… and I don’t want any accidents. I will give you
some 8i……………… about the area, but feel free to ask me questions too. Of course, you
can 9t……………… photos whenever you want. We should 10g……………… b………………
to the hotel at about 4.00 pm.
Types of film; Conjunctions – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the underlined letters in the correct order to write nine film types.
1 an nictao film ……action……
2 a mcoedy …………………
3 an nmdeatiea film …………………
4 a ccieens-ctionif film ………………… …………………
5 a lmsuiac …………………
6 a rhtllire …………………
7 a rrrooh film …………………
8 a maard …………………
9 an ueartdvne film …………………
2 Read the text and complete the words with the missing letters.
I love going to the cinema. I enjoy watching most kinds of film. I think (1) c o m e d i e s are
probably my favourite as I feel so happy when the film has finished. I enjoy
(2) a _ _ i o _ and (3) a _ _ e _ _ u _ e films too though, as they are very exciting. A good (4) _ _
_ i _ _ e _ is entertaining too, as you have to work out what is going on. I’m not a big fan of (5) a
_ i _ a _ e _ films, but I watch them with my little brother. I don’t like (6) _ o _ _ o _ films so
much as I don’t like being scared and I find (7) _ u _ i _ a _ _ a little boring unless I really like
the songs.
3 Write the film types next to the descriptions.
1 Lots of exciting things happen in this type of film. ……an action film……
2 This kind of film makes you laugh. …………………….
3 Young children watch this type of film. …………………….
4 This type of film takes place in the future. …………………….
5 There is a lot of singing and dancing in this kind of film. …………………….
6 In this kind of film someone is investigating a crime and is in danger. …………………….
7 There are usually lots of scary situations in this kind of film. …………………….
8 This type of film is usually a serious story. …………………….
9 In this kind of film there are lots of exciting experiences and it’s often set in unusual
locations. …………………….
4 Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences together.
1 I love musicals. I don’t like films that are musicals. (but / so)
……I love musicals, but I don’t like films that are musicals. ……
2 I want to see the new Avengers film. I love Iron Man. (because / while)
3 I have an exam on Friday. I’m in a school badminton match on Friday. (or / and)
4 I love eating popcorn. I’m watching a film. (where / while)
5 I don’t like it. I can’t remember the name of an actor. (but / when)
6 I love the cinema in town. The seats are really comfortable. (where / and)
7 3D films are very good. You wear the special glasses. (but / if)
5 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: So, Lucy. Do you like watching movies?
B: Yes, I love all types, but not 1……horror…… films. I don’t like watching scary films at all.
A: OK. Would you like to come to the cinema tomorrow?
B: What are you going to see?
A: It’s an 2a………………. film. It’s about two children who find out about a robbery and try
to stop it. I think it’s a 3c………………. too. Jake and Joe saw it. They said it
was 4f………………. .
B: It sounds interesting, 5b………………. I’m busy tomorrow afternoon. I’m 6t……………….
my last exam.
A: That’s fine 7b………………. we’re going to see the 7 o’clock film.
B: OK. Great! I can meet you at the cinema 8e………………., 9w………………. they sell the
A: Excellent! I’ll see you there at 6.45 10s………………. we have time to buy some snacks.
B: See you there.
Outdoor activities – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Read the descriptions and write the activities.
1 Go camping with no tent. ……camp under the stars……
2 Have fun outside where the ground is white. p…………… in the s……………
3 Search for very old animals that are now pieces of rock. l…………… f…………… fossils
4 Go inside a large hole in the rocks to look around. explore a c……………
5 Collect strawberries and raspberries that are growing in the forest. p…………… wild
6 Reach the top of a very tall plant. c…………… a tree
7 Follow marks on the ground to find creatures. track w…………… a……………
8 Make a copy of the noises that birds make. r…………… birdsong
9 Go to the mountains. try rock c……………
10 Travel on water in a small boat. kayak d…………… a r……………
2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 like / to / at Christmas, / in / play / snow / the / we
……At Christmas, we like to play in the snow. ……
2 fruit / wild / pick / with my / grandmother / in September, / I
…………………………………………………….. .
3 want / river / a / I / to / down / kayak / this summer
…………………………………………………….. .
4 tells you / This book / animals / wild / track / how to
…………………………………………………….. .
5 climbing / try / one day / would like to / rock / you / with / I
…………………………………………………….. .
6 under / camp / can / we / tonight / stars / the
7 a great place / look / for / to / fossils / is / this
…………………………………………………….. .
