GR 255989 2023
GR 255989 2023
GR 255989 2023
$upreme <tCourt
San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, in Civil Case No. 2018-799-SJC which
affirmed the Decision 6 dated September 25, 2018 of Branch 2, Municipal
Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, in Civil Case
No. (17) 4051 that granted petitioner's complaint for unlawful detainer. 7
The Antecedents
Id. at I 77- 178.
See Certificate to File Action, id . at 161.
See Letter dated May 23 , 2017 , id . at 162- 164.
Id. at 146- 147.
ld . at 166- 169.
Id. at 151.
Id. at 166.
" id. at 166- 167.
·' id. at 167- 168.
Decision 4 G.R. No . 255989
a. Vacate the property subject of TCT No. 21865 and remove all
improvements introduced therein; and
b. Pay reasonable rent in an amount not less than Php 2,000.00
per month from date of demand until the time the defendants
actually vacate the subject property;
The MTCC found that all the elements of a case for unlawful
detainer were established by petitioner by a preponderance of evidence. 26
Id . at 93- 98.
Id. at 98 .
!d. at 95- 97.
id. at 99- 104.
Id . at 104.
id . at 77- 92.
Decision 5 G.R. No. 255989
petitioner for want of proof that th~ir possession of the subject property
was by mere tolerance of petitioner. 30
The CA ruled that petitioner failed to prove the first and second
requisites to establish a cause of action for unlawful detainer. 33 It found
that respondents' possession of the one-half portion of the subject property
was made not by tolerance of the petitioner but by color of title; 34 that their
possession was in the concept of an owner on the basis of the Notice of
Adverse Claim annotated by their predecessor-in-interest, Gertrudes, on
the title of the subject property in 1966 which has remained outstanding; 35
and that respondents, therefore, cannot be ejected through an action for
unlawful detainer. 36
Id. at 87- 88.
Id. at 33- 68.
ld. at 67.
' Id. at 46.
Id. at 46- 50.
ld . at 50-61.
Id . at 61 - 67.
Id. at 280- 28 5.
Id . at 70- 76 .
Id . at 12- 31.
Id . at 19.
Decision 6 G.R. No . 255989
The Issue
Our Ruling
The CA ruled that an action for unlawful detainer is not the proper
remedy in this particular case considering that petitioner failed to prove
the first and second jurisdictional facts necessary to sustain
a summary action for unlawful detainer-particularly, prior physical
possession and tolerance. 44 lt ruled that the transfer of possession of the
portion of the subject prope1iy to respondents was not by virtue of
petitioner's tolerance based on their promise to return possession on
Heirs o._f Teresita Villanueva v. Heirs o/P,tronila Syquia k fendoza , 810 Ph ii. 172, 177- 173 (2017).
See also Racadio v. Spouses Vinluan , G.R. No. 207998 (Notice), June 16, 2021.
S~v v. Spouses Antonio, G.R. No. 230 I 2{J, .l11ly 5, 2021.
Barcelo v. Riparip, G.R. No. 250159. Apri! 26, 2021 , citing Sps. Fahrc:nbaci: 1·. f'cmgiiin,m, 815
Phil. 696, 705 (20 17).
Rollo, pp. 43-4 7.
Decision 7 G.R. No. 255989
The Court differs from the CA' s ruling and agrees with the findings
of the MTCC and the RTC that petitioner has proven by preponderant
evidence that respondents' possession was by mere tolerance.
To make a case for unlawful detainer, the complaint must allege the
(2) the plaintiff notified defend ant that his right of possession is
Id . at 49.
" id. at 62 .
See id . at 96-9 7.
Decision 8 G.R. No. 255989
(4) the plaintiff filed the c:,:,rnpl;-i.i11t within one year from the last
demand on defendant to vac3tc the propeiiy. 48
On this score, the Court finds that petitioner was able to sufficiently
establish that respondents ' occupancy of the subject lot was by mere
tolerance. In addition, the Court agree~ with the finding of the MTCC, as
affirmed by the RTC, that petitioner was the prior possessor, and had been
in continuous possession, of the subject property as a tenant thereof until
May 2015, when he allowed respondents to till the one-half portion on the
condition that they will vacate upon demand. Thus:
48 GSJS v. Espenilla, G.R. No. 203267 (Notice), October 6, 2021 , c iting lntramuros Administration
v. 0.ffshor<=' Construction Dev 't. Co., 81.7 Phil. 303 ,324 (2018) .
