Kiit University Bhubaneswar Lesson Plan
Kiit University Bhubaneswar Lesson Plan
Kiit University Bhubaneswar Lesson Plan
/ E&E / Electrical 2011 2012 (Autumn Semester) 5th EC 502 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Prof. A. K. Sen, Mrs. S. Nanda, Mr. J. K. Panigrahi, Mrs. K. B. Ray COVERAGE Review of Digital Electronics Applications of MP and its versatility Basic MP and a basic MP based system Tristate concept & Bus structure Evolution of MPs 8085 MP Architecture Registers Flags Stack & stack pointer Timing & Control unit 8085 Pins & Signals Different Groups Data & Address Bus Other Control signals NO OF LECTS 1 LECT SERIAL 1
Sample one byte, two byte and three byte Instructions Timing Diagram for the above I/O mapped I/ O & Memory mapped I/ O Timing Diagram for IN & OUT Instructions 8085 Addressing Modes 8085 Instructions - Data Transfer Group - Arithmetic Group
6 - 10
- Logical Group - Branch, Stack, IO & Machine Control Groups Assembler Format Assembler Directives Sample problems Software Development Tools
11 - 14
Selective Masking Concept of EI, DI, SIM, RIM instructions & examples Hardware Interrupts including INTR (Handshake Interrupt) & INA cycle Memory Chips (27 series & RAM chips) Memory Interfacing Programmable peripheral Interface (8255) Concept of ports & its Address Control word format, I/O mode, BSR mode Concept of Hand shaking Problems Programmable Interrupt controller (8259) Internal Architechure Sequence of operation Control word Problems Serial Communication, brief idea of Async & Sync serial communication, framing RS232C, modem Programmable communication Interface (8251) USART Internal Architechure Mode & Command word
15 - 17
18 - 20
21 26
Introduction Architecture Pins & signals Addressing modes Instruction set + Assembly language (Major Group) (Data transfer, I/O Instruction, Add object, Flag Reg, Arithmetic, Logical, String, Branching, Flag manipulation & processor control instructions) Interrupts IVT, Classification of interrupts Interfacing with Memory Introduction Overview of 8051 family Architechure, Register Banks & SFRs Pins & signals Memory organization & External memory acess Program memory Data memory Location of SFRs in RAM Bit addressable RAM Overview of 8051 instructions & sample programs Timers, Counters
4 2 6
27 - 43
2 1 44 - 47
Text Books : 1. Microprocessor architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 Ramesh S. Goankar Penram International Publishing (India) 2. Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming & Hardware Douglas V. Hall TMH 3. Microcontroller Theory & Applications Deshmukh - TMH Reference Books : 1. Introduction to microprocessors A. P. Mathur TMH Publication 2. Microprocessors & Microcomputer based System Design Md. Rafiquzzaman 3. Advanced Microprocessor & Microcontrollers Prof. S. K. Venkat Rama Laxmi Publications 4. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems M. A. Mazidi Pearson
Department/Program AcademicSession SubjectCode Semester SubjectName Teachers Sl. No. 1. Topic :E&TC :20112012(AutumnSemester) :EC503 :5thSemester :Optical&SatelliteCommunication :Dr.S.S.Singh,Mr.S.Bhattacharya Coverage No.of Lectures 1 1 1 2 3 Lecture Serial No. 13
Relationbetweenrefractiveindexandvelocityof light, Basic structure and ray diagram of optical path in an optical fiber, Acceptance cone, Numericalaperture. Concept of modes, Qualitative analysis of EM wave propagation in cylindrical wave guide, Different types of mode in optical fibers, Cutoff condition for guided modes, Boundary conditions, single mode / multi mode fiber, ConceptofVnumberanditsimportance
4 8
Intrinsic / Extrinsic losses, Material or impurity losses, Rayleigh scattering loss, Absorption loss, Bending loss, Leaky modes, Core and cladding loss. Concept of dispersion, Intermodal dispersion, Intramodal dispersion, Wave guide and material dispersion,Minimizationofdispersion.