3 Underline and correct the mistakes in seven of the sentences.
1 Kate has never riden a horse before. ……ridden……
2 Have you ever meet a famous film star? ………………..
3 I haven’t be back to primary school since I left. ………………..
4 Have you ever flown to the United States? ………………..
5 They’ve never swam in the sea before. ………………..
6 I’ve never ate anything quite so delicious! ………………..
7 Have you have enough to eat? ………………..
8 We have never slept in a tent. ………………..
9 Has she sended you the information? ………………..
4 Complete the sentences with the past participle of the verbs from the box. There are
three extra verbs.
be break eat grow have make
meet ride sleep swim
1 I haven’t ……had…… so much fun for ages.
2 Don’t worry! I have ……………… a horse before.
3 I’m so sorry. I’ve ……………… this lovely glass.
4 Have you ever ……………… your mother a birthday cake?
5 We’ve ……………… tomatoes and carrots in the garden this summer.
6 Have they ever ……………… Thai food?
7 We have never ……………… to this hotel before.
5 Complete the email with the words from the box. There are three extra words.
been camping grown
had horse riding
kayak down a river look for fossils made
picked wild fruit ridden
rock climbing small swum
Hi Jason,
How are you? We’re having a great 1……camping…… holiday here in the UK. Have you
ever 2………………. to the UK? We’ve been very busy since we got here. We’ve been to the
beach to 3………………. . My sister found a 4………………. one. We’ve 5………………. in
the sea, which was very cold! We’ve 6………………., which was delicious. Tomorrow we’re
going to 7………………. and then we’re going 8………………. . I’m very excited. I’ve
never 9………………. a horse! What are you doing? Have you 10………………. any holiday
plans yet?
Talk to you soon.
Life changes – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Match the sentence halves 1–7 to A–G. Then, match the meaning of change to each
sentence (i–vii).
1 We got very wet and needed …C…
2 Since Jack has finished university …….
3 I only have a 50-dollar note. …….
4 I bought this dress yesterday but it’s too small. …….
5 To get to to Edinburgh, …….
6 The new government is going to …….
7 We’re moving house over the summer, …….
A Can I change it for a bigger one? …….
B Can you change it? …….
C a change of clothes. …ii…
D make a lot of changes. …….
E so I’ll send you our change of address. …….
F he has changed his life. …….
G we have to change trains in Birmingham. …….
i return something and get another item
ii something else to wear
iii do something new
iv become different from when he was younger
v new contact details
vi move from one kind of transport to another
vii give someone different notes
2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and a question.
1 often worries / change / he / doesn’t like / Arif / because
……Arif often worries because he doesn’t like change. ……
2 from Madrid / we fly / to Hong Kong, / change planes / we’ll / if / in Dubai
3 model / for / change / this phone / a better / can I
4 in case / get wet / pack / clothes / a change of / you
………………………………………………… .
5 change / I can’t / but / I’m sorry / a twenty-euro / note
………………………………………………… .
6 different / you look / have changed / now you / your hair colour
………………………………………………… .
7 in the mountains / for a change / go to the forest; / let’s go hiking / we always
………………………………………………… .
3 Put the letters in the correct order to write phrases about events in people’s lives.
1 eb norb ……be born……
2 emoceb a eeertnag …………………….
3 og ot hhgi oholcs …………………….
4 ttras oolhcs …………………….
5 vemo uheso …………………….
6 eanrl ot lkaw nda aklt …………………….
7 teg rrdiema …………………….
8 egnhca hcoolss …………………….
9 ttras nigorkw ro ngiinrat …………………….
10 keta xmaes …………………….
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
become change schools find part-time
work get married move
not learn start working take travel
1 When Will ……became…… a teenager he started spending more time in his room.
2 My grandmother ………………. on 12 August 1943.
3 My little brother ………………. to walk and talk until he was almost two.
4 I think it’s important to take some time off to ………………. and see the world.
5 My parents ………………. when they were 28 years old.
6 I want to ………………. at the weekends.
7 My dad got a new job in a different city so we ………………. house next month.
8 We ………………. more than 25 exams last term.
9 Ann wants to ………………. as soon as she finishes school.
10 I ………………. five times because my parents got jobs in different places.
5 Complete the text with suitable words.
My uncle 1……started training…… as a chef when he was 18. He 2f…………… p……………
w…………… in a restaurant while he was studying. There he 3p…………… the salads, then he
started 4m…………… cakes. Eventually, he became the chef. When he was 29,
he 5g…………… married and he decided he wanted a 6c…………… . So, he 7a…………… my
aunt moved to Barcelona and he 8c…………… jobs. He opened his own 9b…………… . It’s
popular now because his cakes and breads are delicious. This summer, after I’ve 10t……………
my exams, I’m going to start working there part time.
Geographical features; The weather – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Match the word halves 1–8 to A–H to make geographical features.
1 cli …F…
2 wa
3 fie
4 sn
5 moun
6 isl
7 l
8 riv
A ter
B tain
C er
D ld
E ow
F ff
G and
H ake
2 Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
deep high long wide
1 A: How ……high…… is the mountain?
B: It’s over 8,000 metres. Do you think you can climb it?
2 A: How ……………. is the water?
B: It’s only 1 metre, don’t worry. You can see the bottom.
3 A: How ……………. is the lake?
B: It’s about 10 metres. It won’t take long to cross it.
4 A: How ……………. is the river?
B: It’s about 1,000 km. Do you want to travel all the way?
