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Fa20-Bee-150 MP Lab Report - 07

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1 Lab Report - 07


“Lab Report-07: Interfacing Analog

sensors using built-in ADC”

NAME: Muhammad Umar

REG No: FA20-BEE-150

INSTRUCTOR: SIR Raheel ahmed

2 Lab Report - 07

In Lab Tasks:

Task-1 Use LM35 to sense the room temperature. Convert this data into
digital using atmega328P ADC and display temperature value on virtual
terminal. Complete the Code and simulate on Proteus.


#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
/****** Definitions for UART *******/
#define BAUD0 9600 // Baud Rate for UART
#define MYUBRR (F_CPU/8/BAUD0-1)
#define ADC_CHANNEL0 0
#define ADC_CHANNEL1 1
#define ADC_CHANNEL2 2
#define ADC_VREF 5 // Ref voltage for ADC is 5 Volts
#define ADC_RES 10 // Resolution of ADC in bits
#define ADC_QLEVELS 1024 // Quantization levels for the ADC
unsigned char ADC_Initialize();
unsigned int ADC_Read(unsigned char channel); // Reads the result of a
//single conversion from the ADC
#include "debug_prints.c"
float ADC_Convert(unsigned int);
unsigned char VinToTemp(float Vin);
unsigned char read_temp_sensor(unsigned char ADC_channel);


int main(void)
3 Lab Report - 07

DIDR0 = 0xFF; //Disable digital I/O
DDRD = 0xFF;

printSerialStr("Temperature is: ");
temprature = read_temp_sensor(TEMP_SENSOR_CHANNEL);
printSerialStr("\r \n");
PORTD = temprature;

// Function Initializes the ADC for 10-Bit Single Conversion mode..
unsigned char ADC_Initialize()
ADMUX |=(1<<ADLAR)|(1<<REFS0);
ADCSRA = 0b11000111;
return 0;
/* Function reads the result of a single conversion from the ADC
channel given as an argument*/
unsigned int ADC_Read(unsigned char channel)
unsigned char ADC_lo;
unsigned char ADC_hi;
unsigned int result;
ADMUX &= ~(0x07); // clear previous selection of channel
ADMUX |= channel; // Select the new channel
// Delay needed for the stabilization of the ADC input voltage
//wait for ADC to finish any ongoing operation
4 Lab Report - 07

while((ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)) != 0);

ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //start conversion
while((ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)) == 0);
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADIF); // clear the flag by writing 1 to it
//result = (ADCH<<8)|(ADCL & 0xC0); // Left adjust result
ADC_lo = ADCL;
ADC_hi = ADCH;
result = (ADC_hi<<2)|(ADC_lo >> 6); // Right adjust result
return result;
/* This function takes an uint16 as input from the ADC.
This uint16 is an unsigned integer result of the ADC
encoded result. The function then converts this result
to floating point Voltage using the ADC_RES (resolution)
and ADC_REF (reference voltage) defined earlier*/
float ADC_Convert(unsigned int ADC_value)
float Vin;
Vin = ADC_VREF * ((float)ADC_value/ADC_QLEVELS);
return Vin;
/** This function takes the floating point Voltage value as input and
converts it to corresponding Temperature in Celsius for an LM35 in
Basic Configuration.
The function returns an 8-Bit integer value of the Temperature */
unsigned char VinToTemp(float Vin)
unsigned char temperature=0;
float VoltsPerCentigrade = 0.01; // 10 mV per centigrade
temperature = (unsigned char) floor(Vin/VoltsPerCentigrade);
return temperature; // Temperature value returned
/* This function reads the Value of Temperature Sensor (LM35) from pre-
defined ADC Channel and returns the result in Degree Celsius as an 8-Bit
unsigned int */
unsigned char read_temp_sensor(unsigned char ADC_channel)
5 Lab Report - 07

unsigned int ADC_value = ADC_Read(ADC_channel); // Read the sensor
Connected at ADC_channel...
float Vin = ADC_Convert(ADC_value); // Get the value in floating point...
unsigned char temp_celsius = VinToTemp (Vin); // Convert to
temperature and return...
return temp_celsius;

Proteus Simulation:

Critical Analysis / Conclusion:

In this lab I learned about,

 Analog to digital converter in ATmega328P
 Configuration of ADC using special function registers
 Converting analog data(temperature) from temperature sensor to
digital data.
 Learned about concepts of sampling, quantization and encoding in ADC

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