Ep 6
Ep 6
Ep 6
Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines
Resource Teacher: Ms. Pagkaliwangan Teacher’s Signature: School: CNHS
Grade/ Year Level: Grade 9 Subject Area: English Date: 12/01/23
Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.
1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?
Answer: I think the routines are effective in ensuring discipline and order in class as I observe in
class that most of them are paying attention to the resource teacher.
2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.
Answer: The routines that is systematic was the collection and checking of assignments as it is
done in a daily basis.
Reflect on various class routines that you most likely apply in your class. Why? Why not?
Answer: I think I would apply only a few, mainly the collection and checking of assignments. It is because
it will be my way of measuring a student’s understanding to the topic or subject at hand that I have taught.
Classroom Rules Importance
1. e.g. Read directions well Ensures less error in answering the activity
2. Listening to teacher’s directions. Ensure that the students are listening on what the
teacher was instructing to do.
3. Repeating of what the teacher had stated. Ensure that the students are aware of what was
being, or what was discussed previously
4. Always ask permission before going out. Ensure that the students are being respectful of the
5. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Ensure that the students are able to finish any given
tasks by the teacher.
6. Always clarify things and raise concern if there Ensure that the students are understanding the
is any. context on hand correctly, precisely, and
accurately, and if there are any concerns, it would
be solved as soon as possible,
1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of rule?
Answer: Most of the circumstance that lead to the formulation of the rules are the respect of the student
towards the teacher, not only that but also on a student’s educational wellbeing and learner’s attention span.
2. Are the classroom rules really important?
Answer: Classroom rules are very important as it keeps students in order and in line of being disciplined.
Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource teacher. Will you have the same rules? If not,
what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.
Answer: Personally, I would implement the same rules as I have noticed that it works well with her
students so it might as well work on mine, but of course, I would tweak if necessary.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Evaluate your work task Field Study 1, Episode 6- Classroom Management and Classroom Routines
Name of FS Student: Julianne Mari Felizardo Date Submitted: 12/01/23
Year and Section: BSE3AE Course: BSE-E