3 Find the adjectives that contain a spelling mistake and correct them.
1 winddy ……windy……
2 suny …………………
3 cloudy …………………
4 icey …………………
5 snowwy …………………
6 foggy …………………
7 rainny …………………
4 Write the nouns of the adjectives in Exercise 3.
1 ……wind……
2 …………………
3 …………………
4 …………………
5 …………………
6 …………………
7 …………………
5 Find the sentences that contain a mistake. Underline and correct them.
1 He was climbing the water for hours; it took a long time to get to the top. ……
2 They were sailing on the lake when it started to rain. ………………..
3 Is it difficult to swim across the river? ………………..
4 It was very cold. The island was very deep and difficult to walk through. ………………..
5 She looked over the field, down to the water below. ………………..
6 The farmer was working in the cliff all day. ………………..
7 The mountain is 2 km from the mainland. There is a ferry every hour. ………………..
6 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.
1 It was c loudy……… at the top of the mountain, we couldn’t see very far.
2 Moscow is very snowy and i…………… in winter.
3 When Loch Ness is f……………, you can’t see anything.
4 The l…………… is very d…………… and wide, it’s dangerous to swim there.
5 England is very r……………; you need to carry an umbrella all the time.
6 It was very s…………… and hot; we were at the beach all day.
7 It was so w…………… on the i……………, my hat blew away and I lost it.
8 The r…………… is very long, over 3,000 km.
9 The c…………… is really h……………; the water is about 100 metres below.
Amazing animals – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the gaps to make animal words.
1 rat
2 l___
3 r_____
4 b___
5 m____
6 e_______
7 m_____
8 d___
9 c______
10 i _ _ _ _ _
2 Choose the correct animals.
1 Which animal isn’t wild?
lion chicken elephant
2 Which animal isn’t a farm animal?
duck rabbit bear
3 Which animal isn’t big?
rat elephant lion
4 Which animal isn’t small?
lion mouse insect
5 Which animal isn’t a pet?
rat rabbit elephant
6 Which animal can’t climb?
duck monkey mouse
3 Complete the phrasal verbs. You have the first letter of each word.
1 Can you p i c k me up after the party?
2 I g _ _ on / off the bus at that bus stop.
3 I use the remote control to t _ _ _ the TV on / off.
4 I l _ _ _ after my sister when she is ill.
4 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 3 in the correct form.
1 I ……turned…… on the TV and watched my favourite programme.
2 I ……………… off my phone and went to sleep.
3 My friend dropped her pencil so I ……………… it up.
4 I ……………… on the bus and sat down.
5 I ……………… off the bus at the bus stop near school.
6 I always ……………… after my mum when she feels sick.
5 Listen and write the words. Then, circle the sound which is different. Listen again and
1 do move lion
2 ………………. ………………. ……………….
3 ………………. ………………. ……………….
4 ………………. ………………. ……………….
5 ………………. ………………. ……………….
6 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 sleeping / was / The / lion / went / we / when / the zoo. / to
……The lion was sleeping when we went to the zoo. ……
2 a mouse. / An / than / bigger / is / elephant
3 insect / An / smaller / is / bear. / a / than
4 rat / pet / have / We / rabbit. / a pet / and a
5 chickens, / has / My family / eggs. / give us / they / and
6 the river. / on / swimming / were / Some ducks
7 a banana. / monkey / eating / The / was
7 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.
1 A: Who looked after…… your pet r……………. when you were on holiday?
B: My friend.
2 A: Why are you so late? The zoo is closed now.
B: We got o……………. at the right bus, but we g……………. off at the wrong stop.
3 A: Turn o……………. the TV! There’s a programme on about big animals like
l……………., bears and elephants.
B: Great!
4 A: T……………. off your phone and look at this, I found it in the garden. It’s so small!
B: I can’t look, I’m scared of i…………….!
Television; Entertainment – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the letters in the correct order to make words related to the digital world.
1 eht wsen ……the news……
2 no VT ………………………
3 racntoos ………………………
4 ttlane whos ………………………
5 nnahecls ………………………
6 eetomr ootlrnc ………………………
7 no ddname ………………………
8 ivle ………………………
9 maerts ………………………
10 rroecds ………………………
11 mmgpraeor ………………………
12 afn ………………………
2 Write the missing vowels to make words related to entertainment.
1 studio
2 p_rf_rm_rs
3 __d__nc_
4 r_nn_r–_p
5 st_g_
6 v_t_f_r
7 st_r
8 j_dg_s
9 pr_z_
10 w _ n n _ r
11 c _ m p _ t _ t _ _ n
12 t h _ f _ n _ l
3 Match the definitions (A–L) to the words from Exercise 2.
A programmes are made here. …1…
B people who watch a performance ……
C a raised floor where people perform ……
D to choose the person you want to win ……
E people who choose the winners ……
F people participate in this against each other ……
G someone who wins ……
H the last part of a competition ……
I what you get if you win ……
J a famous person ……
K the person who is second in a competition ……
L actors and musicians who entertain people ……
4 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two extra words.
audience competition fan final judges prize
runner-up stage star studio TV vote
The last stage of the talent show 1……competition…… is the 2………………. . People
watching the show on 3………………. at home can 4………………. for their favourite person.