3 3
9 14
Characteristicsofgoodopticalsource,Principleof operation of LED, Types of LED structure and spectralcharacteristics Principle of operation of laser diode, Laser structure, Comparison of LED / Laser, Intensity modulationusingbothLEDandLaserdiode.
2 2
15 18
Opticaldetectors Principle of operation of PIN diode, Structure, Currentcharacteristics, Principle of operation of APD, Structure, Current characteristic,ComparisonofPIN/APD Noises at optical receiver, Thermal noise, Short noise,SNRandNoiseequivalentpower.
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
Optical link budget, Power budget, Rise time budget,Designofcomponents. Concept of WDM, Passive components used in WDM,TypesofWDMtechniques.
23 26
Frequencyspectrumforsatellitecommunication, Typesoforbits,KeplersLawsofplanetarymotion Orbital perturbations, Geostationary orbit, Satellitelunching General satellite communication, Block diagram uplink, Downlink frequencies, Types of modulationtechniquesused.
27 32
Losses/ Attenuation
Signal loss on transmission through earths atmosphere, Atmospheric losses, Inospheric effects,Rainattenuation. Satellite link budget : Transmission losses, Interference, System noise temperature, Link powerbudget
33 38
9. Satellite
Antenna subsystems, Attitude and orbit control subsystem, Power subsystem, Communication subsystem,TTC&Msubsystems.
39 42
10. Satellite
Satellite application in TV, Internet, Mobile telephony, Receive only home TV, Master AntennaTV,LowearthorbitSatellitesystemsand uses.
43 44
: : : : : :
E&TC 20112012(AutumnSemester) 5th EC -501 Digital Communication Techniques Mrs. S. Alpna, Mrs. S. Pahadsingh
COVERAGE Brief Idea of Probability, Random Variable, Random Process, Cumulative Distributive Function, Probability Density Function, Mean, Variance, Power spectral density, Gaussian, Rayleigh, Exponential and Poisson PDF NO OF LECTS LECT SERIAL
1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 11
PCM, Delta Modulation and Pulse Code Modulation Electrical Demodulation representation of Binary Digit, PCM system, companding, Multiplexing of PCM signals, Differential PCM, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation, Linear predictive coder, Comparison of PCM and DM Noise in PCM and Delta Quantization noise, Output Signal Power, Modulation thermal noise, output SNR in PCM, Quantization noise in DM, Output SNR in DM, Differential pulse code modulation, effect of Thermal noise in DM Digital Modulation and Band-pass transmission system, GramDemodulation Techniques Schmidt orthogonalization, BPSK, DPSK (Differential Encoded PSK), QPSK, /4 QPSK, OQPSK, M-ary PSK., BFSK, M-ary FSK, Minimum shift keying (MSK), GMSK. Comparison of BPSK, QPSK, /4 QPSK, OQPSK, BFSK, GMSK Comparison of modulation schemes in terms of probability of error and spectral efficiency
Data Transmissions
Base-band Signal Receiver, Probability of Error, The Optimum Filter, White noise, the Matched filter, Probability of Error of Matched Filter. Coherent Reception: PSK, FSK, Noncoherent Detection of FSK, Differential PSK and QPSK, Error probability of BPSK, BFSK & QPSK. Bit encoding, symbol-by-symbol Encoding. Relationship between Bit error rate and symbol error rate. Probability of Error in Quadrature Partial shift key system, comparison of Modulation system Discrete message, The Concept of amount of information, Information entropy, Information rate, coding to increase average information per bit. Shannonss Theorem, Channel Capacity, Capacity of Gaussian Channel, Bandwidth S/N Trade off.
