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2017 November Drdiecast

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Die Cast
What is Advanced Technology in Die Casting?
What’s possible, where are you now process when the die cast tool reaches robotic inspection, trimming and
and where are you heading? production. Simulation used properly palletizing. Supervisor can be notified
I met a die casting company owner is a step by step process of identifying by text when a cell alarms.
once who said “we just got our first problems and correcting them in the Smart machines/Big Data: David
computer”. Since I had a few moments design stage. If you stop at one itera- Blondheim, Jr PE of Mercury Cast-
before been presenting the benefits of tion of a simulation without making ings gave a very inspiring presentation
shot process monitoring I assumed he any changes in your design you have at the Atlanta NADCA Congress on
meant they got their first “Visi-Trak” wasted your money. The greatest ben- “Machine Learning Algorithms to Pre-
or similar. After asking what brand he efits are experienced by people who dict Casting Defects in High Pressure
purchased, he clarified, “No we just got optimize their process and design Die Casting”. His objective was to use
our first computer….for the office!” before building the tooling. collected data to identify defects before
While he may be in the minority today, What about computer process they reached the customer. Along with
his statement should certainly should monitoring? When first introduced other presentations Mr. Blondheim’s
make us question what we consider “ad- process monitoring equipment cost as paper demonstrated that random
vanced”. Do we even aspire to adopt and much as a new 3 bedroom home. It unscheduled breakdowns affect the
implement advanced technologies in our was also a manual operation, that is, downstream quality results. The inter-
plants and offices? Does technology stop someone had to physically be present ruptions also tend to “muddy the data”
at the door to the shop, the shipping to push the button in order to take a (my words, not David’s) creating flyers
office, production control, etc.? shot trace. The process engineer then that somehow have to be recognized
Why adopt “Advanced Technology” had to analyze the data and deter- and addressed for what they are.
in your business? I can think of two mine if it was within tolerance. If not, Implementing shop floor technology:
reasons, reduce scrap and increase then he made machine adjustments I have found that adding automation
profit. PPM levels of quality can and took another trace. This trial and equipment to a poorly maintained die
never be achieved by 100% visual error process continued until he was or tool only makes things worse. It has
inspection (waste) or occasional pro- satisfied with the results. His produc- been my experience that poor machine
cess or quality spot checks (crossing tivity as a process engineer was lim- and/or tool conditions create inter-
your fingers and hoping for the best). ited by the number of machines he ruptions that inevitably create defec-
The system must do what is humanly could connect to and monitor within tive castings. Used properly a monitor
impossible. It must monitor and the available time. Today, process system will help identify machine and
control 24/7. monitoring equipment costs about tooling problems. Then we can at least
Is the tail wagging the dog? Some- as much as a Canadian “Walleye” cull out castings produced in an out of
times customers have coerced suppliers fishing trip. It can monitor automati- control process before they leave the die
in to using certain technologies such cally, archive results, and calculate casting cell. That doesn’t give us license
as computer simulation, shot process statistics on selected parameters, store to continue to run without address-
monitoring, vacuum etc. However, trend charts and alarm when the shot ing the poor conditions. But it should
if the die caster is not committed or process is “out of control” or beyond help us set priorities for our investment
trained in its implementation it simply control limits. When integrated into strategy to repair or replace machinery
becomes an added expense. the machine controls it can become and tooling and start us on the road to a
Take for example computer “closed loop” and manage the shot healthier plant in the future.
flow and solidification simulation. process. Used in conjunction with How or where do we start? Hope-
When used properly, simulation simulation it is an essential and inte- fully this hasn’t intimidated you and
will demonstrate if the gate and gral to a successful start-up. has at least made you curious enough
overflow designs are inadequate or Cell management: It is possible to to develop a plan for implementing
poorly designed or placed. Similarly, integrate the entire die casting cell. more technology in your plant. I’ve
solidification simulation will show At this level, a computer monitors found there are lots of people with
where additional cooling is needed not only the die casting process but lots of experience in our industry
or heavy cross sectional areas where the ancillary equipment as well. It can who are willing to help. Give them
the casting design could benefit from monitor furnace temperatures, die
a call, it’s not as frightening as you
lighteners/metal savers. Each of these heaters, process water temperatures,
can provide valuable direction toward might think.
die temperatures, vacuum perfor-
improved quality and a more robust mance, die lube usage, vision systems, !

Who’s Dr. Die Cast? Bob McClintic & Associates rmcclintic@ameritech.net

Robert P. McClintic 4411 W. Grand Blvd. NW www.drdiecast.com
Die Casting Consultant Walker, MI 49534 616.292.0454

www. diecasting.org/dce NOVEMBER 2017 1DIE CASTING ENGINEER |7

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