The three 5………………. and the 6………………. in the 7………………. vote too.
The 8………………. gets a big prize and sometimes becomes a 9………………. .
The 10………………. also gets a small 11………………. .
5 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word to help you.
1 We had a t alent…………. competition at school.
2 Where’s the r…………… c……………? It’s on the sofa.
3 There were lots of p…………… but the stage was very small, they didn’t have much space.
4 I wouldn’t like to be a j……………, it’s so difficult to choose the best person.
5 How many c…………… have you got on your TV?
6 I always vote f…………… my favourite person on the show.
7 I don’t need to be the w…………… or even the r……………–u……………, I just want to be
on the programme.
8 Did you watch the f……………? Who won?
Magazines and books – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Write the letters to make magazine words.
1 advertisement
2 a__i__e
3 _a__oo_
4 _ea__i_e
5 i__o__a_io_
6 i__e__ie_
7 _e_ie_
8 __o_o__a__
2 Find four connecting words.
3 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 I saw an interview for a new café in town; it said that you get a 10% discount if you go on
Mondays. ……advertisement……
2 I have a advertisement of my favourite star on my wall. …………………….
3 I always look at the information; the drawings make me laugh. …………………….
4 I read a great headline of the new action film; the journalist gave it 5 stars.
5 I want to read this magazine, it’s got an review with my favourite actor. …………………….
6 If the cartoon is interesting, I read the rest of the story. …………………….
7 I need to find a travel magazine; I want to find out more article about places to visit.
8 I read an amazing photograph yesterday. It was about a new singing competition on TV.
4 Complete the conversation with the words from Exercise 1 in the correct form. Use each
word once.
A: Let’s start a school magazine!
B: OK. We can include film 1 r eviews…… and 2……………… to make people laugh: people
love funny pictures.
A: Good idea. We can do an 3……………… with the new teacher and an 4………………
about the football team.
B: Why don’t we have lots of 5……………… of students and big 6……………… above each
story to make people more interested?
A: OK. Shall we have 7……………… for places to go in town, that students like?
B: Definitely. We can also include 8……………… about school events as well. What do you
A: Great idea!
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each word once.
as because so when
1 She bought the product ……as…… the advertisement was really effective.
2 ………………. she opened the magazine, she saw the headline.
3 He didn’t like the article ………………. it wasn’t very interesting.
4 The review was really good ………………. she went to see the film.
6 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word.
1 I laughed b ecause……… the c…………… was a really funny drawing.
2 I like taking p…………… s…………… I always carry my camera.
3 I need more i…………… about the topic if I’m going to write an a .
4 The h…………… in the newspaper was sad s…………… I didn’t read the rest of the story.
5 W…………… I read the r……………, I knew I had to see the film.
Trip activities; School collocations – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the words to make trip activities.
1 canoeing and s ailing…………
2 watching a s……………….
3 cooking on a f……………….
4 visiting a f……………….
5 dancing at a d……………….
6 visiting an a……………….
7 going on a n………………. walk
8 going to an a………………. park
9 going r………………. a museum
2 Complete the table with the words in the box. Some words fit in more than one column.
a lesson a test a textbook exercise
homework marks notes project
do an do a do, give, get give
1 2 3 4
…exercise… ……………… . ……………… . ……………… .
get, give take study from fail, give, pass
5 6 7 8
……………… . ……………… . ……………… . ……………… .
3 Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.
1 I enjoy cooking because I love all water sports. ……canoeing……
2 I like going on a fire; the food tastes amazing. ………………….
3 He hates canoeing at a disco; he never likes the music there. ………………….
4 I enjoyed going the farm; the animals were beautiful. ………………….
5 I hate visiting to amusement parks; the rides make me feel sick. ………………….
6 I loved going the show; the performers were brilliant. ………………….
7 She enjoys watching aquariums as she loves fish and other ocean life. ………………….
8 We don’t like visiting round museums; the exhibits are so boring. ………………….
9 I enjoying dancing on nature walks; it’s fantastic to be out in the countryside.
10 I love going. I take my boat out on the water every weekend. ………………….
4 Complete the trip activity phrases with the correct preposition.
1 dancing …at… a disco
2 cooking ……. an open fire
3 going ……. a nature walk
4 going ……. a museum
5 going ……. an amusement park
5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1 many marks / How / you / did / get / the maths test? / in
……How many marks did you get in the maths test?……
2 the lesson, / I missed / any notes? / you / did / take
3 failed it. / my friend / but / I passed / the test,
4 lesson. / lots of / exercises / in / We did / the
5 doing / I / like / projects. / history
6 at home. / the textbook / I always / study from
7 gave us / The teacher / yesterday. / homework / lots of
6 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.
