An Overview of Reviews On Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: Barriers and Facilitators
An Overview of Reviews On Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: Barriers and Facilitators
An Overview of Reviews On Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: Barriers and Facilitators
on Interprofessional
Collaboration in Primary
Care: Barriers and
*Author affiliations can be found in the back matter of this article
were presented as barriers or facilitators of IPC. Three was disagreement on 24 (10.4%). Thirteen of these
authors took part in these processes (T.C., C.R. and C.A.). disagreements were solved in discussion between the
Among them, two independent reviewers selected all three authors involved in the screening (T.C., C.R. and
articles (using title/abstract then full-text) and extracted C.A.). For the 11 remaining, disagreements were solved by
data. Disagreements were resolved during discussions consulting a fourth author (I.P.B.). Fifty-eight reviews met
between authors. When necessary, a fourth author was the selection criteria and were included in this overview,
consulted for final decision (I.P.B.). of which 29 reported factors hindering or facilitating IPC
(Figure 1). This corresponded to 1,091 primary studies
QUALITY ASSESSMENT (9 to 251 primary studies per review). The CCA value was
The methodological quality of each included review was of 0.6%, indicating a slight degree of overlap.
assessed by two independent reviewers (among T.C.,
C.R., or C.A.) using the ROBIS tool [26]. We attributed a CHARACTERISTICS OF INCLUDED REVIEWS
Low, High or Unclear risk of bias to each domain (study Of the 29 reviews, 20 were mixed methods reviews, six
eligibility criteria, identification and selection of studies, were qualitative, and three were quantitative. The most
data collection and study appraisal, and synthesis and frequently used method of synthesis was thematic
findings), and to the review as a whole. These results synthesis (n = 16), followed by narrative synthesis
served as an indicative purpose to inform on the quality (n = 8), framework synthesis (n = 2), taxonomic analysis
of the included reviews. No reviews were eliminated (n = 1), realist approach (n = 1) and pragmatic meta-
according to their risk of bias. aggregative approach (n = 1). We identified six types of
IPC, based on the authors’ way of defining the setting
DEGREE OF OVERLAP and the type of health professionals involved in IPC
To avoid interpretation biases and address the inclusion (Figure 2): (1) IPC in primary care (large scope) included
of primary studies in more than one review [27], we reviews focusing on healthcare professionals working
calculated the degree of overlap by using the “Corrected in interprofessional primary care teams, without
Covered Area” (CCA) measure [28]; a CCA value ≤5% targeting specific professions (n = 11); (2) PCP-nurse
being considered as a slight overlap, and values ≥15% as collaboration corresponded to reviews focusing on
a very high overlap [28]. collaboration between physicians and nurses in primary
care, for example in general practices or reporting nurse
SYNTHESIS OF RESULTS practitioners’ views and experiences (n = 2); (3) PCP-
The textual content relating to barriers and facilitators specialty care provider collaboration included reviews
identified in the reviews were coded separately using targeting collaboration between a PCP and a specialist
thematic synthesis according to the Braun & Clarke (e.g., palliative care providers, oncologists, psychiatrists,
method [29] and using the Maxqda® (v.11) software. cardiologists) (n = 3); (4) PCP-pharmacist collaboration
Themes were progressively generated by following an corresponded to reviews specifically addressing colla
inductive approach, to provide broad types of barriers and boration between PCP and community pharmacists
facilitators. The latter were then classified into four levels: (n = 2); (5) PCP-mental health care provider collaboration
system (determinants from the environment outside contained reviews reporting interventions implemented
the organization), organizational (conditions within the in primary mental health settings, such as “Collaborative
organization), inter-individual (relating to the interpersonal care” models (multi-professional approaches to patient
relationship between professionals and/or within the care typically involving a PCP, a mental health specialist,
team), and individual (specific to the individual). Moreover, and a case manager) (n = 6). The final type of IPC, (6)
since the included reviews targeted specific types of intersectoral collaboration, included reviews on the
collaboration, in terms of setting and professionals involved, collaboration between primary care and other sectors
we classified them in broader types of IPC. Then, we (nursing homes, sport sector, oral health or public health)
tagged the coded segments according to this classification (n = 5). The risk of bias was low for 11 reviews, high for
in order to identify barriers and facilitators that were both 15 and unclear for 3. Characteristics of the reviews are
the most reported and the most specific for each type of presented in S3 Table.