2 1 2
2 1 2 1 3 2 42-46
: : : : : :
1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 1
2 3
5-7 8-14
4 5
15-17 18-24
FM Radio Receiver
Digital Modulation
Sampling Process, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Time Division Multiplexing, Frequency Division Multiplexing, The Quantization Process, Pulse Code Modulation, Noise consideration in PCM systems. Data Form, Principles involved in PSK (BPSK, QPSK, /4 QPSK), FSK, GMSK, Transmission Modes between stations, Data Communication Systems, parity, Asynchronous & Synchronous, Transmission, Introduction to Modems , Block diagram Description of satellite communication, Fiber optic communication and Mobile communication.
KIIT UNIVERSITY BHUBANESWAR LESSON PLAN Department / Program Academic Session Subject Code Subject Name Teachers Module No & Name Module 1 DTFT, DFT, IDFT and FFT : E&TC : 2011 - 2012 : EC 504 / 604 : Digital Signal Processing : Mr. H.Thethi, Mr. S. Ghosh Topics / Coverage Brief idea about the DSP Introduction to Fourier Transform Discrete Time Fourier Transform Conditions and properties of DTFT Discrete Fourier Transform Properties of DFT Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform Circular Convolution Properties of Circular Convolution Long duration sequences by digital filter method (overlap save and overlap add method) Fast Fourier Transform Properties of FFT Decimation in Time (DIT) Decimation in Frequency (DIF) Module 2 Z Transform and Inverse Z - Transform Introduction to Z Transform Definition of Z Transform ROC of the Z Transform Poles and zeros Properties of Z Transform Inverse Z Transform Long division method 09 14 - 22 No. of lecturers 13 Lect. Serial No. 01 - 13
Convolution method Partial fraction expansion method Solution of difference equations using one sided Z Transform Response of pole-zero systems with NonZero initial conditions Causality and stability of LTI systems in the Z-domain. Design of IIR Filter using impulse invariance technique Design of IIR Transformation Filter using Bilinear
23 -35
Design of IIR Filter using Approximation of Derivatives Realization of Digital Filters i) Direct form I realization ii) Direct form II realization Design of FIR Filter using Hamming window Design of FIR Filter using Kaiser window Frequency Transformations Analog domain Frequency Transformations Digital domain Module 4 Adaptive filters & power Spectrum Estimation Introduction to multirate DSP Decimation and interpolation Polyphase decomposition Uniform DFT filter banks Quadrature mirror filters and perfect reconstruction Introduction to finite register length effects on digital filter performance Spectral estimation in in the the 09 36 - 44
Text Book : 1. Digital Signal Processing J. G. Proakis & D. G. Manolakes PHI Reference Books : 1. Digital Signal Processing Oppenheim & Schafer 2. Digital Signal Processing P. Ramesh babu
KIIT UNIVERSITY BHUBANESWAR LESSON PLAN Department /Program Subject Code Semester Session Teacher Module No & Name Signal : : : : : : Computer Science (B.Tech.) Introduction to Digital Communication (IDC) EC-506 5th 2011-2012 Mr. R. Mitra, Mrs. S. Pahadsingh Topic / Coverage Signal in time domain Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Properties & Examples Periodic & Non- periodic Signal Analysis , Convolution, Parsevals Theorem & Power Spectral Density Need for modulation & types of analog modulation Method of Frequency Translation, Recovery of Baseband Signal, Principle of AM, Spectrum of AM, Virtues and Limitations of AM & types of AM (DSB, SSB,VSB) Power relationship for DSB,DSB/SC,SSB Principle of FM & PM, Relationship of PM & FM, Spectrum of FM, Power in FM, BW of FM (Carsons rule ), Narrow & Wideband FM Sampling theorem, Re-construction Theorem & Aliasing. Natural Sampling and Flat Top Sampling. PAM, PWM & PPM (Principle, system & waveform presentation). FDM & TDM (Principle, System & waveform presentation) Quantization of signal, PCM Encoder and PCM Decoder (Block Diagram & response) Noise in PCM (Quantization noise),SNR Calculation. Delta & Adaptive Modulation (Block Diagram & response) ASK & FSK (Principle, Block diagram and mathematical representation). PSK & DPSK (Principle, Block diagram and mathematical representation). No of Lectures 1 2 3 1 3 7-14 Lecture Serial 1-6