1 I need to study from the t extbook………. because I don’t want to f……………… the test.
2 I love going on n……………… walks and cooking on a f……………… .
3 The teacher g……………… a great lesson and I took lots of n……………… .
4 I hate going to a……………… parks, but I had to because it was a school trip. After the trip
we had a class p……………… to design our own rides.
5 I love s……………… and if I p……………… my test my mum says I can take my boat out
at the weekend.
Family; Adverbs of degree – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the definitions with family words. You have the first letter of each word to help
1 Your mother’s sister is your a unt…………. .
2 Your aunt’s children are your c……………… .
3 Your children’s children are your g……………… .
4 Your daughter’s son is your g……………… .
5 Your sister’s son is your n……………… .
6 Your mother’s brother is your u……………… .
7 Your mother’s father is your g……………… .
8 Your father’s parents are your g……………… .
9 Your brother’s daughter is your n……………… .
10 Your father’s mother is your g……………… .
11 Your son’s daughter is your g……………… .
2 Write the missing vowels to make adjectives for describing people.
1 pretty
2 b___t_f_l
3 y__ng
4 bl_nd_
5 t_ll
6 d_rk
7 f__r
8 g__d–l__k_ng
9 sl_m
10 s h _ r t
11 _ l d
3 Write the adverbs of degree. You have the first letter of each word.
1 really
2 p_______
3 c________
4 n_____
5 q____
4 Match the adverbs of degree from Exercise 3 to their meanings.
A not completely …5…
B very much ……
C maybe ……
D very close to ……
E 100% true ……
5 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences with the words in the box.
certainly nearly probably quite really
1 Maths is nearly difficult for me. I have to study all the time. ……really……
2 My phone is on quite all the time. I just turn it off when I go to sleep. ………………
3 I’m probably good at cooking, but my sister is much better than me. ………………
4 I’m really good at singing, and I’m in a band at school. But my brother nearly isn’t, his voice
is terrible! ………………
5 I studied from the textbook, so I think I certainly passed the test, but I’m not sure.
6 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 over / 1.85 metres / is / My aunt / tall.
……My aunt is over 1.85 metres tall. ……
2 years old. / My grandfather / a hundred / nearly / is
3 really young, / My granddaughter / is / years / old. / just two
4 is / cousin / My / good-looking. / really
5 not fat / quite slim, / at all. / is / My grandmother
6 is / My / beautiful. / grandchild
7 you uncle / Is / short? / tall or
8 got / fair hair. / have / and nephew / My niece
7 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each word.
1 My father’s brother, my u ncle………, is really o……………, he’s 99 years old!
2 My father’s sister, my a……………, has got long d…………… hair.
3 My aunt’s child, my c……………, is y……………, only three years old. But my
grandmother c…………… isn’t, she’s 95!
4 My son’s son, my g……………, is six and q…………… short for his age. His friends are all
taller than him.
Spending money; Units of measurement and money – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Put the letters in the correct order to make the names of shops.
1 kraetmpsure ……supermarket……
2 féac …………………
3 ykrabe …………………
4 ohes spoh …………………
5 thcmise’s …………………
6 ktemra …………………
7 eetws hops …………………
8 kboopohs …………………
9 shtolce phos …………………
2 Read the descriptions and write the names of the shops.
1 This is where you can buy walking boots and trainers. ……shoe shop……
2 I often buy bread or cakes here. …………………
3 I go to this place when I want to buy something to read. …………………
4 After school I often go to this place with my classmates to have a drink and a snack.
5 This is where you can find dresses, shirts and trousers. …………………
6 If you feel ill, you may need to go to this shop. …………………
7 We go here to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. …………………
8 You can buy chicken and other kinds of meat here. …………………
9 This shop sells magazines and chocolate. …………………
10 This shop sells everything from clothes and shoes to furniture and toys. …………………
3 Write the measurement for each item.
1 a cup of sugar: ……grams……
2 10 bananas: k……………….
3 a walk in the hills: k……………….
4 a large bottle of water: l……………….
5 a small bottle of water: m……………….
6 trousers: a p……………….
7 one piece of pizza: a s……………….
8 the length of the swimming pool: m……………….
9 the price of a burger in New York: d………………. and c……………….
10 the price of a cake in London: p………………. and p……………….
4 Underline and correct the mistakes in seven of the sentences.
1 There are 200 litres of water in this plastic bottle. ……millilitres……
2 This book is 20 pence which is very expensive. ……………….
3 I’m making a cake and I need 250 kilograms of flour. ……………….
4 I have put some pairs of cheese on a plate. ……………….
5 I ran in the 100 metres final and I won! ……………….
6 This shop has a large set of clothes. ……………….
7 In Italy you pay for everything in euros. ……………….
8 Neil hasn’t found a new set of gloves yet. ……………….
9 I have just bought a slice of round white plates. ……………….
5 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: Would you like to come to town with me? I want to look at the clothes and jewellery in the
(1) d…epartment…… store.
