VB Icitss Batch No.13, Meerut - : ND TH
VB Icitss Batch No.13, Meerut - : ND TH
VB Icitss Batch No.13, Meerut - : ND TH
1 3, ME E R UT
With Thanks
1. Introduction on MS-WORD .................. 1
2. Basics of MS-WORD.............................. 2
a. What is MS Word?
b. Where to find MS Word on your personal
c. What are the uses of MS Word?
d. How to create an MS Word document?
3. Features of MS Word .............................. 3-4
a. Home
b. Insert
c. Design
d. Page Layout
e. References
f. Review
4.Uses of MS Word .................................... 5
5. Advantages of MS-WORD .................... 6-8
6. Disadvantages of MS-WORD ................ 9-10
7.Word tabs ................................................ 11-13
a. Home tab .......................................... 14-16
i. Reset font
ii. Formatting marks
iii. Using Bullets and Numbering
iv. Quickly Format Text
v. Align Text
b. Insert Tab ......................................... 17-22
i. Pages
ii. Tables
iii. Illustrations
iv. Media
v. Links
vi. Comments
vii. Header & footer
viii. Text
ix. Symbols
c. Design tab ........................................ 22-24
i. Document Formatting
ii. Page Background
d. Layout tab........................................ 24-28
i. Themes
ii. Page Setup
iii. Paragraph
iv. Arrange
Microsoft word is an application software developed by Microsoft
INC.; Microsoft is an American multinational technology
company. It is word processing software.
This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment,
bullets, line spacing, etc. All the basic elements which one may
need to edit their document is available under the Home option.
Page Layout
This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or
writing books or lengthy documents. Options like citation,
footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliography, etc. can be found
under this tab.
Apart from all the above-mentioned features, the page can be set in
different views and layouts, which can be added and optimised
using the View tab on the Word document. Margins and scales are
also available for the benefit of the users.
Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor both in the past
and in the present, it remains to be the top choice among the
different word processors available, it is an indispensable tool for
most computer users, you can create the documents and complete a
number of other functions related to word processing.
Given below are the different fields in which MS Word is used and
simplifies the work of an individual:
You can align the text whether at the centre, right or left margins or
justified takes just one click, spelling and grammatical mistakes
are pointed out instantly, you can correct any mistakes which are
made easily, the bullets and numbers are done automatically and
there is always an option to ask for help.
You can use thesaurus feature when your words run out, the
images and the figures can be attached and laid out
easily, Copying the documents is fast and easy, Copies can easily
be made which saves on printing and it is much easier to do,
Microsoft Word can save multiple versions of documents and
easily sort them so that you can go back to the previous versions of
the same document.
Microsoft Word is available practically everywhere, it comes
standard on many PCs, you can typically find it on your work
computer, the computers at school and your home PC, this makes it
easy to save the documents on a flash drive, take them with you
and work on them somewhere else, if you need to do some work, you
can usually find a computer with Microsoft Word on it.
If you do not see a command(s) that you’re looking for click the
arrow beside each group name to open a dialog box with more
commands. For example, to get the Emboss text effect, you would go
to the Font Group and under the second line of commands, there is
the word “Font”, click the arrow beside it to open a Font Dialog Box,
select “Emboss” and click OK.
Below are some more commands that are featured on the Home Tab.
Increase or Decrease the Font Size using Grow Font and Shrink
• Use the mouse pointer to highlight the text for which you want to
change the font.
• In the Font group, click the Grow Font or Shrink Font button.
• Use the mouse pointer to highlight the text you want to change.
• In the Font group, click on the box containing the name of the
font. A gallery opens containing names and examples of available
• As you point to each font, Word allows you to preview its effects
on selected text.
Reset Font
• Use the mouse pointer to select the text from which you want to
clear the formatting
• In the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide Button. You now see
formatting marks in the document.
• Select the text to which you want to apply a Quick Style, or if you
want to change the style for an entire paragraph, click anywhere in
the paragraph.
• In the Styles group, click the “More” button to open the Styles
Align Text
• Use the mouse pointer to highlight the text you want to align.
• In the Paragraph group, click the desired option (Align text Left,
Centre, Right or Justify).
Insert Tab
This tab contains all the commands for inserting items into your
Table - Drop-Down. This lets you quickly drag out the table size.
The maximum size you can drag is (10 by 8). The drop-down
contains the commands: Insert Table, Draw Table, Convert Text to
Table, Excel Spreadsheet and Quick Tables. The Insert Table
displays the "Insert Table" dialog box. The Draw Table lets you
create a table by inserting horizontal and vertical lines using the
mouse. The Convert Text to Table displays the "Convert Text to
Table" dialog box. The Excel Spreadsheet command inserts an Excel
worksheet into the document. The Quick Tables lets you insert
tables that have been stored as building blocks.
Text Box - Drop-Down. Let’s you insert a textbox that can be
positioned anywhere on the page. The drop-down contains the
commands: Built-in, Draw Text Box and Save Selection to Text Box
Gallery. There are 36 different types of built-in textbox shapes and
Quick Parts - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands:
Auto Text (Added in 2010), Document Property, Field, Building
Blocks Organizer, Get More on Office Online (Removed in 2010)
and Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
WordArt - Drop-Down. The drop-down gives you a choice of Word
Art styles to insert. The "Edit WordArt Text" dialog box is
displayed when you click on a word art style. The styles are
slightly different to those in Excel.
Drop Cap - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands:
None, Dropped, In Margin and Drop Cap Options. The Drop Cap
Options command displays the "Drop Cap" dialog box.
Signature Line - Button with Drop-Down. Let’s you use and insert
digital signatures into your documents. The button inserts a
digital signature line that specifies the individual who must sign.
The drop-down contains the commands: Microsoft Office
Signature Line and Add Signature Service.
Date & Time - Displays the "Date and Time" dialog box.
Object - Button with Drop-Down. The button displays the "Object"
dialog box allowing you to insert embedded objects. The drop-down
contains commands: Object and Text from File.
Design Tab
Document Formatting
This group was moved in 2013 from the Page Layout tab.
This group was called Themes in 2010.
Page Background
This group was moved in 2013 from the Page Layout tab.
Layout Tab
You can display the "Page Setup" dialog box, Margins Tab, by
clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of
this group.
Page Background
You can quickly display the "Paragraph" dialog box, Indents and
Spacing tab, by clicking on the launcher in the bottom right corner
of this group.
These are options taken from the (Format Paragraph) (Indents and
Spacing tab) for quick access.