Analog Modulation
1 3 1 2 1 15-18
Pulse Modulation
2 1 2 2 2
QPSK (Principle, Block diagram and mathematical representation). Probability of Error & BER Calculation Optimum Filter, Matched Filter & properties Comparison of ASK, PSK & FSK Data Communication system (Principle and requirement). Sync. & Asynchronous transmission. Low, Medium & High speed Modems. 6. Basic Information Theory Information, amount of information, Maximum information, Average Information and Entropy, Information Rate. Binary Symmetric & Error Channel Shannons Channel Capacity theorem & Capacity of Gaussian Channel, BW-S/N Trade off Basics of Source & Channel Coding , Redundancy, Coding efficiency, Huffman & Cyclic Codes
2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3
2 2 3
Text Book : Principle of Communication System H. Taub & D. Schilling (TMH) Reference Books: 1) Communication Systems Simon Haykin, 4th Edition; John Wiley 2) Data & Computer Communication W. Stallings, Pearson Edn.
Department/Program Academic Session Subject No Semester Subject Name Teachers Module No/ Section No. Name 1. Introduction
: Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. and Electronics & Electrical Engg. : 2011-2012 : E&E - 501 : 5th : Control Systems : Mr. C. Yarra, Mr. A. Kudeshia & Mr. R. Mitra Topics /Coverage 1. 2. 3. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Basic concepts of control system. Classifications. Servomechanism. Regulators. Differential equations of physical system. Transfer function. Block diagram algebra. Signal flow graph. Masons loop gain formula Application of signal flow graph to control system. Feedback & non feedback sys. Reduction of parameter variation by use of feedback. Control of the effects of disturbance signals by use of feedback. Regenerative feedback. Electrical systems. - DC servometer. - AC servometer, - AC tachometer - Potentiometer - Synchros - AC & DC position control system Hydraulic systems Pneumatic systems No. of Lectures 2 Lecture Serial No. 1-2
3. Feedback Theory
1. 2. 3. 4. 1.
9 - 13
14 - 20
2. 3.
5. Time domain analysis, design specification & performance indices 6. Time response of 1st order system 7. Time response of 2nd order system
1. Standard test signal : Step Ramp Parabolic Impulse 1. Response of unit step input. 2. Response of unit Ramp input. Mid Semester Examination 1. Response to the unit step input. 2. Time response specifications. 3. Steady state error and design specification. 4. Error constant of 2nd order system. 5. Derivative & integral control. 6. PID control. 7. Design consideration for higher order systems. 8. Performance indices. 9. Optimization using ITAE. 1. The concept of stability. 2. Necessary condition for stability. 3. Hurwitz stability criterion. 4. Routh stability criterion. 5. Application of Routh stability criterion to linear feedback system 1. Root locus concept. 2. Construction of Root Loci 3. Construction rules 4. Determination of gain from Root Locus. 1. Introduction 2. Bode diagram 3. Polar polts 4. Log magnitude versus phase plots. 5. Nyquist-stability criterion 6. Stability analysis 7. Relative stability 8. Closed loop frequency response, Constant M. circles, Nichols chart, use of MATLAB for performance studies. End Semester Examination
25 - 30
8. Concept of stability
31 - 35
9. Root of stability
36 - 40
41 - 48
Text Book : 1. Control System Engg - I. J. Nagrath & M. Gopal, New Age International (P) Ltd, 2nd Edn, 1996 Reference Books : 1. Modern Control Engg, K. Ogata, PHI. 3rd Edn, 1997 2. System dynamics & Control : Eronini Umez-Eronini, 1999 Edn, PWS Publishing International Thompson Publishing Company. 3. Control Systems Engineering, Norman Nise, Wiley, 3rd Edn.