B: Sure. Sounds like fun. I need some new shoes for tennis, so I can look for some (2)
t………………. there and we can visit the (3) s………………. too.
A: Great! Mum wants me to buy a cake because she has some (4) g………………. coming to
dinner tonight. So I need to go to the new (5) b………………. as well.
B: That place is amazing. I bought (6) a………………. cake yesterday which was delicious,
but it’s expensive. A whole cake is around 30 (7) e……………….!
A: Wow! That is expensive! Mum’s cooking roast chicken tonight, so I also have to go to the
(8) b………………. .
B: Shall we walk? It’s not that far, only about one (9) k………………. .
A: Yes, good idea. If we have time, we can have a drink in the (10) c………………. on the
corner of the High Street.
B: OK. Let’s go.
Free-time activities; Collocations about having fun – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Read the sentences and choose the correct option.
1 I can play the piano. I think learning to play an instrument / play a sport / read a book is a
good hobby.
2 Kerry loves dancing / cooking / acting, especially to Latin music like salsa.
3 Sam always gets the highest score when we are chatting / playing computer games / watching
4 I hate going shopping / spending time online / playing a sport because I never have any
money to spend.
5 Eric loves watching TV / listening to music / making things. He likes action films most of all.
6 Greg enjoys photography / dancing / acting and is always in the school play.
7 I enjoy spending time online reading / chatting / dancing to friends.
8 Rob doesn’t like cooking / collecting / watching dinner after a long day at school.
9 Photography / Making things / Chatting is my new hobby and I’ve taken a lot of pictures with
my new camera.
10 Sandra is very good at watching TV / playing sport / singing. I think she should enter a talent
2 Read the sentences and complete the phrases.
1 I love r e a d i n g b o o k s .
2 A lot of students find it easier s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ than looking up facts in a book.
3 My little sister enjoys m _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ like small boxes and cards.
4 Jenna loves a _ _ _ _ _. I really think she might become an actress one day.
5 My friend likes c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fridge magnets from the countries he’s visited on holiday.
6 My brother is always p _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ . It can be football, badminton or tennis. He just
loves to be active.
3 Complete the email with the words from the box. There are three extra words.
day out feeling glad great time
great fun had a laugh spend time
with someone yourself
Subject: Great party
From: Jess
To: Sally
Hi Sally,
I had such a fun 1……day out…… yesterday. We all had a 2……………… and it was lovely
to 3……………… with everyone. I haven’t 4……………… like that for ages. It was a
fantastic 5……………… to receive the present and the card that everyone wrote in.
I’m 6……………… we could get together one last time before I move. Thank you for organising
it all. I hope you enjoyed 7……………… too.
Love Jess
4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 feeling / the first time / it was / diving / fantastic / a / went / I
……It was a fantastic feeling the first time I went diving. ……
2 enjoys / computer games / playing / really / my brother
…………………………………………………. .
3 time / Aunt Kate / with / spending / I / love
…………………………………………………. .
4 had / brilliant / at the zoo / yesterday / we / a / day out
…………………………………………………. .
5 so / went / glad / to / I am / the party / last night / I
…………………………………………………. .
6 had / with my friends / a laugh / I / yesterday / at the shopping centre
…………………………………………………. .
5 Complete the text with suitable words.
I started (1) c…ooking…… with my mum about a year ago. At first, I just helped prepare the
food. Then mum broke her arm (2) a……………… I had to help a lot more. Now I love (3)
s……………… t……………… in the kitchen with mum (4) b……………… we have a (5)
l……………… . I’m (6) r……………… cook b……………… to find new ideas instead of (7)
w……………… T……………… . I like (8) m……………… things for others to enjoy. It’s a
(9) g……………… f……………… when you produce something that everyone likes. I think
baking cakes is my favourite. Have you ever (10) m……………… a cake?
Words to describe language learning – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.
1 something that is not correct
2 a piece of writing
3 to say the letters of a word in the correct order
4 to say what you think is correct when you are not certain
5 the idea that a word represents
1 a subject you talk or write about
2 a set of words written down one above the other
3 to change words from one language to another
4 to search for a word or information in a text
5 a learning activity often found in a textbook
2 Read the sentences and questions and choose the correct options.
1 I don’t like doing grammar topics / exercises / articles, I prefer speaking activities.
2 I think this is a meaning / topic / mistake because it doesn’t make sense.
3 You can use the dictionary to list / look up / guess the meaning of the word.
4 I find it helps me to remember vocabulary if I make a list / guess / topic.
5 My grandmother doesn’t speak English, so I spell / translate / look up words for her.
6 It is difficult to spell / meaning / guess certain words correctly in English.
7 Brad thinks the environment is a very interesting meaning / list / topic.
8 Do you know the translate / meaning / article of this word?
9 I don’t know the answer to this question so I’m going to make a topic / guess / list.
3 Underline and correct the mistakes in each of the numbers.
1 16,000,000 = sixty million
2 6,000,000,000 = sixty billion
3 64,000,000 = sixty-four billion
4 189 = hundred and eighty-nine
5 65,621 = sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty-one
6 602,274 = six hundred and two, two hundred and seventy-four
7 6,387 = six hundred thousand three hundred and eighty-seven
4 Listen and write the number you hear. Listen again and underline the stressed syllable.
1 ……forty……
2 …………………
3 …………………
4 …………………
5 …………………
6 …………………
7 …………………
8 …………………
9 …………………
5 Complete the conversation with the words from the box. There are three extra words.
Write the numbers in full.