IPC. We chose to present barriers and facilitators by type of The synthesis identified 22 types of barriers and 20
collaboration in the form of tables and narratively. types of facilitators impacting IPC across all types of
collaboration (Figures 3 and 4). Among the reported
barriers, four were common to all types of IPC, 16 were
RESULTS reported in three or more types of collaboration and
SEARCH RESULTS two were specific to one or two types only. Regarding
From 9998 records identified, 230 full text articles were facilitators, eight were common to all types of IPC, 12
screened. Of the 230 screened full text articles, there were reported in three or more types of collaboration
Rawlinson et al. International Journal of Integrated Care DOI: 10.5334/ijic.5589 4
Figure 3 Barriers to interprofessional collaboration with the number of reviews reporting them, by type of collaboration.
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Figure 4 Facilitators of interprofessional collaboration with the number of reviews reporting them, by type of collaboration.
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and none were specific to one or two types of IPC. In the a common vision, and creation of team cohesion through
next sections, for each of the six types of IPC, we present team building were also identified [11, 15, 32–38].
first the findings regarding barriers and then regarding
facilitators (S4 Table for detailed results). PCP-nurse collaboration
At the system level, inadequate reimbursement policies and
BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS OF problems with payment mechanisms for nurses’ services
INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION (poor reimbursement or insufficient financial support) were
IPC in primary care (large scope) the most frequently reported barriers [45, 46]. Besides these
At the system level, the barriers that were most legal and financial issues, barriers were mostly reported
often reported concerned financial barriers (e.g., lack at the inter-individual level where traditional hierarchies
of long-term funding, inadequate reimbursement between both disciplines and ideological differences
policies) [11, 30], followed by the lack of leadership at in practice and cultural perception of care (biomedical
national/political level and the lack of support in legal versus experiential) led to power struggles and difficulties
constraints for the expansion of roles [11, 30, 31]. At the regarding professional identity. In fact, whereas nurses
organizational level, limitations in human resources (e.g., feared disadvantages due to their extended roles in the
lack of time and skilled professionals) led to an increased absence of clear definitions of roles boundaries, physicians
workload [11, 15, 31–33]. The lack of professionals’ misunderstood these extended roles.
training in IPC implementation and of organizational Facilitators at the organizational level included tools
support in this process were also mentioned [11, 15, 31, for team communication (e.g., regular meetings, open
32, 34, 35]. At the inter-individual level, the imbalance channels of communication, use of technologies) and
of power between professionals, due to hierarchies close physical proximity between professionals [45,
between disciplines (especially physicians versus other 46]. At the inter-individual level, definition of roles and
professionals) at a structural level [11, 15, 32–35] was responsibilities, the acceptation of other professionals’
mentioned. The lack of clarity regarding functions views, competences and practices, and shared leadership
and scopes of other professionals and fear of loss of were reported [45, 46]. At the individual level, a positive
territory/professional identity in newly defined roles [11, attitude and interest in IPC was identified [45, 46].
15, 31–35] was associated with the depreciation of other
professionals’ contributions and skills as well as the lack PCP-specialty care provider collaboration
of common vision and goals [11, 15, 31, 32, 35]. Poor or Barriers at the organizational level concerned lack of
deficient communication between actors was also an time, work overload [47, 48] and the lack of adequate
important barrier [11, 15, 31–33, 35]. At the individual electronic data sharing solutions [47, 49]. The lack
level, professionals were concerned about the benefits of of PCP experience and uncertainty in knowledge also
collaboration for their patients [15, 34, 35]. limited patients’ follow-up [49]. At the inter-individual
Facilitators at the organizational and inter-individual level, discrepancies in role definitions between primary
levels were particularly frequently cited in this type of care physicians and specialty care providers, and lack of
collaboration. At the organizational level, reinforcement clarity in role boundaries led some specialists to assume
of human resources, with an equitable involvement a PCP role [47–49]. Lack of and poor communication also
of professionals and available time [11, 15, 32–37], weakened IPC [47, 49]. At the individual level, doubts
re-organization of practice and, more specifically, from specialty care providers regarding IPC benefits
team composition with formalized partnerships and limited patients’ referrals to primary care physicians
coordination rules were often identified [11, 15, 30, 32– during acute phases of disease [48, 49].
34, 36–38]. The use of tools to improve care processes Facilitators were mainly at the organizational level.