49 Marquez v. Andres-Vergara, G .R. No. 2298 18 (Notice), February 3, 2020, citing Spous es Cruz v.
Spouses Cri:z, 6 16 Phil. 519, 525 - 526 (200ti) d!ld !bot v. Heirs of Francisco Tayco , 757 Phil. 441 ,
4 52 (2 015 ).
Id. at 102. Underscoring omitted.
Decision G.R. No . 255989
lawful, their right of possession ended when they refused to vacate the
property upon petitioner's demand. 51 \\Tith respondents' refusal to comply
with the demand to vacate, petitioner had the right to institute the
complaint for unlawful detainer ag,8.inst them.
The allegations, as well as the facts borne out by the records of the
case, evince that petitioner had been in possession of the subject prope1iy
for 40 years as a tenant of the Salamancas. 52 Respondents have not refuted
this fact in their Answer. 53 Neither have they disputed the fact that they
sta1ied tilling a portion of the subject lot only in May 2015 upon
permission given to them by petitioner. Moreover, respondents failed to
establish that petitioner allowed them to till the subject property in
recognition of their deceased predecessor' s right who had an adverse
claim annotated on the title of the subject property. 54 Notably, the
subsequent denial by Spouses Salamanca- the registered owners of the
subject property- that they had given pennission for respondents to till
the one-half portion of subject property, as well as their refusal to
recognize the adverse claim, ilegated all of respondents' claims over the
subject property. 55 Thus, petitioner demanded that respondents vacate the
ld . at 96- 97 , 102- 103.
ld.at93 , 99 .
See Answer, id. at 167- 168.
54 See Answer, id . al 167 . See also Position Paper for the Defendan ts, id. at 220.
ld . at 178, 244.
56 Section I, Rule 70 of the Ru les of Court provides:
SECTION I. Who may institute proceedings, and when. - Subject to the provi s ion~ o f the next
succeeding section, a person depri ved of the po~session of an y land or buildin g by fo rc;e,
intimidation , threat, strategy, or stealth, ma lessor, vendor, vendee, or other person against whom
the posses.; ion of any land or building is un iawfu lly withhe ld after the ex piration or termination of
the right to ho ld possession , by virtue o f any con tract, express or im plied, or the lega l
representatives or assign s of any such kssor, vendor. vendee, or other person , may, at an y tim e
within on e ( I ) year after such unlawful deDri vat1 on or withholding of possessi,)n, bring an acti on
in the proper Municipal Tt ia! Court ag,:in:;t rh e per~on or pecsons un lawfull y withholdin g or
depriving of possession , or any persoP. 'X perso ns chii;r ing uncter them , fo r the rest:tuti on of ~u :::h
possess ion , together with damages and c;0~ts.
Supra note 48 .
Decision lO G.R. No. 255989
58 Id.
59 Racadio v. Spouses Vinluan. supra note 41 , J1me l 6, 2021 , citing Ballesleros v_ A hion, 517 Phil.
253 , 266 (2006).
60 Ybiosa v. Alegria, G.R. No. 23 l 940 (Notice), june '.27. 2021 , citing Calubay an v. Pascual, 128 Phil.
160, 163 (1%7). See also Quevada v. Co11rl cfAµp eals , 533 Phil. 527, 539 (2006) and f-.feirs ,Jj
Rafael Magpily v. De Jesus , 5 l l Phil. ! 4, 27 (2005).
GS/S v. Espenifla , supra note 48 .
62 Barcelo v. Riparip, supra note 43.
"3 Salazar v. Sos. lustre, G.R. No. 217~84 (~i r:,tice), Jun e 23, 2021 , citin g Holy Trinil_v Really DE"v 't
Corp v. Sp.;. A bacan, 709 Phil. 653. fi6i (7 013). S.:c alc,o Ti?ia v. Sta. Cfa ,·u Es1a1e, i'nc., G.R. No.
239979. February 17, 2020 .
Decision -' I G.R. No. 255989
arising from ownership"; thus, title is not the issue on hand. 64 For this
purpose, it would be "sufficient for a claimant to prove prior physical
possession even from the owner ot the property to recover his [or her]
possession." 65 As a rule, courts :::i;::co,.- d respect to persons who are in prior
possession of a property, as they enjoy a disputable presumption of
ownership. 66 Thus, as long as a person has prior possession in time, he or
she "has the security that entitles him [or her] to remain on the property
until a person with a better right Ja,.vfully ejects him [or her],'' regardless
of the character of the prior possession. 67
Thus, in Pajuyo v. Court of App eals, the Com1 ruled that a party
who can prove prior possession can recover such possession even
against the owner himself~thus:
64 Palaj os 11. Abad, G .R. No. 205832, March 7, 20:22. c it in g: Madayag 11. lv.(aduyag. G. R. No . 2 17576,
.l anuarv 20, 2020 .