article exercises link list
mistake science spell upload
7,000 1,000,000,000 406,000,000
A: How was school today?
B: It was good. We read an 1……article…… about languages. There are
about 2………………… different languages spoken around the world!
A: Really? I had no idea there were so many.
B: Chinese has the most native speakers with around 3………………… speakers and Spanish
is second with 4………………… .
A: Talking of languages, have you done your English homework yet?
B: Some of it. I’ve done the grammar 5………………… but I need to 6………………… the
file to the school website for the teacher to check. I also need to make a 7………………… of the
words that I find hard to 8………………… .
Body parts; Adjective to express emotion – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. Find the mystery word and write your own clue
for it.
1 Most people have eight of these on their hands.
2 Most people have ten of these on their feet
3 You can find this in your mouth.
4 Most people have two of these on their hands.
5 This is what controls the body.
6 This is always behind you.
7 This sends the blood around the body.
Mystery word: ……………………….
Clue for the mystery word: …………………………………….
2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 I banged my foot and hurt my toe / heart / tongue.
2 Kasim was playing football yesterday when he hurt his ankle / blood / stomach.
3 She cut herself on a piece of glass and lost a lot of heart / blood / brain.
4 I’ve had a bad cold for days and now my left ear / brain / blood hurts and I can’t hear very
5 I was sitting at my desk studying all day and now my thumb / ankle / neck is sore.
3 Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective.
1 Someone who is l a z y makes no effort to do things.
2 A c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person believes they can do anything.
3 If someone feels e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , they feel shy or ashamed of themselves.
4 A l _ _ _ _ _ person feels sad because they feel they are alone.
5 Someone who is w _ _ _ _ _ _ is thinking about negative things that might happen.
6 A person who is s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ experiences an unexpected feeling.
7 A f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person is helpful and kind to others.
8 An u _ _ _ _ _ _ person is not pleased with a situation.
9 If someone is a _ _ _ _ , they want to shout at people for doing things they dislike.
10 A person who is u _ _ _ _ feels sad and unhappy.
4 Underline and correct the mistakes in eight of the sentences.
1 I’m feeling lonely because I don’t want to leave this school. ……unhappy……
2 Grace was very surprised when her dog died and cried for days. …………………….
3 I was so lonely when James didn’t recognise me at the party. I went bright red.
4 I’ve practised the piano every day, so I’m confident I’ll pass the exam. …………………….
5 I’m really embarrassed about our cat; I haven’t seen it for three days now.
6 The old lady on our street always looks worried. I don’t think she has any family.
7 Pete was so unhappy when he found out he got 100% on his test. …………………….
8 Lara is so lazy; she never helps around the house. …………………….
9 Gina is very angry and always helps the new students on their first day. …………………….
10 Dad was so lazy when he saw the broken window. He started shouting very loudly.
5 Complete the text with suitable words.
What kind of person are you? Are you usually happy and (1) c…onfident……? Or do you get (2)
u……………… easily? Teenagers are under a lot of pressure nowadays so it’s not uncommon
for them to be (3) w……………… about their body and its changes. They may also feel (4)
l……………… because they don’t know who they can talk to. People often feel (5)
e……………… and uncomfortable talking to other people about their bodies or health issues.
Taking care of yourself is one way to feel better. Eating healthily means a healthy body and
exercise is good for your (6) h……………… . It’s important to sleep well too because sleep
recharges the (7) b……………… and provides energy for the following day. Obviously, you
need to study but it’s important to (8) h……………… fun too, so make sure you (9)
s……………… time with your friends. Take up a hobby too: read a book or start collecting
something. You might be (10) s……………… by how good you feel.
Books and reading; Words about books – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
bring back find out give back
pick up put back put down
take back take out
1 Please ……put…… the books ……back…… where you found them.
2 This thriller is so good I can’t ……………… it ……………… .
3 At this library you can ……………… ……………… five books at a time.
4 Where can I ……………… ……………… information about the history of China?
5 Aunt Sara ……………… ……………… some Spanish ham from Madrid.
6 Have you ……………… Jake’s guitar ……………… yet?
7 Can you ……………… ……………… the plates so I can clean the table?
8 This shirt is too big, so I need to ……………… it ……………… to the shop.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1 the / find / answer / out / you / did / ?
……Did you find out the answer?……
2 the books / back / where / put / always / I / them / found / I / .