(e.g., care planning, referral, guidelines) was also These included providing tools for care processes,
mentioned [11, 15, 30, 32–34, 36–38]. Organizing regular especially shared care guidelines or pathways, favoring
meetings and feedback, using clear communication patient data transmission (electronic medical records,
routines or information channels were also facilitators survivorship care plans), and improving PCP knowledge
of IPC [15, 30–38]. Supportive institutions and having a and experience in specialty care [47–49]. Reorganizing
team leader or champion to organize interprofessional practice [47, 49], favoring proximity and access between
collaboration was also mentioned [11, 30–38]. At the professionals [48, 49], increasing resources in trained staff
inter-individual level, effective, openly shared knowledge and personnel, and providing tools for communication
and information regarding patients and moments of [48, 49] were also mentioned. At the inter-individual level,
informal face-to-face discussions [15, 30–38] were effective communication and information exchange
important. Valorization of other professionals’ work and (timely, relevant detail) [47–49], and agreement on
understanding of their roles, trust and respect between role definition and sharing of decision-making [47, 48]
professionals [11, 15, 32–38], shared interests, goals and facilitated IPC.
Rawlinson et al. International Journal of Integrated Care DOI: 10.5334/ijic.5589 8
most frequent ones being: 1) lack of long-term funding be invested in continuing professional education and
and inadequate reimbursement policies, and payment training.
mechanisms at the system level; 2) lack of time, insufficient When system-level actions are essential to increase
training, and lack of leadership at the organizational level; the recognition of the roles of healthcare professionals
3) lack of clear role boundaries and responsibilities, poor and legitimize IPC [46], they must be complemented
communication, professional identity, and power issues by organizational and inter-individual level changes to
at the inter-individual level; and 4) doubts regarding the favor professionals’ acceptance and embracement. For
benefits of IPC and resistance to change at the individual example, a policy analysis conducted in Ontario (Canada)
level. In contrast, facilitators varied depending on the [63] reported that a legislative support favoring IPC did
type of IPC, suggesting that reported facilitators were not suppress important barriers. Moreover, since the
more context-specific than barriers. The most reported implementation of IPC through a top-down approach
facilitators related to: 1) available funding, supportive increased professionals’ impression of an injunction to
policies, incentives and compensations for professionals collaborate, several reviews underlined the importance
at the system level; 2) reorganizing practices and team of using bottom-up strategies to tailor IPC to its context
structure, co-location, tools for care processes, and and favor its acceptance by professionals [11, 31, 37, 55].
providing training and sufficient human resources at the At the organizational level, human resource limitations,
organizational level; 3) the quality of communication, particularly lack of time, were a major concern in all
the respect and cohesion between professionals and types of collaboration. Implementing organizational
a shared power at the inter-individual level; and 4) a changes, such as team reorganization and coordination,
positive attitude toward IPC at the individual level. or provision of efficient tools, requires not only energy
We observed that barriers and facilitators at organi and time but also skills that professionals may not
zational and inter-individual levels were particularly have. Coaching strategies have thus recently emerged
prominent in included reviews and across all types of IPC, in primary care to guide interprofessional teams on
in contrast to the system-level. These latter aspects were organizational aspects [64]. A strong facilitator of IPC
potentially less sought-after in interventional studies that was mentioned in the majority of included reviews
that aimed to improve process or health outcomes and and across all types of collaboration is co-location. This is
had received funding for this purpose. It is thus likely not a surprise, as it has often been cited as a key enabler
that they focused on what worked or not at the level of of collaborative work in the literature [65–67], by not
their intervention rather than at the system-level. Yet only facilitating communication but also reducing power
system-level factors, and in particular the possibility of imbalances between professionals [68].
the health system to sustainably fund IPC, are critical for Regarding inter-individual factors, results show that
some types of collaboration such as primary care teams, perceived threats to professional identity, role definition
collaborative care models, and PCP-nurse collaboration. and poor communication represent central challenges
Integrating nurses into the PCPs’ practices can be a major for IPC in primary care. In fact, these barriers are crucial
challenge in terms of funding, particularly in countries in primary care where IPC requires strong and effective
where PCPs are generally independent small-business teamwork [69], even though professionals are less used to
owners, and function on a Fee-For-Service (FFS) model. adopting a team-based functioning [70]. If role definition
In such contexts, it is in fact more convenient for PCPs to and poor communication seemed to be of concern in all
develop a collaboration outside the practice but with the types of IPC, fear of losing one’s professional identity was
risk of losing quality in collaboration [57]. not reported in all types of IPC. This was particularly true
The lack of multidisciplinarity in healthcare professio regarding PCP-nurse and PCP-pharmacist collaboration,
nals’ education and training was another system-level where PCPs have to accept to delegate or even transfer
factor under-reported in the included reviews, most likely activities to other professionals. Moreover, PCPs feel
because it may represent a distal cause not immediately that the involvement of other healthcare professionals
perceptible to the actors. However, scholars agree that in their patients’ management may jeopardize, or even
it is an indispensable prerequisite for the adoption of hinder, relational continuity, a fundamental tenet of
IPC by healthcare professionals in the future [58]. More primary care [13, 24, 71]. In addition, IPC may be difficult
specifically, the creation of a common culture around to implement in a context where traditional hierarchies
IPC, a main goal of interprofessional education [59] and between disciplines persist. Actually, compliance with
a key aspect to maintain collaborations [60], should be the medical hierarchy could result in power imbalances
encouraged and promoted at the system level. Currently, in collaborative teams [72], and lead to non-inclusive
efforts are made to enhance interprofessional education decision-making processes, poor communication and
during under- and graduate studies [61, 62]. Even though coordination issues [73]. Unfortunately, issues related to
the latter is essential to change future professionals’ professional identity are difficult to address because they
perception and practice of IPC, similar efforts should also are often rooted in power struggles [68]. In fact, some
Rawlinson et al. International Journal of Integrated Care DOI: 10.5334/ijic.5589 10
authors have attempted to develop and conceptualize an can be used when assessing the quality assessment of
interprofessional identity that could replace the existing different types of reviews, it was not specifically designed
identities of each professional group involved in IPC [74, for qualitative and mixed methods reviews. Therefore,
75]. However, even if there is a rising interest towards the quality assessment of the included reviews should be
developing such an identity, its conceptualization interpreted with caution.