65 Sps. !\.!e/iston v. A l ty. Okit, G .R. No. 279 7'.:,3 (No tice), July 28, 202 1, citi ng Sps. Ocampo v. Heirs
ofBernardino U. Dionisio, 744 Phil. 7 16, 72 7 - 728 ('2 0 14).
66 Vew San Juse Builders, Inc. 11. GSIS . G .R. Nos. 2G068~,. 2007 l 0, 20 l 51t6 & 21 l 5 12, July 28, 202 1.
67 Sps. Melislon 11. Atty. Okit , supra, c iting Spo11sr-;s An1ri:::o 11. Doblada, 625 Phi l. 423 , 429(20 10).
68 G.R. No. 22 0996, A pril 26, 2022.
Decision 12 G.R. No. 255989
69 !d.
See Respondents· Comment to the Pc-tirion fo r ~. cv 1ew 011 Certiorari, id. at 2<}0<~9 1 .
7! See Sps. Dela Cruz v. Sps. Capen, T29 i"hil . 62+. 637 ('.L01 4).
72 Heirs a/Spouses Marianu v. City of Nag(:. 8:! : F't1ii. 531 , 550 (20 18).
n Rollo, pp. l 98-203.
': id. at 150- 153.
Decision '.,
J _, G.R. No. 255989
If respondents believe that they are the owners of the alleged one-
half portion that they have been allowed to farm, they are not precluded
from filing the necessary action to recover ownership of the subject
property and assume possession of the portion that is rightfully theirs. As
Acap v. Court of Appeals, 321 Phil. JX I, :)q2 ( 1995).
Section 70 of PD 1529 provides:
SECTION 70. Adverse Claim. Whoever claims any par!: or interest in registered land adverse to the
registered owner, arising subseq ue:it to the date of the original registration , may. if no other
provision is made in this Decree for registering the same, make a statement in wriLing setting forth
fully his alleged right or interest, and how or under whom acquired, a reference to the number of
the certificate of title of the registered owner, the name of the registered owner, and a descriptio n
of the land in which the right or interest is claimed.
The statement shall be signed and sworn to. and shall state the adverse clai mant's residence, and
a place at which all notices may be served upon him . This statement shall be entitled to registration
'l.S an adverse claim on the certificate of title . The adverse claim shall be effective for a period of
thirty days from the date of registration . After the lapse of said period, the annotation of adverse
claim may be canceled upon filing of a verified petition therefor by the party in interest: Prov ided,
however, that after cance llation, no seco:-,d adverse claim based on the smne ground shall be
registered by the same claimant.
Before the lapse of thirty days aforc"3aid, any party in interest may file a petition in lhc Cou1t of
First Instance where the land is situat;:d for the cance liat ion of the adverse claim , and the court shall
grant a speedy hearing upon the que,tio:1 of ~h e validity of such adverse claim , and shall render
judgment as may be just and equitalile. :r the adverse claim is adjudged to be inva lid, the
regi stration thereof shall be ordered canceled it. :n ,my case, the COLl!t. after notice and hearing,
shall find that the adverse claim th1Js rcg. istcrec! was frivolous, it r,rny fi ne th e cl a imant in ;rn•Junt
not less than one thou sand pesos nor '.1iore than fi ve thousand pesos, in its di scretion. Befo;·e th e
lap~e of thirty days, the claimant may wii11•ir::: w hi s adverse claim by tiling with th e Register of
Deeds a sworn petiti on to that effect.
Entitled "' Amending and Codifying the Laws Rel<1 ti v:c to Registrnti on of Pro perty und fo r Other
Purposes,'' '.lpproved on June 1 l , 1978.
' Equatorial Reaity Devefop,.,1 ent, Inc. ;, :>~• :;;_ Frng:.1::0 . 470 Phii. 47, 6 l (20()4).
Decision 14 G.R. No. 255989
already adverted to, the adjudication in this case is conclusive only with
respect to the issue of possession de facto over the subject property and
not the ownership thereof.
Decision 15 G.R. No. 255989
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above ecision had been reached
in consultation before the case was assigne to the er of the opinion
of the Court's Division.
Chairperson, Thira Division
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division
Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision
had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of
the opinion of the Court's Division.