3 brought / from / Dad / Mexico / back / a souvenir / .
4 out / you / books / any / did / take / today / ?
5 my phone / down / and now / I put / I can’t find it / .
6 your clothes / pick up / can you / and / put them in the washing machine / ?
7 to / back / John / give / his bike / need / I / .
8 will take / back / are broken / so I / them / to the shop / my headphones / .
3 Find seven words related to books.
4 Underline and correct the mistakes in seven of the sentences and question.
1 My favourite chapter at the moment is Rick Riordan. ……author……
2 I love the pages of the bear in the original Winnie the Pooh books. ……………………
3 There are over 30 chapters in this book! ……………………
4 Can you add another end to the bookcase? ……………………
5 This book has more than 500 titles, so I think it’s too long for me to read.
6 I didn’t want to be surprised, so I read the end of the book first. ……………………
7 I don’t agree with your drawing about this book. ……………………
8 The shelf of this film sounds interesting. ……………………
9 This book has a very colourful front title. ……………………
5 Complete the conversation with suitable words.
A: Hi Tim! Where are you going?
B: I’m off to the library. I’ve got to (1) t…ake…… these books b…ack…… .
A: Can I join you? I need to (2) f……………… some information for our (3) g………………
project. I’m doing a study on volcanoes.
B: That sounds interesting. I’m studying the Mekong (4) R……………… from the start in
Tibet to where it enters the sea in Vietnam.
A: Cool! So, have you finished the book I lent you yet?
B: No. I’m on (5) c……………… 24, so I only have about 100 (6) p……………… left. It’s
really good. I don’t want to get to the (7) e……………… .
A: I know the feeling. Patrick Ness is one of my favourite (8) a……………… . I’ve got more
books that you can borrow.
B: Great. When I (9) g……………… this one b………………, I’ll (10) p………………
another one.
Words to describe cooking – A2 English Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Tests for A2
1 Underline the odd one out. Give a reason for your choice.
1 carrots potatoes beans steak
……It’s not a vegetable. ……
2 grill cover dry mix ………………………
3 boil fry prepare roast ………………………
4 roast bake mix boil ………………………
5 melon beans apple pear ………………………
6 fry fill mix prepare ………………………
7 melon carrot potato beans ………………………
8 beans pear potatoes carrots ………………………
9 garlic carrots melon steak ………………………
2 Underline the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 This steak needs more salt and pepper / potatoes / carrots to make it taste better.
2 People use garlic / pears / beans to flavour to a dish.
3 I love to eat grilled steak / beans / melon with salad.
4 Have you roasted / added / grilled salt to the dish?
5 Would you like a glass of potato / carrot / bean juice?
6 These little cakes are dried / roasted / filled with a delicious chocolate cream.
7 Pancakes boiled / covered / added in honey are the best!
8 First of all the mushrooms are prepared / fried / added with onions and garlic.
9 Have you ever baked / grilled / roasted a cake?
10 I often eat covered / added / dried fruit as a snack.
3 Put the words in the correct order to write sentences. Add make or do in the correct form
in a suitable place.
1 mess / a / he cooked / dinner / Jeff / when
……Jeff made a mess when he cooked dinner. ……
2 usually / at the / we / the shopping / supermarket
3 the dishes / Dad / after / always / dinner
4 will you / please / me / a cake / my birthday / for / ?
5 already / homework / my / have / I
6 but / you / I’m sorry / a mistake / on the form
7 you / would / like / me / a cup of tea / you / to / ?
8 the cleaning / I’ll / on Saturday / morning
9 Sam / the washing / is / today
10 always / I / my bed / in the morning
4 Read the words and circle the correct sound. Then, listen and check.
5 Complete the text with make or do and suitable words.
At home, I help keep the place clean and tidy. I always 1……make…… my ……bed…… in the
morning before school. I sometimes help 2……………… the ……………… after dinner. At the
weekend, I help 3……………… the ……………… in the house. Mum always 4………………
the ……………… because she’s a great baker and she 5……………… the ………………
because she has the money. My little brother is the one who usually 6……………… a
………………! He is very untidy!
6 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. There are five extra words.
boiled covered do the dishes done
garlic grilled made
make a mess mix prepare roasted
round set slices steak
A: Hi Mum! What’s for dinner?
B: We’re having 1……steak…… and salad.
A: Great! I’m starving! Is it nearly ready.
B: Nearly. Have you 2………………. your homework?
A: Yes, I have.
B: OK. Then you can prepare the table. We need six glasses and six plates. Use
the 3………………. plates from the blue 4………………. .
A: Right. Is there pudding?
B: Yes, there are 5………………. of melon.
A: Yum! What’s this?
B: Some 6………………. vegetables to go with the steak. You know your dad likes onions
and 7………………. .
A: Shall I 8………………. the salad?
B: That would be very helpful but try not to 9………………. .
A: OK! And I’ll tell James that It’s his turn to 10………………. tonight!