and the way it could be promoted among healthcare
professionals remains unclear [76]. Other authors have
suggested to focus on team functioning by promoting CONCLUSION
shared roles and leadership, or by adopting open
communication. For example, role boundaries defined by Despite some specificities according to the types
separate lines of management and lacking flexibility are of collaboration, the most often cited barriers and
known to decrease teamwork effectiveness in primary facilitators were reported across different contexts
care [70, 77]. Thus, efforts could target flexibility and and intervened mostly at the organizational and inter-
shared leadership between professionals [78]. In the long individual levels. It can be expected that the barriers
term, however, the most promising option seems to rely identified at the system and individual levels will be
on education, and more particularly on mentoring [68]. gradually overcome with the broader implementation
The main strength of our review is that we com of interprofessional education and the setting up
prehensively examined and summarized barriers and of collaborative projects and practices at the local
facilitators of IPC in the primary care setting, using state- level. In fact, governance, professional practices and
of-the-art methodology. Nevertheless, results need to be attitudes are closely linked, and will evolve together as
interpreted according to the following limitations. First, IPC becomes more and more familiar in primary care.
our two main concepts (primary care and IPC) are not We believe that this overview of reviews, by identifying
consensually defined in the literature. The operational the most prominent barriers and facilitators to IPC in
definition used for the literature search and identification primary care, can prove useful for the development of
of reviews could have led us to miss some reviews. Also, tools to guide decision-makers in the implementation of
the search strategy and eligibility criteria were not defined interprofessional collaboration.
specifically to find barriers and facilitators, but according
to the larger objective of the overview to include a wide
range of articles on IPC in primary care, which means that ADDITIONAL FILE
we have also incorporated data from reviews that were
not primarily intended to study barriers and facilitators The additional file for this article can be found as follows:
of IPC. Second, it was not possible to distinguish barriers
and facilitators to implementing IPC from barriers and • Supplementary material. Table S1–S4. DOI: https://
facilitators to practicing IPC since they were most of the
time not differentiated in the included reviews. These
were considered jointly despite the fact that some
barriers or facilitators may be more specific to one or ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the other phenomenon. Third, even though thematic
synthesis of our data allowed the identification of clearly The authors thank Thomas Brauchli (from the Unit for
prominent themes in an organized and structured way, it Documentation and Data Management, Center for Primary
offers little possibility to develop thematic categories of Care and Public Health (Unisanté), University of Lausanne,
higher order beyond those identified in the literature [79]. Switzerland) for his help in the elaboration of the search
Fourth, we were confronted to the common challenge strategy and conduction of the search, and Jolanda
of study overlap when conducting overviews [27]. Even Elmers (from the Medical Library, Lausanne University
though the Corrected Covered Area (CCA) suggested Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland) for her
only a slight overlap between the 29 reviews, some support and assistance in the CCA calculations.
primary studies were included in more than one review.
Therefore, we cannot exclude that some study results,
overrepresented, may have biased the overall depiction REVIEWERS
of barriers and facilitators. Overlap between the six
types of IPC is also possible. In fact, the latter were not Sanneke Schepman, HU University of Applied Sciences
mutually exclusive, which is due to an overlap between Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 7, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands
the scopes of the reviews themselves. Finally, it appeared and NIVEL, Netherlands Institute for Health Services
that more than half of the included reviews presented Research, PO Box 1568, 3500 BN, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
a high risk of bias. Despite the fact that the ROBIS tool One anonymous reviewer.
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